"3jg|jp|pj|||ip|ip|gpjpj||||p^ 'iPi iw* i1- :: est5.4661 She We$t Himittmn i?s=-i I ?...,?, - " f rJrCwrtteiiMM* V I 1 v | _______ ?>?? * ?? ESTADUSHED1868. FAIRMONT, WEST VIRGINIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 24,1918. topav niwi topay PRICE THREE CENTO ] 'GERMA nil CHANGES! niikiinur UN MAifNt Aircraft Came Oat in Droves This Morning KttHEjan Gotmimm Are Known to Hew Thrown More Rofcifareements. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY ON AI8NE-MARNB FRONT, 7.30 A. M., Jul/ 34 (Br Associated Press!? The French, British and Americana are still hammering the flank of the Crown Prince's army. The Germans i are known to hare brought up fresh support forces at some points, but the Allies report the situation as favorable. More favorable weather conditions brought out droves of aircraft this morning. The day Is an excellent one fnr nhiorvetinn nnH thia tu ovnectml to change the character of the fighting somewhat, especially with regard to the artillery. The change for the bett?c In Weather conditions too* place during the night, when the clouds disappeared and the wind died down. Scarcely a dnat cloud eootd be seen thia morning on any part of the widespread battlefield, with the eiception of the parte rising from the thousands of crater* made by the guns on both ttdee. PARIS, uly 24?The Germans last . night delivered a counter attack upon the AMed lineg in the vicinity of Yrlgny. five mile* southwest of NMtins. The War offfflce announced today that the attack had been reputed. There was great activity by the artillery during the night along the front between the Aisne and the Marne, and northeast towards Rhoims. The text of the statement follows: "The night wae marked by great artillery activity between the lfarne ?the Aisne aad in the Courton and woods In the Rhelraa sector. "At 9 o'clock last night the Germans launched a counter attack west of Rbelms. In the region of Vrlgny. Preach troops broke al lassaulta ami held their positions intact." WASHINGTON, July 24? Contln uad pursuit of the retreating enemy south of the river Orcque is reported la Gonersl Pershing's communique for yesterday, received today at the Mfar department. The rapture of po-. sltions north of the Mnrne also is reported. TOW AMERICAN ARMY ON TUB AISNEMARNK FRONT. 12:50 p. ua? July 2t?(By Asoriated Prcss-Alouc line north of Chateau-Thierry the Franco American forces have driven the Get mans out of nearly all ' Of the chateles forest. The allied advance was made In Considerable Jumps in that area. The Germans continuing their rear guard fighting and depending much upon tholr machine guns. Farther to the west the Americans gained the ascendener over the Oer' man sand drove through and beyond the town of Aricdes To the norlliwnrd the most Intense resistance was offered along the extorted German rirht flank but the reports ere tbot the allies have made gdfau and that the Germans have been unable to halt the movement toward thtir lines of nuppliee. American cavalry was ased at one j^Hnt in the op eratton north of the Chateau Thierry line. AMSTERDAM. July 34 ?American* I loot heavily in the fighting at Kpledes [ oa July 12. according to the Wolff buI rean correspondent at the front. He says that after a desperate struggle during which the village changed | hands frequently the Germans were victors. Eight American officers and i [ 130 men were taken prisoners by the I Germans, he adds, and 12 American H machine guns were also taken. I ' LONDON, July 24 -Raids were car ried out by the British troops last night in the region south of llucquoy and northwest of Albert, say* oday's War office report. A few prisoner.! I were taken. H A German raid on the British lines V northwest of Bethune on the Flanders I front was repulsed. i ,-v "-w. Ar . HBfil * ^ - NS SINJ III 111 HUES' Ml 1 MEM C Some Other Equally Cheerful Items Came Out of Russia. ?amm I (By Asaorlat**! Prvtol AMSTKRDAM July :4 l p to July h 111 mope than "111 S??i al II -v ?hi!r ;i isis of the L<>ft had been shot by tho J Rdlsheriki (or participation in th" B assassination of Ambassador von j Merbach and in the counter reyolu 1 . tion, the German charge at Moscow j has been informed by foreign Mia. : ter Tchltcherim. says a dispatch from 81 Berth). I 11 AMSTKWIAM. July 24 Vlexus Ro-i ~ rnanof, the former h< ir apparent t" F the Hue*ian throne died from capos L ure a fear days aft i his fatliM. tie | former Bmperor. was executed. say*|| a dispatch from Moscow to the Berlin j Lokttl Antieht'r AMSTERDAM July 24-Central mobilisation of the Hiu-inn army h. J Kan Jwty 7tn. according to Kmc >? advices received here. I/)>mOM. July 24.?Dr KaKrl Hclf ferich. former German imoerial v.r< chancellor ha* been appointed Germany's diplomatic representative at; Moscow according to a Reutcr dr C patch from Amsterdam. An Amsterdam dispatch to the wire less pre* says that Dr. Helfferieh will | lake with him two battalions of Ger1 man troops to guard ihp Gorman cm ! bassy at Moscow. WASHINGTON. July 24 President Wilson has completed his pronounce I ment as io Ire plan of the I'nitcd ! States for participation in the exp> I slit ion to give military aid to llus*.a. ( > [ and it will be made public as soon i.s Japan's reply to the Araencan prooos-1 I als has boon received. . number ami II MAMIES OFFICE 1 ? Serjeant Mains Will Comb J, Little Towns for H ?emits. n ti A number of young men hate cl- 11 ready applied at the Marine recruit. ing ataltlon on be third floor of the " Nunm building which has jus* been " ope ed by Sergeant ti W. Mains. As 11 yet no men have been accepted Sergeant Mains has sc? no date for closing the local office but will be here as long as necessity demands i'. An " effort will be made to get nanv re- 1 emits from the smaller town* in Ma- ri r -tn county and adjoining fmtlM 'J When asked this morning as to what hours he would observe he said that j j-' he would open at 8 o'clock in the morn- j Ing ai.d would rerr.i i open as long as ' J", necessary. Sho I'd enll utnenl* he so , I rnrrerous Ihst he would have to keep , jj I open until midnight there will be no )( objec'ions. Generally the office will :l I ?>e cpen from ahi.t 8 o'clock in the K< nomine until eigv. or nine o clerk at r< nlr." tl ?? fj MANNINGTON CASES. Charged with carrying a Run. Joe ) Kern, was sentenced to pay a fine of 1 r' $100 and underRo six months impris ! onment in 'he county Jail by Justice 11' Rarack, of MannitiRton. Chief of I'o ' lice Jones, of Mannlngton. and Deputy Sheriff Beattv made the arests. Sam Preneh, charged Iwth carrying whisker on the atrets of Mannlngtnn. KJ was enteneed to pay a fine of $100 11 and was Jailed for sixty days yestcr day afternoon by Justice Rarack, of Manning!.in. Chief of Police Jones and Deputy Sheriff Realty made the arrest. p| Jake Schunta in default of bond In the sum of $600 was held on a felony 01 charge by Justice Barack yesterday afternoon. The ofTlcfrs accuse him of gross immorality. He is committed to await the action of the grand Jury. JJ ONE AS IAD AS ANOTHER. m in After investigating the matter Jus- tl flee Conaway found that thee negroes ot mixed up in a liquor transaction were Ih all tarred with the same stick. Ed dt Vf n/ien end llonrv f lirons woro ee. mwiv ! < HI / v/w* uo w rir ?i - i rested by the city police earlier in the sc week, and they claimed they secured F; the John Barleycorn from Silas John- la son. In Yesterday afternoon Johnson was sc tried, and It developed that the three I w had a partnership same on In pur-' th chasing the liquor. During the trial ui a notebook was produced that two of the darkies had paid $1.67 each and J tli the third $1 66. which aggregated IS, | the price of a pint of whiskey. In sc view of the facts, Johnson was dls-i In charged from custody by the Justice I In Attorney L. C. Musgrave represented | at Johnson. Did You Su [ ANOTI jERMANY ST1 SHE HAS W( Mfers Peiee Terms Through !!f Retain All the T Ciet Back He it?d fr#M) M AMSTi \M. July 24 Germany i as ii ;:G 8tiKR?Ktions for a peacinference to the Spanish itotrernlent, says the Socialist Vorwurts of erlin. The xuaKestioDs are: First. Germany wants no annexaon or indemnity In the west. Second, the peace tre-.ly with Ri'fa and Rumania may not be <|uesoned. Thiid, the principle of self determi- ! ililoli IDS OUTLINED 81 SDPI.U 'entral Building for the (Jrat'es is One of Them. 0 TUCH VOCATIOIS 1 i Inch War Work Done in This City During Last Term. Thr third anmal r. poit of City uperintendent of Schools Otis G. ! V'ilsoa has boon submitted to the | loard of Education of Fairmont In-) epondent school district. Tho rt port i a comprehensive one. and outlines t detail the school activities of the ' ear. the expenditures necanaiy for lie maintenance of the schools, war | ork as accomplished by the pupils urolled in the various schools, and ho has lisled a number of big needs ecessary for the future growth of lie schools of the district. In outlining the great needs of the :hools. Superintendent Wilson la>s tress on the tact that in order to take progress commensurate with le steady growth of the town, addional buildings and equipment are ecessary and must r>e provided for tie schools of the district. Anions the bis needs is a central rhool building where pupils of the j eventh and eighth gr.d-s may re-1 eive imlustrinl education before they each the high school. A place where j lie boy or girl may disco vet him- j elf or find his bent for a pellicular ne of work in order that he may be tven instruction along this line an,j Ins develop the best that is in him. I'ith Fairmont rapidly becoming a vo industrial center, the demand ir especially trained and skilled nd women will be great, and the! hools cannot do their bit in the di-1 pction of training these youths in lis line without adequate and ample 1 leillties. Better facilities should be proiidcd j ' >r the l>unbar (coloredI school, as! wing to the rapid ptowth of the en- j' illinent of this school the present rcommodations r.re entirely inade-1 uate to the demands of the colored ipulation. Another matter upon which parrular stress is laid is that of the ced of maintaining an evening 'hool and of making proper preparaons for such a school. The school lalntaincd during the past two years r the High school has proved that lere is a large demand for such in- ' ruction from the adult wage earn a. The school draws Its pupils from 1 rarby towns, as well as from local tizens. The schools need a salaried nurse > work In conjunction with the hool medical insDector. Her duties < i be those of following up cases of cknesa. mental deficiency, etc. The schools need also a better and ore adequate system of bookkeepg and business accountinR In order at the handling of the more than le hundred thousand dollars of pul>: taxes expendid annually may be I ine expeditiously. The report shows that during the I hool year of 1917-18 the rchools of I ilrmont Independent srhool district 1 id special stress upon the matter of I stilling Into the minds of the I hool children lessons of thrift ' hlch which would not only meet I e demands of the present world alt- i dlon. but would be of economic ben- < t to the children during their enre lifetime. War conditions suggested to the hool officials the need for incuhat- J g lessons of thrift nnd economy to the school course and steps wete once taken to widen the curri:n- t (Continued on page eight) < igf All the Flies in 1 * IER RE' 'LL THINKS !j IN THE WAR Spain WMfh Would Enable erritory She 0 > r Colonic. nation or people.. ha- i t h?-c dir. ussed. but may bo grilled at the i peace conference wuere th? fate of Belgium ats.' ir t" bo vTtled Fifth, the freedom of 'ho K-as. the I lismantliu:: of Gibraltar and the St*r z i i anal, and the riitht for Germany to use roalintt stations I Sixth, the colonial question in to be nettled on the bar-is of the status , ltio ante. i; The Vorwarts considers this a rea- j, lonable peace proposal. VM (IUEI III Ml III Rather Scare in Marion County?First in Pour Years. For iIre first limp in four years a large rattle snake appeared along > Fluey run in Winfield district during the latter part of last week. It was killed by a man named Hayhurst It was found to have eleven rattles and a button and was good sized. The snal.o was seen by a girl while walking along the mad near Uurr Travis' blacksmith shop and she told the men when she arrived at that j point. The searching party thought it was a black snake that the girl had seen but discovered she was not mis taken. One of the men in beating down Ihe grass got his hands immediate'.}* above the reptile, but managed to escape harm. The snake was killed in short order. Residents of that community say that was the first rattler killed for four years when Will Hayhurst beat one to death. Rattlers in Marion county are unusually scarce and It is believed by many people that they migrate from the "big survey" at the headwaters of Decker's creek, ITeston county. ? anaiinr ta nin A n IK III Nil Ul i CHS MASK on Information ha* been received by Tom I. Brett, manager of the Fairmont sub region of the war resources and conversion committee, that the Pittsburgh tone has an order for one and a half millions ?,as masks for the United-States government. Inquiry is made as to whether any firms in the Fairmont suit region are in a position to place a bid for the contract. Word has been received from Graf ion that Taj lor county has raised its apportionment toward the upkeep of the offic? of the Fanmont sub region in this city. Thus far Fairmont business firms have responded liberally.! No reports have been received from Monongalia and Preston counties, but! ihis information will be received when ! I lie correspondents meet at the rooms ?f the Fairmont Chrmber of Commerce tomorrow afternoon at 2 /clock. i ? Special Appeal to British and Canadians R. W. O'Nell, of the United Wool- | on Mill* company, who Is the local representative of the British and Canadian Recruiting Mission Is In receipt of the following copy of a telegram which has been sent out by the officer commanding the Eastern division of the mission: "An Important order affecting all British and Canadian citliena in the Pnlted States has been tlegraphed by fioneral Crowder. Provost Marshal General at Washington, at al Uoeal t>oards. The boards are Informed of the provisions of the convention between Great Britain and the United States .under which all Britons and Canadians In the United 8tatee, whether declarants or otherwise, are riven an opportunity to enlist In the British or Canadian army before being drafted In the United States irmy. The local boards are Instruct>d to suspend the Induction of Brltsh or Canadian subjects Into the lotice. It ia expected that a very arge number will respond to special ippeal now being mad* to Join their iwn army aa volunteer!. "C. M. HARKIE9. "Lieutenant.. "Rritisr and Canadian Recruiting flasion." ? One of England's largest veterinary lospitals is now run entirely by wornm. 'our Home Last Nigi rURNIN SWHEMNIB Kimiti . <' Mothtr G?ts Reassuring CabieKfram From Well Know Fairmont Soldier For the third time since he has beer. fighting the Hun, Wayne Shuttle* north, the popular Fairmont lad who has lir n the time of the fight for over a year, ha* te en wounded Hi* wounds are not serious, however, and he Is recovering t'n'll this morning It ha* been scv rial weeks since anything ha* been hear froiu hyn his morning his moth- ; or. Mrs Myrtle Shuttlesworth, of 301 High street, received the following lablegram from her son: Mrs. Myrtle Shuttlewortb, 3<)1 High St. Slightly wounded R ecovering. Love. WAYNE. After Shuttlesworth had been on :he other side only a short time he was struck and knocked unconscious with a piece of shrapnel A second time be was the victim of German gas. for which he took several weeks' treatment he nature of his injuries this time are not known. OPERATORS HILL urn unit una mill nun fiumn SATURDAY, AUG.3 Will Perfect Organization of New Coal Operator Association. This week a rail will go out to every real operator in tlie twelve ami a half counties of the Fairmont dintrice (or a meeting to be held at the rairtnont Country cluh beginning at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of August 2, at which time the organization of the Northern West Virginian Coal Operator*' association will be perfected. The call for the meeting in signed hv the incorporators of the new association. At the meeting a charter and bylaws will he adopted and before the meeting the operators will each be mailed a printed ropy of these as they have been drawn up by the committee working on the plans for organiaztion. It Is expected that the attendance at this meeting will be quite large as the Interest that has been dinplsyed in the new organization by the men in coal production has been quite gratifying to the leading spirits. Records Broken. The fine old railroading spirit ha? come hark to the Monongnh division in great shape, and new record* hung up at the ofifce of Superintendent H. W. W'ilron at Gratlon do not last eery long. Sunday new records were made when 1.362 loads. 1.248 of which were coal, were handled east from Grafton. On that day 4. id within the last few weeks gg IHH hospital as a result of similar aadfaH dents each patient however Mdy |nj9 ing the sight of one eye. *' ra ImtM Prisoners in Jail Small in Fewer prisoners are at th# MaiMM rounty Jail today than there Ml been for many moons. There arajjH ty Incarcerated right now. attain V. Buckley, of the famooa "Hehlfl Buckley." says the vaeatioa seaasifl on and he expecU an lain tin popular hostelry after the Wg|^H weather. The normal number sCfttH oners Is between 11 aad II. NOTICE Mr patrons and th? paMlO pMfl ally art notlftad that ay j?HB hop Is a union shop. I eordMfejB Inrita yoar patronaca. aai MMH you tht strrlct will plaaaa M J W. N. SATTERimO I 1?1 Main Krdt Laborers Wants! V in Shipping DepohMH Apply, ' Owens BdM Machine Company, ^11