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J6 Now is the time to roof your building. Don't wait until the rains start and you are inconvenienced • ■ by working in the wet. J^ s Do the work while the conditions are free favorable and save yourself the m annoyance and disagreeable duty of being compelled to hurry a job Sea that requires care and attention. "Cheerful No matter what kind of a roof you have my . T i or what kind of a building you own, m****** you ought to see us about your KSJJT.t roof troubles. sr?*™ California. Our roofing experience will help you. We will show you the kind of a L>tf»*.' roof you should have and the way you should lay it and demonstrate to your complete satisfaction that there is no other roofing on the market that will give you so good a roof service as Malthoid Rooting. Made by The Paraffins Paint Co. WELLS & MORRIS San fi arista r?d [wywhere Wenatchee, Wash. TO SEE THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL* DRY" FARMING EXPOSITION AND CONGRESS < IN SPOKANE THE SAME WEEK. THE AEROPLANE FLIGHTS THE MILITARY INDIAN BATTLE NICKT SHOW "CHIEFJOSEPH and the BATTLE OF THE CLEARWATER" A $ 20. 000.00 RACE PROGRAM FERUUXfS FAMOUS ITALIAN BAUD • 100.00000 WILL BE SPENT FOR THIS FAIR AMD EVERY DEJWRTMENT WILL EXCEL. REDUCED RAILMSJIY RATES. 4* SEND TO R.H.COSGROVE.. SECY FOR PRIZE LISTS AMD fV [W INFORMATION. IA The—— "Don't Need To" Theory In a recent debate at Reno Mr. James Jeffries tailed to convince Mr. John Johnson. Some seven or eight years ago Mr. Jeffries was the leading man in bis line of work. Business was good and his •profits were big. Having all the money he could handle at the time, he concluded to take a rest. To be sure, lie planned to get into the field again at the proper time. Hut everything was rosy and there really seemed no good and sufficient reason why he should spend so many hours a day keep ing his muscles lithe and strong and his wind good and his heart and nerves in trim. Eventually the meeting with .Mr. Johnson was arranged. Mr. Jeffries was still tolerably content with what he had done. (Brother, a has-done is about as bad as a has-been.) Mr. Jeffries did not care to stand up in the training ring and punch and take punches. He did not see any necessity of practic ing side-steps and feints and rushes. He knew all about them. Why, seven years ago he had done all of that he ever needed to do. Mr. .Johnson did not overlook the boxing and the wrestling and the clinching and the sidestepping, etc As a result, Mr. Jeffries received Mr. Johnson's compliments on the point of the jaw and his business career closed. Advertising a business is the training of that business. Advertising keeps a business healthy. It tones up its liver, strengthens its biceps, steadies its heart and keeps its nerves in order. Once in a while a man decides that he is doing so much busi ness that he can stop advertising for a while and run on mo mentum. Momentum is the gradual process toward a full stop. The momentum business is usually prematurely full-stopped by the straight left jab of the well-trained competitor who finds his opening in the fifteenth round. If you want to stay in business stay in the advertising field. No matter how much business you are doing, keep up the energy that makes it. You might as well cut off your legs because you are running well in a foot race as to cut off your advertising because your busi ness is too good. You might as well tell the insurance man that you are so healthy you will drop the policy lor a few years as to stop advertising be cause the orders are piling up. "Don't need to" is the eventual preliminary to "Can't do it." The only man who doesn't need to advertise is the man who has retired from business. The only policy holder who doesn't need to pay his premiums is dead. Mr. Jeffries doesn't need to train any more. He is licked. THE WENATCHEE DAILY WORLD THE WENATCHEE DAILY WORLD. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1910. SCIENCEINPACKING APPLES Interesting Methods Taught in Northwestern Schools Last Year. A writer in a recent issue of the St. Joseph, Mo., Fruit Grower in dis cussing the increasing demand for box-packed apples and consequently of men and women capable of packing the fruit scientifically, mentions sev eral schools held last winter in the northwest, among them the one at North Yakima, commends their work, and gives the following interesting account of the work done at Walla Walla: "The school at Walla W 7 alla was held last January. Every morning from 9 to 12 and in the afternoon from 1 to 4, instruction was given in the art of packing, and in the evening papers treating of various phases of horticultural work were read by ex perts. The school lasted an entire week, and certificates were to all persons who atttained satisfactory proficiency. No charge was made for instruction, and the entire enterprise was under auspices of C. L. WMt ney, destirct fruit inspector, and the commercial club, the members of v. Inch recognized the need of having plenty of trained help to handle th r apple crop. In North Yakima a simi lar school was held by the fruit ship ping association, and the Y. M. C. A. of North Yakima held another school. This shows how packers are being trained in the Northwest. Experiment a Success. '"A letter from the Fruit Grower's correspondent at Walla Walla says the school was in every way success ful. Sixty-five persons took the course of instruction, and of this number 2 0 fine packers were secured The work therefore, was well worth while. Our correspondent continues: "The course included instruction in all styles of commercial packs. The fruit was first graded as to size and color, and the style of pack used depended much upon the size of the apples. The "square' or 'straight' pack was used for such apples as would pack straight across the box and make a snug fit. The apples must not fit too tightly, nor can there be any slack. We try to avoid this style of pack as much as possible, because the fruit bruises more than in other styles, but there are some sizes which can be best packed in straight style. We have only a few sizes of straight-pack apples, as fol lows: •' 'Five-tier —This pack is five ap ples wide, and it is also five apples deep, with nine apples in a row lengthwise of the box, making 22 5 apples to the box. This is the small est apple packed for commercial pur poses. " 'Four-tier—Four apples wide, four apples deep and nine long, or 144 apples to the box. Four-tier ap ples are also packed four wide, four deep and eight long, or 12 8 apples to the box; and four wide, four deep and seven long, or 112 apples to the box. " 'Between these sizes we have other packs used for various sizes. The style of pack generally used is variously known as 'broken,' 'lemon,' 'diamond' and 'diagonal' pack. The latter name is more nearly correct, since the name is derived from the appearance of the pack and the man ner of packing. In ranking this pack an apple is placed in each corner of the box nearest the packer and another apple in the exact center be tween these two; the next row con sists of two apples placed in the breaks between the three apples in the first row. This system is follow ed throughout the pack, three apples jin one row, then two, then three, and so on. One of the great advantages of this style of pack is that each ap jple in the second layer rests in the ! hollow space between the apples in ! the lower layer, and the pressure I comes on four apples below, instead |of on one, as in the straight pack. Small Size Diagonal. " 'The smallest size packed in the diagonal style is packed in the three two manner, giving five rows of ap ples to the row, in each layer; there are five layers in the box, making 200 apples in each box. The next larger size is packed in the same manner, except that each row con tains only seven apples; thus there are five rows, seven apples to the row, in each layer, with five layers to the box, or a total of 175 apples. " 'The next size is packed as de scribed in the foregoing, except that each row does not end as above. In the first described plan the rows crosswise of the box alternate, three apples in the first, two in the next, and so on, the last of the crosswise rows having two apples; the second layer is then started with two apples the next having three, and so on, so that the apples in one layer rest in the hollow spaces in the row below. Now, the size which packs 163 ap ples to the box starts with three apples in the first row, then two, and so on but the last row also has three apples. Thus there are three long rows in the top layer seven apples long and two rows six apples long. In the next layer the placing of the apples reverses, and there are three rows with six apples each, and two with seven apples each. This style of pack gives us three layers of 33 apples each, and two layers of 32 apples each, or 163 apples in the box. " 'The four sizes just referred to are between the five-tier straight and the four-tier straight. Between the four-tier straight and the three-tier straight we have several sizes of three and a half-tier apples. This size is also diagonal packed, but in stead of being packed three-two. three-two, three-two, it is packed two-two, two-two, two-two, by plac ing the first apple in the corner of the box and the second one to-thirds of the way across; the next row is placed in the breaks. The small size of three and a half tier apples has four rows six apples long in each layer, with four layers to the box, or 96 apples to the box. The next size is four rows five apples long or 80 apples to the box. The next size is three-tier straight, or three apples wide, three deep and five long, or 45 apples to the box. Some Variations. "Of course there are variations from the directions here given, ow ing to peculiarities of different kinds of apples. At the apple-packing school, however, these styles of packs were taught and no others. Summing up the various styles of pack taught with number of apples to the box, are as follows: " 'Five-tier straght or square pack, 10 apples long, 250 apples to the box. " 'Five-tier straight, nine long, 225 to the box. " 'Four and a half-tier small di agonal, nine long and 225 to box. " 'Four and a half-tier small di agonal, eight-nine long, 220 to box. " 'Four and a half-tier medium di agonal, seven long, 163 to box. " 'Four-tier straight, nine long 144 to box. " 'Four-tier straight, eight land, 128 to box. " 'Four-tier straight, seven long, 112 to box. " 'Three and a half-tier diagonal, seven long, 112 to box. " "Three and a half-tier diagonal, six long, 112 to box. "' 'Three and a half-tier diagonal, six long, 96 to box. " 'Three and a half-tier diagonal five long, 80 to box. " 'Three-tier straight, six long, 54 to box. " 'Three-tier straight, five long, 45 to box. " 'Great interest was shown in this schol, and the affair will be continued as an animal event." ' Charged With Whiskey Frauds. Philadelphia, Aug. s—Jacob5 —Jacob Sel ber, who was arrested two weeks ago on a charge of being implicated in the distilling and disposing of 102- --340 gallons of spirits on which no tax had been paid, was given a prelimin ary hearing before a United States Commissioner here today. Selber is a former employe of the Illinois Fruit Distilling Company, which is alleged to have engaged in extensive "moon shining" operations in the heart of Chicago. The president of the con cern and nearly a dozen of its em ployes have been arrested in connec tion with the case. They are said to have defrauded the government out of nearly $115,000 in revenue taxes. Selber denies that he was connected with the alleged frauds and declares that he has not been in Chicago for nearly two years. NOTICE OF SALE. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for the County of Douglas. In the Matter of the Estate of An ton Stoltz, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that un der and by virtue of an order of the above entitled court, made and en tered on the loth day of July, 1910, in the above entitled matter, the un dersigned, administrator of the es tate of Anton M. Stoltz, will sell at private sale to the person making the highest and best offer therefor, for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the above named es tate in and to the following described real property, located in Douglas County, Washington, to-wit: The north half of lot two (2), and the north half of lot three (3), of section thirty-four (34), township twenty-three (23) north of range twenty (20), E. W. M., according to the recorded plat of the East Wen atchee Land Company, together with the appurtenances thereunto belong ing. Said sale will be made by said ad ministrator on the premises above described on Saturday, August 20th, 1910, at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, and which said sale will be subject to confirmation by the above named Court. Offers to purchase said real prop erty must be in writing and may be delivered personally to the under signed, administrator of said estate, or mailed to him at his post office address at Wenatchee, Washington, or may be left at the law offices of Reeves & Reeves in Wenatchee, Washington, at any time before twelve o'clock noon, August 20, 1910. JOSEPH C. HEIMES, Administrator of said Estate. Note—This 10-acre tract is plant ed to 2-year-old apple trees of best commercial varieties. *** 8-17 EARLY APPLE DRUG IN SEATTLE Prices on Fruit Quoted on Western Avenue Range from 40c Box Up. Seattle, Aug. s.—Summer apples are a drug on the market along Western avenue, with prices ranging all the way up from 40 cents a box, owing to the heavy supply. California Gravensteins are sell ing at from $1.50 to $1.75 a box and fancy apples from east of the mountains are commanding prices ranging from $1.25 to $1.50. Apricots are scarce and about out of the market, with prices at 85 cents to 90 cents for top grades. Cantaloupes are still weak, with prices as low as $1 a crate for off quality and small size fruit. Hale's Early peaches were quoted this morning at from 40 to 50 cents a box. Plums are as high as $1.25 a box for choice of stocks. Raspberries were quoted at from $2 to $2.25 a crate with $1.50 the top price on loganberries. every buyer — nowadays wants the highest possible tested coal he can buy at the lowest possible price. But the price must be in keeping with the assurance of quality Which Do You Want? 40 tons at $7.00 per ) 130 tons Roslyn at ton * \ 1 $7.75 per ton $280.00 ) ( $232.50 Dirty Fire j I Clean Cokeing Coal, last- Dirty Flues / j ing and giving a uniform TC i n I / temperature, and the Fire- Firemaß busy all the time ) ( F , ' , \ man has time to keep the Shoveling coal and ashes. \ , J building in fine shape and Up several times a night. I f sleeps all night. We sell the coal that made the name "Roslyn" famous The Wenatchee Ice and Cold Storage Co. PHONE 545 Free Manufacturing, Mill and Building 5£S TRINIDAD Douglas County, Washington No Building Restriction. For further information address the GREAT NORTHERN LAND AND TOWNSITE CO. 614-615-616 Columbia Bldg. Spokane, Washington \ Change of Location The Wenatchee Business College, on opening, Monday, October 3, will have its home on the third floor of the Harlan Block next to the new postoffice. A new 7 up-to-date, modern equipment will be put in and a staff of teachers will be provided second to none in the country.. Write for literature. Wenatchee Business College LANG'S LIVERY STABLE THE BEST RIGS AND SADDLE HORSES. We make it a specialty to serve you right—good safe horses and the best of rigs. Try as next time you want to go out. A phone call will bring you what you want. Phone 1755. Between First and Second Street North and Chelan and Mission. The World Want Ads Get Results