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th^ Ivldence of friction | anagemont will ioufi undertaking, 'ould not succeed irk. of the system orked was wrong. Basure of accomowned the efforts for the most part, aklng more fluid cles of carriage uporsedc the lnr In the control >f his product is o often attempts pon discouraging ead of increasing ' have whittled r control of coal ifflcial status and on, it would not 1th the facts to Administration Isjrs. Large shippers nla piers had beea tonnage from one irevent delays In comtrgo loading long beAdmlnistratlon caine Be. When It came to Be existing machinery dbutibn, the academlshington ha?e always en of inventive gen.1 trade on the other ot hesitated to adopt { practical value, oven devices have had the lei Administration apelore, we lind it willing to the lake pools, test, but with wholer rs Are Leaving ug upon conditions in ilt the Coal Trade w York City, states strikers with workers ar sets in is the' der of operators in the > region. Carrying out leedlngs by the wboleeen instituted. The >r since the strike Is now placed at 3500. now a general exolus iglon ot miners who dated with the union durlnpithe strike. They seeking employment In the union fields , of West Virginia and Washington at Cpunty;and,their leaving gives the impression that they appteciate the Jopelpsanees of their fight tor "Developments In the region since the union strike was settled $ elsewhere makes it apparent that S the Connellsville. region will reH main non-union but that ConnellsK vOle miners within a feiv weeks wllljjfce scattered about lr. various union '.districts and tlietr places SPECIAL TRAINS FOR H ^UNIVERSITY STUDENTS I .mused by the removal ot several trains and the Influx ot students to Ins here at 7:40 o'clock over the B. | evenings. While this train -will he Ine students It-wUl^also^ accommpn an<|C"a0|' y I Will Give Views on Hovt World Can 'Be Made Smaller for Crooks. NEW YORK, Sept IB?Tbrei Danes - one a young -woman, ban come to New York to tell tbe Na tlonal Police Conference bow thi world can be ebrunk Into a small er space for professional crook? They are here at'Police Commls sloner Eurlght's special lnvltatloi to demonstrate a newly lnventei "long distance Identification sys tern," and to urge Its lntenatlona adoption. , "Tbe greatest aid to police lden tlflcatlon since tbe Bertlllon sys tern," says Mrs. Mary Hamilton noted New York policewoman am student of fingerprinting. fornla Industrial' * Accident commission, today lamed a signed statement In which he 'predicted that the 47 miners entombed for 18 days would be fonnd alive. There la (round i for assuming that the men un- ' der ground were not overcome j by the poisonous gases of the J tire and that these gases are i not now passing through the | parts of the mine In which tiie men sought refuge, Qr. Duschak'e statement said. He slid that samples of the gas taken showed that the miners had , plenty of fresh air. fantTMt on ail styles Spends Large Sum Every Day as Resident Buyer. . j oy cuwnrtu m. i nifcHMY NEW YORK, Sept. 15.?There Is a man in New York who knows what you are going to wear before you wear it, who buys it so that you can buy it, who knows what you-like and don't like before you do?who keeps about two jumps ahead of your pocketbook and your taste in styles. Ho is Alfred Fantl. He spends more than .$1,000;000 a day as j resident buyer of several hundred! department stores and specialty, shops scattered over the United State. He ought tc* be?and is? an expert on styles. "Extremely long skirts are merely a brief fad. Skirts are getting shorter again?the proper length will be aljout nine inches from the ground. "Women can't wear long dresses with bobbed hair. "Bobbed hair is here to stay;i switches now being sold are only temporary. "The day of the petticoat and shirtwaist is over permanently. "Modern dancing has taken the steel out. of corsets. "Earrings will be popula'r a long time. Few women know how to choose the correct barrings; i short ones are the better. "Dresses with capes and coats have the call over suits." ! rami sayB ne Knows tnese things, just as he knows about prosperity and dull times?by the temper of the enormous buying public he represents. With a corps of expert buyers. Fantl has an organization that dLrectly or indirectly handled $411,000,000 in merchandise purchased last year. ,His own buyers alone bought $50,000,000 worth, in addition to the purchasing power the organization represents. "When you buy for retail stores you have your finger on the public's prosperity pulse," says Fanlt "Resident buying is a new business, a development of the last few years. "More and more merchants are coordinating their buying, closely following our system in which th0 enormous purchasing power of chain store method cuts down costs." Filntl predicts a steady decrease of retail prices during the next! five years. He says business con-| ditions throughout the country are improving, with only sporadic injury from the coal and railroad Strikes. "People are down to a better merchandising level," he said. "During "our war prosperity we bad a luxury splurge; now ibere is a larger luxury class, and cartain things that used to be luxuries are now considered nec-ssitioa ?such as silk stockings?but generally people are buying a better class of goods." -Ninety-five per cent of th4 goods FantL's. corps buys is for women. Here's the way hc divides up the buying dons by women. 40 per cent dry goods, cotton goods and piece goods. 15 per cent hosiery and underwear. :<0 per cont ready-to-wear clothing 1? per cent not'ons and fancy poods. styles como and go In cycles," w>7i. Fantl. "It la almost a natUicn-atica calculation. D'tf-rent cltl-f 1 ave dir.' mn signs that l? dlcite the passtuy it an oil style. :ho taking up ot a new are first by what we call Class A stylists, tile advent of mass buying In this style, the progress of the Class A woman to something new, and eo on. "Men's styles change very little, though there are fads. Men are vain enough, but one of their big troubles is that they know little about color combinations. "The vainest woman Is the stout woman. Women generally are going to cling to bobbed hair and Bhort skirts because these things add to their youth and looks; they will prevail no matter what manufacturers try. to sell them." Fantl Is 56 and came to America from Czceho-Slovakla 117 yeara ago. He served a long apprenticeship In department stone and was one ot the pioneers In reeldent buying, lie regards Is as a science as well as a business. CLOSE FOR FUNERAL 'The Bethlehem Coal Co., at Barrackvllle, shut down Its mines yesterday afternoon and all the employees some 300 In number attended the funeral of Dave Kostur, who was killed by a fall of slate In the mines on September 12. The tuneral was held yesterday afternoon from the boarding house, where the man resided, and was In charga of the United Mine Workers of America. Burial wan made in Holy Cross Cemetery by Carpenter'& Ford. Alter eignt years, HaKen Jor gensen, assistant commissioner o the Copenhagen police has per fected a method of translating thi loops and whorls of flnger-prints as well as the facial and physlca characteristics, Into numerals. You don't hare to be an identl fication expert to see what tha means. Suppose you were convict ed of a crime. Your flnger-print and Bertlllon measurements wouli be taken in the regulation way Then, by the Jorgensen system the results could be reduced to i series ot about 20 numerals. Yoi would be the only person In thi world who would exactly mate! those figures; and inversely, thi figures would be the only one which would exactly match you. Your name and numbers couli be listed In a crook's directory copies of which could be kept li every police station on earth. Ni alias, no change In appearance, ni passing of the year, would enabli you to conceal your identity fron any police department whlcl found It necessary to check you finger-prints and measurement against your numerical rating, o: vice versa. A telegram from thi Interested department wouli quickly bring your complete crlm inal record from a central bureau Miss Ingeborn Charlotte Hell ner-Nielson is the young womai who made the journey across thi Atlantic with Commissioner Jor gensen and Military Judge Erlcl Schaffer. Her work Is to classlt; finger-prints and Bertillon mea surements Into the "long dlstane system." Both at the Hotel Penn aylvanla, where the'party is stop ping, and at police headquarter: M.lss Hellner-Nielsen has success fully met every rigorous test tha internationally celebrated tdentifi cation experts could devise. I takes here but a few moment literally "to get the criminal' number." "This is an auxiliary to th identification systems used by th police In various countries," salt she. "It would not replace pres ent methods, but supplement ther and enlarge their uses. Ever; professional criminal in the worli ,could be listed in a book no large that a dictionary. And instead o making it necessary to mail actua finger-prints or wire long descrip tions a few numerals would tel the whole story." SQUARE DEAL FOR UNFORTUNATE KIDS WASHINGTON, Sept.. 15.A square deal for the 32,000 chl) dren who are born out of wedlocl in the United States each year! That is the aim of a propose. Uniform state law covering illegi timacy. Prof. Ernest Freund of th University of Chicago, and chair man of the committee on \a\ standardization for the Unite) States Children's Bureau, is i leader in this move to lessen th burden of both the unweddei mother and her offspring. The proposed law places upo both parents ot a child born ou of wedlock the obligation ot edu cation and support. 8tato Laws Needed "This plan," says Prof. Freund "comes as a result ot our feelini that It is both Impracticable, a well as beyond the scope of cor gressional legislation for the fed eral government to support thes children. Such protection must b insured by state laws. "Our committee has made it recommendations and coir(aij3 sloners of all states in turn hav brought their findings from thi report to their respective law making bodies. "The law in question is not si drastic as the Castberg law o SaveYourTeeth Try this New Treatmenl for Pyorrhea, Rigg's Disease, Soft, Spongy Bleeding Gums It you havo Pyorrhea or even an; tendency towards this dread die ease, go to your druggist and ge a tube ot NOAVA DENTAL CREAS the discovery ot a Rochester den tist. ft'OAVA Is surely creating a sen satlon among dentists and peopli who tor years have suffered hum Illation caused by unsightly teetl and gums. Its action Is proynpt and the dlrec ttons for using are so simple tha any one can follow them at home Use as directed and If you are no satisfied that this treatment Is go ing to permanently rid you o Pyorrhea or any disease of tlx gums you may suffer with, taki hack the empty tube and get you: money hack. This Is an honorabli offer open to dentists and al Pyorrhea euferers. Fortney Drui Co. can snpply you. | Countfc a man and wife have ' been 'accepted tor aerrice on, the same jury In a criminal case. They are Mr. and Mrs.. .1 Deyltt Hubbard, who are sft' ting in the case ot Jane Ross, a housemaid, charged with murder and larceny. "It my husband or any one could show me where I was wrong, I would change my a mind otherwise not My hues' '.band cannot change my mind -1 or affect my decision no quicker s. than any one else could." j Norway, which provides that , every child Is made the legitimate . ott spring of the father, j "Rather, It seeks primarily to Becure a guarantee of financial . support for the child, with Ihe . state standing guard, to see that the father continually acknowlj edges bis responsibility. ' "At present,, too many states permit easy exll| of the fathed, , following a compromise payment out of court, and -leaving the " mother or the state' to care for the child In later years. "The proposed law will make the non payment of money for support a criminal offense. , "No specified amount will be permitted as'now countenanced In _ most localities, but the payment , In each case shall be fixed by the . court and will be continuous dur ing the dependency of the child." " There Is a decided difference in ^ the way various states at present j; handle the situation. ' Minnesota has done much through establishing welfare sta? tlons through. which the work of protecting unnamed babies is , carried on. In Tennessee the father of an Illegitimate child may be required , to pay not to exceed 540 the first ' year. 530 the second, 530 the : third, and from then on the court , may dispose of the child as. seems J best. ; In Aalabama the court may orJ der the father to pay not to exJ cee'd $50 a year for the support r and education of the child. ? "The ?ne main thing to he considered," says Prof .Freund. "is the futuro of the child. Our work ' must be a benefit and not a hindrance. I "And one of the main things to 13 do is to bar tight the loopholes ex" isting in present laws through ? which the father is permitted to ^ escape." _ -ANOTHER MURDER ? MYSTERY IN N. Y. t NEW 'YORK, Sept. 15.?Believ ing they are facing a bootlegging t murder mystery, police today sought 3 to throw some light on the killing s of "Bobble" Reynolds, a former saloon keeper, whose body was found e floating in the East River. The e | body had been placed in a sack and i the feet were tied together, -j Reynolds was shot in the head Q and stabbed several ?times in the yr'body. Identification was made by i? his sister, who told the police that r,he always carried a large sum of f. money. His pockets were empty II when the body was found. The poi. J lice believe he may have been engl 1 neering a liquor deal when he was killed by robbers. e EE e = 8 == \ No, It Isn' EE3 7 ? M TT was 8 *aded. discard' = Abe dyed. When it came : = lieve that it wasn't a new = robe. This delicate new I = shimmering softness, ms : good as new." S So one of our clients tolc E will be equally pleased wt = here to be cleaned or dyi "We Dye For Others? \ i Phone t I 1252-J ! 1 -and We'll Dye for You. II IdeaK i = Cleaners?Dy ' 1 509 \ 1 First ; ? .St ' lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Private Secretary. Declares He Knows of No Change in Closing Plan. DETROIT, Mich., Sept. 16:? In responae to rumors with regard to the closing ot the Ford . Motor plants here tfomorrow, E. _ G. Llebold, personal secretary of f, Henry Ford, today issued the fol-, & lowing statement: "Mr. Ford's statement of sev-j ,! eral weeks ago that all plants H would close September 16. still | stands I believe; he has made no: statement to the contrary and If \ he has any new plans he surely will issue a new statement." Asked concerning reports that 9,000 men were dismissed last night the secretary declared he had no knowledge ot such an action. The 70,000 employes of the company in the Detroit district went to work today hoping a last mlnuto statemont from Mr. Ford would keep them on the job. Mr. Liebold said there was no change in the coal situation so far as the Ford company was concerned but intimated Mr. Ford might make a statement later in the day that wpuid quiet rumors regarding the closing ot the plants. NORMALITE8 AT WORK. Coach ("Sandy") Toothman" of the Fairmont State Normal School football eleven put his men through a long drill at South Side Park last evening. Coach Toothman will start scrimmage early nest week. Among the members ot his squad this year are some of the best exhigh school players in this section of the state. When the. school term opens next week Toothman hopes to have a number of additions, candidates out for the team. ? I 1 Headache ' without dosing your system ! with harmful drugs. "White Caps" contain no narcotics. Yet they do the work. Try them. At Your Druggist or Dealer Gilbert Bros. & Co., 1 Proprietors. Baltimore itv 2S< i K. "TRIAL SIZE ]|[^ t New? | ed thing, but I sent it to j| back, I could hardly be- = r addition to my ward- = shade of blue with its = ikes my frock look as = i a friend recently. YOtJ s len you send your clothes = 5d. H r ailors j ers?Pressers I Just Arouna | I Corner = I I 1 |l I: Take Homi BENJ. FRANK H For The \ : - C URPRISE the family 11 O Benj. Franklin Old Til ;; Fresh Every Hour. ?- rp HERE are chocolate c : - J fruit creams, mint pac - - caramels and seventy four ;: p E sure to take home a -J 11 All i: i_ii ? rxxi uui ccujiuico cue jJcit; \l Any Size E :: Varieties] =: 50c Per |== Benj. Franklii :: " branci :: | 422 MAIN STREET. OP I Special Victi FOR THE \ With complete Victrola 0 $29.65 upwards, there is abs family to be without the ble ing fall and winter. Any \ will delivered tn vnur hnr> payment and may be paid sums. IkBSB8UBKH< I 1 OUTFIT NO. IV No. IV. Victrola 12 Popular Selections 300 Needles 1 Record Brush N ALL FOR $29.65 Cash or $1.00 weekly "Our Experience 1 , C. A. HC 119 "Main Street Musical Hes 2 a Box of ? LIN CANDY I I Veek-End ;j with a box of delicious :; / ne Home Made Candies . ;; ireams, cocoanut creams, - idies, nut caramels, fruit :: | others you will like. :: := i box for the week-end. ;; 1 ked ia . ? !ox and All jj J For Only := | Pound jj ' l Candv Co. 1H ? ^ tn 1 I NO. 4 ffl. 'P. THE WEST VIRGINIAN gj tola Outfits I VEEK-END 1 utfits priced at from jolutely no reason for any a issings of music this com- '| S rictrola Outfit you select A le for a small down for in convenient weekly H [CTROLA OUTFIT 1 NO. 80 I One Genuine Style 80 I ,, VICTROLA U together with ljV "\ Popular Selections 300 Needles 1 Record Brush Two 10 inch Albums S $110.45 1U OUTFIT NO. VI Fl No. VI. Victrola | 12 Popular Selections IB 300 Needles I 1 Record Brush I?, ALL FOR $39.60 fl I Cash or $1.00 Weekly I :r a t* in I lour.oaiegTiara' USE CO. 1 Fairmont. W. Va.