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I IIA CHRISTN P| Filled With JBffsm* jam toy bean here, yon I Meaot what a world of r'V 'h ***** tM* w* Economy ?'-V||. -IHWN) !? tetiy for yon. POUR jfcOOHS" STOCKED FROM B^OOR TO. CEILING. People ' "M* atoply flocltlag to this Economy pi" ; With their Christina* lslts PS -'jwll DMi?e of o<w *a"t stocks and p??;',. : ?jwrep prices this 1b truly THE P .; STORE for you to do your ChrlstIMMUhOPPteg. I I I Beaming Today This Evenings Un KM If You Want Som tor Women E,v:> What could bo more Bousible . than a warm winter coat of soft, |i watty wool velour, in black, navy, , blown, taupe, groen and burgundy i,i ? Bieui, uuny, mr or plush collar? We have n group of such coats each, that arc really worth up to $80. At f 16.50 Girls9 Coats At Reduced Prices A group of about two hundred coats from our regular- stock and new arrivals have beev ' repriced away below their regular prices. Sites 2 to 6 years $2.98 Sites 2 to 9 years $3.98 Sizes # to 14 years $4.50 Sites 6 to 14 years $y6-98 Handkerchiefs By the Thousands Boxed or bulk handgerchicts, piled (lead high, booths just tilled with them. Every kind for mother, broth , er, sister, dad and the little kiddies, j New embroideries, new borders, < hemstitched; most of them in at-; tractive and dainty boxes, at 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c 76e, $1,00, $1.25 and $1.50 bexi mm I f A ON "ECONOt I ' ? $ ' trr*' _ I GHHISTttAS rut II 111 El HI ' M: ":<? rn?i | Interesting Holiday Pro' ?ram to be Presented !v W Tomorrow mi' ? -i"-. Christmas program ot unusual interest and which has required much C1 - preparation will be given in the High K.1 school auditorium tomorrow mornlug at 1^:30 o'clock. It will be the last i^hool event betore the ChriBtmas va program -will be as follows: I School play, "The Gitt o? Time," story F, Spider, double quartette. The. feature of the program will be the aohool play entitled the "Gift of Time," and will take up almost the whole morning program. The play la composed of many characters, with all classes represented. For two ^eeke, the members of the' cast, under the excellent supervision of Miss Pearl Hodges, have been rehearsing for the ^Admission to the play tomorrow Hunting is free. All visitors will be ftetcomed, especially the patrons of the school. The characters are as follows: Slather Time .'...Raymond Salvati Blather Christmas Orrla CurtlB Blather Old Year Paul Stevens Mortal James Carpenter - Present Dorothy McKay . Ppst .Ruby Moran Future. Agnes Talbott Months: LmH.s ttnefc. Mam, sh,,t. tlJes worth. Lucille Hamilton Kathryn Rlggleman, Martha Kigbt, Marian Xnimer, Jane Snter, Euplen Prunty, SJlxabeth Teter, Ruth Feathef, GoneVthve Cordray. Lula Goode. Night Honrs: Edith Hlte, Mary Bennett, Myrtle Hoover, Mildred Coogle. Ides Bo sunn an, Martha Johnson, ftuoes Ollker, Leratne Anltman. Elsie UMld? Ruth Pollitt, Madeline Brown, Days: Pauline Boggess, Frances HU1, Sarah Watts, Margaret Knight, BeEEans I ? t m* - Aosomieiy Kemtvesj I Iadigestion. Druggists MS STORE Xmas Gifts jHHk Store Will Keep Open til Christmas. e Practical Gift mil I IWWWIB??????i Kimonos and Bath Robes Women's flannelette, crepe and duckling fleece kimonos at ... $1.00 Women's heavy flannelette duckling fleece and crepe kimonos In endless array of colorings at $1.50 ! Women's Beacon Blanket Bath Robes, satin trimmed, tie cord and j tassel t.... $2.98 Children's Bath Robes 2 to'6 $l!oo Children's Bath Robes G to 14 $1.50 IRTHE sotfS \f 'yCoRN? * " Daisy Rosenmerkle, Ruth Johnson, Onal Smith. Wllln rllllno T im. Anna Lewis. Josephine Deveny, Metta GalUgher. ? WE M XL ? About the spirit of Christmas gtvl & n? sensible ami useful gifts, sultt your instant approval. THIS IS ttr M Every article purchased here If your wants are not listed Sterling Silver Hat Pins 20c. & Solid Gold Bahy Rings 60c. Ladles' Solid Gold BIrthstone & Rings. $2.00. vv Ladles' Solid Gold RlngB Set gg with genuine Cameo, $3.50. ^ Solid Gold La Vallieres, $2.00 and upward. fR Gold Filled and Sterling Photo W Cases, $3.75 upward. & Traveling Sets ^ ?5 Safety Razors W Collar Boxes | MISSES'D W We are local agents for Aleth [ 35^ chine In the world. Excels In to W decided on for Christmas, you'?w S: sach. Right now before Cbrlstm appeal to you. 3$ OPEN EVENINGS 1 S\ 1 I 22 (Continued From Pace Mines, formerly of Montane, a eoal miner, was the nest witness. He gave the boy a good recommendation. Mr. Carpenter testified as to certain 10 and-12 gnage guns being owned In the "community. He gave detailed testimony as to gun shells. Thomas Bowers, of Montana Mines, was called and testified as to a number of residents in that section having 12-guage guns In their possession. P. P. Lipson, pawn broker, testiffed that he sells 10-guage shells. Fred Wilson, a fireman, of Morgan. Mines, testified that he never heard i. at. ? .t.__ I iMiyuuuB uauriiucuMkUi iuo uvy p cuor- i \ acter. He teitifled that be had en-11 Joyed a good reputation In the community prior to his being charged with this offense. Mr. Wilson testified that a number of foreigners live In the houses at Morgan's Mines. W. E. Michael, a teacher of Marion county for 14 years, was called. Mr. Michael at the present time Is one of the acting county superintendents of schools of Marion county. Mr. Michael is a teacher at the Rlvesvllle school. He testified that he became ncqualnted with Connutte in the autumn of 1915. As far as he knew Connutte's reputation was excellent prior to the time of the alleged offense. Connutte attended the school he taughfc-v Dr. C. M. Ramagc. physician and rurgeon, the new head of the Fairmont Hospital, testified that he was acquainted with the Henry B. Morgan premises. Dr. Hamage formerly taught school in that section and has done considerable rabbit hunting thereabouts. At considerable length Dr. Ramage explained the ".'ay of the land" In that section. Dr. Ramage located the cherry tree mentioned in tho case and testified that it was closer to the keyser home than to the Morgan home and can be seen from the Keysqr home. The Mor; gan home is located back of a ridge I nr^l the tree cannot be seen from the ! Morean home. T)r Btimaw as to 10-guage shot guns being owned by a number of people in this section. Some of tho shells he used appeared ti< be similar to those found in the codefendant's home. Prosecuting Attorney W. R. Daggerty then proceeded to cross-examine .the witness. Dr. Rnmage admitted that he was u friend of Mr. Morgan, but testified that he went to the Henry Ls. Morgan home at the request of Attorney Meredith. He denied that he bad gathered evidence in the case, excepting as to the topography of the premises on which the alleged shooting occurred. He told of the purchase cf two 10-guuge guns one of which he secured and the other one Mr. Morgan I secured. Dr. Ramage told of a number ! of foreigners occupying houses near the Morgan farm. Dr. Ramage testified (hat he knew ; Connutte for six years and "he gave 1 him a good reputation of peace and good behavior generally. I Reuben W. Connutte, father of the ' boy, testified that he came to West I Virginia in 1901 from Lawrence county, O. The father said the boy's mpthi er died in May, 1912. The accused will be seventeen years old on Thursday of this week. Mr. Connutte said his father was a native of Virginia and later located in Kentucky. This evidence was introduced to show that the boy was a native Americau. Mr. Connutte said the accused has two brothers in the United States army at the present time. Mr. Connutte testified that he waB a I miner ana was employed at Montana Mines. The father told of his boy's visit to ' the home on the afternoon of the day I of the alleged murder. Connutte came home between 3 and 4 o'clock and left 1 for the Morgan home about 7 o'clock. Monday Afternoon After the court ruled out tho VE NOTHING ng. We are not in the spirit business. B ible for any member of the family, and OUR BUSINESS. i is exactly what we say it is. "If it do here, we will take pleasure in showing yi Military Sets Waldemar Chains and Knives $t.00 upward. liaoy Necklaces* locket and chain, $100 upward. !>ents' Leather Belts with Silver Buckles, $1.50 and up. Soldiers' > Wrist Watches, $4.50 and upward, guaranteed quality. Toilet Sets Cigarette Cases ^ Shavlnor Stands j Photo Frames I IAMOND RIP etone, Kettrophone and theSONORA ne, quality and workmanship. It it is a ill make no mistake'by calling and hav< as, when you need all o( your dollars ou K. HUrr JEWEL! 5 Madison St. Oj: jwtd8Syi?s&#ifc'^^^^ December 18,1917. OP SPECIAL NjOTE?Aj many as possible of our fi any especially Attractive < you that TODAY and TO the remarkable offering i Chine Waists at $3.25 ani REAL WINTER IS WIT] comfortable and of real s months as QtulSak i one of our 5lyll$H i We Can Truthfully 8tate?That: tho stocks that can now he seen li plenlshment sasbles us to keep tt CARD in point ot wide assortment Whrm W Briefly, these are belted or tul plain tailored or tnr trimmed stylei for wear right now, for they are i predated for their warmth and brown, green, navy and black. M las, pom poms, broadcloths, etc. *21.76, *24.75 and 127.75. WONDERFUL REDUC' SUITS?Also at Greatlj * At $14.50, sold at $21.' $23.50 and $25.00. $19.71 $30.00. $23.75 sold at $3C testimony In regard to the fox-hunt- i ere on Monday afternoon. Sheriff A. M. Glover was recalled. The sheriff was questioned in detail as to who was at the ICeyser residence after the alleged crime. Sheriff Glover testified to the finding of several 12gauge gun shells. A revolver was found on a dresser. Ho was asked liy Major Necly whose finger prints were on the freshly oiled gun. Sheriff Glover replied that, he did not know. Sheriff Glover recalled that Will Keyser had said that they were his fingerprluts. He picked up the gun in an unaccustomed place in tbo co-defendant's barn and so explained to the sheriff how his finger prints got on the gun. The 10-gauge and 12-gauge guns were placed on exhibition and iden-i titled by the sheriff as the firearms that ho had got on the premises in question-. The next witness was Dr. George Yost, of Rivesvllle, who was recalled. He told how Thorn had been shot in the back of the leg. Large wounds were made by the shells. Largesized shots the physician found' on the opposite side of the leg. James Ha^hurst, a brother to Harvey Hayhurst, one of the men that was killed, testified as to the. group of little foxhunters that were' assembon the "Henry B. Morgan farm on the night of September 15, when the alleged homicide occurred. He said be was a resident of Mononagiln county. He told how his brother and Thorn were assembled below the fire when bullets struck them. James Powell, of near Rivesvllle, testified as to the finding of bullets in a tree. Prosecuting Attorney Hag gerty maeavoreu to araw from tne witness the exact size of the bullets which he failed to do with any degree of exatcness. The answers Powel made to the questions failed to elucidate the matter which was finally dropped by the prosecuting attorney. R. C. Jones, the Fairmont undertaker, testified to extracting a shot from the body of Thorn. There were ] TO SAY i g I ut we do have a gorgeous array Jg 1 at a price that will meot with S ; Pi I n't make good, we will." & < ju even if you don't buy. g? j Ladles' Gold Filled Wrist Watch ! es, quality guaranteed, $7.50. V* j Solid Gold La Vallleres set with g j genuine diamond $3.75 upward. j Rosaries and prayer books, $1 ^ j liitu U];naiu. 3L| j Genuine Latausca Pearl Necks, J $2.50 upward. W ! Manicure Sets 76c upward. 33 j Meerschaum and Amber Pipes ?S J Traveling Bags 7K j Vanity Cases M j Sewing Sets ] SfGS $3.751 the most beautiful talking ma- ! t: talking machine that you have SJ' > us demonstrate the qualities of ; r liberal small payment plan will ; |; J OPEN EVENINGS g MAN I at I >p. Watson Hotel 1 | COURTNEYS' i we are anxious to have as iends to take advantage of Offers?we want to remind MORROW are the days of n Georgette and Crepe de I $5.00. H US?There is nothing so ervice during the next few Serviceable COATS a aver in our history have wo carried t our Earmont sections?constant r ?. icse sections RIGHT UP TO STANa and attractive pricings. inter Coats I flare models; full and halt lines; r?Just the sort of coats women want varm, comfy kinds,that are best apstyle. In taupe.'burgundy, plum, aterials Include woo) velours, buretSpecial prices $11.76'; $14.76 519.78. _______ __ Things Wo HONS IN SUITS - r Reduced Prices. 75. $17.50 sold at ^flffiEg 5 sold at $27.00 to P1,p . AA , AA Better Valuei 1.00 to $35.00. pri other shots In the body also. He testified that they were made of shot gun wounds. The wounds were in the right leg. Attorney Meredith asked Mr. Jones on .cross-examination whether all of the wounds wero made by the same gauged shells. He thought that they were the same. The defense asked for the recall of Sheriff Glover. Major Neely asked if )ie was at the residence when Jphn Keyser went to his home between 2 ? Save a L | Twelve J I You WGe | One Lum 8' J' SK You may joi Cv pla(!c 1 Members p SX V^ldoS A week and ii I Class 1A n Members pi & Cla8S 4 w?k, acd 1 ?V set I_, . Memoeri Class 2A %z\) 1 Class 25 Fixed Class 50 Fixed Class 100 Fixe Our Christmas club is tematic manner. The an burden, but it is large eno mas fund, and best of al a program to save by. Every member of the i -nonniaa ninlrala oviri rlimn L> WHU V14AAAV. jp Christmas Saving Club, ? $ a long ways in educating: 8 start in life. Remember t pt Read that last sentence | A SI & Four per cent js regularly or in a< Eg Your first deposit mak ?? trouble. I s I Fairm s P: [ : H. L. HEINTZELMAI I ; 8. D. BRADY H. L. J R. T. CUNNINGHAM C. H. v--_";? ^ v-; HAVE YOU CONSIDERE A SOFT, WARM BLANKI Our stock just replenish portuuity for satisfactory s for on your gift list $3.00, $3.50,: We h?T? little DOLL SHOP h aertrlceable?making an Ideal gilt ft 51-50 and $2.00. $1.95 ** ?~~ Tomorrow lNlSj TIME TO CHECK UP Will These I HANDKERCHIEFS?oe course, and such values.' KNITTING BAGS?Most attractive I UMBRELLAS?Always acceptable a: are sure they are the very latest. SILK HOSIERY?Nothing could posi pleasure. imen Wear 1 SILK UNDERW XUDiajl Camisoles ?.v. .iiji70| Teddys ...... .. ^f Bloomers, $3 to $1 s^at Lower 00mbination Suits : and 3 o'clock on the morning in Question. The State closed it case at 4:20 yesterday afternoon. The defense opened its case immediately by putting character witness on the stand for Connutte. Among those called were Dr. Fred W. Hill, of Montana Mines, who swore he knew Connutte 15 years. M. M. Malone, of Bellalre, formerly of Montana Mines, and engineer Cor the Consolidation Coal ittle Each Months in Cfa^^8.Sl BtiStgpa t All Your Moi ip Sum With 4% list Before Christma in one or more of the follov aylng 1 cent the first week, 2 cents icreaslng 1 cent each week for fitly nee > starting with 60 cents the first weel nd week, and decreasing X cent each we '111 get ^ aylng 2 cents the first week, 4 cents increasing 2 cents each week for fifty s starting with 61.00 the first week, $1 week, and decreasing 2 cents each wei HI get I Members paying 25 cents a week 11 I fifty weeks will get I Members paying 60 cents a week fifty weeks will get , J Members paying $1.00 a week fixe U weeks will get a big popular plan to encoui nount you save*each week is ugh in the course of a year to I it forms the habit of savinj 'amily ought to have their na s that go for candy and nickr md allowed to accumulate fi i young man or woman,and gi ;hat HAVING IS ONLY A 1 again and then come to this PECIAL FEAT interest added if all payi dvance. i t es you a full fledged member. TART TODA1 jl uni oiaic OFFICERS M, President C. H. JENKII er HARBY E. EI DIRECTORS HEINTZEtMAN PAUL W. LANQI JENKINS H. 8. LIVELY J. CLARK MILLER I Amm TkllivViia IthU WaaV ' - $1 SjpQu INlglilo XH1B ?Y 0CK 1 J4.2S, $5.00 I ere?they ere cat*, emueln* *afc 1 ir the little folks. *Oc, 790, *140, Oloto Silk [ara Maid Hosiery i i YOUE XMAS LIST telp You? nowhere such assortment! mad md moat uafu! and different, ad^tbese are just arrived so yon ibly ho more useful and tiTe mora mmmmmmmmrnm > ' ' t t ; EAR "Niagara Maid" * ....... $1.25 up to $2.50 $3.00 to $4.75 i.25. Vests $2.00 to $3.00 mmmwmmJ J Company, laid he knew the boy for \ J years. Both of the witnessed gate 1 the young man an excellent re com- II mcndation as to character prior to the time he was charged with this ,fl offense. Prosecuting Attorney Haggerty asked Mr. Malone If he had beard the report that Connutte bad beat a school teacher. Mr. Melons said that he had never heard such a report. Court then adjourned until " 9 o'clock this morning. Week? ; the ^ear ! f/ui l.l^ IO I u I pip4 J I tiey Back In 1 3 Interest j 1 ring classes: the second t19 7C iks will set Y ? / O fc 49 cents ?k for arty $12.75 , jp|? the seeond _ . _ nra?b? will kHB En *W 9 "" 8 1 i cents the K 1 * tor ?fty $25.50 8- il ?a lor $12.50 1 | toed, fcr $25.00 g J ?. tot ?'y $50.00 g! I age you to save in a sys- g j not so large .a? to be a & J jmiKe a mcejittie uirist- ffi .,.: | I regularly. It gives you - 8 ^ me on this club roll. The ?$ "M lacks,'if put into this ga om year to year will go - jw ;1 ving them a worth while fti ' U MATTER OF SAVING, jjf bank and start saving, gi ^ URE WM ments are made No fees. No fines. No S ."fl Bank 1 | MS, VlM Pre?ld#nfc 'jil MOLE. Awt CMhielb S'' 'Si