BaBSBr: "f;*:~. -:fegj^vSjwg -""^ '^' 'v- -* '.* t THE DAILY " I yORT STORY Good Old Santa! Kox/ARq^EY CAMERON NEW. BxCopCTicfet, 1918, by the McClure Hj? Newspaper Syndicate.) pfCHOES of vigorous band clapB-? ping, harmonically tempered with P. * ecstatic "aha" and "ohs" from a arorahlptog* audience, reached the Ceoup la the back of the Olympla Ptage. and jBorrest, tbe popular maaa'rim littie angel is on." he markSCto Marty Miller, awaiting his turn. KSho sure has a rep for pep." p?Brelyn. deserves it,' ansered Marglancing about to see if his wife, ajbit envious of Evelyn Belmont, was MMUn earshot. "She's a brave little May. way, uu rsogwicit went over lUiere,' she never djd a 'single' in hex He. And she hasn't whimpered?just Boes .on smiling every night, dazzling Eea out of- their seats. No wonder Day call her 'the little angel.'" f*J know,*"* replied Forrest, thoughtnlly. "I know.' And then, after another outburst from "out front" had subsided, be spoke again. "Has she heard from him latelv?" it "Showed m" wife a letter dated three weeks ago," said Marty. "He's a lieutenant now. Said be Expected to go into action in a day or so. Evelyn's worried to death?'fraid he's wounded?not a line from him since. 1 tell yon?she's great, that kid " f- Another outburst from the house tat him short and in a moment a dazaling little creature in white, from her glorious golden bead to the tips of her exquisite ieet, ran toward the group. ' "Oh." she exclaimed, breathlessly, "isn't that great?" And then, the dimles in her pretty cheeks vanished in 'look of anxiety, as she turned to Forest. "Any mail for rue?" | Marty thought lie detected a slight wince in Forrest, as he replied kindly: "Not today. Mrs. Boswick." And then be added, hastily, as if to reassure her: "But then there was none for me, Bither. The mall service is?a little tardy." ; "Without replying. Evelyn turned iway and went slowly to her dressing room, followed' by the compassionate Ooks of Forrest and Marty Miller. "All the grit is not on the other side if the water." observe! Forrest, as he praed tray slowly. "The grit behind l*r smile is the kind they're winning tattles with." And then, day after day. Marty Miler. Jack Fuller. Pearl Popp. and the rest of Evelyn's fallow performers on he ?lyppfa's program notici d Kvern's decline in spirits. No longer dirt lie d-mple and auk "Any mail?" Only IVistful glance, that made Forrest's therly-'old heart ache with synipaBS brought his kindly answer: "Not sy> But then the mail " jn a cold morning early in Xovemfclarty Miller passed Evelyn in the by on his v.-av to the tnail rack, and oohing into it he snatched a letter irom It quickly and turned with rapidly regained composure, to dart a quiz tlctl glance at Evelyn. He started to speak, and then, somehins choking him. he hurried to his Jressing room and behind closed doors (pre open a letter with a foreign postmark. Rapidly he dashed through the contents and then turned a worried Crown toward Mary Miles, as her name appear^ on the program and their wedding certificate. I,- KnAn v.ictnrl * " \7nrt v _ [c alarm. ^ "Who? Charlie Zepp?" she Jemaiv.lSt' "He deserves it. I " ^?so." was the savage unlover-like reply. "Charlie Boswick. lie's alive, though. This letter's from him. He's convalescing in a hospital over there. I?wonder if I'd better tell Evelyn?'' "Of coarse not." snapped his spouse. "And spoil her Christmas party, after all of Forrest's plans? Waitf till he gets better. She'd worry her head Oft' . "Shi's worry It off. anyhow," he answered. "What shall I do?" - "Nothing." came the prompt answer. "Let her have her party unspoiled. Forrest thought it a g.->od idea to make it a surprise, but I think ft tsH her. It'll keep her mind off of dm." And. .without another word Marty vent forth to find Evelyn. She found Mr. and fifteen minutes later reportid her efforts to a group of Forrest's xfKce. * "! think she's gone daft," growled Eepp, the press agent. "The idea! A Christmas dlnac;- for wives of solUtrs who can't be back for the holiUys.. Why, it'll cos: " c "Totr nothing." Forrest finished the Mnteacc, and the lines of his mouth suae together in a decided manner. It's Evelyn's party, and if she wants bet sort of thing she'll have it?it fro got anything to do with it. Ana Ml have a few kids. Just to make it Jfcristm&ssy. Evelyn's right. Think ftet a treat It win be to the worried mass and chQdden?a papal ess 3Etistmas, but Christmas just the WftSM. I'm for It?a special -matinee bd a little spread afterwards." n>"Cotmt dm la," shouted Marty, nodBh< his warm approval to the others. 3*11 be Santa Claus." Bgriilnt fat enough." objected Char IS'-Zepp, feebly, for he saw the glim harliU at a press write-up fc the otf b, * if BpLatW that t' me," Marty advised mil. dryly. "Til listen to you for a Keek, and well swell up on hot air." HCbrlatnsas morning approached and Kralyn. who had still heard nothing Km Boswick despite the coming of Baoe, found solace for her worries in Htangisg for her party. To keep her Hfeythe rest held back in volunteermMp tor the program until she ask 1 them. Then they promised gladly. Ban there were the decorations to a. the menu to arrange, and a hopeBit crowd of wives and children to relitre tickets from her hands. HOntetmas morning came ? her IBgtalag^Never before was the OlymMftsge'so dressed, tor Nature in HBUkprays^ bououots and even pBarteiiiHSlantM lifeless canvas and I ansfaormed the theatre Into an entic g" floral bower. And countless walrus-stood by. waiting Evelyn's call to * on. the eats." The juggling AND FAN Santas HEADQ ' By JESSIE MeCUTCHEOM RALEIGH CHICAGO. 111. Nowadays. when kingdoms are lalliiig everywhere, who doesat admire, more than ever, the great man, Santa Clan*, who ha* so securely held his throne tor centuries, reigning over his millians of worshippers, with happy regality and certainty. But ever Santa has had his troubles during the last four years. For, as you know, all of his toy-shops have been pretty much crowded out of their former locations because of disturbances, more than slight, in their -vicinities. which hardly were congenial with the children's saint. Having suddenly realized his pre carious position. Santa employed bis wits and saved his throne from tottering. as he experienced a miraculous awakening. Rubbing bis eyes, he said: "There must be other countries! There are other countries t Only I've been dumb and asleep'" So, quick as a flash, he hung "to let" signs on all of his shops, and jumping into his invisible sleigh, dashed across the sea to a wondrous country ?AMERICA! He chuckled with re- j lief as he recognized his natural affinity for hi snew headquarters. One of the very first shops which he started in America after his hasty departure from Germany was the Ral- . eigh Doll Factory in Chicago, and having appointed me a^maaager, we have . had many interesting conferences. j It would astonish those who neirer ! have given it much more thought than j just the purchasing of a doll over the ' counter, that the probable initial cost j of the original doll has been thousands of dollars. A glimpse behind the scenes in our doll factory would enlighten the beholder. The roar of machinery and the men working hard from morning- until night, pressing, glneing. sandpapering, buffing, dip! ping, spraying and painting, to say j nothing of the finishing touches of wigging, dressing and boxing would convince him that dollies do not growon trees. But Santa says, that no matter what may befall oxerything else, his children must have dolls! WBen you con-I sider that there are 25.000.000 children \ : in the United States aloae. under six j 'years ot age?you can see why Aaeri- : I ca should be the toy center, and the i business of malting children happy, i (one of cur coming industries. I It is amazing to thin'.: that the duty i on the import of dells alone in the ] year of 1214 ? just pevious to the | j breaking out of the war. was S1.S12.807 j ?Germany $1,794,213. France 512.2S0 . : J England. S-.4S3. and Japan $2,925. j Docs this astounding fact not prove i j that the thing to do is to discontinue . ; paying duty and make our own dolls j j In our own country? j Mrs. Cram is also a great helper. J not only to Santa Claus, but to tbej i j | through the peephole In the curtain j i at the crowded house. Jack Fuller j : end Marine i'ulton. the peerless pair, I [ put a few finishing touches on a sotto-: i voice rehearsal back stage, while Cai : j Bryn. the "matinee idol" fumed ia ! thu wings, eager to lied the bill for the j ! first rimo in his lire. I Marty Miller stood before his dress| lag table. putting a last touch on his i samtly costume, when the door openi cd and shut quietly, and as he turned, a h3n!S <4 MUSbl T - WAS TOWhl HeOE ^TL== YJATCHI*I BoY - !? ' ? - i FRfTNTAV F4TRM0JJT TTTl ; WOMAN W~AMERICMKS i^4i^ \^ ^ ^ I I * e's the latest Christmas uolt anil was ' ' leigh. These character dells are, up- ;1 eps, Angel Child, in center Goldilocks, \ i they made their tremendous sacrifice.! , can now make beautiful dolls, undt r j the supervision of Mrs. Cram, who has | , sage for all the tree's lovers that will | bear repeating year after year, and . that will acid joy and to the happy family gatheings under the gleaming boughs litis Christmas Ol ioiS: "Now the tree is decorated with bright merriment and song and cheer-; fulness. And they are welcome. In- j noecnt and welcome be they ever held beneath the branches of the Christ-, runs tree, which cast no gloomy shad-: ow! 1 hear a whisper going through the leaves: "This, in commemoration of the law of love and kindness, mcr-; ; ov and compassion. THIS, in remem-, 1 berance oX niel"?Charles Dickens. j ! EAT PROTEINS AS BODY FPfc'L, IN '/INTER; i By BIDDY BYE. ' Al! the foods which the human body j U"es are divided into three main i j classes whose scientific names are pro-1 tcins, fats and carbohydrates. The proteins are the body building I foods, those which make muscle ar.d j nerve tissue and produce energy and I heat as well. j it is to proteins that we turn espe- i cially when we need to build up the . body, as in youth, after illness, or to! reinforce its power to perform labor or endure strain. Heavy manual laborers need more protein than office workers, and as arule men need more j than women and children. In cold 1 weather, the body needs extra heat I and energy to repel cold, and proteins i are the foods which supply this need.! I The chief" chemical constituent of protein is nitrogen?the same element which is necessary to plant growth. It is the nitrogen or protein which is necessary to maintain health in adult human beings and insure normal growth for children. The protein foods which supply this building material and heat and energy power are found to some extent in all foods, but the largest sources of supply are meats, milk, eggs, cheese. TPS? (DANNY'S IDEA OF T vsss - ( P4hhI f Dart* ) DAOOV o j I F0CMAC&TJ BMH y HHHNNMHNj AND TO TELLS WHY established in France, sfcors where j ihey can be employed with work whose importance to the world is a:; great. if not greater, than that they formerly performed. It is Santa's object now. since he has cotae out of his rut. to take advantage of the clever imagination ar.d :reative ability of his American workmen to make dells and toys with a i meaning. He wants his dolls, not to j be "just dolls." with the staring eyes and characterless expression of the ; eld style, but real, almost breathing children's children, who will inspire* the maternal instinct, for which puri>ose a doll should be created. fish and dried peas, beans, wheat and i oats. Ivlost nuts are rich in proteins j ilso. The cheapest foods to supply protein are milk, peas, beans and cereals. The average grown person in good health doing moderate labor should j cat a ounces of protein each day. Half ' that amount should come from ureac and cereals and the other hair from meat, milk. cheese, eggs, etc. There is 1 ounce o? protein ill 1 j rjuart of milk. 4 eggs. 6 ounces medium I fat meat, four ounces ^whole-milk j cheese, 6 ounces dried beans, and 12 jttnees of bread. Growing children nerd more pro- ! tein in proportion to their s:ve thaa adult men and women, because they are constantly building new tissue. Boys and giris should have at least a auart of milk a day in addition to : er food until they reach maturity. -r-c I MONONGAH J Personals. Mrs. C. A. Eonaker was a Christ- 1 mas shopper in Fairmont. Mrs. Ccorge Fleming was a caller ! in Fairmont. V.'m. Kerning was a business caller i in Fairmont. W. G. Sattcrfic-ld. of Fairmont, was < a business caller in town. Mrs. Lcc Junes was a recent caller i in town. Miss Justice was shopping in Fairmont. Mrs. Faul Currens was a caller in Fairmont. Lee Salvati was a visitor in Fairmont. Mrs. AYm. Gaskin was shopping in "airmcnt. Mrs. KatV.crir.e Hickenhottom, of Fleming Crossing, v.-as calling in town. of C?.'.r,?Ti cri-i!!,-? Tt'.IC r?nl UUilU lUlli, v/i iyvuuioxov, - - ? ing ou his son, S. B. Hall, o? Brookdale. Mrs. Tom Everett, of Brookdale, was calling in Fairmont. Miss Leona Harden was a recent caller in Fairmont. Kusseil Fletcher was a caller in Fairmont. Mrs. Kenneth Carrey, of Ar.nabelle, was calling on friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Currens were calling in Fairmont. Private George Hall was a caller in Fairmont. Mrs. Tipp Knner. of McKeesport, Pa., is visiting Mrs. Paul Currens. Mr. and Urs. Earl Morris, of Pittsbugh. is nome to spend the holidays with his mother. James Leon, of Brookdale. was a recent caller in Fairmont. Sherman Myers, of Middleton, was a social caller in town. Preston County Buckwheat, home style, tor breakfast each morning. Boyers Restaurant.?Adv. HE CHRISfMAS SPIRIT. mnr~ ^ m rLLL |j 16VE5S DADPW _ _ ts MlTUToTue. '^->5 . 5 [j / 1 fe.' <]k^ jfi py, I 7*^/ vxM BH . --. ^I - . EBER -j E HOME ! 1 , v^With Man] ^ Our Fri? Their P; We Wisl A Verj Chris tf - t- w= STORE ,* ALL % \ WEDIS z i CH A PTE I Saffe* the Teorror of Being Wat The theft of the ring proved to me that one ret of conspirators, searching tor the Ucaticn of the sunken jewels, had traced the clew from the "Queen of Smiles" to me The return of the ring, together -with Jim's letter, reminded mi: that X might be in constant dangir. Now, that the thief of a week ago had learned by personal investigation that the chart was not in the ring, it ocurrred to me that the -en,- safest hiding place for that chart was back in the ring. I took the wee fold cf thin, tough paper from beneath my pincushion, shut it in Its Iopis casket and went down to dinner. Just as the dessert was placed on I the tab!?, !r. rushed Eloise, white as ever she could have been when she i first faced the Hun beast four years ! ago. "Pardonnez-mol!** she wailed. "TJn ! le boudoir do Mme. Jeanne! J'ai peur! madame, Je 1'ai vu, cet home, en Belgioue" The butler not at all understanding what Eloise had cried out to him as she ran down stairs, had followed her into the clintng room. "A burglar!" 1 translated for Daddy. "In my room!" i I had a hunch as to what that bur - ? ? 1 J glnr wantert mere, ana i vuuiu followed the men upstairs to see him. if possible, but mother called me bach'. Eioise had collapsed ir. a heap on the 1 floor. After we had revived her and put j her to bed. I ran to my room As I j suspected, it was littered from end to j end with my personal possessions.. r Even my calling cards had been scatj tered. the thin sheets of tissue which ; protected the engraving had been slipped off into a Osnowy heap It was plain j to ms that v hoever had stolen the ring j from my finger a week Ego had Jnst j searched my room for the key to the ] location o flbe U-boat. "Eloiso scared the scamp. I suppose." said Daddy Lorimer. as mother and I surveyed the havoc. "I guess she kept him from trying out the rest of the house. He's Taken nothing of )?BY ALLMAN; SHfflBES VWfirMAkTES |P CAUSE RE I swwrrnw ^ ^ " PAGE 7 >1 Thanks to J||H 'HI Jm * J by the Nun ?| <. Enterprise Aas*?. fl ?k ??? ' ched and Followed and Learn Fear ^ Jane's, so far as I can tell. -TfcatSj comes, my girl, of your not earfnirv3 much about Jewelry. SenBlhle."Y- - ^v^SCjJMB i in n ?->