OCR Interpretation

The West Virginian. [volume] (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1914-1974, January 09, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86072054/1918-01-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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I Ihe Ihird floor
* t< /fV ! . i
I At $
?Coats of wool mixtures.
Some half lined or lined thr
At $1
?Coats of wool Kerseys
cloths, etc. Some haif^line
ues to ?25.00.
At $1
?Coats of Bolivia, pom i
ours, etc.^ Some lined thro
ues to ?30.00.
n/ucK i
I WASHINGTON". D. C.. Jan. Congressman
Edward Coop2- is >.'ie only
id ember of the West Virginia delegation
wh-_ was not here when Congress
-?opena ? after the holiday rec.ss. Mr.
Cooper .'s detained at home by the
grave and serious illness of his brotn?--in-law,
Col. W. H. Thomas. Bramvell.
A telegram received from him
today at?ted that he expccten :< start
for here thf first of nest wee'e Col.
Thomas is well known to the people in
the southern part of the sta'c as a
very wealthy c- al operator, and to the
Republican pj.iticians throughout the
state as one of the members of the
delegation to the last national conven
tion of 'heir party.
The following have been recommended
by Congressman H. <'. Wood
yard for appointment as cadets to he
Naval Academy at Annapolis. Md.:
Joseph Benson Markey. of Barkers
burg; John i amar Whitten. Jr.. (
Hnntington, son ot' Judge John L. Win?ten.
formerly of Point Pleasant, and
Richard Carter Kendall, of Hunting
ton. These *hree voung men wll i -.ke
the entrance examinations next April.
ill K*. NT
Ii n^u aiicdid'.cn *?iu uu uaiuvu ?*4 JWoodyard
within the next few- days.
James Lively, Jr.. of Charleston,
who has been located at the radio station
at Radio. Va.. near here, left to
day for the Harvard radio training
school where ho will be located for the
next four months.
? " .
John V. Fundcrbrick. of Morgantown,
has enlisted here as a civil en
gineer in the Naval Reserve Corps.
A hill to correct the military record
01 William >1. Cheuvront. of Palestine,
W. Va., has been introduced in the upper
bouse bv Senator Sutherland. "I he
latter 1ms been notified by the Pen
tcivu VUlUIMidOlUUCi Ui lll? v?
an original widow's pension of ?12
month from January. 1917. and $20 a
month from October. 1917. to Mrs. Sa!
lie Simpkins. of Morgan town; and a
reissue tension at the rate of $20 a
month to Mrs. Louisa A. Morgan, of
Fairmont. A pension application was
filed by Senator Sutherland for John
3D. Devinney. of Wheeling, now at a
Soldiers Home iu Ohio. Up till 1S.>S,
* Devinney was a machinist on the U.
S. Te?as.
Will P. Hall, of Weston, has arrived
here nn-2er orders to join the watchman's
guard at the War department
building. He was living at a Sailors'
Home in Ohio when ordered back to
Earl Jones, of Parkersburg. upon request
of Senator Sutherland, will be
reieajatl from military service. He is
now with the troops at Camp Shelby.
Mississippi. He is only 15 years old,
but lam for nis age. His guardian
objected to a soldier's life for bim at
Us time. and. as be ^-as under age, it
was oot difficult for Senator Sutherland
to ?ecure an order for his discharge
from the army.
Jesse Craft, of Wheeling, has artived
tai?e to enter the Soldiers' Home
Former Governor Albert B. White, of
Parkersburg; Morgan Owen. o. Charleston;
cx-Sheritf Trainor. of Doddridge
county; John B. Floyd. Jr., of
Charleston; George W. Jolyi.-cn. o"
Parlcersbtirg. and Riley T.'uson. ot
Charleston, are among the recent ar
rivals in the Capital from West Vir
p einia.
A bill lo grant a pension of 520 a
month' To Carl W. Dunham, a Span-,
lab-American war vr.terar.. has been in
trance! the llouee l;y Coograi*.
=i !
Is a Brisk Place j
hese Price
:tions \
In Winter
for Women,
Misses9 and
First, Come
b CO A TS |
And what splendid coats ;
tliev are. Warm coats of
all the cozy -winter coating
materials with cozy |
collars of fur to snngglo
into. All hare had their
prices reduced greatly.
, cheviots, astrahkans, etc.
oughout. Values to $12.50*
, burellas, velours.' broadd
or lined throughout. VaiL
iom, silvertone. Suede vel- |
ughout or half lined. Val- j
)RTtf? ?eoPv9f?* ^
sojuN I
r#vCoRNE R " %Jt
. . . ... - i
DN NEWS i:- :
; man Stuart F. jei'ti. Duntian; resUlre !
jit Weston. Tnrough'tlie Pension Bu-:
j reau. Mr. Reed has-secured increases j
for Edgar Trainer, of Cairo. J30 a j
rrcMntYi nnd Annette R. MOISSH. !
o.* Clarasburg. $25 a month and tic-j
trued pension due her husban i at the
; time of his demise. i
[ Former Sheriff aud Mrs. C. C. HeKinley,
of Kitcliie county, have left
[ lor the' - home at Harrisville after a !
J pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. R J
I Brown '.-inn. Mrs. Zinn. who is the j
wife of Concessit an Reed's efficient;
j and accommodat'ng private secretary. |
: is the only daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. !
Miss Catherine Brown, of Xt-wburc.
I has been recommended by Congressman
Reed for a clerical appointment j
i ic the department of Justice. Upon ;
1 Mr. Reed's recommendation, Osbom '
: heppard, of r-ennsboro, has heen api
jointed a clers in the auarterrr.astcr'
I corps and has arrived here to assume
i his duties. ? i
The Postoffice department has ac '
, ceded to a request Xrom Congressman
: Woody.-ird for the establishment ot .?
new star route connecting Grantsville ;
| snd Spe.icer. and an order to advertise ;
for bids for handling the new -crvicc ;
; has been issued.
A notice received at the office of
; Congressman Wocdyard from tbe Pen-'
sion Bureau states that an increase of"
$27 has been allowed to C. L. Boso, or'
Postof.ice inspectors have been ?li-j
' reeled to make investigations with a;
i view to the appointment ot oostmas ;
i ters at i/cn Lomond and Killaruey. ;
both located in West Virginia.
; Commissions as postmasters of the.
j fourth class l ave been issued to ..he
following West Virginians:
Janic StalilToan, of Kyger; Edward '
i C. Taylor. Lego: Mathryn E. Roth,'
j Bobbin; Benjamin A. Melton, Wal-1
> grove: .-toward L. O'Neal. Viacova; j
j Bertram D. Vvalters, Judson; Walter
, rt. Ervir. Petersburg, designated act.
mg postmaster: Edward L. Snyder.
i Cleveland: Frank W. stinson, lJensIey. j
j and Addle C. Basbam. of Laurel j
: Branch.
? i
Amone the West Virginia visitors 'r ;
' town ar.? JaB^s H Cosliorn and . t>.4
3fS | (P
K ( i guess ?
SU r V?ta.wo ?
2>wis. **f Charleston; C. W. Lyons nod [
J. B. Cross, of - Jklns, and J. C. McKin-;
fey and ii?? C. X'auH. of Wheeling/ ;
Mrs. Frank Hughe?, ot Ashland. X.!
C.. is stopping here to visit Mr. and >
Mrs. W. C. Ketfner* before departing i
for her home. She had' been at ?1-!
more. Randolph county, to attend the
funeral of her brother, the late Dr j
G C. Rood.
Congrf-ssman Stuart F. Reed has!
gone to Morgan town where he will ie- j
liver an address to the West Virginia I
tanners who are in the University j
Town in attendance on Fanners* Weel.*. J
? - - _ .
Congressman Stuart F. Kera nis .
l.cminated the following named young
men for appointment to the naval and
military academies: Naval Academy
?Henry MarUn Cooper, of Clarksburg;
Paul Russell Reger. of 1-orentr,
Upshur county; Claire Cecil Cantnvr.
of Harrisvillc; Leonard Kaplan, "of
Weston. To tne Military Academy?
Charles J. Shuttleworth. of Clarksburg,
sui-i Louis J. Llsta. of Clarksburg.
: ttemata. Srmttlewortb Is now in the
rlSth engineers stationed at Camp
Shelby. Misy. Another West Point ap-1
Trointee of Mr Reed. Paul Thome, of j
Clarksburg, has arrived here and en j
tered a prepa -atory schooi. He wil: j
take bis examinations next June.
Before leaving for Moxgantown
Ti-hor* h? i? to deliver an address, Con
?re;sman Stuart F. Reed oitn a
lengthy and impressive argument be-'
Core the House committee oa post- j
< ffices and post roads which has the i
Madden. Keating and other bills before
it. aU of which provide for better '
wages and improved working coud:
tions for mail carriers, postmasters, :
mail clcks and ari engaged in that'
branch of the government service. Mr. .
Keed argued for the reporting of a bill j
from committee which will give this j
class of employes higher wages to meet i
the higher living costs. Adequate j
wages and efficient employes was one j
of the slogans of the argument of the I
Ttircl district representative. \.vu
gressman Woody a rd is a member of j
this committee and is in sympathy i
iv:tli the various proposals looking to
substantial wage advances for ail;
classes of postal workers. In a col- j
umn article in a local newspaper a day j
or two :.go. Congressman George >1. j
Bowers cliowed himseif a staunch ad-:
vocate of this massure, as well as the j
I ioposal to increase the pay of all gov j
eminent cle-hs to meet the Increased J
costs of living.
Daniel S. Keenan. of Clarksburg, for !
a'tny ilc'tl clerk, and A. J. Watson, of )
Clarksburg, for a position with the
,:,K?: Docarvn fU'd reC
a ilUliC OC i V iW A * V? ? ? - - ?
nii.nienditions strongiy urged by Con
pressman Reed. The latter at the Pension
Bureau yesterday also took uy
ihe claim of -Mrs. Malinda J. Reed, of ;
Kosedale. with 'the officials, urging !
early an<: favorable action thereon. !
Senator Howard Sutherland is ansi-,
ously awaitng word of the safe arrival J
abroad of his son. Capt^ Richard Suth-;
erland. \ho. in charge of a company, j
r-asred -iirougn Washington the day
before Christmas for an Atlantic port.
Senator and Mrs. Sutherland had bur I
few- minute's with their soldier son!
at the train here, and the farewell I
was a thtng that threw a shadow- over j
the Yuletide festivities in the Suther-'
land home.
Inquiry today of the officials of the '
aviation service of the navy elicited j
the information that all hope had been '
given tip that Kdmtsnd Crowe. Park- j
crsburg :?oy in the flyers' camp at Pen !
secola. r"a.. is alive. Nothing has been j
seen or heard of soung Crowe or his.
machine after they swept up and onr j
tr- sea ' >? a practice flight. That was \
ton days ago. Crow was "aon wa ';
graduated from the TVashvxs'on ;
Georgetown University last June.
Robert P. Porter, of Parkextsburg j
who is '.pending the winter wth bi--;
sister. Mrs. J. Robert Anderson. <ind '
the honor of a few minutes with the j
President, calling with his hrctne^-in i
law. th t Rev. Dr. MacLeod. voi-ncr:
pastor of the Centra! Presb-. ter ax. :
church here, but lately pastor o* a j
cnurelx at Springfield. 111., and aow
about to take over a pastorate in St i
Louis. Dr. McLeod presenter the '
President with a silk flag which was j
g ade by a Springfield woman a-.xd was !
used to .'.rape the old Lincoln pew ir ;
the Presbyterian church at Spring ;
field on Sunday. December 15, of las' j
year, when special Lincoln memori'v 1
services were held.
Hon. Earl TV. Oglebay. of TV>e?l'ng j
is here aitendi-g a meeting of the food j
adminisr-ators of the various state? '
He is the head of that work in West
well: i -sef \ I rr'Jrr
or some woee ) VilHsUJ t
5 TtffcO?BOT. ie?rifti
4E SUoOtO All )|^?1 SHOVELED
I 1 " " i 1
January 9th, 1918.
I 14-50,16-50,1<
? Some New Arrivals in
I Fur Trimmed Collars anc
caded silk and satin lined
in beautiful high colors.'
value is almost double t
one-c!asp Paris Point. Cape G
or ovcr-stitched. These .we
TAN ONLY, and ;n siiec 5vi to
52.50 GLOVES
i' i j
!r stal!at;on of Officers.
The ladies' Order of Owls will in- j
stall officers at the meeting on Thurs-j
day evening. January 10. A fell attendance
of the members is desired. I
There will be cthe: import an1 business I
btslr.ess to t ran tact also, Lodge '
meets in hTaocabee ball.
Moving to Columbus
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lipinski are moving
from this city to Colum* ? . C hio
They have resided for some time a: ;
The Epworth League of t''e Diamond
Street church gave a social last
evening at the church vhi~h "'as a
very enjoyable e~ent. Ti? coc.ai was :
given in honor of JuKen Sie '.ley. of
Camp Lee, who is on a short ftr-iaugh
" bic home cere. Mr. Ste&Iov* will
leave Tfc trsdsy for C'amo Leo.
Very 111.
G. G Farrar.ee. of Haymon;! street, j
who has Leer in failing healih l'orj
some weeks post, is now very serious-1
!y 5U and his physicians have little j
h ?pe of his recovery.
Accepted Position.
Miss .Agnes A.met:, or Ree^t-s ave:;
nue. has accepted a position as book- i
keeper in the Jackson plumbing cs- j
-ablisho-rnt '.n Monroe street.
? ???
Peturned to Camp
Fay D-nham, who has been -r. the
city for a few days returned yesterday .
*o Camp Lee. He was accompanied bv '
Mrs. Donham who will spend sever?.]
weeks there. ?
Home from Oawson.
Rev. I. A. Barnes has returned from
Absolutely Rem?ves
Indigestion! Druggists
sfund mocjy if f* faib. 25r
'mm. ..1
( mats Fwe::
opp TU- / v_ 00 1 ovwE
Z 7J
-sew arrrais o- beth COATS and
meats yesterday mud the day bet
u Those or our customers who take
( more than satis5ed that any pare hi
. ne boast or. Constant special pun
cessions that enable us to Include
regular stocks, serve to keep our o
A'ool Velours in Brown, Green. Burgundy.
Nary. Black. Taupe. Etc. All
hare the Urge collars so much In de33and
this winter; collars and cutis
are plash trimmed and fur trimmed
and la some models all fur. Stylish
belted and pocketed effects, so comfortable
and sensible lor winter wear
Fine Seal-Plush COATS
1 Cuffs. Bro- djoc aa
Iheir actual AND
his January $3().Q0
3 PRICES?Ladles* Af/ __ loves?Pique
sewed ^
re in two shades of .
7 ^gjSES
...at $2.00
ed down In
??????J prices level.
Dawson. Pa., where he was called to.
conduct a funeral for a member o:
his congregation there.
Visiting Relatives.
William Thomas, of Camp Lee. is
visiting nis aunt. Mrs. Viola Springer;
and other relatives in the city law-;
ranee I .urn. of Benton's Ferry, and i
Arch Adams, of State street have ro-|
turned to Camp Lee after a short far-1
ioush at their homes.
Called to Forksburg
Mr. and Mrs. WilIiam Hawkins, of
Co":fas, were called to Forksburg res- j
tcrday lj- the illness of Mrs. Hawkins'.1
mother. Mrs. tlizabeth Downey
.Mrs. Clark Merrifield. who has been 1
ill for the past several days, is slight- j
ly improved.
Mrs. Free-.an and, chi>'. cn. of j
Powe'.l. are visiting Mrs. C. F. Maione j
and Mrs. J. M. Stiies in State street.
Mrs. I. A. Barnes, of Benton's Ferry,!(
has bee:? indr-posed the past few days.:
Mrs. J C. Stealer, of Slate --treet.!
ha3 retimed iroai Philippi wirre she ;
attended the funeral of her cousin..
Miss Netvlon. j
Miss Grace Poe has returned from >
Clarksburg where she visited her!
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Minear.
during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Kusse1! Xicbol?, of Col-!
fox, were in the city today.
- !
(Kesmoi |
The minor skin troubles to which
infants and children are subject? |
itching patches, bits of chafing, j
rash or redness?so easily develop
into serious, stubborn affections,
that every mother should have
R esinol Ointment on hand to check
them before they get the upper
haod. We leqnmurnri Resiaol for this with
the utmost coa?dcacc because of its harmless
iocredients sod its suecess in heeling ecxcais j
and similar serious sitia diseases.
' ,Ji
^ ( AOUW
( ?..cr .1^ VVoW M
v/ JUST K N. ^ ytAIi B
1) ! V 1
DRESSES were received in several si
are?garments you have not seen bct<
advantage of this announcement will
tee made will bring even better valne tl
:hases. each made at handsome price c
them with the reductions in effect on <
fferings new, varied and interesting
? I I .
' Enlivened by the oe* assortment the
January selling should be doubly Interesting.
These dresses are is Geor>
i gette. Velvet, Crepe de China, Satis
! and Taffet*?-Grey. Green. Navy and
: Copen are the shades most desired.
J Examine the styles and material* and
| Judge the true valuer
I 11-50,13-50,15Our
serge dresses at their
duced'prices are simply an*
dozens of items in this st<
their part in our
r\ * A ? a
unve Agunsi
Difficult market con
S%WyLyk vancing prices cann
'TBjyym&m Has resoved to do "I
2MEE& DOWN.x Our ambit
. . .. vice?in our line?ie
i dollars worth
:ks are crowd- endeavor.
price to hold
Shawlian, the big Shinnston center
trying for the Normal team -went to
Clarksburg yesterday to complete his
People are already talking about
uie Da?>KeiL?a;i luuiuawcui. ckb Muva
hannoti in March. Just a little too |
early to tell who is going to win.
Fairmont will have a good chance '
if she doesn't draw Fairview.
Errett Rodgers was In the game
at Morgantown last night. Seems |
pretty hard to keep a good man down
A catcher- by the name of Brottem
rvnifin inrnTlii
Wife of B. & O. Official
Pays Glowing Tribute to
Mrs. Westell, -who now resides at
Hagerstowu. Md.. and is the wife of
the superintendent of shops first at
Zanesville and Newark, O.. and then
at Martinsburg, W. Va., made the following
extraordinary statement to her
druggist a short time ago:
"I have suffered with extreme nervousness
for years, followed by sleeplessness,
despondency and low vitality.
due to weak nerve force. I have
had the services of numerous physicians
and tried all the remedies I
could learn of. but gained no relief
"I learned from some friends of the
great virtues of Nerv-Worth and concluded
to try it. Since using the first
bottle I am very decidedly improved
and shall continue its use. believing
t will entirely eliminate all my nerv
ous ills. I cheerfully recommend it I
to all. as it has proved a -wonderful J
medicine fo me.
Ilotel Vivian, Hagersfown, Md."
Vour dollar hack at Crane's drug
store. Fairmont, if Kerr-Worth does
not do for you what jt did for Mrs.
ZXEfciiViHYl ( ^ n '
op. P1PTEEM / A. DIME ?<
?-n) pop: y
it) &
T >* ? .. . '^i
fpr I
greasy re- 7C
Dthevof the ^
re ? d? $16.50 *
Rising Prices
ditlon. cannot be overcome?Ad
ot bs stopped?BUT this stars
IT8 BIT" to hold the PRICES
Ion to b: a genuine Public Ser
:nda us strength in this serious
J K. r
l-bas been signed by Little Rock. It
! will be all O. K. If the fane caa say,
| "He brottem all In with s homer."
Hypo-Cod. the Wonderful Tonic Will
Stregthen and Build Up the 3yv
"tem Quickly and In A Pleasant
and Easy Manner.
~Br> you get all worked up over the .
least thing that goes wrong? Does
the slightest jar or noise make you
jump ? Can you sleep well at night, - "
apd do you jump out of bed In the J?
morning? Docs your head ache, year"
appetite bud. and stomach trouble
you? If so. you needn't let It worry
vou any longer. Reiicf is within your
The average man or -woman who
may be troubled with "nerves" -win
often find that their real trouble is
caused by tbe system becoming run
down, blood is bad and sluggish, appetite
is poor, digestion bad .take
colds quickly and tire easily. What
such folks need is. instead of "dopeing"
the system with all sorts of pills
and magic preparations, they should
take some good reliable and efficient
tonic. )
Hypo-Cod, the great flesh builder
is just the thing. This exceptional
preparation is composed of the vainable
extractives from fresh cod livers,
with the sickening elements eliminated
by a special process, lime^uixtine.
iron, manganese, wild cherry baxk, sod
other wejl known medicinal properties
used for years by doctors, and In
hospitals for the effective treatment
of ailing people.
Used faithfully Hypo-Cod will improve
digestion, stimulate a hearty
appetite. increase weignt, cteor uxe
complexion, break np deep chest sad
head colds and increase your strength
wonderfully in a few weeks.
Hypo-Cod is absolutely safe sod
reliable. Hundreds of people hen hi
this section are using Hypo-Cod res- ?
nlarly and have been for the past two
years. Children like it and It does
them ipucb good. In fact they prater
it to the many cathartics, pills and ,
other doubtful remedies given them
which often injure their delicate stomachs.
Just try a bottle of Hypo-Cod todsy.
You can get a large size bottle tor
only $1.20 which contains to
treat the average family for wwdri.
Get it today.
Sold in Fairmont by Fairmont Pharmacy.
Crane's Drug Store, Martin's
Drug Store. Holt Drug Company and
Hall's Drug Store. *
) ^ l

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