- j ^ r \ j~^iy C8it 1 : Audit Bureau nsures "*^9 |jl| Closing New York Stocks, Page 3 > Ji More than a Newspaper?A. Frosrestrrc Fort*-in the CommaraQj. Pull Associated Press "Wire * jg * Rounded is45 faikmont, w. va? fhiday evening, june 23,1922. single copy 5 cents ] ? a ? - ? - ? ... 1 ... 1 _ . 1 . .'>' i i " ? . ' ' h (TWO! tlnvestif. fclwili | REACHES 500 CAR L MARK YESTERDA Hl?v . MTotal ot bu/ uars or uo; r Loaded, in District W Thursday. [/tonnage gaining Six Less Mines at Work Toda W' j' Than Yesterday---More ;:' Plants to Start. Six less mines are at work tod: Northern West Virginia tli< ^Pesterday, although the productit Beached the peak since the stril H Van on Thursday when 507 ca ^Krr coal were loaded. There habeen more demonstrations in tl region and trouble during the pa ^twenty-four hours than any tin R since the strike began. HP The loss in the number of mini work today compared to Thur clay was most noticeable on tl HLMonocgah Division, B. & O., whe six less plants are in operation t ^ ity. In fact the status 011 the ot Iiivisions has not cnangea in u t, remaining the same as ye ay. ines at work today on the var divisions are as foIlo%vs: B. Monongah, 35: Charleston, 4' nellsviUe, 0: Cumberland. 3'. stern Maryland ? Belingto Ever' & Northern, 1: Morga ? & Wheeling, 13: Monongah ; Morgan town & Kingwood, 3 Production Gaini.Vg>al production is on the inereai lorthern West Virginia. Thirt Scars more of coal were pr id on Thursday than Wedne The divisional gains yeste: compared to Wednesday we iollows: B. & O.?Mononga ars; Connellsville, 4 car: tern Maryland ? Belingto ver & Northern. 2 cars; Me own & Wheeling. 3 cars: M jahela, 7 cars; Morgantown ;wood, 4 cars. ie losses sustained"" yesterdi fcas follows: B. & O.?Charle & cars; Cumberland. 5 cars it;"loading by divisions yeste tvas as follows: B. & O.?M ;ah. 119 cars: Charleston, ; Connellsville, 37 cars: Cun ind, 7S cars; Morgantown ;\vood, 10f> cars: Morgantor Wheeling, "23 cars; Monong 50 cars: Western Maryland lgton, Weaver <& Northern, ong the Buffalo Creek & Ga Railroad, which is not in tl nont region, there were 42 ca Continued on rage Four) E NOTICE g to unfavorable weathiitions the sale of lots ? for DAMP SITES ler Place, Colfax continued on Saturday, (th. from 1 to 5 p. m. lots will be sold for a asonable price and on rms. W. S. HAMILTON. = NOTICE TO YTAXPAYERS ent lists of unpaid City >r 1921 will be made up in illowing and all persons axes for said year are reto give this immediate in. i Z. F. DAVIS, , 1922 Treasurei ; S^^^K;iday, June "Oth will be th< Kt day of which 1921 taxes HKiy be paid." All taxes unpaic be reported i delinquent convenience of taxpayers Kfhk-sheriff's office will be opet BmRKs 7 to 9 p. m. Saturday Mpninst, June ,24 th. Sheriff of Marion Co, mSKm nation o Miners March and Attempt < i, Huqhes and Si Il ? Marchers Forced to Leave al I Company Property at Hughes Mine by Sheriff. Weary of foot but still determined in spirit, several hundred miners who have been marching over the Fairmont section since early morning were resting in little groups y on the highway just outside the Hughes mine of the Robinson Coal Co. at Norwood at 3 o'clock. Some of them evidenced a desire to return home while others wanted to remain in order to interview v iy the workers when they came ih off the property. No final decision had been reached at this )n time. iC r_ Two large trucks with light loads entered the mine prop/e erty shortly before 3 o'clock. ie There was some supposition st that the workers might be j r brought out In these trucks, although this was merely one of the many rumors in connects tion with events of the day. ^ Hess than half of the three hundred and fifty miners who this morning marched through Fairmont , were at the Hughes mine of the ~ Robinson Coav Co. near Norwood c at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, after w~ making attempt to close both the Hughes mine and the Hoult mine. l' the latter belonging to the Sliam& rock Fuel Co. The miners left the: company property at the Hughes] mine this afternoon only after n- Sheriff J. D. Charlton and his depn~ uties had ordered them to. e" The men gathered about the 1 opening of the Hughes mine at Nor-. | wood early this afternoon and left] sejthe mine property shortly after 2 y- o'clock when Sheriff Charlton oro-ldered them off. They moved to the) s-j roadway about 100 yards distant, r-| where they sat down on the bank, re Every automobile that passed was h, stopped and the occupants inter 5; rogated. 11. Reporter Questioned ir- A reporter of The West Virgin o-iian was asked if he was Frank & Amos who is prosecuting attorney of Marion County. When he iy answered in the negative, he was IS" asked if tbe car had called to: Amos. This brought another ncga;r" tive answer, and the reporter was ordered to move on. After a mo ment. the order was repeated and ^ a large crt^wd of miners began to rn collect about the car. The rea_ rort.er moved on. The miners refused to make any 4 statement but persisted in asking a great many questions about the u- county officials. ie Sheriff Charlton said at the mine this afternoon that when protection was asked at the ? Hughes mine. several officers ^ jumped into a machine and hasten' ed to the mine immediately "When we arrived, we found the miners on the company property, j and at once forced them to leave ; and go out on the highway. That ' is all we have to sav.' the sheriff .said, adding, "We removed tho I miners from the nroDertv." Arrive at 7 o* Clock. The miners came into this city shortly after 7 o'oclock. Entering Fairmont from the general direction of Monongah, they marched down Fairmont avenue, across South Side bridge into the business section, down Cleveland f-J avenue over the old river bridge = into East Side and from there to ?j-iHoult by way of Norwood. City policemen discussed the advisibility of stopping the miners but decided against the step. County officals kept a close watch of the men to see that they com(Continued on Page Four) ' [F il ? WANTED ? To Rent Canoe, or Row Boat the first two weeks of July, will guarantee care. Phone Sl-M after 6 p. m. Jj -J =iU [r i ~ FREE 1922 Ford Touring Car ' II Dome in loaay a.uu ^ * I freo ticket. Inquire at our 1 store as to how you may get 11 more than one Free Ticket. ' ! I Get Yours Today | [ The Home Furniture Company . JEFFERSON STREET t Mine Through City to Close Both hamrock Mines | HUlMUKIAtit STILL APROGRAM U. S- Chamber of Commerce Man Declares Need of Homes ExtensivePROVIDENCE, R. T.. June 23.? The shortage of dwellings for the country as a whole is today estimated at somewhat over two and a half years' production, John Ihlder, manager of the civic development department. United States Chamber of..Commerce, said today in at address before the National Conference of Social Work here. In some cities the shortage is estimated a"- nearly four years' production,! in others, at approximately one and a half years, and even less, Mr. Ihlder said. "Up to the fall of 1921 or the beginning of 1922 housing conditions were growing worse." he declared. '"Now however, (he tide has turned and though we can not expect house building to continue long at its present speed, we may hope that it will continue to exceed current increase of need and so gradually reduce the shortage. Coincidental!) we may expect that building prices will come down, not steadily, but with occasional flats and ascents. This means that we may hope for dwellings produced and sold at smaller cost and so put within the means of a constantly larger proportion of the people until the day comes when the old procession is once more started from poorer houses to- better houses, making available to families of small means the old adequate houses that are still habitable." Mr. Ihlder warned against "shoddy construction" as a short-cut to adequate housing, urging retention of "good minimum standards in house building, adequate size and number of rooms, open spaces and honest construction.*' The extension of zoning regulation in the United States, he said, was "the one important exception to the backward process which ceased and became progress only a few months ago." Today some 60 cities have or are drafting zoning regulations. HORSESHOE FINALS PLANNED TOMORROW; The finals in the Horseshoe | League which were postponed from last Saturday on account of rain will be pitched off at Ravine Park tomorrow beginning at 2 o'clock. All of the games that have not' been played will be played tomor- | row. finishing up the old schedule. I The championship will be deter-1 mined in tomorrow's meet and the! medals will ho awarded to the! members of the first two teams. ] The members on the winning team will each receive a silver} medal, while a similar medal of bronze will be given to each man on the second team. At the present time there are twenty-four teams in the 'league. ? They are divided into three! each group. In group A. the labor team of the Owens Bottle Co. has already won the honors from the group, halving completed their schedule and losing only one game. There arfe two teams in group B that are pretty well matched. They are Second Ward and Consolidation Coal Co. Although the Jobbers' team of the Fairmont Supply Co. is leading in the C group, there will be plenty of competition in this group. dVES BAI> CHECK W. B. Fenton of Mannington' is In the county jail here charged with giving.a bad checlc for 540 in payment of an insurance policy. The check was given to D. F. Hollobaugh. The prisoner was committed to the jail here by Justice J. M. Barrack of Mannington. Justice Barrack will have two more criminal cases before him next Monday. They are the cases _ c tt.. f* .... .r A TJomnrH T? Ut Ilcllll UlrtJ duu u^jiia(u j i. u j j ards, both charged with having mash in their possession. (i ~ -.1 CULINARY WORKERS NOTICE All members are requested to be present at regular meeting tonight. Businss of importance to be transacted. LULU MONTGOMERY, Secy-Treasurer LLED I r> ISlSl/t u MIntsM IN WILBURN CASE Jury Instructed This Morning by Judge Woods?Chafin First to SpeakCHARI.ES TOWN, June 23.? (By The Associated Press.)?The jury trying the case of the Rev. J. E. WSlburn on trial for the killing of a Logan deputy sheriff during the labor disorders in the Southern West Virginia coal fields last summer, was instructed byJudge J. M. Woods that it could return either a first degree or a second degree murder verdict or one for manslaughter. Afte consideration of questions from both sides, the court held that it would leave it to the jury to decide from the evidence which of the three verdicts to bring in. The prosecution then started argument of the case. The court limitec each side to three and one hal hours each for argument. Punishment for first degree rrmrrdr is death; second degree murder, five to eighteen years in the penitentiary and for voluntary manslaughter. from one to five years in prison. Sentences for involuntary manslaghter in West Virginia -~ ^^ vuar in tho. Deniten tiarv. a fine or both. Attorney Chafin. in beginning his argument, quoted the commandment, "Thou shalt not kill," and compared the Rev. J. E. Wilburn to Judas Iscariot. "One does not lose one's reputation," Chafin declared, "until one "goes wrong. Nor did Judas Iscariot lose his reputation until he went wrong," the Logan prosecutor asserted. In this connection he pointed out to the jury that the defendant may have had a good reputation prior to the kill ing of Deputy Sheriff John Gore, but that he deliberately betrayed his calling as a minister when he took up a rifle and went into the hills to "kill." Speaking of the attempt of the defense to prove that the Logan deputy sheriffs were noted for their violence, Chafin asserted that there was no body or organization more noted for its lawlessness and violence than the mine workers whose marching to Logan to kill the sheriff and his deputies, and "then on to Mingo to raise martial law.!' Following Chafin. Mason for the defense sought to show that Wilburn was justified in going to the hills on the day of the Gore shooting in that he feared the town of Blair would be attacked by Logan deputies. T. C. Townsend of counsel for the defense began his plea to the jury when court reassembled at 2 o'clock . He discussed the instruc tions of the court to the jury. "Get rid of the radicals on both sides, and we will have better conditions in West Virginia between coal operators ana union miners, lie declared. ALL LOOK ALIKE TO MINISTER POLICEMAN Merchants, dentists, city and county officers, physicians, minis ters and taxi drivers, all look alike to the Reverend Mr. Pritchard Fairmont's new traffic cop. Yesterday thirteen more automobile owners, including many prominent local people, were summoned to ap pear in police court this morning for parking along Main street more than ten minutes. Cars belonging to W. J. Boydston .losephine Jeffries, J. S. Lemasters Don Reese, J. M. Hartley, Nettie A Wolf. W. W. D. Straight, D. W Reiter, E. W. Howard, Charles W Waddell. E. C. Watkins, M. D. Da vis and Joseph VanGilder were all tagged by tbe Reverend Mr. Pritch ard. Some of those who were ordered to court failed to appear, while mosi of them arranged with the acting Mayor Arnett to come in some time ^am.-. When the owners m/ - - ?or the tagged cars appear, acting Mayor Arnett simply tells them thai they will be dismissed this time bul will draw a sure fine for a second offense. Arrangements are now being made to file all of the cards foi such traffic violations so that ii will be an easy matter to discovei whether a person has been, ordered into court on a second offense. Acting Mayor Arnett haa also in structed the city officers to sec that cars parked along Fairmonl avenne and all other much traveled streets have a rear light burning INFIGI \ers in rV ER E3!C TO F^NOT' GUILTY ORDERED ELKINS, W. Va., June 23?The I jury in the case oC Mrs. Stella ! Schwartz of Wheeling. indicted i for violation of the prohibition i act. today was instructed by Judge : William E. Baker in United Staets ; Supreme Court here to return a j verdict of not guilty. The judge I issued his order after the prosecu; tion had presented three witnesses and the defendant had testified in I U Knh <11 f T V. o cfofn tended that Mrs. Schwartz had a quart of moonshine in her possession on February 8. last, and that five gallons of liquor were found buried in a barn in the rear of her home. John Maxwell, of Wheeling was found guilty of violating the prohibition law. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty against George V. Snyder of Wheeling, who was tried with Maxwell Ganiline Fanzzini of Harrison County was fined 5100 and costs after he plead guilty to the possession of one gallon of moonshine. In the case of J. H. Wolfe of Hampshire County, charged with [ having 100 gallons of mash in | violation of the prohibition act, the defendant admitted possession of the mash but said it belonged to his cousin. Wolfe said he had made liquor all his life and when prohibition agents testified he had aided them in securing evidence against other prohibition law violators, he was let off with a $25 fine. When court took recess at noon the trial of Camden A. Stemple and Walter Mitchell of Barbour County, indicted for entering freight cars and stealing interstate shipments of merchandise, was in progress. EDDV LAUDED BY DOCTOR STOETZEft Others Also Pay Tribute to Local Pastor at Meeting Last Night. i | Quoting Plato that two eulog i ies are pronounced on every me, those of words and deeds, and advocating that appreciation of one's work and virtues be expressed now instead of after death, Dr. H. G. Stoetzer, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, addressed a large gathering of people last night in the First Baptist Church, ; which this week is celebrating the | twenty-fifth anniversary of the I pastorate here of its pastor, the ; Rev. W. J. Eddy. Last night was | "Community and Reception Night" and Doctor Stoetzer spoke 1 as a representative of the Minis| terial Association. j Doctor Stoetzer told of the high esteem in which the Reverend Mr. Eddy is held by the ministers and 'I people of the city and of the ex!] cellent work which he has done in I his church and in the city in gen eral. The address was replete | with illustrations and humor and i was a fine tribute to the Reverend Mr. Eddy. . A feature of the evening was i the receiving line where eighteen j people, all of whom were in the | church when the Reverend Mr. Eddy came, welcomed the guests. Those in the line were the Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Eddy, Mr. and I Mrs. .T. H. Kincaid, Mrs. J. H. i Abbott, Mrs. W. D. Evans. Mrs. Mary Rarabaugh, Mrs. C. H. | Childs, Mrs. E. N. Eddy, Mrs. G. ll w TCeener. Mrs. J. Minor Dunham the Misses Hallie and Anna Mar> tin. Miss Zee Kinsey Powell. . Lowell Childs, Elbert Kincaid, F. R. Clelland and Frank Stansbury. ! Some of the foregoing people were - in the cradle roll department at that time. : Besides Mr. Stoetzer's address ' talks were made by the Rev. R. T. Brown, pastor of the Williams . Memorial Methodist Episcopal . Church South and president of the Ministerial Association. by the Rev. C. H. King, pastor of the - First Methodist Episcopal Church by Mrs. J. H. Kincaid. and by Dr. I C. O. Henry. C. W. Evans told how he had known the Reverend Mr. Eddy beI fore the latter came to Fairmont : and that he had been married by ; him. E. J. Thomas, who was prac> tically raised with the Reverend i Mr. Eddy, told briefly of the lat: ter's pro-church days and M. C. : Lough who came to Fairmont in : 1897 and at that time became the I teacher of a Sunday school class and who has been here practically ; as long as the Reverend Mr. Eddy. told of some interesting incidents . in the pastor's life here. F. J. Cole was master of cere1 monies, and under his direction things moved along smoothly and swiftly. The latter part of the > evening was turned over to the : women of the church who served 1 delicioUB refreshments and made . the social hour a delightful one. Illinois IMTIONALGOARD FORMED TO STOP FORTHMOTING Local Officials Declare Situation Well in Hand at ' ti-T:^.^ i nit) i iiiigIMO DISORDERS TODAY ** j Union President Blames Sinister Influences for Massacres. HERRIN, 111., June 23.?(By The Associated Press.)?Official investigation of the mine disorder in which twenty-seven were killed began today in response to insistent demands from Governor Len Small for action by local authorities, when Coroner McGow&n annouhced that an inquest would be held immediately and State Attorney De Louis Duty stated that a special grand jury would be convened following the inquest to investigate the massacre. The state's attorney expressed doubt that any different results would be obtained through the investigation. saying it was virtually impossible to obtain evidence. He insisted, however, that every possible step would be taken and telegraphed Governor Small an official statement to that effect. Blames Sinister Influences. CINCINNATI, June 23.?John L. Lewis, in a statement here today, declared "the United Mine Workers of America is not to any degree responsible for the unfortunate occurrence at Herrin, 111." Ho said the organization of which he is president never encouraged or condoned lawlessness. "Sinister influences," Mr. Lewis declared, had been at work among the miners, "to incite and inflame I the spirit of violence." Coal com panies. he asserted had employed i nf d#?tftctives "to work among striking miners." Situation Well in Hand. HERRIN, 111., June 23.?(By The Associated Press.)?Sheriff Whaxton of Williamson County today replied to Governor Smali's request for an official report on the mine battle. He reported that the situation was well in hand. He added that there was no need for troops. Mobilization Begins. CHICAGO, June 23.?By The Associated Press.) ? Mobilization of the 132d Infantry of the Illinois National Guard, ordered by Governor Len Small in a midnight message from Waukegan to hold itself! in readiness for duty in the South ern Illinois mining region, began early today. Nine machine gun companies were included in the order and the 132d infantry also has a howitzer company. Twenty-Six Missing. CHICAGO, June 23.?The Hargrave secret service, which had thirty operatives on guard at the Lester strip mine at Hei-rin when j the mine was stormed by striking ! miners, have accounted for but four detectives following the massacre. One of these, Sidney | J. Morrison, was known to have I been mortally wounded. Three | were believed to have escaped, it was said, while the remaining twenty-six were missing. To Care for Families UHICAUU, June j ;8 inutes after they were shot. S Seventeen men and. three worn have been arrested in connecin with the rioting and are lodg- iSSB : in the Harrison County jail. 8 ate police are aiding county of- ' iiVM :iab>~jn. hunting lhe rioters and B I who can be recogrlized are be6 taken into custody. Deputies Go To Mine Sheriff I.aco Young had received formation yesterday that strilc- . / j s were to march today on the wis mine Which is located beeen Reynoldsville and Wi!son--^|j||l irg. Early this morning, four or re deputies went to the mine. -8 le expected march of miners failto materialize, however. 8 Presently the deputies noticed at the stret car which was supised to bring non union men to H e mine had failed to arrive on heduled time. They iminediatclv fl irted back along the street-car i is to meet the interurban car. The found the car standing be een the Waldo and Gladys stops Vl rrounded by a group of nearly H 0 men and women, nearly all for gners. Another group o? ciepu- v is in an automobile arrived from " arksburg at about the same time. : the appearance of all the offi- H rs on the scene, the miners drew ck from the car. The deputies found the trouble er when they got there, and as- II sted in rounding up as many :fl (Continued on Page Four) -* j4? OCAL MEN WILL GO I TO HEPZIBAH CHURCH Group Xo. 3 of the Billy Sunday asiness Men's Club 'under the _