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I Sep"'i3ay m fr. [ Audit nnrr-wu of Clrtqlanc Kft Closinp New York- Stoc ^ b yiOlTNDEiy i845 " ! IEXPE II 9 DCD PtMTDIIM |l L I Ll\ ULI1I l\Uil IDF EMPTIES FOR ILOOALOPERATORS .Worst Car Supply Today in R*'ii,this Field Since Big ' Strike Ended. HARD HIT IKwry Line Short Supply of I I Care to Handle Production. Iejpner car shortage was axericed iri^Northprn West Virtfjtoday than any time since [opal strike was ended. . Not fryas the B. & 0. system short usual, but the Mononga& W., and Western Maryf*keptvapac? in . this respect. Monongah 12 Per Cent Mi'. 155 mines closed down $0*car shortage the most acute llfion. thus far developed on Huonongah Division. B. & 0., ph' had a twelve per cent run Empties today. While the ESgun was poor enough on the |}gston Division, B. & 0., to* m&vas'J much better than on Monongih Division. B. & 0?? ^having been a 38 per cent MJh'acar supply appears tq be |ung between these two divlKior :thq advantage day after j&The Cumberland Division, B. J&has the long end of the stick i a.'60'Per cent run. The Consyille . Division, B. & O., (m^k.-PPoHlfod with ftrdorlnc I four cars had a full run. | rawiy a* 64 per cent run ofj i are on the M. & K. today. 5^;- Monongahela Hit Srcthe'. first time since the' G^eo^ed ~the-~Monongahe1ai Ks?today steered Into -car; kae. Pot -weeks the railroad IBben giving the mines all the Whey can load. It la reported $on,both the Monongahela and & <W., where there is also car fifege -this morning, that the Ibad has had difficulty In pull* loads frtftri the mine sidings, s apparently Is a great barrier handling both the empties at ,'mines as well as avoiding ^accumulations of coal loads. fp.-the mines on the MononRailway have aproximately eeven ser cent run and 50 empties were ' ordered vere but 237 placed at 7 This will mean a restricting on the Monongahela ' today as the West Virginia on the average have been 365 cars of coal a day duri.:first three days of this : the Morgantown & Wheelllway today there were a cent run of empties. The ordered 280 cars and only s were placed. Apparently j have been well istrlbuted nines were rported to be i to car shortage.'although ill no doubt have a short B dL 0. Embargo ttil last.reports the negowere underway for the setof the shopmen's strike, althe actual settlement hat i announced. When the actlement of the strike takes ey will play an important he movement of coal loads as the B. & 0 badly botespecially to the west. {i immediate settlement of ie and a prompt return to r the shopmen probably a ittnued on Paj* Eight) FOR SALE load of extra fancy v Alberta free stone ;s at a sacrifice at per bushel at the car 2.20 delivered. Pennia Freight yard. Car I 'No. 44825. I. GOLDBERG. , ?J p? , 6 Cyl-Touring Car II,. 4 Cyl-Touring $885 K'yPrices F. 0. B. Detroit' HKione 85 for Demon[[ Ibeaty mqtqr CO. j ks. Pace .'! cfl I Bears Bid tc \ Miss Mary Harrington, of Reno. I tativ? of Western womanhod to tra^ I invite President Harding to the Roi I executive with a 10?gallon cowboy 1 WOMEN PREPARE I FOR BIG DRIVE Marion Countv Executive! I Committee Ready for Campaign. The Marion County Republican Woman's Executive Committee t held a well attended and interest- v ing meeting in the circuit court t room at the courthouse yesterday 8 afternoon. Vacancies in the com- I mittee were filled, officers selected 1 to serve and the plan of campaign r to be waged during the fall elect-1 ion worked out. The committee a headquarters in rooms 204 and 205 t in tho Bethlehem Building were 1 formally opened today. * Mrs. Leota M. Berry, chairman J of the committee presided at the J meeting and Mrs. Dorothy M. Kin- j sey was elected secretary. Mrs. , Guy A. Purbee. treusurer ufld Miss uiiimuoui uiwuc, CI1QII UXUI1 Ul U1C I speakers bureau. Mrs. Paul Hamilton was elected a member of the committee from Fairmont district to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Klnsey to accept the position of secretary. Mrs. John W. Mason was elected to the committee from Union District to fill the vacancy caused by Mrs. E. B. Carskadon moving to Charleston where her husbund is now employed. Mrs. Sarah Ann King was elected to the committee from Wlnfield District filling the vacancy caused by Mrs. Hank Satterfield moving out of the district. Walter Prichard, Republican can didate for commissioner of the county court, was present at the meeting and gave a short talk to the members and officers of the committee. The personal of the committee is now as follows: I Mrs. Leota M. Berry, chairman; Mrs. Dorothy M. Kinsey secretary; Mrs. Guy A. Furbee, treasurer, Miss Elizabeth Stone, chairman of the speakers bureau; Mrs. J. W. Black, Miss Ruth Merrifleld. Mrs. Leroy Howard, Miss Jennie Fleming. and Mrs. Paul Hamilton, members from Fairmont District. Mrs. j Charles Martin and Mrs. U. W. Oallien Lincoln District, Dr. Phoe- 1 by Moore and Mrs. B. L. Spenser, Mannington DisCTct. Mrs. Lloyd (Continued on Page Eight) WANTED Middle aged woman with experience to help in restaurant. Must furnish reference. Apply in person to Mr. E. C. Nuzum at the Owens Bottle Company Restaurant WANTED First class auto repair | man. No other need apply, i East Side Garage. Phone | I1072" I i Euifi5sS&.-. C-.v.:! . More than < FAIRMONf L & ) President Jgt mSm i%SHR9fflHK^ vy...' flnraniF Net., was picked as a represen- ' /el :s.000 miiea to Washington and 10 Round-Up. She presented the lat. siicr in nmr nnnu IN bflot KtftUf njunction Suit Not Halted by Partial Settlement of Rail StrikeCHICAGO. vSept. 14.?Despite he purtial settlement of the railway shopmen's strike,.the injuncion light-in Judge J. H. Wilkeron*s court on Attorney General Daugherty's application for a preiminary restraining order agajnst ail strikes was continued today. Peace settlements would not titer the government's determinaion to finish its case, spokesmen or the attorney general said. The lovernment attorneys continued iresentation of evidence in supfort of their charges that a wide-1 pread conspiracy on violence and ntimidation existed in connection vith the shopmen's strike. Preparation of additional couner evidence agali)3t that being ubmltted by the Attorney jGener il's office before Judge J. H. Wilkirson to make permanent the tem>orary injunction against officials >f the railway'- employes departnent of the American Federation >f Labor were being made by the lefense. The conclusion of peace bett-pon thn afrlkln? ahnnmnn nnri he railroads had no effect on the :ase. \ Blackburn Esterllne, assistant iolicitor general in active charge >f the government's case, said he ixpected to have all government tvldence before the court when it idjourns Saturday. Donald R. Richberg, defense ittorney left the shopmen's case n the hands of Frank L. Mulholand shortly after courl opened oday and began the preparation if evidence which he expects to mbmit before midnight Tuesday, he expiration time of the ten day octension of the temporary retraining order. This evidence. . he 'said, will ihow the real cause of the strike ind bring proof against the gov-, irnment charges. \RMY~DIRGIBLE IS MAKING GOOD TIME AKRON. O.. Sept. 14. ? The irmy dirigible C-2 arrived at tho IVingfoot Lake station near her.s it 11:25 u. m.? the big airship vas moored at the hangar there ind the crew landed for luncheon. 'Officers of the craft told of en mmtnrlnf stiff winds at Hav. >reak. but the ship made good teadway, coming here from Langey Field, Va., #in exactly eleven lours. The C-2 is t among ' the first rans-continental flight of a dirigble. Its destination is Los Angeos. Mayor D. C. Rybolt and City Administrator Tucker led a toleration of city ' officials who greeted the aviators on landing. It was innounced that the airship would lot leave for Dayton today as had >een intended. i Nmsaaa?A Pretreunc Forct iVW. VA., THURSDAY oTm HEALTH OFFICER I SAYS ONLY FEW CASESOF FEVER Doctors Only Report Nine Cases for the Last Three Months. Fairmont is one of the most healthful cities in the state ac i-uruiug 10 a siaiemeni maae oy Dr. J. A. Jamison, city health officer today, notwithstanding the discussion of the typhoid fever caseB in the vidlnlty by leading' doctors at the meeting of the! Kiwanis Club luncheon yeBterday.1 To back up his statement Dr. I Jamison produced the records of I his office to show that only fivej cases of typhoid fever were reported during the month of July,', three during the month of August} and one up to today in this month. Of the five cases reported during July only three should be credited to the city proper as one of the cases was a person who camo here with a funeral party from Oklahoma and the fever developed the day after the person arrived in this city. Another case was that of a child who had been spending the summer on a farm near the city and was brought into town for treatment after the . disease developed. One of the ministers who came here to attend the West Virginia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, w"as stricken with the disease the day after he arrived in the city, but the health officer says that the disease did ' not originate here as the minister was not feeling well when he j came to the city. According to Dr. Jamison only j seven cases of .fever that originated in the city have been reported to him since the first of July, and, furthermore, Dr. Jamison fey# .that he --is- ^pfldentthat .tha . nhtmlplana rs f lha nlfv ara ronnrf- ' ing all the cases. The health officer says he is at j a loss to understand the small | number of cases of fever as practically all the wells and springs inspectcd by the city are unfit for 1 use and that hts department has J placarded any number of wells ' and springs showing that tho j1 water was unfit to use. Among! the springs condemned was one| that water was being bottled outj of and sold to residents around' the city. The health department.! made the persons operating tho delivery system of the infected water - discontinue the sale of the water in the city. Other contagious diseases have been on about the same level with typhoid fever and according to the health officer the city is enjoying better health as a whole than ever in the history of the city.' CHILD DIES FROM STOMACH ATTACK Kredorlco Pileggi, two-year old son of Vincenzo and Maria Rosziuj; Ciliverti Pileggi, died thitymornlng , at U: 15 o'clock at the home of his I parents at 210 Market street after I an illness with acute stomach trou-1 ble. He is survived by his parent* I and the fallowing brothers and sis tors, Joe, Cincetina, Razanna, Angelina and Caraina. The body was 1 prepared far burial by Fred Jenkins. No funeral arrangement* have been made. CHURCH CONVENTION WILL BE HELD HERE SUNDAY The Central Christian Church will entertain the twelfth annual convention of the Churches of Christ in the Monongabela District here next Sunday. ^This district is composed of Monongalia, Marion, Harrison, Taylor and Preston counties. It is planned to the sessions of the convention In Loop I Park if the weather is favorable, otherwise all the meetings will be held in the church building at ; Second street and Walnut avenue. The program includes a model Bible school, opening at 9:30 to ' be followed by the communion service at 10:45. State Evange use jonn n. uiara win preaem iue work of the church in West Vir- J glnia for the consideration of the delegates representing the vario ?s church of the district. Basket dinner will be served on 1 the grounds and the afternoon < will be devoted to the reports from churches and Bible schools. The principal address of .the afternoon will be given by the Rev. M. B.- Miller of Grafton. The evening sessions will be held at the church and include a great Christian.Endeavor meeting at 6:30 and the final business sea- ; sion of the convention will begin at 7:30. The closing sermon will be preached by the Rev. F. A. Tinney of Shinnston. Special music will feature each session of the ; convention and a very interesting and profitable meeting is expected. V'*' 4 J" ''; i m the Community. Mm*. rENING, SEPTEMBER 1 EN] Postoffice Cat Gets Some'Nip' Goes on Spree WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. ? "Old Tom", the veteran Post Office Department cat Js on a spree. The mail man today brought him a package, neatly wrapped and bearing a sevencent stamp. It was addressed to "The Post Office Cat. Tom, Washington, D. C.,'.' and was froiji Mrs. Kittie Thomas. 425 Shiawasee street, Aansing, Mich. Being a long ways from "hristmas, Tom's superiors, the watchmen, began a spirited speculation as to the contents of the package. Not so, Tom. his sense ?of smell caused him to fall in love with it immediately and he could hardly restrain his impatience until it was opened. It was catnip, and Tom la enjoying his first timo off since the Roosevelt tadmlnis*tration when he came into office. FilNTiN GETSFREEDOWI ioe Seigel, Held on Charge of Bootlegging, Found Not Guilty. PITTSBURGH, Pa., Sept. 14.Ioe Seigel, of Fairmont, W. Va., ac cused of bootlegging, was dlscbarg sd in police court this morning bu a friend Patsy Pollazo was finer (100 with the option of thirty days In the work house. On Tuesday a truck containinj lour barrels of whiskey was seizor In front of Pollazo's house. Seige was standing nearbyjind was taker n custody. At the hearing yesterday the Fair mont man declared he knew noth Ing about the liquor but was on hit way to Poljazo's home to call. Patsy admitted he bought the barrels but said he thought the] contained olive t oil. Evidenci brought out the fact that he pait approximately $1,200 for the "oil.* SHIPMENTSEAST INCREASING NOW Embargo Clamped Down or Western Coal Loads at Present. With an embargo -clamped or western shipments naturally th( coal loading to the east is rapldl] n the increase on the Mononiral Division, B. & 0. There were 56! coars. of load loaded east yester day. Forty-seven cars of coul weri loaded west. Fourteen .cars of coke welre load ed- of which twelve cars went eas and two care west. Seven cars o coal were loaded by wagon minei on the division yesterday. Fourten cars of coal were load ed east off the Charleston Divisloi B. & O. Dally R. R. Fuel. Two hundred and forty-one can of coal were loaded as railroai fuel off the Monongah Division, E & O., on Wednesday. There wen 132 cars loaded as B. & 0. fuel an< 109 care as foreign fuel. Foreign roads secured the tei cars of railroad fuel loaded on thi Charleston Division, B. & 0., yes terday. In the Coke Belt. Two hundred and one care o coal were loaded on the Monongo hela Railway in Pennsylvania yes terday. This was a gain of twenty -v.~m v?.u buui|<wcu iu lucauuy i loading. The production of coal Ii this section of the coke belt, whic] is between Brownsville and thi West Virginia state line, is perhapi running an average of 20 cars stronger a day than In the middh of -August. The strikers appear U have held their ranks exceptional!: well. Sixty-eight mines were at. worl today and these plants ordered 18( empties today. Loading Box Cart , Quite a few wagon mines ar; loading box carfc on the Monongal Division, B. & 0. at Walker'i Siding, this city, and in the vidn Ity of Monongah. Box cars an also used for loading coal on th< Monongahela Railway in the loca yards. Cement companies are re ported to be buying coal. To Return Today Howard W. Showalter president of/the Diamond Coal Co. and father H. C. Showalter, an expected to return today from t (Continued oh Page Bight). . <r Agreements. CHICAGO, Sept. 14 ?(By the Associated Press)?Members of the shopcrafts* policy committee who yesterday approved peace plans for ending the railway strike through separate agreements with individual. roads today began separate agreement negotiations under terms of the agreement, instructions to various System federation officials to enter signatory negotiations and arrange agreements with their roads were sent out from union headquarters by Bert M. Jewell, chief strike leader anil head of the railway employes' department of the American Federation of Labor. Although the shop craft executive council remained here with Mr. Jewell, to direct the affairs qf the railway shop unions in settling the strike the policy committeemen scattered to their respective district soon after the settlement plan waa adopted. \ Railway systems counted among those counted to sign the hgreement immediately or soon were said to number about fifty of the 202 class one roads V the country. Some of the larger systems ? were counted among those willing . to sign for immediate peace. The mileage affected today was I estimated at about 65.000 of the . 260.000 miles in the United States. The text of instructions to officials of system federation would ? remain confidential, Mr. Jewell \ said. He said also that union , leaders would not make public at this time a list of the roads which 1 were partfes' to the agttjSttTefrt Ttic reason for retaining the list, he said, waB because it will probably be augmented by new signers as the result of a continuous series of conferences with roads not al3 ready in the agreement. ' Any lists made public would 3 have to com? from the railroads,'' { Mr. Jewell said. Effort* fa vorlfv Unfa of roads accepting the settlement drew denials from the Erie, Burlington, Chicago Great Western Southern Pacific, Illinois Central and a large number of other roads. | The New York Central gtoup [ was one of the largest generally credited with planning to sign the agreement. Under the terms of the peace plan shopmen are to return to I work under wage scales prescribed by the United States Railroad Labor Board effective July 1. the (Continued on Pagd Eirbt) , HART'S WIFE SEEKS ; DIVORCE FROM HIM t _____ ) LOS ANGELES. Sept. 14.? 3 Suit for ^divorce on the ground of "extreme' cruelty" will be instltut. ed at once- against William S. t Hart, film actor, by Mrs. Winifred ; Westover'Hart, according to an s announcement today by Mrs. Hart's attorney. Reports that Hart had agreed 1 to a 1200,000 cash settlement wita his wife were verified by Mrs. Hart's attorney. He added, however. ..thai a complete-settlement J had "not been effected and thai.his 1 client would ask for a much larger sum. 3 , ! CONDITION OF MRS. !' HARDING NOW GOOD f WASHINGTON, Sept. li.?Maintenance ol the steady Improvement shown In her condition lor the last three days gave attending physl, clans entire confidence today that 1 Mrs. Harding was well on the road , to recovery from her critical 1113 ness. Bulletins were to be dlscons tinned On her condition. As In the case of a previous > sleae of the same Illness, however, 3 one bulletin expressed the opinion r of attending physicians that Mrs. Harding's convalescence would c necessarily be a tedious one. ) On one of the two previous occasions In the last eight years In which Mrs. Harding has successj fully resisted an attack of the prea f ent malady her convalescence, it , was re-called, extended over a . period of seven or eight months, s The hostess, of the White Hqnse i would not be able to give to the I social life at Washington this win ter any extended list of, entertainment. The colorful White House functions of last winter marked the end of a long period during the war , and subsequent illness of President ! Wilson In which this high spot was i missing, from the capital's social life. - .4,.1922. :ack START WORKING ! i nw ncTAii c nr : Ull ULIrtlLU U! PEACEPROGRAM Policy Committee Starts to Negotiate Separate ^in Pull Asa m MJLLJR REPORTS ON KUIAKY UUNVtN I ION Complete Review of Wheeling Session Made at Local Club's Luncheon. On Tuesday the executives of the clubs in the twenty-fourth' district of Rotary held their annual meeting in the McLure Hotel In Wheel ing. President Miller of the Fairmont Rotary Club attended and at today's weekly luncheon at the Y. M. C. A. gave a talk on the features of the Wheeling gathering. Among other things President Miller recalled to the minds ot local Rotarians that Rotary Inter national is now 17 years old. It is made up of 1,250 clubs in twenty six countries; is represented on every continent and embraces t> membership ot 83,000 men. The one feature in relation fo Rotary membership which might be considered somewhat remarkable 1s that during the period of the organization's existence its membership has not run well into the lmn dreds of thousands. On the contrpry'Rotary has been maintalneo at a level assuring the proper classifications and suitability of members in accordance with the business and social creed lupoh which Rotary is built. Plans to further the inter-city cooperation of Rotary Clubs were discussed at the Wheeling executive meeting and steps toward that end are contemplated for the near future. Attendance at weekly meetings was another topic of importance and the heads of all state Rotary Clubs appear to be stressing the necessity for regular attendance at the mid-week luncheons. One's obligation to Rotary. according to President Miller's remarks, is founded first upor meeting with other Rotarlaps each week. That is the starting place at which the good that a man gains through Rotary and the good he may do for his fellow men through Rotary originates. So Rotarlans are required to attend their meetings regularly. . v-president Mtllert Yep?rOf cthw Wheeling session was so'complete that there was no other business of importance transacted today. Reports of committee chairmen were held over for reading at) the next business meeting. GRAND I (EF Til I 1'eethsoon Sessions of Ancient Order of United Workmen Next Week. The nineteenth biennial session of the grand lodge Ancient Order of United Workmen of West Virginia will be held in Fairmont next week. The opening session will be held Wednesday morning. And the meeting will continue until Friday. All the meetings will bo hold in the Knights of Pythias hall on the third floor of the American Building. A special car containing grand lodge officers and representatives from Wheeling will arrive on Tuesday evening. The Fairmont Hotel will be the headquarters for the visiting delegates from subordinate lodges throughout the state. ~ Fairmont Lodge No. 11 is preparing to entertain the visitors in a splendid way and have appointed the following as a reception and entertainment committee: A. 6. Hawkins, J. H. Kinkhead, Harry P. Robinson, Louis G. Helmick, Dr. Carter S. Fleming, Albert J. Kern, A. L. (Heffner, W. A. Crowl, M. J. O'Neill and A. P. Jones. A committee on automobiles and transportation has also been appointed consisting of Arthur Frey, A. G. Martin and C. L. Musgrave. These committees win meet next Monday evening In their lodge hall to com* plete the arrangements for hand* ling this convention. BELL'S ENTIRE ESTATE REVERTS TO WIDOW WASHINGTON. Sept. 14.?'The Till ot. Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor ot the telephone, filed here today for probate, leaves his entire state, real, personal and mixed to his wife, Mabel Gardiner-Bell absolutely and without conditions. The widow and his cousin, Charles J. Bell, president ot the American -Security and Tryst Co.. are named as executors with the request that no bonds be required for them for the faithful discharge of their duty. No 'estimate ot the, value of the estate has been filed. The document waa executed June 22. 1882 at Bienn Sbregh, near Baddeck, in Nova Scotia, in the presence of four witnesses,I ' 3 WEATHER odatJi Press Wire SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS IDAY Immittee to i Mlwillf in baltimore Session Planned" Tomorrow to Work Out Separate* ! Agreement; OUTLOOK BRIg|H Prediction Made 17,000; MenJ$| Will Return to Wotit ' CINOINNATI,; Sept,' 1L? bern of the Baltimore and Ohio system executive commlith^o^ie J shop crafts will meet with Daniel Willard, president of ttiat m^^fflH Baltimore tomorrow ^'io negotiato for peace Under the reached, in Chicago yesterday? it % was announced at the Baltfmo^^^B Ohio 8hopcraft headquarters, located here. Union offlclalsier^ire >v9j dieted that the 17,000 men Involved would return to work '* ;:fw& CHICAGO, Sept. 14?OfAcIal statements by railroad presidents Prese today were to the'effoctithat "k the following roads were^not jarties to the strike settlemenfagree- jWH meat approved by crafts' policy committee last nlgh'f. V number ot roads hare hia^: no Atlantic Coast Line, "AtchUob, Topeka and Santa Fe, Central of \i Georgia', Delaware'' & ^udKm.'S Delaware, Lackawanna & western J Elgin, Jollct and Eastern;? Erie. A Fort Worth afid Denver,* Gulf Coast Lines, Illinois ; | CentrdftaJ Louisville & Nashville,' Lo' High ,:;t't2 Valley. Minneapolis and St/Loulj, m Missouri, Kansas and, Texas; ' Missouri PaclAc; Norfolk ? Wee- I torn. Pennsylvania System? St. *33at Louis and San Francisco/ St. Louis and South Western, Southern Pacific, Wabash, Westerns of , Following is the lint of roads generally understood to' cepted the settlement proposals: Alabama, Great Southern,-BelHiig-B ham and Northern, Baltimore & ^ Ohio Systems, Baltimore & Southwestern, Buffalo Rochester Chesterfield and Lancaster, Chesa~ olis and Louisville; Terre Hautei and South^pS?rn; * j Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha; Chicago Northweifjjwn Cincinnati and Northern^ land, Cincinnati; Chlcago^ada^St. Dayton Union; El Paao arid'South- jj western; East and West/]C6ast';H Georgia Southern and-Florida;^ Northeastern; Hocking Valley; Lake Erie and WheelingL&outeH iana & Arkansas; Macon/, Dublin and Savannah; MissouifaValley' ( : and Blair; Morgan town1 ift^iKingwnnil' Npw York ftentml Svsfpm: Sound Wlllah Harbor; Southern! Seattle, Port Angles and Western: tern; Zanesvllle & Western. new development tn the rait strike clals including President Harding. Many would not commentj^or pub- . said that Secretarv Mellon, who be