Newspaper Page Text
THE "BUKLINGTON FREE PRESS. FRIDAY JUNE 13, 1890. 3 VICINITY POTPOURRI. BURLINGTON AND OTHER CHITTEN DEN COUNTY TOWNS. Tint Important Local Nona of n TVeoU llullml Uowu Correspondents from the hurrouuding Towns over tholr Territory Well. Chlldrcns sorvlcos were held In the first licrcan nuil Methodist church, Sunday, Tho sophomoro class of the University held their nnuuul banquet at Sarotogu Fri day ovening. Miss Emma Roberts returned Saturday from St. Paul, w hero sho hns been stopping unco Inst October. Interesting services woro held nt tho AV. C T l". hnll Sunduy afternoon, tho sub ject being, Kchoos from history." Tho shipment of ico hns been discontinued, nnd none of this commodity has been load ed in Uurlingtou sinco Friday last. Correspondents must bear with us this week, n largo amount of locul matter necissitutiiig tho cutting down of Stato news. Rov. George AV. Terry of tho Rutland English and Classical lnstituto is to bring the boys of tho institulo to tho Queen City Park early in July for an outing 01 two oeks. Tho Uurlingtou Fm:n PnKss nino played most interesting and exciting gamo in Rutluns Saturday with the Herald nino, The liurllugton boys wiumug by a scoro of lli to is in tho 10th inning. Iu8 reunion of tho High school alumni will be held at Howard Reliof Hall on tho evening of Juno 19. There will be an ad ur. s by Rev. F. K. Dowhurst, a poem by James Buekknm, music and dancing. l'rof. Clnrk, tho optician, who has been with Joweler Hildreth ut ill) Church street, finds so much business In Rurlington that he decided to stay until next Friday night, Juno 2Ulb. .Seo notice in this pnrper. l'rof Cieorgo H. Perkins was most plens nntly surprised upon being called before the Collego street bunday-sehool yesterday, nnd presented with tho Now Century dic tionary, li volumes, throo of which aro published. Rev Georgo H. Scott of Ipswich, Mass., has been engaged to deliver tho annual ad dress buforo the Rlth Vermont regimental reunion, to be held nt Kssex Junction Juno is. His subject will ba "Tho bnttlo of Gettysburg. " The Juno Outing contnlns a very faith ful likeness of Gen. T. S. Feck, it being an illustration in tho article, "The National Guard of Vermont." Other portraits of prominent Green Mountain State veterans are also given. Tho University base ball nino played two games with tho Montreal professional tsam last week ; one in this city resulting victory for the Vaasity boys by a a bcoro of to 4. tho other at St. Albans, tho scoro standing, U. V. M. 8, Moulreal 0. Tho commissioners of tho insane, Homer Goodhuo of Westminster, Ur. Johnson of St. Johnsbury and Ur. Ferrin of Essex Junction visited tho Lake View Retreat AVeduesday and expressed themselves as well satisued w ith tho appearance of things. Tho marriage of -Mr. Georgo D. Spear nnd Miss Hnttio L. Sheldon was celebrated ut the residence of tho bride's parents, Mr. nnlMrs. Georgo Sheldon, in South Bur l.nton. June 4. nt 4 o'clock in the af ternoon, Rov. H. A. Starks of Rurlington, oilK luting. The building on tho L. O. Thompson es tate on Colchester avenue, is being moved by O Noil Bros, to their premises on Eavt avcnu The building, which is (53 yeav oid. stood on tho property that hns been I urclmsed for the erection of a now Catholic collfgo. In tho nowspaper contest for the most desirablo city in which to live Rurlington Mood eighth, tuo vote being 10,12li, Wilm ington, t., having over UOOO. Tho con H t was won by Congers, N. Y., which had over 130,01)0. Eighty-two towns had over loOO. At tho annual meeting of tho stockholders of tho Venetian Blind company JJheld Tues daj afternoon at o'clock tho following ofVers wero oleetcd: President, Klias Ly luau, vice-president, Henry Wells; secre tary F. W. Wright; treasurer, L. C. Grant; manager, Georgo U. Wright. Tho charter of the Howard Nationa bank, which expired Saturday Juno 7, has been extended by tho comptroller of currency for a period of 20 years. This will necessitate no change of any sort in tho management of tho business which will con tinue tho tamo as if tho charter had not ox spired at this time. Mrs. R. P. Chase of this city, who has boi n sick with meningitis for sevon months pas , died at 7:10 o'clock Saturday morn ing The illness was caused by over-exer- tiuii. and sho has been a great suil'eror. The remains wero taken on the 8:40 train Monduv morning to Derby Lino, where funeral services wero held Tuesday. At a recent meeting of the Rurlington caiiets, Sergeant W. Murrny Crombiu was promoted to 1st sergeant and Corporal Charles K. Lamb to sergeant; Private Arthur C. Crombio was elected corporal; I rauk M. 1 radlov. tho former 1st sergeant of tho cad ts. has resigned and gone to Helena, Montuuu.whero ho will make his future home. Tho Delta Mu socioty of the Medical col lego have just presented to Dr. Jo 11. Lies ley a scries of resolutions handsomely en grossed nnd framed, which nro now on ex hibition nt tho drug storo of J. G. Rellroso in return for his services. Tho work was dono in Uticn, N. V., and it is ono of the ilnost specimens of the kind over seen in the city. A ednesday morning tho following dele gates loft this city for St. Louis, to uttend tho Christian Endeavor convention to bu held ut that place from tho 12th to tho 11th of tho present month . Mothodist, J, M. Kvans; First Church, W. A. Bry ant , Collego Street Congregational, Fred A (hard. Several delegates will go from burroundlng towns. C hampluin lodgo, No. 7, K. of P. of this city at its regular meeting Monday evening, conferred degrees on two candidates. Tho lodgo was visited on that occasion by Past C hancellor Commander ?'. C. Hydo nnd Chancellor Commander Alvah II. Goorgo of Unity lodge, No. U, K. of P. of St. Al bans, who gnvo interesting nud iustructlvo remarks relative to tho work. Mr. A. L. Barrows returned to this city Monday ovening with a good string of lalio trout caught in Lako Duumoro last weok. Among them was n beauty which was hooked bv Mrs. Edward Watkins of Pitts- ford and lauded by Mr. Barrows after a struggle of three-quarters of an hour. Tho fish when taken from tho water measured almost threo feet in length and tipped the leaks at lilj pounds, a trophy thut seldom fulls to a lady's lot. Tho Board of Aldermen, with tho oxcep- tlon of Aldormed Lymnn mil Chamberlain, accompanied by O. D. Weller city treasurer, and C. E. Allen city clork, inpt tho water commissioners nt tho old reservoir Fri day nftcrnoon, nud after spending nbout hnlf nn hour In desultory tnlk and Investiga tion, retired to think tho matter over, pre vious to tho noxt meeting. Each mem ber expressed his opinion but no action will bo taken for sonio time, If at all. Tho caso of tho Stato vs. Sidney S. Car outh on tho chargo of breach of tho poace in assaulting Charles Lamb nt tho Vim Ness houso during tho student frnens, May 31, was disposed of In the City Court Sat urday. Tho maximum ponalty for nn oll'enco of tho chnrncter clinrged was $20 and tho court said tho bentonco was that tho re spondent pay to tho treasury of tho Stato tho sum of f 12 and tho costs which amount ed to $7.01 with nlternatlvo sontenco. The members of Mr. II. L. Wnlkcr's music class of tho Y. M. C. A. closed a few weeks sinco presout cd their teacher AVodnosdny with a Tennyson's complete works In eight vol umes, nccompauled with a kind nnd ap propriate lotter. Tho volumes wero pub lished by T. Crowcll & Co. of Now York nnd wero bound In a now stylo of cloth. Mr. AValker appreciates tho gift very highly. Express Agent Henderson states that tho merchants of Burlington aro doing mora business than they aid Inst year, and ho has an excellent opportunity to know whereof ho speaks. Tho senior member of ono of our leading dry goods firms adds his testimony In tho samo direction. He says that tho business of his houso was larger by far last month than In May, 1880, and no special effort was mado to secure a boom in trade. Burlington is conservative in busi ness methods but progress is ever its watch- w ard. Georgo Lawrence, tho 13-yenr-old son of Joseph Lawreuco of this city, who ran away from homo May 20, has not returned, and his parents havo no Unowledgo of uls whereabouts. The boy is very fleshy for ono of his age, weight 125 pounds, light complexion nud light curly hair; tho littlo fluger on his right hand is stilt ut tho joint. Tho boy's name, "Georgo Lawrence," is tnttoocd on his right arm in bluo ink. Thero is a birth mark on tho loft side of his nock just under tho cheek. Any news of his whereabouts will be gladly received by his father, No. 70 North avenuo. A real estato transaction has just bceu completed through tho agency of A. G. AVhittemore. esq., which means much for tho future welfare of Rurlington. Mr. Henry Holt, hend of tho well-known pub lishing houso of Henry Holt & Co., of Now l ork. has purchased a tract oi laud con sisting of 200 acres of laud lying between Prospect nnd Spear streets, noxt south of tho elegant residenco of A. A. Buell, which will bo dovoted to summer residences for city peoplo. Of this tract Rib" acres were purchased from J. A. Shedd and Henry Greene, trusteo, for 10.000 and 07 acres from A. A. Buell for $ 3000. Tho mission band of tho two Congregn tional churches held their annual festival and sale in tho First church parlors Satur day ovening. From 3 to 7 o'clock a brist salo was carried on nt tho vnrious tnbles where tho young people hnd arrayed tempt ing displays of flowers, candy ana fancy nrticles and at 7 o'clock a pleasins enter tainment was given, m which tho band ap peared in tho costumes of dill'ercnt nations. Tho receipts for tho oveniug wero about $00. For somo years the band hnvo sent their money to Foochou, China, for the support of n natie girl who was studying m that place, but bho has now grnauated, helm: nt nreseut a teacher in a woman s school in Foochon, and tho proceeds of Snt urday ovening will probably bo devoted to general missionary purposes, mooting of a number of our leading citizens wos held at tho . M. C. A. rooms Monday evening for the purpose of consider ing tho proieel of a'summer hotel at "Red Rocks. Mayor Crombio presided nud Mr. H. L. A ard was secretary of tuo meeting, Remarks were mado by Mr. W. J. Van Patten, Mr. Horvoy Spencer, Gen. AVilliam Wells, Mr. D. W. Robinson, Alderman Elias Lyman and Mayor Crombio, all of whom favored the project and thought it feasible After tho subiect had been discussed nt length a committee was appointed to for mulnto a plan of procoedure and report nt a future meeting. Tho committee consists of Messrs. W. A. Crombie, 1). W. Robinson AV. J. Van Patten, AVilliam AVells, Elias Lvmnu. O. A. Ruell and F. C. Kennedy. It was thought by the committee to bo not ad visablo to publish the details of tho project at this time. Commissioner A. B. A'alentino who passed through tho city on his way homo from tour of the Swedish colonies in tho Stato last Thursday. Mr. A'alentino says that ut AVilmington everything is more than satisfactory. Tho Swedes are delighted with tlio placu and people, and tho peoplo pleased with tho Swedes. At V eston lio report! tho colouy equally successful. The colo nlsts find work in tho mills; they nro con- touted, and tho peoplo liko them as nel bors. In both AVilmington and A eston they have their spring farm work woll along, nnd have proved themselves thrifty and industrious. At Ayrshire the commis sioner reports everything equally sutisfuc tory so far ns tho farms and people are con cerued, but tho colonists iiud it dlfllcult to obtain work when not employed ou their farms, and some of them will remove to Essex county, where they can ilnd work particularly in tho winter season. Ou th whole tho commissioner feels woll sntlslled with tho situation. An adjourned moating of tho Board of Aldermen was held Tuesday ovoniug with President Trick in tho chair und all tho members present except Alderman Roberts, A resolution relating to levy of tax on tho grund list was passed calling for tho following: Eighty cents on tho dollar of tho grand list to moot tho uccruod und accruing expenses and liabilities of tho city, for the year ending December 31, 1800: 20 cents ou tho dollar for strcots anil highways: tax to tho credit ofjthe street commissioners. ! Iv cents on tho dollar for tho sinking fund: ten cents on the dollar to repair tha old resor voir nud raiso tho stand pipe of tho higher service. Tho city troasurer was directed to place to tho, credit of the school commission crs, for tho support of public schools of said city, tho sum of !J'-.i ,uuU; to tliu creditor th Frotcher Free library, $2200; to tho credit of tho polico and criminal department, $1000; to the credit of tho flro department $.1500; to tho credit of public buildings nnd parks, ijoUOO; to tho credit of streot lights 5-11.100; to tho credit of tho henlth depart meut, $800; to tho credit of tho incidental fund, $1000; to the credit of tho water do pnrtment for current and constructive ac counts, $18,000; to tho credit of tho sower department, $o,!00; to tho credit of tho puu per department, $11000; to tho credit of sal nrius, $!i000; to pay reservoir uoto and in terust, $3(125; to the credit of tho county tax, ..)iil.2j; to tuo credit of tnointerost uc count, $2ii,bu4.!H; to tho credit of tho sov ernl departments to pay their rospeutlv overdralls which havo accrued for a num j bur of ycurs past, 0,320. H WINOOSKI. Rort Small lins boon spending a few days In Morrlsvillo and vicinity. Tho AVlnooskl Stenmer company havo been putting In new valves and making other repairs on tholr engine. It was brought out for trlnl Monday ovening, Tho young peoplo of tho Epworth League will hold a strnwborry festival nt tho Moth odist pnrlors noxt Friday ovening. A short musical and literary progrnmmo will bo proseutod. Tho regular meotlng of tho Idlo Hour club was hold Monday ovening with II. F. AVolcott nt his ofllco on Allen Btroet. Tho feature of tho ovening wns n mock law suit by tho mombors of tho club, the caso bolng ono of nssault nnd battery In which tho ver dict was rendered for tho dofondent. Con siderable amusomout was created during tho trlnl. Tho meeting was tho largest of tho season, 47 boing present. Miss Llzzlo AVardwcll is suffering from an attack of malarial fovor. Ur. J. II. Richardson, who dlod tho 0th Inst., aged 70, was n well-known physician in this section nnd a highly respectable citizen of AVinooskl. Ho wns n graduato of AVoodstock collego and commencod tho prnc tico of modiciue in AVestford 40 years ago whoro ho continued up to about 20 years go when ho moved to A Inooski. Ho was consulting physician nt Mnry Flotoher hos- ital a number of years. His domlso will bo sincerely mournod by n largo number of friends ana ncqualntnnepj. Ho leaves n widow aud threo children, Mr, E. U. Richnrdson of Cambridge, 111., nnd Mrs. John H. Allen and Mrs. George AV. Allon of AVestford, who nro all hero to attend tho fuuoral which takes placo Sunday morning at 11 o'clock from tho Congrogntloual church. Mrs. C. H. Shlpman nnd Mrs. II. E. Clement wero In attendance at the Rutland musical fostival this week. Tho AVhiteman houso on AVcaver street is undergoing repairs. Tho Mothodist Sunday-school was re presented nt tho Chittenden county conven tion at Jericho, lust week, by n Inrge delega tion. Tho now drug storo was opened tho 0th evening, and it is ono of tho most convouiont and pleasant stores in town. Tho now firm will bo known us Robinson it Patcnnmlo Tho Congregational church was lilled to overflowing Sunday forenoon with friends who had assembled to pay tho last sad rites to our esteemed townsman, Ur. Richnrdson, A Inrgo number from your city and else- where wero present, among whom were many of tho medical profession. The floral offerings wero numerous nnd benutiful. I ho sermon y Rov. E. F. AVheelock was a tribute to tho lifo nnd character of the decensod Tho rcmnins wore taken to Green Mount emetery for interment. Tho funeral was in chargo of II. E. Clement. Thero was no service nt tho Methodist church Sunday morning on account of tho funeral. An alarm of flro was sounded Snturdny ovening nbout 8 o'clock, tho causo being tho fall of a lamp in tho postolllco which spilled oil over tho floor and took fire. By tho prompt action of somo of thoso present tho amp wos thrown into the street and the flames extinguished. No damage was done. Tho Young Messengers of this placo played a game of bull with tho St. Joseph team on tho collego grounds Tuesday afternoon. The scoro was 13 to 10 in favor of tho Young Messengers. Our former townsman, Mr. i. r. Gokoy, now proprietor of tho Mallotts Bay House, has mado extensive repairs in that beauti ful but neglected summer resort, making it ono of the most dosirablo spots for pleasure C .1... Enn. r.lAnr-..A seekers on Lako Champlain, Lyman M. Jones of Johnson was in tow . yesterday visiting friends. ST. GEORGE. Mr?. Russell Tilley is visiting her son in Swantou. Cnpt. C. 1. Colo aud wife are tho happy parents of a girl baby, born on tho 0th. No ono has been appointed cen sus enumerator hero as yet. Saturday af ternoon next is tho regular meeting day for Cummings W. R. C. l'ho republican town committee has called tho cuueus for Satur day evening tho 11th. From tho Lincoln, Neb., Evening Nows of Mny 31st wo seo tho following good nows rclativo to ono of our former townsmen; "Ray O. Castle, who recently enmo to this city from St. George, A t., is building himself an elegant residenco at University place. Mr. Castlo will tako chargo of tho Standard street railway as soon as it is completed to tha city. We pre dict for Mr. Cnstlo a successful suponnten- dency for this popular lino." RICHMOND. now postolllco has been granted nt Fny's Corners. Mrs, Salomo Fay has been appointed postmistress. . Bowen, In east part of tho town, had a vicious two- year-old bull; Sundny nieht whila In his yard tho bull camo toward .Mr. liowen,wlio, having n stono in bis hand, threw it at tho bull, striking him in tho head nnd killing him instnntly. Next Sunday will bo chil dren's day nt tho Congregational church. Mrs. L. U. Mason aud daughter aro visiting her sister, Mrs. Capt. Gleason, in Brnttlo boro, and her brother, Prof. Sheldon of Boston, Mrs. A. O. i erguson of liurllug ton nnd family nro at home. Tho republi can caucus for State nnd county delegates will bo held Saturday night. There is to bo n quarterly meeting ut Jonosvillo noxt Saturday nnd Sunday of tho Free AVill Bap tist denomination. Rev. E. Smiloy has gono to uttend tho com mencement of St. Lawrcnco University nt Canton, N. Y., which takes place this week, and ho will return at tho closo of ,tho week. JERICHO CENTRE. Elmer Howo Is homo from Rrnttloboro asylum on n short vacation. Dr. Cilloy is census enumerator for Joricho. F. II. Butler and wifo aro visiting his cousin, Mrs. Mead of rnirfax. Hussell Hnsklns is very low und has not boon cxpectod to live from ono day to another for somo time. Chil dren's day was duly observed by tho church here by a talk to tho children liy Hov. Tcnnoy In the morning nnd a Suuday- school concort by tho children In tho ovon ing. Tho church was handsomely trimmed. HINESDURGH. F. M. Perry and family havo returned to Nebraska, Tho Congregational church Is undergoing extensivo repairs undor the supervision of Doacons Pago and Partch. J. H. Allen Is taking tho census. Iho son- ntor (lucstion is bocomlng qulta Interesting, Tho candidates both havo mnuy friends who nro nt work for them, but thn outlook nt present socms to be about three to one In favor of Mr. Dow. WEST BOLTON. F. AV. Hall Is cennus enumorntor here. Mrs. Tomliusou of Huntington is stopping n fow dnys in town with her sou, J. G, lorn llnson. Four children havo boon obliged to leavo school on account of whooping cough. Tho Ladios Dime socioty mot with Mrs. AV. II. Stevens last wook. I'M Soverney has returned from a trip doivu the St. Law rence. E, N. Colton is making uiiuual re pairs on his shingle mill, SHELBURNE. Through tho courtosy of Capt, Rlodgett n small party woro invltod to n rido on tho Elfrldu. Thursday. Leaving tho dock at 11 p. m., tho first oight miles woro mada In 28 mluutos. Tho Elfrldn then struck tho thunder shower and to sny that tho sight was grand does not oxpross It. On tho way back from Plnttsburgh tho fog was so dense that tho whlstlo had to bo blown overy few minutes and tho captain had to run his boat by his compass. Rurlington harbor wns mado safely nud thero tho fog llftod und a landing was mado nt Oak Lodgo, where Frank Smith, Dr. AVobb's prlvnto secretary, who wns ono of tho party, was left. Ave then Btenmod lor Ur. wouu s dock nnd nrrlvod thero at 0:40, making a trip of over 40 milos In threo hours nnd four minutes. During tho heavy wind tho yacht behaved beautifully and skimmed along llko a sea gull; 6he oboyed tho holm vory nicely. Tho party wont homo woll pleased with the yacht and her capablo and courteous captain. N. II. Blssonuott and Miss Kannlo Tal- cott wero married at tho residonco of tho groom by Rov. C. F. AVilcox AVodnesday the 0th. C. M. Russell has purchased a third interest In Tracy & A'nn ATlot's store, tho firm hero boronfter to bo Tracy, Van A'liet & Russoll. N, R. Miller Is building n boat houso on tho bnnk of tho river. Miss Franklo Burrltt has arrived from Minneapolis, where sho hns boon teaching In tho public schools tho past year. Miss Fannla McNeil is homo from Rochoster, N. Y. , where she has been in school. AValtor AVhito Is nt Grnnvlllo, N. Y., visiting rela tives. Charles Stouo hns received four enr- loads of lilo La Motto stono to bo used In repairing tho Episcopal chapel. CHARLOTTE. Children's day exercises at tljo Congrega tional church woro very pleasing. Tho church was beautifully decorated with ilowors and plants, and all wero interested In tho remarks of Rov. Mr. Harrison of Chicago, who is making a brief stay in town. It is a closo question whether farmorscan got their corn planted before tho mlddlo of Juno. A great many havo given up plant lng oxcept for fodder. A . C. Scott lost a valuablo team horso tho other day with in llammntlon of tho bowels. Mary Dorr ro contly returned from California. Tho hay crop oxcept on some low, wot lands, prom ises to lo immense. Milk at tho creamery is 05 cents per hundred to Juno 10. ESSEX JUNCTION. Milo Douglass nnd wife, who havo been spending tho Inst two yenrs in Minneapolis with a son, returnod last Fiidayaud aro now stopping with their son, James. They formerly lived in Jericho. Juno 1 Mrs. Douglass, who seemod to stnnd the journey homo very well, was attacked with erysip elas in tho fnce nnd is now quite ill. Her daughter, Mrs. Albert Spauldiug of Rur lington, is with her. jerry Flanagan of Now Haven, Conn., formerly in tho railroad otllco here, is spending n vacation in town. Tho sociablo givon by Christian Endeavor socioty Friday evening wns n success. Tho society, consisting of about 75 members, marched into tho church in a body, singing 'Onward Christian Soldiers.'' Miss Ma comber aud Miss Smead presided nt tho piano. After tho entertainment, consisting of solos, duets, a malo quartette, also a quartette by tho ladles. The people retired to tho vestry where refreshments wero served. Receipts $25.25. Mrs. Frank Andrews, who has beon stopping in town ...... . . . lor tuo last moniu, has returnod to her home iu Ilinesburgb, Mrs. AVood from Burlington is visiting her sister, Mrs. Rollin Smith. UNDERHILL CENTRE. Dr. Nowton of New Hampshire Is expect ed hero next week to locate. I). L. Terrill has repaired nud painted his storo insido aud out, and has ono of the best country stores iu tho countj.AV. A. llulinrd is moving Into Dr. Burdick's houso. G. A. Terrill, John Jackson, nnd E. AV. Ho nry nro nt tho mouth of Wlnooski river fishing. Mario Sheehy is ut home taking caro of her mother. Clara Cady aud Bertha Terrill have gono to the A hi to Mountains for tho summer S. Harmon Terrill and family nre to stnrt for Bnngor, Mo., soon. Mr. Terrill Is to travel through that Stato this summer. Thero is to bo a now fenco nnd horse shed nround tho Union church. I). L. Terrill runs his upper mill night and day. UNDERHILL. Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Avory Edwards AVcdnesdny uson. Tho funeral of the unfor tuunte Charles II. Chutes took placo AVed- nesduy, Rev. L. E. Taylor olllciuting. Ira Thorpe, town enumerator, began hii luliors .Yioudny. u. U. r ranch, ocq., re turned to New i ork Monday. Twenty threo cheeses aro made at tho factory. Children's day exercises will tako placo at tho Methodist church Sunday, Rev, Mr. Corwln of Jericho preached Sunday nfternoon and evening at Congregational church. The Tanners Should Itciul It. To tho Editor of tho Freo 1'icss; If all the farmers of A'ermont (as nil tho farmers of the Stato are dairymen to somo oxtenti had an opportunity to reud the let ter of Col. oodbury to Senator Edmunds, which you publish to-day, 1 think tncro would bo no question nbout who would bo our noxt govornor, His nrgumouts are tin unswcrublo. Something has to be dono for tho dairy interests of tho country ovon If a "score or so of millionaire manufacturers of oico'' havo to go tho wall. Should the prominent and influential men of tin dairy region of the wholo country do as ho has done, show that they aro nlive to tho interests of their sections, nud writo their respective delegations in Congress, this wrong would ho speedily righted. I wish a copy of that letter could bo placed in tho hands of overy farmer in tho State, and then our incoming governor would bu In a position to make his iullueuco more felt nnd extended than that of any private citiion. Ho savs If somothlug is not done, "ho belloves tho farmers will bo hoard from in no uncertain way in tho next national election," Now let them bo board from In no uncertain way in our State election. F. W. AVced. Sholburne, Juno 0, '00. l'or Senator. To tho Editor of tho Free Press: Tho name of S, A. Rrownoll of Essex is meotlng tho hearty approval of thinking men. His oxperienco in the town houo woll qualities lilm for tho responsibilities of senator. To those best acquainted with tho political situation nt tho present time no stronger man could bo uaniod. In his own town In 1888 ho polled tho onpr strength of the republican party for representative. nn honor accorded to only a f dw men. Ho 4-4 progressive man, thoroughly reliable, and well Instructed upon the issues now bo font tho peoplo. Let him have tho out tpokeu support of all, REPUCfctCAN. Jericho, Juuo 0, '00. OMMENCEMENT DAY PROGRAMME. 13lght j-SIx th Cnmtnoncnmont of tha Uni versity of Vermont nnd Stnto Agricul tural College. SUNDAY, .lUNH 22, 1890. At Collego Street Church. 3:00 7:30 m. Barcnlaurento sermon by the pres- ident. to. Anniversary of Y. M. C. A. Ad dress ny iiov, Arinnr i,une, u. D of Boston. MONDAY, JUNE 23. 2.00 p. m. Class day exercises in Colleg chapol, 8:00 p. m. Sonlur reception at Billings library. TUT.SDAY, JUNE 84. 0.OJ a. m. Annual meeting of the Phi Beta Knppn sncloty In eoulor lecture room. 10.00 a. m. Meeting of alumni nt Collego chapel. 8.-00 p. m, Celebration of the associate uinnl, at Colleeo Street church. Oration by Prof. John Dewoy of the University of Michigan. 8.C0 p, m. Junior exhibition at tho Opera home. WEDNESDAY, JUNK 25. 11:00 a, m. Orations of graduating class and conferring of degrees, at opera houso. fcOO p. m. Corporation dinner at A'an Ness house. 8.00 p. m, Commencement reception at Bil lings library. THUIIHDAY, JI'NE 26. 0.01 a. rn. 1 Examinations for adml'slon to nnd V the University at tho College 2X0 p. m. 1 rooms. 6:00 p. m, Commencement boat ride. MUS 10 Furnished by Howard Opera House orchestra. TEN MAY WEDDINGS. Slight Incruitao In tliu Death Ittite Tuo llororu oi uirtiis. Twenty persons wero mado unspoakably happy or volubly mlserablo according as marriage is not or is a failure as shown by the report of tho vitnl statistics of this city for May, just Issued by Health Officer Ruth erford. Ten marringos mnke a good show ing, but in tho previous month there were 13, whilo In May, 1888, thero were 11 mar riages in Rurlington and in tho bamo month, 1880, there wero 13. According to tho report there were 31 doaths in tho city during tho month, as com pared with 22 during May, 1889, and 20 tho corresponding month in 1888. Tho deaths during tho month were distributed ns follows; First ward, 1; Second ward, f); Third ward, 12; Fourth ward, G; Fifth ward, 0. Of thoso who died nil wero white, 10 wero male nnd 18 female; 10 wero undor 1 yoar old, 2 between 1 and 0, 2 botween 5 and 20; 8 between 20 nud 50; 3 between 50 nnd 70, 1 over 70, and 0 over 80. There wero 4 deaths from phthisis, 3 from old age, 3 from pneumonia, 2 from tubercular meningitis, 2 from convulsions, 2 from enn cor and 1 each from accident, nppoplexy, asphyxia, Rright's disease, broncho pneu monia, ccrebnl embolism, cerebro spinal meningitis, congestion of brain, congenital debility, cystitis, dropsy, heart failure, In anition, measles, puerporal fever, tubercu losis nud 1 wns still born. During the mouth there were 34 births, tho samo number as In the previous month, 81 iu May, 1880, and 49 in 1888. Tho births, of which an equal number were malo and femalo wero distributed among tho va rious wards as follows; First ward, 2; Sec ond ward, 0; Third ward, 10; Fourth ward, b; iitth ward, 0, and nil woro white. THE FOURTH IN BURLINGTON. Programme fur tho Celebration to be Held at Howard Turk. Tho anniversary of American indepen dence will bo celebrated by the residents of this city und vicinity with an interesting programme at Howard Park under the auspices of the Chnmplnin A'alley associa tion, and a line dny's enjoyment is prom ised. The racing and sports will bo a spec ial feature. There is to be a trotting purse of $200 for horses that have never beaten 2:45; u purse of $300 for horses which have never beaten 2:30; a purso of $130 for pacers that havo uover beaten 2:30; a purso of $25 for a named ruuuiug race, half milo heats, two in three; a purse of .0, open to nil running horses, milo bents, two in threo; nnd a purso of $50 for a hitch-up-and-go-as-you-pleasa race. This contost will produce any amount of fun. It is open to nil horses for a milo dash, and tho horses will bo in placo appointed by the judges without har ness, and at a given signul mtcbed up under tho direction of tho judges. Tho list of sports will also Include two foot races. A purso of $10 is olfered for a 100-yards dash, and a purso of $15 for n 300-ynrds dash. The management will make special ell'ort to prevent tho tlrosomo waiting between hoats, which is usually tlresomo to specta tors. They havo also brought tho "hurd hitches" of the track into good condition, und made improvements that have over come former complaints by our local horse men, and tho wholo track may be now con sidered in "tip-top condition. " The managers havo secured tho services of Mr. II. R. Stlmer as murshallof the day, and with his usual alertness, and the aid of nis "kicking colt, trained specially for tho purpose, will undoubtedly keep tho track clear. VERMONT ODD FELLOWS. Closing Sessions nud Additional Appoint ments of tho Grand Lodge, The ovening ses slon of tho Grand lodge of Odd Fellows at Mont poller opened at 8. 15 on tho night of tbu 0th, and closed ut 10.30. Charles Gouya of Islund Poud, was appointed grnnd marshal; F. H. Hydo, Foultney, grand conductor; 1J. C. Hall, St. Albans, grund insido guardian; nnd S. D. McLeod, Bellows Falls, grand herald, i Those and the elected ofllccrs were duly in stalled. Tho additional appiintments were ns fol lows. District deputy grand masters, dis trict No. 1, F. II. Scott, Bennington; No. 2, H. C. Fnrrar, Rutland; No. 3, Allen Calhoun, Middlebury; No. 4, AV. D. Chand ler, St. Albans; No. .1, J, A , Thurston, Island Pond; No. b, G. V. Knight, Lyn- douvllle; No. 7, D. L. Sanders, Montpol- ior; No. 8, AV. H. Ruck, AVells River; No. 9, C. A. Perry, Readsboro; No, 10, C. 11. Lockwood, Springfield; No. 11, O. J. AVIUard, Brattleboro. Standing com mittees; printing, H. E. Parker, J. H, Jones and D. A. Ferrin; memorlnl, P. 1). Bradford, H. L. Stlllson, and II, E. Parker; credentials, 11. C. AVebster, J. E. Fox, and R. V. flraloy; foreign corres pondence, Henry Clark. Resolutions were passed thanking A'er mont lodge for use of hall and contents, nud tho hotels und railroads for reducod rates and other courtesies. Tho noxt mestlug will bo hold In tho same hall op tho llrst Wednesday iu June, 1801. A resolution was introduced by Past Grand Master P. D, Bradford, calling for a chaugo of time of meeting to the third Wednesday in May, which, under rule, will lie on tho table until tho noxt session. EAST CHARLOTTE, Tho children's service Butiday in the Baptist church was very successful, Many children greetinl Rev, C, F, Wilcox of Shelburuo Sunday. HOPKINS-GRAVES. A Hrllllnnt AVeddlnic nt St. l'aul'a Church Yostorduy Afternoon. St Paul's church was tho scene yesterday nfternoon nt 4 o'clock of n chnrmlng wed ding, which was witnessed by a largo ntidl onco, comprising many of tho most fash ionable pooplo of tho city, as well ns tench crs and scholars of tho public schools. Tho contracting pnrtlos wore Rev. John Henry Hopkins, son of tho lato Rov. Theodore A. Hopkins, and grandson of the late Bishop Hopkins, aud Miss Mario Moulton Graves, eldest daughter of tho Rov. Gpmout Graves. Tho church was beautifully docoratod for tho occasion. Tho opening strains of tho beautiful wedding march from Wagnor's "Lohengrin" woro tho signal of tbo approach of tho brldo and her nttondauts who proceoded from tho canopied entranco to the altar In this order. Tho ushors, J. II. H, Canfleld,nnd Mossrs. Harmon, S. Graves, James D. Renodlctnnd Georga AV, Benedict; Mi6s Llllnn C, Graves sister of tho bride and maid of honor dressed in steal gray silk nnd carrying a largo bou quet of pink roses and tho bride, who wns dressod In whito India silk cutou trnlno and white lilac bonnet nnd who enrriod in hor hand a whlto covered prayer book from which tho servico was road. At tho altar tho bridal procession was met by tho groom and his best man, Rov. Charles E. Deuel of New York, who was his classmate iu tho General Theological semi nary. Tho beautiful mnrringo servico of tho church was celebrated by Rov. Mr. Graves, father of the brido, Rt Rov. AV. II. A. Risscll, bishop of the diocoe of A'er mont, and uncle of tho brldo tuktng a prom inent part. Rev. Dr. J. Isham Bliss occu pied a placo In the chancel as rector of the pnrish aud thero wore ulso a number of visiting clergy present. Mr. Hopitins graduated from the Uni versity of A'ermont iu tho class of '83, and from the Theological seminary in 1890. Tho brldo was a graduato of tho High school and una for some years liecn a pop ular tencher in our public schools. Mr. aud Mrs. Hopkins recolved n largo and un usually flue list of presents ns n token of the general esteem in which they nre held. After a wedding tour thoy will return to this city for a brief visit und tako up their residenco in Now York city. McSweenoy-Mcainhon. St. Mary's Cathedral wns fairly crowded Tuefday morning by tho largo number of friends who had assembled to witness the marriage of City Physician P. E. Mc Sweeney, n graduate of the U. A'. M. in the cluss of '80, and Miss Margaret McMahou. Tho ceremony was performed bv Rev. Thomas Douohuo and excellent music wns furnished by tho Misses Finni- gan. Miss Bacon presided nt tho organ Tho best man was Mr. J. E. McSweoney brother of tho groom, and the bridesmaid tho sister of tho bride, Miss Joauna Mc Malion. Mossrs. S. F. Leo nnd James U. McMnhon of this city acted us ushors, Mr. nnd Mrs. McSueency loft on the Ver mont nud after a two week's trip to Lake kGoorge nnd Snrutoga will to take up their residenco at 80 North Cbamplaiu street. EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE. An Interesting Meeting of tho I.ocnl llrunoh Adilross by Dr. Russell. 1 hero was n rather small attendanco at the monthly meeting of tho local branch of tho Evangelical Alliance rridny ovening, on account of tho inclement weather, but thoso present felt well repaid for attendlug. Tho meeting opened nt 8 o'clock with prayer by Rov. 11, A. Starks. Iho chairman Rov. Dr. Rliss. called for tho socrctnrj-'s re port of the Inst meotlng, and it was read by Mr. Georgo L. Davis, Dr. liovntou be ine still unablo to perform this duty. Tho report wns ns follows: Number of sections, 8; districts, 24; ileitis, 210; visitors, 240 families included in visitation, 1100: fami lies actually visited, 007; individuals out side of families included In visitation, 110 actually visited, 88: persons from 5 to 18 not iu Sunduy-schools, 53; persons above 0 not attending church, bo; persona havln church preferenco sent to pastors, 1 1. A number of quostions with regard to matters thnt had coma up sinco the visita tions weie mado, wero asked at this junc litre, and slips of paper wero handed to vis ltors for this purpose. Dr. Frnnk Russell then explained various difficult problems, and snld that he was glad to seo that tho Burlington section of the alliance had been ut work. Tha dale of tho next monthly meeting 1 to be the first Tuesday in July at S o'clock p. m., ami thereafter each month ut th same time. Vermont KpUropnl Institute. In connection with tho closing of tin school yenr, tha Right Rov. V. H. A, Bisell, D. D., bishop of tho diocese, made visitation to the Vermont Episcopal iustitut nt Rock Point Friday, service being held at 10 30, a. m. Thero was a lnrge iltti'iid mice, Rishop Rlsell nmoug other thin, spoke of tho Improvement In tho appeeiranc of tho chnpel and of tho memorial window to Rov. Theodore Hopkins, hrst principal o tho school. Ho warmly nraled tho Leagu of the Rock Point cadets which was organ Wed for tho purpose of improving the chapel and which procured nud put In its p'.ace the memorial window. Rov. A. li. heeler, former teacher nt tha Institute, was preson and assisted in the services, and Rev. J. H Hopkins, son of the llrst principal, presided ut the orgnu. In the nfternoon tho Rock Point endet hud their drill nnd prizes wero awarded a follows. lor neatness during tho year gold medal to Herbert Turner of Turner Fall's N. Y. ; best drilled cadet during tho year, Erwin Rust of Molra, N . . Tho Vermont ltoaul of Trade. Tho second salesday of tho A'ermont Roard of Trado wns held yesterday in their rooms ut tho A'an Ness House, a goodly number of sellers nnd few buyers bom, present. Cheosa offerings were fairly heav but butter offerings wore light. Tho marke in both butter nnd cheese is still falling, bu bottom must bo reached soon. Smith AVright fc Sons of Willlston, mado somo good olfors on tho Board for butter and tho offers were accepted,- 10 cents wn the best bid und it is the ntghest market price. Tbo cheese market was gloomy, no ono wanted to buy aud all wero anxious to sell, One lot of 0000 pounds sold, private terms Secretary Furguson rand before tho Board n letter from George a Cochrane of Boston, in relation to the English market, and tho matter was somowhnt discussed but uo ac tlou wns taken. THE CATHEDRAL OF St Paul's London, was rebuilt by Sir Christopher AVren In 37 years, al 81,U00,J expense raided by a duty on coal, liaising funds by special atsnsmout is a speedy way, If ynu can raise the small sum necessary to a cao or bottle of the fl. l). Taylor liourbounud Ko Whiskey, you will find It worth its weight in gold to oii, for coughs, weak lungs and colds. It Is pure and strong, thening. and Ik bottled by CHESTER II. (SRAA'ESiV sfONb, Boston, and -o:d and In dorsed by the leading Druggists and Grocers, VERMONT MASONS. Annual Meotlni: of the Grand llodle in 'J his City. The 10th annual session of A'orm ont couu ell of deliberation was held at tho head. itiartersof tho rltoon Monday, Juno 0,1890, nt 7:30 o'clock p.m. Tho council wns opened in full form nt tlio hour nnmed by 111. corgo O. Tyler, .'13', dfpiltyof tho supremo council and ex-ofllclo M. I. comuinndor-m- hlef. After tho invocation by tho grund prior tho grand secretary cnlled tho roll of dicers nnd nearly tho entire list were found present. Tho records of tho last sosion woro approved without reading. Com munications wero received from sevoral ab sent companions expressing regret for un avoidable absence. Tho illustrious com- mandor-Iu-chiof then delivered his annual address. Tho reports of tho committees on oondition of tho rito, showing a prosperous condition of tho bodies in this district nnd fter tho usual routluu business tho council proceeded to the election ot ofllccrs, with the following: Alfred A. Hall. 32d decree, first lieutenant commander. Robert .1. w right, 3-' degree, second lieuten nnt commander. EUhu B. Tuft. 32d doereo. minister of stato. G. O. Ilev. Frederick S. Fisher. 33d decree, arand prior. James E. Currnn, 321 degree, grand chan- cellor. Charles Av. AS hltcomb. Hiil decree, crand treasurer. arren G. Reynolds, 33d degree, grand sec retary. Russell T. Johnson. 3M dozroo. grand engl. Eineer and nrchitert. .loan 11. Humphreys, 3-d decree, grand hos pitaler. Daniel C Barber. 32d decrroc. crand master of ceremonies. Silas . Cummings. 33d dogrte. crand stand. aril bearer. Dan el rs. Nicholson. 32d decree, grand catv tain of the guard. ucorgo li. neiman, a degree, grand sen tinel. The officers elected wero then duly in stalled in their respective stations by 111. Brother Georgo O. Tyler, 33, commander n-chief, assisted by III. Rrothor Daniel A- Barber as grand master of ceremonies. The council was then closed in ampin form. Tho 48th annual conclave of tho grand commaudery of A'ermont was hold in thn asylum of Burlington commandery on Tuesday, Juno 10, 1890, nnd opened nt 10 o'clock n. m., R. E. Sir AV. F. Lewis pre siding. After the usunl oponiug letters wero read from absent Sir Knights, nnd resolutions of sympathy wore adopted and sent to Sir F. H. Buscom. Tho grand com mander then read his annual address, whicu was referred, with other reports of ofilcors, to the usual committees. Among the items of interest was tho report of tho financg committeo, showing tha body to possesj about 1000 after all bills were paid. thanks wero volod the ruilroads fof courtesies extended, nnd to Burlington com mandery for the use of their asylum. Tho election of officers resulted as tel. o ws : R. E. AVill F. Lewis, grand commander. A', i:. Kittredso Raskins, denutv giand ecsa mnndcr. 1.. Mnrh O. Perkins, grand goni'rnlisslrao. K. (jeorgii AV. .'(mile-, grand captain general. L. and Key. AVilliutu li. Walker, grand pre late. h, Robert .1. right, grand senior warden. E. Frank N. Mauchesier. grand mnior war den. L. rratiK H. Ilaenm. grand treasurer. E. Warren (i. Renolds, grand rt-ct.rder. E. Charles H. Ronton, grand standard bearer. K. .1. A. N. llllams, grand sword bearer. K. Silas V Cummmgs, grand warden. E. O. W. Orcutt, grand uiplam nt' the gutrd. Tho grand commandery then closed in ample form. lhe Grand Council of Royal and t-olecj Masters luf Vermont was cuhad to or,br nt Oo'clock p.m., by Henry li Rjss, M. I.V- M. Tho grand recorder called the roll of olll. cers, and after the reception of grand rep resentatives the grand muster delivered his auminl address. Owing to tin' crowded condition of our columns this morning publication of tho lino address is nocessaj-ilj omitted. After the reports of committees the elec tion of ofllccrs for the ensuing year n! proceeded with and tha following officers elected: Orrln W. Orcutt, i-t. Jonh-bury, M. I. grar J mnster. lMuinO.IIibb.ird, AVest Randolph, deputj grand master. .Myron J. Horton, Poultney, grand P. C. ni wort. Charles II. Hcaton, Montpeller, grand treas ure r. Warren G. Reynolds Burlington, grand re corder. .lames E Curran, Montpeller, grand C. of O, .1. H Jones, Bradford, gland conductor. Tho grand master elect announced tha following appointment,: Rev, Frederick S. Fisher, grand chaplain. J. C. Hawson, Island Pond. ratm leeturtr, J. S. Nile. Benian -ton. -rand marshal. II. '. Ilumpurev, hurumjton, frauds cward. (icor'o F. Moisi;, Hnrlir.,-ton. -rand sentinel. The mot illustrious grand master then installed tho olllcers elect, and due procla mntion was mado of the same. Tho M. AV. grand lodge of F. and A. M. of the State of Vermont convened in annual session in tho hall of Burlington lodgo AV ed nesday ut 10 o'clock a. m. A constitutional number of ofllccrs and membora being in at tendanco tho grand lodgo was opened in ample form with prayer by tho grand chap lain, Rov. Edwin Wheelock of Cnmbridg., und with music by tho How ard Opera Housi orchestra. Tho boat rido on tho Reindeer to Provi dence Islund aud other points through tha courtesy of Rurlingtou lodge was enjoya.l by nbout 500 Masous and their ladiss, nnd was heartily enjoyed by nil. Music was furnished by tha Howard Opera Homo orchestra. WILUSTON. Tha Chnmplnin association of Universa lis will hold its annual session AVodnesday aud Thursday, June IS und 19 in th church. A npmber of prominent clergy men are otpocted to be present. A portion of tho session is to bo de . oted to Sunday school interests. POWiEK Absolutely Pure. Absolutely ure. A cream of tartar nuking powder, of all In leavening strength. U, S, Hlchest Uui'cni mou ffrnuri, .luy. li, ii, For talfl in BurHnftoo by br4uM1oA , 11a(,1 Kllllp. Flynn nrWr, Hiru VSr1iln. OTAv 1p Perry, Hull A l'n . fcpauldlng, Kimball, x Co., llros. und vtbvr lending 0mirs,