OCR Interpretation

The West Virginian. [volume] (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1914-1974, May 31, 1917, Image 7

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86072054/1917-05-31/ed-1/seq-7/

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IH? U om a
1 ^7 J
Ba&jacsB i i i -J.
.pCrtsBOjftGH;, Way 81.?There was
a faring off fn business in the better
MpSfc' class of stock!, on the Pittsburgh exT
J7&edat'85%.'trtfe preferred Was unchanged
at 99^. Air Brake was $1
K. tower^at 119, anlTEIectrlc sold off.to
i@||W?MB?affat'^W "Weatlfighouse
I |5' a share to 65
' bNPiA# cWw %Htheu't afiy stock be3&.
tog oflAred foKsale.
HfrgH Pure Oil and OMo Fuel Supply were
In ^telr^emapdf and flru), but the
I mmary for Tuesday
'* 17 City Insurance . 90 60
- 7 SJOO Gold Bar Mining, .38 .38
I 10 H-W.Refrac pf.. 106% 106%
VlOO-La Belle Iron ... 97% 97V4
|V ' " MS-MftTL 4 H ;... 198 64 %
Kc' 2600 Mt Shasta 57 .56
?'A 46 Ohio Fuel Oil... 19% 19%
I 849 Ohlo^Fuel Sup.. 50% 60%
J9J Pbg pll- 4 Gas.. 5% 6%
1(;K 1001 Pure Oil" ....... 23% 23%
Hi- 30 C S Steel131%. 131%
45 West Alfbrake . 54% 53%
* 255 West Electric . 54% 63%
BH-' f4000 C D Tel Be...!.. 101 101
lOOOTbgBrew 6s ... 45 45
P r ^ew !
NEW YORK. May 31.?Efforts by
B?- the jdiaMr-mtertssV to depress pricey
In Ttiesday'slrregular market met with
fa* lndlflerebti success, the list' rising
briskly'In the last hour and wiping out
P' ' many early declines ofr-V- to 3 points.
Selling of long stock by traders who
chose to close out their contracts over
is the holiday was an additional factor
Bgp In the unsettlment of the forenoon, together
with an abatement of public
??\ . Interest. ...
Grain-and Produce,
r, v, i -'"i ' *
i CHICAGO, 8l.-?Grnln priced
; Tuesday developed material' weakness
' otter an earlier show of strength. The
etiprt Interest had been greatly reduced
while the Temporary bulge was
la, progress. When longs attempted
to unload further they found little
demand. The wheat market depended
largely on the action of coarse grain
and wis'-urisetUe^ gn tha^tinish, with
Ju y at '32i03 and September at
$1.8316'., .'Corn closed %,to 2%c down
and oats off % to l%c. In provisions
the outcome was xan .advance of 42
to 85c.
Articles Open Close
" WHEAT-r *
July $2.02% $2.03
September 1.83 1.83%
nr. 1.42%. 1.89%
.September 1.29 ~ 1.26%
58% .57%
September 52% .51%
T, V. ,Morgan Dies
s at Mannington
ft. V. Mbrgan, a wel known resident
- Of Mannington,' died on Tuesday at his
lome<nfter an illness of several weekSi
He had been a resident of Manningion
for thirty years and was a prominent
contractor. He is survived by
Mb wjfe formerly Miss Hattle Millan.
and several siBters and brothers, namely,
A. E-.-Morgao, of FaifvlevV; F. T.
and ?. E. Morgan, of Fairmont; F." H.
" * * T\ A r~\f
nurglLU tuiu irii a. n.. u. auiud, w n UUUlyard,
Okla.; C. J., ofPltimmer, Idaho;
T. E;.wdf WorthingtOn; MrfccM.,Vi>MUlan,
or MaUnlnfeton; Mrs. A. 0. Kth:ald>'of
Wichita, Kan.1
Federal services will be held on Friday
at 2:30 o'clock from the First M.
E. church in Mannington, and the lo:al
pastor, Rev. H. D. Clark, will be
isolated .-by- Rev.' p. E .Goodwin of
this City; a' former pastor df the debased.
Interment will be made in
:he Mannington cemetery.
WHEELING, W.VVa;, May 31.?The
i, jowly elected Ctty^Counfcll .held its
Irst meeting-TP s^day under'thecomnlsslon
government/charter and elect
id C. MorganVestbr, A ttfefnber from
he First ward, as Mayor. His BelesIn
-was by unanimous", vote.. Attorley
M. J. Cnllinan-was selected City
P Solicitor. The new Council will asinine
charge of the city's affairs July
t. A city manager Is to be elected
lefore that date.
'~~ Timbrel TJow the Tamborlne.
The timbrel of the Bible was the In*
itrument known today ns'the tambo '
. fine, it was used in tayly times by
H" 'fc u? .Syrians of Padan-aram at their
merrymakings (Genesis 31:27).
I * '
h a am Second Annua. Prrraepmoe. Pa. .
iLs r\lML/ vjAij (I
Oil and Gas,
Late completions In the West iVr- ,
glnla fields are not of the kind to attract
attention. In Walkpr district
Wfod;oountr,~tH&Soirm,"Penn Oil company'drllled
No. 6 on tiie George E. Al- 1
bright, farm through, the Berea grit It
Is ahotvlng for an eight-barrel pumper
In that formatidn. Ip the Eureka district'
pieasante' coudty,; the ^TwelveAcre'
Oii;comj)an/8 tesf on the D. R.
Westbrook farm is a duster In thb sa t ]
sand. Ryan & Jack got one of the ;
same kind at No. 16 on the Hammett
heirs' farm.
In Duval distrlavt, Lincoln county, ;
the'South Peon Oil compahy compfet- '
ed No. 83 on the Horse Creek tract.
It is tbe average size of tne wens in
that district, three barrels a day,-In
the Sardis district, Harrison county,
the South Peon Oil company has drilled
No. 4 on the T. Coffinan (arm, into ,
the sand and the hole tilled up with
fluid 1,000 (eet the first four hours.
In Mannington district, .Marion county,
the company drilled No. 5 on the E.
-P. Conaway farm Into the Jilg. Jnlun "
sand. Tho company's second test on
the S. R. Arnott farm is a gafijer^in
the Gordon sand.
5 M
Interesting MetThg
Tho Alother's meeting" which was
held at Mrs. Griffith's on Tuesday af- i
ternoon was well atended and five ,|
new members were added to the un- i
Ion. The next mother's meeting will ;
be held the last Tuesday In June at
the,home of Mrs. Jojin Kisner on Mary
land avenue. . 0 ;?i 0 "i
Missionary Meeting
Airs, Arthur Ilenckle was hostess to 1
the Woman's Foreign Missionary so- 1
ciety of the Rirat'.AI. P- church.at.her
rnome ''on Spring 'streht 6n~Tuesdsy -I
evening. A most enjoyable session 1
was held during which Echoes were '
heard from the branch meeting and '
the Executive Board meeting. After i
this a social hour was enjoyed during
which the-hostess iBerved. most vdelife ,
ious refreshments. Aids.'MltcBeR wlri' '
egtertain the society at the. parsonage
nixt-month. 1 '
Home Frdm lialtirVor'e^l: '
Mr. Keener; pf Powell, who has '
in a Baltimore hospital for treatment, .
lias j upturned, here and 1% thp.QEfjegi* L
of his daughter, Mrs. C. F. Alalone in
State street.
From Cattettsburg j
Byrl Criss who has been employed
Ta fnn enmo time
Ill V. tUlULL.jl.JUl ?,, **/ ? i vi VVUV
arrived heie'Wednesday. Mrs. Criss
will return he^e later.
i? i. -
Mrs. Lynn Little and son, Raymond,
have returned from Whftman after J
spending several days" there with ref- '
atlves. i
Mr. and Mrs;. WoiterCoodrtlgtrt "are 1
moving today from the J. D. Summer's j
property fri Dianlc^'d ^.stQef: i0;>ljp .
Springer property on the same street. 1
Mrs. T. B. Henderson went to Graf- ,
ton Wednesday to atend memorial !
services. She will nrobably return j
this^YSB&g.itvv bnrs T5 vrA^' <
Miss. Sara Jacobs is visiting her ,
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,TiBranett, ,
at Morgantown. ,
Dr. Cyrus Bdyers.-iffc.'afltf'son, tFred, ,
of Triune, jvere here yesterday. ,
_ _ _ t .U \ .. .? Jrj .'
Mrs.\\Viniam KibKata ana cnunren,
Lillian and Mlldren, are visiting her ,
parent), Mr: Eb'd Mrs. \Villldih' 'Blown, (
near Grafton. ,
Mrs. Luther Steele and children have t
returned from a short stay at Little ,
Fallp and Mprgantown. Mr. ^Steele .
went down Tin's u'eco4ii?aftj5ad J tKetn 'j
home. , 1 . ,
'9 QUt'i1 T quo.y j
SALEM, "M";' jr., -Ma? -31:?The" air- <
plane ln-y)j\lch William Fry and- LouJa
Bennett,^Jr.,!- Started to fly yesterday (
morriingrfrom feheepehead Bay, N:- Y.,
to Wheeling,' W. Va? was, wrecked in J
Salemi driving pack bare. 1 Both, occupants
escaped Injury,vbut several '
spectators were hurt^ slightly as the .
machine crashed, into a fence on which
meh and boys had climbed to watch'
the flight. The ibachin'e landed to ,*
get gasoline and as it rose to resume
the journey one of the wings got
caught, in,a fence. .' ,
1 ' f | ' V J* i. i? v t
Followed Instructions, ,, \ 0', ,
Ted's sister had a friend call on her.
Ted sainted him by his nloknamd and
was told that he must never shorten
anyone's name. The next morning
came in from the poultry yard and
said: "That gray duck cats all the
corn because she has such a broad
?? ? i i
i i '
Devoes !
Varnishes c
Floor Stains and marble floor
finish made to walk on and will
stand hot water test. Complete
stock high grade Tarnishes for
all Interior woTk. Onr prices
are less than elsewhere.
Pars House Paint $1.50 "a
gallon, 80c .halt gallon, MOc quart
as long as present stock lasts.
. ^..Elve Jte%r.,wgiianinteqd. ,v
Paint in gallon cans $1.00. Sold
last year at $1.25.
Largest- line of Paint,-Brushesr best
quality;, Jo west prlcea.TV;, .
Save Honey?Buy Hefj^ 11
, $15; Ma4ison Strefit
L ; 1 -
/*rr S
30i ' ffl
lm be-, n/n
J b WBWBBrfifflYnrr*Tf1
This scrap head Is the end ot a I
em frdttt Ig France. Shell and mach in
Ing the recapture ot the city.
??1E j
. t<
Steel Lockers Will be One of =
the Features of the
r. ^ <A'
bath house completely equipped C
with shower baths and steel lockers, ai
wijh tUcwmipodations for practically a
any mlmner'of men, has been author- o
[te^b'y-ttfe tyonongahela Valley Trac- a
Eion company-to be built at once at its m
Baxter mine.
The hath house will be 45 by 20 feet,
will contain hot and cold water tc
iticikvert} and' 112 steel lockers 12 by ir
IS. by 72 Inches, in dimensions. F
After,the tjdlfi hoilse 'i? in operation B
the men can .wear clean clothes to V
work', uito'-llieW mi lie- clotnes U
at tha miq^ andrin Jhe eyening take a ei
5t^&Qnw?M>alh and chadge back to c
their clean clothes. It is believed the a:
hath house will be one of the most pop te
alar ideas the company has introduced
since taking over the mine. fi
- ~ tl
the. hlmojrt jUillbsopher, "generally "has ?
\Z~\ cM&hclAL NOTICES p
Notice Is hereby given that at a q
meeting of the stockholders of the
Fairmont Bottle comijany, a corpora- o
tion created ami ofcanized under the
laws of the state of West Virginia, held
iUtbfkrtdtnpw'st; principal office in B
:hrclryJ6f Fairmont, Marion county, J
A'es^Virginta.ron the 2kth day of May,
(917,''the ' fdllitving resolutions were
idOpteik, -> ? c o ' \ r \ I If
"Resolved, 'First "that' the Fairmont [ ei
3ottlb-Company, a. corporatlqn created | w
tnd dfgahlzfed under the'laws of the ' a
state- of West Virginia, does hereby _
liscontinue business as. a, corporation ?
ind 'surrenders to said.- state its-char-; ~
er,^nd corporate- franchise#, - The
Board of Directors will proceifd to con- i
. ert th<tpi;i?etiy, -shpe^s ty ac^i/Dft-and !
:11 assets 'oftnts tbrtforatlon into cash, |;
md pay and discharge all its debts, lia-,
?ilities and.qbligatipns; and after fully
llscharglng- all suoh debts, liabilities ,
md, obligations, divide the remainder
imong the stockholders pro-rata with
heir, spvprahhobi Logs,of stock, but no (j
mcfrpaytaetite shall he made to any,
stockholder until after the publication
)fth? notlde hereinafter provided: <
"Resolve^., Seconth, ,that the Presi-!'
rertt 6fltnls corporation cause notice j
if the adopUqn'oI the foregoing r?wiu- ].
Ion to be ptbnsrefl income newspaper i,
>f general circu'atlon, published necr >
iterprlnqipal office or p\ace oh b,usi- '
less) of this'Corporation, once a wbek
lor. fpup .succ^s jve weeks; and that1
ie^fdmiwIttMjMify- these 'resolutions
:o the Secretary of .State,,of the,state
>f West Virginia, as proVitletl by law."
QiVen under toy band this 28tb day
if May, 1917.
, , , Wr L. -^BUlfZeieiMAN. !
President' 'df ;safd Fairmont Bottle
Cora pauy,-)a.ilorpOii8,t ion. c May
31, 'JtinVv, If, 28. ' ' '" V-"
~ . t. - r " " 1 * 1 * " ^
f ? >J tv vUv? v v I . \ \ I. }
tr -,r> r " '. a!' f* lit i
' e \0 tioi III 1
< Concerning Yc
v '5 0; -i Ub O'wuon:..
' to?.ivAC-JEa
% - \ A /? ma^?our p'ai
. V> w ment a long wti;
V "4healthy. growth in popt
' j v V
V' ^ i
Tfee .telephone epqpyeer p
%^^7's i
Vance, anticipating'the g
; Hi? planning in advane
"imply a part of oar go
the public well. ,
e uWJ .
- t'lr i I I
<*. .***
- 2
ocomotlve near Peronne, at the weste
gun fire battered it to pieces dura
"8elah." p
The word "selah,'" which Is only n
jund In the poetical books of the Old a
'estament, occurs 71 times In the
'salms and three times In Habakknk. V
I Is probably a term which had t n
leaning In the musical nomenclature 11
f the Hebrews, though what that
leaning may have been Is now a mat- n
er^ai conjecture. n
At the May, 1917, Rules, hjrfd in the c
lerk's office of the Circuit Court, in >
ad for the County of Marion, In State
foresaid. May 9, 1917, the following o
rder was entered: M. L. Hutchinson t
nd others, Plaintiffs, vs. J-Iattie Em- I
ions, Defendant. Chancery. \
Object of Suit g
The object of this suit is to subject n
i a vendor's lien a certain lot situate
i the Morrow addition to the City of t]
'airmont known as Lot No. 3, in fi
lock No. 7, of said addition. Said s
endor's lien secures the payment Of 3
iree certain promissory notes execut- E
d to plaintiffs as a part of the pur- c
hase prico of said real estate and p
mount to the sum of $467.50 with in- p
irest from April 30, 1903. . " sAn
affidavit having been made and f
led that the said Hattie Emnions, the d
eferfdofit in the above styled suit, o
a non-resident of the State of West (i
Irginla, it is ordered that the said
lattie Emmons do appear within one s;
iOnth from the first publication of this fl
rder,tin the Clerk' office of our said tl
it-cult Court, as Rules to be holden tl
lerefor, and do what is necessary to n
rotefct hdi- Interests. E
It is ordered that a copy of this or- c
er be published and posted as re- s
Hired by law. si
Given under my-hand this 9th day a
t May, 1917. 2
W. S. BLACK, o
Clerk, r
Counsel for Plaintiff. s
Thla,order Is published for the first s
me May 10th, 1917, and to be publish- h
i once each week for four successive a
eek. \V. S. BLACK.
17-24-31 Clerk. 1!
1 f.
Baltimore & Ohio ;
JUNE 7 f
$9.05 1
Tickets valid, for all regular trains
and good returning 10 days including
date of sale. o
Tickets, including 5 days' board c
in Washington, side trips, etc., may F
be secured upon payment of 120.50 s
additional. t
Secure booklet and fu'l information p
from ticket .'agent r
? i.i . i<
" " 1
.. V
> f r dng?
.& J' V* * 1WT>:
is for future develop- w/.
7 ahead, providing for i "
ilation. !i" . 1" '
> 78SV r < ,".1 '.
1 ?MM il. n'lfA on/I 1/wtS.
UflUlB tut; DX4U auu, /ivwht
)Bildings years in ad-- ?
Ttrwth of tte different V
J ' ^
nJ: . - j. /
e of actual demand ii
V:v. , . :
neral scheme to serve
SAjvvvw;^vwvv- - v - v.
V i - i-.us 1
t/tyr Virginia "v~tj
214 Monroe St, Fairmont^ W. V?
... ! I .... / ''V fir. j"
" Vvf>
anmrij tpi7, in Thiniffflff fywft
henalA M64i6g-^OlMg>^g.-Mq^
, piainpti,. against ueua
Jorap efi tL )weDdantt,:\the underigned
special commissioner will on
Saturday, June 23,' 1917,
t the front door of the Court House
f ^Marlon county, West Virginia, at
o'clock p. m? of that day, offer for
ale and sell to the highest bidder, or
ildders, the following described real
state belonging to the estate of Ore:on
Moran, deceased, that la, to say:
First: Four (4) certain lots of land
djolning each other situate in the edition
to the City of Fairmont, Marion
lounty) West Virginia, known and
ailed East Park, a map or plat of
hlch said addition is of record in the
fflte of the Clerk of the County Court
f said Marlon county In Deed Book
to. 118 at pages 446 and 447, viz:
Lot No. -6 of Block 22, fronting on
he proposed extension of Delaware
venue forty (40) feet and extending
ack ninety (90) feet.
Lot No. 7 of Block 22, fronting on a
roposed extension of Delaware aveue
forty (40) feet and extending back
.inety (90) feet
Lot No. 8 in Block 22, fronting on a
osposed extension of Delaware aveue
forty (40) feet and. extending baok
Inety (90) feet.
Lot No. 9 In Block 22, fronting on a
roposed- extention of Delaware ave
J Jw ~ Konlr
ue iorty (tuj lcot tvuu uiouuiug ui*v?
lnety (90) feet.
Being the same land that was coneyed
unto the 6&id Oregon Moran,
ow deceased,' by the Fairmont'Heal
Ss'tate comfiany, a corporation, by
eed bearing date - the first day of
LUgust, 1912, and o( record In said
lounty Clerk's- Office in Deed Book
!o. 183, ab page 469.
Second: All those two certain tracts
r parcels of land with their appurenances,
situate, lying and being in
Jnion district, Marlon county, West
'irginla, on the north side of Morantown
avenue, In the City of Fairlont,
that Is to say:
Lot! No. 1. Beginning at a post by
Ife said avenue and a corner to lands
prrterly owned by Eveline Cox, thence
1 fin w 88 feet to a stone; thence N
2 W 20 rods to a stone; thence N 65
I 88 feet to a stone in line of Eveline
'ox; thence, S 32 E.20 rods to the
lace of beginning, and being the same
roperty that was conveyed to the,
aid Oregoh Moran, now deceased, by
'anriie'-May Rogers by deed bearing
ate the%23rd day of April, 1907, and
f record in said County Clerk's office
l Deed Book No. 148, at page 245.
Lot No. 2. Beginning at a stone by
aid avenue, corner to Lot No. 1, above
escribed, thence S Go W 44 feet;
hence N 32.W 20. rods to a'stone;
aence ;n.i>? ta n leei iu a siunc, uuior
to 0. Mo'rkn; thcg'Ce by same S 32
1 20 rods to the place of beginning,
ontalnlng 1:3 of an acre; being the
arae iarid ' that 'was 'conveyed to the
aid (bregon Moran by John Vanglldcr
nd wife bj1 deed bearing date, the
Oth day of August,- 1902, and of rcc- :
rd In said County Clerk's office in
leed Book No. 116, at page 101; cxepting
and reserving and in no-wise
including that part of the above decribed
real estate bounded and recribed
aB follows; A parcel contained
a the above boundaries beginning at
post by Morgantown avenue formerly
crner to Eveline Cox, thence, with her
ne N 32 W120 feet to a stake; thence
G5 W 40 feet to a stake; S 32 W 120
set to a stake in the northern line
f said avenue; and thence with the
orthern lino of said avenue N 65 E
0 feet to the place of beginning, and
eing tne same parcel 01 iaim iuui. was
onveycd by the said Oregon Moran,
1 his lifetime, and his wife to Marcus
:. Moran by deed bearing date the 25th
ay of August, 1908, and recorded in
aid County Clerk's office in Deed
look No. 154. at page 351. *
The above mentioned Lot No. 1 and
,ot No. 2 adjoin each other and toether
contain almost one acre.
Said sale of said lands will ho made
ree of the dower rights therein of
lella Moran, surviving widow of the
aid Oregon Moran, deceased:
Terms of Sale
One-third cash to be paid on the day
f sale and the residue in two equal,
nnual instalments with'interest. To
ecure negotiable notes, payable in
ne and two.years from date with lnterst
in equal amounts, and the said
urchaser shall also give good perorial
security on each of said notes
o secure the payment thereof. And
B-a further security for the payment
if said notes' a vendor's lien shall be
etained on the 'property sold to se_ure
said unpaid purchase moneyVltli
ts accumulated' interest.
Special Commissioner.
I, W. S. Black, Ctferk of the said Inermediate
Court,;do,yer'tlfy that bond,
rith approved security, has been givn
by said special cofamissioner as relulred
by said Court,
- - /II-,.1. I
17*24-31; 6 7 i/iojn,.
~~ # "
1 list,-Invest,
r- Ifoy; a, laberjty j j:
| Ix^.Biind ?
'-' Today
i 1 ' " ! ' '
We take lubacriptlbne
l*&d malce n0
! ' chirge for our services. !
S Directly aoroti the ^
,i r j /riitjnm cur former j r- |
one o?nt a word
glasses. Finder please: return to 21
Tan-ate Apartments. 5-31-3t No. 2407
WANTED ? Good laundress giving!
goOd reference; no other need apply.
Third floor Home Savings Bank
building. 5-31-31 No 11409
WANTED?White girl for general
housework. Apply 618 Fairmont avonue.
' 5-31-3t No 2410
WANTED at once, laundry woman.
Cook's Hospital. 5-25-ti" No. 22S4
E. C. JONES requires several experienced
saleswomen for Removal
Sale beginning Tuesday, June 5.
5-29-2t No. 2401
WANTED?Middle aged woman to
take .charge of home and two children.
Reference required. Call Consol.
794-Y or 809 Coleman avenue.
626-St No 2393
WANTEp?A good reliable nurse
girl. Apply 107 Main stqaet, 3rd
floor. 5-29-tt No 2403.
FOR^SALE?Four"~room^ q
bntb. For information call or ad- _
drees A. C. Kendall, Mining Machine
office. 3-15-tf No. 2027 0
- ...... n
FOR SALE?6-room House wun uain. ?
Big lot. Aptfly 325 Jefferson street
4-20-tr No 2235 &
==================== F
FOR RENT?July 1st, entire second
floor, north half Skinner building.
Will be fitted up for offices to suit de- !:
slrable tenant or tenants. Michael
Powell. 4-2S tf No. 2273 _
FARMS FOR SALE?For his cata- ?
logue of 70 farms address J. M. Mitchell.
Real Estate Agent, Box 2S5,
Parkersburg, W. Va. 5-29-fit No 23D7 j
FOR SALE?Farm 10 miles west of f
Clarksburg on B. & 0. railroad and
northwest turnpike; two miles from ?
street car line; contains- 1G1 acres;
about 60 acres of good, timber. Plenty
of pasture, good water year around. If ^
taken at once will sell for $22. This is
a bargain. If interested address Box p
21 Bristol, IV. Va.
5-31-E. Thurs.-3t No. 2406 T
28 ACRES 2 1-2 miles from Garrets- J
ville, Ohio, 1 1-3 miles trbra Ilirara 8
College, well built 7-room uouse, fur- c
nace, split cobblestone chlt'midy and g
fireplace, fine water, good shade, 8
fruit, alfalfa, 8 acres sugar bush aud c
equipment. $3,600. Paul L. Wilson, fi
Garrettsville, Ohio. g
, 519-Ct w s No. 2373 g
Notice is hereby given that on or c
about the 15th day of June, 1917, an fi
application will be filed with James 15. g
Cutlip, Pardon Attorney, Charleston, 8
West Virginia, for the pardon of Sam 5
Simpson convicted of the crime of a
Grand Larceny, at the October term, ;?
191G, of the Circuit Court of Marion fi
county and sentenced to imprisonment 5
in the West Virginia penitentiary for 3
the period of four years. 8
(Signed) SAM SIMPSON. 0
Notice is hereby given that on or j S
about the 15th day of June, 1917, nn 'g
application will be filed with James E. j ?
Cutlip, Pardon Attorney, Charleston, I fi
West Virginia, for the pardon of Petelg
Chlppiano convicted of the crime ot ] fi
Murder First Degree, at the Aprii S
term. 1915, of the Circuit Court of Ma- a
rlon county and sentenced to imprison- fi
went in the West Virginia penitentiary g
for the period oflrfe ' c
(Signed) PETE CHIPP1ANO. fi
l!' !< 1
Let's Get Together ' j|j e
NOW And Plan Ahead j (0.
: , |
ffii In the common cause of |j H
; providing for. the future?of jj
| saving now for obligations |j
ij that must bp met. ;; '
j;: Today Is prosperous enough
to provide easily for itself.
Preparation now will make j
lj tomorrow self-providing.
Start an account hero so 5
we can get together and ex- |
i| and how ibest to meet it. . .
| change Ideas on the future |ii "
| Whenever we can give ad- i| ~
I vice?It ip a pleasure to aid | g
! our, custodiers. j 3
, ?1 A A a! ?P A A 1... n
ly . rrurn x.uu 10 ^o.uu iuuH.es nig ?
lit a good amount with which to Mi 5j
yj begin aa account. |J 8
| 1
. . ~ : ... ~ ~ rr
I )\/ p I - SI fvf l I't
' T mm \ A AM AA * 11 ..
i i r?-Ji)JW
; heep^;yairo^MaLE;
VAXTRD?Tramitman, outside iwffflB
? - --
' Good pay. Address box hsi wwgiy
Trglnlan. 5-XMt No. VAKTED^-Paliiters
and paper hang-1
era 54.OO.per day. 30c doablCniBMB
Ipply Fairmont Hotel. S-26-2t No. t3Si^
VANTED?Pick and sbovel labomlH
on Fairmont and Rlvesvflle road. E
York will start May
.VAXTED?Four pick mlnersJ^^BjB
overy day. good pay. Apply at mlnfM
'oal llun. McCoy Coal Co. man
J-28-3t NO M|*ji
land avenue. Apply Geo? H. ShomaW- t|
t. fall 615 Con. Tele, 8-61-6t NouHUp
''OR RENT? 6-room tramenoued, OWA 8
avenue. Brooks S. Hutchinson, IMfJ|
'hone 986 and 176. 3-21-tI No. 206?'jg
'OR RENT?Groom ho'use. Fimt^ifi^M
Locust avenue. Inquire 50Z Lc^j|-S
and flats rlnsp'in RnntlKflMflL
[uire F. P. Kelley, Bell phonei\i021-M; I
company of Bellatre, 0, baa moae? S
3 loan on detilr&ble real estate,, ;JjM
'aul Q. Armstrong, Attorney,
Ogden Ave. S-29-4t No. Sn:9
'CXI SALE?One Ford Touring'^arifgfl
good condition. Price reasdSMMgJ
'OlllcALHfc^^One albjur.11?|
nev. Dodge car, 1916 model. Wilt is
rude lot real estate. 440 jlOBtWjHffl
iroot 5-29-flt No IMS |
. '.<
gentleman. Third floor, TnutMNfl
- c~%u "
yy HH
If you are, you will nee<L Bw3fl
Roll Sheets, Shipping1 SnfeetiAffl
Invoice Sheets, Tipple Sheets,'.S
and various other reconl shTODeV
noaH In pnwito^Mnir ?l>li ?imH
business. We have samples of g
every kind of form
Coal Operating businfess aaf 'W|
will be glad to furnish sample# .8
of any kind of sheet Or steelA. js
Call Bell 1105, Buslne## Offio# 8
OntflmAtriat JbiaWW
^ ^^^1
experience, Glasses IBrnUlied Ifc ?
one hopr. With
Representing Xubone Corsets, i
Bell 487 J 888 "MonnwJwMB
1 ' ''' ' ' ,GI?
i ' n
DR. A. B. SMipr? ^
Glasses ot alKklnds corfMtgH
fitted, ^tlstactl^imman^^l
Hall Block' over MArun't
Store* " ' - '"
. tvs&MM
"i own." tM,t

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