OCR Interpretation

The West Virginian. [volume] (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1914-1974, April 02, 1919, Image 1

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86072054/1919-04-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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KtjffF'v/j n ? v
K Celluloid
nto Stove
iittle Daughter
Shaver, View
rear old baby daughdrs.
Charles Shaver,
renue. waa perhaps
>day at the borne of
Heading physicians
practically all hope
roo^m where she was (
^ * >111 nuiq iu wit t^u iu?
5?as stove in the room being proWlttjeone,
howevei.had era Wiethe
stove and. poked a celluloid
through -the grating, which
7 ignited, setting the baby afire,
r-gftreims -brought her mother
gtty to the rescue and she gaththe
ohild in her. arms, extintBg
the flames as she ran for
the home of Ward Wilson
$0OT. Bra. L. D. Howard and
^Holland were' summoned and
^'that'.thC burns were of a most
il ;h at tire, and that the child
bly would live, but a few hours.
? child Is the youngest of three
the other two being twin
The deplorable accident greattated
the neighborhood whore it
SVi-'-i ' ?-*
Khijb - of Marion Machine,
i Foundry and Supply
' Want Destroyed. ,
(Bjr Associated Press.)
ffippOTTUAI^ Pai, April 2.?Fire or
lUnwumioed origin early this morndamaged
tljo plant of the Marion
Machine, Foundry and Supply com fiforto
the extent of $40,009, dee troyBag;nie
boiler department and part of
tatoamifactnring department and
rowing about 150 men out of em
-ment Good work hy firemen pre HHrapatrnctton
of the plant.
Hppcayped by low temperature
l?Befacensed the water to freeze on
and on themse]ree, the
H^Hndp of the boee company succeedchecking
what was. a big blaze
MBpTdloooVered by the foreman of
!*&fr''-;ilamee were discovered about
lock and tip-firemen worked tnce
I l;e'ctock and/be firemen worked in
cessantly untilfive.
MBfefc / , '
|v fc. F. Crane.
IKilrmonf, W. V*. \ |
Tyrvm~i~ ~ i"> 1?i?ii?n~'
gy-?-i., - i ' ?1-7
re'have a few more
|j^le for mak
[V ! .
tit. *
^fV y- :. ,
HnffiEhlrui^. *.i . iSSu.
Six Thousand of This Will
Go to the Forward Movement
A meeting of the congregation of th<v
Methodipt Protestant "Temple vjts
ivel<l l:st night which vpas eallc^Tor
the purpose of formulating plus and
etiniy.attng interest In lbe"/iMiUian.
(or the i Master in May}>^campalga
which will occupy the ape&tlon of tho
entire denomination oSxt nfonth.
Dr. J. C. Broompdfd, pastor of tho
church, is chajmau of tfco local
movement and-ne was given power by
the congregation to appoint his committee
wJrfch will in. turn annoiiit mem
ben gf'tc-ams to canvass the memberyuv..
Broomfield is president ol the
FVjrwanl Movement Commission of
the General conference under the, direction
of which the million dollar
campaign is to be put over which is,a
cotossal task in Itself. However Dr.
Broomfield has mapped out plans by
which he hopes to keep the work separated
which' will probably result in
the local church putting over their assessment
ahead of the campaign
proper which is set for May 11 to 21st
The local church is to raise $6,OOt).
which is for the Million Dollar fund
alone and dooe not include the annual
church budget the two together totalling
about $11,000 for the year.
Fir# in Sapper Building
Caused Great Scamper
of Colored People.
The Sapper building on Jackson
Btreet caught (ire this morning at 6:30
o'clock and the fire department got
immediately On the scene. The (ire
was extinguished by 7:15.
. A couch cover In a back bedroom
caught fire (rom a gas stoye and had
been, thrown out of the window on the
roof. Between the porch roof and tlio
bedroom ceiling, a good sized fire
started and would have been the cause
of a serious blaze, the damage of
which cannot bo reckoned, had it not
been stopped in time.
The building was full of colored people
who rushed out from every direction
when a heavy smoke began pouring
from doors and windows. Very little
flame could be seen by nearby residents
who wero aroused from their
beds by the fire bells.
Mrs. Rachel G. Flynn
Dies in Pennsylvania
Mrs. Rachael Cora Flynn. wife of
Michael Flynn, died on Monday at her
home in Donora, Pa. She was aged 57
years and was a daughter of the late
William Hunter and Amanda Hunter
the latter residing at Hough town, neai
Mannlngton. Mrs. Flynn was united
I in marriage with Mr. Flynn in 1SS3
I and throe childron wore born to the
Union, all of whom survive, John Flynn
to France; Lawrence Flynn, of- Colum?
r\ - i w r ttii i>u_
dus, v., ana ;urs. nucu rwug, ui i?uora,
Pa. Her mother and two sisters,
Mrs. Elihu Hayoe and Mrs. John Stevens,
and a brother, Samuel Hnnter, reside
at Manning ton and two others,
George and Frank, reside in New Martinsville
and Oklahoma, respectively.
> An uncle, Franklin Hunter, lives in
1 the city.
The body will be brought to the
home of her mother at Houghtown
from which place funeral services will
be held on Friday morning at 9:30
o'clock and the body will bo buried in
the Huoy cemetery at Logan sport by
Undertaker Huey.
Hospital Patients
. Set Big Bouquet
A huge mass of roses numbering
t some three dozen, a gift from Lehman
and Titheriogton, the florists, wore
sent to Cook hospital recently tor distribution
among the patients at that
institution. The contribution was
greatly appreciated by the patients and
when the matter was brought'to the
attention of the Executive board of the
Fairmont Hospital association at its
quarterly meeting on Monday It was
voted that a public express ton of
thanks be madtyto the donors.
>1sws4 FISH, 10c Jb.
Ohid^q Dairy ajid
Sanitary Meat Market
i Madison ftreet Op. Kenyon Hotel
pfjl HOI
^neenev Flayed Bolshevism
in His Speech to Miners
W lllll IK
All the Latest News About
? ' ' ' ' ' . ' J ' ' - . V " \
Fairmont Coal Region
Miners are working evory day at the 1
operation of the Davis Coa! and Colce
company; at Weaver, Randolph county,
according. to tho information that
reached this city today. This is also
reported to be true of tho mines at i
Arden. < _
The boost in that region is said to-be
dne to some business in railroad fuel, I
supposedly Western Maryland orders.
Fiayt Bolshevism.
Bolshevism was flayed in an addrees
by C. F. Keeney, Charleston,
president of District 17, United Mine
Workers, yesterday afternoon before
1,000 miners at the Bight Hoar Day
celebration at Rivesvilie. He said in
"i sent a circular letter out some
weeks ago, which I desire to explain
at this time. The United Mine Workers
of America have done more for the
liiners than any other organization
ever can hope to and it objects to L
W. W.s or agy other radical policies
that still bring about its destruction,"
The laws of the United Mine .Workers
stand for Ute expulsion of members
who cherish such idiya&as bolshevism
and if the local does not have
spine enough to expell them 1 will go
there and expell them myself. Much
is cloaked in bolehevism. Perhaps you
niwlorotanii hnlrfiovJdm. NftithBr
do I, but 1 am opposed to supporting
any such radical movements.
The opening part of Mr. Kenney's
address dealt with the history of the
eight hour dav. It was started in 1898 j
in Illinois, where the miners had to
submit to a cut in wages in order to
establish it. The idea President
Keeney stated was one of years of |
standing having been advocated by
John Synie, of Pottsville, fa., fifty
years'ago ? shortly after the Civil j
war. His own followers persecuted
him, although ho was an ardent believer
in the rights of the working
man and a "real labor leader" as Mr.
j Keeney put it. Ho recalled how Synio
went to Indianapolis from Pittsville,
Pa., on foot to attend conventions,
which had probably but 2,000 or 3,000
miners represented in its membership.
Forty-oight- years afterwards on the
same spot.? Pottsville, Fa.?John P.
White, international prosidoht of the
United Mine Workers of America, inaugurated
the Eight Hour Day.
Tho Eight Hour Day did cot make
its. appearance in the state of Wost
Virginia until April 1, 1917, when Mr.
Keeney inaugurated it after a tenure
of office of only a few months. Last
f year the Kanawha Coal Operators' Association
with operations in the southern
part of the state sanctioned the
day and upon tho letting down of the
non-union bars in the Fairmont field it
was celebrated here this year.
Wendell Celebrates.
At Wendell yesterday a patriotic
celebration was held under tho auspices
of local 2999. United Mine Workers.
At 3 o'clock a large American
(lag and the Fourth Liberty loan flag
? ? * * _ il- - 1 T-l
were uniunea 10 ino Droeie. joan
CusUlac, district organizer, was the
speaker of the day.
Railroad Fuel.
Railroad fuel took a tumbel yesterday
and foil to 114 loads, which Is un;
usually low. This Is agaiijst 178 on
Monday. Last Tuesday 232 loads went
oft the division; two weeks ago, 215;
three weeks ago, 238; four weeks ago,
233; five weeks ago, 212.
B. & 0. has been slaughtering its orders,
which dropped to 28 loads after
wluctuatlng around the 70 and 80
mark daily. Bangor & Aroostock with
its neat little eight car order has
dropped out of the consignments during
the past fow days. Maine Central
that usually has an order from 4 to 9
cars has not beon a factor during the
past few days. Canadian Paqlflc with
a 10 car daily order, is among the mlss[
lng. Cumberland Valley doubled lta
j tonnage from 4 to 8 cars yesterday,
I while Mow Vnrlr rtontrn 1 nnri Phlla.
delphia and Reading are receiving
about their usual run of 34 and 32, respectively.
Some Western Maryland
business Is reported have gone to the
Elktns section.
Consignments yesterday were as follows:
B. & 0- 28; C. of J, 8; Cumberland
Valley, 8; New York Central, 34;
P. * R.. 33; D. fc 4.
Money for Operators.
There is some money that is due
(Continued on Pago Four)
'ow! Everyday! Yo
I .1;
Oh, Listen Here!
| By ADAM ?. LANE.
: '
i I wan greatly moysd by a letter
which appeared la Monday afternoon's
issue, written by Mr. R. T.
Deshields anent the wretched problem
of matrimony, m which he drew i
a pensive picture of the late Billy
May tragedy, arid declared himself?
flatly floored by the general state of
affairs in the marriage market sow,!
I Mr. Deshields,
! I would Suggest
That you start a^Matrimonial
J Bureau,
With a divorce Department
Da Luxe
Conducted by Earaept R. Beli
And Trench McCray.
You see the Sreat
Trouble about a good Man, Never
getting a good Woman
And vice versa, lies In
The sickening Fact .
That this deplorable State J
Of Affairs .is never Discovered .
Until after the matrimonial Knot
Is yanked up to the Last
Forpver and forever Notch;
Then, of course, there Is
i No Pan area
i But the revolver or The
Dirk, or fifty large Round j
Plunks to get an Attorney T
To even take yonr Pulse. :L
I, myself, would Employ (<
Violence U
Any time before I Would . (
See Ned Carekadon 'j
Or any other wise One h
Collar that much of My t
Mdney, for Something j *
I might not Oct. j \
My ejlvlce 18? <
Don't charge anything For
Your Divorces.
Make them Free! Jj
Of course, by the Time
You get a Couple t
Their decree, you will Know c
Which one is the wrong One.
As you said, a red Necktie e
Will effectually Conceal t
A wicked Heart, 1
While no,one on Earth t
Can tell'a woman From 1
A holy Terror c
If 8he,^aja on A ] ,
And Mr. -?-- Sift
You ought to Strike '
An even Balance.
Then, oh Boy, .-ere
Is where you Make
A Million!
You ought to Cet
A thousand dollars For :.s
Even a Mere
Introduction to One
Of these proven Paragons;
Just think, Mr. Deshlelds, ' "
What a wonderful Thing
It would be to a Community
To have some One
Point out to Those (
Seeking life Partnerships, ,
The absolute bona fldo Better Half ^
Let me Insist 'j
That you do not Continue ,,
Downcast j
But begin right Now I
To plan to Revolutionize !,
The marriage Market
Of course, I will Assist ,
In every possible Way. - h
See here, Profesor, dig Up j,
That wedding March!
Men Discharged Fromj<
Draft May Have Claim |
Inquiries from men who were dis- 1
charged from the draft for varicls
causes as to their eligibility for the
$60 bonus form the government has
called forth a communication from
the Bureau of Information through
Mrs. Joseph Rosier, chairman of the
Home service of the Red Cross In this
city. The communication states that .
whllo there is no surety that these ,
men "discharged from the draft" will j
receive the bonus, the Home service .
has been advised to have them make '
claim'for it on the ground that these j
men, who were in camp and received
pay from the government and in some j
case transportation, were under extra
expense, and (or this reason are cntl- |
tied to tjie $60 bonus.
Application should be made ;
thorugh the Home service department !
In the Professional building. i
Germans Give In
on Danzig Question
PARIS, April 2. ? (Havns.) ?Germany
will not persist In her opposition
to tho use of Danzig by Polish troops ;
on the way from. Prance to Poland according
to advices reaching Paris '
Marshal Foch who had planned tp
leave last night will leave Paris today
for Spa to meet tho German rep- I
resontatives to discuss the Danzig 1
question. The Marshal had a long
conference Tuesday with Premier
Clemen caau.
... ?
PARI 9, April 3.?King Albert, of Belgians,
who arrived from Brussels yesterday
by aeroplane paid a visit to i
President Wilson today.
u Have Something t
However, Considerable
Further Effort Will.
Have to Be Made.
. \ . . *>
* * ' * i
Es Closer to . the Top Thani
Any Section of the
, City. .j
Tic Armenian and Syrian campaign
a going a bit fastor. The county/hairnan
J. Walter Barnes reports that
no re money has arrived Tvit.tj*promU_
? still making good little/by little,
fityrmont turned In. $2D.2f|i Gertrudo
rnoaway at Barrackvillc has turned In
157.50 and has more to contribute; The
roihn P. Casey employees, have.Violated
$14. Erersop has donated $63.50
rhe First M. P. society in Ea$t side
las. turned in $7.44 and H. W. Scott,
tap tain in another section of East
><do has turned In $a$$.2o which mak;s
altogether in the East side shout
Tjie East side has come the nearest
o going over the top to date of any
sity sub division.
Reports are coming in'slowly but
mrely and all leaders and others In
ihargo arc feeling more encouraged.
Worthtng;.on says she wlU get her Quiv
a. Montana has $61. Colfax has $62.
lives vtlte donates so far $190. Every,
mo Is urged to send In something. .
The tisUal largo' contributors who are
lepended upon so largely 1n every
atnpaign, have sp far fail?d to come
(tj^ies. - "Even^'&ewon v?ho has so rar
ailed to mako a donation, please do
io at once. Send cheoks to*M. A.
'letdier or J. Walter Barnes.
Rivesvillo which was given a quota
if $260, was thoroughly organized by
'. C, Arnptt, the leader in that district
tnd the results so far have been very
[ratifying. The "total amount so far
uhscribed In that district is $190.63
vith the Fairmont and Cleveland Coal
oinpany yet to hear from. Mr.- Ar:ett
this morning called attention to
ho fact thai a few more dollarp"in
>dch sub division will complete the
t>wn's 'allotment. Rivesvllle was orranlzed
into districts as follows:
Rivesvllle school, Prof. M. J. Haller.
mptain; Phoroahs Run school, Miss
tfoover, captain; Parker's Run school,
lattle Graves, captain; Virginia and
Pittsburgh Coal and Coko Co., J. R.
rlawklns. captain; Fairmont and Cleve
and Coal Co.. Sunt. C. E. Gasbill. on-1
ain;. W. Va. Power Plant, Supt. Ros;nbaum,
They have reported as follows:.Pha_
oah's Run school nothing: Parker's
Run school $9: Rlvesville school, first
grade, $4.50, second grade $8. third
grade $4.38, fonurth grade, $11.76, filth
and sixth grades $5.10, seventh and |
tighth grade $1.75;' Rjvesvaie High
school $51.46; Rlvesville Oirls Basket
Rail $5.00; Virginia and Pittsburgh
Coal and Coke Co. $28.75; M. V. T.
Power Plant, $41.09; I. O. O. F. Lode,
55.00; K. of P. Lodge $5.00; iscellaneDUS
$8.92. Total $190.63 [I
More Men Put on
By-Product Plant
Work on the by-product plant of
[he Domestic Coke Corporation at the
fairgrounds is progressing nicely. Thinly
men-were sent to work by the Fairmont
office of the United States employment
service and it was necessary
for the company to secure 25 men from
Pittsburgh when the laJbor was not
forthcoming in Fairmont
C. V. Crltchfleld, vie? president of
the Domestic Coke Corporation, is tin.
Fairmont today and wUl meet W. J.
Bngle of New York city and Major
Springer of Washington, who represent
the government. 1
Hungarians Release
Agent of the French
rAnT7Mtr.*/!WV i?.n ? tfi
wi ?? w. uvi V1A?ihlef
of the French mission at Budapest,
was Interned for five days in
that city after the government was
overturned, a Vienna message states.
He was, however, released, the diepatch
adds, and has reached Belgrade
with the oter members of the French
mission and the British and Serbian
mission to Hungary,
Mrs. Lee Fetty died this morning at
her home at Lowesvillei The body
will buried in the Pftoher cemetery
tomorrow. Complete funeral arrangements
will be announced fater. Undertaker
R. C. Jones was called there
this afternoon to make arrangements.
3 Advertise in The
t . tv' - Vft-MrUSiv'tf^friVir"
idem hie
10 km new
[W.A. Clayton Class oflFirst
Presbmerian Church to
Provide W
Last evenJ'ngtthe W. A. Clayton Sanjday
school chuAtmght by O. F. Jenik'ns
met in the piers of the Presby_
I terian church wjjBi Mosdames Madge
Lewis and "EmpA McKinney a* hostesses.
/ \
After spewing Avery pleasant social
hour Jnth numerous April fool,
jokes and JFtuhts themass-held a business
aesdfon with M$. E. L. Williams, 1
(the claiS president Presiding. This
class h&s. been unusualy active in all
jnattjrs pertaining to thureh affairs? 1
one Amiable feature of jtheir work the I
pap year being the insinuation of
tkn pulpit chairs and st$id to the congregation.
~ While they are still costing to fulfill
their pledges to the churtfh they voted
to branch out a little MUo civic affairs.
One special plan they have In
view Jur,t at present Is t(J start a library
at the girls' detention home in
cb&rge of Ensign and Mrs. O'Brien. A
committee consisting of Mrs. Emily
McKinney. chairman,-Miss Bessie Loomis
and Miss Madge Lowis was appointed
to.consult with Ensign O'Brien
'and to select suitable hooks and n#r!od !
icals -which it is hoped will form a
nucleus for a,, large, library.
A.oommittee was .also apspo&ted to
arrange for a cake and pie social to be
held Saturday before Easter.
After a discussion of other business
matters the class adjourned.
The next monthly meeting will be
bold at the home of Mrs. Williams on
Watson avenue:
Corn Prices Aviate i
in Chicago Market
, . .(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO. April 2.?Corn made an
extraordinary, jj^tap in price today,
amounting in some instancen^to six
cents a bushel.
Official .announcement that a
wheat scarcity was so acuto that
wheat and flour exports from the
United States had been stopped was
chiefly responsible. Victory for the
liquor interests in the Chicago municipal
election was also an Important
The steepest advance, was In corn
for- September delivery, a rise to
$1.38% as against $1.32% at the finish
on Monday.
Big U. S, Army Still
on the Other Side
"WASHINGTON, April 2?Figures
made public today by the war department
show that from the signing
of the armistice to March 26 1,535,471
of the 3,070,888 officers and men under
arms when the war ended had
been discharged from the service.
Sine te end of hofltiUtl.es . 573,474
officers and men had sailed from
France to March'2fith and of this
number 562,830 had arriTed in the
United States.
This left 1,409,789 soldiers over
seas. The-total under arms in this
country March 25 was 603,178.
I LONDON, April 2.?The newspa!
per Vctcherni Listy, of Agram, Jugo
Slavia, according to a wireless disl
patch from Rome .announces that the
dynasty of Karageorgevitch has been
deposed and a republic proclaimed in
Belgrade, the capital of Serbia and
Jngo Slavia.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, April 2.?
Lieut. Walter A. Byrnes, of San Francisco,
and Cadet Patker.D. Buck, of
Cincinnati, attached to Kelley flyingfield
here, were killed yesterday in
tne tan or rnerr aeroplane mreo miics
from the field, it was announced today.
The bodies were badly burned.
Belated word'of the accident Was
brought to the field by a passerby who
i witnessed it.
: *-* .
William Sturm, aged 6'months, son
of Morris and Hasel Sturm, died this
morning at the home of his parents
near Loganaport. The body will be
buried in the Hney cemetery tomorrow
morning by Undertaker Huey.
Born, to Mr. Sad Mrs. Errin-Hawkins,
at their home at Norwood, a tenpound
girt. Mrs. Hawkins was former
ly Miss Edna Stretchberry.
Home from Camp?Earl Mapel, son
of Mrs. M. W. Maple who has been
In. camp at Newport News and who
was recently transferred to Camp Lee
arrived home this morning baring received
his honorable discharge from,
the service.
1 *1*' 1' i ...
For reviving gas victims a French,
man has invented oxygen apparatus
that can be carried in a man's pocket.
... i
West Vifyinian.
.*'* ? ? * . , a . . . ? \
Party More Radi- |
| cal Than Spar-Jj
tacans Working 1
Same Destructive SyBtewrjJ
That Upset Htpigaiy
Being Used. Vr-flM
(By Associated Press) . '
LONDON, April 2.?Describing thilfS
outlook In Germany the Berlin corresopndent
of The Mall says a crisis is
rapidly approaching and It seems cer- :
tain to be greater than oren the Jan- R|
uary or March outbreak. kVt&Wm
"One of the storm Centers ts Ba I
ria, especially Munich," he writes.
"The situation in southern Germany ;J
has. completely changed during ?
last three weeks. Thousands of peo
pie, including many whiten, atmass
meetings.^t which unadulterat- ?K
ed boshevtsm Is . advocated and dejjjvj
mands are made for the abolition of
olectlonB for parliament A political J
section has arisen thai is evmsttt>a2H
er than the Sparticides.
Bolshevism is working in- Gertnsnj^l
by propaganda as It did in Hurijl^H
and is wrecking industry, and remov-jg
ing opportunities for work. >?" ;
.vvjSSyyj y a
Mide Him Grouchy to ] j
Have to Get Up at Nine J
Cleo Ugo, colored, aged 18; thinks gH
the city jail a mighty convenient a
place. He asked for sleeping accommodations
last evening and left wajgjil
not to be called until noon today,
police were sorry-to inform him thai
I the mayor desired a word with him
! Cleo turned up in the city from 1
iCJarksburg about two weeks ago and
I has been .without sleeping quaf^^H
I since. For two nights he has.slffl^^B
I the police station. He was lii^^H
; awake.this morning when he gave ojstm
his lite story.' having been
torn from his bed. He sold he had fl
been working at shitting shoes at one
of-the stands and that' bis meata
been given him for this work. -Vfr
. The mayor told him that bfe lodg- B
ing house kept early hours and t
a man could nof.come'ln after eleven 1
and leave a call for a noon rising,
also informed him that in spite of tile. I
fact that a job had been promised him1!
today on the bridge, a street ca^ftiegM
et to Clarksburg would be handed 0
him which he couM either use or be 9
put to work on the roads. > /. [(km
. Cleo sniffled and couldn't see i
thing laughable In the situation. Hi
shuffled out sullenly. g, Will
Make Address
a# miKUa tionlfh

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