OCR Interpretation

The West Virginian. [volume] (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1914-1974, February 06, 1919, Image 9

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

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1C' M I V j|\| II
^ro. bel!a Huey, wife of J. Oliver \
tfgtvey, passed \away at her home on 1
WW*! Hoc at labout two o'clock yea- 1
Ligtgrflay afternoon, after a ten days'
Tr**l"f influenza followed by an atheart
trouble. Deceased was
BHUtiott. io her husband and several
fflracfS^atid slaters Is snrvlved^by '
Haten ond Glenn Huey of Hastings
WtV. Ta. Funeral arrangements
I >v_
^^toster Joe Busby celebrated^ his
ijsiaby^n Monroe street last evening. <
MX number of little boy friends of Joe j
' H
^pStitenant Fred Thomas, recently re {
^^sre from Hundred thta week tor i
fetttrrill, Jr., in Fafrvlew street, Burt
tin:; Lieutenant bomas was one of a 1
KmUmberclted for bravery in the fight
Miss Esther Sybert has tor several
IBiavi been very 111 from an attack of
WofiQhrat the home of her parents. Mr.
Kid Mrs. Harry A. Sybert In Buffalo
' ???- ^
Ivl- sMItfttftnani Maatlnn
Hfj-^Tfte regular monthly meeting of the
KaVOmen'g Home and Foreign MissionHcr^r
Society, of the Presbyterian church
Bvriiibheld this afternoon at the home
Bf^ra. U. H. Debendarfer in Locust
BtrOet. Tho meeting took the form
[Bem'n 'annual as well as a monthly afHlntY'as
all new members of the soBletv
were asked to attend. The feature
Cue afternoon was the "Indian's
Biting", in costume.
HI V From Sanitarium.
Bl.-j04by C. Sstterfleld is home from
Bffis sanitarium at erra Anita, where 1
jt' .jhad been for several months for
lu benefit of his health, which Is
Brdatly improved. After a few weeks'
Igrwith relatives he will return to
B<$i . Red Cross Sale. 1
m /SHnningr.on unapter American Red
BlfrBaa 'are holding a sale at their '
Headquarters in the Elks Club from
Weary 6th to 9th. The rooms will '
npn from two until five P. M. each
mgiy, aud all day on Saturday. The
^mpftHBtock will be disposed of at
HBHMS Ffom West
I William F. Hood of Grand Junction,
lomado, arrived here yesterday for
B visit with his sister. Mrs. Walter S. >
BWbee of Center street.
Uj& *} Called To Operate. "
| Dr. Johnson of Fairmont, was called
ftfltanninqton on Tuesday for a sur feal
operation on Mrs. J. R. Burt,
Hajpleasant street for serious trouble
"MAKE GOOD." ','212
jA letter datedLezhmafc KVflH 1
lAnuery 5th. from Sergeant wiwrence '
5 Wilson tells of his experiertWs after
Wjdg over. Ho went through tl^war
RAdio Sergeant and is now actinVas
^Sat' Sergeant of Headquarters
I any. He gives the following list o\
tanhlngton boys who served in his '
siiment through the forty-eight days
H KMhting, coming through without a
I cnfoh: Sgt. John. Ash, Battery A.y
ti^jntfcntry; James Hafer, Suppi/
Mdm$any,'314 Infantry; Charles Moo/%,
fiSadquartera Co. 314; Wilbur/J.
Myope and Carl C. Williams, also With
LHlFudlfillflvfaM ' tYio laf+aw Hwi Via.
y-y 1 - j***? mi<vv? my wo*
HiK :from Farmlnrton. He says the
I Notice to
H ?? ?
B Seale^bids be re
K^Miction of Wproximate
snjr or 3-11 bids,
th Co
Delta Alpha Meets. 1
The members of the Delta Alpha .
KWe Class of the M. E. church will
bold a Tureen Supper and social at
the chorea tomorrow evening. ^
From 8t Paul. 1
Charles Stilling, Jr? is home from
aviation training school at St. Paul, '
Minn., after being discharged from
service at Camp Sherman, Ohio. ^
Cilletf' By lllntti.
Mrs. Frank Lillle and sister, Mrs. 1
Kenny, of Metz, have been called to j
Webster Springs by the illness of their '
Attend Centenary.
Rev. John Beddow, Attorney L. S. 1
Schwenck and C. C. Ooffman left
an Tuesday evening for Pittsburgh
to attend the Centenary meeting of the
M. E. church. j
Alarm Sounded.
A Are alarm was turned in from the
Sanitary Bakery.in Clarksburg street
at eight o'clock Tuesday morning. .
A. crossed e)cctrl ciyire was said to be
the cause of the fire which was extinguished
without damage. (
F. D. Basnett succeeds the firm of '
Basnett ft Weaver, Clothing merchants
hi Water stret, and will conduct
the business at the present loca
tion, Mrs. Dora Weaver, Mr. Basnett'a '
sister, having disposed of her interest.
Home i-rom n?vj.
Albert Singleton is home from Norfolk.
Va., and the navy, after being
released front service.
Mrs. C. A. SnodgraBS left yesterday
for a visit with her sister, Mrs.
Karcher in Moundsville.
Ben S. Smith has gone to Tyler and
Wetzel counties on a two weeks business
George W. Sowers has returned
from a few days business visit in
Ralph W. Chase of Rymer was a
business visitor in the city yesterday.
Arch M. Burt and son Dan, were
rlsitors in Wheeling on Tuesday.
Dr. P. w. Vance has gone to French
Creek, Upshu: county,- for a week's
visit with his parents.
Mrs. Nelson Hayes of Rymer was
a visitor here on Tuesday.
i |
(Official Form No. 18.) . ^
In the District Court of the Pnttin
States Cor the Northern DistrMnef
In Re:. iairmont ftjRarkabn Fuel
Company, a corpOTtion.jSanjftupt.
To thei qredltorsr^f 9alnynt ft
Clarksbufe FudyCoAany/ a cor
poration, pf Pafifnom, In tip county
Af IfflvtAtl oni/iltaM/if ofAmaolii a
v* 4'twt iwM iiupy myi?v? yuiwwJ h
Notice is wWglT?n.j|irt!UiriW '''
17th day (UJ Jawaf&WmTthe said
Fairmont w^Wrksburgr,' Fuel Com- ,
pany, a corpersion, was duly adjudi- <
cated bankrupt; and the first meet- <
tag ?fits oreMors WUTbe held In the ]
afficevo't W. Krank Stout, Boom No. <
702 Ooff bnjlflpg.in ClarkBburg, West <
Virginia, on tfe 8th day of February, j
A. D. lip, at 10 o'clock In the fore- i
noon, ml which time said creditors ;
may Afttond, prove their claims, ap- j
boiat a trustee, examine the bank- I
iwt, and transact such other business I
as^jay properly come before Bald I
meemg. I
Datefe January 21, 1919.
\ Referee in Bankruptcy.
SHOW ALTER & FRAME, Esquires, j
Attorneys for Bankrupts. ;
Jan. 23, 30 ;
; :
cturprs, j
I, fopdtne QountyJuourt of
ginisL^or the .pirnishing
1 aiyrcemenjjtfor the con-,
]^A2 miIg6 of improved'
rolff Di,3trict?<jf said M*r'v
ructions to bidders are on
ffice, Fairmont, W. Ya.
sink of ffltk) must accom7
Cowdnreserves the right j
faknN, I
of Marion County, W. Ya. j
Va^tMipf^ioT held
. C. C. Basnett left *???*** **?
utend the funeral of August & N?
u ^fbeollns*
James J. Allen and Jesse A. Mason
iave returned from a business Tislt in
he Kentucky oil fields.
J Howard Coleman of Framlngton,
pas the guest of relatives fiere on
Mis? Beryl Stewart was a visitor in
Fairmont yesterday.
E. C. Scott of Th.e Fairmont Times
mas a visitor in the city on Tuesday.
Mrs. Dora Weaver is the guest of re
atives in Wheeling.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Masters have
eturned to their home in Pittsburgh
ifter a few weeks visit with the for
iter's parents here.
E. Joseph ot Shinnston, was a
risttor in Mannlngton yesterday.
Charles F. Pitzer of Brookside is
tut again after a two weeks illness oi
James Fitzhugh and Loren Harbert
jf Fairmont were guests ot friends
iiere the first of the week.
Miss Charity Johnson and Mist
Edna Scott have returned from a briel
visit with friends in Wheeling.
Charles Drake has returned from a
justness visit in Parkersburg.
Conrad Cbaddock of Cameron is the
;uest of his brother, Charles M. Chad
T. J. Trimble of Clarksburg,a for
,^ ,1 .Hi. 1
JP ' B
Notice the Amazing Increase
Even %1 Makes In the Earnings I
of Dallars at Interest,
1| $1,00 ait 3% Comp Int. for |
|| 50 years, $4,320.45. F
HI $1.00 at 4 % Comp, lot, for |
H 60 years, $7 244,65. 1
KD The above table correctly JR
H proves the remarkable diffejrlr
rencel a percent or two majK |k
I in thej returns on mor""dT jajr
I our\ first stlp for barter in- |
| terest was iMbuyinafa Liber- %
ty Bond at/4 1 -aM0. Now if'
that the b^d quifa is filled, j?
' ;! take the Jeconw step and
i* start syngi^..4 % com- tjr
? ITKtiti
m vuii/?
| AlkcONFl
iip oJ/f
& onFiiraitinbwi>|
$ Novelties '
& including the fol5
lowing ? Ladies''
Sewing Tables,
6 Tea Carts, Muffin
j? Stands, Ladies'
S Desks, Pedestals,
8 Lamps, etc, etc.
? A substantial
re Discount on all
re Rugs in the various
sizes and
| qualities. - ]
? Hoosier Beauty
S During the sale 1
g will be sold at?
g $46.8(^.
13 Nu^n
12x4 All Wool Blankets
11x4 All-Wool Blankets
11x4 Heavy Cotton Blanl
j" Jl
Mannington on Tuesday. to.' fc
Byle Batman rrtarhs to his duties
In the navy at Newport, Ru I., tomorrow
after a ten days visit with hie
| parenU in Baltimore street. dt
; Interesting Basket ."
Ball Game Tonight
The indications are that a hard ed
fought basketball game will be played
on Friday night at the Y. M. C. A.
gymnasium at 3:30 o'clock, when the S(
Fairmont Y. M.- C. A. team and the la
1 West Virginia University five will w
1 clash. Both teams will hold their 11- w<
' nal practice tonight and everything M
will be in readiness for the game. gc
, , If Fairmont can deefat W. V. U. it Di
can challenge them to a third game on at
i the basis of state championship hon:
on. Otherwise W. V. U. can claim si
that'if it wins Friday night's game as d<
; it previously hung a defeat on to Fair- M
> mont at Morgantown. c*
i ~
:ij? i
Building IV
; In Big Dei
MiH UTOO+liaw koo
than usual activities
I tions. First-class Bi
U will be in big demai
Jn tractors add Buildef
market. /
^ ' Ofar imrajense stocky
IngL Bcper Boptf, ]
Materi/ls wamuit y<
Write or drone to
Extra Special Felt
as you Know mattresses have
lere is the biggest value we have
;hree years. j|
A Good Felt Mattress, 45 poun
;hrae ticks to select from?
/ Price SI:
^There are but 45 of this numb
ibers in BL
kets $
imiture Woii^ living With" '
: ' '' ' ' ' "m?
* - " ; '
?tm of Fairmont Reader* jkre
Learning the Duty of the Kidneye,
To filter tho blood {B the kidneys'
ty. 7
When they fail to do this thi kidys
are weak ^e*ok**>?s.
Backache jMrtrfha* kldp^r ills majL i
Help th^tldncj^jRheir wgjMr
Use PiU^fn testFnJnnon'
^nnaFegitine fbel/wnrtu.
M s. C a. BflTdnKw 413 fierchant (
^afn^mypg^: "1* feit tired aJUT
nfn id In^^Wnming ?nd I s'i'fytd
tb dlzzyheadachee. My back nras
sak anyuhed in a dull, tiring way.
y lidnfys acted toe freely, aho. I
klojb's Kidney pills at the Hall
fe store, yn they relieved me of
1 JuBptonu/of kidney trouble." PAe
eye, at all deaters. Don't
inplmairc for a kidney remedy?get
lan'nKldney Pills?the same that
rs.iBm.'lshaw bad. Foster-Milbnrn
i.yMtA.. Buffalo, N. Y. ?
mici laid
permitted * earlier
in buflSmg opera- a
uifdipg Materials
s are nojpjjrothe
w Lugger, RoofPaig&ar.d
jjir consideration,
for estimates.
Jt J
he Plans" J
'' 1
y i'
iRY ' I
Matrasses I j
been mattresses. Wei! ' g: I
s been able to offer for i I j j
ds, full or single' sizes, |
L20 ; \ :
er. '\\\
ankets |
L4.50?Sale Price $10.88 $
L1.00?Sale Price $ 9.35 3
4.00?Sale Price $ 3.00 &
iil 1
WANTED?Canvassers. Local work'
^selling household necessity. Telephone
number tor Interview. WeBt
Virginian 5081. 2-3-4t-S081
JSSRTONB"^ ^^INO^W^scnres
membership and fall prorata inter?t
in Ave great Bnrkbaxnett fortune
making gusher oil wells. Big opportunity.
Act now. Abnere Davis, Trustee,
Wichita Falls, Texas. 2-4-6t-5090.
ro^^NT^TwoT^uraiahe^ light
honsexeeplng rooms, 110 Anderson
St. 2-6-3 t-509S.
GOOD FA ltMB FUR SALfc-f23 acres,
(8) miles from Ravenna, Ohio. 60
acres (7) miles from Meadvlllei Fa
Stock and tools if desired. Bargain.
C. E. Sbepl'n, Ravenna, Ohio.?1-1526t-4979.
140 acres; good house, slated, nine
rooms, furnace; good bank barn,
silo, tool barn, wagon shed, granery;
some timber; tile laid on pike, 875
per acre. Other bargains. H. H. Webber
agency* Atwater, Ohio.
ARKANSAS^FARM|P%ndtfciber lands
for sale. /Wrlt^Br descriptive booklet
Box 95, URle Rockf Ark.
T J 2-3-6t-5088
chicjp?Aft .breeds, low prices, tho?otjghired;
delivered to your door by
;repa|d special delivery parcel post;
ieav# egg production, get 1919 poultry
lalendar; it's free. Elwood Pusejr,
Bast Liverpcol, Ohio.?l-31-12t-5067.
FOR SALE ? Thoroughbred White
Leghorns?pullets, $2.00; yearling
hens, $1.50. Cash F. O. B. Twin Mountain,
W. Va. Address The Twin Mountain
Orchards, Keyser, W. Va. ,
'OH SALE?Four teams of work
horses with harness and wagons.
Vpply to supe rintendent at New Power
Souse, Rivesville, W. Va. 2-5-3t-5095.
~ ,,
buy small grocery.
Address Box 5101 care West Virginan.
2-6-1 t-5l01
WANTED ? Position as traveling'
salesman. Can furnish best refermce.
Address Box 6099, care West
Virginian Office. 2-6-4t-6099
WANTED?One extra large furnished
room or large and small room for
.hroe persons. If possible with board
)r-breakfasts only. Will pay well for
rirst class accommodations. If you
lave anything phono Mr. Wright, cdre
The West Virginian. 2-6-tf-510C
WANTED ?To buy or rent six or
seven room house in good location.
Phone 1283. 2-6-3t-5104
8 veins; cokelng, steam, domestic,
iy-product, gas, puddling furnace and
i ft. Cannel coal. 34 million tons,
(40.00 an acre,-8,000 tons for one cent.
3eo. H. Berlin, Huntington, W. Va.,
, - . / 2-6-3t-6102
\ ZENTI8TA^-1>'' *
Officewurs, 9 edfTto 8 p.m.
'8und%s ILjdfijEo 1 p.m.
^WYlAffl rfREET.
Jf lfluAhis eea ...
J jmriwnm, oou, >
pyei*1' C^ane'y vPrug 8tore.
vice' a !y and B
S u n d a ys pr, Gravlolea H
Opp.yfenc^B Theatre 1
| '=
V ^01^^ bUVHvJIA IA|M<
HSSSSffiW^ 1 '
K/Ny^yv<^-^-' ^ ? -- ? ? ? ? j? #jnjnj^irLrLru .
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IWM ir>riririr^n-?rTrirw^inirrvV^^rfMiT|ABS|B^^I^B
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r i fvvuv i uuipiVj nwui iWH
1 . tui'**"" rtKffn'
\ Dhflnp UfilLff ,*' >(
1 llvllV VlrVfl :
* \JPpH
lSUffjf ? ? '^L' ?'' .'.
^nsul :"^n
l3l l&ullrANI
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