OCR Interpretation

The West Virginian. [volume] (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1914-1974, September 20, 1918, Image 10

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86072054/1918-09-20/ed-1/seq-10/

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iMlMPaSKcM^^ISk: .w tihtocf
*- ' %*
WB&'&Vi^'yvr *"5-* ft ^ ^^vJJyr yyp^ %?
^Cai wui .the picture on all tour sides,
accurately. When completed turn over
Pali: and cooler toj
j urday fair and conI
I Temperature at
tore, maximum, 80;
er 15.5 feet rising.
it Hire, Ladles of
aneta Council, Detected
Home Cirsnters*
meeting at
ises have been isIn,
county clerk:
W. M. Jennings,
8. A. Cartwright.
ilr Wavis, "WatAmos
; John Vaughn',
jomfleld: Dewey
West, Fairmont
s Morgan, Kingcity;
James W.
Hart, city; John
L. Koen, Man
-1* Pe~?
E1U W&1US. UV , fBi L
ton; Charles Flanantield;
Blair Jones,
Jones, Broomfield;
ey Morris. Baxter; j
liter; R. L. Sturm.
Worthington; A. J.
>; Clyde Paul Jones,
. Simpson, Manninglie;
B. J. Tucker,
r Cumberedge. Ida
, Mannington; Wil"armington;
agton; L. R. Knerr.
> C- Ornduff, Metz;
tagmont; H. Frank
Mannington; C. H.
.; D. N. Musgrave.
ann ington; 1
xisley. city; George
Eton; A. H. Moore,
inongah: Brenttoim I
IBUinmym, xi. a. ouancrv x>cuennedy.
Mannington; R. W.
..E. Springer, Fairmont R. D.
Lb^JTerr; ' i'eton.
vWWde t '1- stalesklent
huu-c:-' 1?. -os have
h "explosive licenses: Frank
h?> (gun powder), Hammond
HMPowfe. . > - IBHSw>y^NTW
nHOED;?Position as stenographer
booklceeper by. young man not in
|HBraUfieB' Boix 4457 care West
jfy^S- ; 9-20-31-4457
HaUnDB^Ditrari tor delivery wagonWjfeaSSfepMnt
Cfcas. Corbin 4
-c~y-? 1-..A v .yw-'SR.j.-'C-.-?
If Marion county JalL Two Tbreignera
II were vrresled for sugar hoarding and
H Tour Percy was given six months and
|}Lcis Zider was sentenced to serve
|| fifteen days In Jail, both being incar,
cerated in the Randolph cosnty JalL
Returned from Conference?Henry
' S. Lively. Edwin Robinson. A. J. Kent
and Mrs. Jas. A. Meredith. Mrs. George
> TcBolt and Mrs. Saxnnel Leeper have
; retn: .j. from Charleston where they
attended the conference for Liberty
I ran campaign workers.
l Hero Sunday?Hero Snnday wOl be |
observed at Christ Episcopal church
on Snnday. September 29. in honor I
of the men who have fallen in the war. I
The Rev. Baird Mitchell, rector of the
church, will preach a sermon appro-1
priate to the day and as a memorial |
- j j - : i
lO luc aeou uciuco.
. Sermon for Students ? Dr. H. G.
Stoetzer will deliver an address on
next Sunday evening at eight o'clock
at the Presbyterian church to the
teachers and pupils of the High and
Normal schools. This is an annual cus
torn of Dr. Stoetzer who is himself a
graduate of the local Normal school.
Had a Tiresome Trip?Forty Clarksburg
women who attended the big
lodge meeting at Watson yesterday
evening le't this city en route home
on a special interurban car last night
at 12 o'clock. Due to a breakdown of
ono of the trolley wiirs it was 2:35
a. m. before they arrived at Clarksburg.
Grimes in Europe?Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Grimes, of Maple avenue, have received
word from their son. Arlie F.
Grimes, who enlisted one year ago on
j September 17, his eighteen annlver|
sary. in the :J. S Naval forces, that j
I he is at a ouat termasters* base "some-'
| where in Europe "
Marriage Certificates?These marriage
certificates have been filed with
A. G- Martin, county clerk: Walter
Gray to Emma J. Phillips, by Rev. Orton
l>. Benedum. of the Pentecostal
N'azarene. Mannlngton, on September ^
18; Dorsey Brannan and Estelle j
Hamilton, on September 19; Truman !
Emanuel Johnson and Edna May Ja-I
cobs on September 10; James H. Pat- j
rick and Naomi Stevens on September
7; James Owen Gallaspie and Caroline
Ethel Post on August 2; Harry
Francis McCray and Mary D. Snider
on September 11; John Young and
Ada Belle Elizabeth Wilkes, on September
IS, all by Rev. C. E. Goodwin,
of First M. E. church, city. j
Road in Good Shape?The dirt road
between Rivesville and McCurdysville
is in excellent condition. This is the
route by the way of Baxter and Hoodsvilie.
The road was dragged some
time ago and is now in splendid condiI
I ???
Deeds Recorded--These deeds have
! been recorded by A. G. Martin, cotmI
ty clerk: Trustees of Palatine lodge,
; 3*. L O. O. F? to Laura Wilson Smith,
lot 420 Maple Grove cemetery, near
| Fairmont. $40; .Holbert & Spedden
company, to Mary Watson Carichoff.
I lot 1. block S. Bellview Heights, city.
$2,000; L. H. Wilcox et ux to Mattie
J. Montgomery, lot K, Michaels addi- |
tion, city. $375.
Election Forces Busy?Both the Re- j
publican and Democratic party work- '
ers are on the job and are transcribing
lists cf the qualified voters of
Marion county as filed by the registrars.
Passing Out His Cards?Major E. B. j
Crskadon. Republican candidate for j
judge of the Intermediate court of Ma- J
rion county, is passin gout cards an- j
ncuncing his candidacy.
Power of Attorney ? Lieutenant
Claude H. Mason, of El Paso, Texas,
if* in the United States army, has
execrted rower of attorney to Carroll
Helsnick. of Fairmont.
Eastern Tanhandle Prices?According
to information received from Marticsburg
peaches are selling for $2 a
bushel end apples from $4 to $7.50 a
Ccct Spell?"With the mercury down
to 48 and a drizzling rata and tog this
morning Fairmont shivered ami overcoats
and raincoats were in evidence
everywhere. Gas stoves were in operation
all over the city. The stormy
weather fits in with the fall equinox.
Spanish Influenza?According to reports
a number of cases of Spanish influenza
are r-revalent in Fairmont. Severe
aches in the arms appear to be
one of the symptoms.
Many at Convention?Two hundred
people attended the convention of district
2. Pythian Sisters, at Watson,
yesterday . Five people were present
from Keyser. Fourten temples of the
county were represented and reports
showed that every one bad a war
stamp savings society and were active
in Red Cross and war activities generally.
The convention was arranged
by Depnty Mulle K. Evans, of Fairmont.
Past Grand Chief Mary George.
rm/ yes
JJkCAU To 6c
' ' i V';.
"~~7 BUT I <DOIU?T :
"Wis ^?we?ttsK <ac
"B*2' Guar, FUNDS.
of Morgan tcwn. was present, as were
these officers: Mrs. Alice R. Miller,
of Fairmont, grand chief: Mrs. Ida j
Riddle, of Clarksburg, grand senior; j
Daisy Reeves, of Morgantown, grand
mistress of records and correspond- 1
ence. 1
Those who spent Saturday night
and Sunday at D. C. Baker's were Mrs. *
Susan Summers and fonr children. c
also Mrs. Jane Powell and daughter. ~
Mrs. Kate Baker and Mrs. Charles c
Baker and four children were call- J
ing on Scott Baker Satnrday aftercccn
last. ]
Odor Baker spent a few days last f
week, at D. C. Baker's. <
Miss Dorothy and Rachael Baker were
calling on Misses Blanche and
Lola Baker Saturday afternoon last.
Miss Edna Swisher was calling on
Miss Actie and Hallie Nuzum Sunday
evening. <
Harry Moore was calling on his
grandfather. Owen Moore. Sunday
last. i
B\) Edmund Vt
Your phrasing is pretty: your w<
But our answer goes straight, a
You brought on this war in the i
But. by Heavens! we're going t
It is well for your soul that you
That you cast down your gannei
But we're done with your cum:
You started this war. but we'll <
Your cause is a curse and your
And none but a HUN could d
You started this war. and the c
But we?we are going to end it
Your sins are more foul than th
And your oath, torn to rags?ci
You sounded the tocsin, but we
You started this war. but well i
Well listen to "peace" when ye
And your last gun has ceased t
Meanwhile, hear the word of th
You started this war. but we'll <
h {Copyright, 19
S6E THE AEttOPtA> j uouseI 1
" " *
>o? ?ny teNsa IN
MM8t? T? fwiae socH
THC Q?RHA?r9 Aftfi
3fl Bfel guisil
Divorces Granted.
Several chancery matters were disposed
of in Intermediate court by
Tudge Vincent today.
Audree Sturm, Mannlngton. has
peen granted an absolute divorce
torn Jesse P. Sturm on the grounds
>f desertion. Attorney M. W. Hess,
dannington, represented the plaintiff.
Elizabeth Selby. Kilarm, has been
granted an absolute divorce from
iVilliam Selby on the grounds of desertion.
The court places the cusody
of the three children in the possession
of the mother. Attorney L.
X Musgrave represented the plaintiff.
Nellie Lemaster, Fairmont, has
peen granted an absolute divorce
torn Tice Lemaster, on the grounds
>f desertion. Attorney L. C. Musprave
represented the plaintiff.
And Anger Them.
Flooey?There goes a man who has
lone much to arouse the people.
Zowey?Great labor agitator, eh?
Flooey ? No. a manufacturer of
ilarm clocks.?Burr.
znce Cooke.
Drds are polite;
i we send it;
malice of might;
o end it.
beat on your breast,
at and rend it.
ing. your tricks and the rest;
end it.
word is a lie.
efend it.
levil knows why.
e stenches of hell,
in you mend it?
*11 sound the knell!
end it
nir black flag is furled
o defend it
te civilized world:
end it
18 TC TV A a
I^.T^T0 ]fj
Sattlement of Late General
Receiver Meredith Has
Been Made.
fn Hrrnft nuirf. tfldftT thfi SUttflT Of
the settlement of the accounts of the
late Francis Marlon Meredith, of Wlnfleld
district, who was general recei-l
Ter of the circuit of Marion, was lire- (
sented by Attorney B. L. Botcher. A {
decree was entered by Judge Bay-1
mood confirming the report of the J
commissioner, which covered an audit, i
The report showed the following: j
Aggregate sum in the receiver's hand
at the close of JnJv 1. S25.032.73; interest
charges theron. SI532.83; aggregate
total charged to receiver, $27,360.
37; Disbursements?taxes. 5252.43;
premium on bonds. 593.33; receiver
commission. 5151.24; amounts paid
out at the direction of the court. 5793.
39; fees for recording settlement. 1916
1917. etc. 576.25. total disbursements.
51366.69: balance, 525.983.58.
C. D. Oonaway. exsberttf of the conn*?
?some time ago to
xy? - ^
assume the vacancy caused by the i
death of Mr. Meredith. j
Mrs. Florence Gilette. of this dtjr,
is the only woman to secure a county
hunter's license this season. She gives I
her age as 32 years.
John WOfbng and. Harry F. Brand,
coal operators. Fairmont, have been
admitted to the protection of the work- ,
men's compensation fund. j
- " * * )
Mailing Questionnaires. J
All registrants with serial numbers
under 1.153 who are between the ages <
<->f 19 and 36. inclusive, will receive 3
tbeir questionnaires not later than to- ;
morrow. Questionnaires up to this i
mark weer sent out b ythe local draft i
board today. There are exactly 495 j
men between the specified ages with
serial numbers under 1.153. i
Mustopor Brunick. aged 35. a Turk, i
died last night at Cook hospital ( 1
where he was a patient. His body i
was prepared for burial at the Mus- j
grave undertaking establishment. No ]
funeral arangements will be made, i
pending word from relatives. j
Could Have Been Edited. Stude?How
did you like Dean t
Halmes' sermon in chapel last Sunday? I
Other One?It was fair, but I saw I
three or four mighty good places I
~ ' ' www*?-Troth. I
"wnere ue cum u??o
Natural Conclusion.
Pa (reading Ms paper)?I see the
antls are beating jnst now.
Little Willie?Who are the aunties
beating, pa? The uncles??Baltimore
Disinterested "Devotion.
"She evidently loves her husband
for himself alone."
"Why so?"
"She takes in washing to support'
him."?St. Louis Globe-Democrat. .
Told by Herself. Her Sincerity
Should Convince
Christopher. I1L?"For four years I
suffered from irregularities, weakness,
I npi-g-nnsnem- and I
[JJIII I was in a run down |
ilift?s3<9til [condition. Two of |
jour best doctors ;
W 1 failed to do me any |
?I good. I beard so j
llai *! S ijgi | much about what '
llic I LydiaE-Pinkham's !
I Illlv'dStilljllil Vegetable Com- |
[Hllll' K?3fcP^'liiil pound had done for j
JRiL_V^\5:r?jk others, I tried it ;
wStZl ff? - & and was cored. I ;
' m- am no longer ner- .
Z-L " < ??? regular, ,
?and in excellent ?
health. I believe the Compound will .
core any .female trouble."?lira. Alice j
TTvr.T.-gg, Christopher, HI.
Nervoosness is often a symptom of j
weakness or same functional derangement,
which may be overcome by this !
famous root and herb remedy, Lydia
EL Pink ham's Vegetable Comnound. as
thousands of women have found by
If complications exist, write Lydia EL
Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for
foggesrions in regard to your ailment.
The result of-its long experience is i
it your service. i
Wi! cee wuua h:\MS
fH 7 MUTUlN'-v- GEE
'Mw f ^V>/V
/ LirKKfiuf^Hk'
1 For Men, Wom
First With
. Originators and Leaders o
(Continued from page one.) j
making an uninterrupted circle oC
iefenses around tho city. The forts1
and most of the advanced positions
ire connected by a belt line railroad
running to the magazines In Metz. j
The city Itself lies at the confluence j
>f the Seille and Moselle rivers, about
LI miles east of the French border, I
ind contains many ancient and picturesque
buildings. In peace times
It had a civilian population of 75,000
md a garrison of 25.000 soldiers.
Metz has changed hands many
times In many years, but has never
>een carried by storm. Even in 1S70
when the Germans captured it from
the French, it was not directly attacked.
but was given up as the result
of battles In Its Immediate vicinity.
Centuries of conquest between
r.atin and German have surged about
he city, until it has become the most
important key in the barrier between
The Cash
Just a F(
We don't have special
j they will all be specials.
; at our prices. All goods a:
Yellow Onions 5 lbs. f
Sweet Potatoes, 5 lbs.
Romford Baking Pow<
Every Day M3k' Poll C
per doz
Hebe' Tall Can
per doz.
Can Tomatoes, No. 3 Ca
Can Tomatoes, No 2 C;
I lb. Crisc?
Vz lb. Can Hershey's C
Silver King ash Board
Old Reliable Coffee, 1 ]
Tin Cans, per doz.
If you want to la;
ned goods for winter n<
ces will be going highe
before they go higher,
cots, Cherries. Pears,
Pineapples, Salmon, bn
We keep our store
til 8:30 and will be pie;
in and look over our st
P. S.?Buy Creamery
again. 1 lb. Prints Clover!
ter buy 2 or 3 lbs.
a i ^1/ *
?i-it r ^ llMS, ,t
V- 1 r. \///A i ?r
Low Prices ]
- ~ . r >. ' ' a3(
^^^ ,-.'^B *^B ^W^3
f Low Prices in Fairmont
Latin or Anglo-Saxon and Teotanfa
"I have a dog and a ben that an
fast friends."
"That Is an odd friendship
can a dog and a ben hsrabgOBSif
'"Well, they're both ?ettaia.T^u>1?
more American.
C^Y*7 I
jw Items ;;'|||||
s, everything is markednof?!
It will pay anyone to look g
re marked in plain
ler, 1 ib. can
- - -1
yw is good time, as
r each day. Get them
Can Peaches, Ppri- j
Tomatcfes- Peas, Corn* jfl
y them by the case or r i
opened of evenings xn|0
ased to have you come I
ock and Prices.
^ g
/ '
\ VI *'^1
\ \ Vv~j I

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