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The West Virginian. [volume] (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1914-1974, October 03, 1917, Image 4

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

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| r?]t West Din
Or the Fairmont Printing and Publli
W. J. WIEUEL. General Alan.
A. RAV MAPtL, Advertising
\ C. V. REDIC, Circulation Mm
S \ J. MONROE BOYER, Superli
Publication Office, Monroo
BELL 1106?1106 , COP
it ' All dAnArtmants raarhtul I CiKulit
I through """private branch Advert,
.../ 2S? =SS
The Associated Press is exduaivi
use lor republication ol all news cr
otherwise credited iu tills uewspapt
cal news published herein. All righ
ol special dispatches herein are alsc
foreign Advertising Represent*!
WARD, urunswlck llldg., New York
Street, Chicago.
BY MAII (Payable In advi
One Year 66.UU i Three M
Sis Monthe la.uu one Mo
One Year Ji.u'i i One Mor
Six Months ja.du j one We
Pt-'.H COPY TuRfiB C?
BY CARRIER? (Outside ol I
One Month 76c One Wet
AU subscription* payable In advance.
When asking for change In address i
new address.
Entered at the Pustofflce at Fairmont
second class matter.
I Subscribers on our carrier route
I The West Virginian any eveuiug sb
I TERN UNION." btale the fact and
|| residence ?nd a messenger will de
your doer at ouce. There is no ct
icriber tor this service. The West
to render to its subscribers the bei
T , Uvery service possible and this is
? o
VtP/HETHER llic people of Scranti
y\ of the Pennsylvania hard coal ri
war too seriously or not serio
prove an attractive topic for debating
- ?coming winter. The facts are these:
Ha Some meticulous individual conceive
women of the city who knitted for the
% as well as upon the other days of the
ing their immortal souls. That is natur
of that type are common. But it s<
rlr.likf* Wars rnmmttni/%alocl ?a a(Is??
which became so general that it finally
pastor; of the churches.
That merely made the matter worst
the gentlemen of the cloth decided th
fV necessity for such work. Others stood
all Sunday work, while yet another scl
is nothing wrong with Sunday knitting ]
interfere with church work.
And there you arc. If the matter i:
hinge on the question of necessity Scran
will clink just as rapidly on Sunday as
Winter is coming on apace, and if maki
its rigors is not a vital necessity right n<
thing in the philosophy of the Ameri
while you can and let your conscience
EVERYTHING that Dr. Amoss
r a to the physicians of West Virgin!
strongly to indicate that for the
the health of the community, as well a;
ests of the little patients, demands that
tile paralysis should be in hospitals sv
of the virus being carried is reduced to
It is plain that great progress has beei
of this disease in the past year. Anotl
work may bring the investigators to th
will be able to prevent spread in the or
in the meantime the only thing that car
minute precaution.
The success which attended the effort
Traction Park hospital should make
children willing to be separated from th
they are being treated, and the knowlcc
ment is the best safeguard against epide
1 Ruff Stuff |
Have you got down your little bet on
the big series?
^ - We're waiting to tind out how a
H tousle o' cure we know s'nnil.
V Then we'll back the other team.
|& ' There's some mild curiosity where
West Virginia doctors nre hanging out
I this week because the local medics are
'SwtVnore numerously represented In
the medical service ot the army.
Maybe their wives wont let them.
Buy a Liberty loan.
It's a good way to keep from blowing
your money for something foolish.
"McAdoo says war was too long delayed."?Headline.
Gosh. It caught us unprepared when
It did come.
McAdoo ought to stick to selling
^ \ lira. Henry 0. Havemeyer. of New
-tri , _ *
tint an? i* pum* waiing t?
\1 hM maintenance if there L
, HOMt-" ma
iWngN*c?mp*n/. N a circular letter r
T by the Wert Vi,
< v ' were advised to r
Uanaga*^ good advice, and rhe
>4**5" . (1^ bos' for an even thou
i n ant, f As Secretary Stev,
shortage and even if
price will remain higl
1BOLIDATEO People must eat in pe
ion Dopt.... 251. yean ,t least hogs wi
- nfi Dept..... 25t> ,
l Rooma if market.
sly entitled to the __ __vt
edited to it or not /""* L. GREEN It
t and also the lo v associalion, wh
11 ol republication Monday, that
' fegerTed' pany about $15,000
lve, ROBERT &. gency hospital at Tri
123 w' Uadi,on rich coal corporation,
======== bit of evidence that tl
'86 place. All stricken b
inca only) charge of the hospital
onihe fl.EC not in the employ of tl
nth ......... 80c ment and attention th;
mont) Much more import
ith ........... 80c that is important enou
just that much money
^8. ity with which the cot
:tirmont) with wnich action wa
outbreak would have
1 As we said at the tii
live old as well as the hospital was to bi
to the heartfelt gratiti
1 1 *.*== _
. Wee'. Virginia, ss
Governor Neville,
a regiment or resen
Si sign as soon as his ci
APER CALL governor is consider
' ' the army in this w
is tailing to get to be warned by the
lOUld call "WBS- N'ebraskan who tho
i give name and
lifer a paper to ot a commissioning
targe to the subVirglnian
plana Mrs. Henry O. Ha
it newspaper de- ing of suffragists at
part of the plan. not ||ft a fing(,r to ai
?gggj, because "she hasn't
for democracy whei
BER 3, 1917. ar? thrown into Jai
i - . was making a sped!
larly creditable pers
represented. The 1
strong in woman a:
wis: in either. It
his brains Instead of
of England won th
the nation that they
will come in this coi
an<* economic necess
right now by vrome
lf the active suffrai
will repudiate her a
New York City w
>n, 'he premier town a beUer and 8arer t(
igion, are taking the
usly enough, might Secretary M(.Ado(
societ.es during the that ..we shou|d hal
, , , , many." And perha;
d the idea that the natlonal situation t
soldiers on Sundays politiclan8. Romavi
week were imperil- up come w?h
al enough. People tary of the Treasurj
:ems that when the
a controversy arose ? the alTalr take,
was referred to the political party will t
| start ts it to be eomp
At lea3t one of j g|Dg]e Taxers and I
at there is no vital | w|U be a ??tch_all, a
pat and denounced (jCjan8 to mirth it v
decided that there | Ame|.|cajl politics ar
provided it does not j ,ca, history. In the
. , better yet. one like
i to be permitted to j before thc p,.C8Cnt w
ton knitting needles | accompi,sh great re
on any other day. i ^be flujd atate it is <
ng provision against j war>
ow there is no such _______
lean people. Knit ?
rest easy. oxiUl
"Tou can get any
\LIO. so nmeh by doing it
... i. i . ing workhouses an
said in his lecture ^oIe pageB in the p;
la yesterday tended
timq being at least Sorp boiling has
i the personal inter- Vi - lti'a News,
treatment for infan- The King of Bava
here the possibility preparatory to niak
a minimum. Leader.
a made in the study ...
. , With the Germat
ler year of research the personal encou
e point where they Bernstr ffft's turn tc
dinary manner, but
i be done is to take Finland la in the
and Kerenpky lnten<
, _ vr , to the Finnish.?Pat
of Dr. Noc at the
parents of stricken Can it be that Cc
ieir little ones while Fhr'-?i?!,thTe.
, . the clrcle7 If so, h
Jge that such treat- for tj,e m0ney, and t
mics ought to make kersburg News.
; York, says she will not lift a finger to p
| help the Liberty loan campaign. b
That settles ft. Put up the shutters.
W'oodrow, and we'll quit.
Considering the Sugar trust's record 9
for customs frauds and other forms of ?
thievery the lady is showing very poor
| spirit now that the government really
| needs the money. n
They're taxing the saloons out of
business in New York city.
Mention this merely as a tip tor some
j of the Jackson street denizens who
have been deprived of good livelihoods tl
toy the activity of Judge Dayton'a dep- h
Running likker through the lines
; irora Jersey ought to be easy.
I We'd miss you, of course, but that'll v
i be all right. n
* * * t
New national party being formed In ?
1 Chicago today.
. . .
It'll have friends of both Teddy and 0
' Battling Bob In it. , r
1 But It'll have to be bigger than any I a
, .
pr~^ : " :
authorize expenditure! for hospital
i another outbreak in the county.
ecently sent to the farmers of the state ~
ginia Agricultural department they
aise a war crop of fall pigs. It is
sale this week at Parkersburg of 12
sand dollars lends point to it.
art points out, there is a great hog
the war were to end this fall the
i, so there is no risk in raising them,
ace as well as in war, and for several
ill bring high prices and find a ready
>ld the members of tbe State Ho pital
iich held its annual meeting in this city
it cost the Consolidation Coal comto
establish and maintain the emeraction
Park. Not a great sum to a
but at the same time a very convincing
le Consolidation's heart is in the right
abies looked alike to people placed in
and the children of people who were
be company were given the same treatit
so called company cases got.
ant than the money outlay, although
igh when it is remembered that it was
saved to the taxpayers, was the celernpany
acted. But for the promptness
s obtained it is very probable that the
been far worse than it proved to be.
me the announcement was made that
s opened, the Consolidation is entitled
ide of the whole county.
of Nebraska, has become colonel of
re guards and It Is said he will reommand
is called Into service. Being i
able of a distinction; a colonelcy In J
ar is not. Governor Neville ought
experience of another distinguished
ught to make political capital out
he army during a much smaller war.
vemeyer, of New York, told a meetBaltimore
yesterday that she would ]
Id the second Liberty loan campaign |
the nerve to ask money for a battle j a
we who demand true democracy j
1 for doing so." Mrs. Havemeyer j
tele of herself that was not partlcu- !
onally or beneficial to the caUBe she j
nstlnct to strike back blindly is as
s it is in man, but it is not at all
is the person who is dominated by
hls feelings who wins. The women
e suffrage because they convinced i
had earned it. Full equal suffrage <
rntry because it is a political, social '
ity, but its coming Is being retarded .
n of the Mrs. Havemeyer type, and i
gists of the country are wise they I
nd her theories.
1th a thousand less saloons will he i
jwn. i
o j
> told a Chicago audience yesterday |
. e been at war long since with Gerps
we would have been if the interlad
not become the football of the I
ts about delays In calling Germany [
poor grace from men like the Secre- |
r. I
o '
i place as advertised a new national
ic formed In Chicago today. At the
osed of Prohibitionists,Progressives,
social Democrats, but ultimately it
nd while it will move practical poll- I
rill be an interesting experiment in (
id may make some important polit- '
hands of a man like Roosevelt, or, ,
Herbert Asqutth, British premier 1
ar government was formed, it might
suits at a time when politics is in
guite likely to be at the end of the i
thing you want by advertising; not
In the old-fashioned way?placard- ,
d police stations?but by putting ,
spers."?Sir Hedley le Bas.
o J
become fashionable again.?West
ria nas soin nis pearis. Vsasning in i lng
a quick getaway??Charleston J
0 J
i "Blush" fund dlscusEion reaching 1
nter stage in Congress It Is Von
i laugh.?Connellsville Courier.
throes of a separation movement, 1
Is to hold her at all costa. A fight <
kersburg State Journal. 1
o <
il Roosevelt is starting a new cam- 1
lency by his present swing around '
e at least, will give McAdoo a race 1
he odds are that he will win.?Pararty
this country ever held to harbor j
oth of those guys at the same time. ,
Hope It rains like sixty next Sun- :
ay. 1
Then they wont be able to play that 1
unday game of the big series.
If they play it the fans In the east
dll have the fun of reading about It !
l ine xvionaay morning papnr?.
The only thing the National commla!on
thinks about Is money.
The principal trouble about 0. B Is
hat the fellows who run It have fat
eads and no souls to speak of.
EAST LIVERPOOL. 0.. Ocl. 2.?
l strike of 7,000 potters In the tablerare
pottery of United States beginilng
October 11 was forecasted here
oday when the' general otllcers of
.'atlonal Brotherhood of Operative
'ottera announced that S3 per cent
f the union's members had voted to
eject the scale recently submitted by
he wage committee of the United
tates Potters association.
. - ^
* ' ? "
INIAN?glgtltOXT, wax
> (BY CO
..: - ?&"-*~
"' x is
** "^^(|
BO ^
v?a//< , ' i?
' How *SOUT TH6
WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 3.?C.
3. Deverlcks, of Clarksburg, was se:ured
an audience with War Departlient
official:-, who are examining all
inventions offered, by Congressman
Stuart F. Reed, and aroused the interest
of that body in a condensed
'uel device for heating trenches. It
:m? ueeu piuiiuuuveu a ciever aim
tseful invention by those who have
seen it. The Clarksburg inventor
ivas given more than the usual allotment
ot time by the board, which
jroved their lively interest in the derice
presented to them and explained
jy its author.
A notice received today by Congressman
Bowers from the Pension
.'ommissioner was to the effect that
an iriginal pension of $12 a month
bad been allowed Mrs. Rebecca E.
Sanders, of Uowlesburg. it dates
Tom last November.
A recent visitor in the Capital was
Jlarence Hoblitzeil, of Huntington.
Postmastershipa are vacant at Abbott,
Upshur county; Dulin, Wirt
county; and Elmos, Fayette county,
ivhich the Department announces
iteps have been taken to (111 by sendng
inspectors to these three places
o make recommendations.
Mrs. Catherine Ross, of West AIcxinder,
Pa., near Wheeling, and a West
rirginian, has been granted a pension
>f $12 a iqonth, dating from last February.
This was an application handed
through the office of Senator
Leonard Kaplan, of Weston, has
been recommended by Congressman
Reed for appointment to the Military
\cademy. Ho will take the examtnadons
next February.
After an absenc from Washington
'or the summer which she soent at
jer homo In Brat,well, Mrs. Edward
hooper has re Ine<l Congressman
Cooper here. Trey live at the Ra
efgh while in V'ishington.
Albert K. W? ker, of Sutton, and
Thornton Berry. of Gassaway, two
I'oung men wh" wero here several
lays to confer with Congressman
iteed about entering the aviation secIon
of the arnr, passed the tests and
lave been issued commissions as first
leutenanta In that branch of the service.
Speaker and Mrs. Clark had a distinguished
party of guests at a lunchson
yesterday, served in the Speaksr's
private dining room at the Capitol.
Mrs. Harry Chapman Woodvard
went in on the arm of Mr. Arthur
Brisbane, tha new editor and owner ,
at the Washington Times, and Con- J
gressman Woodvard was the escort
of Mrs. Buckley, wife of the well j
known formf congressman of that t
name who it- prominent in the work
of the Cour II of National Defense.
There were twenty guests of the
Speaker and Irs. Clark, all prominent
P9 Bll
You Try Thorn ?t Our Risk?If They Di
Medicine You Ever Used Your Sri
Why allow your body to endure ills, si
bowel, blood end skin affections, gen
constipation, sick headaches and man;
orders? For it has been the very worst fc
en the power and medicinal value of BUR'
doctors and most all the prominent medicii
nouneed incurable?but, if you have 33 cei
of BURTONE. We have seen it prove s
orders that we have absolute faith in its
You have nothing to lose. Your druggist
satisfied?ask him. Made in Ravcnswoc
Sold by Crane's Drug Store, Holt Dr
tin's Drug Stors.
- ' ... ?
lVERETT true
sick people, IN this
R6ST AND <5ut? T? as W60.
^ SENsei-ess Tootinks f!
> punch that morn Because
i'RS too l_/)ZY TO OST OUT
3 R.INMJ a DOOR ne^N,
?? But X'm not too
t" uxr to pumch
)N NEWS -:By
people In the Nation's Capital in these
stirring war times.
Among the recent visitors from the
State were Bernard Bramon, of Glennville,
and Dr. Hollo Taylor, of Clarksburg.
Mr. John Porter, of Newell, former
member of the House of Delegates,
and a large brick manufacturer, is
here on business with one of the departments.
Congressman Woodyard visited the
Pension Bureau today, where he took
up with the officials the pending applications
there of J. M. Shanks, of
Huntington; Mrs. Zerilda Bloss, of
lliintinftnn nntl Mra iJnannnnli
Thresher, ot St. Marys. The applications
of the latter are filed under the
Ashbrook law, and when glinted, will
be for $20 a month each.
I'. H. Pickett, of Shinnston, has
left for his home after a visit here
for the purpose of getting the recommendations
of Senator Sutherland
and Congressman Itced for a commission
in the aviation section of the signal
corps of the army. Through their
courtesy he secured an audience with
the officer in charge, lie will probably
bo ordered up for examination
within the coming week.
Xotlce has been received by Senator
Sutherland that a reissue of the
pension of Mrs. Matilda Buzzard, ot
Parkersburg, at a rate of $12 a month
has been ordered, due to the remarriage
ot the pensioner. Additional
evidence in support of the pend>ig
application of Mrs. Harriet Brown, of
Terra Aita. was filed today by Senator
Congressman Reed today recommended
Julian de Bullet, former West
Vlretninn nr. . o -n-IU ? t ?r n.HI
more, for appointment as an Interpreter
for the War Department; A. L.
Grayson, of Clarksburg, who has a
temporary position In the government
printery here for a place on the permanent
roll; and visited the Pension
Bureau in behalf of the case of Mrs
Annie E. Davis, of Shinnston, getting
that case complete and ready for an
early decision.
Invitations to accept membership of
the general committee for a national
testimonial dinner to be tendered
Samuel Gompers in New York City,
October 1?; to attend and deliver an
address at the 23rd annual convention
of the Ohio Valley Improvement Association
to be held at Evansville,
lnd., Oct. 25-2G; to attend and make
an address at the agricultural exhibit
Bumstead's Worm Syrup
A safe and sura Bsmedy for 'Worms
Stood ths tost for 80 yssrs. XT X1TIE
FAXES. To children it Is on angel ot
bottle has killed 13a worms. All draggists
and dealers, or by mail?98o A Pot.
Eat. O. A. VOOBKEE8, M. D? Phils-, ?'
prune mwrPTm ill
otmo iimoiLU m
t'Not Do Yon More Good Than All the
lggist Will Befnnd You 70 Cents
ich as stomach trooble, female troubles,
eral weakness, biliousness, Indigestion,
1r of the more simple forms of kidney disirms
of these ailments that has fully provTONE.
You may hare tried many good
jes?your ailment may have been Droits
left?make one more effort?get a boi
uccessful in ao many cases of chronic die
power to restore you to normal health
; will refund double the retail price if die
id, W. Va., by The Cooperative Drug Co.
ug Co., Mountain City Drug Store, Mai
- ' ----- ~
OBER 3, 1917.
and till eclehration of Huntersrille
District, Pocahontas county, to be
held at Minnehaha Springs, Oct. 17;
and to attend the dedication of a
building erected for the Maecabee at
Port Huron. Mich., have ben received
by Congressman Woodyard.
Miss Erujie Griffin, ef Charleston,
is a guest of Mrs. J. Bryan Nlckerson.
wife of the secretary to Congressman
State Commissioner of Agriculture
James H. Stewart is a visitor In the
city, having business with Food Director
Herbert Hoover and other officials.
Mrs. Julia S. Carll and Mrs. RolIla
Camden, of Parkorsburg, aro guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brooks Smith
i . . -
tor a tew day Ht the latter* apartmenu
on Colombia Read. They motored
here from Parkeraburg In Mrs.
Carll'a car and will return the same
way. Mrs. Carll la a aleter of Mr.
Monongalia Musings
Everything has Increased In price .
! since the war except talk and postage
stamps. Both of these remain as cheap I
as of yore.
It beings to look as though the
Industrial Workers for Wllhelm will j
he compelled to become very Indus-1
| irious if they escape the punishment |
t'cmanded by a patriotic people.
John D. Rockefeller lias evidently
noticed a few things during his long
career besides the price of petroleum.
Once he was asked why he was so seldom
seen at public dinners. "Well,"
ipplled the millionaire, "in the first
place 1 don't eat much, and while you j
non't have to eat you do have to alt
through the speeches. And to my
mind, the average after-dinner speech
Is like a bicycle wheel?the longer the
pokes the greater the tire."
Napoleon, while a prisoner at St.
Helena, said that one of the great mistakes
of his career wsb that he did not
! crush the Hohenzollerns. Well, it
would have relieved the civilized ^
j world of a great task had he done that
j much for humanity.
An Irishman has given this as his
solution to the world problem: "1 ]
think we should have a world clemoc-:
racy?with an Irishman for king."
Rev. Thomas B. Gregory recently
wrote an attractive article on education
from which we select these glittering
gems: "What the world needs
is the education that will educate,
draw out, develop the mind in place of1
suppressing it and practically destroying
it. We need more thinkers and :
more thinking, more people who know
the difference between sense and non
sense, between Idiotic pomposity and ;
sound logic, bet ween the things thai. i
ere good tor us- and the things that are ;
not good for us. Hamlet declared he
knew the difference between a hawk
end a handsaw, which is a great deal
more than can be said by the rank and
file of the graduates of the various educational
institutions scattered over
(he earth."
A bulky Boston bumpkin says
that it the food speculators owned the t
sun he should never expect to be warm
It is claimed by a military expert
that General Starve-todeath and General
Ereeze-to-death will have the big- j
I gest armies the coming winter. Have
mercy and justice fled to tigers and
Re Better Looking?Take
Olive Tablets
fl your ikln is yellow?complexion pallid
?tongue coated?appetite poor?you have
a bad taste in your mouth?a lazy, no-good
feeling?you ahould take Olive Tablets.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets?a substitute
for jalomel?were prepared by Dr. Edwards
after 17 years of study with his patients.
Dr. Edwards'Olive Tablets are a purely
vegetable compound mixed with olive oil.
- xou wiu unow mem ey tneir olive color.
To nave a clear, pink skin, bright eyes,
no pi- pies, a feeling of buoyancy like
childhood days you must get at the cause.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the
liver and bowels like calomel?yet have
I no dangerous after affects.
They start the bile and overcome constipation.
That's why millions of boxes are
sold annually at 10c and 25c per box. All
; druggists. Take one or two nightly and
note the pleasing results. I
! 1 Set Teeth $8.00, Gu
Gold Crowns
guaranteed 10
years $5.00.
[ rilling 60c and
j Teeth Cleaned
' e Teeth Extracted^
II 25 c. wHffiy
: Office Over 6 and 10 Cent 8tore, Mi
\ Your Besl
Tour belt Interests should be
, 8 account
First, you desire safety for yoi
Second, you need a banking cc
, 8 anre can be secured when needei
, \ The Peoples National Bank oiT
i It places Its services and facill
? Give us an opportunity to serve
\ \ On the Corner N
git unit ma
Hall Garage Company Hao
Taken Over Chalmers
Following tha announcement that
the Maxwell Motor Car company bad ? I
taken over the Chalmers Motor car ami fl
the big factory in which It is produced,
L. T. Cordray, general manager ot the
llall Garage company, distributors and
local dealers for the Maxwell in this
section of the state announces that his
organization has taken over the local
aeencv for tha Chain,era car. which
waa formerly held by \V. D. Ballew.
It li the Intention of the new organization
to continue the manufacture of
the Chalmers for a period of at leaat
flva years. The popularity of the Chali-:era
car Is recognized aa too valuable dH
an asset to he discarded In the merger,
..nd for this reason It will still be man
ufactured. Mr. Ballew who hai been H
favorably connected with the automobile
business for the past four years,
will oln the Hall Garage company as
The addition of such a well known
car as tho Chalmers to the Maxwell
llr.e will place this uulotnobile firm In
position to fill the wants of the most
ciitlcal automobile prospect.
-v j
Mrs. A. B. Elliott, of Brownsville, la
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. T.
Kelley, In this city.
Scot^s I
Bracelet I
Watches look
well and keep I
good time
JjJZttft I 1
Three I
Elegant I
Three good ones are described
below, and we recommend tbem
to all desiring their help.
Nyal's Cold Cream, Price 25c.
Nyal'e Hair Tonlct Price 50c.
American Beauty Cream, Price
15c and 25c.
Just tbo toilet aide that
should be on every lady's dressing
table. They are all good?
they may be your friends.
Drug Store
aranteed 10 Years. [
If you ?Ut tat i
ter denistry at a j
reasonable price
HPw consult the UnIon
B Our method! '
are the latest. !
WW therefore, are
Just a little bet- 1
ter and operatlons
less pain?
fuL j? -'%
,in 8U Bell Phone S21-J. j
t Interests
considered in opening a banting ' v i
ir funds.
innection where advice and assist- j ,
era you both.
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