Hi MONARCH CHEERED BY -'flOOPS ALU ALONG THE LINE. IIVED AT THE BATTLE 'HEN SERBIA'S FATE HUNG 't IN THE BALANCE. OREETED WITH WILDEST ENTHU |1X8M AS HE PASSES ON A 8PIRITED CHARGER. J Inspiring resence and words of King Peter, TServia, are given as the chief nse of the successes recently hteved by the Servian army, says dispatch from Nlah, Servia. "Soldiers, heroes, your old King has feito die with you for the Jather _nd?for Servia. Let us drive out ie/enemy." These words, ^ K?g "jlpatch, were pronounced by King lfter"tieforo , the order for the gen ?fe, attack was given whlch resulted Sthe defeat o( the Austrlans. The, Id King arrived on the battle front t^the supreme moment when Sy's fate hung in the balance | Mounted on a charger, he slowly ro i throueli the Servian lines and was Shere greeted with wildest en^ "ffin'slasm. HIS words, according to| SffiTreDort. had the effect of a train ot i gunpowder, and then the unforgotta-| ble battle began before Topola. Tf-M.~WatkinsHas _ Concussion of Brain Watkins, ot Locust avenue. 1 &WM one of the injured parties in , g||ift car accident which occurred j Mfiw days ago on Jackson street, feg at the present time with eon lBSioril'of the brnln as a result ot | received on Ills head. . f i liver since the accident Mr. Watkins ftbeen complaining of severe pa Ins ^"ts head and yesterday a physician | ficaUed who announced the cause ijtlie suffering. EWheni the car ran into the cemen. ^?'Jhear the American Laundry Mr. thrown from the seat Ma head struck the floor,. ?aU.9,"| avere bump, but not at the time ight to be serious. ftantesB. Campbell ^[Postmaster at Metz i'jkme's, B. Campbell has been ap Minted ? postmaster at Metz. W. .. ii succeed L. A. Metz, and Willis C Tetrlck .will succeed I. G. DeVault as ostmaster at Enterprise, Harrlsou Sounty.-; lot^kr postmasters appointed ror Vest Virginia in the fourth class are. SfcatTie B. Carlln, at Crawford. Lew Rcounty, to succeed G. Lanham, Ed TrifL,. Kimmins, at Dallas. Marshall Iftity, to succeed S. L. Crider; Zora Sningham, at Wyatt Harrison bounty, to succeed C. E. Sharp, Den jamin F. Connelly, at Ltttleton Wet "iTcbunty, to succeed J. A. Roger. 1NED FIVE DOLLARS AND COSTS 'llliuin Idock when brought botore lice Fleming yesterday on thfa urge of assaulting Steve Polish, coa fse'd to the charge and was fined ?o l&OBts. He paid the fine and ob ned' his release. tHE WEATHER?West Virginia d*,: Western Pennsylvania?Cloudy onlght and Sunday. Probably local ftw?: , . ?> READ THE WEST VIRGINIAN ^street. Feet. Moran and Springer, Water ?> itreet. ffParka avenue. f ? Holt'a Novelty Store, Main 'atreet. j Not Locating New Factories INSPECTION TRIP OF GLASS MEN CAUSES WILD RUMORS TO START. OFFICE OF COMPANY SAY THAT THERE IS NO FOUNDATION FOR REPORT. While It has been rumored about tbe state that tbe Owen'B Bottle Ma ch'nery Company, of Toledo,. Ohio con teplated locating a now factory pomewhere In this state or changing tlie location of some of the old ones, oitlcials ot the company deny the ru nor as being without foundation. It will be recalled that a rpeclal train containing their representatives I vent through the city several weeks ago ami stopped over here for ono j day. Since that time Mr. Owens, the I head of the company has also mado a tour Jf Inspection of the state and j whs in Fairmont for a short time, j Those trips probably caused the re po't that they were seeking a loca t'oi) for come new plants also with a view of moving some of their old ones. I The Chambers of Commerce in sev er?1! cities of the state, which, were rvirlted by the special train immediate ly became busy, trying to land the row plant If there was to be one for thf.ir own cities. In reply to a number cf these letters, the management has dated that the company was not at til'* time contemplating the building of any new factories nor changing the location but the tour was simply an inspection trip, taken to acquaint tho directors and stock holders with-the true conditlonsof their many factories. Dr. CramblettOf Bethany College Is Shot Down BETHANY, W. Va., Dec. 12.?Dr. T. E. Cramblet, president of Bethany college, was sh'ot and severely in jured yesterday afternoon. Howard Woods, a contracting plasterer, about 30 5'ears old, is accused of tho shoot-1 ing which followed a dispute over money Woods claimed on a contract to plaster a dwelling for Dr. Cram blet. Dr. Cramblet was in the yard when Woods engaged him in conversation. The dispute ended, it is said, In Dr. Cramblet declaring with vehemence that he owed Woods nothing, and or dering him oft the premises. Woods went to the residence of a friend, it Is said, and borrowed a do ble barreled shotgun. He hastened back to the scene of his quarrel and stood behind a tree, it Is alleged. When Dr. Cramblet appeared about 50 feet away, he is alleged to have taken deliberate aim and fired, the contents of the shell entering one side of the "r.rr and nock of Dr. Cramblet, who i to run. Woods then flred again, witnesses say, tbe shot entering Dr. Cramblet's back. This time the college president fell to the ground unconscious. Woods was captured by Mayor Wade Pilchard and taken to Welis burg, where he was placed in the county JJall. The side of Dr. Cramblet's face Is terribly lacerated, and If he recovers he will be permanently disfigured. The wounds in the back cover an area ot about six square inches. Physicians say Dr. Cramblet will recover nniess complications develop. Woods refuses to discuss the shoot ing, further than to mutter repeated ly that "Nobody could give him the worst of it." Prof. W. B. Taylor, vice president of Bethany college, said tonight that Dr. Cramblet's injuries are not as serious as first feared. A heavy ov ercoat, which he wore protected his back, and the shot which entered his face, temple, neck and hand have been removed. BRIEF OFFICERS HUNT MAN. Deputy ShorilT, C. M. Fee, Jr., Con stable, C. W, Betts, and Chief of Po lice John O'Brlan all of Unlontown, Pa., were in this city last night look ing for Jim Romaneo, an Italian who Is wanted in Uniontown for tbe mur derer of another Italian who was shot to death in his store In that city a few, weeks ago. The officers say that the fugitive was traced to this part of West Virginia. They went on to The commissary of the Indian troops Great Britain sent to France Is something different and apart from that of the regular troops from England, Belgium and France. They must have not only their own eatables, but their own methods of cooking. T his photograph shows them making c hupattles, a sort of round, flat cake, much like an enlarged pancake, which they cook over fires made in the ? round. The dish is one of the neces saries of the Hindoo regime, and seldom does a day pass in the cam p of these troops when they do not eat chupattles. Convet gingTeutonColumns Failed To Effect A Junction For The Relief Of Cracow West Virginia A theletic Association ? 4 MEETING WAS HELD IN CLARKS BURG TODAY?SEVERAL MAT TERS CONSIDERED. JOHN GUY PRICHARD, PRESIDENT WAS PROMINENT MEMBER PRESENT. The "West Virginia Athletic Associa tion, of which John Guy Prichard, of this city, la president, is holding the second annual meeting in Clarksburg today. It is probable that at the meet ing today, arrangements will be made for the holding ot the State Inter-Col legiate Track Meet some time in the spring, also the place will likoly be selected. This event was held In this city last spring and proved quite an attraction, as it brought students here Irom every part ot the state. While the assacoaition during its shhort existence has not accomplished all of its alms, It has had the effect of ; causing each school to consider the management fo its own athletics with a view to making all teams clean. It is the itnentlon of the association to make the rules more stringent each year until West Virginia athletics are o na par with athletics in the schools of other states. The following schools are members of the association: "??' West Virginia University, Wesleyan, Marshall, Davis and Elklns, Salem, Morris Harvey, Fairmont Normal and Brotddus. REPRESENTATIVE GARDNER DE MANDS INVESTIGATION OF ARMY AND NAVY. SOMETHING WENT WRONG WITH THE TIMING OF THE GERMAN AUSTRO OPERATIONS. INDIVIDUAL ARMIES ARE REPULS ED BEFORE THEY COUUD CONCENTRATE. LITTLE HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED! BY THE CAPTURE OF LODZ. NO SEQUEL FOLLOWS. By Associated Press. LONDON, Deo.12.i-The close of the eighth ..week.of .Tyac_flnds'the stirring operations In the eastern theatre of chief (mediate importance. Since the military headquarters on both sides profess satisfaction with the situation as it affects their respective armies and are giving outsiders inly scant oppor tunity of forming independent Juddg metn. it is difficult to estimate precise ly the significance of what is happen ing. Nevertheless,It Is now being said by Britsh commentators that something went wrong with the timing of Austro German operations for the relief of Cracow. The converging columns ap parently failed to effect a junction, with the result that General Dlmltriess, for mer Bulgarian minister at Petrograddd, seems lo have ben able to inflict a sharp reverse on the Teutonic forces by repulsing the individual armies be fore they had time to concentrate. Fur ther to the north the capture of Lodz, so far as known, had not a spectacular seouel. Military writers in Berlin have warn ed the public not to base excessive ex pectations on the capture of Lodz. While the invtders made a serious onslaught against the Russians north east of Lodz on Wednesday and Thurs day in attempts to break through to ward Warsaw, they appear to have ac complished lltle. It is considered, how ever. that the Germtns Just now are placing chief reliance on the efforts to turn the right flank of the army of Grund Duke Nicholas through efforts of the Invadng forces whch have been pushed forward from the drecton of Mlawa near the Prussan border. In France and Belgium, while no genral advances have ben signaled, the steady pressure of the allied armies on the German line is believed to pre sage an etrly genral offensive move ment. The Germans which surrounded Yprcz months ago are still attacking that town. Their onslaughts yesterday were violent and they, succeeded in cap turing a French trench. Their occupa tion of this position,, however, was of short duration, for before nightfall the allies were btck again. Dresden Takes Refuge In Patagonian Inlet ??LjONDON, Dec. 12.?A dispatch from Valparaiso, Chile, says it is reported that the German cruiser Dresden has taken refuge'In an inlet on the coast of Patagonia. The Dresden!- Is tae enly vessel of the. German squadron which met the British fleets In the South Atlantic, December the 8th not, yut accounted for. BRITISH SQUADRON TAKES COAL. PANAMA^ Dec.12.?It Is persistently reported here today that a squadron, of six British warships met four Brit ish colllera yesterday at a point on the hJg hseaa, 60-mlles south of Panama, and coaled from jthem.'- It-Is believed locally that these warships came from the Australian waters. Ohet_of?them German Plan In Poland Is Big Failure UNABLE TO TURN' THE MUSCO VITES' RIGHT AND LEFT WINGS. REDUCED TO MAKING BLOODY) AND USELESS ATTACKS ON FRONT. Bt Absociatzd Press.] PARIS, Dec. 12.?A Petrograd cor respondent says the Germans' plans In Poland had completely failed. His dispatch adds; "The Gorman plan, which consist ed of turning the Russian right wing; at Lowicz and at the same time com pleting a similar maneuver on the extreme left, has completely failed. The Germans are reduced to mak ing bloody and useless attacks on our front. Dutch Seize Grain Boatsl CLAIM THAT GERMANY WAS TRY ING TO SMUGGLE THEM AWAY. By Associated Press. AMSTERDAM, via London, Dec. 12. ?A correspondent at Hansweert, Netherlands, declares that the Dutch authorities have seized 15 river boats containing cargoes of grain and other goods, which It is alleged, the Ger mans are attempting to smuggle by way of the river Scheldt. The German authorities, the corre-| spondent adds, contend that the car goes are private property. I Will Erect Building For Circus Seats| Harry. Stautbury,, manager of i letlcs at Weslegan college, was In thl city yesterday, and closed a con. with Klsner Brothers for'the erectlc or a building to house the circus seat: ! he bought outright, and which were | used the past season at Fairmont Wheeling and Clarksburg. These seats will be used again next season. ' Several big games have al ready been scheduled for South Side park next'season. Sultan's Fleet Shell Russian Seaport | By Associated Press. LONDON, Deo. 12.?A dispatch re ceived here from Constantinople: Via Berlin,says a Turkish fleet yesterday bombarded.the environs of Batum, the Russian sea.'port on the eastern coast of the Black sea. One hundred Rus Christmas Sir Edward Grey, British foreign minister, who was perhaps the" most prominent figure in European politics outside of Germany Ju?t before the war bogan,?Jiow haa time to rest. Mln Jsteri.'of war and the naYTihavetaken Concrete Bridge Open To The Public NEW STRUCTURE SPANDING DEEP CHA6M NEAR GASTON COMPLETED. The concrete bridge, between this city and the Country Club was oponod to the public today at 11:30 o'clock when the barriers were removed, by the West End Construction company, which company constructed the bridge. The bridge is a concrete affair and crosses the ravine nt;ar Gaston. Since the good roads construction work be gan the road to and from the Country Club was closed, largely on account of the unfinished condition of the bridge. Today at 11:30 the engineers In charge of the construction took down tlie bars and the road was open to the public. The first passenger to cross the I'lidge was Mr. George Stanly Welir Icy, of the Hayman Green House Com pany. Mr. Wehrley in company with Marshall Hamilton, of the Fairmont Pharmacy were enroute from the Country Club to the city, and reached the bridge in the Stoddard Dayton roadster, driven by the former, Just in time to see the bars taken down and thus achieved distinction of be ing the first passengers to cross tins now bridge. The completion of the bridge will be hailed with delight, by those who fre quently travel the road between Fair mont and the Country Club, as travel lias been Impeded for some time over this road. The road construction work is also about, completed on this thor oughfare. CONFESSED TO CHARGE. Sandie Jolllvich was arrested at Barrackvil'.e yesterday by Constable Riggs and brought before Justice Fleming on the charge of being drunk. He confessed to the charge and was fined $1 and costs. BRITISH FOREIGN MINISTER ON WEEK-END OUTING. GERMANY WAS WILLING IF ALL OTHER NATIONS WERE AGREED! SCHEME FAILED WHEN RETRO GRAO DECLINED TO ACCEPT PROPOSAL. Bt Associated Pbess.I "?2? ROME,, Dec. 12.?-The vatic thoritles today made public ment setting forth the sffort-s the Pope to obtain a trucejin^jref ropean war during the ^Chl?, season. -vThe efforts of thejJJontJ" fortunately failed, according to t] uouncement. "owing-to the tion of a certain power." '-V"-. The Hirst announcement oft^SHgjyf oa the part of the Pope for a' tric ^ Europe ove the Christmas holiday press bureau two days ago,, which '.hen said that Gerroany.,wai'fafrefc nolo to this proposal proTfdedial"; ~ or powers concerned accepte4~'it!,__ ,_t. tcrday the press bureau said thatlfiut' limited cessation of hostilities.1.^, ?? f$Sps Barracks Are Destroyec By Associated Press. ? COPENHAGEN, via London/^ 12.?News has been received,hergi the great Gottorp barracks i'neais' have been completely destroye__ fire, the origin of which ia'-keD|f cret. The Gottorp barracks areJatiou miles northwest of klel)jonp^?ff between Schlcl and Bursg?jj^| German Steamer; Seized by Wargj " Br Associated Press.] : igmg LONDON, Dec, :12.? . 3$ steamer with a cargf) ot_..J;p nil proceeding to '"IfiSjrap? United -States has'T.fieS Gibraltar by a British cording to reports received Berlin. Birmingham Visit By a Cosllyf BIRMINGHAM, AJa%3S here early today destroy'edj building occupied by the-8' Dry Goods Company, causii estimated at 5400,000. Fall did $20,000 damage to a mov*' theatre and another dry t netrby.. ' ? ?5i-s ADMITTED TO HOSPIT Thomas Bachman, a coal : ployed at the Solon mine ston, is In the Miner's ' this city, suffering, wlth^t in his leg above thekneef5 flirted himself yesterflajrg with a home-made revolv a shotgun The word of'J ivas sent to Clarksburg.yc Sheriff Eoss F. Stout,;'went Eton to investigate the shooti. elded that i? was ac&denti mediately made arrangemed' the man to the hospICal.'? v'i RUSSIA 18.. $33 U?lilsd NOTICE 01 There will be El Officers on Thi 17,1914. Allmemi^ guested to be preseN W. H. RANDOr NOTICE TO TAXP City taxes are now auo at the office of the Tre ing December only no In charged. After Decemb Interest will be chargid paid taxes. ' Taxes will be colle possible by the Trea uary 1, 1915. ' *sM Why not call at the ofl your interest and "a-tvl Treasurer. -f.JJyfiJi 12-5-tf ???a BEAUTIFUL' mental .r %aap Modern am ? v? itl!