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The West Virginian. [volume] (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1914-1974, January 18, 1918, Image 1

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- *' ' s "f
\. ESTABLISHED 1868. member associated press. FAIRMONT, WEST VIRGINIA, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18, 1918. topavs news today PRICE THREE CENTS J||
I IIIU Villi
I Government Seeking
Site For Nitrate
and Chlorine
; jficih mi
Big Power Plant Now Build
ing Here May be Deciding
one is setting excited about it.
but there is something more than a
I bare possibility that the government
will locate a large plant for the mar.
ufacture of nitrate and chlorine :u
this immediate vicinity. A government
official is in the city touav making
an investigation of the situation.
The government's representative is
, P. A- Rcnncr who arrived in the city
yesterday afternoon. Today James
! M. Boyle, of Sanderson & Porter, the
well known industrial engineers who
have been in charge of the Greater
; Fairmont Investment company projec.
'.-'if in this city arrived and with A. C.
Polk, local representative of Sanderson
& Porter who is here super, i.-ing
the construction of the Monongahela
Valley Traction company's great new
mvtw- nlant at Rivecvilie. T. H. pier
|| son. general- manager of the Create:
Fairmont Investment company he
went over the matter with Mr. Rentier.
It is the understanding here that
the need for this plant is most urgent
and that speed of con-,ruction will ha
one of the big factors in determining
I the site. This ought to give raincon,
a good lead, u is believed, for j lie reason
that one of the most important
II requirements is a large amount of electric
power, and the Rivpsvilie plant
which is already well under way can
with additions to the units now under
construction he made to till the biil.
All the machinery that is needed for
the Rivesville plant is nircady under
construction. Some of i: is ready for
delivery and the government has the
power to get what additional machinery
may be r.t cecsary for additional
units. It is the understanding that
the p'art tire government has in contemplation
will require from 60.000
to 100.000 horsepower. The units at
Rivesville now actua y under construction
will when they are completed
produce 30.000 horse power.
I) Two other towns are under consideration
for this new government operation.
one of them is Freeporf. X. Y.
While the conrtruction work is going
on employment would be given
to 5,000 people and after the plant is
in operation it would furnish steady
employment for 3.000.
Nitrate is the salts of nitric acid
and it is used extensively in the in
Idustries and also in'the manufacture
of high explosives. Plants in Great
I Britain have been turning out great
quantities of it. but that country is
danserously close to the exhaustion
of its supply of ran- materials. Chlorine
is also used in enormous quantities
for industrial purposes.
As an appreciation of his leadership.
Principal Guy Crigler of the White
school was yesterday presenica *un
a handsome wrist watch. On the back
of the watch the following is engraved:
"From the teachers and pupils
li of the White school."
* Principal Crigler left Fairmont this
morning for Cumberland. Md.. where
he wil enlist in the United States Ma.
rines. The watch will be ever useful
H t to him during his services for Uncle
Sam. The handsome present came as
Bjj a complete surprise and was highlyi
appreciated by its receiver.
The present was presented at a special
chapel exercise. Featuring the
VN chapel program was p.n excellent
B>... reading by Mrs. Carl Riggs entitled
"An Old Sweetheart Of Mine." She
was accompanied by her <Iar"-v.* or.
Miss Evelyn Riggs.
I The Wes
Copyright, Cleintiisst
Con. Edgar .Tarlwin. commander of
j one or the engineer regiments in
France, who faces reprimand or coni
demaation for getting his command (
I equipped and across the sea. without |
i waiting on the countless formalities;
I of war department. The record made!
| by Col. Jadwin in having his men;
speedily ready for service is the sub!'
ject of" widespread comment in army ;
Fr.ir.ous Pastor Will Deliver
Talk on War?Thrift |
Day Drive.
i I
i i
; As a it-salt of action tat en at last
night's meeting ott lie Marion County ;
j War Stamp committee, tvbich was held .
j in the rooms of the Chamber of Com-!
i merce, the government's thrift cam- J
I paign wii' get a genuine boost the last j
' week in uiis month and the first week
I in the nt: t.
! On Su iday, January 2G. Rev. Xeweli j
; Dwight liiiiis." pAstor of Plymouth
; church, Brooklyn, and one of the
world's most famous pulpit orators, [
who came home from the war stricken j
districts of Europe recently with a :
burning message for the people of
America, will deliver a lecture here i
under th*- auspices of the committee 1
and February 4. the day following the '
| date set apart tor a Xational Thrift;
' day. thcie will be a war savings stamp '
! drive in which the women of the city ;
: will be isked to assist by manning '
j booths nit he stores, banks and other j
: places where thrift stamps will be for i
j rale. It is hoped in that way that many j
1 persons Mho otherwise might not be i
I reached will fce induced to begin buy- ;
I ing stamps and systematically saving. 1
* - - !
Itev. iJ". tauy, 01 me r itsl odi>aoi,
j church, who is a member of the War j
! Stamp county committee as the representative
of the Ministerial Union, j
said that he would take these matters j
up with the pastors of the churches in :
the county and not only have an an- ;
nouncement of the Hil'is lecture made
i on the coming Sunday but would urge ,
that scrtnons on thrift are preached .
on February 3. Thrift day.
Last night's meeting was not as well :
attended as was the first meeting of
the committee but there was a general
discussion of the campaign and it was j
agreed that the proper thing to do is i
to make an effort to get as many War j
j Savings societies started as possible.
I City Superintendent or Schools Wilson j
in this connection said that it is <m- i
por'anL that emphasis be given to the j
fact that the aim of the whole effort j
is not so .ntrrh the money that will be ;
raised as >.he inculcation of the habit
of systematic saving. The money is
important of course, but much more
important s the creation of 2.>.000,000
or more American people who save
something systematically every day ;
or every week.
Linn Here From Ohio
i To Renew His Bond
i ? ??
; Showing visibly the effects of recent
; illness. James R. Linn, came in Fairj
mont from Cleveland. Ohio, yesterday;
afternoon and renewed his" bond of
$5,000 to npear for trial in circuit
court on March IS on a charge of embezzling
the funds of the Citizens* Dol|
lar Saving's Bank. The bond was giv|
en before Judge Haymond and the
; bondsmen are T. F. Tucker and WalI
ter Kliason. bcth of Fairmont. His
[ attorneys are Hon. Scoif C. Meredith
and James A. Meredith.
At the same time yesterday afternoon
Howard tV. Showalter. of Fairmont.
renewed his bond of 55.000 assuring
his appearance for trial in circuit
court on March IS. C. E. Hutchinson
is the bondsman.
t Virginian Reaches 1
Sam B. Montgomery Sends
Message to the Indianapolis
B. & O. Teils Lawson Cars
Will be Rushed jto This
Areiuate supply of coal cars has
been promised for Fairc.ont for "next
Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday,
said D. R. 1-awson. secretary of the
West Virginia Coal Operators' Association.
today. He was in conference
with W. G. Curren. of Baltimore, superintendent
of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad company, on Thursday
and ha informed Mr. Lawson that
empty coal cars would be given preference
movement within the next five
days, which would throw the supplj
into the Fairmont district on the days
previously mentioned.
There was considerable Interest
throughout the Fairmont district in
:he announcement at the annual election
cf the Simpson Creek Coal com
pany which built trie town 01 oanoway
on Simpson creek in Barbour
county to enable it to deveiop the coal
property owned by the company in
that section that the mines are now
producing. The company has ".500
acres and whe nthe operation reaches
maximum development the tour, age
v.-ill amount to from 5,000 to 8,000 per
Power to opreate the mines and to
light the town is being furnished by
the Monongaheia Valley Traction company
wh'ch ran a high power transmission
iine from Bridgeport to Galloway
for the punose last summer.
The company election resulted in
the reelection of the old board of directors:
J. W. Galloway, of Baltimore:
John T. Manjon. of Xew Haven:
George Paul!, of Pittsburg: J. E.
McGowan. of Xew York, and David
Williamson, of Wendel. W. V. The
officers of the company immediately
reelected by the directors are J. W.
Galloway, president: Mr. David Williamson.
first vice president: Mr. Gordon
Smith, of Baltimore, second vice
president: Mr. J. E. McGowan, secretary
and treasurer, and Mr. If. S.
Dodgers, of Xew York assistant secretary
hnd treasurer.
These properties will be developed
as rap'dly as possible and considerable
new capital will be put tinto them.
New Coal Company.
Among the charters granted at
Charleston this week was one to the
Weston Fuel Company, of Fairmont,
to operate mines in Lewis county; capital
stock S25.?00: incorporators. B.
F'. Evans. \V. D. Evans. W. H. Spedden.
Ernest McCoy. Fairmont; and H.
L. Ice. of Enterprise. W. Va.
Bad in Other Districts Too.
A telegram from Sam pel B. Montgomery.
commissioner of labor for
West Virginia to the convention of the
United mine workers of America sit
ring in maianapons piatinp uu uu
Wednesday in out of 162 mines in
The Kanawha district were idle throwing
out of employment S700 men and
in the Clarksburg district 107 mines
out of 143 were shut down making
7.447 men idle, was received and read
today by Frank J. Hayes, president
of the mine workers according to dispatches
from there. The telegram
stated the loss of production amounted
to 1O4.S00 tons due to car shortage.
"This continues daily** the message
said "there has not been the slightes
improvement since the government
too kover control of the railroads,
Food prices amount higher and great
unrest exists in the coal fields as men
who want work and cannot get it see
their ability to purchaso needed food
for their families reduced one half.
This is the most serious matter confronting
the United mine workers convention.
Mr. Hayes sal dto the delegats "this
i sone answer we have to make to our
critics- who hold miners responsible
for the coal famine."
Deny Loitering,. Will
G-et Hearing Tonight
Policemen Seamon and Ford yesterday
evening arrested Ella Moats, colored.
and Cecil Miller, white, charged
with loitering. They were both taken
to the city jail and lovcekd up over
They were brought before Mayor
Bowen at the nine o'clock session of
police court this morning. They both
denied the charges. The trial was
postponed until this evening when the
policemen wil be summoned tor evidence.
!nto the Homes of Ft
T~ . ' ?
: APPl
' i
i to. jy right. Underwood & Cnderwouu. j
Major Vincent shares with Major:
. Hj!I the distinction of creating the fa-!
moils Liberty Motor that is expected'
! to prove an important factor in wiu-j
j ning the war for Uncle Sam.
: Before entering the National Service I
I Maojr Vincent was vice-president of i
I the Packford Motor Car Co.. of De|
troit. His Iiame is also in Detroit.
1aie sm for
i sas cosfehenge
? ... \ f
: Representatives of Big Com
panics Delayed by Trains
Running Late.
Cnferees at the natural gas conference
al The Fairmont .his afternoon j
felt that the operating companies I
| would endeavor to retain ti* full gas j
| supply for a joining states on tho j
j claim that it was necessary to furnish
; gas for plants engaged in the manu- |
; lacture of munitions for the United !
States government.
One of the active spirits in the
hanks of the consumers said today,
"we are fighting for a principal and
! not for an immediate condition necesj
' With a brace of trains running late
I this afternoon it is a inestion with
| the conference will get started mucn ;
before 3 o'clock. John Pue, of Pitts- j
j burgh, president of the Hope Nalur t j
i Gas company, and Joseph Guffey, of I
| Pittsburgh, "ice president and general !
i manager of the Philadelphia Natural!
j Gas company, are expected but be- j
| cause trains running late may not get j
here until late this afternoon.
Other natural gas operators pres- i
ent are: John Koblegard and Frank [
Haymaker, both of Clarksburg, being r
officials of the Clarksburg Light and
Heat company, the distributing company
in Clarksburg for the Hope Natural
Gas company; J. E. Robinson, secretary
of the West Virginia Gas Producers*
Association, and Gene King,
who represents the Huntmgton Gas
and Development company. Consumers
represented at the meeting
are as follows: R. T. Cunningham,
secretary and treasurer of the Monongah
Glass company, president of the
i West Virginia Gas Consumers' Asso- j
I . r- ?- nf HarVa.
burg, secretary of the same associa-!
tion; John B. Yates, of Pennsboro;
Former Governor W. E. Glasscocjk, of I
1 Mrogantown; Earl Travis, of Clarks-i
! burg, of the Travis Glass company; i
' Hon. O. S. MoTfcney and E..W. Evans, I
secretary of the Fairmont Chamber j
of Commerce, and Hon- W". Scott Mere- j
, dith. attorney for the West Virginia |
Gas Consumer* Association.
This morning the consumers meet!
! at the rooms of the Chamber of Com- j
raerce at which time the affairs of t}ie !
West Virginia Consumers' Association
were discussed and plans were made,
which will be presented at this after:
noon's conference with the gas operators.
The morning meeting was attended
by Messrs. Cunningham, Dudderar,
McKinney. Meredith, Glasscock,
Travis. Yates and Evans.
John Reed Joins the
Rev. Bob Jones Forces
John Reed, who has been stationed
with the army Y. M. C. A. at Camp
Sheriman, Montgomery. Ala., for^the
past several months, has resigned that
position and accepted a position as
singer for Bob Jones, the evangelist.
! Mr. Reed will arrive home tonight or
tomorrow having left Montgomery
Wednesday and will spend some time
here with bis parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Reed, before reporting for duty.
mmont's Best Peopk
Some Other Modifications in j
the Original Order Ex- J
niLUUIl Uinnuu i ni
Not Even Thinking of Interfering
With Garfield,
Says Statement.
(Bv Associated Press)
WASHINGTON". Jan. IS ?It was
stated officially early today that
President Wilson is not even
considering interfering -with the
fuel restriction order and feels
that the country will be satisfied
with its necessity.
WASHINGTON". Jan. IS.?All principal
munitions plants will be permitted
to work at full capacity under the i
fuel restriction order. As announced
last night by the fuel administration
only portions of the plants making
condenser tubes would have been permitted
to operate. It was an official
mistake. All the Dupont powder
plants of IS other great companies
mentioned ir^'ast night's official announcement
as being restricted to the
manufacture of condenser tubes are
by the official modification today perwittorl
tr? run full Mast
It is understood that some additions
to the excepted list will be named today.
Meanwhile the fuel administration
is concentrating its efforts on clearing
up the shipping congestion.
From the flood of ;>.^iicatfons f<%
exemption piling in ii. appears
steel mills and- Wollen plants making"
cloth for soldiers uniforms would receive
favorable action probably being
added to the list.
It was ordered today that only one
ice making plant may operate in anyone
place. The exempted plant however
will be required to furnish its
products to the closed ice plant at
production costs.
fCASHINGTOX. Jan. 18.?America
felt the pinch of war perhaps for the
first time today with its industries
hanging idle under the fuel administration's
order, issued to relieve the
coal shortage and release fuel for
ships loaded with supplies for the
Amencan arm#and the Allies.
Coal operators under contract to
supply industries will not. be shut
down. Orders from the fuel administration
instructs them to ship their
coal as usual consigning It to the state
fuel administration with drafts attached.
The Government will buy all
coal mined where industries are forbidden
to receive it. A sum of $25.000,000
will be set aside for the puropse.
"It Is my understanding" said Mr.
Hoover "that the order does not include
grain elevators, grain miys,
bakeries, stock yards, meat packing
establishments, coal storage plants.
sugar factories or any other form of
the food industry.
In special orders issued by the fuel
administration last night concerns
packing, canning milk and roasting
coffee for government contracts also
are exempted. Manufacturers of optical
glass are allowed to operate on
government orders.
Announcement that the use of all
forms of fuel. wood, oil or natural gas
as well as coal would be prohibited
caused considerable confusion today'
and strenuous efforts are'promlsed to
have wood, oil natural gas and water
power users exemtped.
WASHINGTON', Jan. IS.?A wave of
indignant protest against the government's
drastic fuel restriction order,
which swept over Congress yesterday
culminated in the adoption by Ah'e
o SA tn 1Q of ft rfsolu
cciiaic tvu<au?* ww ?wr ?
tion requesting a five day suspension
of the orders. EiTdft to get a vote
on a: similar resolution in the House
was blocked by objection.
It was 6 o'clock and Just about the
time the fuel administrator's formal
order was made public that the Senate
adopted the Hitchcock resolution.
The resolution adopted by the Senate
50 to 19 follows:
"Resolved, that the fuel administrator
of the United States be. and he is
hereby requested to delay for five days
the order suspending the operation of
industrial plants In portions of the
United States, in order that protests
may be heard, investigation made and
information presented."
CHARLESTON*. Jan. IS.?An audit
was issued yesterday by State Tax
Commissioner W. S. Hallanan. covering
the accounts of Marion cornty.
The audit covers the sheriff's accounts
from January 1. 1913, to December 31.
1916. and shows the sum of 51.356.74
still due the county and districts from
former Sheriff H. R. Furbee, found
by former audit. J
i Is it Carrying You;
I Copyright, Underwood & Untfervood.
VT. Cameron Forbes, former GovI
ernor-General of the Philippines, was
selected president, of the Vary League
to succeed Colonel Robt. >1. Thomson.
Coroners Jury So Decides
After Inquest Held at
After a long inquest held at Mannington
yesterday the jury appointed
by Coroner Frank Lloyd, decided- that
Oscar Hoy. the young man who was
, killed at Mannington earlier the
I week met his death as a result ot
[ negligence on the part of the BaltiI
more and Ohio Railroad company in
I i-atii rrew. Hoy was killed when
he was struck by a passing; freight
train as he was crossing the Baltimore
railroad track on Water street in
Mannington. Evidence brought out
that the train crew had given Hoy no
warning whatever and were negligent
in their manner of passing the public
The train which struck Hoy was a
special freight, number 4170. and was
in charge of Conductor Hecks and Engineer
Isenbath. Evidence in the case
was given by the following persons:
Cleo Haught. E. O. Murray. J. G. Morris.
H. C. Andrews. W. G. Norman. Van
I Moore, James Clelland. J. D. Charlton,
F. H. Bell, C. R- Moranville, L. H.
Boo re.
The verditc of the jury follows:
"We. the Jury have decided that Oscar
Hoy met his death from the effects of
being struck by a Baltimore and Ohio
train through negligence of the Baltimore
and Ohio railroad in the train
The Jurors In the case are as follows:
Coroner Frank Lloyd. L. Snider,
C. B. Kendall. L. H. Clelland. Elmer
Masters. T. L. Storm, E. M. Yost.
Pursuant to a request Judge William
S: Maymond. chairman of the Legal
Advisory committee, has prepared
a list of ail the lawyers of the county
who haya sacrificed time and labor in
the questionnaire work without a
cent's worth of compensation and
mailed the same to Hon Wells Goodykoontz
.o Williamson, Mingo county,
president of the West Virginia State
Bar Association. Mr. Goodykoontz
will send them to the secretary of the
National Bar Associaticn with headquarters
in Washington, D. C. Similar
information has been gathered
from all parts of the country as a proot
of the lawyers' loyalty and the sacrifice
made by the attorneys.
. The aames from Marion county will
contain practically every member of
the legal profession. All of the men
on the loo did good -work. Personal
practices were cast asia * and they devoted
from eight to twelve hours work
dally to -.he work.
All members of Fairmont Lodge
No. 9 Loyal Order of Moose, are
requested to meet on Saturday.
January 19 at 11 o'clock at Moose
home. 418 Jefferson street, to attend
the funeral of Brdther George
Klbbe which will be held at Watson.
j RAT B. HARDEN".. Secretary.
r Advertisements Tk
CLASS plahts and i
uidis our I
: mm h I
l Stores. Theatres and" ManJ
: - Other Places Mast Close .?3fl
UmillLU IU n UUtfi ninii
Reports That There is Very
Little Opposition in.
West Virginia.
factories as well as laundries
arc r.ot included in the rutins of Fuel
: Administrator Garfield, according to
information received by State Fuel ?".IS
i Administrator J. Walter Barnes this H
morning. The order making the
! change caino direct from the Fuel ad;
ministration office at Washington.
Immediately Administrator Barnes
sent out the ruling to all of the county |S
chairman in the state. ...
Early this moming instructions -were .
. received from Washington stating that
, all laundries would be permitted to
i continue operation only Jong enoug*
j to finish their present washings and
I under no circumstances would they he|
permitted to receive additional lanni
dry. Shortly before neon today'an .1/3
amended notice was received stating
that ail laundries would be permitted
to continue operation and that they
were in no way affected by the na- ~
tional ruling.
Glass factories and plants will also,
be permitted to continue their operation
according to the latest report received*
at the state fuel administration
office. . ;
Hundreds of telephone calls and:
telegrams were received from all see- j*
tions of the state by Mr. Barnes this S I
! morning. The chief misunderstanding
; seemed to be as to whether the ruling
affected plants operating on gas.
After the first few calls to this effect
a telegram of inquiry was sent to tho.
office at Washington. The following
I telegram was then received: c -w
ij. Walter Barnes. . ffH *J:
Fairmont, W. Va. , &
j Answering wire. Present order hi
i designed 10 restrict, uxc UD^ V*. <h?
i kinds of fuel on the days prescribed
and this includes fuel In whatever
form used.
Fuel Administration Noye*.
The following telegram was also received:
J. Walter Barnes. " / {
Fairmont, W. "Fa. .
' No exception in your case. No fuel
. can be burned except that essential to
prevent injury to property from frees!'
ing: ?
Fuel Administration Noyee.
Inquiries were also received concerning
the operation of electrical
i plants. Inquiry was made and the following
was received: "Hydro-electric
plants not included in the order. All
other means of producing power included
in Garfield's order."
. In talking on the telephone this ' ".a
morning to authorities at Washington,
Administrator Barnes learned that,
glass factories had been excluded m' "j
the grounds of necessary continuous
operation. Blacksmith shops are also
(Continued on Page (4) /.
NOTICE. . i??|
Call 1213 R and we will call for and - 0.
deliver your cleaning and pressing. - ^
j Stetson 'I aiioncg v^o., watson. mncia ^
| Laborers Wanted
11 in Shipping Department. Apply
Shorthand and
| Typewriting Class 1|^H
will be organized Tuesday .^|a
night, January 22, at the;
High School Building: j1 . -^|
New students or former;
i old students will be admitted.
If interested, call :

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