OCR Interpretation

The West Virginian. [volume] (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1914-1974, November 16, 1916, Image 4

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

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^Pj5>nt*ad't>8?. . MOTbcr
Hj&;!Um Fairmont I'rlnt'n* and Publish
v; W. J. WIEGEL, General Mana
HlTf' A flAV MAPEL. Advert'.-',IK
I-- C. V. REDIC, Circulation ..ian:
BE&';. Publication Office, nionroe I
jtrrAdrertljlng Oept- I Circulation Dept. I
Cone. 230 I Bell Its Csnt. 253 I
WSITowlta Advertising Representative. HOI
flSBtunaarlck Bl<lg.. S 'V York. U3 VV. Mo.!
BBi*:' Dally (by carrier) etc per month, pa)
HctJ; by mail
tJsUy, one month ...$ .40 Dally, six
f | Dally, three months. 1.001 Dally. one
I An subscriptions payable In advance.
Civ when asking Tor change It, addii** gl
Eg ?] | new addreee.
if i' - Entered at the Poatuftlce at Fa rinont.
USaiul claaa matter.
. Subscribers on our carrier routea (i
St; Wast Virginian any evening should <
: ONION,'' state the tact and give nam
EaT"*--. nil! t. fflMlfintpr will dfltlvor a nnnor
I', nee. There ie no charge to the au
Service. The Weet Virginian plans
:: tnbecrlbers the bent newspaper ileliv
ilble and this la part of tho plan.
IP the Legislature which lias bet
J, extraordinary session to begin M
K- about its work calmly and in abs
tpnere is every prooaouity mat po
result from the unusual situation
jribout the call.
It is announced that no attempt
.{deprive the incoming governor of
wn that are inherent in the otf
changes as are contemplated in t!
general election laws will be desigt
way to the political activities of
this is as it. should ha
There are sound business reason
I,- -pale sweep of state offices for no be
: to make way for men or another ]
f pot at all desirable, and it is peri
pay time to take steps to prevent
frothing should be done to deprive
: toll freedom of choice when vacan
should he be prevented from maki
cause. He is the chief executive a
responsible by public opinion for
|?! failure of his administration, so he i
\y means for enforcing his authority
fcv.; . It is wrong and altogether out <
I-], the spirit of the times to disrupt t
p . service every time there is u chaug
| tion. Most of the states now have c
K't which insure permanency of tenure
| : under the protection of such system
Bel -Br officials who are appointed for 1
f pnary removals are seldom resorted
I I am. u*u icgiaiaiura ?iu wjsc ami i
bring "West Virginia abreast of th
manner satisfactory to every fair m
ginian, no matter what his political
' quid at the same time do Govcrnoi
an inestimable favor by making it ;
I to start his career at Charleston coi
!?rom the distressing importunitiei
seeking places at the public crib. I
time to make his selections lie wil
to get the right men and thus save
the people from much maladrainist
lerwise would inevitably occur.
Jr-vlSPATCHES from Charleston i
I J report of Earl Henry, chief o
t... - . ginia department of mines, ^
be published will contain many itc
terest to every citizen of this stat
lis of such paramount importance,
been the record year in product
know, but it is not so generally i
!quite as rapid an advance in the i
;haa been scored during the year. T
I-jtobring this out clearly.
; | This is in line with the tendon
* 'Country, and it indicates that the
off when most of the unusual liazi
\ jtirely removed from mining. Thi
[high pay and better living condii
Stock Productions
jjpj (Hippodrome The Serpent
Dills Grctchen the Greenhorn
i ; Nelson Harbor of Happiness
r#; Princess The iron Hand
SgsSMeal Shielding Shadow
^ torand The Dream Girl
iSp. TTsHE Lewis-Oliver Players gave the j
I final performance of "Tesa of theft*
* Storm Country" last night to a
j fall fcoUBe. Miss LeRoy was roundly
applauded for her clever Interpretation
of the leading role. The work
pf the entire company was well reBegy'COiT?d.
Today the bill changes to
ft'The Serpent," a vampire play, the
g|gV,JWettire version of which helped to
jB&y'hidd, to the laurels of Theda Barra.
gj Mlsa LeRoy Is cast for the lead, and
Hippodrome patrons who recall her:
! T MttOtlonul intemrclfltioH nf Mio mntli. !
??/ ?r, jj> "Mother and Son," and latot |
t^the part ot the wife in "The Price
I She Paid," have reason to expect a
Iyii real high-class performance.
/ Friday night will see the recurKreganoe
of that popular weekly feature
|fc*iThe Country Store," but on a someB3-r
what enlarged scale. The managegV-pjeat
plana to extend the variety and
n^-jOtO the quantity of merchandise to
|K? he given away.
Bp;-; Tomorrow afternoon and night local
SW tteetre-goerB are to have the oppor
Kv, ttwlty of witnessing Oliver Morosco's
v production of J. Hartley Manners'
r*', jomedy "Peg O' My Heart." which rcBafltantly
concluded a sensational runt
" ji_
.m ! miners and their
[ITil (ale?| Virginia mining
' itself felt in the
HOME. suddIv of minp I
A?toei?t?d Pr?. The" high prod;
KJnTp?r. would be very u
cars and the lacl
8er- ojierate the mine
roads are bendini
igor. "dy the first han
rectify when it
s?''eetj mines is no mor<
on the surface ii
Editorial Dept. niirsnitR
Pell flt Com. 97 purhUilB.
llaon St.. Chicago AoSISTIN
months ...$2 00 with great r
i joar 4.00 tional confercnc
Men's Assoeiatii
v. old as wcU ? week thcro wHg
W?t Virginia, u automobile clubs
the rounds amon
wealth. Thi. r?h
PER CALL taiiM public opi
members of the
tiling 10 got The just what their <1
call "WESTERN time for law ma
le and residence, f
to your door at The result or 1
bscriber tor this as many new act
to render to lu to force througl
cry service pos- 1 0f COurse
in all the court
I anil a season of
ER 16. 1916. legal profession.
For the peoplf
SUON oil this is liorril
way, and under
in called for an happy. As for t
onday next goes crudc and ill ads
olute good faith, are intended. cx|
sitive good will monwcaUhs and
which brought failure out of th
Our best hope
will be made to that are now be
any of the pow- he wiser or mo:
ice, while such when the lcgisli
he primary and find some really
icd to give freer
the people. All Fairmont peopl
the working out
is why a whole- which has Just ai
been no snow to s
iidieatn that t'.J
f the West Vir- SHO
ivhicli will soon
>ms of great in- ? T,h,e cou(rse ?J e'
. - . . itself westward.?
e where mining
1 hat this has "Wouldn't you b
ion wc already among the telephc
understood that electing a presid
natter of safety i'veninB Genlus'
he report is said The bark of ft
music to the grov
ey all over the News,
time is not far
mjs will be en- I no[falonX\0he
s lact, anil the | antis will claim th
tions which the lcersburg Sentinel.
of over GOO performances at the Cort
theatre, New York city. The advance
sale of seats indicates capacity business.
"The Harbor of Happiness" is the
headline!' at the Nelson today, but a
picture that is none the less pleasing
is "Bogus Booking Agents." It
is a "Ham and Bud" picture with
Honry Murdock, who has been featured
comedian in Sis Hopkins and Ivy
Close comedies, added to the force.
The acquisition of Munlock gives the
oue-rcel "Ham comedies" an unusually
strong quartette of stars In Ham,
Bud, Ethel Teare and the newcomer.
Murdock's work in vaudeville attract
ed the attention of the Kalem people
who induced him to make Ills screen
debut in the Sis Hopkins productions.
The picture today shows Ham and
Bud in a fake theatrical agency. They
have gone there to apply for positions
on the stage. Ham gets a phone mescn
rra from ? * * 1
?VW1 ? miHi-T anting lliai Ilia |
daughter was coming to the otllce fori
a stage position and that he would j
give $5,000 to Ham if lie would keep
her off. Ham mistakes a highbrow
woman for the daughter. Later Bud
engages the daughter for the role of
Mrs. Hamlet. It is full of fuuny complication*!.
Dorothy Oislt. the popular Triangle
star, who has lust finished in the
greatest picture of her career at the
Triangle studios, will be seen at the
Dixie today in "Gretchcn the Greenhorn."
A group portrait of Dorothy,
her sister Lillian, and their mother.
Mrs. Mae Gisli. has Just been awarded
a prize by the Royal Photographic
society of Great Britain for its beauty
and charm and as a work of art. Both
Gisli girls are big favorites with Dixie
pat rons.
Number four, of "The '"Shielding
tter reason than a former Fairmon
political faith is the musical worli
L'ectly proper at be held Decembe.
that. However, year was of such :
the Governor of merit generous pa
cies occur. Nor
ng removals for The railroads,
ind will he held the Adamson law
the success or try. Who cares f(
nusl have ample when railway cofl
in a legitimate this money that v
good If it were pul
)f keeping with
he entire public Washington dii
e of administra- contest in the sen
ivil service laws Virginia now seen
for all who fall to break the news
s. Among high- is a case of "nob<
ixed terms sum- found out Just wh
actful they can Detroit may ha
is tuuuuve in a but Illinois apparc
inded West Vir- cr than RockefelU
sympathies are, den has a daughte
r-clect Cornwell she has been feed
possible for him think of It? crcan
nparatively free weight in paper m
s of politicians
!y having ample pity this cold
1 be better able down through M(
the interests of able to do somethl
ration that oth- unable to do?ma
Cheer up! It's
- J' < - ' - -J - - .V
families now enjoy in.all the West,
districts, soon ought to be making
way of a larger and more, steady
abor of all grades,
tction figures for the current year
meh larger but for the scarcity of
: of a sufficient number of men to
s to their full capacity. The rail;
their best energies at last to remdieap
and the other one time will
is appreciated that work in the!
> onerous or dangerous than work
i transportation or the less active
indicate that a session o? the state
s not far in the offing multiply
apidity. Today in this city a sece
of the West Virginia Business
in is being held. Earlier in the
a conference of representatives of
at Wheeling, and letters are going
g the business men of the commonject
of all this activity is to crysnion
so that the senators and the
House of Delegates may be shown
luty is along various lines when the
king comes.
t will be tbe usual flood of bills and
s as the legislature iinds it possible
i in the time limit. The ultimate
, will be a new period of activity
s, especially the appellate courts,
prosperity for the members of the
who have a passion for efficiency
>!y wrong, of course, but it is our
no other conditions could we be
he flood of new laws, most of them
ipted to the purpose for which they
jericnce teaches that the great coraCongrcss
make just as much of a
eir efforts to legislate.
, therefore, is that the conferences
ing held throughout the state will
re fortunate than usual, and that
ltors bend to their task they will
good advice at their elbows.
ie generally Till await with interest
of the plans of the Choral society,
inounced that Jackson Clyde Klns?y,
t man who has attained distinction in
1. will be the soloist for a recital to j
r 5. The Choral society's work last t
a pleasing quality that it is certain to v
tronage this season. j;
it Is said, intend to file suits agalnBt I
in every judicial circuit in the counjr
a little thing like expense at a time Q
!ers are running over? But at .that, ^
rill go to the lawyers would do more li
. into the purchase of freight cars. E
matches say that the "threats of a t
atorial elections of Indiana and West n
i to be groundless." Some one ought t
Of this to Chilton, who known tVint ! o
ody home" with himself, but has not {J
tere he is at.
ve a millionaire police commissioner, 1
mtly is going to have a governor rich- ?
:r. At all events Governor-elect Low- p
r who is a cooking school product and
ling her dad creamed potatoes. Just
led potatoes and murphies worth their ?
oney in the open market! c
wave could not keep on going right
sxico. It probably would have been r
ng that thb de facto armies have been 1
ke the Villa forces quit the field. I!
1 o t!
cold, of course, but so far there has c
"W'CI. g
npire was not the only thing that took
Clarksburg Exponent.
o f
e willing to bet that tho suffragists a
me exchange girls are not in favor of a
ient every four years??Uniontown d
o ?
dog or the grunt of a pig is sublime!8
rl of the chronic grouch.?Shlnnston f
-* b
n a
000 women voted in the State of 1111presldcntlul
election, and still some
at women do not want to vote.?Par- ?
Shadow." the new serial showing at s
the Ideal today, is one of the most 11
exciting of tho series. "The Earth-11
quake" is the title and has to do with I s
the hypnotizing of One Lamp Louie 11
uy me -snieiaing shadow" into writing
a confession. Sebastian makes a second
effort to procure it from Leontine.
into whose hands It bad in the
meantime fallen, but Leontlne gives
it to Ravenger for safe keeping. Dur- .
lng a struggle between tbo two men
for possession of the paper an earthquake
occurs. A thrilling leap from 8
a high bridge to the waters below
closes the episode. il
Charming Mae Murray, she of "Follies"
fame, is at the Grand today in a 6
Lasky screen production of a novel
entertaining human interest story, n
"The Dream Girl."
Bobby Fisher isn't a bit worried ?
about the cold snap. The new heating f
system at the Grand has been com- 8
plctcd and temperatures there are G
now made to order. No trouble to ?
keep the house nlco and comfy. 8
Beginning yesterday the night prices jj
at the Grand were fixed at 10 and 15,
but tho afternoon prices remain as ,
before. OLD STAGER. J
PARKERSBURQ, W. Va.. Nov. 16.?
George W. Hunter, aged 53. cashier of tl
the Wllliauistown National Bank of u
Williamstown, this county, is alleged 1
to iiavo absconded, taking with him a
about $40,000 of the bank's money. The
bank was closed this morning by na- p
tlonal bank examiners, who discovered K
the shortage laat night. It was at first it
thought the shortage could be tided
over and the bank kept open, but later ir
developments made this Impossible. T
Hunter was last seo? on Monday night
" "
(BY cor
L> * - ? - - - ? . . r.
WtvnvrcT'?uric WLL^,r\e,
frl* 4FMIO I ?N'T WC6I
Monongalia Musings
The election Is over, the tumult
.nd the dhoutlng fades a \ ^ iv, the
udgment of the voters Is admired
iy tho victors and deplored by the
Ictlms. The latter must remember,
he advice given by Robert Burns: ] t
In politics If thou wouldst mix
And mean thy fortunes be;
tear this In mind?be deaf and blind,'
Let great folks hear and see." j j
Huxley spid, "The assertion that: s
utstrips the evidence is not only a ]
ilunder but a crime." Was he thinkug
of a political contest in West Vlr- ,
A western philosopher declares
that every man In business finds it r
ecessary to be an intelligent intellecual
coward and suppress his honest
pinions. Every man has private opln- r
ens, the result of his honest thinkag
he dare not assert.
A boon e?/<
? lUV-IDITV ?illiu|ivail '
hinker declares tbero is not enough i
f love and goodness In the world to,
hrow any of It away on conceited ,
eople. | c
A sardonic scoffer sheds the!
clntlllatlng sentiment that the straw
ote indicates that Billy Sunday will t
arry New York by about $1,350.782., >
ir? tkuie ?v. !
? d uiiuft ui0 csiiLuaic tuuoci ?ain v. |
The crowned murderers of Eu- t
ope might consider this gem from
'homos Paine: "All the raonarrhlal
;overnments are military. War is j
heir trade; plunder and revenue i
heir objects. While such government t
ontinues peace has not the absolute
ecurity of a day. What is the history
f all monarchist governments hut a j
isgustful picture of human wretched- j
ess, and the accidental respite of a
ew years' repose?"
A close observer of mundane afairs
affairms that if you force a wornn
to admit that Iter neighbor keeps I ]
clean kitchen, she will say her win-1
uw tuiutino iiaii? ciuuncu ?u> nuj. |
A few weeks since Sam B'vhe'
aid the next president might he elect-,
d without New York, but he won't j
e. Sam, we presume is only human,
fter all. it
' i
Here Is Mariln Luther's own decription
of himself. "Rough, bolsrous,
aormy and altogether warlike,
orn to light Innumerable devils and t
lonsters; to remove stumps and t
tones, to cut down thistles and ;
horns and to clear the wild woods." j ij
t sounds just like Roosevelt's de- .
criptlon of himself. Good evening.j tre
you In favor of equal suffrage? /
S. C. MliSGRAVE. 1
? j|
%Mtmm Chaw Mnnnnpfih qnpnt
he week end with Miss Hattie Hnll.
J. L. Tennac! was a business visitor
t Mannlngton Tuesday. '
Glen Wells, of Anna Belle, is visitag
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. V.
Miss Minnie Powell was at Fairmont s
hopping Tuesday. I
Mrs. C. F. Hamilton was at Fair- u
lont shopping Wednesday afternoon, v
Mrs. J. L. Tennant entertained at s
laple Leaf Wednesday with a twelve 1
'clock dinner in honor of Miss Minnie I
'owell's birthday. Those present heIdes
the guest were Mr. and Mrs. J. J
llonn Hawkins, Miss Sallie Martin, s
Irs. C. F. Hamilton, Trace Tennaut r
nd Itev. O. G. White ti Parkersburg. h
Miss Evans, of Fairmont, is nurs- n
ig at me nome 01 nir aon uuaiu i
t Daybrook.
MIsb Carruthers, of Wadestown. and a
Irs. Allender. of Fairmont, wete la ci
own today en route to Fairmont a
Mrs. James Sutton and Mrs. L. D. r
avell motored to Blacksville Sunday, t
There will be a ehlcker. supper in
ae basement of the M. K. church Sat- a
rday night given by the Falrview
!lgh school. Evorybody is Invited,
nd 35 cents will be charged.
The Pythian Sisters of Lincoln Terrle
No. 5S will have a box supper in the
of P ball Friday night. Everybody
i invited.
Mra. Josephine Haymond, of Fuirlont.
will be at the National House
hursday afternoon to teach vocal and
itxumeatal music.
) .
I DO.)
^1.1 - |.|S 111
eRe^Vt-jij I 1
the i"]
ik which v! >1
^UNCRy S>0 f
es back (<l
Ruff stuff i
Somehow when a cold wave is fatal
o anyone he generally lives In a wet
? ?
We've nff hnon tnnrrht of thp kpvpiiIIi
"Italians leave trenches."
Whai lor?
10 to I cn West Virginia XTntverslty.
* *
And the Ruth has not materialized
o date, thougu the Mouou?uhcla has
teter gone dry.
LONDON. Nov. 16.?The India fljv rnuicnt
has sanctioned the exporta
ion to England. France and Italy In
November. December and January of
00.000 tons of wheat.
Once upon a time Norman Jones
ervlng In the National Guard at El
'aso, returned to camp after a strenious
15 mile hike foot-sore and legreary.
He had not been long In active
ervice and his shoulders, back and
imbs felt the after-effects of marchng.
Remembering Sloan's T.lntmsnf.
ones applied It to the sore spots and
rent to bed. He writes: "I arose the
lext morning feeling fine; in fact I
ad entirely forgotten aboat the hike
.nd went out for a four-hour drill in
he sun as spry as ever."
Private JoneR passed the experience
ilong. and many a boy on the borler
relieved the agony of sprains,
trains, buriscs, insect bites, cramped
quscIcs, rheumatic twinges, etc., by
he use of Sloan'B Liniment.
Easily applied without rubbing. At
11 druggists, 25c, 50c and $1.00.
4',. . , I* v". ' '
leaven but we care not to go there
houlu it be like iiarrackvillu No. 7.
* *
Five thousand dollars wore imid for
his joke:
"Chilton will contest election."
* *
He wants to know how badly he
eally was beaten.
? ? ?
Headlines over stories we never
"L'-Boat seen oil" New England."
"Germans hit hard on Soipme front
ir other."
"West Virginia judge loses bet."
m m m
Every time someone bangs the door
low we look lor smoke in the skies
iver BurracKvillc.
% ? ?
It Is to Laff.
"Administration fully prepared to
mforce retaliatory legisluuoii against
We're gunna hold a "special session"
onighl to amend the siaiuies.
And We just got wise that some one
a going io give clothes away tins Winer.
our application will be first on
he list.
While singing Casey Junes last night
lach tm.-.iies was given ulilurolorm.
ie imineuiately got brighter.
* ?
Ought to try that on Chilton.
"Parra! is in hands of Villa Forces."
Again, oucc more, and anon we
riiaua God lor Wilson."
* *
1 -^g?
IN Thanksgiving
y "Derryvale'
Good 1
WAi "Derryvale" Linens are
serve to decorate the Than
durability Insures use ovei
I] A Feature of the E'
Kfl of "Derryvale" Iris!
I pi the War Prices.
I > IMl With the exception of a
linens are priced the same
ig e. y me Dig cuy stores liavo
| q |m stocks of Irish Linens, cs
! o IH grades. They are now selli
& y J We have a very satisl
3 Lf"il Irish Linens, table cloths.
by the yaTd. Taking Into
g IN ty ot linens and tho great
? r/\l linens at OUIl prices are
8 r J will get at any linen sales.
70x70 inch scalloped
? edge table cloths, puro
g 14 lneh linen in very pretd
hid ty designs, each {4.50.
jjj M 72x90 inch pure Irish
Ig T) Linen ablo cloths with
y K x scalloped edge, beautlX
(ul design, each $8.50
IS 72x90 inch Irish LinIS
L J en table cloths with
'5 UfJ plain edge, beautifully
designed $7.50.
?! fTfi zs-incn irisn linen taCi
y M bio napklna to mutch the
8 u?s) above, dozen $2.75, $4.50,
A M $6.50.
1 **
'S ?7 a?: ' i???i
0 tt uiucii 3 emit iuiaavA x aaj
| lin, Serg cand Broacloth i
| Fur-Trimmed, Exceptional
?O:0OO.O&':0&Q?(.CukCt Cujvuv .......
Week-End in New York
Tho Misses Mildred LaM asters and
Virginia Alexander, students ut M ss
Sayward's school in Philadelphia,
spent the week-end in New York city
with a school mate.
1 ?
How to Be R.d of
Disgusting Dandruff
The only way to be permanently rid j
of disgusting, untidy dandruff Is to correct
Its cause. Shampooing merely
cleanses the scalp for a few days, then
the scales form again as thick as ever.
To destroy the dandruff germ and (
get rid of dandruff for good, part the |
hair and apply a little of the genuine |
Parisian Sage directly on the bare
acalp. and rub It in with the finger |
tips for a few minutes until ahsorheii .
by tho scalp. You will sutely be amazed ,
at tbe result of even one application, |
for your balr and scalp will look and {
feel 100 per cent, better. \
Only a few days' massage with Parisian
Sage are needed to destroy the |
germs that cause the dandruff to form. ,
The scalp becomes healthy, the hair
will grow better and show more life ,
and vitality, and you need nover be J
troubled by dandruff again Padei, |
dull or lifeless hair Is quickly restored ,
to beauty by this simple process, which J
is absolutely harmless, and will not
stain the hair or make It greasy.
Parisian Sage can be obtained from
drugglBts everywhere. It 1s not ex- j
pensive. i
You Decic
< In selecting the People's National
J funds.
Its Strength, careful managem*
j tee its standing as a reliable and
Accounts subject to check cordis
On the Corner Nei
r. c. JOito I |
1 Display of
' and Other H
linens M
beautiful, none more dekagiving
board; and their P I
many occaalona. M
i A ait. BFn 5
feni is uur un?r k 4 ?
It Linens at Before M |
few recent purchases onr Q/j a
ag they were before the HH |
practically sold out their LI f
pcclally the lower priced L J c
ng cotton instead of linon. g ,
factory selection of real |
napkins and table linens r\/1 j
consideration the scare!- Mi 5
advances in prices OUR
bctcr VALUES than you ?
Red Crost All Pure ?
Linen Tablo Napkins, B| ?
$8.50, $7.60, $6.50, $5.00, (T^ g
$3.75, $3.50. M ?
64 inch table damask feUH
pure linen, yard 65e.
72 inch "Dcrryvalo" ?
Table Linen, $1.50 and P A ?
$2.00. |
72 inch "Derryvale" B9
Table Linen. $1.35 and g
$1.00. NJ ?
Mercerized Cotton la- Ufl c
ble dnmask 35c, 48c and |HH ?
up. CTI g
Mercerized Tulile nap- \ Ji ?
kins. ?bc to $1.00. J ?
a Great Season I
For Furs
who have delayed buying Furs ?
the ad valuator. or chroslw? from jf
;s ot new and exirationally low- ?
ra. These furs are now and luali- ? *
in 01 u (]uui)i> wiuca v:o ian "MQ* ? J
* 'J
are beautiful tcx se?s? nulf and ? $34
we show a ciistinciive >k. '.lie < ~r
smnr* nn* h .ipt. Xcrrt - * ?j
lii'-o J:u> Mln - Muft nt ' *. . * n J M
ai*. $4.50 tbr re is u , ery yuoi lou.v- j*: A
. nniii that ili give very gut* ' [ ?\T
?' - !
liona! le Gabardine, Pop. ?> x
Suits, Plain Tailored and j?
I v aai ?tv> i>u. g.
.... v ^oooooctooaooffiCKaaaa
cvp nr "mtfi
(a^ I I i Iww L>?iV via I Liil 4
rrauwitf lnoMi?Se5Ie|UClB
le Wisely J
Bank u the depositary ot ynr
mt and modem faculties iwru 8
desirable banking connection. 8
il> '
wTiwib ^ n
ir th? PoctefflM.
J200.000.00 1
r.avice of Llother no Doaht Pro
veils Daughter's Untimely End.
Rpndy, Ky.?" I was not able to do
an>imng for nearly six ironths," write*
Mrs. Laura Bratcher, of this place, "and
was down in bed for three months.
1 cannot tell you how I suffered with
my head, and with nervousness and
womanly troubles.
Our family doctor told my husband he
could not do me any good, and he had
lo give it up. We tried another doctor,
Out he did not help me.
At last, my mother advised me to take
"ardui, the woman's tonic. 1 thought .
t was no use for 1 was nr.iHv H.aH m-rt -
nothing seemed to do me any good. But ^
I took eleven bottles, and now 1 am able
o do all of my work and my own
1 think Cardui is the best medidnt in
:he world. My weight has increaMd,
ind I look the picture of health."
If you suffer from any of the allaeots
neculiar to women, get a bottle of Cardui
oday. Delay is dangerous. We know
t will help you, for it has helped so
nany thousands of other weak women
n the past 50 years.
At all druggists.
IVwtu u: CUHUnooi* MafBdaa On, UW
IdrUorr OnpL, Cbanaaoon. Tana., far S>M
kdMMW/??a.??3 *A - i ?

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