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p;;; PAGE g B Vast Stores o P For You 1 And here almost at burstir full of sensible, suitable gi every one?whether ready Hp ment or for the home. Newly Revised Prices Eg Women's M ? Coats ana Every eult In our ready-to-wear | , Fully 200 Coats in the smari $15.00 am Special Attention is < I COATS AT .$12.75. Eight different styles?Astraehane, Velours, Kersey Cloth, Mixtures and Novelty Cloths. Flaring coats with deep cuff1, - large cape collars and Beaver trimmings. Coats with belted backs, fur trimmed and yards around the bottom. Flare coats with crof.3 bo'ts In front and large m Shades of Burgundy. Brown, Navy, Greys, mixed colored Plaids, Green and Copen. A group of splen (Were $21.50, $2! 16 different styles?coats of varj skirts that arc pleated, shirred and Wool serges, gabardines richly trimmed with Vel are conservative, others a There's still a size for you, from 1 HARRI80N'S RELIABLE COAT Al I Women s a $32.50 Ph $25 SALT'8 SEALETTE PLUSH ?how very like teal skirt It iltmi?and Salt's, you know. Is a past master at making plush ?no better to be had. Choose It belted?flaring full from the shoulder ?or yards around the bottom?guaranteed satin or silk seal lining. A big, *nug cape collar, large cuffs, and Chase's Beaver or Black Wolf trimmed; sizes 16 to 44. Hurry! Never again at $25.00. COAT DEPARTMEN WE HE ' FOB EVANGELISTS Big Incomes Under Present Systems Hurtful Says Report. ?| (By Associated Press) ST. LOUIS, Dec. 111.?A salary basis for evangelists instead ot' the present 5. system of part subscription systematically solicited and part free will offering is urged by the Commission of evangelism of the Fedecpl Council! of Churches submitted to the Quadri-; ennial convention 0f the council at pf Its final session here. "The present system" says the report "Insures the evangelist an income far in excess of the earnings of equally gifted men in any other dojci, partment of any religious effort and Bp' ' gives an altogether hurtful promt?gi,! aence of evangelism." PHAROAH'S RUN. H. D. Smith and two grandsons were , " visiting at John Rice's one evening of c .. last week. Miss Nora Baker is on the sick list. Ephraim Musgrnve, of Georgetown, was visiting relatives of this placo 3unday. Miss Hazel Floyd and Lelah Straight ipent Sunday with Miss Nora Baker. , Mrs. Isaac Coogle spent Sunday with '{ Mrs. C. B. Keefover. Charlie Musgrave, of Royal, spent 8unday at John Rice's. Jesse Rice and lamlly spent Sunday with Lonnle Smith. ! ^ Lute Smith, Alfred Valentine, Chas. Smith and Jesse Rico spent Saturday L evening with Lonnie Smith. Luther Howell spent Sunday at Edd c: Musgrave's. ! Bonnie Musgrave spent Sunday with ; William Brock. Mrs. Lula Smith, of Fairmont, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Clara Smith, Sunday. , J. V. Thompson Property Saved WHEELING. W. Va.. Dec 12.?A check received yesterday by Sheriff Sg' A. T. Sweeney from the J. V. Thompson Creditors' Association to the Amount of $2,386.50 for taxes due on Hie Thompson property in Ohio county, prevents the sale of the vniyr.'ik?p-'; leoal properties at a delinquent tax sale tomorrow. ??????? f Gifts Ready "omorrow ig points is 4 floors, chock fts. Something to please -to-wear, personal adornAre Now in Effect on Inter Suits, ' Dresses department has been reduced. test models are now $12.7.1 d $19.50. Zailed to These Two | COATS AT .$15 & $19.50 j ?are of Sealotte Plu*h?how E Ilk* th* r*;il ?*nl th?w arr 9 Velours with the large, snug jj collars and Chase's beaver I trimmings. Heavy plaids with the great J collars that roll hign. Flare Coats, fur trimmed col- M Jars, belted back, of taney wov- n en cloth in navy b'ue. j] At these two prices a woman S can find a C03t tno kind she | wanted and effect a saving that 3 w'll help-on the Christmas shop- I p'ng did suits S18.73. 2.50 and $25.00.) ring length, fitted and flaring? | gathered, belt and yoke tops. and popllna?some are vet and buttons, others re plainly tailored 6 to 61. MD SUIT DEPT.. THIRD FLOOR. nd Misses' ish Coats .00 Gift Gloves j Get Her Size from and Old Pair and Come to HARRISON'S A ?reat assortment $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 MAIN FLOOR. T, THIRD FLOOR. IT.wlvA. STEEL EMPLOYEES GIVEN RAISE. PARKEUS11URG. W. Va.. Dec. 12.? A 10 per cent, increase in wages has been granted to the .'100 emplo.veos of the l'arkersburg Iron and Steel company to be considered as effective front December 1. The increase applies to all departments of the plant. IT' j i! ^n,tc |J^r^rr^:-rryr.rr-^> \"Th HE WEST VIRGINIAN?F. .J i AGED WOMAN BRAVES 1 CRIER WHILE H ' iOiir AFTER LONG TRIAL i Average Time of Wedlock That Ends in Court Over Six Years. CBv Associated PrewO ST. LOUIS, Mo? Dec. 12.?The divorce courts, as busy as they are, reveal but a small proportion of the martial Infelicity in this country, says j the Commission of'Famtly Lite which l reported last week to the quadi rennial meeting of the Federal council j of the Churches of C'.rist in Amer! ica. The report included statistics ! and discussions of many phases of the ! complex problems of martial relations. As to divorce it says: "At this moment it is thought that ons marriage I in ten is broken by divorce, and that in some states the proortion may be as high as one in four." "It is a striking fact." the comraisj sion says, "that in the majority of dll vorce cases dissolution ow marriage i has occurred, not hastily after a brief i trial, but deliberately after a consid| viable period of marriage; the average exceeding six and one-half years. Com- j mon observation will show frequency of divorce among people who have been married twenty years or more." The commission believes that the entrance of women into the industrial! field plays an important part in the 1 increase of divorces. It deplores the i fact that "unfortunately, the larger ! part of humanity in America, as elsc! where, are strangers to the lofty views j which the church entertains of mar; riage. i "When we arc seeking therefore rem I edies for the evils of our lax marrl| age and divorce practices our ultl-l Vhen AC Bisa INS! POS' ere's a Rea NOT A HEADACHE IN I :R PtM ,F * J"? " s. camion * "* * JOMBS AS TOWN [IJSBAND GOES TO WAR! AN AGED WOMAN IS THE TOWN CRIER IN LUNEVILLE, FRANCE! When "Mother" Vincent's husband. I who Is 60, left his duties as town crier to go to war, she took up his drum and 1 drumsticks to announce the official J news of the war. She goes about her ! duties regularly, despite frequeut ; r bombardments. j1 I 11^-9 | ?u*Ctn*I ] mate and most effective method will lie found In such instruction as the churches may give to their adherents, supplemented by such work as the educational institutions of the country may be induced to undertake. Tills instruction will bear upon the ideals | for marriage. It will teach that marriage is not contracted as a mere con- j venience and 'for prudential reasons, that it is not even primarily intended solely for the personal happiness of thoso who contract it; but ij Is hulls- : per ;ble to the proper filling out of! life of human beings, that it is one of the most effective methods of de-1 veloping character, and that the pre- j servntion of the integrity of marriage and of the family institution as j a whole is the only process by which a truly divine order for society can be maintained." "No legislation however, sagaciouslyframed, can ever effect a complete cure of marriage maladjustments, but such preventive measures as give promise to diminishing the evils which are now so abundant will command themselves to thoughtful persons. The fact that in twenty-three states what are known as "common law marri ages, ill which a man anu a wuuiau take each other for husband and wife without the services of a civil officer. or a clergyman and frequently without any witnesses are recognized as valid, calls for serious condemnation, and no reform is more needed than legislation declaring such unions to be null and void everywhere in the United States." THE SHORT AND UGLY WORD. PRINCETON, W. Va? Dec. 12.?In a suit for $5,000 damages resulting from a controversy over a nickel a jury in the Circuit Court here awarded the plaintiff $51 damages in the case of Mrs. E. M. Hogan versus J. L. Forkner. At an auction sale conducted by Forkner, who is a merchant, a set of dishes was knocked down to Mrs. Hogan for 10 cents, but in making change for a quarter, the plaintiff charged, the defendant gave her back only 10 cents. When she complained, according to the evidence. Forkner called her a liar, and the suit resulted. After an attack of Grippe or Bronchitis you will need a general tonic to strengthen and build up the system. For this Bear's Emulsion is unsurpassed.Advt. e \ {[rees\ j rANT 1 ! ruM/ 99 // i sonA? __ CHESTNU' f>.D FRo 6- I v.'H, U0VW6& IT To 1.NOTHEB klD- (%?? KING, DECEMBER ffi, 1910 EAST SIDE |j NEWS |! Seriously III. Mrs. Walter Meserve Is seriously ill it her home In the state of Washingon. Mrs. Meserve formerly resided tore. She was before her marriage. Miss Lovle Ray. and Is a sister of Mrs. \. C. Gaskins, of this city. Ill of Grippe. Mrs. T. D. Harden is ill of grippe at tor home on Water street. Here from Brownsville. Mrs. Howard Gaskins ana children if Brownsville. Pa., are guests of Mr. Jtid Mrs. J. X. Gaskins on Market street. Improving. Mrs. Rebecca Robinson, who ha* >een very ill at her home on Market Ureet, is improving slowly. Ovster Sonoer. The oyster supper given last night .] >y the Modern Woodmen of America ] 14.ti27. was a most enjoyable affair. ] \ large number of the members, ar- i aompanieil by Indies, were present. ) An elaborate menu was served and i following the supper a social hour was I anjoyed. Personals. Miss Goldlo Henderson, who has ] ipent several weeks here, has return- t 2d to her home at Hammond. Miss Kuthcrine Smith is ill at her | home on Columbia street. Miss Lonore Gaskins spent Sunday . with friends in Clarksburg. Charles Robinson, of Winchester, i Va., spent the past few days here. ODD, ISN'T IT? HAMMOND. Ind. ? Jorn Bosovich, |! late of Austria, applied for citizenship ] papers here. "What is president?" asked the clerk. "Wilson." Who elects the president?" "California." Jorn got his papers. li Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepacltage i proves it 25c at all druggists. Lumbago My Caused I By Kidney Troubles I was suffering from a severe attack of Lumbago, which effected my kid neys and bladder. I was in such a bad condition that 1 could not stand in an erect position or do any lifting whatever for several days. Finally some one advised me to take Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root which I did", and in a very short time my trouble disappear- J ed and I feel better than I have in i several years. 1 cheerfully recom ! mend Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot to any j one afflicted with Lumbago, Kidney and Hladder troubles. Your very truly, JNO. C. MILLER, Greenville, Texas, c o Wells Fargo Express Co. Sworn to and subscribed before me this February 6th. 1915. L. L. BOWMAN" Notary Public, Hunt Co., Texas. Letter to Dr. Kilmer &. Co. Blnghamton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp Root Will Do For You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,1 Bitighamton. N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable Information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the West Virginian. Regular fifty-cent bottle and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. PLATES $8.00 GUARANTEED 10 YRS. Crown and bridge work $5.00. Extracting 25c. Examinations and estimations free. The Union Dentists Opposite Court House Over 6 ?nd 10c Store. Bell Phone 921 J. T CHARLIE. vr WOULD TVP "f WELL,TO fiWfc" 3t'a?R. wib vATUCLAvv-v sai? Popular Specialty Store for W (? vlslt 0ur ^C?w3bv ^ Doll Room ' | ^0EM | A Woman's % Woman5 o JjJ Dozens of charm5S ing blouses. d.aintSS lest Georgette crepe SS blouses, and beauti^ ful crepe de chine ^ blouses with largo collars, fancy emg broiderj- and bead nS tripniings, in tlesli, K 58 white, maize, navy, jfl k black, etc. AT $4.50 up to $8.50. SS The new Coats J the snappiest and "Willi rS cleverest styles with (j|| W the big fur and plush 1 \l collars in all the ^ wanted colors, at Ji*""S $18.50, $21.75, $24.75. ? $27.50. $31.75 on up ^ to $48.50. Roantifiil Wz m uvuutu ui liv ?S in Serge, Satin, Taffeta, Net, etc., al 58 $21.75, $23.75 up t0 $45.00. SS For Street, Afternoon s Always An Except ^ Niagara Maid Silk Underwear, if y ^Sj underwear you will be very likely that it will make gifts that many jijS Exquisite Envelope Chemise, flesh Kfc Camisoles, flesh and white, many st) jM No gift is more acceptable or mo' X than furs. A nice muiT or neckpiece S5 prices, from the lowest to the highe 6 ^ Handkerchiefs. Exquisite styles Pure Linen, Silk Crepe de Chine, Ji VS embroidered corners, in plain white gj edge, white and colors. Beautiful s S to 50c. p; FINAL CLEARANCE SALE OF Millinery, Trimmed and Untrlmr ^ Quality Purity \ Accuracy f te^ Safety J 1 Mountain Cit OPPOSITE COl ? YOU are cordially invited we have on display a t pictures. We have a compl ings in the newest patterns work is neatly done at reaso KNIGHT <1 Jacobs Building 1 Groceries In order to make more ro< rapidly growing meat tradi entire grocery stock, begin The selection of canned i relishes is especially good, < shop will help solve the qu of living. The Nixon Mi Jefferson Street. NOU A tf Ik)T-THINK I OP SOME 5 PlMfcHS1. j P now! CMO?v/! ?Ttok V*-?0| ?w OOiH , --.I . ' ' ' I sMwn\% romeii'i and Missel' Apparel I Character Dolla ^ ^ Maiden America A aEggy ^ . Store for a I (L s Gift J J I 1 *w Frocks ^ * . $9.50, $12.50, $14.75, $18.50, W 8' ind Evening Wear |o . ional Xmas Gift | ou will only see (liis beautiful ^ lo feel grateful for this hint ? women would tall "Delightful." ajtf and white... .$1.25 up to $5.00 ^ del $1.25 up t0 $3.50 ?: re appreeiated by women folks , or both. Wo have tlieiu at all jjSj ^ st price. for women and children. In ?l tp Silk, Fine Swiss, etc. Hand ? I i and colors. Scallop und lace tyles. At 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, up 83 li ALL OUR Fall and Winter ?9 ned Hats. I ie four elements of sucful medicines guaranby our label on your 1 icriptions. J y Drug Co. ,, JRT HOUSE ===j] to visit our store where teautiful line of framed ete line of frame mold-. \ ** I for Xmas trade. Our nable prices. J & HAAS ] Monroe Street At Cost ' )m to accommodate our i, we will close out our ning this morning? md package goods and | ind an early call at our estion of the high cost ^ eat Market Opposite Court House 11 UJtLLlE 'i Hoppe^MoPi" ,