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a____ I Women Indul A MER1CA.N women now ire ipenc A tag approximately 1600,000 , * * 000 a year on rouge, lip etlcki Sslr 'nets, jewelry and fcther beaut per* and feminine foibles of all kind: In abort. Milady America'! realty bo ' costs enough to pay half the Intern on the national debt or the entire at I'( proprlitlon for the United States n?v. Oorersment eoureei ot Infortnatio ad rexrta complied'by official'be reaos are authority for tbeee (acti Ma the United States governmer Isn't getting ready to conduct a can paign against feminine extravaganci The goTernraent came by this Informs . tlon quite Incidentally. It la reveale ' la the income tax reports and report to.the Department, of Commerce. Th Information thus revealed la lndlcatlT of a condition. Washington a Test Storehouse of Is formation on All Subjects. 'Washington la a world storehous fir Information, facte and fanclti gj iThe city i la filled to, overflowing wit *" .fgcte of vital Interest to every per son in the United States. There Ian uy question that hah an answer ths . can not be answered In Washington Somewhpre In the government record oqa-be found the answers to the fol lowing questions and millions more: iiHOW, much does the American mat gHgipend each year on hair cutting?an _ manicuring of hi? linger nsllsl How many Americans have an an ^/-Mgtln.corae of more than (1,000,000 women mr worn short* a ?sktrt? than st present, and It so when .'.fvfjyfcb smoked the "Urat ,cl*aretta '^* '1^ CCORDINO to reports of pn drep 0f elementary school ag .'jjw working all day to help iwell .th Many of theie children, In a praise worthy endeavor to (tin the rudiment i| of so education, go to school at sigh School officials and Judges of th Juvenile courts of pr actically all larg ' oltieg'Vow are being flooded with1 at tyf S <?;"pjlcatiohs from parenta and guardian of children who are. anxious to dli pense with day school training and g :^- .r'to work.' in a survey In Washington It was discovered; that nearly 2,00 such certificates had been Issued. Officials,of the Children's Bureau c Sgftsi "vtheipepartment of Labor and of othe R|k' > ' '1>ran0bee of the government are stud} Ing the situation which, It Is fearet ' % ' **' 'ym 1^ V I In m ' JT^ Hi amount of money' I stnf on qcjf anc/ other ??'s hat eJouUed in ' the last year, ffe wcnJert / " . .._ _ - - , . t, *, * IK ' ge in Luxuries IX IX * U Who invented th? umbrella end bow (- did he come to do it? I, How many realdente ot the United I- States depend on tips-for the largest k share ot their Incomes? x What la the best method ot growing it asparagus? i- What Is the average length ot time r. that stenographers work betore quitn ting tho office to get married? I- How many children are born each I. year in tno united states? it What Is the probability that your i- automobile will be stolen during 1922? s. Groat Knss of Information Has to Do With Women. 11 A great mass of the Information cole lected by the government baa to do o with women. The gorernment continually studies the women of the United _ States, the women of Europe, 8outh America and even Africa. This la because some New York exporter, Tor o instance, may. wish to know wiat i. styles sell best In Havana or Buenos b Aires. Information of this variety, can - be supplied on demand by the Com't raerce Department y it The Commerce Department for Inl. stance, recently undertook to find out a wby American-made dresses and coats I- for women found only infrequent sales in Cuba. An American offlclal got on e the lob and interviewed a number of d Cuban storekeepers. He learned the Cuban ideal of feminine pulchritude i- differs "widely from thuts .ii ? the United States. Here the Blender, r athletlo figure Is admired In woman. 7 In Havana most admiration is ex7 pressed (or the rounded type of figure Childre - may bold a menace {or the welfare of - tbc now generation. Child labor legise latlon not only by the Federal governe ment, but by the states, bee at best received rough sledding from the courts. !- The United States Supreme Court ree cently found it necessary to declare U unconstitutional a federal statute lne tended to protect the nation .against e .exploitation of child labor, t- Child labor Fight Contlnnei. * Under the prohibitive federal tax. child labor now is virtually prevented i( throughout the country. But welfare 0 workers, assisted by the American Federation of Labor and other agenif clee, aro staging a continuous battle r with laws anil custom to protect chil dren. That child labor still la a realiI, ty throughout the country is shown by i . /..;! V. PNH and discover &>e . [> with Mft cgmi. It >u the difference between the Anglo-Saxen and the Latin Ideal. American manufacturers had been trying to sell In Cuba gowns and coats built to accentuate the slender figure. The Cubans failed to buy. And the American fashion exporters lost money until the 'feovernment got on the job. Then they began to win. Returning to tho American women the government data shows that she now is less extravagant than two years ago, despite the apparently tremendous sum she atlU Insists on spending each year for bcautlflers. That charming little habit of Miss T.lh?rtV?and fnn thai mnOav *'- T IW erty, too?of powdering her no*e at odd moments now costs approximately J50.000.000 a year, or enough to build the greatest dreadnought afloat and leave more than *10.000,000 for a fleet of submarine chaser:. The government now collects nearly 550,000,000 a year in luxury taxes on articles purchased mainly by or for women, like Jewelry, candy, perfumes and cosmetics, fnce lotions and scented soaps, diamonds and powders and beautlflers of all, hinds. Tbe American woman since the war has taken to smoking cigarettes like her European sister, who long ago becamo as much of ah addict to the ween as tbe European male, Xhx reoolpts show that the sale of cigarettes in the United States has increased. During 1920, for Instance, tho number of ordinary slied cigarettes sold in the United Suites was 50,400,000,000. In 1913 the United States consumed onlr is. 000,000,000 cigarottes a year. n Work A the (act that the United states Census Bureau still lists in Its occupation statistics "persons engaged in gainful occupation 10 years of age and over." The Census Bureau now Is analyzing Its occupation statistics as to age of workers. Soon official reports will be available on the exact number of persons between 10 and 15 years of age who are at work. Thousands of girls and hoys In every state now are discontinuing their public school training at the earliest legal age to go to work. The number who go to work rather than attend high school Is very large. In Hundreds of cases children- do not even complete training up to the eighth grade. The low age limit In some states permits students to leave school ss early as tho sixth grade. - IITc ?m ?^K III m investigate feminine s-fy popular vamp type is. w> Pnbltc Pays an Ever Cronlng Amoanl In Iniary Tnies, Doeplto unemployment, falling prices and other considerations, American cltlxenB are paying an ever-increaelns amount of so-called luxury taxes. Returns to the Internal Revenue Bureau of the treasury show billions are spent t % ill Day an That hundreds of these students later attempt to make ud this' deficiency In tbclr educational training Is abown by tht large attendance at night schools, ? commercial schools operated under prlvato direction, and the Institutions o{ learning malntaned by semipublic Institutions and big m'anufacturIng plants. Approximately 400,000 students now are enrolled In private schools, maintained by a big religious Institution and by manufacturing plants, according to reports la the U. S. Bureau of Education. In the main, these educational institutions operate at night. / \ The young man or woman, however, who works during the day, and at night tries to make up Us deficiency in elementary education, Is much / ' I fes /n Cola ill, a/n-iasf",, ert , ''''l^ c a/onef with the each year on articles ranging from dirk knives and fancy toilet soaps to i passenger automobllos and accessories I that are not generally regarded as : nccossarlos ol lito. / Girl stenographers and other victims of the habit spent $28,052,000 {or chewing gum In the Bret six months of id Study a handicapped, officials point out. But at the same time this student Is much to be complimented because of his enterprise, it Is emphasized. Welfare workers and government officials unite In recommending that all^boys and girls who possibly can manage It should at least attend high school for two years before.striking out Into the Industrial-world. v Boys Leave Earlier A class of more than 1,000,000 girls of 15 each year desert school to go to ' work In offices and factories, reports show. This means that a majority of them have spent at least two years in high schools. Boys generally, leave ichopl at an earlier'age than gfrlS, it li explained. Thla la because the male, even at the ege of 14 or 15, begins to feel respon the present flscil year. In the preceding rear ther spent *37,498,100. Cindy munchers and their beaux, spent 1237,431,800 on sugared delicacies In six months, (Inmhlfira- hrMr? flAnria awd inlUalpa ~t bugs bought In six months 17,827.833 decks of cards and paid mora than a million dollars In taxes. In the year they used 38,605,777 decks and paid nearly two million In taxes at a rate o( eight cents a. deck. Art losers are the only class upon the list who restrained their desires and purchased In smaller quantity or amount Returns to the government I (a<(y ohT Taking tne "when an "admirer I box. or rouqc. knou> *>T m a 1014 ^haft w/f oucft, perfumes /esser i/tce$, how only $4,09?,269 (post (or sculptures, paintings drawings and.other similar art objects x In the last six months of 1920, while In the prertous Ureal year they spent more than $15,900,000. A new neive baa evidently entered t Night alblllty to become a producer, otfloials believe. There are no accurate reports on the age at which most boys leave school. The number In high schools, however, Is usually - smaller than that ot girls, except in high schools which give training In craftsmanship' ot virions kinds, as well as In general subjects. Olrls, however. seem to predominate Is tie enrollment In night ichools offering training exclusively In primary commercial worlt, such as stenography and typewriting. Although tho large number ot children holding school certificates permitting,them to work may seem discouraging to the welfare worker, the desire for education la growing through the entire country, officials are discovering.. One manifestation ot ' I) I pi I I w ^ * II 'Plra /can vomar> fpena on \ hab'J" tuou/J pa/ dreadnautfhC an* { the field of Whittle sport. Oorenua? j returne ehow $33JIT,940 spent for tennis rackets, self clubs and other sportlns goods In the six months, as compared with only 319,500.500 for the entire year preceding. Termont Girls Spend little on fit- ' fumes and Boaotlflers. Vermont Is stlll^ealthy/and ourltan, It seethe 'rom the tsx (1 hi ret The girls there are 1 etlll of the mod set quiet, ebrlnklng violet type. They uee little perfumery, cosmetics end toilet preparations and the drug stores do but a light business la bottled medicines. au ot thOjQr.een Mountaineers,; f men, women and'ebUdrep. spent less. .? than 125,000 In the Iut fiscal year for perfumes, cosmetics and medicinal preparations of all the patent rarlsUee froo'ialve to pills or the revenue man was cheated. New York City sjjpnt something like twelve and a half million dollars, Just what part represents cosmetics and perfumes for Broadway chornseinind . Just What part Is pllle, salves, medicines, Including Horke Vfnq and Others, can not he determined, because the 'teme are net segregated. New York City's soft drink bill Is > . staggering. The city Is undoubtedly the wettest spot on earth, without any reference to Mr. Volstead. Tan returns show that upward of a billion and a half dollars were spent for soft drinks over fountains and near beer bare. Chicago waa a good second In tWs're-"" 1 gard. Government Helping Women (n Ken Serious Problems, Although the government is Interest- ' ed In foibles of American women, attention le also given to the more eub-V , stantlsl things affecting the sen. In the Department of Agriculture scores ot experts ere at work to asetf^ the : American housewife solve her prjte- . lems. One group of men and women are contiguously experimenting with methods bt preserving and canning vegetables and traits. The rcsoltgjjBgflj ineir eapertmenis are published in pamphlet form, which may be bad {or the asking, or at times a atnall fee, by any woman In the United States, The department's lnvestlgaflojjs .are - j conducted along lines intended to be the most simple that can be derlaed and no costly paraphernalia le used. Each Summer during the canning season the department stages aoamplrignt'.ijj to reach millions 6l women wttb the - | Information available. >?SS$f|? this"la the record hlmakin^lt^rollisent this year In all klnd? of'public and private schools and colleges. The largest freshman, classesIs history have V, been enrolled this year at most colleges. One big Eastern Institution recently announced It haijl.bMa forced '-S to refuse matriculation to nearly 1000 1 applicants tor admission because of Inadequate facilities to house and train Jn the state oolleges and unlversl-JB tics, budget officials are hastily pr^fl parlpg' estimates of deficiency appr^^H prlatlons needed to make possible admission of thousands of unexpecjf MUUCUIB. i^SiBiaiUTCB 01 ffliny tlMH are-grwpllni witli thi probltm of %;v.