Have You Filled The
Christmas Stockings
today is The Day To Do it
gBpffi^Foiir days m ore and then Christmas. Forgotten
i* Anything? Never mind, you still have enough time
*>r'tb make your purchases and we'll be able to 'fill your
rsCJevery Christmas need even right up to the last mln
ppiito^on Thursday night.
The next four days will be busy days here?peo
ple hurrying to complete their gift lists, satisfactor
ily and economically.
Hie Jollies! Toys, Games and Dolls
|Tb delight The Heart of Youngsters
?Useful and Decorative China
Front Mikado Land
SR"Pu nch wor k on Scrim. under tlio lace pattern.
yichwork Is very easily and effee
ly 'done on csrim, becauae the mesh Systematic Saving.
parae. Bureau covers and center- In systematic saving lies the secret
ei^may-'be elaborately inset with of a successful housekeeper. Not stint
rRUcean dtlie spaces In the design ing or denying, hut practical, regular
ijinjwitli the punch work. The lace saving, says a New York Press contrib
|jfi(e|s'lmply appllqued rather than utor. Five or ten cents put carefully
material cut underneath, because away regularly soon means three or
feravels easily, but being of a four dollars -with which to buy some
seWe&ve, it Is not objectionable i household necessity, perhaps luxury,
parent. Therefore,"? before;> applying
them the wordworiPor. piece of furni
ture should be carefully prepared, says
the 'Chicago Herald.
It Is tetter to put on two coats of thin
varnish than one heavy coat. If the
varnish IIowb oh and spreads quickly
like an oil It is all right. But if the
brush draws or sticks it needs thinning.
To do this, add turpentine, a few drops
at the time, until you secure the easy,
oily flow. Should you get It too thin,
this does no harm. It will, in fact,
make the varnish dry more quickly, but
on the other hand, will doubtless neces
sitate the use of three coats to Insure
the desired effect. A twO'lnch bristle
brush shnuld be used for varnishing.
Weave Thread In Darning Fine Silk
To darn fine silk \ stockings, you
should have on hand fine silk thread
the same shade, thimble, a darning ball
of the opposite color, and' a needle
Just the right size for the thread to slip
through easily.
The ball should be thru6t in, so that
the spot to be darned rests above it,
says the Baltimore News. No knots
should be used In darning, but the first
stitch should be taken at some distance
form the hole. The hole Is first cov
ered with the thread going in one
direction, let.us Bay up and down. Start
an inch away from the hole and wind
up and down in and out of the stocking.
Those first stitches should not be so
close together that they He on top of
another, but neither should they be
very far apart.
Wlien the bole is covered with bars
of stitchcs going up and down, begin
weaving the thread in and out, perpen
dicular to the stitches already laid
lengthwise. Go under one and over the
next bar, weaving crossways. These
stitches should be close together, com
pletely covelng the hole.
Petticoat Ruffles.
An embroidered ruille ror a petticoat
should bo made very scant, and if the
embroidery is combined with lace, it
will be quite up to date, according to
the Chicago Journal. Some of the new
petticoats do not have a ruffle at all,
the straight lower edge being decorat
ed with hand-embroidered scallops.
A deep ruffle of soft lace is very
much in vogue for white petticoats, but
it too, Bhould be scant. The top of a
lace ruffle could be finished with a row
of chiffon roses.
Some of the dark silk petticoats are
embroidered with the bright Bulgarian
colors, which are very elTective on the
dark silk, but lace with just a touch of
dainty hand-embroidery is modish for
all white petticoats.
Care Required In Doing Up Parcel Pest
When sending packages by parcel
post they would reach their destination |
in better condition many times if more I
care were taken in the packing. It s
often the case that large or heavy paclt
aces may be in the same sack, and if
the smaller ones are not well packed
there can ho but one result.
When a box Is used It should be one
that will bear contact with heavier
packages. String used for. tying pack
ages should be strong and fastened so
that it cannot come off if tho box is
bent. An expert in tying packages to
co through the mail ties the cord to
every string It crosses, regardless of
the number of times It goes around the
Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkens So
Naturally That Nobody
Can Tell.
Almost everyone knows that Sago
Tea and Sulphur, properly c?P?UI"1
cd brings back the natural color and
lustre to the hair when faded., streak
ed or gray; also ends dandruff, Itch
ing scalp and stops falling hair. Years
ago tho only way to got this mix
ture was to make it at home, which
is mussy and troublesome. Nowa
days, by asking at any drug store for
"Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Com
pound," you will get a large bottle
of this famous old recipe for about
50 cents.
Don't stay gray Try it! No one
can possibly toll that you darkened
your hair, as it does so naturally and
evenly. You dampen a 3ponge or soft
brush with it and draw this through
your hair, taking one small strand
at a time; by morning tho gray hair
disappears, and after another appli
cation or two, your hair becomes
beautifully dark, thick and glossy. W.
It. Crane Drug Co.
Children Cry
The ovangellstls services which had
been in progress lox the past two
weeks, at the Presbyterian church
were brought to a successful close
last evening. Much good has been ac
complished in the two weeks, and the
Influence exerted by the sermons of
Dr. Jarvis, will live long after he has
departed from the city to other fields.
Dr. Jarvis Is a brilliant man, a logi
cal thinker, and presents the truths |
of the gospel In an attractive manner. |
The church was crowded yesterday
for both services, and the evangelist
preached two excellent sermons. The
subject of the morning discourse, was
"Good News" and he used as a text
"As cold water Is to a thirsty soul, so
is good news from a far country." In
the evening he preached from the
theme, "Songs In the Night." Both
sermons were splendid efforts anil
wore a fit culmination for a series of
splendid services just ended.
Dr. Jarvis left today for Philadel
phia. taking with him the best wishes
and esteem of the people of the city
with whom he had been Intimately
associated, during his stay in this city,
as well as the admiration of those
who knew him only from the pulp'
where he expounded so forcefully the
gospel truths of the Bible.
Railroad King
Dies Suddenly
CINCINNATI, Dec. 21. ? Eugene
Zimmerman, former president of tlio
Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton rail
road, and wealthy financier of this city,
died suddenly at a club here last night
from hemorrhage of the lungs. Mr.
Zimmerman wa3 the father of the
Duchess of Manchester.
Zimmerman was In the best of health
apparently, when he went to the club
early in the afternoon with a party
of friends, and his deaiii came as a
great surprise.
Mr. Zimmerman was rated as one of
the most prominent financiers of the
state of Ohio.
Handsome Pin For
Faithful Attendance
Mr. C. W. Evans, superintendent cf
the First Methodist Church Sunday
School is busy selecting a suitable pin
'or the thirty members of the school
who have not missed a Sunday dur
ing the present year. Among those
who wore faithful in attendance are
hvo men who have passed tho three
score and ten year limit. It Is likely
tint for tho thirty persons a sterling
?in will be given to each.
There are two members of the Sun
day school who have been present at
every session of the school tor the
past ten years. They are Guy Hiner
nmn and Miss Naomi Hcflner. They
?will be rewarded with a handsome
solid gold pin.
Discontinue State
Fair at Wheeling
WHEELING. W. VA., Dec. 31.?At
I lie annual moeting of the stockholders
ol the West Virginia State Fair Asso
ciation, It was decided to discontinue
the annual State Fair, and all em
ployes of the grounds and officers dis
Efforts have been made In the last
few months to dispose of all the prop
erties and rights of the company but
n proposed new organization seemed
to lag In Interest, which caused the
rnsslng of a resolution to discontinue
the fair for an Indefinite number of
The failure to make the exposition
and fair a financial success Is the
cause of abandonment of the project.
Bride of Six Months
Kills Self With Gun
CLARKSBURG, W. Va., Dec, 21.?
While other members of tho family
Mrs. Bettie M. Hoffman, a resident
of the city for a few months, died Sat
urday night at her home at 711 Wal
nut avenue, after a brief illness from
heart trouble. Mrs. Hoffman had been
apparently in excellent health until a
few days before her death -when she
was taken ill, growing worse steadily.
Her death came as a great shock to
her family.
Mrs. Hoffman moved to this city
several months ago from Linden, Va..
and with her daughters, the Misses
Essie, Mary and Martha, resided on
Walnut avenue. She was aged 6G
years and is survived by three daugh
ters named above, a married daugh
ter, Mrs. Louise Cale, of Windsor, N.
C.; Taylor and Atwood Hoffman, ol
Richmond, Va. The latter left this
city about a week ago tor Richmond.
Funeral, services were held on Sun
day evening at 7 o'clock at the resi
dence conducted by Rev. >V. X. Can
ter. of the M. E. church, South. The
remains were takon to her former
home at Linden, Va., for interment,
the funeral party leaving on No. 4
last night.
Father of Mrs.
Jolliffe Dies
Mr and Mrs. Vaughn Jolliffe are in
Washington, Pa., where tliey were
called by the sudden death of the lat
er's father, Mr. McDonough. Mr. Mc
Donough expired Thursday night after
a few hours' illness, he having been
about his business as usual on Thurs
Mr. Joliffe went to Washington on
Friday and Mrs. Joliffe left Satur
day to attend the services which were
held Sunday.
Mr. McDonough Is survived by Ills
wife, tour daughters and two sons
The (laughters, who are ?well known
in this city, are Mrs. Joliffe, Mrs. A.
M. Tobias, of Wllklnsburg, Pa., and
the Misses Rose and Jean McDon
Three Violators of
Yost Law Caught
Constable W. R. Rlggs and Deputy
Sheriff Buckley arrested three men
Saturday night, charged with viola
tion of the Yost law. Two of them
were negroes who were taken into
custody at a B. & N. construction
camp. They gave their names as Dll
lard Hairston, alias "Bad Eye, and
Babe Baldwin. The third man was
Joe Gracoi, who was arrested at the
local B. & 0. station. He had two
suit cases filled with booze. Gracci
passed a half pint bottle to another
man. He was arrested on this of
fense. . .
The colored men seemed to have
plenty of red liquor at their camp
and there were empty bottles in
abundance. They confessed to the
officers of having made sales.
Gracci when searched at the coun
ty jail was found to have 24 quarts
of whiskey in his two suit cases, two
pints of whiskey in his pockets, two
pints of wine, two B. ft O. pay checks
made out to different men, a B. and
O. pass to Richwood and Pittsburgh,
a book showing a time deposit of ?2io
in a bank, a razor, a spring button
knife with a 5 inch blade and about
$22 in cash in his possession. He ad
mitted giving the pint of whiskey to
the man at the depot and said he gave
it to him In payment for his services
In helping him to a hotel with his
big lot of booze. Ho stated he was
from Richwood and had gone to Pitts
burgh to purchase whiskey for a num
ber of different men there. He was
also sent to jail, pending trial later.
They were placed in the county
jail to await a preliminary hearing
before Justice It. Leigh ^Fleming.
A. L. Hoult Moves
Back to Fairmont
Mr.' A. L. Hoult, an old time resi
dent of Fairmont and a member of
one of the older families of this coun
ty, who has been in the 'government
That you are daily allowing to slip away for 1
will soon grow into a sum sufficient to buy. ill
nice presents for next Christmas, if you pay
weekly into our
Christmas Savings Clufo
Fairmont W. Va.
his position to an aspiring-Democrat
Junior Entertainment XuetdayjHBS
The Christmas entertainment of the
Junior .department o? the Methodist
Episcopal Church will
day afternoon atthree o'dpcl^&^?
the direction ol Mrs. Kemblc
The entertainment of the Senior dj*?
partment of the school will be held
Tuesday night at seven-thirty o'cloolr^
Following this entertalntfttoitt^^Sn
will be a Sunday school rec^ptto^^^
Bervlce for the past thirty years and
for the past fifty years Deputy Rev
enue Collector at Parkorsburg, has
returned to Fairmont with his family
and taken up his residence on Pier
pont avenue.
Mr. IJoult Is a veteran ot the Civil
war and has many friends and ac
quaintances In tho county who will
be glad that he has returned here to
live. Mr. Hoult was a victim of the
Democratic victory of 1912,. and al
though Ills position was protected by
civil service a way was found to give
"The Fatal WeddiM
Y Christmas Letter
Here's where your particular taste I* given a choice selection
fancy and plain Writing Papers, Christmas Letters, cjiriCtmuftcS
and Seals. Our Christmas package Box Paper ranguflirfpr
from twenty five cents to the more elaborate at two dollarfc^Chrl
mas Letters at 5c, 10c and 15c.
Opposite Court House : : : "g|ll
i St. Fairmont,)
Our Christmas stock of Potted Plants has arrived and is the most gorgeous sight imaginable. We have been forutnate in growing great
numbers of Poinsettia of unusual size and colpr?the price is within the reach of all. We also have half a car load of Azelias, Begonias, Cycla
men, Narcissus and Ferns, at prices from 50c up.
Cut Flowers for the' Holidays will be plentiful and reasonable in jrice?Roses, Carnations, LiIy-of-the->Valley, Narcissus, Violets;
-4 t^ q _ _ Watson Hotel Building.