OCR Interpretation

The West Virginian. [volume] (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1914-1974, March 06, 1922, Image 8

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86072054/1922-03-06/ed-1/seq-8/

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?Sv Capture,
t~| LIZABETH viewed the blue;
I hj' TOp with some disfavor. It
?gm tatd been'bought weeks ago,
when her -engagement to- Billy
/Drake bid been the new?lt and tho
mo?t wonderful thing In the world,
||Jwfd,;the long silken fringe which
? '.bordered the wide sleeves had pre.
suaded her to' decide upon the gar
Vi meat, BlUy bad admired its grac?
t fnl linee?he had played with the
65) fringe as he talked of their glari
Kfou {nture together ? they bad
ff-laogbsd like children over the vari
. pna things that the fringes en
I snared, autumn le&res, wisps' of
flying paper, once a downy feath
er from some passing bird. Ana
BMn, afterward,' when a foolish |
'misunderstanding had clouded
.everything. Elizabeth had pulled off
:ber ring?bis ring?and dropped I?
Into his reluctant hand. The ring
fell and, dropping, the delicate s?t-j
ting, oaught on the wretched fringe!
He had laughed grimly a* ho set
about it* dlslodgement.
"I hate the old thing!" she halt
Vaobbed, as she brought it 'from the
" rdrobe and tossed it about her
. lulers. The day was cold and
I'er.iult was rather light in weight
L the advancing season.
Jutslde, the wind was moaning
mong the bare branches, and as
" * walked briskly toward the trol
?.car the heart of .the little mu
.eacher felt bleak and bare as
| empty nests in the swaying
the'car moved on, Elizabeth
fht of the uninteresting pupil
going to teach?Annie
ilth, a child who bad insisted
"^learning to play "Hearts and
rers"?and there had been
ly, many lessons, but Annie
II stumbled over the same pas
ses until Elizabeth was ready
with vexation. Today, jynnle
more exasperating thpn usual:
. > had hinted that her motner was
lot pleased with her progress, ono
ihe had stumbled and'fallen weep.
ng over the dreaded passage in the
.old "favorlie.
";iTo her own aurprise Elizabeth
Jomforted the child?for awhile she
torgot her own loneliness and pain,
Llle she brought a smile tp wet
ie eyes and sullen lips. "Let us
/: again," sbo suggested gently.
S" to their mutual surprise thev
'tried again and conquered. It
.its' a glad rrttlo face that was,
ifted to ,Elizabeth's sad one, when
""?'hour was ended.
"You have made me glad again'"
ailed Annie SmitK.
Elizabeth thought of'those words
i ? she waited for the.car that was
take her home., Would aiiythlnK
>r make hor glad againV She
jew that, behind her own. little
[air of bravado, she carried So ach
ing heart'that never.could be gladl
Lgaln without Billy Drake. She
Irushed "away hot tears ani^entere l
? car .with a dash of autumn red
her cheeks. Somo ono moved
>ng to make room for her. a
_ -ong hand steadied her as the car
lurched forward.
iif\x. (tint
lVochanlcfiTIy >; at'-~ Billy
Drake; resuming his seat beside
F?er! . Th.e wrap settled Innocently
mkrat liof slander form. Billy was
Pt?i>laclng his hat. and, with a dear
Ifainiliar gesture. was quite uncor.
gmously smoothing the bock o( his;
sleek head. She saw it. all ? sho j
'know it?she felt him so near, and
tall the while sho sat straight and
wmall." looking straight ahead our
?bCfbrown pansy eyes. ''Any one si*
nllfc&eslde her might have'lhoughi
pier-lovely (ace haughty and relent
Be8*1 -
SuTho flat-wheeled car clattored
gmprrily cn it3 way and Elizabeth
Bnot'ed .wiih a heartsick pang thar
H|iey were, near Queen street, he*
^?topping pld&P. Billy wa? proh
vably going home?he lived a mile
tbeyong Queen street, and when
ISfWitd, che meet him again, even
r| "QueenJ" bellowed the conductor.
rasXthe car. rocked to a sUtndstlll.
p^EflUabeth arose, "swept the folds
g&f-"her blue wrap about her and
fJKarted for. the door. She felt a
sickening tug at the-long fringe 01
|ber right sleeve. She would not
Hook around. A wave of pink col
G ored her face as she felt a slight
ia^elght bn her sleeve?what was the
wretched fringe doing now? Had it
|gfim;ht in sojne one'&< umbrella, oi
pockethook? . Billy Drake had sat
on her~right?she would not loo'c
around for there was a tittering
E&*h behind her. Some opo else
i3*? grtlng off directly behind her
|Hp?flt?5>lively, there!' sang out the,
inotonnan jovlolty. as the car
Kicked away on Its flat-wheeled
, Ellrabcth whirled around and
ft?nfronted Billy. Drake's amused
and. ati the. same time, npologetlc
Bgf'II am sorry, Ellz?Miss Russell?
- I'couliin't help It, you can sen
gthal- "
gj?J"Help what?" she asked frostily.
Hjjf.At the same Instant she looked
sdown and saw?saw tho fringe of
Vhef. ilght slcovo wound . Impishly
^around one of the buttons of hid
overcoat. In this way, had she In
nocently ensnared him In the car
"had !od him down the aisle and here
ShVwas! i
-'/"What, an intolerable position.
i'?*I*dldn't expect to get off here,'
apologized; ."I was going to
iKIng street "
am very sorry," she said stiff
STyj and then in a sudden burst ot
fjjixation she added, '"Why didn't
lgmjent.lt.off? Break It off. Now
it'? ; a wretched thing!" She
tallied vigorously at the silken tan
fjfttof knotted threads.
S#He stood helplessly watching her
Stormy little face. His stern fact
softened. How unhappy they both
wjtrt! How like chlldron. breaking
Sfeclous hours of their lives with
?illy misunderstandings. Were thev
always to be enemies?
ffiHe had even forgotten what It
jraaall about
Hminbath gave one last tug and
the ^threads snapped. The sudden
release caused her to wavor ttnrcr.
?mr$!3llly's hand supported her
?lingered on her arm?stayed
there, boldly, as of old.
"liaon't want to be set free." he
said uncertainly, and Hlliabeth,
tne wind!"
.So tier walked'jUonrfrQuefe
street as thny^ud walked before
the blue cape bad entered their
lhes. Billy Drake explained and
Elizabeth listened and' murmured
soft little answers, aid (hey lin
gered In the tiny living,room,
where a fire whispered; ,.-09 the
h<arth. When BUly went home hi
went whistling down the afreet I11
the old happy way, and ElUabeth
waa dropping a klaxon thejredotu
ring.on'her' thlrd finger. >'As'ihe
blue wrap waa hong away In the
wardrobe, Elizabeth gave It a little
"You blessed old peacemaker!"
ebe whispered,.,
(Copyright, 1922, by tire McCIure
Newspaper Syndicate.)
I CopVrlfht* 1122. Thi West Virclaiu.
If you -would serve left-overs In
attractive fashion concoct a tim
bale. The .foundation of most of
these Utile dishes. Is a smooth,
rich, white sauce. To this Is add
ed the Ingredients needed to make
pronounced tarfte In the finlshd
dish. '
High and slim custard cups will
"do" very well if real timbale
molds are not at hand.
Vegetable Timbales.
One-half cup cooked asparagus,
% cup finely chopped cooked car
rotst 2 tablespoons flour, 2 table*
spoons butter, 1 cup milk, 1 tea
spoon salt, % teaspoon pepper, 2
Hub asparagus through a strain
er. The carrots may be chopped or
put through a strainer. Melt but
ter, stir in flour and slowly add
milk, stirring constantly.
Add vegetables and cook two
minutes. Remove from fire .and
stir in well beaten eggs. Season
with salt and popper nnd pour into
well buttered molds. Put molds
in a pan of hot water and bake 45
minutes in a moderate oven. Turn
molds out to serve.
Pea Timbales
One enp pea pulp, U teaspoon
grated onion, 2 ?ggs, 2. tablespoons
milk, 1 tablespoon melted butter,
Vi teaspoon salt, % teaspoon pep
per teaspoon, paprika, few grat
ings nutmeg,. V6 teaspoon sugar.
Rub peas through a sieve. Add
seasonings and eggs well beaten.
Potir mixture into well buttered
molds and bake in a pan of hot
water as In* preceding recipe;
Serve with a white sauce to which
strips of pimento have been added.
Chilled. Vegetable Timbales
These arc very nice to serve
with cold sliced meat or fish. If
you have several vegetables left
and can't get to market try this re
One carrot, 1 turnlp> 1 beet,.,It
cup cooked asparagus, \i cup
mincod pimentos, mayonnaise, 1
tablespoon gelatine, *4 cup cold
water, 1 cup boiling water, % cup
whipping cream, 1 teaspoon lemon
juice, % teaspoon salt, % teaspoon
pepper, tiny pinch mustard.
-Scrape carrot and paro turnip.
Cook until tender and cut in small
dice. Cook beet and slip skin un
flor cold water. Cut in dice and
udd asparagus cut in short
Add enough mayonnaise to mois
ten. -Soften gelatine in cold wat
er and dissolve in boiling water.
Let stand till cool and just ready
to set. Add to first mixture and
when a soft jelly fold in the cream
whipped stiff. Season and let stand
till firm and very cold.
It will take about , tour , hours to
set firmly. Cut in slices and serve
as a garnish for cold meat or fish.
Thomas N'uman and daughter
Ruby, are both 111 at their Inuies.
Milton Price ot "Halleck was the
guest of Willie Rumhla ]S4t week.
Ouy Wlllams, who%ss corking
at Morgantown, lias returned Jiomt.
Lewis Williams was a business
caller at Morgantown last week.
Mo?C2 Jacobs ,was tho gnest of
Jacob Rumble recently.
r Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Stevens
were business TisltorB at the home
of Moses Jacob last week.
; Fansls Morris was visiting at
the home ot her mother, Mrs. Jen
nie Jacobs, one afternoon KM
John Phillips was a visitor at
the home of John James recently.
Moses Jacobs sold a tine cow and
clll to B I.- Stevons last week.
A prayer meeting was held at
the home ot Frank Stevens, a tew
days ago. ?
Alice Huff, who was visiting at
the home ot Mrs. John Phillips
has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips and
children, Laudla and Harold, were
Visiting at the home ot James
Clemm a lew days ago.
Wilbur Reeves was a recent vis
itor at the homo ot Hayes Mor
ris. ?
James Davis wai a recent vis
tor at the home of Nelia and^Joe
Lewis Williams was visiting at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs.fE, A. Williams last week.
Jesse Gwyn was a business
callor at the home of Walter Wil
liams last Thursday.
J. P. Clemm was a recent visitor
at tho home of W. Hi Owyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Price
were the guest of Mrs. Mary Jane
Moran recently.
Johu James was-visiting at the
home of Moses Jacobs recently.
Ben McDaniel is visiting Wends
at Fairmont.
San Francisco to New York, b>
way of the Panama Canal is o'JM
twenty ' hare ?Jm ? 4 ?"?
c<"nfort S jr. """> <o sufflt'i ""uiy
"All rlcht," aalil Paul, with a
shrug. "You win."
He turned away wearily, cross
ed the room and sat down at the
desk to write.
Folly remained staring out of
the window moodily trying to jus
tify her refusal to "do the snappy
social stuff" that would, her hus
band believed, get him tho- order
from Rlgaud's big firm. Polly
halod tho Idea. It seeded .cheap
to her. Yet.she knew It was dono
orory day.
Wasn't It an old story" that big
business deals wero constantly put
over' ''by tho boudoir, route," by
social angling, dinrfers, teas?
Didn't the diplomats' wives and
cabinet women In Washington
have quite as much to do with
getting appolhtments and prefer
ment as the men themselves did?
In her heart of hearts P9lly
knew it was not only the Idea of
entertaining the Frenchman and
exercising a few Innocent bland
ishments she objected to. It wan
that the Idea was Violet Hand's.
Sue began to be honest with
hersolf?to admit she was jealous.
She realized now that she had dis
liked. Violet from the moment that
dashing young woman had edged
Into the heavenly, orbit' of the
Much as she disliked Violet,
Folly suspected that In tills parti
cular Instance she was acting in
good faith. The rcalltatlon burn
ed and rankled.
"It?It Isn't that I'm perverse,
Paul." she began haltingly, still
unable fully to admit the truth;
"It's almply that an American girl
feels tociL proud to play a game
His face grew \stern.
"Now look her Polly, cut it!
You know perfectly well I'd slash
otl my right hand sooner than ask
you to do anything to hurt your
pride?or mine. I ifierely asked
you to do 'a little tactful social
stunt. . It you'ro 'not a good
Hera is Guaranteed Relief
- Relieve yourself of that stiffness,
that dwelling, that soreness and all
those aches of subacute or muscular
rheumatism,/ luybSgo, neuritis or
neuralgia and enjoy your former
good health, again.
la now within your reeeh.-Jfo matter
what you have tried or how long you
have Buffered ?don't. be discouraged.
SANS-AKE .has relieved' thousands of
the moat chronic and stubborn caaes.
It la the phyaiciana'wramedy that will
not Injure the heart or stomach. Com>
pleto relief or your money refunded.^
Fer Sale By j
k Mountain City DrugvCo I
[ And All Good Drualate
Upc?WlUfr"?a < elfbitfof *111 i??
choked It back. He ?u right
Suddenly - the"remembered an oil
saying of her mothet'a so oft re
peated that It had lost It* mean
ing. Now It sounded In her eara:
"It's .the. ffrst quarrel that mat
ters. ?' Fend It "off?before It be
comes* a habit'* .
Polly went" o'ror and gently laid
her cheek agaj^st, Paul's hair.
With the action came an amai
log sense of peace. It waa aa
though something cold and hard
wltbln her suddenly broke and
melted Into wares of happiness.
? "I'm sorry dear. I'm wrong."
The simple worts wrought
maslc.. ,Wlth a swift movement,
he turned and .held her close."
"Good ll'l kid," said Paul soft
ly. "Trust my girl to think
'Straight and act squate every cot
darn time. Mrs.'Dawson," he rose
and bowed gravely, "you arcs a
brick, Madam?a 'square .little,
straight little pure gold brlek:"
"Sounds like a doubtful com
pliment to me." ? caroled Polly,
"but I'll showi your., silly- old
Frenchman a sparkle' or two. ? ?
Paul! Do you think he'll like the
brown taffeta?or the blue bro
caded crepoT"
"Wear the blue?for mo?and
I'll bring yon a bunch of violets
as blg-as a housevand lot."
(To Be Continued) '
Copyrlsht, 19Z2, Tht W?at Virginian.
Because .most of the noted suc
cessful leaders had names con;
talnlng, at the very most, only
eight letters, ' "Brevity" is the
latest answer to the' moptod ques
tion "Who won the war?'" On
the successful side are placed the
names of. Foch, Halg, Diaz,
Jacques an^ Pershing. On the
defeated side are placed such
names as Von Hindenberg, Von
Lndendorff, and Prince Hupp
Common Sense
About Eczema
and Eruptions!
Hare's Something About S. S.S.
ThatYoa'UBeGlad to Hear.
Tou might Just as well know It light
now,--the cause of skin eruption*
pimples, blackheads, bolls .and so on,
is right In the blood. There is no get*
ting away from It Science has proved
It We prove it You can prove It
When the cause of skin troubles and
(eruptions Is In the blood. It isn't com
Let 1. 8. 8. Give Tee AaJUgeUe Eklnl
won sense to simply* treat' the skin.
A bottle of 81 8. 8. will prove to you ,
/rhat la happening In your blood. 8.8.8.
Is a scientific blood cleanser.?-It drives
?ut the Impurities which cause ecseroa,
tetter, rash, pimples, boils, blackheads,
blotches and other, sldn eruptions. ?
When these Impurities are driven out :
you can't stop,,several very nloe things 4
from happening. Tour lips turn nat- |
urally rosy. Tour eyes sparkle, your ?
complexion dears.- It becomes beau- 5
tlfuL Tour face looka like that of a
prosperous, ruddy, well-fed, refined
gentleman, or If you are a woman,
your complexion beoomee the real kind
that the whole ^rorld so admires. 8.&S.
(a also a powerful body-builder, be- ,
cause it builds new and mere blood
cells. That's why it fills out sunken
cheek.*,, bony necks, thin limbs, helps
regain lost flesh. It boats little te
have this happen t?you. 8. 8. 8. la
sold at an drug stores. In two slse*
The larger aiaa-Is the more soonoaleal.
. v
x' m BBS
$15.95 to $79.50
Ef ASHION seems to have marshalled an entire anpyfl
* brand new ideas to her Frock Campaign for Spring. _:fI
our store are practically unlimited costuming possibilities?
one's taste, favo'rs the mode that may now be worn benea'
the wrap and later with a scarf of fur or angora. Th?re a
Frocks in knitted fabrics unique in brisk color touches'swa
ger in capes. And quite as impressive are Frocks of to
and tricotine or of spft, clingy silks?or of crisp, brilliant-1
feta. So many, many' beautiful ones are here no\\. 'Vi.
' ?? ? f" ? - ? ? ? ?? ?'%)
Wraps to Cover Th
$12.50 to $95.00
FOR some weeks?at least until \well after Easter- _____
will be; plenty of days that demand a comforting Wrap'.|
So while one is choosing Frocks it is also sensible to choose"
the Spring "Wrap that it will j^operly^iarmonize with. onft'^
entire'outfit. Those who. prefer sportish modes will deligh
in viewing our assortment or If fancy runs to a dressierir*'3
?for instance, one of the new capes thafhaVe so quickljtt
ed their popularity?quite a'plenty of that clever style WilS
he brought out for consideration. Materials are legion ajiaj
colors more varied^than.Wrapis have ever before exhibiPJ
' ??:- ' " r y ' .. ; ? V \ %
-?or Perhaps a S
$12.95 to $95.00
want || rMMBpiBj|M
rough mixture and any number of them are available-,
$12.95 upward. Ixodes for "dress-up" times can be ftjjaracm
$25.00 and more and every one in our stock is a genuinely
worthy value. The. latter are fashioned ever so beautifully
of tricOtine, men's wear serge arid Poiret twill and
blue remains the most wanted color as in the past seveT '
seasons. -Some are' exquisitely trimmed with vividly cola
silk or wool yarn'embroidery.
? $iW3
"the Best Place to Shtfp, After Alllf
??? ' W
Tom, Take Notice,
HELLO, doris! * HELLO .ToM !
WHERE ARE ? WHV, i'M going
you going? ?. Over To Your
'?t,,?1?H HOUSE ?
BUSTED again "This ) /
morning? p ? "
f T HO, HE V/ON - HE ?
tioT-l know HE
A -w
<tf?k rvwamSSSSm1
find OUT?)
LAVS the

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