Newspaper Page Text
TUE BURLINGTON FREE PRESS: THURSDAY, APRIL 7. 18512 IDENTIFIED AT LAST. SHERIFF SMITH'S SLAYER AND ARTHUR THE SAME. MC- roltonlnc nt rortlnnil Jlystory llounvil Inc John I. Wntiioii, Found Dead nt Kockland Clovoland nt Providence I'lra it tho Capo Other Now England 'eni of lutorost. Dovtcr, N. H., Apiil 4, Wanted for murden John Arthur Simpson, iitias Geornj Simpson, alias Goorjre A.Stillwell, formerly of Ji'rederioton, N. H., once a Bap tist mlniater, later n liurRlnr, horse thief, iuceudinry, fortjer, bluniuiRt and llually a murderer. This individual to desired becnusn his picture had been identified as representing tho feature. of Julius McArthur, who killed Deputy Slierift Charles II. Hatch of New Hampshire Jluy f, lb91, while resist ing arrebt lor stealing n horse aud who escaptd from tho rotary jail ot this city Jul 17, 1891. So tangible clew to SI -Arthur's where abouts has ever been discovered. The murderer hneucrcs'iliilly eluded the olli cers of Sttatlord county, Ilostou and New York in their attempts to capture him, nod np to a month or so ago he was fortu nate in not having his identity known to Ukko who wanted to arrest him. Now, however, he has been recognized as a daring oijook, who started in life, at his majority, as a Baptist minister, and who, a month before the murder, had rounded off a portion ot his career by finishinir a second sentence in the stnto prison of Mas Fachnnetts, to any nothing of previous numerous terms in penal institutions of other states. Tho indictment found against Jnlius McArthur by the rnnd jury of Strafford county reads: "murder in the first de cree," aud a from that body is held by Sheriff William S. Hayes of Mad bury. Chief Inspector Coulter of Boston has had Inspector Gcn-aughty looking for the man, and Chief Inspector Byrnes of New York lias also been on the watcii for him. Hut Simpson hasn't been caught. He was in Boston, in court, about six weeks nao, when his fotmer pal, Kitene Graves, alias Dr. Maximillian K. A. La Toss, was sen tenced to twenty-live years' imprisonment for a criminal operation, but since then Simpson has kept away from tho city, and is now supposed to be out west. The murderer doesn't know that his identity has been established. Ho very likely received word some months ai;o that tins stale of Xew Hampshire will pay SHOO for the arrest of Julius 11. Mc Arthur, but probably ho hasn't been told that the same sum will be paid to tho man who nave McArthnr a knife to use as a wedjje to open the ceil door. WHO WAS JOHN 0. WATSON Fount! Drat nt Itncklnnd tIo. Said to Have Upon Encaged to n Woman in Ludlow, Vt. PORTLAND, Me., April 4. Mystery sur rounos the death of John I). Watson, who died at the Thorndiko Hotel, liockland, Inst Thursday nii;lit, of pleuro-pneumonia. Watson, if that was his name, had boarded nt the Preble House in this city for live months aud was a commercial traveler, representing Austin, Nichols & Co., Sew York. He had an office with J. 10. Stringer, Commercial street, in this city. He had no relatives here, and his room at the Preble House contained only a few per sonal effects, and nothing that would in dicate who he was or from whence lie came. He wore a Grand Army button, and the undertaker at Uackland found four or five scars of what hud been severe wounds on the body. The clerk at the Preble House said Wat son received very little mail, and what ho ilid receive was apparently from a woman in Ludlow, Vt., to whom it wa? under stood Watson was engaged. Watson drew a heavy pension from tho povernment, ami, it is said, as a brigadier general, but the pension rolls fall to bring to light any such name. FOUR PERSONS POISONED. Hystericus Case of Mrs. Fnvtmi' 1'iinilly al Portland, Me. Pop.tlan-d, Me., April 4. A mysterious cau of wholesale poisoning occurred in this city Kridav night, which came near costing four people their lives, and which may possibly terminate fatally for one of them yet. Friday night Mrs. Foxton, Mrs. Alico Bowman, Maggio Gill and Miss Lucy Crowley were taken violently ill. Dr. T. I). Sullivan found the two older women in n very critical condition and apparently suffering from arsenical poisoning. He applied tho proper remedies and after sev eral calls pronounced the family out of danger, although Mrs. Bowman Is seri ously 111. Tbe family had partaken ot oysters tried in batter, and they concluded they inut have been poisoned either by the oysters being old or having become im piegnated with poKon ftom the can. The physician suyu the family undoubtedly :sme very near death's door from arsen ical poisoning. It might possibly come from the oysters, but he evidently did not believe that it did. The oysters that wero left have been sent to Prof. Kobinsou of Bowdoin college for an analysis. Three Person Itltlm by a Mud Dos, Flrmisgtok, N. J., April 4. A large Newfoundland dog belonging to Abnut Aber ot Middle Valley went mad Fiiday. He hud to be chained, bat succeeded in breaking hit. fastening and escaped. He attacked Mr. Aber and bit him seveiely ou the hand. Josie Knoll, an 8-year-old girl, and Michael L'pps weie also bitten. The animal bit several other dogs, all ol whioh were killed. Ho continued ids wild run until be was shot. The dog gave every evidenoe of rabies. Charjre of Gouiplruey. FrtAMKt'OKT, April 4. The Zeitung says that a itusso-Bulgar conspiracy has been organized in Odessa, with branches in Constantinople and Belgrade, supported by money paid by the Bulgarian govern ment to defray tha cost of tho Russian occupation, and that tho Russian govern ment is cognizant of a settled plan to over throw the Stambulott' government in Bul garia. Wuen you uro troubled with diz.lnos, your appetltn all wi, anil )nu feel had generally lake u fewdosesof Dr. Honery llnxtnr'a .Man drake Hitter and jou wlll he fiurnrlod nt the Improvement in your ftelingi. Kvery bot tle warranted toglvo satisfaction. f-ald a noted man of CO years, "my mother bhVo nie Downs- r.imr ror coughs auu conn when l whs a uoy. Ill Ami eumatiem Is quickly 5a 6i OU Liniment. cured. by using AROUND THE STATE. At tho HusnrTeatlneStutlon About 50, 000 1'iiUniU Itnpreaentad Thin fnr. MoxTPBMEIt, April 3. Up to last even ing 417 snmplos had been received at tho government nuplo sugar testing station, about four-fifths being from Vermont mak ers, and the wholo representing about BO, 000 pounds. Tho highest tisted sample yot, 1)1 nnd a fraction, oauio from Fairfax. Only two samples hare yet tested below 80. WnalilnBtnn County Court. Mo.NTi'Kunn, April 3. In the case of Statu vs. Albeit O. Lcvnuway, charged with assault with intent to kill, the jury were out about throe hours yesterday for noon and roturnod a verdict ot guilty of ns saultand battery. Keccss from yesterday noon until 2 p. m. Monday. Vordlrt Amnion! the Central Vormont. Bkllows Falls, April 8. In Rutland Court S.tttirduy, in tho caso of Hos klskon vs. the Central Vermont railroad for burning tho plniti'ltl's farm buildings near Summit station hi 18S9, by sparks from a locomotlvo, a verdict was roturned against tho railroad for $i),'GH. oiv Opera llouiu for N'oirpurt. Newi'ort, April 0. Ellsha Lnne will build a !jvi5,00 opera house as soon as tho ground Is thawed. Tho building will be of brick, practically fire proof and lorated on Mam street in what is now Band Stand Tark. The lower stories will be finished for stores and olllcos. A Young Lauyrr ot White Klvur Junc tion Die Alone. Wuitc Piivsn Ji ntho.n', sMarch 30. John J. Slmondi-, a rising young lawyer here, was found dead in his ofUco last night, evidently having died of apoplexy or heart disease. He win last teen altvo Monday fvening, when ho lolt the hotel to retire. He had made an appointment with his bro thers nnd sisters for yesterday at the old homestead, two miles from hero, wlmn the home farm of his deceased parents was to hnvo been dooded to his two brothers. His non-appearance excited suspicion and a search revealed his dead body. IUitlnnd's Village Moating, Rutland, March 30. Rutland's village meeting was held to-duy. N. A. Ualley was elected president of tho board of trus tees and $5950 uas voted to the tire depart ment, A goneral tax of 35 cents and four cents for improvement of parks was also voted. ISiid Acoldent at South Londonderry. BrtATTLKiiono, 3Iarch SO. A four-year-old daughter of W. It, Aldrieh of South Londonderry had her loft foot and cnklo horribly crushed to day, between a shutt coupling nnd a Kill at Aldrich's shop. Uho limb was aniputatod bolow theknoe, l.uckj- DUcuvorr of u Washout. St. Ai.iians April 4. The high water of tho Missisquoi river cut out a part of tho Central Vermont railroad track near tho Sheldon fair giound this morning. It was discovered by a track walker in time to prevent tho ditching of tho next train. Prompt ropoirs nero made and only two trains wero delayed. Carriage roads near Ulcbiord are largely under water. RUTLAND'S LIQUOR CRUSADE. Tho Tonally Tor l'lrit Ofi'onces Incroiiieil I'liio ol ltlu. Judgo Ross, who is presiding at the County Court in Rutland, is after ttio liquor dealers very thnrp. In disposing of a lot ot casos in which pleas of guilty hud been made, ho said tliat tho courts proposed to increase tho penalty for first offence", aud If that did not stop tho business, tlien im prisonment would have to be rosorted to. The linos wero fixed at l?30 for each first of fence, and the llensoa, aggregating 102 first offence, three for nuisance, and one for be ing a common sollor, amounted in fines to 3,430, besides costs, which probably neorly equalled that sum. DYNAMITERS IN MADRID. A rruuchiuan Attempts to Destroy tho 1'ai-llument Mulldlng. Madrid April 4. This polico this nfter noon arrebtod a Frenchman hs ho was en tering a back door of tho Parliament build ings. heu arrested he tried to throw down a bundle but was prevented. The bundle was found to contain a dyiinmito bomb with a fuo roady lor lightning. Ha said ho hud placed a similar bomb in the lobby entrance but evidently the fuse had gouo out. An examination of tho lobby resulted in tho discovery of tho bomb behind a pillar. Kach bomb contained about six pounds of dynamite, enough to make un anarcnistic proclamation, Tho prUoner refused to give any account of himself further than to say that he has not boon in Paris recently. Ho is a strang er here. FUNERAL OF WALT WHITMAN. Many lY-opln Well Known In Literary ;uclt)H in Attendance. Camdex, X. J., March 30. The romalns of Walt Whitman, tlio poet, wero interred this atternoou in his tomb nt llarleigh ceme tery niter imprtsiive funeral services which were well uttended by a largo throng of people including, many well known in literary circles. The casket of plain quar tered oak was almost hidden beneath lloral tributes. ANNE HATHAWAY'S BIRTHPLACE l'urchasrd to Krpp It Out of tho Unuds of World's fall- Spi-rulators. Loxdox, Mnrch 31. A dospoteh from Strntford-upou-Avon btates tbut tbu Hhalie spenre birthplace trustees have agreed to purchase Anne llathaway's cuttaio for JL'oOOO. This action is taken to chuck tbo offers of Americuu bidders. Two of tho largest bid have come from Americans who nro anxious to transport i.ue cottago to Chi cago. Illg Mi ll ou tint .UIxnUilppI, St. Louis, Mo,, March 81, Too throat onod river strike i, on and over 200,000 nogro laborers nro idU on tho leveo. Four steamers arrived last night uud are uiiablo to laud their cargoes. A number of boats are lying at their docks waiting to bo load ed. Tbj cause of tbo strike is a demand by tho marine firemen that tho union scale of wages be paid, and none but utiion men be employed on tbe boats, lttiln I'ustpanos tho Game, BALTW'HtK, March 31, Rain to-dny mado necessary tho postponement of the baso ball gamu betweon tho University of Vermont and Johns Hopkins uiilvorslly, "' The Womlortttl hili-diko Of Hood's Karsaparilla as a blood purifier en titles it to your eoiilldenee. ;Nootlier prcparn tlouhas such a record of curosnf Sernful i, Halt itlieum. I lluoii 1'oUoniuiC, or other bid. id ills er."t!i, Ti'tiy It is to know iu morit. Bo turo to get Hood's bnrimpnrillA. For a general family cathartic wo confidently roceomniend Hood's Pills. They should be in every home medicine chest. WHO OWNS BERING SEA ? THE FIVE QUESTIONS TO BE DE CIDED BY THE ARBITRATORS. iV Vorinonter nt AVonhlnulon Assisting In tho Preparation of Evidenoe No More Canadian Seniors to bo Allowod to Clour from tho Port of Victoria, Washington. March 30. Dr. II. II. Mclntyre ot West Randolph Is here to assist In the preparation of uvldouco to bo used in the proposed arbitration of tue llering sea question. Br. Mclntyre's evidence is based on his personal experlenco as superintend ent of tho seal fisheries while tho lease of the Seal islands was held by the Alaska Com mercial company from 1870 to 18'JO. Sovcinl other gentlemen who wero asso ciated with Dr. Mclntyro during that por- iod will bo here during the week for tho same purpose. Dr. Jlelntyro has prepared a list of ques tions, to which others may bo added cover ing tho points on which ovldenco is desirod. Theso questions, with tho ovidence itself, will bo submitted to tho state department and then turned over to tho solicitor for tho United States who will rppoar before the board of arbitrators. This board will be com posed as follows: Two will be named by tho president of the Unitod Statos, two by the queen of England, one by the president ot I' ranee, one br tho king of Italy and ono by the king of Sweden and Norway. The arbitrators aro to decide upon five points as follows: 1. What wero Russia's rights In tho seal fisherlos In Boring sea, prior to tho cosslon of Aluska to the United Statos ? 2, How far wro that country's claims ot jurisdiction conceded by Great Britain f 3. Was Boring sea included in thephraso "Pacific ocean" as used in tho treaty of 1820 between Great Britain and Russia; and what rights, if any, in Bering sea were exercised by Russia after that treaty ? 4. Bid not all tho rights of Rusiia as to jurisdiction and ns to tbe teal fisheries in Bering sea, east of tho water boundary, pass to tho United States under tho treaty with Russia 5. Has tho United Statos any right, and If so, what right of protection or property in the fur seals on tho islands of the United Statos in Bering sen, when euch soals are found outside tha ordinary three-mile limit? SEALERS CAN'T GO TO BERING SEA, Collootor of Custom Uidnred to Forbid Clearanrtn Jrom Victoria, It, C. Ottawa, Out., Mnreh 30. The collector of customs at Victoria, 13. C, has been no tified by telegraph from here not to allow ony moro clearances to vessels goiug to Bering sea. This is taken as an indication that nn ngroemont has been reached between Li.rd Salisbury and Mr. Illaino for the revi vol ot the sealing modus vlvondl. A WANDERER'S RETURN. Met'nt tho Door bv nn Acod Mother Attor un Absence of :'Z Tear. Middldtow.v, Conn., April 4. Edward Blmoek left Middletown 32 yoars ago, and had never been beard from since. Ho bad lou2 been supposed to bo dead. He returned to his old homo this morning from California, where ho has been many yenrs prospering. His aged mother an swered bis knock at the door and was over come with joy at the return other son. His father Is dead. Two sisters, now mar ried, wero horn since ho left and he has never seen thorn. A LIGHT SENTENCE. Lady Montagu Cti I'S Months for Killing Her Chllil. Driu.ix, April 4. The trial of Annie Margaret Montagu, for manslaughter ot her tlireo-yoar-old child, commenced to-dny. She pleaded not guilty. Tho jury brought in a verdict of guilty, aud tbo judgo sen tenced her to l'J mouths' imprisonment. Pitid Up an Imlvhtmllioiia of 18, 0(10. Watkhhi uv, April 4. At a third meet ing of tho creditors of John C. Griggs, in solvent debtor, a dividend of 2o pjr cent was paid. Seventy-five per oent had been paid before, making a full payment ot. 100 percent on f-18, 000 Indebtedness. For a disordered Liver try Bixcium's PiM.k. r ii;:s:i:ai, ta eiij- mux s:. Ixl lQlO Originated ir an Old Family Physician. Tl-i i i- Of 1 In usn for mom tlmn Klclity I nlllK Jl II. Year., Mil Mill U-ailK. (Sent ratio afl'T licnerutiun have used and M('tut It. Kery TimtUr should Imo a buttle In his tatdirL Every Sufferer aa.1u,S3,i NVrvous lleail.irh", liIrthcrln,t-oiifli(Catrrrli, hron ulillis AbthniM, t'liiiti-ra-.Morbus, bifiirliurn, Laiucui ss, hireae-rf la U'lyor Llitibh. tuut Jnlntn n.- htrulni. will Hud in this old Auod in, rellof and fptcilv cure, r- ffl U Nuiuld have Jolinson'e CVe V PiOther AiiHlnHJnlinentlnllio lumso fur Croup, Colds, S'iro Ttirn-it, Tonsllltls. Colte, Outs, Urals's, Cramim and I'ulir. liable to occur In liny liuallv without nt tlcc. Ixdms may cost a life. J'.fUpves all Summer ConililnmtH lik,i maiile. I'rh-c, .11 i. post natch r. i.t. ties, d-i. LJtpi es-spaid, I. S. Juluaua A. Co., tlostn,llaos. Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOliS NOT. HORSE GOSSIP. Motes About Home of the World Honown- od Flyers anil lli lmra. Steele Bros, of Snndguto havo sold their young stallion, Henry C, jr., to Wnrron Colo & Sou of Aillugton, who intended to keep him. This colt was foaled May 4, 188'J. stauds 10. U hands, weighs 1000 pound', bis slro the fast pucer, Henry C owned In Balom, ho by Hen Franklin. Hen ry C. has trotted several tlniej nt tho Man chostor fairs. Henry C, jr., is a puro galtcd trotter and shows great speed. A race has been nrrnnuoa bolween Bel- march, 2:111, and Nelson, 2:10, to bo trot ted at Bloomington, 111., next September If Nelson is uot barred from trotting on tha American association tracks beforo that time. Br. Mooro of Rupert has a black stallion colt grandson of Alcantara, 2:23, that Is 11 months old, 14 hands high, and will weigh over 700 pounds; shows a big open gait. His dam's slro was a graudsou of Vermont Black Hawk. tVbout 70 nominations for tbo summer mooting of the Burlington Driving club have already been received, which is almost uu prosedeutod at this timo in tbo season and beyond tho most tanguino expectations of the management. In accommodate a lareo class of horses, tho club will add two now purses of 200 for four-year-old3 and ono of J300 for 2:35 class. Tho Swnnton Courier says that J. M. Bill, jr. of Franklin owns a woll bred son of Administer Wilkes (1308) nnd Vandenburgh 17627. Beuutiful brown, no white, stands 104 hands, foalod May 2, lbSi). Ho carries himself woll up and is a puro gaited trotter being from a producing dam Flora (Ilnttio li.) I ho dam ot Corona trotting record 2:211 by States Rights, son ot Victor 037, by Cassias M. Clay, 2d dam; Jin by Wood oiiuck, by Flying Morgau. Flora Is a trot tor hersoif having a record ot 2:10 with no extia clianco. Vandenburgh is not only good individually but is bred in proper lines being from u produciug dam and having tho Wilkes Clay cross so much sought after and being sired by Administer Wilkes, race rec ord 2:30. The purses for tho summer meeting of tbo Burlington Driving club are filling well aud the outlook promises a big field of starters in every class. A mark of 2:10 is what Ed. Goers sug gests as probable for Humlin aud (Hobo to polo, both of which are considerably inbrod to tbo Vermont Black Hawk strain, says tho American Horse Breeder. Nearly al! tbe living roeurd-brcakors to polo trace through sire or dam to that famous sou of Sherman Morgan, H. B. Wluship, 2:00, to pole with ruuniug mate has nevor bieu equalled, and he is strongly Inbred to Ver mont Black Hawk to both sire aud dam. Belle Hamlin and Justina, 2.13 to pole, both havo tho Vermont Black Hawk cross. The same Is true ot Belle Humlin, Ju.'tina and Globe, tho only three that havo ever trottod abreast In 2:1 1. Tho pacing record with running mute, 2:01, is bald by Westmout, whose dam was by Cottrlll Morgan, known as Peek's Black Hawk, sou of Vermont Black Hawk. This goes to prove that tho trotting instiuct is stronger ia tho Vermont Black Hawk family than in any other trot ting family yet produced. Every body who knew Ethan Allen, 2:J01, Lancet and othor dependents of Black Huwk will admit that this famous son ot Sherman Morgan trans mitted the most perfect trotting action that has ever boon found. As tbe years roll by and prejudice dies away, tho propularlty of tbo Vermont Black Hawit cross will in cioaso, particularly among such bnrsumen as appreciate first cluts gentlemen's road sters. E. F. Brownell of this city has sold a ono balf interest lu his stnliion Alcander, 2:2!iJ, to L. C. Bass of Boston for 3000 with ttie specifications that the horso shall be kopt and managed by Mr. Biownell. Alcander lias proven superior to any othor son of Alcantara as a sire. A three-year-old trot ter, Aunacandor, by him, niado a record of 2:2SJ last season, aud a two-yoar-old pucer, Prince Alcander, got a mark of 2:27. Mr. Brownell sold tho latter a short time siuoo for 1300 cash Tbe sale of tho stallion Is not yot fully consummated but piobably will bo. STATE'S PRISON FOR PERJURY. Thomas llakisr Kscorteil There SI nto's Attorney Ciishtoun Hits Throo Mich Convictions to Ills Crodlt. Thomas Baker of Kssex was escorted to State's 1'rlson at Wiudsor Saturday by Shorilf Roevos. His sentence wastwoyoars at hard labor. Tbo respondent was convictoJ ot porjury at the t-'eptcmber, le'Ul, term of County Court committed in malting his disclosure after being convicted of intorlcatiou, beforo J. W. Russell, os(j, , of this city at Kssex in January, lbUl. The indiotmeut fol lowed the third form prescribed by net No. 29, 1610, eutitled "an act to simplify indictments for perjury" which form Is applicablo for perjury committed before a person or persons or before a board consisting ot moro than one person author ized by law to examine uuy person under oath concerning any matter. Tho respond ent claimed that tbo indictment should havo been drawn according to tbe first form, is npplicablo to perjury committed iu a pro ceeding before a court or tribunal between different parties. The Supreme Court, Judge Taft, rendering tbo opinion, decided that tbe third form was the appropriate ono nnd affirmed tbo judginont of the lower court. State's Attoruoy J, K. Cushmau aud V, L. Burnap appeared lor tho Stato nnd 1). J. Tester lor the respondent. Kx-Uov. Ihlllngham iu bis last message to the I.ojislature expressed tho opinion that tbcro would have to be some convic tions for perjury beforo tbo liquor laws would bo mado ellectivo. It might bo said that State's Attorney J. K. Cusbman has convicted three persons of perjury iu tills, bis first term of otllco. "THE ALMY CASE." IVars That tho Murderer of Christie tVaruen May Kscnpu tho (.allows. Co.Ncrmi), N. II., March 30. Tbo Moni tor to-uUlit has a double-loaded editorial ejtitled "Tbo Aluiy Case," of which the lollowhig Is tho concluding paragraph; "Ho bus not boon sentenced according to duo process of law, as provided by tho 14th amendment of tho constitution of tho I'ulted States. Tho Supremo Court of tbo L lilted States will set Almy free on a habeas cor pus If tbo Stato does not. There should uot bo a week's delay ill resentencing Almy." Itoston llotf'l lluriied. HosroN, March 30. Clark's hotel was badly gi.ttod by tiro early thl morning. The guests had many narrow escapes, Threo wore injured wbllo climbing down ropes from tbo upper storios. .sweet and balmy "ImnlKr nmtnd for tho llt lle ones .,iillerina ith cnuulis and c oins, hy tbo ii-p uf Dr. Hull's Couth Syrup. I'ri'e i'i rent n liottti,. I ho had occasion to try Silvatluu Oil in III 11,111,1? IILIl......'- , ,Vtl HI . . , J in 't y lam nice u i-iiu h 'i a pet u.a'ient r'lr . I .ib.u tried b on my chid nuIIi-i-ihk v,tii tt I kinullied baelsWitli like buccess. I takolplea. in u In reeoinineudlni: It to all. 1'. y, t,Vtello. X'l l'art Ave. llallo. Md. v AND GOTHAM WENT DRY. CLOSED SALOONS AND UNMOIST ENED THROATS IN NEW YORK. A Sunday Such ns tho MrttopolU Had N'over Keen iteforo l'ol.ce .Made lint l'ew Arrests Uiiunr Men Attempting to Create u lleaetlon hy a Uulvorisnl Closing of Jlitr. Nr.W YoltK, April 3. It was difficult to day to find a saloon in this city to which ndmlttnnuo could bo gained. The fow that did admit customers through aldo doors or rear entrances had " look outs" stationed outsido, and no ono who was uot woll known could get in. Tbo most frequented plncos down town were closed tight, and men might bo seen singly and in groups going from saloon to saloon In vain search for a drink. Jt was piobably tho dryest Sunday New York has over seen. Slost ot tho hotel bars wero closod, but In tomo ot them drinks wore served with crackors and cbeeso at tables. Br. l'arkhurst's agents wero out in forno as usual, but It is doubtful if thoy s-ecured much evidence. There was n larger number thnu usual of policemen in citizen's clothes going from saloon to saloon, but thoy weio ablo to mako but tow nrrests. Ono down-town tnloon keeper, whoso place had uot been closod, beforo for years, said! "Our closing to-day is not due to tho notion of tbo police. It is a concerted plan in a great measure and it tbo public can stand it, wo con. Br. Paikhurst, I believe, will fine out that tho peop'.o know hotter whnt they want than ho does, and if tho p.'ople go dry a few fc-utiduys I think that such a bowl will arise ns will result In somo satisfactory law permitting us to keep open during certain bonis Sunday." otwilbstauding this, it is snid that tho general closing of tho saloons nt It! o'clock last night nnd during to-dny is duo to tue fact that tho police notified the saloou keep ers that they must close. Rev. Br. l'arkburst In his sermon to-day mado no reference to tho municipal reforms be has attempted. " WORTH A GjmXTCA A 30F. ' ? ? PATHLESS. TITTEfiTTT AT,. 2 a o A 0 B!S ORDERS., Such as Sask Heaths, I Weak Stomach, ? impaired Bsgesfion, ? s Dissrdereil Live?, efc.s 5 Of all druijffists. Price 2S cents a bu., utch Process No Alkalies OH Other Chemicals J jirepitration of Balm1 & Co.'s which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more eeonomicol, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and r.Asar DlC.KSTi:!). Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass. Doctors disagree. They have to. There are differ ences of opinion among the best ; there will be so long as knowledge is incomplete. But there is one subject on which all physicians are completely in accord, and that is the value of cod-liver oil in consumption and scro fula, and many other condi tions in which the loss of fat is involved. And cod-liver oil has its greatest usefulness in Scott's Emulsion. There is an interesting book on the subject; sent free. Scott & Bowne, Chemists, i33South 5th Avrnue, New Yort, Your druggiu kpeps Scott's EmuUlon of cod-ltvcr oil all drugisu everywhere do, $1. 5" C. ire 0 .ill. - i-.'r-i-i. ' 1 u.iy 1 1...-. SAMPLE VRXB. SIEPHEH L. BAHTIETT, Importer, lioaton, Maw. ron ATA, iiNERVOUS Unlike the 0 1 1 w. Cocoa, No Need for Excessive Expectoration. Ask for L Tobaccos. First Quality Leaf Honestly Manafactnrefl. It Remains the Standard Chew. Stationery i We carry a full line of these goods and can do our share to make you happy. Call and see us before or dering your invitatious or an nouncements. Fiss Press Association.. Baby Carriages, in Great Variety at Low Prices. Furniture of all Mods. 0E0. 1 HALL, Burlington, Vt. WHITNEY X SHANLEY. Succe8ors to b. lirXTINOTON & CO., deIre correspondence In resrard to .lk'rcantilc Printing, IJindiiit; ami lilanl; Books toor dt'r, liiiijraviiii; and Jathou:niili .Vorli, 0i!lc(.' Stationery. Samples and Estimates furnished free. liurlimjton, - Vermont. Until further notlco our store will bo elosed oveuin;!1, e.teeptins Jlondajs and Salurdaye. Steel Pens. AH tlio "Woll Known 15raiuli. Double Elastic. Extra Vine Poiutd. San Quill for Commercial use. Lawyers' Stubs. I'ostlue; I'ens. Extra Tine Stubs. Wholesale nnd Ketall. Hurllnutou, Vermont, The Lates in Fine Writing Papers CIS AXE'S UOYAL mil'LE. (letnvp and f'nmiiirrolnl r,!is fur l.adlfs. I'aekot sio for (i ntlonu'li. "U'o earry In sleek over four bun dled stjlos of Vine I'npis for eorrespondenre. Whitney &, Shan ley, HookssidleiB, StAtionera, Printers and lliu.lelr. llurllngton, .... Vermont, Wedding 11- 1 on rviflh to aiivjrti-n ."tv'imu 11. liny limn wi-ilo to lli:o. I'. i.OV.'Sl.l. Ai L()., No. l'l Hprnrw HI., v, lfor. l!ll,iS.tvf I'.UY one 111 :.i cd t itttora.ation ou tli4 IJ fubjeot ut .iilvei tlni-ix v.i1! do tr to nb tninn copy of '"ioolt for AdVert!rr,,'W1 pofei I rioe one dollar, dialled, 0Ktan-ti p.iid, oti ri telpt of pri"e. Contain" a oandul eonpllatlou from the AmerlcHii NewpHp-r IJiicutory of all llie best naper-i and claM jo i.-nalii, lve thu ilroulatlon ratlim of every one. ind a koo.1 deal of Information about ratea and ler? pertnlnlni: lo tb busiiu-sj, of advertising. Address HOWKU.'.S A DVKftriMNU fV ltnAl', 10 Spruce HI., Now York. 2ll,dwly li'Oll SA'IjB One nnd two year eld aijiari'. JL i:ui roots. Hi and &t contn per hundrixl, U. C. Uro'.vn, hhelbuilie road, feouth IbirlltiRton. 8-i d,0t, wSt rANTr,t)--.'-'alei!ati. Snmry andexpeni,e: II good opening;, llrovra Bros Cr nursery men, Koehciiter, N. Y. !J35.)liwkj4in VtTANTni) FALr.SMAN" Falary from start.,' 11 l'ernianent place. llrrnvn liroR. Co., Ntirserymon, Rochcitor, Jf. Y. 1 m,viti,1m Piles - Piles. LADY POOR' OINTMENT. It Is a wonderful Soi.thlr.,1 and Ucu iiuj pre. paralton, madi from 'nr. tiruct Hum, Hal .siiiHssstid Hi tract?, which aro found on ths rugged Mile and 111 tbo deep forests of tho WHITE MOUNTAINS. An tliH Oiiil'iiont eoat ilua no mlnoral r.r veetnblo pfuson It ean be us -d on thf most Do mil.' If you havo ,no, Silt IDifMH or any .SVilu Oisi'itie.yod will i;ot relief froi;i one application of Lsidv JoorN liittiit, for k tvmtlw, llidh alio 1,'urtt U'd IT!' or- O an S'Uft, Wounds of all kin Is. .S' u'iN, itii s, ('liapit'' Ilaml and .ips. If SuffcrUm iroi WciiUnu or ( lilii; Mm ono application will relieve you. TIt IT and bo convinced. If not found nt druitrfit5, one box will ba eont postpaid on tho receipt of price, 3 cen.s. by the proprietors. JAMES W. FOSTKIi & CO. Bath, N. U. COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. ESTATE OF OILUEItT ALLEN. Tho undersluned, havinc beon appointed b7 tbo lion. Probate Court lor the District o( 1 1 rand Isb1 commissioner-!, to receive, e-;am!nn and adjust all c'nlina and demands of all per" sons against tbe oetitaul fiilborl Allen, latoof Soutli Hero, In said district, deceased, atnt all claims exhibited In ollset thereto, heroby Kivo notice that fie will inert for tbo purp-jt a'urusald, at tbe re3idoncu of tlio late Ouberg Allen. Sotltli Hero, on tbo -Ub day of Mny nnd Vith day of August next from !i oVloek a. m. until 4 o'clock p. 111., each of tald day. and tbat six montbs from tbo '7tb day of lebru nry, A. D., IKK, ia the tlmn limited by said Court for said creditors to present their claim to us for examination and allowance. Hated at South Hero thi3 UJd day of JIarch. A. I).. 1S!K. ltUSELL CMUKCHILL, ) Commissioners, 40,w3w Henry II. Urtnkln's Kst.ite. Vo, the subscriber-1, bavins been appointed by the Hunorablo tbo I'robate f'ou-t, for tha Ili'trlct of Chittenden, Commis.'Mouorfi to re reJve, examine and adjust tbe claim and de mands ot all perrons against tho ts tUe of Ilonry 11. ltan!;In, Into of Milton, In said district deo-ased, nnd alu all claims and domands exhibited in ollVt thereto; and six month's from the dny ot tbo date htreof, boin allowed by mid Court for that purpo-e, wo do thereto heroby give notice that wo will attend to tho limitless of our appointment, at the late rusi. deuce of Henry II. itankin, in .Miltou. in said district, on tbo fourth Wednesdays of April and .Inly next, at IU o'clock a. m., on each ol said days. Dated this 10th day of March, 1893. H. A. BltUSII, f Commissioners. 41,woW " I'l eaerrcirSniltk's JCstiito. Ve, the subscribers, having been appointed bv tho Honorable tho Probate Court tor thu Iilslrlet of Chittenden, Couiuiisniomirs to re Ceive. examine Aud adjust thu chiim and de. manda of all persons against tho cstato of rredcrick Suiith, lato ot BurllnKton, In said dUtrlct deceased, and also all claims and de. inands exhibited in olivet then-to; and r.x rqontht. from the dny of thu dato hereof, b .1. allowed by said Court for that purpose, a do th'i-eforo horeby jtivo notice that wo will a' (end to tho business of our appointment, at tho otllce of Henry Orecne, l- College Street, In BnrllnKton. In said district, ou the third Tuesdays of April aud August next, at l'l o'clock a. 111.. on each nt said days. tinted this Jth day of February, ISC. A. G. WHITl'EMOIlrJ, J Commissioner. U),w3w RIB Trt ReniedyFroo.lNSTANTRUIFF. final UB (U V curin lll,ls . Ne-rretui n ii-i.ijree: I lL.8a,l lJO!t,iJVOl noiup,usitory A ML-tiiu t'K it simple care, i.hich ho wil I mat If rto to bin foll'.w suf. (errri. iiljrm J.ll.lll.KMis.lloi Jau,yrw Igrt lit, ,.., We aro in favor of the iiiver Bil and are prepared to com all you will leave with tis, and give in return one hundred cents for every dollar, to bo paid in BoGtsg Sfioea For three silver dollars you can buy Wood's $3.00 Shoe, which is the best in the world for the niony. 3l01IiiSON'S English Liniment FOK MAN OU BKAST roil BXTEKNAb Oil, USE. lrtunss runs. Quarter Crarlir, Mud t'evnr, fsn'rmti.l T n, Kotini-rr. ihcush, -rit-li-s. Unit1" Veft Stu' ' ':ir I) .on.!. Splmti, praui., Kfieu'nioti-uo, Uo-r i-in. ItemoVLrs .,11 Sori'-inss, SoIU'n-ittiu lluj.s.and c.luttii Item 11. i(ruff lu.dthy hiiJ vr m -. 11' UKALS Ml Isor.s, Siosilv C u , Solf BirVs Xr.-lls rnd shou' i.ts -shot llL.1U.111d Ri KafcM, ni-l r.-i'i. vp -i.l iiitliimiaa'iutu INTK11X M.I.Y rrrt'RKS Coughs Coll, Sjr.i ll'roat, lli.tompfr, Urumhl'is, 1'iiia J M. lCnInt-y u.i.l Uuddcr Troubios. EHend f.r riri-ularg uuj to.ilai ini-ds. Vo' r r. 'iMtlj, .t Id..-, b.ittli', fri o. Ki your dru.i i..r or JAMF.SW. FOSTER Al- CO., PHOl'S., liAlll, N. II. Wholesale hy liurliutoa Drus Co., Btirllna. ton, Vt. Easier Cards AND Novelties. Xew Dostens uml Low Prices, Huso Bulls, l-oot Hulls, Har-s. All (jrados "Wrilliig Paper Anil Knvt'lopcs, Hluiilc Jtooks, Tablets, Peneil lJoxos, (,anns. Toys, PftriodieaU. .Uusicitl Instrument itiitl In struction Hooks. SplundM Lino Tigfitip ami Grojio PajKjr, Wlit'clbarrows, Wivcrons, Teloc ipedfls. t-I., W. 1DAVIS, Co Church- Street.