OCR Interpretation

The West Virginian. [volume] (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1914-1974, February 25, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86072054/1918-02-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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/ ' : " . . -" - - ' -B
~B I aBBaBMaaaHaBBI1
I ? News
^ iy |
' ms
ETCHING -New Spring
Sk^.^ H Model salts for women in I
* all this season's- newest
shades. Newest Jackets and I
skirt effects combine this year's |
g&v.V* neWsnlt styles for Spring: all i
beantifully tailored and priced j
$17150 to $35' I
===^================: >
A sale of new and attractive 9
SgliM;'".' spring dresses in silk and silk J:
^ ' '9 poplin, some very attractive '
B styles and in all shades. Special { ,
B price ; j
. ,>*"v Be a h t i t u 1 , j
X c w Silk i v
riV/ Shirts in black J Jfc.7
only ? very j J
9 yC\_L nicely trim/
fc \7 A mci and newS-\X
/\Vxd est spring mod
' H \ ClS' SI>eCial at
. 5 Yin*! f^Jk \ Juot received
?? H /" jTa/t. It \ new arrivals .
1Ex??- ~ .9 it j /..}! * \ in L a d i e s"
Bs&~ H //' / ''(\ \ spring top
HP*1 "_B mS/4lc\ \ skirts in all H
1 * ' fgjapt. j new and want- I
fev.c' ' B l^liFl ~ y [>'? ed materials. i
HSNg'; a ( smart models. !
v ' B I ^ and styles are E
?%; *? lit- J" [ I' 1 of the best and I i
Lr^ special prices i
' B range from ^
Eau b
rf rORTHEP^jf>J ,
'OHortyCoxNE *- 1
- ' . _ - ? (
' "' <
turns Home.
ikins, cZ Indianapolis, i
Mrs. Jenkins has been i
es here, has returned
nkins will remain some
n SHinnston.
lam Monroe and Jesse
nnston, -were guests of i
nroe at Bowenita Sun- |
from Pittsburgh,
s. Walter Wilson, of j
ived in the city last 1
Ittsburgb. Mr. Wilson 1
>m attendfnga convenrare
association at Coi.
Wilson has been risPittsbrurgh.
They were
rmer's mother, Mrs. E.
?? <
sy Enters Service. C
of Prickett's. left Sat- s
* unwy wa2)iuu?iuu LU wiiCi uic ftv?- <x
ernment serriec. His mother. Mrs. | a
SSC. Miranda Hartley. will reside 'with her it
_ -v son. Morgan Hartley. In Potomac aveme,
daring Ms absence. c
Red Cross. 3
jj?k.'-. - The Red Cross organization of the I
j^t .'Diamond Street M. E. church will meet 1<
k5 Wednesday afternoon at the home of F
fe:-. Mrs. "William Arnett, comer Newton I
and Diamond streets, to do Red Cross
PpW03*- E
Missionary Meeting. 3
iK \ The young Woman's Foreign Mis*
S sionary society or the Diamond street h
r~: chorda will meet Tuesday afternoon
|*-f at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Cecil S
'. Jenkins in East Park avenue.
Bfc- ;' Union Meeting. &
Safe.-; An members of the Ladies* Union of Fi
the Central Christian church Division fi
.vi No, 1, are urged to attend the meeting
EapB^Mrs. Clark Kisner's Tuesday after- B
Sg soon at two o'clock. Visitors will he t<
welcome at any of these meetings.
'Home from Steubenville. C
B&SZ' Mrs. John Gantz. of East Park ave- oi
":fcne, returned Saturday from Steuben
al&vv'" * '.
H ^ J . at- > , >.
sjPi Spj
M_. J" _ *
l- ^ ^
IMtCUtG ^^3
- ii ?
file. O.. where she visited her daurb- [
er, Mrs.. Porter, for several days.
At First M .P. Church.
Rev. James A. Selby. president of
he Weat Virginia M. P. Conference,
Till pay bis annual visit to the First;
Methodist Protestant church next Sat-|
trday and Sunday. "While in the city;
19 will be the guest of his sister. Mrs. j
Jeorge Shomaker in Guffey street. j
Entertain Missionary Society.
On Tuesday evening the Foreign;
Missionary society of the First M. P.'
ihurcb will entertain the Watson and
Monongah societies at the church. The i
members anticipate a splendid meeting.
Arthur Rich, of Flaggy Meadow, i
spent the week end with Mrs. Viola |
Springer and family in Guffey street, j
Miss Louise Hall has been indisnosed
the past few days at her home
in Fast Park avenue.
Thomas Rowand and daughter. Miss j
joldie, of Pleasant Valley, were guests
- - " , Cn.l
)[ 31 r. ana ivirs. a. o. ciccuc^ w
umbia street yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ?odd were visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Hull in Colombia street Sunday.
Francis /md Harry Fleming, of Milersville.
sent Sunday at A. B. Stealer's
n Columbia street.
Mrs. R. E. Harr. of Potomac avenue,
*ho has been ill is improving.
J. C. Blackmore. of Delaware avelue.
is recovering from a long illness.
Mrs. Cleo Harden, of Shinnston.
=pent Sunday with her parents. Mr.
ma Mrs. Ed. Jenkins in Diamond
H. W. Satterfleld. of Merchant street,
las been Quite sick the past few days.
Miss Margaret Richards, of the
West Virginia University, spent the
reek end at her home in Haymond
Mr. and Mrs. Nixon arrived home tolay
from Pt. Pleasant. Pa., where they
"isited friends the past few days.
m WAS EAsr
Main Line Town Lads Had
a Most Pronounced Off
Fairmont High was going right on
Saturday night and easily defeated the
Irafton High school, team by a 34-9
icore. The visitors seemed to hare
in off night, playilng far below standird,
while the Fairmont lads were gong
better than usual.
The visiting team did not get but
me field goal. This was made by
;iark in the second half of the game,
dills and Hill both played well for
"airmont. The score and line-up folt>vfc:
rairmorrt, 34. Grafton. 9.
less Collins
linns Irvine
fills Clark
Center _
fill ".. Knight
arsheld Bartlett
Substitutions?Fairmont: BInns for
(ills. Knight for Binns. Johnson for
(ess, Funt for Hill, Hamilton for Sarseld.
Grafton: Ringler for Bartlett.
Field baskets?Fairmont: Hess. 1:
linns. 5; Mills, 7; Johnson, 1. Graf>n:
Clark, 1.
Foal baskets ? Fairmont: Hess. 1
ut of 1; Mills, 5 out of 9. Grafton:
ollins, 7 out of 16: Irvine. none out
11. _
Referee: Wilson? J[_
t^kf ' ' m m M m 'MM m ^
X -VX X/\/ I MA
See! there ain't a thins to do.
Bow I wisht this term was through!
School five solid days a week,
rm your brain begins to.leak?
and a Friday piece to speak!
Teacher's sittin* on my neck.
Sires me homework by the peck.
Xough to last me over Sunday.
Bitchln* Friday up to Monday.
Saturday is dancin' school;
Sot to doll up like a fool;
Then I take a music lesson
Then another in expreshun.
Which is just a high-falntln'
S'aoi* for old-style elocutin*.
Sunday mornin'?Sa-a-bath Schools
Maybe Baalam and his mule,
Maybe starttn' on St. Matt's .
Sixteen verses of begats.
Yes. I'm busy quite a few.
But there ain't a thing to do.
Xoggerphy. trimmer. *rithmetic.
Manual trainin"!?makes me sick
Thinkin' of the time I spend
Doin' things that got no end.
fteadin'. writin*. yes and wow!
They're a countin' "conduck" now
Yes and "Effort". I don't care!
[ don't think such marks is fair.
Oh. o* coarse they lemme go
Often to the movie show.
A.n" I go to parties, too;
But there ain't a thing to do.
Ain't tbis world the dullest place'
As excltin" as a race
Between two snails?about.
Lemme see; I gotter gwout
Doin' dooty as a Scout.
Got to give the war a lift
Sellin" Red Cross bonds for thrift.
And distributtn' some tracts
Girin' the kaiser fits and facts.
Which the president ast me to.
Oh, I'm stickin*. tight as glue.
But there ain't a thing to do.
'Cept to sing the same old tune.
And a hangin* round till June.
Gee! I wisht that some smart chap
Could tear three months off the map:
January?February?March, well, say!
Might as well take April?May.
Ain't no use that I can see;
"Least they ain't no use to me.
Mebbe some poor, egg-faced prune v
Might object, but I'll take June,
Take it quick and take it soon!
'Cause till June comes?ain't it true?There
ain't one blame thing to do.
(Copyright 191S by the Newspaper Enterprise
Men Called Will Appear at!
the Y. M. C. A. Friday
and Saturdays
- ? - *- *- - a ?:n
The list ot Class 1 men uial ?\ ill UC 1
examined on Friday and Saturday of
this week was prepared by the local
draft board during the week end. The
men called and the date on which they
are to appear at the Y. M- C. A. for
physical examination follows:
Friday March 1.
Order Xo.
695?Bert Shaw
699?Lonnie William Lawrence
700?Homer hlcGee
705?Robert Lee Fawcett
706?William y. St&nagen
709?Earl Franklin Hartley
710?Alva Glenn Merrill
713?Dominick Spodaro
71S?Braxton Stanley Williams
719?uarret! josepu jscksou
722?Ben Alvin Dickey
724?Charles Elmer Sid-well, Jr.
727?Herschell Remembrance Yost
735?John William Conaway
73C?James Lesley Jack
739?Harold Glen Fortney
740?Decatnr Washington
743?Richard Anthony Taylor
746?Domenico Colantwono
749?John Edward Kemple
750?Sampson Ray Toothman
753?James Ernest Mo ran
754?Clarence C. Crosser
755?Dale Wayman Vance
763?Robert A. Rosenmerkel
766?William Alston Gordon Dayton
76SCoy Henry Snider
769?Lester Lee Ice
770?George Riser Hamilton Robinette
775?Richard Overton Bentel
777?William Loyd Hill
781?Ulysses Levi Nuzum
785?William Laton Carrico
786?Cuther D. Boston
7SS?Anthony Vanleer
801?Lloyd Stewart Dunham
505?Howard Curtis
506?Luigi Ella
507?Glenn G. Douglass
SOS?Roy Massey
809?Alfred Edmund Thurnes
810?Paul Petty
v *1?.1 t
Oil?* J. X
S12?Manual Jose Aires
S14?Lee Martin
$20?Jesse Lee Haun
$21?J. Stanley Tnttle
$26?dens Morgan
$29?Clarence Fraklin Schoudt 1
$32?Howard Cunningham f
$33?Leo D. Patterson h
$37?Abraham Reitman
$43?Charles Marshall Dawson
$44?Edgar Rainford Worth in gron
$47?Claude Henry Reed
$55?Clarence Lloyd Garner
$56?Lorenzo Cianforch
$59?Brown Reid Garrison
$60?Don M. Arnett
$61?Roy Byrol Cotter
$62?Theodore Rouse
$66?Charles Earl Reese
$68?Robert Henry Hill
$70?Henry Ray Smonse
$73?Antonio Rippi ,
874?Thomas Melan Conner *
879?William Andrew Bowman
SSI?Raymond Moore Fisher 1
8S2?Marshall B. Boyles
SS6?William Andrew Powell
887?Richard Charles Jamison c
893?Harris Tayerner Sharp
894?Frank Patton
895?William James Layman
900?Bert R. Heston P
903?Howard Charles Dempsey e
908?Don Lytton Reese c
909?George Ellsworth Miller. Jr. e
912?Glenn Rowland
917?Steve Sampson
Saturday. March 2.
922?Perry Frank Sapp
lr^?3reSy*e35iiii*Sfei^5*5T2 "'BW3B';??S SK! * v* * ' /*lv
r MrJV-" 1. * "4.' .- -.
' ^9'm- I fmi Mr'
s fkJlVLd
332?Johnson Lee
336?George Jackson
938?Samuel Paul Jurist! Laise
939?Robert Earle Goodc
943?William A. G. Brer
947?Harold McKlnley Cask ins
952?Russell Lawrence Schoudt
309?Aipna a. i ui uci
963?James Gass
964?Ezra Balchowsky
970?Gail Douglas Harvey
972?Raj- Hutson
974?Arthur Whittal Xelson
981?George Washington Toothman
982?Joseph Brandimarte
989?Charles Lee SIndledecker
991?Walter Dillow
992?John Calvin Burchinal
995?Lawrence Earl Balltngee
999?John Edward Harker
1000?James Edward Tates
1002?Pasquale Canterelii
1009?Addison White
1012?Clyde Blair Morgan
1013?Sabastino Costo
1021?Milton Carej1023?Luigi
1031?Joseph Earl Dunham
1032?Wendell Holmes He:,s
1034?Srcle Marlon Sheets
1036?John fates
1048?James Watt Bradshav
1039?Chester Stephen Bobet
1041?Ralph Cooper Morris
1042?Lenwood In-in Myers
1048?James Otis Reed
1050?James Franklin Hare
1051?Harrow Dillow
1053?Brooks Durr
1057?Cosmo Xotte
1058?Frank Delligatti
1065?Annunciato Cociaro
1066?All ex Hunter Cooper
1068?Archie T. Vaughan
1070?Xazzareno Affidani
1075?Edward Everett Hale
1076?Antonio Xeri
1070?Carl Fuller Brown
1079?Bruce P. Bungard
1080?George Washington Brown
1083?James Feltz
1084?John Herbert Pople
1086?Edgar Philips Smith
1092?Paul Haymond
1093?George Edgar Henderson
1095?Angclo Cappabianea
1112?Esto Cecil Hess
1114?Robert Vail Coleman
1115?Joshua Hawkins
1118?Amalio Meale
1119?William Clyde Donaldson
1123?Luigi Oliverio
112S?Dorsey Herbert Love
1133?Trvan Hixenbaugh
1135?Charles Raphael Hav^im
1136?O. S. Toothman
1137?Frank Bernardo
1138?Everett Coates
1139?Edward Thornton
1147?Charles Jard Powell.
Very 111.
Joe Fort Is still very 111 at his
tome in Brookdale. He Is suffering
rom a severe atack of stomach troude.
Visiting Friends.
Clarence Flanmgan is in Monongah
'fftiHnr frlADtlc unif rPlntlvFR Flan.
ilgan has bean In government service
nd has been stationed at Camp Sheliv.
Hattiesburg, Mies for the past
everaT months. After a short furough
he will return to the southern
???- ,
Will be Entertained
Meipbers of the Monongah Foreign
lissionaxy society of the M. P. church
rill go to Fairmont at 6:30 o'clock
omorrow evening -where they -will be
ntertained by the Foreign Missionary
oclety of the First "Ward M. P.
Excellent Sermon.
Rev. J. a. Selby of Parkersbnrg.
resident of the West Virginia confernc
filled the pulpit at the M. P.
burch here yesterday evening. An
x cell en t sermon was heard by all atending.
f t . -X
Febrnary 25,1918. [ wl
American Woi
During 1
Mothers and the girls of
America?just like the
brave one of Britain and
France?are maintaining
the glory of womanhood
for the sake of the boys
"over there'* and those
who are getting ready to
go. It is only part of the
spirit of confidence in Victory
to be as smartly
gowned as always?to give
the boys something to
fight for.
| Millinery Full of
Early Spring Models?
The first arrival of hats for the
early days of spring are especially
picturesque, although they are is
I a simple and dainty stylo. They are
?? Hrtt and airv as SDrinz itself
j and as gay in color.
Women anxious to do their bit
! this spring are going to dress at|
tractlvely at the least cost, which
can be accomplished by selecting
from these wonderful Hats.
See our specials at
j $3.95 and $5.00
' True Values
to business.
George King was among the social
callers at Fairmont on Saturday evening.
Frank Martin was in Fairmont this
morning attending to business.
Miss Maud Lindsay was in Fairmont
for a short while Sunday evening.
Oiivcr Glover was among the local
social callers in Fairmont yesterday.
Miss llallie Or was calling in Fairmont
yesterday evening.
Miss Mada Strickler was among the
social callers in Fairmont during the
week end.
Miss Ruth Keim who has been visiting
in Monongah returned to her
home in Buckhannon this morning. AfI
ter a visit at her home of about a
! week she will return to Monongah to
| accept a position in the local millinery
"Shorty** Cole was In Fairmont yesterday
evening calling on friends.
Dr. Weeden C. Koon was an out of j
town business caller this morning. j
Denzel Sbarer was in Fairmont yes-.
terday visiting friends.
S. T. Troup, of Swissville, Pa., is the
guest of his daughters. Mrs. H. L.
Trogell and Mrs. James Lamble. ,
Miss Mattie Linn, who had been ill
for several weeks with paralysis, is
slightly improved at this time.
Mrs. F. M. Morss has returned to
Uniontown. Pa., after a visit of a few ,
days with Mrs. A. B. Robb on Walnut '
avenue. Mrs. Morss attended the ,
meeting o fthe West Virginia Laun- '
drymen's association here last week.
E. C. Scott, of the Fairmont Times, ,
vNCDi to rdrKeidUUrS luuaj nactc uw
will attend the "West Virginia Pnb- .
lishers association meeting.
Mrs. C. C. Wedding has recovered :
fro man illness of several days. ]
Mrs. R. L. O'Xeal has arrived here
from L>*nchburg and is spending sevleral
days at The Fairmont.
Miss Helen Judge, of Grafton, spent
' Sunday here as the guest of her cousin.
Miss Winifred Murphy, on Grafton
Miss Irene Foley was the guest yesterday
from Grafton of the family of
[Boll Wilson on Washington street.
Clifton Hall, the son of Mrs. Hal "
| Hall, is recovering from an illness with
typhoid fever.
Miss Margaret Murphy and guest,
Miss Katherine Hession. of Industrial.
W. Va.. went to Pittsburg this morning
where they will spend several
days. ' _
Miss Ruth Kelley has returned from
a. visit of a week in Clarksburg.
Miss Elizabeth Hunsaker has returned
from a visit with her brother John :
{Hunsaker. at Jenkins. Ky.
| Miss Ethel Heintzeiman is m at tne
home of her father, H. L. Keintzelman,
on Benoni avenue.
Mrs. William Rennie has returned
from a visit -with her daughter, Mrs.
Harry Mason, at Detroit. Mich. She
was accompanied home by her niece.
Miss Rosemary Mason, who will spend
the remainder of the winter here.
D. B. Aumiller, of The White Cloud,
is home from a business trip to Cleveland,
Captain Francis Thralls has return-,
ad to Fairmont fro mthe South.
Jacob Watkins, a venerable resident |
of this city who is ill at the home of]
his daughter, Mrs. C. E. Hutchinson.]
suffering from erysipelas, is slightly |
improved at this time.
Miss Lena Parks, of Ciarksburg.
spent the week-end in this city with
John A. Clark, Jr., has been ill for;
Absolutely J Remove s
Indigestion? Drtzggisfe
refund massy if it fails. 25a
- " -------- ------ - --a
men Are to Be
the New Season
We Invite You to See Them?Tb*
In the New Soliele and Baronette Sat
striking stripes and plaids as well i
The new Broad Belts are in many (
too, are very much in evidence.
$5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50,:
Neckwear Modes of the
Styles that are unusually clever,
fascinating and new. Bound to create
unusual interest among smart,
fashionably dressed women. .
c 1. r-M.? Pnm.lap . . SOe
oacm wiiri ?| ?>iw v|>?<w ? - ?
Lace Stocks 50c to $2.00 I
the past week with toirsllitis.
Mrs. Delia B. Shinn is the guest of
her sister. Mrs. S. E. Baker, at Beverly.
Mrs. Lewis Hall Is 111 at her home
at Barrackrille with rheumatism.
Mrs. R. A. McConaughey. who had
been the guest of Mrs. P. M. Hoge, of
Benoni avenue, has returned home.
Miss Emma Snyder has returned to
Clarksburg where she is spending the
winter with her aunt, Mrs. P. H.
Shields after spending several days
here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Snyder.
Mrs. Rachel Laughlin. of Kcyser. is
the guest of her brtoher, P. M. Hoge,
on Benoni avenue.
Miss Lucretia Travis, of Wheeling,
spent the day in this city as the guest |
of Miss Genevieve Carpenter. Mis::'
Travis was en route to Weston where
she will visit relatives. Dorris.
the little daughter of Mr. and ,
Mrs. Dallas Booth, who has been quite '
ill with tonsilitis at her home on Locust
avenue, is slightly improved.
Miss Jeannette Kubn, of Lore City
Ohio, who had been the guest of he.
sister. Mrs. Dallas Booth for several
days, has gefne to Fairview where she ;
will visit her sister. Mrs. Bfooks Fordyee,
who has been ill for some time.
Mr .and Mrs. R. H. Bo wen spent th ;
in ilwftow visitiue relative
and friends.
Hugh F. Smith returned Saturday
evening from a business trip to
L. EI. Long, a nephew of Mrs. Amor
Smith, of, Fail-view, and a member oi
the National army stationed at Camp
Sherman. Ohio, is dead according tinformation
received by Mrs. Smiti
recently. The young man was bcoi:
keeper in the division hcadquarteis of
the cantonment. His death occurred
followed an operation on his throat.
He is survived by his wife. He was a
resident of Cambridge. Ohio.
? ^ For quick results
rub the Forehead t3ptX ?
(fj and Temples with RFff&jci 1
to taw *
VicKSWpo5*yss ;
i i i
Monongahela Valley '
Traction Co. Stock
dealt in }
First National Bank Building.
New York City, N. Y.
a business asset !,
That skin-trooble may Be more than ,
*. aocrce of suffering and cmbanaasiucnt ?it
may be holding' yon back in tl*
bosiness world, keeping yon out of a
better job for which a good appearance ?
ie required. Why "take a chance" when
OntoiCBt heals tkiu-cruptMctaocasiyf .
Well Gowned [H
of 1918
* I
New Spring
Dress Skirts J-fH
Separate skirts will play " 1 1
n important part in the |"'W<
/omen's wardrobe this I
pring* it's the unusual f '19
ttractiveness'of the styles
nd materials that have
rought them so much in
rominence, and when we
ay these New Spring
ikirts are more sinking
nd decidedly different
rom any previous season,
t's bound to create interst
among a host of womn.
in we know you'll agree with us: _ *
:in, also in Taffeta, in the new
is in the wanted plain colors.
:ases trimmed in buttons. Pocket*
$10.50 on up to $14.50.
Hosiery for Spring in
Brands of High Quality
can be had In silk, silk and lisle,
lisle and cotton. In all desirable
colors and sizes. When you exam- .
iiie them and note the low prices.
no argument will be required to .
make you supply your needs
25c to $2.00 I
108-110 Main St. .
- >
In view of the prevalence of smallpox
In and throughout the county and. . "
city, the Board of Health of the City
of Fairmont hereby urgently suggests ,;3|
and advises that all citizens submit to |
vaccination at once, and that every
precaution be used against the spread
of this loathsome disease.
The Health Board -will do every- '
thing in its povrer to take proper care I'm
of all cases of infection and will
promptly segregate and quarantine es- \ - 9
tablishcd cases. Let the citizens -them- -j?
selves use every care and precaution
City of Fairmont.
City Physician.
Keep up the fight: do not give ujC
Nature is trying to serve you in conquer- 'J
tag the wrongs that may exist.
Red blood, vim, courage, vitality, all '
teem lacking. No woDdcr yon are nerv
Dns and disconraged.
Why not call to your aid a strong;
Sependablo ally? Dr. Pierce's Golden "jB
Medical Discovery has for over forty 'r*
rears proven its merits as a most powernil
tonic and blood tyiildor to the-many
thousands who have been returned to * .
jood health bv its use.
Clear the coated tongue, get rid of ansightly
skin trouble. Let this remarkible
remedy rid your body of the im- ' J
parities of the biooa, let it tone sua
strengthen yon. It often cures the lingering
chronic couch.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Is absolutely a herbal tonic, free from
ilcohol or dangerous habit-forming
irngs. All druggists. Liquid or tablets.
Fairmoxt, IV. Va.?"Since lean remem-3er.
when a boy at home. Dr. Pierce's
Remedies were used in my family at dif- *
terent times and they always proved to . -
t>e Just as advertised. I personally have
taken the 'Golden Medical Discovery*
md know it to be a splendid remedy for - 3S
ihe blood. liver and stomach, or deepseated
coughs and bronchial trouble. I 1
lave also taken the 'Pleasant Pellets.*
They clear one's system of all impurities
tnd in a -mild ana easy manner. X know vagi
ill Dr. Pierce's Remedies to bo good and 'M
'ecommend their use."?M. H. hZAX, 803 "5
Virginia Avenue.
Faikmont, W. Wa.?"My husband has >
aken many a bottle of Doctor Piercers.
? ^ Golden Medical Dis- I
covery and con^d?ra
'/ a1p?medicine*?* has -,'M
*** ft ever known. Be has ' J
yMpi <? taken ^ it ^as a Uood ^ ^
for rhwumaSsml mad
mBi it has never falledtc . -i&UM
give relief. He i?
' ?W.C^kBP lies on this mwllflw 8
-* m^Mnn. alwavs r(W> '
1WU UCttlUUJ " ?J - '?a T?l MB
itnmends It."?MB&. Jajess & GsmzEK J
06 Spence Street.
Vfls tnzbujioxpmrgp, - ^ ><gg
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