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iFlftff&FloorS * THE BU8IEST PLACE IN FAIRMONT. COME BRING THE CHILDREN. IE RAIN NOR THE SNOW OF THE WEEK DIDN'T STOP THE MERRY THRONG OF BOTH (JROWN AND CHILDREN IN THE TOY STORE. FOR PEOPLE, GETTING READY FOR CHRISTMAS ARE QIIICK TO. FIND OUT WHERE THE BRIGHT ' IDEAS ARE. , . ne of parts. Golf Outflta, $1.00. a, BOc to $6.00. , 10c to $3.00. ity Dumpty Circus, 25c to Sett, 25c to $2.50. rter Dolls, 50c to $8.00. d Doll*, 98c to $5.00. Books, 10c to $2.50. Christmas Trees, 25e to $1.5C. Teddy Bears, 50c to $2.50. Drums, 50c to $1.75. Blackboards, $1 to $2. Wagons, '50c to $9.00. Sleds, $1.00 to $3.50. Wheelbarrows, 25, 35, 50c. Christmas Stockings, 25c to $1. Desks, $1.50 to $5.00.7 Chairs, 25c to $1.50. Go-Carts, 50c to $3.50. Shooflys, 50c to $1.75. Little Furniture, 25c to $1. Mechanical Toys, 25c to $1.00. Games, 25c to $1. Meccano, $1.00 to $10.00. (Third Floor.) i Chicken Supper. The Bethany class of the Central Christian church served a fried chick en dinner last evening In the Y. M. C. ? The event was largely attended Hd;a delicious menu was served. The Sbles. were atracttvely arranged and he ^service was most efficient. A -'ndy and flower booth at the en nce did a thriving business. Christmas Sale. ffieiChristmas sale to be conducted gather- Vigilant Circle of the King's aughters of the M. P. Temple will pen Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock 'ttoejiun: parlor of the E. C. Frame isjfaence'on Main street. An attrac tive assortment of ChriBtmas goods jlll be offered for sale which will Delude: a number of 'silkoline com ""52 ' M Attended Dance. ?The ^Misses Martha Hutchinson, y;,Louise Nichols,. Pauline Jami 8?'xNorin^',,'Johiison and Genevieve nd Maria Haymond attended the fra ilty dance In Morgnntown last ev ife. Miss Eleanor Blackford, of ^kersburg, who is the guest of rola ive? in;CIarksburg, accompanied Miss aymond to Morgantown. Entertained Friends. gjfey* ??lss Marie Hough entertained a Qber of her friends last evening ;iherhome in "Gaston avenue honor tng Miss Virginia Ferguson and Fred Ferguson, of Shlnnston. Saw Firefly. General and Mrs. John Bond enter I tained with a theater party Thursday evening at the Burlew to see "Tho J Firefly," in honor of their guest, Mrs. J. Clark Evans, o? Fairmont.?Charles ton Gazette. Watklns-Hayhurat. Paul Watklns and Miss Julia Hay hurst, both of Watson, were united in marriage last evening at the home of the officiating minister. Dr. H. U. Howard, on Fairmont avenue. Mr. Watklns is employed by the Mononga hela Valley Traction Co. Both are well known young people of Watson. ARRESTED FOR ASSAULT. Stove Kossiek, a foreigner of Grant town, was arrested today by Consta ble Russell and brought' b'efore Jus tice Musgrove on the charge of maiming Chas. Holkle, another for eigner. The warrant Issued charges Kossiek with a felony, but very few of tho details' are known yet. Kos siek has a bandage around his own head and shows the marks of a hanl light. Holkie, the victim, is still In Granttown, being not able to appear against his assailant. Kossiek was placed in the county Jail and a hear llllood Printing is Essential? k$w-. '??'? IV. /'-'? &l to Success That's our specialty?Good Printing that is ~ exactly suited to the purpose for which it is intend : ed. The essential element to be determined is the | precise character of work that is suited to the prop osition. Our wide experience qualifies us to give ' expert assistance and advice on this point?to be "of-real service to you in the preparation of your folders, booklets, catalogs, price lists, etc.?lend jng to each those characteristics best fitted to im press the recipient with the points which you seek to make prominent. We mention this feature of our equipment for handling your business effectively, as an illustra tion of the many ways in which we are prepared to co-operate with you for the best results at lowest cost for a given quality and quantity. It is not merely the volume of noise, but the blending of sound that creates harmony. A flashy style in printing is suited to certain lines, but there must be "harmony of contrast" or the result will prove a disappointment. Quiet effects are best in the majority of instances. Good taste is always 'essential. How can you consistently talk quality in your product without quality in the medium which car ries your message? This requirement extends to every printed 1 thing you-use in your business?cards, letter heads, 'vtHll heads, etc. Everything a possible customer gsees, is creating an impression by the way it looks las well as what it says. "First impressions are lasting"?make them icpunt for you?by having your printing done right. Fairmont Printing & Publishing Company MONROE ST., FAIRMONT. W. VA. ?ttlnliliiliiTiTiihliii i ing will not be given until the extent of his victim's Injuries are known. SAMUEL HIGG IN BOTH AM DEAD. Samuel Hlgginbotham, a brother of Leonard Hlgginbotham, of this city, died last evening at his home in New Castle, Fa. A message announcing the death was received here last ev ening and gave no details. Mr. Hlg ginbotham was a son of the late Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Hlgginbotham, pio neer residents of this city. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at New Castle, Pa. Mr. Higginbotliam is sur vived by his wife and child. Mrs. Malissa J. Ice Is Awarded $559 Damage MELISSA J, ICE P.:.... The Jury in the case of Melissa J. Ice vs. the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company today brought in a verdict awarding to the plaintiff the sum of 555ft.00. ? Mrs. Ice alleged in the urn of com plaint that she was damaged by tne railroad company when a spark from an engine Ignited the roof of her dwell ing, located near Barrackville, causing it to be destroyed by the enguing Are. This amount was all that the attorneys for Mrs. Ice asked of the jury. Attorneys Frank Haymond and Tus ca Morris represented Mrs. Ice. while Attorney H, S. Lively looked after the interests of the railroad company. NOTICE OF ANNUAL STOCKHOLD ERS MEETING. The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Citizens Dollar Savings Bank, of Fairmont, West Virginia, will lie held at its banking room. Main Street, in the city of Fairmont, county ul Marion and State of West Virginia, rn the second Monday in January, 1914 be'ng the 11th, day of said month, between the hours of twelve and three p. m. for the transaction of srffch busi ness as may be properly brought be fore an Annual Stock holders meet lug. C. W. STEEL, Cashier. ll-12-l?-26-Jan-2. NOTICE. All persons owing the late Aaron F. Satterfield will please arrange for set tlement at once. Also, all having ac counts against said decedent will file came with the undersigned for pay ment. L. D. SATTERFIELD, Admr. 11-12-51. aw^infO^twswmpplWiwffliB doUarsdqpqBlt^'briw^t^^pmnOjtntib, your home. A fewjdthlars amonttrsoon pays for it Our prices are the lowest ?our tenns are the .easiest: * Dally demonstrations, on the Player Piano and' Victrola. * Come in and let us figure with you. Opp'. New P. O. Monroe St. OPEN EVENINGS. * people: * THEY COMEfrM) H'iJlEIS POLICEMAN SICK. Tatrolan Tucker, of the Police forco 's confined at his home with threat trouble. Patrolman Boggess is again working In the day time in the absence officers place. ATTENDING PARKERSBURG MEET ING. Justice of the Peaoe R. Leigh Flem ing is in Parkersburg today attending u meeting of Justices from all over the ftate. At this meeting it is intended . to devise some plan by which a rec ommendation will be'made to the next session of the Legislature, to revise the code of laws relative to the Jus tices fees. Mrs. A. E. Ruckman, who has been the guest of her sisters. Miss Clara Korth and Mrs. Ellen Martin, leav?3 Tuesday for San Aantonio,, Texas, where she will reside with her son, Albert Ruckman and wife. % ij? ?j? ?j? ?*? ?j? ?*? ?j? ?j? ?$? *2* ? Additional personals will be ?> ? found on Page 7. ?> ?5* ?C* ?> *?* ??? ^ ^ *?? *1' a ?*? Music Store Monroe Street. ' Bell Phone 981 Open Evenings. SPECIAL TERM OF COURT. A special term of Intermediate Court been called to convene on next Monday, by Intermediate Judgo Geo. A. Vincent. The. call states that no fury will be necessary for the special session. SALVATION ARMY POT. The Salvation Army today placed the Christmas pot op the street In front of the Court House, by which method funds will be raised to provide Christmas greetings for the poor or tho city. JURY DISMISSED UNTIL TUESDAY The Jury attending the present term of Circuit Court was dismissed lost evening by Judge Haymond until next Tuesday, when the next caso on the docket will como up for trial. Tho Jury was in the Ico vs. B & O case a a not dismissed until after the verdict had been rendered about noon today. Seeking New Offices For Consol, Phone City Commissioner J. Walter Barnes, also general manager of the Consolidated Telephone Company, with G. W. Matthews, of Wheeling, commercial superintendent of tho company, were In Clarksburg Friday looking for a business room for the Clarksburg branch of the company. It Is the intention of the company to move their offico from the third floor of the Irvin building to a street floor. PARKERSBURG SENTINEL Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mahaffly, of Grafton, are the guests of the latters* bt other, T. h. Henderson for several c'ays. Colonial Theatre SPECIAL MONDAY "For The People" A stirring, two-act victor drama, founded on the Workmen'# Compensation's Act, and featuring Dorothy Phll(Tpt> Matt Moran and Governor Cox, of Ohio. EDDY LYONS, VICTORIA FORDE AND LEE MORAN A One Reel Neater Comedy. Scenario Editor's Dream?A Spectacular War Comedy. " When Their Wives Got Mixed' 8PECIAL FOR TUESDAY. "NINETY BLACK BOXES" A Two-Reel, Two-Part 101 Bison Drama, Featuring Murdock Mtc Quarrle In the aerial running In Century Magazine. 8PECIAL FOQ,WEDNE8DAY J. Warren Kerrigan ai Clarence O'Rourke. EMPIRE ILLUSION The Second Epliode of the Two-Reel Gentleman Adeventurer Man Loves Gold and Hat?a to Ba Im posed Upon by Counterfeits?Goods Shipped In Plain Packagea?Many Local Merchants Deficient In Knowl edge of Advertiaing. [Copyrighted, 19H, by Thomas J. Sullivan.] The first hypocrite was the man who stole the livery of the court of heaven to serve the devil In. Some "people speak as If hypocrites were confined, only to religion, but they are everywhere, people pretend ing to wealth when tbey have not a sixpence?Assuming knowledge of which tbey are Ignorant, shamming a cul ture they are far removed from, adopt ing opinions they do not hold and pre tending honest business roles which are far from the legitimate. As n man loves gold, In that pro portion be bates to be Imposed upon by counterfeits, and In proportion as a man has regard for that which Is above price and better than gold he abhors that hypocrisy which Is but its counterfeit. Lying before the writer Is the acme of hypocrisy. It is a catalogue of ono of those mail order bouses, and on one page threie sewing machines are adver tised. The Brst Is declared to be tbe "most perfect sewing machine on tbe market," the second Is said to have "more good sensible Ideas than any other," while the third Is praised as being "tbe most superior sewing ma chine on the mnrket." Now, which of these machines really Is the best? Which of them is as good as the one your retuiler sells and guar antees? Can any reader of the above triumvirate of ads. tell? Most' assur edly not. The lesson should be plain to all who receive these catalogues. They con tain glowing descriptions of goods, but the senders of money do not know what they are going to get for their money when they send It to a mall or der house. Goods In Plain Paskages. Were It not so serious it would be amusing to read some of the smooth arguments the catalogue houses ad vance to their readers In an effort to Induce them to send In ordefs. They say that goods are sent In plain pack ages because many merchants who buy of them to sell again object to having their name appear on the boxes. We know wo are safe in snylng there 1b not one single merchant In the whole United States who ever ordered any goods from these concerns. The state ment Is made In an effort to make the consumer believe that lie can buy as cheaply as his local merchant can. But printed matter that will Bell goods is within the power of almost any local retailer. Most all the expert advice is little more than empty gen eralizing about nonessentials. It is not literature, remember, hut advertising, that you want to write. Knowledge of words and type and the ability to write flne introductory paragraphs and striking headings are not to be de spised. of course, but the facts, not fancy ways of saying them, are what induce tbe people to spend their money in the local stores. The merchant's knowledge of Ills' store, his goods and the people Is more than an offset for any lack of ability to colu catchy plirnses or to use technical language In telling the printer how ho would like to have bis advertising look. When the merchant sits down to write his ad. he should imagine that, his hardest customer to sell to is seat ed on the other side of his desk. He should write what bis talk would, be if be were determined to make a sale to that customer when In tbe most ob stinate of moods. He sboald write it all down, then lock it in his desk for a few hours, later cut out all the super fluous words and print the facts with out any trimmings. Personality Brings Trade. The nearer the local merchant can come to making bis advertising sound like bis talk tbe more effective it will be. Personality is wliat brings and holds trade; personality secures to your competitor trade likewise difficult to wean away from him. The modern retail merchant must make sure that his displays In bis win dows and in the store itself are such as will interest women. A general vari ety ought to be shown, with prices clearly Indicated In plain figures. Hake inspection easy and then let shoppers inspect undisturbed, for in this man ner many new wants will be developed in th'e minds of tlio shoppers. Tbe merchant or salesman who stands over a shopper and attempts to press a sale invariably annoys the customer and kastens his or lier departure. Tbe merchant who has not advanced with the times must come to a full real lzatlon at once that many changes are necessary before be can bope to com pete resultfnlly with retail mail order houses, and tbe: first and principal change is the manner In which his stock is displayed, and la the process of this arrangement be must take into consiBeratlon the fact that men have almost completely ceased to figure in tbe day to day purchases of household tecessarles. Order your coal from McCOY COAL COMPANY and get the best PITTS BURO OAS' COAL.. Everyload weigh ed and full weight guaranteed. Prompt delivery an jr. place in,city. > Phones: Office v Bell 129 5. Mine??V ll-2C-e. o. w. t! __ . . . t The veryair is now becoming: charged with the spirit of giving, for Chrblmas^ will isdon be here. The choice and preferred gift is one which endures, because it suggests the continuity of love and friendship. ' v Such a gift is a Watch or a piece of Jewelry. You will find at our store everything that would distinguish a first-class-jew elry . store ? gifts of rare value for the 1 lavish spender, and an almost unlimited choice of less expensive but charming gifts to suit the limited income. We are sure our selections will please you. L. T. FEASTER JEWELER Fairmont, W. Va. QRUETi I Veri ThmWatcM Three Hoboes Violate The Pistol Law TWO OF THEPfit CARRIED PISTOLS AND THE *fHIRD HAD A RAZOR. COUNTY AND CITY OFFICERS MAKE ROUNDUP NEAR THE SHAFT Three hoboes, two caring pistols and armed with a razor were placed lu the county Jail last night after a ralil upon the coke ovens near the shaft mine near Barnesvllle. The raiding party consisted of county and city of ficers. Night Chief of Police Seamon and Patrolman Harr received a call to the shaft early in the evening as the In formant said that some hoboes were creating a disturbance In the neigh borhood and terrorizing tho citizens. It is'claimed that tramps have been holding up the citizens and making them turn over to them the contents of their pockets and all other things 'of value on their persons. The two officers left for the scene and were followed later by Constable Iliggs and other officers. The men arrested gave their names as Charles Smith, of Tolodo, a glass worker, who had a razor; Robert Smith, of Cincinnati, a teamster, who had a gun, and J. B. Worthington, an umbrella mender, who lmd a gun. Worthington also had his outfit of umbrella supplies and tools. Ho claim ed he got on a freight train at Mc Mechen and found the other two men there, and they had guns, but that aft er getting here, they gave him one of the guns to procure food with for tho gang. Worthington confessed before Jus tice Fleming to carrying a gun and was sentenced to serve six months on the county roads and pay a Bne of $50. The other two men will bo tried Mon day. FRANK BRAHM ELECTED DIREC TOR. Mr. Frank Brahm, manager of the Marlon Products Company, of this city attended a meeting of the Ice Cream Msnufacturers Association this week In Huntington. Mr. Erahm was made a director of the association. Tha hoard of directors consists of the fol lowing: John Kloss, Wheeling; Homer Bliz zard. Montgomery; William B. Sine, Tarkersburg; F. R. Brahm, Fairmont; y. B. HafTner, Elklns; Joseph L. Wil liams, Huntington; W. W. Johns, Hunt ington. Offlcers were elected as follows: President, Mr. Sine; vice-president, Kr. Blizzard; secretary, C. F. Jami son, Huntington; treasure r?Mr. WilsT son. The next meeting of the organia tlon, will be held at Clarksburg. . j Special Values XMAS PICTURE8 ? r ? Out of the ordinary bsau< tlful and uieful BlfUi/Fj'Jp Framing orders Given prompt attention. Jacobs Bldg ?? Oppoalte PostofTlea OSTEOPATH and EYE All diseases mcceiafulls without drugs or nmcioal^ Glasses of all kinds oorred and guaranteed satisfaction No 7 HAIL BLOCK, MA Opposite Marietta Hot^qBot MINING MEN ELECT OFFIcIerSII Huntington. W. Va? Decoi 1 lie following officers xere;B^cUd|by'i tlio West Virginia session hero today: -? t. }5i President?J. C. McKinley, Who lug. ' Secretary-Treasurer?B. W. 7 Z Morgantown. Vive-President?William Leckis, Luckle; Earl Henry, . Charleston^ E. White. Glen White ;< George F. VI... son, Fairmont, and J. W.. 'Blschott? Elklns. .X V$' %" The meeting will-close with a bnnJ quo! tonight. Everybody L Good Candy will apeak well of your peraonal oharac .... ..ft:. ? Ing toward the recipient?good Candy li what you c(m goto It. of'us. ? Not special Chrlitmai -candy, but the usual gi put up nl Christmas style. HUYLER'8 la the Candy by which others are\|ii^M?i IB