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e^'5,466 ^3it tlimmmn ? A Quality N?-pM?r Ht Urn Horn. J Virginia's Beit NwttJKipV '* " *3 = === : FAIRMONT WEST VIRGINIA, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY^e,19187 today s news today PRICE THREE CENTS ESTABLISHED 1868. member associated press. _ raikmuni, ^ ? . ^ ~rg GERMS 'rM vu ill ill N ILL CROPtRIY Business Men of City and Clarksburg Will Meet Them. WILL ARRIVt liltSDAY ; r Visit is Preliminary to Floating of Bond Issue. Much important r in attached to the osit of a dozen or more capitalists who will be in Kairnmni, Clarksburg and Parkersburg next Tuesday and Wednesday for the purpose of inspect ng the property of the Monongabela Valley Trad Ion company preparatory to floating a loan of five and a half millions of dollars. The huge loan will mean much to Pulrmont and all of the Mono.igahelu Valley because ol the stupendous pro jerts that the Mouongahela VallcTraction company has undertake. There Include: The completion i the big power plant at nivesvlllc; thI.ynn gas producer gas plant; the pi. dltion to the Hutchinson power plain the development of several gas welh and the building of eight miles of six inch pipe lines In the Logansville dis trlct. The party of bankers will arrive in Fairmont ~ver the Baltimore and Ohio railroad at I0:0g on Tuesday morning, anil the party will include financier.* fron New York. Baltimore and Wash Ington, D. C., and it will number be , twee^ twelve and lilteen. The vi?i 9'' tore will represent the National City Corporation and other big flaanclal In atliatloas ot New Tort city. Sprtgg D. Camden, chairman of the Finance committee of the Monongahela Valley Traction company Intereata. and James O. Wataon. president of the company will be In charge. The plana for the trip conalat of the following Itinerary: Tueeday. July 30?Arrive In Fair .moot at 10:M; Inspection of offlcea in the Wataon building: vlait to the Owens botle plant and Monongah glas - works; leave conrt house at 12:3o o'clock for Country club, where lunch eon will be served at 1 p. m.; leave Country club at 3:30 p. m; arrive ai Clarksburg at 4:30. where a meeting will be held at which the members of the Clarkaburg Chamber of Commerce, the Clarkaburg Business Men's asso ciatlon and the Clarksburg Board ot Trade will be Invited to attend: leave Clarkaburg at <:30 p. m. for ParkersI fc"1 Wednesday. July :tl?The day will J; be spent in inspecting the M. V. T. company's interests In Parkersburg and Marietta, O. At the luncheon to be held at the Country dub. this city, effort is being made o secure adequate accommodation tor the members of the Fairmont Rotary club, the Fairmont Business Men's association and the Fairmont Chamber of Commerce. The idea of those in chaw Ik io have the F.'.ir niont public to meet the delegation of bankers. With the five and a half million dollar loan which the Monongahela Valley Traction company la contemplating floating It proposes to spend three millions of dollars to pay off notes and two and a half millions of dollars for new developments, the h'ggest one of wl >h of course la the big power plant at Riresvllle. The linen of the Monongahela Valley Traction company total 102V.mUea by actua'. measurement, but till doe* not include the Hmrmnon branch or the Norwood loop which began oper ation today With t'm: lines the ar greget*. wll' probably be more than HO m'ies of trjilt Fined ?or Soeedin? / With Automobile Adn.; f|- lie had operated an Cut iiuobile In ixces* of the rate of pscd permitted u-njer tits staie law. Harry ilsmtr-tKn. n. of this city, was Baiei ? ? i - mvu w~ * I! > <, W*rr Import 1 upon him In Ju Conaway tliin afternoon. T'.-.e .vv u <H , rcprctnilftl liy AI!ii T"r ;i?m A'iittl an'l ?its ?tat* b:' I'-v-renting Aft .ntey AVal cr 3. jl-ri.-'*./ The ehrrge *-a? bro'iglr folio aing a ollfvion in tihlt-.i llrlntmlinan'a nu ; a car dm*:. Pan of thin city, uad figuted on the Conn try Cln'n road laat wcrh. >t SOUTH SIDE BRIDGE PROGRESS. Lata fnlirdajr forma were taken from the .cctinil span of the new Bouu S149 bridsc. Forsu ior the third apand are now up giving the I paaer by a good Idea of the general appaaraaca of the new bridge. I Flies do i NS FIG! WHERE T1 III \ y I New and heavy blows were sti made, and by the British on the east* The map shows also the vali west of Soissons. which has given th< The small Inset map shows tin Marne salient. liilppi! i Mil DP RFFTFR IIILL UL ULII Lit HI III IK Probable Slump in Pro^uc1 tion Today For Variety of Reasons. Trouble of various kinds Is likely to cause a sizeable slump In produ< tion In the Fairmont district todi.y Along the Short line the mines dl' not get cars until late. This is ft ting to be rather a common ocnn rence at the. mines on that piece r road. The direct trouble is that tin cars do not arrive at Hartzel in tlnn to make theni-avallable for early dls tri button. Why they are late n' Hartxel has not yet been explained. Mines depending on the Jayent< power plant for current were havln< trouble this morning, and It Is e? timated that at least 3,000 tons wi be lost in Barbour county by ressr of the fact that the miners, aloe with hundreds of other folks, hav> I been drawn to Phillnpi, the county 1 seat. by an unsavory criminal case. , On top of these conditions thn car supply is again light in the Fairmont region. There are 1,014 coal and 00 coke cars today, and as a result a number of mines were reported down. Better conditions with regard to the car supply are promised for next ' week in a telegram which Dan R. 1 !.awson. district representative of the ' Fuel administration, received this morning . which notified him that 2,400 cars of Fairmont district coal must go to Curtis hay next week, half of it to go on the first two days. This requisition was made after the Baltimore i Ohio road had been consulted and the officers had promises! to make a special effort to get cars into the region. If for any reason it Is not possible to consign enough coal direct to Cur-i lis bay to fill this requisition, Mr. j Lawson will reconsign at Kevser to' make good. Ships will he waiting for ; this coal, and it will have to go for- j ward. In spite of the fact that coal ha* been rushed to Curtis bay all this \ week in a steady stream, the cars : have been dumped as fast as they ar, lire. The terminal plant Is working ! I 24 hours a day. t'oul Votes. Practically no coal is going from | tills end of West Virginia to the ' lakes. It is believed here that there is ? Id - defieiencv in the rniil that has so far been delivered to lake ter-i initial*. One of the duties of Floyd Patton, j secretary of the Central West Vlr-' ginfa Coal Operators' association. Is to cheer up the lad? who turn up here looking for coal for consumers scat-, tered over the couutry, hut especially back Fast. Karl Miller, of the AtJ laa Cement Company .and C. !'. Donley, of the Valley Camp Coal Company, were callers at his office today. I They got a pleasant smile, hut there; j was not much doing in the coal line, j ? J. R PHELPS TO HELP. J. R Phelps of this city has been ; appointed to represent Fairomtn labor on the beard to carry out the distil hution of labor as outlined by the govemment. Mr. Phelps has been active, ly engaged In labor problem* as seeI retary of the Carpenter .' local numbci I [m I tot Rattle ot Ring a Ml ? ITSTU IE ALLIES ARE PUSHING BwPRBSs'.. |HMf\ \,s*-%6++ iMflivgWu > ^^iSiii^ fyyii^ ***+\ rack by the French and Americans in I -'rn side of the salient, near Marfaux. i ic of the high ground seised by the Frei Mil onipieic command of the city and j relation of the new offensive in the i IH GOT 01 loom m i District Secretary Mooney Reached Here This Morning and Gave Talk. m i i The United Mine Workers' convention which is being held in this city convened again at 9 o'clock this morning in the Willard hall with a fine rep rescntatlon of the various locals in this region. At 11:30 o'clock the dele ites adjourned for lunch to assemDic tain this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The principal address of the morn ig was made hv Fred Mooney, sec re lry of the Seventeenth district of Mine Workers who made his first ppearcnee this morning. The real work of the convention to 'ay Is going on in the meetings of the artous committees which are in con inuous session. Yesterday's Speakers. "Mother" Jones was the principal peaker at the scale convention yes rday. speaking both in the morning J pd in the afternoon. She started i peaking at the very start of the con . cntion when it was thought the pro- | reeding" would be delayed by the fact V hat the official stenographer from Inllanapolis had not arrived. She was in the midst of her speech when this j lady came In. "Mother" Jones stopped I at once, observing: "I'll uult. You have heard enonyn of me." But the convention ruled otherwise and she spoke at length in the morning and again in the afternoon, keep inic at it during a hard storm late In 1 the afternoon . "Mother" Jones said : the northern West Virginia miners J might not hear her again for some time as she was leaving for Illinois to attend a big Mooney meeting there with other engagements in the future Other speakers at the opening day's session were: P. F. (iaithons. International board member for District No. 17. pointed out that the miners in the Fairmont field had benefited in part years from j the efforts made in union fields, citing : the Washington advances as an Instance. He appealed to the delegates | to stand for a closed shop contract and to elect representatives of the differ-' ent branches of the legislature who! would give labor a square deal. He alr.o pleaded that the men demand un-. ion got ds. I S.mi Ballentyne. international board member from Iowa, who acted as chairman of the resolution committee, ade an address in which he praised i he splendid work of President Keeney and the organizers and congratulated he miners on what had alreay been accomplished. He advised sober con-' of every matter which was to come up and urged each man to see i to it that he represented the interests n uit* union ii rr^rrrnmu. David Fowler, an organizer who is! i a member of the legislature In Penn-| J aylranln, made a plea for an industrial { army anil the rehahiiulation and re-ed utailon of it* member* just a* ia planned for the military Mr. Fowler i* a student of compensation laws and armies that pro;:er laws In various states v mid increase safety In tba Industrie . Vij kme Convention Notes. Jack is a dull boy with all work and? no play, so the ions sessions of thai first day of the scale convention at I tContinued on page eight) I BiU Betote Getting, V v.*. ' if''. >'*Jfcr. 3 . . ?' . - * ! .' 4 / ?. v' BBOW T^I RADVANCET^ /'v fm<t ^mG-nm&KPggLlf;*^"l he sector between Soissons and tlx rhere an advance was scored, ich and Americans, at the beglnnin its apprra?hes. llstance between Montdidier and thi 11 WORK ERS' Mi Miners Pledge Loyal Support to President The following telegram was tent to President Wilson oa the unanimous vote of the convention: FAIRMONT, W. VA? July 25, 1918. Hon. Wood row Wilson, 1'resident of the United States. Washington, D. C. Delegates of the convention o( he United Mine Workers of Ameri ca cf the Fairmont field of Wist Virginia now assembled, pledge our loyalty and support to our government in this world crisis and exiiress confidence in you, our Presilent, in the stand you have taken 'o make the wortd safe for democ acy and we appreciate the recog\itlon you have given to labor and rust you will have strength to >ear up under the great burdens of war. W OFFICIALS TO BE ROM GUESTS Mext Weeks Meeting of the Club Will Be Municipal Evening. Next week's meeting of the Hour}' lub will be Municipal meeting and he mayor, city commissioners and leads of the various city government ictivltles will be invited to be guests if the club and tell the. Rotarlans srhat they ran do to make Fairmont i better city. It will be exclusive')' a Rotary affaii with none but niembuc* of the clut )resent in addition to the municipal ruests and they will be asked to speak 1ght oat In meeting and talk brast arks. The following week, perhaps, al ome meeting at which lime munlci > 1 anairx win w himu?mii in :m icht of the statements made by the :ity officials. Last even inn's meet inn of the clut van very .well attended. It was said hat evcrv ember who was in Fair nont last evening was present and in effort will he made to keep that ;tandard up' throughout the summer _? - - ? Mrs- Phoebe Dixon Dies at Jakes Run Mrs. rhorbo Dl* in. afted "it year lied suddenly last evening at flvi 'clock at the home of her son-in-law Richard Jones on Jakes Run. Mrs itixon war. a widow and resided will ie;' daughter, bavin? come here sevci d years ago from Niagara Falls. - The funeral will take pigce Bunds: kfternoon at two o'clock from Eddy. ;bapel and 1-lermcnt will bo mad< hero by Undertaker A. W. Musgravr in Their Deadly IV EMMMMi ILYftS RANCE. I 5l^^W* *0L -''dwr^?^v x,.J*^\. ^^ijuy^ ? ?. Llj^J!JL33SpfcSlI1^4wgJ^ . . T ? Ourcq where excellent progress was g of their offenslre immediately south p Somme to the old battlefield In the Wnrni'' nUULUUIVILIlIU Ul MILROAOS HERE 1 RECEIVED Increase Against Transit Company's Property Nets $126, 677. Railroad* own property In Marlon | county to the aggregate of fl0.1M,5&0 and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company has more than three-fifths of this asessmont chalked up again-" it. The Baltimore and Ohio Company's assessments In Marlon e?nty i I placed at $<,<07,453. These flgur ran be gleaned from the report of a. sessments made by the board of put) | lie works at Charleston, which are a i hand today at the office of A. Q. Mui tin, county clerk. With $10.i6C.650 as the 1918 tot., and $10,039,873 as the agrregate a cessment for 1917 there I* any ir. 1 rease in ascssment of $126,677 ovr last year. Next to the B. 41 0.. the Monongalt la Valley Traclic.ii Company is secoiv with $3,814,839 assessed against it This inclndes all of Its lines In Mar1o:i i county, some of which were entere.l separtely in the reports submitted las year by the board of public work. There is an increase of 120,345 ore last year. Durinit the year the B. ft O's as sossment has dropped $127,3(1. The Monongahela Railway Company ha. had Its assessment increased $258.8*7 over last year. The Western Mary land's assessment total 1278.8*5 In J this county this year. An increasI of $394( having been made on the ' Helen's Run Branch and $23,880 was added because of the building of thi Uingppion branch since the last a.s I sessment. Assessments made this , tear and last year are as follows: 191S j Monongahe'. Valley Trac tion Company $2,814,830 I i Baltimore ft Ohio Wheeling Division (Main Line 3,717,130 i Fairmont, Morgantown ft I Pittsburg iDvision 729,637 i Monongahela River Branch. 915.40.. t Annabelle Bicnch 111.5**' Kitarm Branch 95,540 Fairmont Belt Line 21 *>50 , Catawba Branch 30.480 I . Paw Paw Branch 149.1*5 .' Fairmont yards, Monongahe! la River Division K25.C76 3. ft O total 6.1107,452 . Western Maryland? Uinganion Branch 23.1,80 Helen's Run Branch 255 li-7 | Western Maiyland loial .. 275.935 1 Monong : la Railway Com . 4(5.265 Brand total $10,l(6,5a0 1917. 1 Monongahela Valley Traction Company 52.C14.99 4 ' Baltimore ft Onlp. Wheeling ' Division (Main Line .... 3,814,327 Fairmont, Morgautown ft Pittsburg Division 743 275 Monogahels River Braucb.. 9 *>#.50" Annabelle Branch 112,2(4 Kilarm Branch ?r.,70fl i Fairmont Beit Line 21,554 Catawba Branch 30,124 ? Paw Paw Branch 14*,195 Fairmont Yards, Monongshela IDvision 817,(12 I 3. ft O. totsl (.734.844 . Western Maryland Helen's Run Branch 251,1(1 r Monongahela Railway Com i psny 439,3(4 ? Grand total *10.039,873 ork-~3&iei SmjI Al THEY I imtsu SHIED IE I EM Allied Artillery She and Road Leadin Where Teutom IIIEt ME MAKING This Morning the Buren of E Gunners and Artillery ai Making Its 0 iB\ AxocUieit Prrrsl LONDON, July 26.?On all tides of tha Gerrrr.n tallsnt the allies are reported today to be continuing to make progress except on the heights behind Soittont. The Germans resistance to the French pressure has been vary determlea | in this latter sector. The advan oes reported elsewhere are for the most part slight. On the other side of the salient just to the west of Rhaims the allies lost the town of Mery and Hill 204 to a German counter attack that retained Brlgny and the j greater part of the line thereabouts looking toward Fisnes. The allies in thla sector held Marfaux, Bounty, it. luphralee and Ceurton weed.. Between the Oreqwe and Chateau Thierry the Francs'American line new shews an advance he.'end the line ef a week ago of from six te eight mHts. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY ON AI8NE-MARNE FRONT. July 26, S a. ra?(By Associated Press.) ? The Franco-American push north of Chateau Thierry has resolved Itself into a battle of the woods which abound in his region. The Germans are fighting a rear ;uard action with their artillery and j machine Runs, retiring gradually before the allied forces. The German A 'untry is not in evidence. W. (nrllnnlinno aarlv fruloV WdrP ' IUC lUUIVBliuiin V?../ n ? - ; hat the enemy was making prepare ion for a further withdrawal. He had iieen struggling to hold the northern half of the forest of Fere and of Ris, hot the allies are making progress in ho work of ousting him from the re , nalnder of these woods. The allies moved their heaviest ar : tilery early today and were throwing ; hells into the German lines as far as | Satonay (five and a half miles northeast of Oulchy la Chateau), and beyond Fere-en-cardenols (two mile* southeast of Satonay). The districts to the south were also lieing peppered by allied shells. The Germans have been using much i blue cross" or sneexe gas but inef 1 Vctively. The G.'rman machine gunners and artillery are desperately contending j for 'very inch of ground before giving : it up. Tl is morning the battle was still in ! progress. WITH THE FRENCH ARMY IN FRANCE. Morning. July 26?(By AsI soclated Tress.)?The entire German 1 position ' iihin the Marne salient is ' such tba< t may tall at any instant, as the r dt of rome sharp forward move b* iho allies affecting a vital1 part. is for this reason that the Geran inlanders have ordered their men l< .iold on at all costs while a defensive position is prepared upon | which the German army ran (nil beck. Day after day the allies, now the French, now the Americans and now j the British are encroaching upon the ' triangular salient at come places mak ' in* deep dent* In the enemy's posl-! i Hons and at utiles progressing more slowly. Kvery lln? of coiununicatlon within WANTED?Reliable men to work on ice wagon. Apply City Ice Co., Mer| chant Street. 1 j - _ - _ -i Laborers Wanted in Shipping Department, Apply, Owens Bottle Machine Company. '/o/ T.u.n atiiMik RETIRE I 11 HI I in 1 Hfill FERE ???? lling Every Path jl g out of Salient fl - Met Defeat QTimonDU cicut i uiuuuumi i iqiii icfcnsc Fell Upon Machlnt nd Their Infantry Was Way Out (he Cemm; position It an Jer bombard- I men', night and dav, either from the allies' artillery or aeroplanee. ft to j nnlv with t'? great est difficulty, and fl with heavy sarrifirea, that the enemy ia able to bold on within thla area. Ml th" wlnle his men are auffnrinff terrible privations owing to the Ic< rfainty of obtaining soppllea. In toiiK im-iice of the alliaa com mending virtually every road and :j everv path the fatigued German unite " nsniinl Ivo * ??? elamwi- 1 " n iiri*,? citu WHCII ?|M* are merely tired. I.ONDOW July 26 ?Amcrlcai treepe* met and r on (jeered the emiy fB '4*0 tremendous cimbat in the nftNiH^I Bpleds end Trncny, saya Renter* 41 respondent with the American. tt? In Pranre. German lafietlT ntfl had been pushed back tram the foam waa harried forward to CMek J Franco-American throat toward Vw|E en Tardenoia from the sonthwnat.^ The Germans fought well aai elNflfl ed the advance for some U hmrrrmHR three tlmea wrested the Epldes from their determined AfoW can opponents In the aoantfcM^^H village grew constantly smaller andK-A the ceaseless bombardment tw WW sides and flnally disappeared, not arena a large pile ot bricks befog left fo l hind. When the village disappeared tfcnu| Germans were In poaseaeten. Thwm American tired of the oeaaMaee 4HH nnd flow of the flghtiag than M tffl ken the slopeM on either flank aoijS rorrd the German* to make their massed attack into the ratne eC phi village. General Ludendorft apparaottfjjflH 14 division* of shock troop* attt BMjj hand, say* Marcel Huten hi the hfljg do Part*. They ere deethMd, ft* ?9 least part of them, for aa openlAahn calculated to change the pteaaal dw] etlon to the advantage of the taflHI Crown Prince, bnt says Hates, R (MB hardly likely General Peek Ml General Prlair will let the be taken from them now. Between July 15 and yeeterdey 49 German dlrislona were liwIllim'M the Mame pocket aaya M. He tea completely exhausted divisions art me replaced by half rested eeea. .Ifljj WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY OKH THE AISN'K MARNK FRONT. Jm9 34. 3 p m ? I By Associated PtsmH* Franco-American troops on the hlH northeast of Chateau Thierry ?tdjW their lines further forward today. ) The allies along the float to Mn -ast likewise made progressatjMflH The Americans at one peint attsMMH an objective a kilometer dittaat.44 Clinging desperately la tha ;>nd the wood* iM heir machine nn*. their artlttm^H 'heir air force* and quantities in r.n effort to hampur the advsar**! *?? tVlitKK CAVSRD nn The Central lire station litllflH terday afternoon r centred a ?Hj come to the Dexter residence at Mi Cat Won street, wher electrical Wfftfl had hamed a Are. No damage rsaH ed. ??? ?? ? Boy VVanted^^H Bright boy to work la priatM^ office Good eorronadiaffa. 'ffM porrmiiy for a hoy who will tHB Wmt Virginian Office. Contutt the Union OmtMl. jj for expert dental uniNfc JH price* are reasonable. Cllll an vr McCrory S and ttc aKMijJ^H , srorl: guaranteed. e Sure ; ^ j 1 1