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gar.ding Boss and Boarders were-Called From Their House at Kilarmand Shot. im LEADER KILLED BY HIS OWN MEN icers RusTi to the Scene But Find no Trace ?Of "the Per petrators of Crime, ouseXo 7 at Kllarm was the scene ..triple tragedy Thursday .night, taichello, of Enterprise, leader of nds'6f gunmen, Leonardo Fresclno, rder at Houso No. 7, were killed, paries Rando, proprietor of the here the crime was committed, atally shot. The affair occurred Teen the hours of eight anil nine, ehellojcaini to the houso accom b^thireo strangers. He went house and told Charles Rando ...Jiere'werc-'somo men outside who .ted to see him. Rando, together ^Leonardo Fresclno, went out to he mei who had' come. When they on ttfejoutslde Rachello's men com ./Rando and Fresclno to hold up inds, for they were going to kill r^e-flirlng started. Rando and ao wefo unarmed. . Both fell. scino managed to crawl'lnto House ^^ieie.&1ir?a.thiedJils laivt., Ran: k--?~'"'jgUAo'^HofUBe No. 8. Jim "tefSbe. had tieen shot four isr'-own'-men, managed to t'oJHouse No. 7 with his re ?JfilS.itad and passed out at KSo'reioad his pistol, jjmen'wh^, came with Racehllo ^strangers In the Kilarm settle 7wo of thorn were in the house -. tie tragedy tooTc place. None ^persons who saw them knew ; ? [lowing the melee they left the ?.Th'e tracks of the three men JtHoi house were plainly dlscerna ii'ey'.-vvaded the creek and then spine .distance followed the rall Coyd Jenkins saw one of the ?g?ftup"; Kuhn's run fcy way of the 'ggiad; Tho other two men went Cuhn's run via the county road. .... Ceisfer.of Middleton, was sum n^^aunid when he reached the scene j8t|rthe victims had expired. Tue nt^offlcers wore notified. Sheriff [way, Deputy Sheriff Buckley, Cor Flank- Lloyd, Constable W. R. [and: Russell Nuzum went up the rhan on a special car. The ofTi tound things in a chaotic state, dead man was lying on a bed and h'er'-was stretched out on tho floor. jpiSslSRando's wife and hor several | were bending over and at S to sooth their wounded hus I and father. yho had collected at the house ie definite knowledge concern itaftalr.They neither kaew the "fnqr. whither they had gone. ?NZazla, a bystander, who had ,|tb do with the shooting, left Sj&sHIij trail was followed and vas found that he had encoun barbed wire entanglement and Stjids inatch box and some oth kets. -He extricated .himself he meshes of the wire and made ^..^.'Pennsylvania; Fair to 3tmd?y/ Increasing cloudiness ~ :.West Virginia: Fair to prohably Sunday with rising a dash for the creek, wading the stream, and his whereabouts at1 this writing is only a matter ot speculation. Domlnlco Zazia, a brother of Antonio, is being held In the county jail as a witness, j. The officers can find no motive for the crime. The only semblance of a motive that has come to light In the diligent search that has been made bo far Is that Jim Rnchello and Leonardo Fresclno had a quarrel in Enterprise some time ago about cigars. Charles Rando, in his declaration, stated that he knew of no motive that the murder ers could liave had, nor did he know the men who shothlnj. Prosecuting Attorney Tusca Morris and other county officers worked on the case yesterday, but so far there has been nothing accomplished in getting a cluo to the guilty parties. About fif ?tpen Italians have been placed in the county Jail and' will be held as wit nesses. Yesterday morning Sam Pelmo, Ills wife and John Turk, of Enterprise, came to this city on the first interurban car. They got oft at Twelfth street and walked into town. Rachello board ed at Peimo's home. Just why Pelmo and Turk would get off ot tho car at Twellth street and walk the rest of the way to the main part ot tho city is puz zling the officers. It looks as if they knew something about the murder. There is little chance now that'the culprits will be apprehended. All three of tliem had an opportunity If they availed themselves ot it to escape. The two men who came down Kubn's run. could have made It to Fairmont in plenty of time to leave here on the midnight train to Pittsburgh and the man who went up tho run had time to make hsl way to Clarksburg and escape on any ot the trains leaving that city. The remains ot the dead men were brought to the Cunningham morgue, where Dr. J. J. Durrctt held an autopsy. Coroner's Jury Summoned. Coroner Frank Lloyd has summoned the following jurors: A. F. Parker, Harry Smith, Charles E. Gettings, D. B. Snider, Arthur Martin and H. W. Scott. The jury viewed tho corpses and the inquest will be held Monday morning. Two Murders Mark Christmas in W. Va. CHARLESTON. Dec. 26.?A report from Eagle today said Herman Nassau shot and killed Sam Wells and serious ly wounded Will Gates. The victims are negroes. D. T. Faulkner, a negro, was shot and killed at Mahan during a quarrel. W. Va. Panama Expo. Building Open Feb. 20 CHARLESTON, W. Va., Dec. 26.? Ab a result of court Injunctions is sued a few days ago, the Baltimore & Ohio railroad company today announc ed that hereafter shipments of intox icating liquors for delivery in Harri son connty would be refused. The only express company operat ing here has taken similar action. Christmas Club Is Now Open Everybody Welcome Our Large Army of Depositors 7.' * ' ?eoples National Bank WHH 10,000 ISLANDERS IN MANILA READY FOR AN UPRISING AT WORD FROM COMMANDER WANT TAXES MADE LOWER EIGHT INSURRECTIONISTS ARRESTED AFTER SECRET OFFICERS DISCLOSED PLANS FOR ACTION Bl AssnciAHtD T*reh?.1 MANILA, Dec. 26.?Eight Fili pinos have~ been arrested on the charge of sedition as a result of an abortive uprising In Manila and Its environs on Thursday . .night. Further arrests are prob able. From army sources It Is learneo that a general warning was sent to all officers on Thurs day afternoon stating that fully 10,000 in Manila alone were ready for a concerted attack on Fort Santiago, the Cuartel Espana.the Cuarte! Infantorla and the Medi cal depot. The military units were Immediately prepared and a street patrol was started at dusk. Con stabulary agents who are mem bers of the secret society disclos ed the plana for an uprising, this enabling a force of constabulary and police to disperse gatherings at Bagumbayan, Paco and Navos. At Calocan, a squad of Ameri can sailors seized chairs when a Italy Makes Warlike Move On Albania SAILORS ARE LANDED TO DEFEND ESSAD PASHA FROM REBEL ATTACKS. REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT IS SPREADING AT A GREAT RATE. ROME. Italy, Dec. 20.?A company of Italian sailors today occupied Av lona, a seaport of Albania on the Ad riatic Sea. An official dispatch sent by wireless from tho Italian wariship Misurata at Durazzo pays that tlio Albanian rebels at Tirana are threatening to move against the government of Essart Pas ha, who is friendly to Italy. He Is about to proceed to Dlbra. Meanwhile he has sent a supply of gufts and ammunition to Cavala, where his adherents have been mas-, sacred by the Insurgents. The dispatch adds that the revolu tionary movement is spreading at an nlarmlng rate. Russia Cedes Island To Japs GETS HEAVY GUNS TO BE USED IN THE WAR IN EX CHANGE. Bt Associated Pnias.l WASHINGTON, Dec. 26.?The Jap anese embassy today received offi cial advices from Tokio that Russia had ceded to Japan its half of the is land of Sathalin for some heavy gunB. The island was officially Russian un til September, 1905. The southern half was ceded to Japan by the terms of the treaty of Portsmouth. Thermometer 30 Below in North Pa, By Associated Press. CORRY, Pa.,- Dec. 26.?December records for cold - in northern Penn sylvania were-broken here today, when thermometers registered 24 to SO de grees below xero. tyv ond ana force of Filipanos approached a dance hall in which they were gathered and using chairs as wea pons routed the Filipinos, injur ing a member. The rising was poorly organized and lacked lead ers. it was composed for the most part of persons implicitly trusting the word of A. Ricarte, a revolutionary who conducted a considerable propaganda from Honkongfrom which place he was banished by American authorities, some time ago, Ricardo, it is stated advised that the anti-American attempt be made on Christmas eve when the American officers would be expected to cejobratj^ the holidays. Reports from^the^pro vinces tell of minor rislngarand oc casional violence but details are lacking. The situation today from ail ap pearances and according to offi cial statements is well under con Official War News By Associated Press. ' PARIS, Dec. 26.?The official an nouncement given out by tlie Frencn war office this afternoon relates that fogs in the north have lnterferreil with operations in Flanders. Counter attacks on the part of Germans have been repulsed at" points. There was artillery lighting near the sea and at Perthea. Progress was also made in Upper Alsace on Christmas day. Cold Wave Has U.S. In Its Grip ?? ? BROKE ALL RECORDS FOR DECEM BER TEMPERATURE IN MANY PLACES. Rt Associatki/ Press.] WASHINGTON, Dec. 26.?A cold wave held the country from the Missis sippi to the Atlantic coast in its grip today and broke all December temper ature records In many places. Thirty two degrees below was the tempera ture at NortHfleld, Vt? while Albany,, N. Y., reported 16 below; Hartford, Conn., 4 below; Syracuse 12 below, and Peoria, III., 18 below. The extremely cold weather extend ed south as far as the Florida Penin sula and below zero temperatures were registered In New England, the interior of New York, West Virginia, Michigan, Illinois, Northern Missouri, Iowa and Wisconsin. Minnesota and North Dako ta. Lower temperatures were prom ised tonight in South Atlantic states, but la the region of the Great Lakes, New York, New England and the Ohio Valley it will grow somewhat wanner. It will be moderate in the Middle Atlan tic states, the Upper Ohio Valley and Lower Mississippi on Sunday. Generally fair weather was predicted for tonight and Sunday everywhere east of the Mississippi, except that snow flurries are probable In the lake region. French Submarine SunkbyAustrians By Associated Press. PARIS, Dec. 26.?The Italian press states today, according to advices re ceived here, that a French submarine has been sunk while attempting, to torpedo Austrian battleships in the Austrian naval base oft Pola. The crew, It is stated, were rescued and taken prisoners. ' Miss Flossie Montgomery Is spend s? trol of military authorities. Gov. General Harrison, happens to be away on an official visit and Sec retary of the Interior Dennlson, is in charge of affairs pending Mr. Harrison's return. The foreign chamber of Com merce supported by the Filipinos body has issued a public protest against the legislature adoption of an amendment to the internal ? revenue law imposing additional tax. The measure was introduced j on the eve of the Christmas recess - and passed without discussion, and also, it is stated, without giv ing merchants an opportunity to express their opinion. Representations from the Cham ber of Commerce regarding the new law, it is announced are to go today to Secretary of War Gar rison asking him-to secure Pres. ' Wilson's intervention in the mat ter. ' . ?> Railroader Kills Self By Revolver Shot SCOTT C. HUFFMAN, of HOULT, ENDS LIFE AT HOME OF SON-IN-LAW. HAD THREATENED TO COMMIT SUICIDE BEFORE?LEAVES WIFE AND 4 CHILDREN. Scott C. Human, aged 50 years, a railroad laborer of Hoult, shot ami killed himself Saturday morning about 11 o'clock at the stable of hlB son-in law, Mr. Keller. His son-in-law heard the report of the revolver and hasten ed to the 8ceno. The bullet, a 3S-cal Ibre, entered the right side of the head above tho ear. His brains were scattered afound the building and on the ground. He had been complaining for some days and had threatened to kill himself. Coroner Frank Lloyd was notified of the tragedy and hastened to the scene. No inquest will be held. He leaves a wife and four, children. The children are Mrs. Grace Keller, John, Lloyd and Olive Casteel. ^ ? The remains have been turned over to Undertaker Musgrave and Sons. Funeral arrangements have not been made. One Killed, 2 Fatally Hurt,' Train Hits Auto CINCINNATI, Dec. 26.?Hurrying home In order to participate In Christ mas festivities, four persons In an au tomobile were struck by the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton.^ "Indianapolis Flyer" at the Coleran avenue crossing, the machine being thrown against the house of the station master, killing him and Injuring all of the occupants of the car,- two of htem fatally. The Dead. William Gelsman. 68 years old. The Injured. Daniel Gall, 89 years old, compound fracture of the skull; will die. Stanley Gall, 32 years old, brother; fracture of the leg and 'Internal Inju ries; serious. John E. Klein, 68 years old,' broken leg; not serious. Charles Klein, 19 years old, son; skull fractured; will die. The man killed and those Injured are local residents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Lively, Mr. and Mrs. George DeBolt and Congress man M. M. Neely returned Christmas eve from .WeBton where they attended the funrral of the!former's:sl!ier, Mrs. T. A. Whelan whic?$5S3B5S?KS Mexico Heads, Still Defiant, Are Fighting General Villa and General Carranza in Fight for Mastery. Proposition Submitted by General Scott Does Not Suit Leaders. VERA. CRUZ, Dec. 26.?Fighting has occurred between the adherents ot General. Carranza and those of Gen eral Villa In the outskirts of Vera Cruz. The Villa forces, In unknown numbers, are advancing, while the Carranza forces hare been- obliged to fall back. A strict censorshop has been en forced. NACO, Ariz., Dec. 25.?The propo sition submitted by Brigadier Goneral Hugh D. Scott, chief of the United States army staff, to remove the Mex ican warfare in Sonora out of dan gerous proximity to the American j border, has met with several objec tions on the part of the contending I Mexican leaders, Jose Maytorcna and General Benjamin Hill. These objec tions relate only to details and were referred to Washington oicials today. Blacksmith as Ruler. EL Paso, Tex., Dec. 2G.?Julia C. Medina, a blacksmith, has been ap pointed governor of the state of "Jal isco by General Francisco Villa, ac cording to advices reaching here to day from Guadalajara, the capital. Miguel Dieguez, the Carranza ap pointee, who was deposed when VII lar forces captured Guadalajara re cently, was a carpenter. During his recent' visit to Guada lajara/ General Villa sought the loan -ot-1,800,000 pesos-from-the people-of the state. The major part of tho sum, it. is said, will be supplied by the church party, which is gratified over Villa's action in reopeninp tho church e.^which had been closed by the Car ranza governor. norms me JIT ARMY FRONT OVER 10.000 OF THE OLDER LADS, ARE MAKING GOOD SOL DIERS. BEFORE WAR IS OVER RECRUIT ING AGE MAY BE 15 ! YEARS. By Associated Proas. LONDON, Dec.. 26.?There aro now over 10,000 Boy Scouts serving the army at the front and making splen did soldiers, says General Baden-Pow ell, chief of the organization. Tile general has Just returned from New York, where he made a satisfac tory arrangement with the education al authorities in regard to the Scouts serving as messengers and office boys in the military headquarters there. By thlB arrangement the boys give one week to the army and an alternate week to their schools. A significant announcement !b the opening of the Scouts' Defense Force to boys of 15, which would give them a year of training, it is said, in case the age of enlistment in the army Is lowered to IS ?eara. Triplets, All Boys, "Weigh 5 lbs. Each ELKINS, Dec. 26.?Mill Creek citi zens have been apprised of the fact that their town is favored with a set of triplets, all boys, the first in the history "<ft that place, and about the second occurrence of the kind in the county. The proud parents, Mr/ and Mrs. Cleveland E. Ashby, first had the Ca bles numbered one, two and three, but since have given ail of them names, which are aB follows: George Glen, Lee Liggett and Burton Baxter, respectively. The babies, are all strong'and "healthy, each weighing a little less than five pounds. Dynamite Explosion Kills Rock Blaster CLARKSBURG, Dec.- 26.?An explo sion of dynamite on Lumber run, where hie was blasting rock for the Hope Nat ural Gas Company, caused injuries that resulted i ln^the^death'o'f^G^rge'r"? British Aire ^ ^?^hskssssl Teuton Flyer Before Thou sands of Spectators. Invaders Finally Disappear After Being Hit Several Times. Attempt Against Sheemess Was a Failure Like That." On Dover^ j - ',: ,..VJ2 By Associated Press. ^aaRsawsj LONDON. Dec. 2#.-CtonnM-j.*^ tors made another attempt, bombs on British ports ^yestertwv Like the attempt against Dover, that of yesterday which was , against Sheerness. was "nsu"?*8' ' An aeroplane crossed .tgfch|n6 and, sailing high, flew over3Sh$ ness. British aircra(t ;went|^^p suit and engaged tho .enemy, t quarter of an hour before thousand of spectators. The JmadeM!*' disappeared in tlle.5f^ffiSr hit several times. ? | The official reportM>itBS0 fice on the aerial ralditonlgM as follows: "A hostile^# was sighted today. high from east to noss. British air pursuit nnd engaged th%e?^8SES? after being hit three was driven oft seaward. . By ABiiclated Press. ejj LONDON, Dec. 26/-Cf cQmejind.?one_wiyiMt<a part of any of the .W~ of Eurbpe. . While there has been no;.w of military activity nevertheli decisive action has either of the great battleift^n A spectacular element ol tMg news was supplied by,an between a German alr.crafty&d English bl-planes overthe This occurred Christmas day witnessed by several, tho sons. The Germans escaped.^ ? Russian on Offensive... From Petrograd comes, jwwsg the Russians haveJ$P8S?j&?s fenslve at several Poland iP?^ that tliey liavo captured no fewer 11,000' prisoners. ?? To offset this. howe^Berlln ports activity alongth?v^h An Austrian army l8,,?lgm!i courageous effort to s$k??SSifc ,1 ot the Nida in Camow. British obscrver?(?e|o? opinion that tUa . moyOTM.t^M, too late If It 1b a fact that German-attack in ttie cenW|haa<r ly received Its recorded,<*eci Gen. Von TJlndenberi. ^ttpl.^? commander In the bulldog grip on the Vlstfla <|?: to be making his present towards Warsaw from ffhorag west ot the Polish capltol.tlB, PrS6?Slthe western jlMm reports slight progress, port, while Berlin balan?*|S the claim that the Ocroy^. en some British ?t*?|ai French, on their side, agjr capture of a trench near? which they held.-lnJHgp counter attacks. 5?ggM Refused Depirtur From Athens report ot the refusal-ot^ authorities to Irom Tripoli In Syria^o!, and French conaulseaM Ot British and "American merchant-^jgES Coy of an America^e^lw^ The Turks crowded^? Out the merchantman^. whUe|;Ule0 were emb&rWng ^e;^Wnc attack ceased, howevev ships threatened j^bomb cruiser subaequenUy egc sel to Dedejatch, : north denellles, Porter CharletqiSBWi Trial Postponed NEW YORK. Dec. 26.?The trial of Porter Charlton^focm^mm^OTyotg his wife at Como.ilSlWMMnilfliWhHaenfi po&tponed by:-Charlton's attorneys, Charlton baa now beer. ^iSiprMoiafflB Italy for more than a year and a halt. He was In Jail lnfeofrOkw&fOT^'two'c' yearsprior; ^Chariton'MiucMW?JWml[Slmiai!B said that, upon i^JprptSatJi SoSi-3, jBfi&pfiState |B JS^ M- recenU^ea-4 bled the^jaeq^8^6 Bwflbas sad of