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3ah Secret Service and the couragethe chateau de Montalats, where I there came that strange motoring . iVHITAKEft MONK; hie secretary, ? nrtrrvA'. one mnvrpoo nc 100 ON WITH THE STORY. t; .'. CHAPTER VII. , .Jhfl Apache Strikes Back. iOnchemln took back with him to 'anft-fthat,night, food in plenty ir thought, together with a notion tat he had better resign himself IJstop.on Indefinitely at the Grand dlel de TOulvers and . . . see hat he*should see. XThfft Natality on which he had so ftterly reflected had him now fairnby-tho heels. Impossible?and the ire' so the longer he pondered It? ia-credlt to mere coincidence the tnitendoes uttered at the chateau f Mr. Monk and his party. No'tthare had been malice In hat. Dnchemin waB satlslled, if Sjgsome darker purpose which erplexedthe most patient scrutly. ?Now malice without incentive is Sthlnkable. But Duchemin earched his memory In vain for nothing ,he, could have said or one;'to make anybody desire to iscredlt him In the sight of the idles 'of the Chateau de Montalls.1 Still the attempt so to do had een unmlstakable: the Lone Wolf ad been lugged Into the conversatou' llterally by his legendary Surely one would think, that octural'prowler of pre-war. Paris ad"been so lbng dead and buried vpn. the most ghoulish gossip hoiilj}-respect his poor remains nd' not disinter them merely to omonstrate that the past can eyer wholly die! . Hall he then, some enemy of old Idden under one of those sleek I'V-excellent visual memory red successively the physical iteristics of Messieurs Monk, and de Lorgnes, Und their eur* Jules; with the upshot )ucherain could have sworn le had never before known f these. I Madame la'Comtesse? In it of that one memory again a blank, but remained satlsWhen one thought of her remote, faint chord of resence thrilled and hummed, ever recognizably. Ling aside then the theory of re . personal animus, -what reason could there be for tort to fasten upon Duchche suspicion of identity with te Lone Wolf? lni&ter consideration, if any, ne, Duchemin suspected not nested with the muchl-about jewels of Madame do i^hen, partly to kill time, he letrhis character as the pedn tourist. * took the road in the heart - Silk H Wool I Dress ' E There's no question about S&S, taking a prominent place to f and afternoon wear this, tall ?{ ' cause they costume one so Mi servlceably but also because igK as good to look at. Kra v Ask to See A Beautiful Dress Devi HOSIERY women of Fi H u' lower Price8- we are Klvlns t! H REGULAR $2.00 SILK 1 M o REGULAR $2.50 SILK I || . . REGULAR $3.00 SILK 1 W Milliner) I I Sh Tor Saturday we are pit HI 0 'Hats on sale at just abc I ?$ actual worth. Your choi | W Louis \ . Joseph Vance . \ 09s laurulucal Hlfcliea Caspuy t we.'i" I of a day even more oppressive 1 than its yesterday. In the valley of the Dourbie the air was atag- : sant, lifeless, After eight miles of ' It Duchemin was guilty of two . mistakes of desperation. In the first Instance he paused In La Roque-Salnte-Marguerlte and, tormented by thirst, refreshed himself at the auberge where the barouche and guide had been hired to confey the party from'Montalals on to Montpelller. The landlord remembered Duchemin and' made believe he didn't, serving the wayfarer with a surly grace.. Duchemin drank sitting on a bench outside the door of the auberge. Ho could hear the voice ot the landlord Inside, grumbling and growling, to what purport he couldn't determine. Before Duchemin was finished he found hliqselt the cynosure of more than a few pair of eyes sot In the Ill-favored faces of natives of La Roque. One gathered that the dead guide had enjoyed a fair amount of local i popularity. I While Duchemin drank, a lout of ! a lad shambled out of the auberge. . caught and saddled a dreary anl[ mal,amounted and rode off In the direction of Nant. Then Duchemin committed Ills second error of judgment, which ! consisted In thinking to find better : j and cooler air on the heights I across the river. I I Accordingly^ he crossed the h ' Dourbie, reaching the top In a'i bath of sweat, and sat down toji cool and breathe himself. i 1 The view was splendid, almostp i worth the climb. Duchemln could see for miles up and down the , valley. Across the way Duchemin identified the figure of the land- | lord, standing in the door of the ; auberge with arms raised and elbows thrust out on a level with | his eyes: the pose of a man using field-glasses. 'Having rested he picked him- ' self up, found his road, a mere trail of wagon tracks, and mindfulof the cooling drinks to be had in Hhe Cafe de l'Uilivera, put his best foot foremost After a time something, call it instinct, Impelled him to look back the way he had come. Half a mile distant he saw the figure of a peasant following the same road. Duchemln stopped and waited for the other to come up. But when he stopped the man stopped, sat him down upon a rock, filled a pipe, and conspicuously rested. Duchemin gave an impatient gesture and moved on. After another unto uc giuutcu uvcr nuuuiaur again. The same peasant occupied the same relative distance from him. In dusk or evening he stumbled down into the valley again and. struck the river road about midway I between the Chateau de Montalais land Nant. At this junction several dwellings clustered. Duchemin noticed a few shadowy shapes loitering about, but was'* too far gone in fatigue and thirst to pay them any heed. He had no thought but to stop at. the first house and beg a cup of water. As ho lifted a hand to knuckle the door he was attacked. With no more warning than a cry, the signal for the onslaught, and the sudden scuffling noise of several pair of feet, he wheeled, found himself already closely pressed by a number of men, and struck out at random. His stick struck on somebody's head with a resounding thump followed by-a yell of pain. Then three men were grappling with him, two more seek>esll i these (rocks Uul I, r both street Ul If , partly be- 11? smartly and "fihf? they are just .?pjf? Our Special Hoped io Poiret Twill at >.50 SPECIALS thought In mind to supply tho ?lrmont with better hosiery at be following special prices. HOSE $1.65 HOS? $1.95 HOSE $2.25 f Special icing a group o? new Fall >ut half their fl?r aa ce for 3>J.UU ?nic\s gs to wear" r.ain Si 1 'J wrenched away, he was overwhelmed by numbers. The knot it struggling figures toppled and rent to the dost, Duchemln -nnlerneath , so weighed down that le could not tor the moment uove a hand toward his pistol. Halt-stifled by the reek of unwashed flesh, he heard broken ihrases growled In voices hoarse rlth effort and excitement: "The knife!" . . . "Hold him!" . . "Stand clear and let me?1" . . "The knife!" Struggling madly, he worked a eg tree and kicked with all his night. One of his assailants A VOICE CRIED: "QUICKLY, MONSIEUR, QUICKLY!" howled aloud and 'fell back to nurse a broken shin. Two others scrambled out of the way, leavng one to pin him down with tneos upon his chest, another to tfleld the knife. Staring eyes caugnt a warning gleam on descending steel. Duchemfn squirmed frantically to one side. and felt cold metal kiss the Kklit ovor his ribs as the blade penetrated his clothing, close un* uvsr uiw armpii. Before the man with the knife | ASpe j anci W I New Si 1 $25.00 All the newest and moi est fashions. Many ai = have trimmings of fur H stocks will, indeed, be 1 Nobby 1 $14.75 =j All the newest col ^ ut course, tneyre ma certainly isn't any coi wearing. Attrac = We have Just recel = most complete and varlec S Prices are very moderat 1 Fall Millii == ' A complete showing = lined velotir hats in al ltt snapes ana colors, uoi = have the advantage of lar Sport Hats $1.95 Dress Hats $5, $7 R 0 1 VFA: Fairmont Hotel Biii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sis knees and, ialntniJ.blowi right md left as the other* closed in agxtn, somehow managed to scramble to his feet. M Fist-work told. For an instant 15 _ be stood quite tree, the center ot n0't a circle of uncertain assassins ^-,1 whose cowardice gave him tlma corj to whip ont his pistol. But befbre Kan he could lerel it a man was on ijc0i his back, his wrist was seized and the weapon twisted from bis >. -> grasp. a A cry ot triumph was echoed by ea exclamations of alarm as, disarm- be? ed. Duchemln was again lett free. res, the thugs standftig back to let cllu the pistol do its work. In that ot < Instant a broad sword of light wer, swung round a nearby corner and smote tbe group; the twin, glaring eyes of a motor car flooded with blue-white radiance that tabelau Bl of one man at bay in the middle tho TOnrt In o rinrr nf mflppllpus .1 a' * ? -* ? ? '"O VI L enemies. anc< Duchemin's cry for help was ut- ber tered only an Instant before his Bari pistol exploded In alien hands. The .com headlights showed him distinctly virg the face of the man who fired, the line same face of fat features black Man with soot that he had seen by moon broi light at Montpelller-de-Vieux. thos But the bullet Went wild, and anni the automobile did not stop, but drove directly at the group and so swiftly that the flash of the shot ( was 8till vivid in Duchemin's vision when the car swept between him'and those others, scattering them like chickens. Simultaneously the brakes were set, the dark bulk b^gan to slide ? with locked wheels to a stop, and a voice cried: "Quickly, monsieur, quickly!"?the voice of Eve de Montalais. In two bounds Duchemin overtook the car and before it had come to a standstill leaped upon the running board and grasped'toe C side. He had one glimpse of the set white face of Eve, as she bent forward, manipulating the gear-shift Then the pistol spat again, its bullet struck him a blow of sickening agony in the side. Aware that he was dangerously _ wounded, he put all that he had I left of strength and will into one fisal effort, throwing his body across the door. As he fell sprawl \ cialSaleo 1 FA ooien.ur< Embracing all the newest fall sty lors. The new shipments that h&i r store make our selection of Silk r Fall fully complete. Among the silk dresses are satin ck satin, crepe-de-chine, canton cr< >ol dresses, of course, consist of rials as serges, etc. The Silk Dressc 21.75?$24.75Woolen Dresse $1.4.75 to $2Others Priced up to S lits For Fall > to $69.50 it desirable materials in the new e plainly tailored, while others . Making your selection from our . very easy. Sport Suits to-$24.50 ors in Herringbone, Tweed's, etc. de on mannish lines, but there * at more desirable for early fall itive New Fall SI? ved a new shipment of Fall Skirts?c 1 selections you will find anywhere. *r e too <} J nery Slip-over of P*n and ,n?r#1wc 10 newest Fall JmLTsSLs Sk ,n. no early and 5. ^,1. ' ?er selections. *' i to $4.95 32.451 r;Af C1A Several very ? .50 & $10 $10.00 and $15.0 'SEN SHI ON SH ilding Jefferson S mini / NO STILLS CAPTURED. ' " OROANTO^N, W. Va* Sept -During the month ot August a single moonshine still was ured in Monongalia County, acting to the report ot the Mortown detachment ot state posubmitted by Sergeant Olln R. b, in charge ot the station. This le first month to attain the recsince the station was establishSergeant Ruth declared. Memot the detachment made 45 ar s during the month, on various ges, in cases in which a tots; 1645 in tines and $185 in costs s collected. TO HOLD CONVENTION. DCKHANNON, W. Va., SepL -The annual state convention I he Women's Christian Temper3 Union will be held here Octo3, 4 and. 5, and Mrs. J. Walter tea, state president, haa just pleted a tour ot central West inla, getting the organizations d up for the state gathering, ly important issues are to be ight before the convention, ie In charge of the plans have ounced. - UI I Tiey are GOOD! M&J I -~? - I1 fSilk I ssses |. les, materials and || /e just arrived in and Wool Dresses back crepe, crepe- |j :pe, etc., while the such, heavier ma. *s Are --$29.50 I. s Are I' i 4.50 1;39.50 ^ ' p ;irts 11 iffering one of the ? .95T0 $9.50 || Sweaters >oI, mohair and silk = i inch a selection of = a the one you want , = 'rices too, are very = o $5.95 | sclusive models at = >0 _ | s I op^ I t.?Below Main ? m llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMlii1 SAVING On New Fall l When You W ncreasing our service to our custome ight at the very beginning of the sea Advertisement are just a few of the r Wonderful Values in xt rv 11 n L\ew ran ures $6.50 u{ Materials are Serges, Silks, Satin, Crep Crepe, Poiret Twill, Tricotine, etc., and fa est and most beautiful styles to please th dressers. You certainly don't want to mi looking selection of wool and silk dresses. New Fall Su: $19.75 to $^ Developed in all the newest and most wi cotine, Velour and Poiret Twill?And yo of either plain tailored or fur trimmed moi Bargain Specials WECIAL SALE LADIES' SILK HOSE?Gunrai eed pure silk hose In such wanted colors as blacl rhite, cordovan,' etc.?Also some with clox. Rej lar $1.75 caltfes. _ neclal ?D1?1< JOYS' SLIP-OX SWEATERS?All wool hoav lip-on sweaters in pretty color combi- d?o A[ ation8. Sizes 26 to 34. Special at OYS' AXI) GIRLS' RIRBEI) AM) KLEEC1 iIXED UNDERWEAR?Good grade union suits*c 'ell known makes, offered t^t T0 J J jfl IVhat You'll Find i OYS' TWO PANTS SUITS?Extra well mad nits for boys, with an extra pair of trousers. Jus hat they need for school wear. Very rf* n qj jeclal for Friday and Saturday at...... lEN'S 2-PANTS SUITS?In both sport and cor ervative models. Dandy good suits of &-1Q A4 rorsteds and casismere, special at.... $iO?Ul New Fall Sport and Dress Hats $2 to $10 AH the newest styles and shapes In every color a woman could possibly want. And best of All they are nriced much lower than for many seasons. Children' Serge d|0 QC School Dresses .... vo.Vo up Extra well made, serviceable drosses and fust the right weight for school wearing. There are many different styles, too, to choose from. "\ ' r;? - \ ' iyandotte Club1 :0FFEE COMBINATION OF THE FINEST COFFEES GROWN, MELLOW AROMATIC, DELICIOUS t ' * X ; " nmmvtn rKiiti Apparel & Rightl ant Them Mostf vs by offering them new Fall MerchardiOB son at sacrifice prices. The items in thB.l nany awaiting you. Women's m I ede-Chine, Canton t^jlL shioned in the new. jwLffll ss seeing this good Ml lljf u have your choice of Our Main Flop i- MEN'S HEAVY BLUE CHAMURAY AND I'OI^H *. DOT SHIRTS?-Well made, full cut work sbH 5- Sizes 14 to 17. | \ Special at l|H J MEN'S FINE RIBBED WINTER WEIOHT UXJH v SUITS?White and Ecru colors?all sizes (t> 1 | m a n d e g u 1 a r $ 2.0 0 ^ v a I u e s. Special at.....^ v vnuuuimn o /I lil/UUUJj B\V tiA'IKIW?1V1 SO WPMM beautiful belt effects and in all colors tO'Qcl ft wiib sailor collars. Extra special at.... ?f CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HOSE?Colored are blaclgB ? and brown. Extra good, fine ribbed hose. OQr I J Sites 6 to 10. Special at, per pair AvVfl 9n our Second Floofl e MEN'S DRESS KHofts?Tan and black dresMhjgH ^ on both English and Blucher styles d|0 qI ) Special at ?- MEN'S NEW FALL HATS?All the newest cql'oH 5 and shapes. offered very special (jfl for today and Saturday at ?p??<|H I I U uaaciiiciu opcuaid GOLDEN BLEND n'tM || COFFEE, PQUXD ..... ZUC [I I PT. BATTLESHIP \ i*tf| Ifl MUSTARl) y iOC || 0 BOXES PANHANDLE oePJ - MACARONI .V. ....... iOC II COCOAUlNU PARKER IScfiJB VAN CAMPS TOMATO SOUP I 8xfl WINDOW SHADES gQ? |J 2 CANS RED KIDNEY jjfl 1