Newspaper Page Text
cmcvi.vno.v: _ . PDafly Average \ A j for Dec. 1916 -J ** A Quality Newipaper for tl;e 1 TA BLISHED 1868. J {COMMIT iriif iiiniiinw in ItM lipiil IS RESUMED BY HOUSE IE Mill Lansing and Tumulty Are Among Witnesses Ready to Testify. SB IS THOMAS W. LAWSOH Reporters That Were Sum moned Were Also on Hand. fBy Associated I'rewO WASHINGTON, D. C., Jun. 8.?Inlulry Into ^lie alleged "leak" to Wall street on Presjdent Wilson's peace note was resumed toduy by the House Rules committee with a number o! witnesses on lrnnd ready to testify. I Among those on the list were Secretary of State LanBlng, Joseph P. Tumulty, secretary to the ProBldent; Thomas W. Lawsou, Boston financier; Charles H. Sabln, president of the Guaranty Trutft company of New York; Bernard M. Baruch and Otto Kahn, : New York broker. Washington representatives of the Wall Street Journal, j financial America and Central News 7 association and managers of local branches of the Western Union and Postal T&egraph companies. All but Secretary Lansing and Secretary. Tumulty had been subpoenaed. Thomas W. Lawson occupied much 5f the session with a running row with 1 he 'commltte which ended in much of hid statement he)ng expunged from the records and concluded with the declaration that ho could tell where the leak rT' JTttO UUl WUUHIU i. ? ? ?aT Secrep tary Tumulty read a statement endorsed by President Wilson that lie ?' uad np knowledge of the President's icte before It was announced to the teWspapers. Secretary Lansing gave testimony about the handling of the document after It got to the State dej'. Oartmeht. Both denied they had been tble to find any "leak." Lawson began his statement to the Eppjmtmtttee with general direction which oon led into an uproar. It S! ended by the clerk of the House tore ing him to his chair and the commit tes voting unanimously to expunge the whole exchange from the record. p "the stenographer had skipp' much In the conclusion. Finally wlicn Chair? man Henry got Lawson down to cross examination the Boston financier said ( he could tell but wouldn't and at that i point the committee recessed for i.'- lunch. GERMANS ADMIT RUSSIAN GAINS j| But Report Taking a Rumanian Town and 4,000 Psi nn nfc - A AlOVltVXO* (By Associated Press) | BERLIN. Jan. 8. ? Russian troops nude an attack yesterduy with strong orces on the northern end ot the Rus. jo-Galician front near the Gulf of. Today's official statement says the Russians succeeded in gaining morn ground on ihe Aa river but olscwhere were repulsed, v The Russiaus and Rumdnians wore 1 ' dislodged yesterday from Btrongly fortified positions over a considerable ffront in southorn Moldavia, the war of ce says. The important Rumanian town ot okshaM has been taken and nearly nnh ~iii. i* ?T" ^ivuu pitouuprs wiui 11. Six aeroplanes, were lost by ine KnJfetente forces yesterday on the Franco Belgian front, snva the statement on Sgi-opcratlon In that wnr area. !/., PARIS, Jan. 8.?Patrol engagement I .locurrod last night In the regions of HHSbofchnvcsnes, on the Sorame front I and In Parroy forest In the Lorraine. itlvrwlse.there was little activity. I The Weather Local Readings P%W' / || Temperature at Yesterdays weather, clear; temperaM ture, maximum 51; minimum 3u; pre' ^ ' 1 lpii?.ti?a. none. V, Home TODAY'S NEWS TODAY [EE TO G Supreme Court Yost F (By Associated Press." WASHINGTON, Jail. 8.?The WebbKenynn law designed to prevent liquor shipments from "wot" to "dry" stutes was today declared constitutional by 1 the Supreme Court by a vote of sew.. I to two which also upheld West Virginias prohibition amendment prohib< itlng citizens from receiving liquor to I personal use shipped by common cur: rier in Interstate commerce. Justice Holmes and Vurdevaeter v/nre the two dissenting Justices. Thrall reaching power of the government : over liquor is settled," said tin; ( Jilef : Justice In announcing the decision. I "There was no Intention of Congress i to forbid individual use of liquor. ' "The purpose of this act was to cut out the root the practice of permitting iiriliT; HIS CERTIFICATE \l?vt vi?,.? Will k., A .. At. i 1UVVC Tf III UU All V/U" jection Filed on Chilton's Account. i # IHpeclnl Dispatch to West Virginian) WASHINGTON. D. C., .fan. X.? Congressman Howard Sutherland re- ; celved today from Governor Hat field j the long delayed and long expected i certificate of election as United! I States Senator over Senator Chilton. I He filed It with the Clerk of the Senate. When it comes from committee before the Senate, objection to admitting Sutherland to membership of the Senate will probably be made by) some Democratic senator represent-1 Ing Senator Chilton, who Is contesting Sutherland's election. FLACCUS GLASS ... CASH RECOVERED Was Found hid in Woods in the Original Package. (By Associated Press) PITTSBURGH. Jan. S. ? Camollo Turco, tho Aduuis express messenger in ennrge ot tlie payroll of the Elaccus Glass company when It was stolen by auti bandits at Tarentum near here last Saturday, was released front jail today order of R. 11. Jackson, ...? trio t attorney, who decided Turco was I not a party to the robbery. The other three men under arrest, i D. E. King, driver of the glass com- j pany automobile from which the mou- j ey was stolen; John Hummel und Kur' Schwartz, business men of Breckenridge. Pa., were slill being held by the county authorities. Later John II. Dun. assistant district attorney, left the court house with ' Hummel and a party of county detec-1 tives and, guided by Hummel, went to, iu point in tho woods near Tarentum where they recovered, it! was still in the satchel in which it hao been packed at the bunk. ? . RFR&RI1 "PJIIFO" ! UL.IIIIIIU UIILLLU FOR BERLIN SPEECH State Department Afraid of! Its Effect in Entente j. Countries. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON. Jan. S?The report port of the Over Sean News Agency that Ambassador Gerard at a public welcome back to Germany had said that "never since the beginning of the war had the rotations between the United States and Germany been so cordial as now" wero officially Inquired Into by the Stale department today through a cubic to the Ambassador personally. The action of the department was interpreted as evidence of the impor-j tnnco attached to the possible effect i of such un utterance especially unon j public opinion In tho allied country I where published reports have shown | an Impression that the president's! note was in some way connected with i the Central powers peace proposals, j Every effort has hoen made to dispel | that belief. It is felt that if tho Over Seas News report were allowed to go unchallenged that feeling would bo verymuch Increased. As a result the department was prompt In making public its inquiries to the ambassador and probably will give out his reply when it Is received. ^ Northern We ~ FAIRMONT, WEST VIR( / 1 FT DfilW li rum Upholds I Prohibition Law violations of stale liquor laws. We ; can have no tlouht that Congress has I complete authority to prevent paralyz ins state authority. Congress exerted a power to coordinate the nutlouul . with the state authority." Attorney for the national liquor organizations who were In court said the decision upholds and applies the WebbKcnyon law "In its broadest sense." 1 tl'nvnn Ft U'toalnr ..........II f.. - ,. .. H saloon league of America who with Fred Blue, state prohibition commissioner of West Virginia, argued the, case before the court made this statement on the' decision. "The state may now prohibit the. possession, receipt, sale and use of ill- II toxle.rtlng liquors anil not be hamper- | ed by the agency of inter state com-1 merce. Ill ILL ' REM POSITION OR HE Friends Persuaded Him to Withdraw His Resignation. Senator C. \V. Watson bus withdrawn for the time being his resignation of the post of West Virginia representative on the Democratic national committee. The first Intimation that lie had decided to reconsider his notion of week before last oame in the |1 following despatch from l'arkcrsburg , Sunday night: , "Three leading Democrats here tonight received telegrams reading as , follows: j " 'At the solicitation, of SenaXor , drawn his resignation* as national , oommitteomnn for the present and , the call for a State Committee , meeting for January S at Far- j kersburg is hereby cancelled. t 'C. L. SHAVER, Chairman.' t "The telegrams were dated after 1 midnight at Fairmont, the home, of Senator Watson and of Chairman f Shaver. The announcement that Sen- ( ator Watson would resign as national , committeeman was given otit authort- t tatively more than a wenk ago. it ' has also been widely reported, with- 1 out denial, that Mr. Shaver would re- 8 sign as chairman of the Stnte Commit- f tee. No announcement on whether or not lie had reconsidered was forth- 1 coming tonight." " Senator Watson, who returned to t Fairmont this morning from an In- < diana resort where he went shortly t after the holidays, confirmed the report that ho had withdrawn his resignation as National Committeeman of the Democratic party of West Virginia, as was announced in the prosB Sunday. He said: "t'pon the request of a majority of the members of the state executive committee as well aH many of my | friends in the state, 1 decided to with- i draw my resignation which 1 tendered to State Chairman Shaver some days ' ago. 1 will probably not request thut 11 it be considered until that time when ' 1 will leave for Itussia on business mutters." Pythian Sisters at Morgantown< Marion county Pythian Sisters ore ' in Morgantown today in attendance at the quarterly convention of the Second 1 District Pythian Sisters, entertained J by Atltens Temple. N'o. lid. of Morgan- 1 town. Delegates front 20 temples com ]f posing the district are present The \ 6 second district Included Monongalia, > Marion. Harrison, Taylor and Preston j1 counties Tho first session was called 'J at 2:"0 o'clock this afternoon by Dcp-1' uty Millie livans, ot Fairmont !' .? I British Cruiser Off Pacific Coast. I, (By Associated Presa) \ SAX FRANCISCO. Jan. $.?Theli presence in the Paclflc ocean of u|i Hritlsh auxiliary cruiser presumably i su former Peninsular and Oriental lilt-1 er are reported hero today by officers j 1 of the Norwegian steamer Cuzco which | J urrivod front Mexican ports. The vessel encountered by the Cuzco was a steamship of about 11.000 tons which demanded the disco's nationality when off Cape Sun Lucas, Lower California. After coming close enough to identify the Cuzco the auxiliary cruiser proceeded south. CALONER CAN'T GET HIS $3,000,000 ' t Lty Associated Press) I WASHINGTON, D. C? Jan. 8.?John j Armstrong Ohuloner, of "Merry Mills," | va., uy a supreme court decision to-1 ( ilny, lost his suit, to annul New York i proceedings in which lie was declared j msano and in which he tried to secure possession i'ronV the trustees property ( estimated at nearly $3,000,000. The t court declined to disturb the insanity \ proceedings, leaving bis property in c the trustees' hand?| t 0M i v itt Virginia's Greatest Newsp 3INIA, MONDAY EVENII fasoi MIL HOI i READY 10 OPEN; 10 ITS HEW HOME Work of Moving Equipment Was Completed on Saturday. 11 BEGINS TOMORROW Prominent Citizens Will Deliver Addresses at the . Chapel Exercises. The Kalrmont State Normal school s now domiciled in the handsome 12011,000 edifice recently completed, he work of moving lurnlture and equipment from tho new to the old mildlng and Installing same, having if <:u [ii I \ culupiclCU UU SUlUriuy. Tho work of moving ami Installing Ills equipment proved to be a stupend>us task and required practically the attire time from December "2. when lie schools closed for the t'hristmas toliduys until laat Saturday. January !. Under the efficient direction of 'rof. ! ;. L. Lively, uf the Normal ichool faculty, whom President Joseph 1 losler appointed to oversee the work, he moving was accomplished without t hitch and everything will bo in read!-, less tomorrow for the formal opening if the school. A number of students reported at i he new building this morning for luty and tho greater part of the day j vas taken up In assignment of class ooms to the various teachers and ar | anging schedules preparatory to ho egular opening tomorrow. Practically the entire student body vlll arrivo here during today and be I n readiness to take up the school work omorrowrfimritttigf-v., s-srv While ? goofl deal of the old furniure and equipment have been inovod o the new building, yet quite a lot of tew furniture has also been Installed nciudlng practically new office furniure. new library equipment and new leaks, tables and stools for the laboraories. In connection with the opening of ichool tomorrow an informal chapel tercise will be held at ten o'clock to vhich tho friends, patrons, alumni and seneral public is invited. Several prom ...til J?1t..e. ..1 ? ~ .1 iiciii uiLi?viia win m;i i? ci nuuii au' Iresses at this meeting ami special muiic will also feature the morning pro;ram. The old edifice on Fairmont avenue las lieen abandoned. The structure; tnd site are ownei l>y .oral business j nen but what disposition will be made if the property is not known at this line. mmw PIECES fET MISSING Nothing New Has Developed Regarding His Young Assailants. Nothing now lias developed in the j uses against Noble Layman. Cecil lawklns und Ralph Lcmasters, arrestid Saturday for beating and robbing liram Jones. For a time it was hopid to connect the trio with some se ious robberies that have been made 11 the city recently but no evidence lUbstantiating this suspicion could be iccured. Mr. Jones is resting easily although he bruises about liis head are very lainful. His advanced age anakes it lard to judge the extent of his inurles or how soon ho he may be ex lected to recover from them. The; catches stolen have so far not been ecovered. but it is believed thoy will: ie louated in a day or two. Layman. I t is said, displayed two gold watches j n a local restaurant about one o'clock | Saturday morning. Receives Word of Her Brother's Death Mrs. i). c. Habit, wife of the propriaor of a popular Main'street barber ihop, was notified this morning by vlre of Hie death of her brother. Pet r Counor, at his home in Wellsville, 3hio. Mr. Conner who was about 58 oars old was ill but a few days with i carbuncle at the base of his brain. Ie was unmarried. Mr. and Mrs. Hahu will leave tonight for Wellsville. The uneral will be held Wednesday. FIGHTING IN MEXICO WASHINGTON. Jan. 8.?Brigadier lenernl Bell at El Paso today reportid 'Intermittent lighting" between Mlla forces and Carransa troops south if Chihuahua City, but gave no deail*. JG, JANUARY 8, 1917. / I IMV I iV A > I BKIIJlit TOM LAWSON AT THE CA WITH 1 ' fju Thomas W. Law Hon. Host on millh Washington, where he was summoned t concerning a "leak" reported to Imve advance tip on President Wilson's peacv street. Lawson is shown talking will: Illinois. MffiEi IN CHINESE MUSIC That Will Be a Feature of ] the^wwing' Baud Concert. Much preparution Is being made for the Greater Fairmont band concert to < take place at the Grand. Thursday ev- i oulng. Among the features of the program will he "Home Sweet Home the i World Over," pageant by (he folow- i ing children: Martha Howard. Margaret Linn Hamilton. Jean Hull. Mary Fleming, Mary Nuzuni. Florence Jn( nhu I.ucillo Unit Mnrthn tlitrira unil i Buddy Rock. In connection with this there will be the Chinese rendition ot I "Home Sweet Home." ! The program promises to he one i of the most attractive ever given in i Fairmont. Tickots are on sale at Mar- I tin's drug store. i iiMOPLE : AT SCHOOL MEETING District Superintendent Con 11 ley Seeks Cooperation I of Patrons. ; i A very enthusiastic community j meeting was held at the Thoburn SI. I E. church of Slonongah last evening for the purpose of developing co-opera- 1 tlon between tlic teachers and patrons : of the public scrools. The movement i was headed by nis'rlct Superintend-1 j ! cm P. M. Conloy, who gave a very iu : j to citing address. Among :ne others i{ win talked 011 the subject v;ere Il'-v.11 j Mr. Kuhn. Rev. Mr. James Fink a:ui|j Harry Martin, of Mononguh. j Mr. Conloy Is p.nnnlng to h-.'.vo a j meeting of this kind for each of .he!) f'9 schools in l.incoln district. The ! first of these community meetings ! was .hold at Farniington and Downs | some tew weeks ago. Eaelt ot the 57 j teachers in the district are also aiding , In the movement which is -1peeled , to accommophsh some, remarkable re- j suits. j At the meeting last evening a well prepared program was carried out} among which were several musical . numbers by the students From the | beginning the school spirit was dnmi-j nant and the large number of patrons showed much interest In the move-1 men I. 1 Eight Cent Meals Frvr Npw Ynrlr flans: J. VJi XI V TT XVAU (By Associated Press) NEW YORK. Jail. 8? A test ot whether a person muyjtve happily and well on three meals allay averagiiift a cost ot eight cents a meal began hero today with twelve husky police recruits as the' "demonstrators." The diet test Is to run for a period at three weeks. The men are on their honor to do nil their breakfasting lunching and dlnnering at the "diet house" and to cat nothing betweeh meals, *4 ?... .... I?? JV T i MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS. Uti V V 1 V I I PITAL "LEAK" INFORMATION! WEmW wjHi PHJP.! niaire, at left. on tin? capitol steps.! o give information ho is said to have nude it possible for men aetiinu an I [? note to clean up $00,000,000 in Wall1 i Representative Frank Uucluinau of LOCAL S. S. WORKERS MEET W SNOWS Interesting Conference Was Held at First M. E. Church Yesterday. A conference of Marion county Sunfay school officers and city and county teachers und superintendents of Suuduy schools wus held yesterday afternoon at the First Methodist Episcopal church on Fairmont avonue nud was well attended. Walter Snow, state superintendent of Sunday schools, and Mrs. Snow, Intermediate state secretary, were preseut at the meeting and gave interesting and inspiring addresses. Mr. Snow succeeded Arthur T. Arnold as stato secretary while his wife succeeded Miss Martha V. Graham as In :ermedlate secretary'. They are locat3<1 at Clarksburg. President ot the Marion county Sun jay suiiuui association, jjevt 15. ltarr, president at the conference. Matters of Interest pertaining to .he work of the Sunday schools of the county were discussed at length and plans made for carrying this work forward. This was the flrst time that Mr. and Mrs. Snow have appeared in this city and made a tnost favorable impression on the Sunday school workers jathered for the conference. SARAH A. TENNANT DIES. Sarah Alice Tennanl, aged 11 years, laughter of Marion E. and t iara Belle Pennant died on Saturday at the home if the parents in New Martinsville. She had been an invalid since babyhood. The body *as brought to Manlington today and interred in tho Beesuni cemetery. Condensed i THE FIRST NA of Monong A * Is r. j.lnnn <if l.llolnooa T1n/1A? ni vlic nunc ui uuoiiicdo 1, Comptroller ot the Currency. RESOl Louns and Discounts Overdrafts Foderul Reserve Bank Stock U. S. Bonds Otber Stocks and Bonds Furniture and Fixtures Duo from banks and U. S. Trensui Cash Total LIABII Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation .. Deposits Total OFFICERS. I CARROLL, CURRY. President FRANK NEEDY, Vice President LEE N. SATTERFIELD, Cashier I TK? j City and Chamber of ComI merer lo be Represented -V.v* , Vy'tWMpr I MAYOR READS REPORIS J Responses front Contractors Are Considered Sat Steps leading toward definite ats tlon as regards the new bridge eonst met Inn were taken at the meeting in' the Board ot Affairs this morning when it was derided to send three members of the hoard, together with a special committee of the Chamber ol Commerce, to Inspect bridges built and building by the companies bid- ?lj ding for the local river und Coal run structures. A meeting was arranged With the Chamber of Commerce committee for this alteration and at that meeting a definite itinerary was plan- "a ned and a selection n the members [ to make the trip made. Some time ago the city mailed to ! each of the competing companies a list of iincatinns respecting their abll| ities and facilities for building structures such ate contemplated here, ! i ills morning the mayor read the returns from those Inquiries and they were in every instance very satisfactory. The companies from whom responses were received arc: The Concrete Steel Engineering Company, of New York City; The Monongahela Valley Engineering Company, ol [Fairmont; The Watson Company, of | Clet (dead, -Ohio-. Hej-rmston, Howard & Ash, of Kansas City. Missouri; * | Sanderson ? Porter, of New York V City; Wuddell & Son, of Kansas City, Missouri, and Daniel B. Coulter. In dlannpolis, Indiana. Mayor Boven probably will mak? a part of the trip with the committee anil Finance Commissioner Barnes will be with the party for another section of the inspection. The Journey is expected to last a week and will permit of on exhaustive lnveeti(Continued on page 8) FOR SALE. Corner lot Bellview addition. Terms reasonable. Answer R, The Christmas - ,. M Savings Club The Peoples IB National Bank is open for the enrollment of Statement of TIONAL BANK ?|| nbcr 27, 1916, as called (or by the DIRECTORS. . CARROLL. CURRY FRANK^NEEI.Y CLARENCE* CURRY : t a