I PAtDCnCDLATIO!*. ?? 7 1^ ^ ^ ^M< W ^ ^ - " T J Nov. 1018... * * ^ 3 ^W Z*r x\ ' _????? V | a qo?iity y^w^i^g- tor e.glaui mw, wbettoaeTpersou'-unaidedby the citlI zeaslilp, can. hold in check a city of I IS,000 inhabitants and keep this large I family entirely free from vice, then he rS53T?f?^ [ BRIDGE REPAIR PLAN ||?Boes Not Believe It Should p j ' - Be Asked to Help ; Smith Hood, vice president of the' k'-\- Valley Traction company, and Tusca Morris, attorney lor the -company, appeared before the city j - Board -of Affairs this morning at the ' regular -weekly session. relative to me' bridge approach which the ft. mid O is planning to bail! at the wast end! ? - : ?f'the-bridge across the Monongahela ' rfrer and connecting the railroad ?; "Viit -insurance policy for $20,000 on " ;.tf? .ent ceases to exercise feSjESjajBe: control January 1, will be regarddhgr'the Department of Justice as in astntht of free competition, it was ? J ' ata^ed today the explanation was made ^rjdcodblly it answer to queries as to aat "happened to war time price fixJhig.'~W"ar Industries Board ceases to jjHttncflon at midnight tomorrow. TRANSPORT STRANDED. pXiONDON. Dec. 30.?The American gkasport.Tenadores which left New :>rfc; Cor Brest oa December 18. was the rocks near the Isle D'y u :n Bay of Biscay on Saturday. -S state that tkoee aboard are '.~ t 70rcue - r mm his gamsung'! cm or hoiii ppress it and Intimates That rl Awakening Will j ;onainons. fJEHIEWS BKIBS8I ss Social Conditions Here iTorst in His Fourteen xperience. will approach The unattainable. Just as parents can not always keep in tact the morals of a family of several children Just so. but on a much larger scale, the chief executive of a citycan not keep vice entirely down, but can only by streneous efforts, reduce It to a minimum. Mayor Bowen believes the attack was unjustified and totally unwarranted at this time. Dr. Broomfield preached to his congregation yesterday on "Social Extraagance," and hauled the people of the city over the coals for the slackness In morals that exist at the present time and which he believes is the worst condition that has confronted him in the fourteen years, of his pastorate in this city. Dr. Broomfield .believes that the only remedy for the con-1 dition that exists at this time Is a ; thorough awakening of the public con-! science, and a, a starter in this dercction proposed the holding of a conference of parents of yonng people in which the various phases of what he terms"social extravagances"' will be discussed. Dr. BroomSeld's sermon was preashed on the subject, "Taking Stock of our Standing wi'.a God at the Close of the Year.** but tbo trend of the sermon;* 'was an attack on the social life of the 'city at this time. Other ministers in the city also rapped social conditions severely In their pulplt3 yesterday, and these top-! [ ics were widely discusssed througcu; < I the city MAN COMING HERE k | 4 Y. M. C. A. New Physical! Director at Culver, Ind. !1 Also si I After burning the wires for some ' 1 j time, A. J. Cash, general secretary of the Fairmont Y. 31. C. A., today an- * 1 nounced that he had procured a pny| steal director in Prof. M. L. Clevett, | of Carlisle, Pa., who has just complet; ed his work as physical director of I Camp Crane, Allentown, Pa. | Clevett is thirty years old and is [ married, having one child. After j graduating form the High school at j Kewanee, 111., in 1907, he attended , ! the physical department of the Y. M. ' it. A. College at Chicago, -where he j was graduated. He had a summer i course at the University of lllionis, ' I Urbana. 111., under Coach Zupkee in ' I physical work. For one summer he I had charge of one .of the public play I grounds under the South Park Sys- j tern in Chicago. He then went to Culver Military 1 Academy at Culver, Ind. .where he 1 was in charge of gymnasium and track work and assisted in athletics. | i About a year ago he went to Camp : Crane, Allentown, Pa., where he took . up physical department work. < Clevett will report for duty here next Monday morning. [ | African Methodists to Hold Meetings i I The African Methodist Episcopal " [ church, an organization recently per- : I fected in this city, will hold services 1 I on next Sunday in the Y. M. C. A. audi- 1 i torinm. At this time members of the f i colored Baptist church and Alto Meth- ; odist Episcopal church, colored, wiu be aslced to join in the services. A meeting is planned by this congregation to be held at Mannington on Wednesday. A number of people from this city will attend this meeting. The meetings will be conducted by the Rev. Shaffer, pastor of the African JL E. church. TO HOLD SPECIAL MEETING. A special meeting of the Pythian Sisters will be held on Tuesday evenj ing at 7:30 o'clock in K. of P. hall, j Fleming building for the purpose of ; completing arrangements for the rendition of the playlet. "Katcb-Koo.** which will be rendered in the Grand ] on January 17 and 18. The prates- i atonal director-will arrive on Thnrs- (] JED IN . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A scene on Fifth avenue, N'cw Rodman led the sailors between lines iSfWLE~ IMILJ nnniiiiir WIUJjlMM Community Party to Be Held at Fleming Chapel Tuesday. i "i Edgmont people are going to launch , a community uplift movement at a: meeting -which will be held tomorrow ; evening from S to 10 o'clock at Fleming chapel. The affair will partake somewhat of the nature of a farewell party for the young people who are soon to return to various schools an tor those who are going away for th winter, but it is expected that son; sort of a. permanent organlzatic which will take the lead in aU con munity matters will be organized. Rev. Baird Mitchell will preside an.. ;kc public is most cordially invited to attend. Everyone wil be given a most cordial reception and refreshments will be served. A program which probably will be carried out has been irawn up as follows: S:00 Call to Order. Music by the j Choir. Inovation by Rev. Mitchell, j 8:10?Welcome, by Howard Wads-: worth, temporary secretary. 820?Address by Rev. Mitchell, tern- ; porary piesldent. ?SoO?^1 us Ic. 9:00 Oracle, Personal History by R. j E. uavis. 9:13?Social Recreation and Re- j Creshments. 10:00?Benediction by Rev. Mitchell j Committees as follows havj charge , at the varios details of the preparations for this meeting. Reception?J. E. Anderson. J. H. Beckman. Arch Fleming. Mrs. Forest Fleming. Mrs Frank Neely. Invitations?Stewart Wallace, chairman R. E. Davis, Miss Jessie Vanderort," Ruth Snider, Mary Rice. Arrangements?Frank Neely, chairman. Arch Fleming, rice chairman, Saul Hunt, Howard Wadswortb, J. E. Anderson. Helen V. Pool, Hays Johnson Louise Snider, Miss Olive Walase. Woman's Arrest Causes Trouble A woman and her young baby are xt presnt in the county joll- The woman with her husband were arrested at Farmington and tried, there 'or making and selling wine. Sentence was pronounced which placed the three members of the family in [ail. The woman when Questioned here said she made wine for her own famly and that neighobrs often came in ind wanted some, which she gave hem. accepting a quarter now and hen, though not intending to make x practice of selling the liquid. The :ouple were much worried yesterday >ecause of a cow, chickens and pig which they were afraid would not be j ec- captain e fed. ' County Physician Tost, together with others interested, including Captain O'Beirae. are at-mpttng to have >otb woman and baby released fromtail Both -will he cared .{or at the mrsery,-if. necessary, as the baby PARADE OF THE SAILORS ????fva?-**" .? '' ' ' JB York, during the great parade follow ing of cheering people. Mil Ml HI'S EXCESS II CABS TODAY i B."& O. Furnishes Unusual Total of 3355?Place- v< ec ment is Good* m ei cl All records for car supply in the . Irmont region for many moons! e slashed today when the B. & O- i -.cd in 3,335 cars. The placement { V o'clock this morning was 1,815- I ? ' The cars in the region are classified j , follows: Open, 3,240; coke, 78; ? .am track, S; n.e.o.x, 29. ! tc i ^ Saturday's Loading. Care loaded in the region Saturday j totalled 843. Of this number 782 : [;] ..ore loaded east and 63 west. The j .j eastward traffic consisted of 761 coal J ' and 21 coke cars, and the westward * 48 coal and 17 coke cars. Off tor Washington. cl C- H. Jenkins, of The Hutchinson gj Coal company, left today on a busi- d: ness trip to Washington, D. C. tu Isner Here Today- te R. B. Isner, district representative fe of the United States Fuel adminis- ec tration, will arrive here today after is spending the Christmas holidays in p: Elkins. ta Uniteread of tbese diseases. Official notice of tbe designation of le state hospital hare as a free clinic as received recently by Dr. Ramage otn F. F. Fcmsworth. A. A, Surgeon nited States Public Health Service. > rough tbe State Department of rtalth and the.clinic was promptly itablishod and already a number of ises have been treated. The territory to be covered by this inic embraces Marion and MononUia counties. The patients will be rawn from paupers, indigents, reirned soldiers who may become inicted and in fact anyone who is incted who cannot or will not be treat1 otherwise. Under no circumstances the clinic to treat other physicians' itients as the department desires to ike care only of those who are too >or or too negligent to take treatment igularly or too good for nothing to ty for it. The facilities for the treatment tve been provided and the governant trill r>OV* fan tka ?-**? nu* W*( LUC Ui xacv,GOO?tA > the treatment of these diseases. A certain day and certain hours will : established shortly for-the treatent of these diseases and these noses will be posted conspicuously in der that the public may become ware that such a clinic is held and is scessible to those who should take ie treatment. The great war has focused the atntion of the public on the necessity : conserving health and this bids fair > be an important factor in solving ie venereal disease problem. In the ist the moral and legal factors inlived have overshadowed and comicated the health aspect of this probm. Vice crusades and spasmodic tempts at-preventing -prostitution by ie method or another have usually :complished little permanent good id have often spread the venereal seases rather than checked them. The large amount of venereal disises in civil life as shown by reports ; the draft examiners and camp com:anders has stimulated the public And to the necessity of Immediate :tion as no other agency could have me and the government deems the me ripe for the application of effient methods of control. The end of. actual fighting in the orld war does not lessen the neces ty for the campaign against Henereai iseases. Rather, it becomes a greatr war emergency measure than ever, essation of hostilities centers attenon on the retain of the "victorious m ericas forces. On entering the series the men became subject to Arm; ad Nay; discipline, which. In the conI (Continued on Page Three) Miss Gail CS WILSI Auto Driver Bad Manneredj Christmas Eve, Dashed Past Street Car j Which Stopped to Take j A. A j .IgCU TV UlilOlli Who owns automobile No. 14.20G? Who was out the night before Christmas in this car about 9 o'clock in the evening? Whoever it was no doubt neglected to' notice that the Watson car whicn stepped at Fourth street, waited for an elderly lady, who was very evidently unaccustomed to getting on str eet cars and had some difficulty in finding the entrance to the car. As this lady, carrying a heavybasket. walked the length of .the car to the entrance, an outomobile bearing license No. 14,206 passed swiftly by. not slowing down to the slightest degree. pas-s'ng the woman with verysmall space ir. between, and not only breaking the law but endangering a life as well. The incident was noticed by several and remark was made at the time that something definite and curative should be done about it. nstead of reverting the mattter to the proper authorities, however. It was felt that a more far-reaching remedy might consist in publishing the license numbers whenever such incidents occur. Not only car No. 14,206, but other cars as well, have been repeatedly breaking the law which requires that automobiles stop when passing a standing street car The reason is obvious. Entrances and exists to and from street cars h3ve been so planned that it is impossible for passengers to step suddenly % off into the pathway of a fast approaching street caar from the opposite direction. The only danger to await such passenger lies in an automobile passing swiftly just as man, woman or. child steps off. For this reason the law forbids all automobiles to pas a car which is standing stll. This law cac been, broken a number of times very recently. ni a as nut nrmrn nri rlAN Dib atnlto \i\ PRAYER MEfHNGS ! They Will Lead Up to West i Side Union Evangelistic Meetings. The clergymen of the West side of the river held a called meeting this ! morning to consider plans for the evangelistic campaign which will be waged in this city beginning January 12. Previous to the meetings and beginning next Monday cottage prayer meetings will be held in the wards of the city and chairmen for the districts have been named and they will be re- : sponsible for some five or six meet-: ings of this nature to be held each j evening during that week in their dis-! trict The chairmen were named as follows: Third ward. Frank White; Fourth ward. Ross Watts; Fifth ward, Charles Denham; Sixth ward. C. W. Evans; Seventh ward, W. A. Crowel; Eighth ward, Carl Riggs. It will be the duty of each of these district chairmen to name assistants who will conduct meetings on these evenings and singers will also be designated to accompany each speaker and to assist with the prayer meeting. J It is planned to haTe approximately 36 prayer services in session each evening of the five evenings of that week in these six districts. The personnel of these committees will be announced later. On next Sunday evening a meeting of all the Young Peoples societies of the city will be held at the First! M. E. church previous to the evening services when plans will be discussed for the work of the coming weeks. Services will be held next week in each of the city churches both morning and evening and the evangelistic meetings proper will not begin until the following Sunday. Singing Evangelist Heaton, formerly .with Blederwolf. th efamons evangelist. of "Winona Lake. Wis, has'been secured to cosdnct the singing at the evangelistic meetings and will arrive here January 11. He wyi conduct a rfinir eomnosed of some eighty or a hundred voices and this promises to he a feature of the. meetings which will continue several weeks. Similar plans for the other group of ; clergymen who will conduct a similar campaign on the East side are' being ' worked ont at this time. The meetings on this side will be [ held in the First M. E. church in Falrmont avenue. Attorney Rigs* Here?Attorney Cecfl ELI Biggs arrived in. the city today. service at Camp Fu 11 lion, Fort Kfler