OCR Interpretation

The West Virginian. [volume] (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1914-1974, September 30, 1922, Image 3

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86072054/1922-09-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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J".;'- .;v ' ^H1? idfM*rit
k-^r :??
filQhiy, Sunday School Services
f to Be Held at Methodist 1
Episcopal Church. p
"vrnUIfNINOTON, Sept. 30.? j
fewiKe'irthe .Re*. John Beddow, A
siatbr.it the M. E. Church, Is at- ,
'ending the annual Methodist con'
j terefrceln Fairmont there will be
$'#bforeachlng services In that ,
.. church tomorrow. Sunday school
held at the usual tlmo how nP/rst
Presbyterian Church J
i.;Jli'jr,ne Secret Place ot the Most
SSIghV-wttl be the subject ot the
Sermon to be delivered tomorrow
Smornlng-at the First Presbyterian
Church by the Rev. J. V. Koontz, ,
IjS^lpr.; Sunday school will be hem
IKMwajgo^a.v-m.. with gharies w.
V Hard- in'-_charge as superintendI
ent. There will be classes for ail
ft ages and music will be furnished
rah# the 'orchestra. Communion
I 8erviri/ will'be held at the moruHmggwttrshlp.
hour, which begins .
i at 10',45 o'clock. Christian En- .
I deavor will he held at 6:45 p. m.
ft , This will be a consecration meetIMawVand.
the topic ,for discusl&lfon^wlll
be "Better Work." At J
I the evening services, the Revorip;
end ;Mr. Koontz will speak on
^"The-Way of Salvation." 1;
|Mannington Personals |
C. O. Rymer has returned
Bwttonr Smithfleld where she a,t
A tended the tuneral of Larney
I Dragoo, her cousin. The deceased
was a former Mannington real- j
I 1. Harvey Turbee has entered
W. VV.TJ.j.Morgantown, where he ,
will resume his course In mining J.
I engineering.
-T.lvlnfo P.lnrko nf Whoel- .
IjS'^h'dre for a few days visit
.'and Mrs. C. M. Wliitescarit
Grafton are gueBts at the
lofMr. and Mrs. M. V. Millan
ancea R. Stewart was a reivisitor
with friends at Pfn[:
>Monongalia County. 8
. F. W. Vance has returned
C& several weeks visit at the r
LClub, Randolph County. n
.Ellsworth. Parker, rep.re- g
ig the commercial depart- fl
of the Mellon National Bank |
ttsburgh, was a business vislisre
iude W. Chase was home
!Mount Morris, Pa., recently (
b'riSf visit. t
.\,.and Mrs. W. B. Bobbins *
returned to their home ot ^
sburg after a visit with the ^
's aunt^ near here. *
b; 'Gilbert H. Overholt and t
eh, May and Billy, were
s; this week of the former's I
ts, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Beall, C
fferson street. i
nes.W. Coard was a business I
r.-at Fairmont yesterday. <
nes Johnson of Wheeling, a ?
ir.vManpington boy, is here s
visit with friends. I
rge Baldwin of Cleveland, r
is "here on business today.
0. Atha and H. D. Atha re- (
i last evening from Balti- ;
?>mrA thev have been tor I
J A large number of football fans
frmn Mannlngton will see the
I game betwen W. V. U. and Wes
leyan ^tp Ta'hler an(1 p h. Huey
attended the lecture given by BIs
hoC^.Charles Bayard Mitchell In
KpSrmout last night.
Claw Banquet
I ' .entail hatvronn th? rfwifl
I&jmd'.&ues In the Loyal Women'a
I Class ?f the Christian Sunday
I Schol ended last Sunday with the
reds aa winners, and the blues
were required to give a banquet to
the victors,!which they did WedHnesdaiy'
evening in I. 0. 0. F. Hall.
^HBrary- enjoyable time was spent
^Tand refreshments were served.
' purchases Automobile.
j ^{Tlnley Oskes. local merchant,
purchased a Ford touring car this
I week and is now learning how to
I Harry Martin,/ the young son of
I Mr. and Mrs, Q. H. Martin, has
I - been'* very, fi$k, boy for the past
Mivn/dsyswit^^mptoms of typhoid
Preaching Sorvlcos.
PSp:The Ksv.; O..Fj ,Jackson, a former
pastor . of Ahe/Baptlst Church at
I- Rrld?port,v*Harrlson County, will
KfPtlst Church here '
lOrnlng and eve- J
?erty, Democratic .
V was calling on ,
Wednesday. ,
7111 D. Jacobs and have
been attend- J
lrmont this week f
Jjlrlminal Court J
slUng0 her sister,
I) at present.
I Murphy -was vis- j
es in Fairmont on j
as ^business cal- J
y^aJ^montha ago, t
ft 8L C. W. SW10ER. Hug
Pithy Paragraphs
From Mannington
Some people believe W. J. L. a
b Dr. W. J. L. I
Not so. Rufus. not bo. W. J. L. J
b a noted writer of fiction. 1
Chfonicled daily In the morning J
apers and elsewhere.
Deacon Slapapple says Dr. W. |
. L. may havo politics, but he 1
oesn't know anything about
hem. j
Nor does he about W. J. L.'s *
or that matter. J
How 'com Jerry had only six *
aen in the line? Didn't he ever .
iotice( ! wonder? U
ur aia out ao inai: 11
Didn't -want to make the home
earn feel too bad. maybe ..
Getter get one or. two more new <
ops. Just look what they did last f
tight. (
If there had been less trash and <
ubbish in the Wilson alloy the B
ootlegger might have got away, E
Naturally he couldn't make ]
;ood progress through such a j
ncss. ?
Deacon Slapapple remarked j
ast evening that the club name . i
K. W. G. F. might mean A Wo- j
nan Gone Flooey. Of cpurse. it ,
Icesn't. (
MANNINGTON, Sept. 30.?Act- <
ng Chief of Police J. W. Efaw and
Mght Policeman Harrington arested
"Arthur Youst in Wilson al- J
oy last night with nearly a gallon J
if moonshine in his possesion, it
s alleged, tie was locaea up in
he city jail to await trial today
iefore Justice J. M. Barrack.
Youst came down Buffalo street,
t is said, and cut across tht.
quare, entering Wilson alley
>hief Efaw followed to the end
if the alley at Railroad street and
aptured him there with the as*
Istance of Officer Harrington.
Mannington Society 8
a?n?niin iibs??wo
Club Meeting.
The president of the W. D. W.
Hub called a business meeting of
he club members Thursday eveling,
and the name of the club
vas changed from the W. D. W. to
V. G. F. Club. Dancing and games
vere enjoyed, and later weiners
vere roasted over a large blare.
The members present were Miss
Berenice Holland, Miss Edna Mc*
3all, Miss Josephine Stealey, Miss
Uta Wilcox, Miss Thelma Huey,
diss Ruth Roberts, Miss Harriette
Coleman, Everett Horton, Vernon
I V nkkonu mu?iu mcci
Many persona from here aro
)lannnlng to attend the Evergreen
Musical Association, which convenes
at the First Baptist Church
>f Fairview Wednesday and
rhursday of next week. Another
svent of interest in the Baptist
Church circles will be the annual
isBociation of the Baptist Church,
vhich will also be held at Fairriew
next Tuesday.
Reading Circle
A helpful feature in high school .
vork in the local school is the
eading circle which has recently
>een started by Otis Milan, prin:ipal
of the high school. Tho
:ircle meets at the school buildng,
and all the current literature,
consisting of magazines and
ichool journals is at the service
if the pupils.
Church Notea
Sunday school on Sunday mornng
at the Bethe6da Baptist
3hurch will be held at 10 o'clock,
'reaching service*. will be at
1 o'clock with sermon by the
lev. T. B. Lawler. So far an is
mown at this date, there will be
10 evening service.
Garfield Wells, an aged man of
Mannlngtcra District, entered a
ilea of guilty when arraigned in
Magistrate J. L. Brocher's court
oday to a charge of violating the
State Prohibition Law. He was
lentenced to serve thirty days In
ha Marlon County jail and pay a
Ine of |100 and coats.
lngvon Representative. Phone 1
' _y - _ _
MANNINGTON, Sept 30.?The
[ame between Shlnnston High
ind Mannlngton waa played over
ind over again in front ot the
lank ot Mannlngton last night
ind Coach Blake's huskies came
n tor a lot ot praise.
Fans, however, contend that the
ioys have no reason to feel too
:besty, since the game next Satirday
Is going to make the local
toys tight to the end to win the
eadlng score.
Tbe boys came through the
tame yesterday with their morale
inaBected, and with a week ot
tard practice should be In flrst
:lass condition to make the Falrnont
Icemen work hard for what
hey get.
j DOWNS .1
Circle Organized
The ladies of the Presbyterian
Church held a business meeting
it the home of Miss Josephino
Jraham Wednesday night and organized
the "Women's Social
Circle." Later a social hour was
ipont and dainty refreshments
lerved by the hostess.
The guests were Mrs. A. W.
3enton, Mrs. B. B. Poling. Mrs.
Price Brand, Mrs. G. L. Youker,
Mrs. Boyd Davis; Mrs. John
Schneider. Mrs. George Graham.
Mrs. Todd Craft, Mrs. Tom Grajam,
Mrs. Charles Wilhelm, Mrs.
\rlie Hawkins, Mrs. J. Shingel,
drs. T. McElfresh, Miss Hernionc'
Graham. Miss Josephine
3raham. Miss Ann Louise Graham
ind Miss Margaret Wilhelm.
Baby Daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Docktrebb
ire the proud parents of a baby
iaughter. She has been named
Veria. Both mother and child are
ioing nicely.
'Birthday Party
More than thirty guests were
present at a splendid party given
Sunday at the home of Mrs.
3eorge Sterritt on her forty?flvnnth
hlrthdav. Dainty rnfrpsh
naggers, bus Black, James ThomiB,
Charles Rymer, Darius Frommart,
Dale Huey, and John Barack.
Aid Society Meeting
The members of the Ladles' Aid
Society of the Bethesday Baptist
Church will hold their regular
nonthly business meeting at the
social rooms of ihe church next
Mcuunouaj ttiicrnuun. rani. l.
3. Lawler, president of the organzatlon
has requested that a full
ittendance of the membership be
Nice Reception
Many of the parents and parous
of the school responded to
he Invitations sent out for the
ilgh school teachers' reception,
vhlch was held last Friday even*
ng at the local school auditorium.
^ good program was given and re'reshmenta
were served the
T? U ...1. II...
Bents were served during the day
md many beautiful presents were
given the honor guest.
Farewell 8ermon
The Rev. G. C. Malcolm of
farmlngton preached his farewell
sermon here Sunday night. The
Reverend Mr.v Malcolm has been
mstor of the Downs MethodiSt
Church for the past tw0 years, but
tvill now retire to his ff^ne In
Birth of Daughter
A little daughter was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Felttc SolHaahy of
Rachael Hill recently. She has
seen named Helen.
Returned Home
The laborers who have been
working on the new bridge at
Downs have completed their worK
here and have returned Tp theft
rarious homes.
Cleaning Cemetery
Persons owning lots in the
Downs Cemetery were busy
Thursday cleaning the yard of
rubbish and weeds. It has been
lecided to hire a caretaker for
the cemetery in the future.
Mrs. Tom Graham and Mrs.
Frank Nutter motored to Wallace
Sunday where they visited friends
ind relatives.
Mr. and 'Mrs. West Phillips
vere business visitors in Mannngton
William Reese. Ezra Talkington,
bari Reese, and Kzra Fluharty
are spending a few days on Cheat
Mountain on a hunting trip.
Mrs. Maude Parrlsh and children
of Mods Run were visiting
friends In Downs Thursday.
Mrs. Goff Lough was shopping
In Mannlngton Thursday.
Mrs. Charles Kehl and daughter
Miss Helen Louise of Mannington
were visiting at .the home ol
Mrs. Tully McElfresh one day this
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cartwriglit
were visitors In Fairmont Thursday.
C. J. Patterson of Pittsburgh
was a business visitor here Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Talklngton
have returned from Ohio where
they were visiting friends.
Miss Virginia Rothlisberger,
Miss Mildred Rudy, and Miss Faye
Ferrell were guests of Miss Edna
Snider Wednesday evening.
Jerry Emery Is confined to his
home on Rachael Hill by illness.
Mrs. Renz Martin and Mrs.
Goff Lough of Farmington were
visiting at the home of Mrs. Henry
Brand Wednesday.
Frank Hathaway who (a employed
In Clarksburg spent the
week end at his home here.
MYa. Lester Weaver and Mrs.
Clarence Ferguson motored to
I'VE BPoOSVO" 5WE V L viffiu.:
UONtY FCti POOR. *\ (you H
THSS CoLOjMSS". f su
'( - . <; : , ' } ?*. ; '
L". /V '
Mannington on business Thi
day. :
Ray Graham wai a bust:
visitor In Maanlngtoo Wednesti
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Willli
were guests ot Mentis on M<
Run Thursday.
Mrs. LlnnleTa'Jc'ngton ot >1
r.Ington was t'l t guest ot her a
Mrs. Dan Michael, Wednesday
Miss Josephine Graham.mol
ed to Mannlastcu ""lure
where she acteultd to buslt
Mrs. George Graham was
?n(st?of relatives In Manning
W. dnesday.
James Morris has returned
his home after spending a
davfi with friends In Fairmont.
Mrs. Frank Grlbbln, Mrs. Will
Keefe, and Mrs. James Baker *
visiting friends in Manning
Miss Ruth Michael was the gi
of Mannington friends Thursdi
Mrs. Harry Stillings and B
Mervin Stillings were guests
Miss Hazel Bock Wednesday i
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Jones v
shopping in Fairmont Wednes
A1 Smith was a business vis
in Mannington Thursday.
Dr. W. W. Orr and family mo
ed to Mannington Wednesday al
Miss Faye Ferrell was the gi
of Miss Olive Price at her home
Mod's Jlun Tuesday evening.
George Stewart of Ida May
. visiting at the home of his dai
ter Mrs. Lester Weaver Thurs
George Graham has accepter
position in R. J. Glarkson's si
in Mannington.
Mrs. Mary Hostutler wa
business visitor in Hundred W
A. J. Glover of Reader is
guest of relatives here.
%The Rev. T. W. Kendall is i
to be out again after an illr
last several days.
Mrs. J. D. Furbee and I
Minnie Holiday have retur
after an extended visit in Lan
ter, Ohio.
Miss Ruth Ballinger was a i
tor in Mannington this week.
Mrs. Mary Horner was a b
ness visitor in Wheeling Thi
Mrs. and Mrs. John Taylor
Barrackville were guests of I
S. S. Pethftl WortnooHnv
Mrs. Tom Johnston left Tht
day morning for Colorado wt
she will join her husband wbi
there for his health.
Frank Murtaugh and I
Beatty were business visitors
Mannington Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cunning!
of Barrackville spent Sunday
the home of Mrs. Dan Brumi
Miss Brumage accompanied tl
home for a week's visit.
Mrs. B. C. Vandergrift s]
Thursday at the home of relat:
iu Colfax.
Board Meeting
The* board of education me
regular session Thursday a!
noon, but with the exception
routine business nothing
Quilting Party
The Ladies' Aid of the M
Church held an all-day qull
Thursday at the church. A da
luncheon was served at the n
hour by the committee on en
Girls Take Hike
The Girls' Hiker Club of
; Hundred High School went fc
cross-country hike Thursday,
everyone reported a most en
able time. Nearly twenty of
Mrs. Peter Melgh&n has to
. confined to her home for a
days with a slight attack of rl
The Hundred Hardware
has built a modern filling sta
In front of the hardware build
Mrs. Seph Hamilton who
i been 111 for some time is repoi
Felix Melgh&n'of Manning
was a business caller here Th
day. .
Rex Mllligan of Mounds\
was in Hundred Thursday, vl
ing at the home of his brol
George Milllgan.
Allison Day of Wheeling
here in charge of a group of 1
men employed by the Bell T
phone Co.
Mrs. Margaret Reamer
grandsons, Samuel and Will
Stewart, are gueBts of Miss E
Hennen near WadeBtown.
SE ME VflLU y hq,
UUriT. T-J ?.
r?O <gk
ir?- . on?
less > Thi
i*y. Visiting Ministers Here for
id5! Conference to Speak at
an. Various Churches. 1
UDt Wb
t'or. Memorial eerrlcea for the mln- 8er
day laters and minister's wires who ??n
,5SJ have died during the past confer- "ct
ence year of the West Virginia J-oi
Conference of the Methodist Epls- ice
loj copal Church will be held at 2:15 P
o'clock tomorrow afternoon In the hel
to First Methodist Episcopal Church w"
;ew In Fairmont avenue, where the JJ8
seventy-sixth session of the West r
lam Vvglfia Conference of that church l"8
or0 Is now In progress.
ton At this service the Rey. J. C n
Buckley, pastor of the Diamond got
lest Street Methodist Episcopal Church chi
ly will preside and there will be a ed
jri sermon by th'e Rev. L. A. Mt- vi?
0j Nemar. The roll call will be read dr(
ave- an<1 lne service, is aitogetner an j'r?
Impressive one, Va,
,ero Deceased ministers and minis- io;
day ter's wives who have died during chi
the past year are: the Rev. C. E. ing
llor Conaway, the Rev. I. F. RIckett. rea
the Rev. D. S. Hammond. Mrs. C. ciu
tor- ? Johnson and Mrs. Sarah Laugh- m,
tor- ant
Tho annual love feast will, be g:3
lfiBt held at 9:30 a. m. and will bo vjc
i on led by th0 Rev. E. D. W. King. at
at 10:46 o'clock, Bishop Chales
was Bayard Mitchell of St. Paul, Minn.
iah- wbo 18 Prealdins over the conferA*
ence, will preach. At this service ore
Mrs. Frank Fisher, organist of Me
j the church will play. Organ Pro- adc
. lude, Caesar Cui and Postlude oif
Dre March, Hill and Miss Irene Vin- dea
cent and C. E. Vincent, violinists, the
will play. Offertory, Beethoven, tov
OTwo anthems. "0 Holy Father," mu
Marchetti and "King All Glorious", nec
Barnby. will be sung by the chc
church "choir. a s
The ordination of elders and 1
b a deacons will be held immediately giv
red- after the memorial service, which Evi
will be observed at 2:15 p..m. At Wc
tho this service theer will be special Yo
music by a male quartet. sol
ible At 7 p. m. the anniversary of Sa:
less the Epworth League will be cele- ma
brated. The Rev. J. E. Wells will ert
'Irs. preside and there will be a Be<
ned speaker from the central office. Fa:
cas- Anti-Saloon League will the
have charge of the service at 8:30 Wt
rlaI" o'clock tomorrow evening, and the G.
. Rev. 0. M. Pullon will preside. Bei
usl" The meeting will be held at 7:30 j
ars" p. m. and there will be an address ^
f by the state prohibition commls- lnt
_or sioner. VT'. G. Brown. -pa
11 ra' Special music at the evening Re
services will be an anthem, G
ilrl "Praise the Lord, 0 My Soul," '
'er.? Smart, sung by the choir of tho jq.
church; organ prelude in G,
a?i Wheeldon offertory. "Prayer", TZ
* Stark and PoBtlude March. Ganne, t
all played by Mrs. Fisher. /y
iam Changes Made ||
at it was previously announced II
age. that the Rev. J. W. Engle would II
tern preach In the Bllllngsley Memor- II
ial Methodist Episcopal Church
jent South at 10:45 o'clock tomorrow
Ivea morning, but instead the pulpit
will be occupied by the Rev. C.
F. Anderson. It was also an=ii
nounced earlier In the week that
th Rev. W. E. Lowther was to
preach In the First Baptist
_J Church at 10:45 a. m. and the
Rev. D. C. Pickens in that
church at 7:30 p. m. Instead no
t in visiting, minister will preach there
ter- in the morning and the Rev. W.
of M. Shultz will occupy the pul p P.
was in the evening.
Christian Science Society
. E. Servicee of the Christian Selling
ence Society will be held at 11,
Inty o'clock tomorrow morning, with!
oon Sunday school at the same hour.j
ter- A monthly meeting will also be
held at 7:30 Wednesday evening
In the auditorium of the Masonic
tho Temple,
>r a Salvation Army
and Special services will be held at
joy- the Salvation Army at 7:30 o'clock
the Sunday night, when a delegation
of miBitlng ministers at the M. E.
conference will have charge of
een the services. A real old-time re-,
few vival will be held,
leu- Fleming Memorial Church
Service* ap the Fleming Memor-;
Co. ial Church, of which the Rev. E.
tion M, Moser is pastor, will be held.
Ing. tomorrow, beginning with Sunday
has school at 9:30 a. m. The attendrted
ance last Sunday was 150. The
morning sermon will be at 10:30
;ton o'clock, Christian Endeavor at
urs- 6:30, Junior Endoavor at 6:30
and the evening sermon at 7:30.
rille The teachers 'training class will
Islt- meet at 7:30 Monday evening.
.uot ria/or ucrvico auu x?iuio siuay
will be held at 7:30 o'clock Wed1s
nesday evening, with the lessor.
Ine- from the fourth chapter of Johu.
olo- Flrfct United Brethren
The morning sermon dt 10:45
and tomorrow in the First United
lam Brethren iChurch will be given by
liza the Rev. T. E. Maness of the
Andrews M. E. Church at GrafYou
Don't Se<
\s*was. #?
Y C vj^jrrr!! I .
}ue.?'wf*V*!; Irtil Sdnui the ?
igregatloa at the evening ser- li
a at 7:10. The other aerrlcea 1(
the day Include Sunday achool a
9:45 a. m..- Ony 0. Campbell cl
erlntendent: Junior and Sen- 6
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. a:
. The topic ot the Senior En- hi
ivor work will be. "Better
rk," and the meeting will be
i ot consecration. The leader b.
this (roup Is R. E. Mason. R
s membership roll will be call- g
and dues will be collected at si
i time. w
Christ Episcopal P
'he Christ Episcopal Church ot "
Ich the Rev. E. S. Towson is 7,
itoj .will hold the following g
vices tomorrow: Holy Commun- h
service at 8 a. m..: Sunday "
ool at 9:30 a. m.; Litany, Holy ,
nmunlon- and preaching serv- ,,
s at 10:45 a. m. The evening ...
yer service and eermon will be ?
d at 7:30 p. m. The Bible class y
I begin the year's work at a a
otlng to be held at 10 o'clock. s]
s: George DeBolt is teacher ol Q
M. E. South
'he services in the M. E. D
ith, Bllltngsley Memorial P
arch tomorrow will be featur w
by a number of addresses by "
ltlng ministers. The first ad" p
as will be made by Dr. C. a]
id Anderson of Wheeling. W. G
at the morning service at 11
45. Dr. C. R. Havlhurgt of ?
irleston will speak at the even- ,
service to be held "at 7:80. The ?!
laining services ^or the day in tt
de Sunday school at 9:30 a.
, H. T. Jones, superintendent, T
1 Epworth League meeting at ?
0 p. m. Midweek prayer ser- h
e will be held next Wednesday a
7:30 p. m. *
M. P. Temple ?
Special music will be the (eat- n
1 of tomorrow's services at tho ((
thodist Protestant Temple. In b
lltlon to the large chorus choir b;
ected by Prof. Louis Black, o;
in of the School of Music at li
i state university at Morgarv n
rn. Robert Helraan of the
sic school will appear in con:tion
with the male quartet, the Ii
trus numbers, and will also give s<
iolo. n
"he musical selections to bo J-1
en includes. "The Woods and b
ery Sweet Smelling Tree," V
ist, an anthem: "If With All e
ur Hearts" Mendelssohn, a o
by Mr. Helman; "0 God! ~
f Once Again," Spross, by the J
le quartette composed of Rob- S
Helraan. Louis Black, Clyda ,
ckett, George Mayers; "Go Not <
r From Me," Zingarelli, an anim;
"Lo the Day Declineth", |
irren. a trio, composed of Mrs.
J. Bailey, Louis Black, Clyde j
n addition to the musical pro i
im to be offered, addresses of
erest will be made by two of J
Irmont's former pastors, tho
v. H. C. Howard and the Rev
D. Smith. The former will 1
;ak at the morning service at '
45. The Reverend Mr. Smith |
THE desi
and Ni
'we've ever
over our sa
for such H
<at an earlyChristmas
plete with
cidedly rea
You will, fii
order enouj
you possess
The V
Quincy Street E\
;m to Understand, Tag
( VJWV wonttvou
( TAWrE fTTAfi? 1
The other servloes fpr the day
tclude class meeting ft 9 o'clock
lad by Joe Frmker; Sunday school i
1.9:30 with J. A. 8herldan In ]
urge; Christian Endeavor at c
:45 led by Roy Linger. Prayer 1
nd Bible study service will be f
Bid Wednesday evening. i
Grace Lutheran. t
"Harvest Home" services will 1
e held at both morning and even- 1
tg services tomorrow at the 1
race Lutheran Church. Third I
:reet and Gaston avenue, of "i
hlch the Rev. Roy J. Meyer Is 1
astor. The church will he at- 1
actively decorated tor the ser- 1
Ices. The'cnolr will render a t
intata at the evening service. 1
unday school services will be
eld at 9:30, with F. H. Fry, suprintendent
of the school; -Mornig
worship and sermon will be
t 10:15 o'clock; sermon subject i
The Tares." Christian Endeavor
111 be at 6:30 In the evening. <
esper service wll be featured by <
cantata by the choir, and a
tort sermon by the Rev. Bernard
First Presbyterian.
The Rev. Richard .Asplnall, D.
professor of Bible and
hilosophy at' Wesleyan . College,
111 preach at 10:45 o'clock tolorrow
morning at the First
resbyterlan Church, Jackson
od Jefferson streets, of wljich H.
. Stoetter Is pastor. A recepon
of members will be held at
lis service and communion of the
ord's Supper. Bible School will I
e at 9:30 a. m., with classes for
II ages. Frank C. Evans, superrlntendent,
will be In charge,
be Men's Bible Class will meet
1 the same bour. The Junior
indeavor will meet at 2:30 p. m.
nd the Intermediate Endeavor
t 6:30 p. m. Tho topic for the
itermedlate Endeavor will be
Better Work" (Consecration
teetlng), with the leader. Wood>rjj
Moore. Evening service will
e at 7:30 o'clock, with sermon
v th? n?v w. r. p.rAiv n n
C Elklns. Mid-week prayer meet- I
ig will be at 7:30 o'clock Wed- I
esday evening. I
International Bible Students.
Bible study will be held by the
Tternational Biblo Students' Asrelation
at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow
lornlng in the M. W. of A. "Hall at
DS Main street. A freo lecture will
e given by N. W. Robinson at 7:30
. m. on "The Invisible King Pree
ut," with scriptural proof that the
[ First Natic
igns for the coming C
ew Years are the hai
seen. It will pay yoi
mples?and to place y<
oliday Stationary as yi
and New Years Car
envelopes for mailingsonable
in price this
id that you can well;
?h cards to send to eve
Vpjtt Virnininn Rtiii
?? t i-/14(1
yesterday finished mist of its or- I
bushel at car. Bring Your |
baskets. Ten cents delivenj jH
Call Jimmy Coad'e New Eitln* |
Phone 9291^ Welle Hotel I
inal Bank! I
% BUSINESS ; ; ;
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iWU1 M a/b'-ep^'eeefaela /I
r* ' I
i season,
ifford to
ly -Li ieuu

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