Newspaper Page Text
THE BUHLINGTON FREE PEESS: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2J, 1892. 2 W Vi? CLOAK DE FUR TRIMMED JACKETS. IsTEl-W" ABBIVALS THIS jDY PARTMEM1 r m 27,1171 tri - snv The Franklin, MAY II AY li 13 HEX ROLAND NORTON'S DISAPPEARANCE rsOW LOOKS SUSPICIOUS. Ills Iirutnl Tntlier lln3 SI a-! No IHnvo TnwHril Invent lent Ion Mory ol tliH I ldr Norton1. Woll-Ivnnwn Cruelty l::il lnfjtih'v will b Mmlti. Poutsmoctii, It., Nov. 21. Tlio rosl dent's of Jor h Kittcry very mucb ci citcd over the fctrnngu dioappetirnnco of Ho laml Norton, tb l(i yoars old son of tiaiuu el Norton, who lived within (i short ilUtnuco of tho York lino. Youn; Norton ilianp Ijsnrt'd Sunday, August 3, nnil bilico then no traco of his whereabouts has been lonrred, and vrhct it morn p-ctilliir, no ef fort bun been nuiiiu ou tl.o j-urt ot his father to leain of hi. abiding plan.1. This atrnni;u patunitl indiirerenca, InVou in connection with tho fact that tho fatlior was in the habit of i-ruelly abusing the boy, Lns led tho noiebnon) to tbinls that there has Iwcn foul pluy. A visit to the locality to-day and inter iows with several naar nohhlicr elided tho following facts: Ou lUi fi.ilurdiy pre vious to j ouug Norton's disappearance, liU father was seen to strike hi in nvor tho bend itb an (ii goud threo times, each blow be ing sevuro enough to make tho boy fall to the ground, vhcru he was loft by the in human parent. The boy, buwuvsr, anan fcgutl afterwards to riio ami pi to tbi barn, from which he was sevu to lurid out later in the day and go to the house. Kineo that tlmo his whereabouts rema.n a mystery. Bamual Norton, futhor of tl.o mipsing boy, was audi. Ho talLad f icily nt.oul his Bon's going away, but appear 1 to be ncrvou and ill &t ouac. Whoa ag!t"d if ho ha 1 tauilu any eltorta to aicertaiu the wherenL out of tho boy, ho said ho had tint, as it did nut concern him. Ho said iio thought that tho buy had cno to LLicuo to & o Li mother, but admitted that tl.r lad had no money to take h m ther. According to tha J tinner's statement, whin tho boy eut away ho loft his best clothes, wearing hi. common worlt- inft clothes. Norton until about fivo yenri nc;o lived in Chicago. Thero ho (juarremd with his wife, camo Kast and tool: up his aboJo tit thu old homestead. His ton came about a year iQter, and ids coming was tho commence ment of ill-treiitmont by his father, who made the boy do all sorts of drudgery and caused him to work Sundays us well as week days. Norton is reported as being a very violent man when in the heat of pRsslou and Is held in fear by his neighbors, Bo far no action has been taken toward an investigation by the selectmen of tho town, but a prominent townsman stated lo aay that unless somo move was mado ou their pait tho county attorney would bo ap pealed to to clear up tho matter. RETU iNING TO WORK. IIomeiitatl Mrlltnr rind tho CuriKtffio lIliifL l.lst t' n com fm-t a lily Long, IIoMKbTEAl), Nov. '.'1. Tlio striUe hav ing been oillemlly dodr.rod oil', a grand luib nm made this uioiuing by the strlki to got back to work. As early n (i o'clock tha rush began and it kept tho police busy handling tin- crowd. Uy !) o'clock thu rush was over but they continued to go in twos and throes aud this will doubtlossba kept up for some days. A large number were turnnd nwny, some with good proipeots of securing their old positions in the near future, while many were informed that thoy would be given no work under any consideration. It is now plainly evident tint the black list is quite long and those whnto unmos npponr on this list will bu forced to teek work elsewhere. The firm is iuclinod to favor tho old men aa much as poe.ibls ami there has already been a large number of colored mun discharged lo mako room for old employes. riaiiu-Swrpi I'rnlrle I.tmds, Newpoiu, Neb., Nov. 21 A terrific pralrio lire raced in Btark county yester day. A number of families wore compelled to soek lakes, wells and caves to avo their lives. To Adv no t oliiiTtxrllr,, Mau Nov. 18. Tho Ulaok tlone Manufacturing company, cotton manufacturers at Hlackstoue, Mass., will qdvance wages December 15. Tho prices Lkito not yet been mudo known, TThoellllnll tn Itliln lor VIO.OOO, Mlt.WAf KKE, YVIi., Nov. 21,r-'lieelmen Klinmrman and Pnngir are malclud at Inst to ride for !?10,0C0. Zimmerman's .500 earnest money was covertd by Sangor. Thu date and other details have not yet been tiled. I)au Illimimatlo I'lile absolutely euro jUoufuntlsmland uecrnlihi. liitlrtl. yejetubl. The "Franklin Coat" our Leading Winter Prices range from $15 to $50. All of our leaders controlled by us in Burlington, is no exception. It is shown by no other house in the Gity. (bee Out) Hundreds of new garments. Plain and Fur Trimmed Jackets, New Markets, Gretchens for Children, beautiful Styles, all new. Agents for the Genuine "Cravenette"' Rain Proof Garment. We introduced this Garment 3 years ago. Hundreds of them sold, Warranted Waterproof, perfectly suitable for Street travel ing or Church wear. No garment ever gave such satisfaction, all styles and sizes in stock, "See Cut," M Nearly every Dry Goods House keeps Garments.all advertise as being tne Leading House, all claim to carry the largest stock. We invite buyers to look at other Houses then come to "The Old Bee Hive" and purchase. We can show you more handsome Garments than all other Houses in the City put together. This is a strong statement. Come and let us prove it to you. EfSjV EES" WEEKLY TRADE REVIEW. Ooiioral i:ii.lneh s luatlon I'nrli inted rrimi Hint of l.icst HVek, Nkw Ytmic, Nov. IS. H. G. Dun & Co's weekly rovlow of trudo says: No Im portant changes appear in tho condition of Luiiness. Hie distribution of products con tinues onoi'iiou!, production by mnnufne turerH i greater on th wholo than in any prnviotis j eur, and while soma hesitation Is hpii about entering into new engagements, the general tono of business and industries is remarkably healthy. ' Ai Boston bu-iuess contlnuss large, col lections good and money oaty. In general tho i-ii nation is unchanged, excsptlog that tha wool is moio quiet, but tho mills are very nctnely empiuyed, and the situation in cotton goods highly fiicournging with advanced pi lees. The shoo trade is in good eliapo, with bright proipect, and lumbor rendered active by tho opn season for buildings. In the gieat industries llttlo chn.ige Is fecn, all tho textile works boing rmnaikiib'y uM employed, and tho cotton mills i'pccially prcsod with orders. YVhile prices lor some grades of goods nre advancing shipments of boots and shoos from the Kant continue to largely exceed tlioio of la.t year. Octobor ex oris ot principal produclu were 15,()'J"i,-Jfjrf smaller than last year nd in two wosks uf Novem ber the decrease hai been ?ii,U00,O0O. Tho failures occuring during tho past seven dayH aj reported to I". Li. Dun ic Co. and K. Hussell co Co. number for tho United States 'M; for the corresponding week of last year th lignres represented '.'01 failure! in tho United Stales. A COLLISION WITH EARTH. 1'rof, Colbert feujs lli Tail of liieln's Coiut will t iko Us. Ciiii-m;ii, Nov. lb1. AVill tho earth and Biolu' comet com.' into collision Y Prof, LI. as T. Colbert, n well-known astonomsr, says they will. Hut it is the tall of the count that will bo knocked into smitlicronns by tho earth, while the head, 1,000,000 miles away, will continuo its vagrant career. Prof. CjlLert outlines some startling possi bilities should old Karth come full tilt against tho crest of tho comet. Ho say: "Deaths to human beings bo-cnu-e of collisions with a comet might oc cur in mole than one way. l-'nM, there is the direct contact, of which somo pretty wtdl-aulhenticalcd Instances are on rocord. becond, there is the indirect mortality on tho much larger scale that may bo con ceived of as possible from a poisoning of tun atmosphere by admixture of great quantities of gasoous matter that had be longed to the comet. Sumo people have argued that In this way can wo satisfactorily account for some of the pestilential visitations, such ns the famous 'Illack Death,' which have swept tho arth as with the besom of destruction in tho past, nud moved from place to place far more rapidly than could bo explained by reference to tho Mow travelling of former days, Neither tho aerolitlo shower nor the poisoning uf tho ntinosphero can occur ox cptfrom collision with tho head of the ccmet, and the calculation shows that we nie to lie spaied by a gap of about n mil llou of miles." i;ll(S in Vermont. A recent i?sue of Tho Social Session, pub lished in Cincinnati, O., a journal devoted to the interests of tho Henovnleut and Pro tective Order of Klks, contains tho follow ing; "Tnore Is not u lodge of Kiks in the State of Vermont. llrolher Fred A. .1. Dunwlck, father and founder of Mens Kails (N. Y ) ltdge, No. 81, thluks it would be n healthy State for Klks togra.j in, and, with the a.slstuuco of his brother co-workers, will endeavor to establish lodges in I'utlnnd, Burlington, St. Albans and other Vermont towns.'' ItC..ireoColda,Coii(;h9,SorsThroit.Creiii,InAuea. i:a,Whcopl!ifc Ocmirli, Bronchitis and Auburn. A certaiT euro for ConsumptUn in first ftairei, anil a sure relief in advunccd stigef, at once. You will see the excellent otlect ftr taking the ri,t don, Bold by rrabm evtrywhere. Ldrce bottles 10 cents ani 91.00. DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY i MR. AND MRS. WARD OF NEW HAVEN OBSERVE THE RARE OCCASION. Nninerous Children, Criindclltld ron nud Ureal. irunilcll ildren Gathnr ftom Far and .Ve.r to Honor tlio Aged Couple Prospect of 1'iolotiaed Life licforc Tlieiu. New Havev, Vt. Nov. 10. Ira and Hannah Crnmton Ward celebrated their diamond wedding to-day, receiving friends numbering over 110, from 1 till !! o'clock. Of their 10 children nine nre living and six were prosent. Tbey hnvo 17 grand children, four of whom were proiont, mid 2-1 great-grand-children, five of them being prcsout, Jlr. Ward was born In IValtham, Vt., April 9, 17UG, and since 181S has lived in New Haven, for GO years on his present farm of 200 acres which ha reclaimed from unbroken forest. Mrs. YVard was born in Fjrrisburgb. Vt Oct. 11, 1798. Tho I honlth ami hearing of both aro good, their eyesight failing, and their mental vigor un impaired. Hnttio Mason, the eldest grnnddnughtor of Mr. aud Mr.. Ward's eldest daughter, , Mrs. Julia Rogers, is married to-night to Harold Sawyer of Atnesburv, Mass. For ! tho celebration three daughters came from ' tho West, and llowen were sent from Illin-1 ois, Iowa and Ohio. Air. Ward voted for both Harrisons and wants to live and vote again for Ilenjamin. Both attend the Congregational church, of which Mrs. Ward is tho oldest living mom bor. Mr. Ward seldom misses n weekly market day at Vergennes. Both shook bands with all present aud stood the fatigue well. Thoy seem to have a fair chance of still longer life, ns neither ever had much sickness. Both retain a wonderful interest 1 in local nud public matters. . SALVATIONISTS DEMONSTRATE. lielegateB to tile ( on I lileu tal Concrusit i'urti!iputi'. New Yohk, Nov. 21. Delegates to the continental cougress nud war council of tho salvation army from nil parts of tho coun try, attended a banquet at l.euox lycoum at p. m. to-day. Thero weie 2500 persons present. Only plain food and vogotaules were partaken of mid the tickets were 25 oents apioce. Ihe banquet lasted about two hours and at its conclusion a torchlight pro cetsion was formed. The first division was escorted by a band of cadet-, preceded by 10 torch bearers. The national Held and headquarters ollicers followed. The procession moved to Caregie Music Hall, where tho proceedings proper of thu congress began. Seveu thousand peo ple crowded into tho hall, and the platform was jammeu witu oaivauon Army omcors of all ranks, In regulation uniforms. Commander Bolliugton Booth presided and made an address of welcome- He said that the in-door congregations that attended tho army meotings in tho United States in the paBt year, aggregated 18, 100,888. Tha converts made li2,4'ri!J; cities aud towns oc cupied 402; corps aud outposts 555; soldiers und recruits 13,100; ollicers 1500. Mrs. Bnlllngtoil Booth then spoke and arousod the enthusiasm of the meeting to the highest pitch. She said to-morrow night she would dedicate her three weeks old baby, Myrtle Theodora Booth, to the ctuse of salvation. This evoked great cheering and all the bands played ut once, There wore songs and exhortations and chorutoi and then tho commander read let ters of sympathy with the objects of tho army and congratulations upon Its work from (Jen, illlom Booth of Kuglaud, r.,m.n,..l'nt Herbert Hnth.,r 'iv., '' Ilev. Dr. Lyman Abbott nnd Presideut Har n, Tmnn ai,i.m ,i p.i,i rlson. Tho president's letter was dated November lii, was addressed to Com mander Booth nnd road as follows: "Aly Dear Sir 1 have your letter of the 17th of November uud beg to tuauk you for your sympathy so kindly expressed for ine in my great sorrow. I am very liberal in my judgment of methods aud think it well that nut all those who are endeavoring to subdue tho fortresses uf vice approach them upon the same lines. To nil whose sincerity nnd tisetulneis aro proved by devotion und results 1 can give my hoarty good wishes and cheerfully ox tend them to you and your nissociates. Very truly yours, Benjamin Hauhison," Weildlui- Tarty Hurled In a ttuln, Maujup, Nov. 10. News from Bajarr, a town 45 miles south of Salamanca, tells uf tho sudden collapse of a vestment build ing where a wodding party were taking breakfast, uud which caused the donlli of nine portoui, nnd the serious injury of CO ptheri, COMPROMISE EFFECTED llntweon TrualeH Hint rmilosting Ilela j tlvei In tlloTllileii 'Will Finllt. New Yomc, No-. 18. The trustees of tha estate of Sntnucl J. Tildon report that a settlement between them and tho relatives ' contesting tho dead statesman's will has boeu nrrivod at and that the original idea of establishing a library and resiling room In this ci'y is now actually In sight and noeds only ofllolnl endorsoment. The persons contesting the will agreed to release ono-thlrd tho original amount for library anil reading room purposes. This sum will aggregate f.'.OOO.OOO, the annual interest of which will be about JOO.OOS. Tho trusteos accoptod the compromise and propose to use the interest iu the manner contemplated by the will. SMALL-POX UNABATED. Now Victims of the Kpldoiuio ut New Haven Dlllly, Nr.w Have.v, Conn,, Nov. 10. The small-pox epidemic at tho general hospital continues unabated. Dejplte every possi ble effort to chock the progress of tho dl- ea!0 now c"0b nre breaking out each day. I his morning .Miss .Meloxen, tho trained nur-'e who attended Piatt, the first patient, wns taken with the malady, making tho eighth case since tho disoase first appeared ,' ",lu, aneruoon uom "f" Huu "enry ringg, tue nones puy- ',cinn "ho t""00 wit" tho disease yesterday, will be convoyed to tha pest ll0U8- Ino fa'ftl cos" h"ve een reported 90 far' ,ave that of ,ho colored child that 'Hed t night. Piatt Is rapl lly recovering nml fho other six patients at the pest house are doing well and nre expected to recover. Hefllllnjrtmi'ti Now Opera Homo. The Bennington opern house which has been in proceis of erection during the sum mer by II. W. Putnam is approaching com pletion. The auditorium U reached through n grand entrance 14 feet wide. Tno opera llouse proper is built of brick, Is 108 foot I long, 04 foot wide. Tho auditorium is 70 feet long, from tho lloor to tho ceiling is 40 feet and tho stuge Is 40x01 foot. The two !ly galleries are each 23 feet abovo tho stage iloor, and connected by a self-supporting bridge. The parquet occupies nbout one half of the iloor. Iu the rear of it and sep united by u balustrade is thu dress circle The pniquot and tho dress circle have n seating capacity of 000. Over the dress circle is the balconv clrclo. In rnn- nf , this It. tha gallery. Tho two have n I Kailnir cunacitv nf .100. Thoro r hnndsomo proscenium boxes w ith a capac- lty of eight persons each. Tho side walls , of tha auditorium aud of tho stairways to tne uaicony nnd gallery are waiuscoated In I cherry. Tho remainder of thi walls will be j frescoed. Tho ceiling of the uudltorium I nnd over the dr?ss circle are covered with I asbestos, then h canva, and then fres 1 coed. Tho fronts of the proscenium arch I ti,.. i,nvu. i. ),. i,-,.l. .. .u UHI.VH j me ureas i oirclo will all bo finished in sterio I WOrk, artistically arranged. Tho relief main dome Is iu the form of a doublo circle, the first one being 15 feot across ut its bsse, From the centre hangs a large electric light chandelier. Thero will be C0J electrio lights iu tho uuditorium, of which 1!0 will be foot lights. There nro five places ot exit in enso of accident in addltlou to tho main entrance, and tho house can be cleared In live min utes. 'I ho total cost of tho house when completed nud furnished will be about $35 OOJ. The lessees ot the house nro Meters. P. 11. Bond and F. M. TIITany. CLOSE CALL FOR THE PREMIER. Gladstone Narrowly llseapes lining lttiu Down by an Omnibus. London-, Ntr. 18. As Mr. Gladstone was crossing Picadllly last eveniuK. ho popped directly under the heads of a team horses attached to nil omnibus tha that was swinging around ths corner. Tho driver pulled his horses baok upon their liauuohes, and as tho Premier was walking Quite ran- lily he escaped with n slight blow of tho pole ou the shoulder. He stagcered short distance but quickly recovered him self aud reached the pavement iu safety, llorden Cuno liefuro Oram! Jury, Taunton, Mass., Nov, 10. No new wit- uossus Iu the UcrJon oase have appeared hore as jet. it Is uuaerstoou that tho (lis trlct attorney will not put in his enso in full boforo tho jury, lest somo ol the im portaut matter leaks out. Ho will coutlne himself tu only so much as ought to con vlnce the jury that there is probable causa to hold. Victoria In Kieellunt Health, London, Nov. 18. The Queen arrived at Windsor Castlo from Balmoral today. Not withstanding rumors of her falling physical condition, she looked to bo In the best of health. Tuuley'a "Bread Winner" outwears all other SUOtBj WAR 'WITH LANDLORDS. ENGLISH WORKINGMEN LISTEN TO A TIRADE AGAINST RENT. Socialist Wnlto Kliort tile Unemployed to 1'ollow E1U Illustrious l.xiiiiiplo and l'ay no Kent Ills Words rind Accept ance In Socialistic Kitre. London, Nov. 21. Tho socialists' demo cratic federation, through its committeo on unomployod worklngmen, began to dny a now rent campaign. Waito, the socialist who organized tho demonstrations of tho unemployed, addressed a meeting yestordny. In his speech he said that after to-day any man who paid a farthing in rout while his family did not hnvo sufficient food would bo a cur. Waita declared that ho did not bellevo iu paying rent. He had not puld any in even years and meant never to pay nny. This statement was greeted with cheers. He called upon his honrers to imi tate tho Irish aud pay thoir landlords with thorns. Kmergoncy committees, ho added, have boeu formed In every district to assist ten ants who resist their landlords. If tho property owners succeeded in distraining their tenants it would cost broken heads. Then the distrained, together with thoir their wives and children, will go to St. Stephens and camp out baforo tha house of parliament. This plan of campaign, the speaker shouted, would pain thousands ot dirty landlords. Throughout his speech Walto was greeted with hearty cheers aud applause. Such rant as Watto's is finding acceptance with the mass of worklngmtn, who aro now tainted with socialism. Waite's threat that organized bands will resist eviction is not nn empty one. A vast number of cases aro already occurring iu the slum districts, where landlords dare not oxecute writs of eviction. Waito boasts that for the past four years he has lived in tha same street nnd has not paid a penny in rent, litiarallteed Cure. We Authorize our advertised dri Kijist'S to fell jnu Dr. KIuk's New I)lcuvcrjr for Con-i-ii in pt Inn, L'oUK'hs and ColiU, u;ion tlii- condi tion. If you aro atlllcted with La Grippe and will "io this remedy according to directions k'ivii.g it a fair trial, and experience no beiiellt, jou may return tho hottlo and have jour money refunded. We make this, oiler, because uf the wonderful success of l)r Kind's New Discovery (lurlliL- last Keason'it epidemic. Hnvo heard of no case in which it lulled, try it. trial uuttios lreu at (i. I.. I.a 1 oiintaiu tj l o. i Drue Mores, I'.i Church M. nd Hs North Lhamtuuin M. l.artrj siza alio and j I.iai. lltieklen's Arnica Salve, Thk Btst In tho wor'd for Cuts, Brui ses, .'ores. Ulcers, .ilt Kheum, fever Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. l'om. and nil .-sKln Lruptimis, auu positively cures file", or no pay required. It U guaranteed to tfivo perfect satisfaction ur money refunded. Price i.1.') centis per box. For Salo bv (i. L. l.aFoun taln A.- Co., M Church bt.. and IIS No. Cham plain Ht. A WORD TO WOMEN. From Ono Who KuH'orcil. PfOTTSViLi.i:, Pa,, March 16th, 1692. Dn. David Ki;, ' Sin : From a Rrowintc gM, 1 ilTcrcd willi fcuinU' trouble- or weuUm.-- periiliur lo my spx. 1 doctored with several difTtient physician, hut lound no lelicf. "Was o lvducpd iu Mreui;tli and tlrsli, that I wtMgJitil hut tiSlhs. 1 dimiccd to learn of Hit! oti. tlirful niu's Dr. Din Id iTeiinctlj'H Mrs. Can-in Buutou. J'avorilc fti'iiit'ily wiu lierforuiiag, nud tried it The ilrt buttle produced inarlieil improvement. Alter taking live hollies. 1 wns almost a Hell HOiuoii and welshed 1:21 J lie. '.rmr tjuxk ofw my xi ffeu- I.XU SISTERS," Mich a j-T.iin in weight aud heller in health th"ii J ever was. It in my de-he in tcM t ry iiiinianiu tliiMHirld'i s ii tie r liom any ol the complaints common to our tcx, of thu beuellt and cure to he iletived from Ihe us." of Or. Kenned)'.- Fnvorilo Item ed). Jills. L'Aiiuiit Hon on. If you have chronic uculiiesi, bp.ulnp down, uterine eiitairb. K.ippreii'd or patuftil peno K. tiisplcioiH Krnwthi. dipsdto tiiuiiiroi ejiicer, or Jit'iuui ili.ig(-, miter from palulul or n regular menstruation, Imcorrhaa. orliuui.tar uiuntlily stcknefs, or elaiifc id hie. Ur, Parld Kiiuu-dvs l inorllu fiemeilv iJ Ihe only help fur um -, it ran'iind tlioiixindv wheu ll eljeluiB lulled. L.l'il, K u 1 1 dlsiwiirJKtd uud git a up m despair, good health audi mirlife can bBlnt)dbT utinK Dr. lwuueily'ii htiturite fcemcd?. IVlce. Jl t. bsdilv. Jacket "The Franklin" Coat NOTED TEMPERANCE LEADER. The Forcible and Brilliant David Frost. ni Speaks nf an Insidious Koo of Teniper nncx und an It Ueuuinds I.nw Oom nieiuU iu earnest Lungiiagn the 3Ian.r Virtues of Kiehiipoo Jndlau Snsw.t aud filtes Ills Kensons. The poi trait of David Frost, the noted temperance lecturer, will bo reoosrntzed far and wide. The noble, work of this distin guished advocate ot temperanco has given liiin'a roputation econd only to that ot the late .1 o 1 1 1 1 li. cough's. T)vm I'noT r.osTov, SH. In a recent eonver-atlnn with Mr. Krosl, that gentleman snid, with the convincing earnestness which chanioterizelils reinarks! 'Mine of the gientest evll with which tha friends of tempei anee have to eouteiid is tho cheap whlskcydecncUoiisand miserable rum liiixtuies by which tl.e market Is flooded under the guli of ' Itltteis," .arsapiinllns,' '(lingers, nnd other patent medicine.-. The enm minis cnnsiimptioti id sueli miserable tnff docs Incaleubible injury in manv cases by implnntlng the taste for liquors wlieio it never would exist This most in sidious form of intemperance .should be put lo ii by law. "I dil not mean to sa," contlnuod Mr. f'ro-t. " that all piopi letnrv inedielue coir.u under this head, ami In fnet I know from per Houal evpeiieneo ot one which is not onlv a (irent Medicine, a Splendid Tonic, and I'll, livnlled lllnod I'uriller, but which 1-Innocent of all detei inriitlng inirredlents and free from 1 1 . in n f u I Effects, no matter how much or how freely It may be u-ed. It is lint my wi-b to nnpenr us the exponent of nnv publlo UMiiedy, but In this eae I deem it my dutv to coniiiiend that (Jiaiid liemedvof the Indian l.ue, Kieknpoo Inclinii -iikwii.' " I -peak from e-iieiience, 'or It has stood me in gnoil stead. When half sek, w orn nut, and my most lebelllmis slomm h refu-ed to loimer act in its normal capacity, ' Kirkanoo Jniliati ,rifi' ,di re.torrl ttit ti a health iMiirili'oii when uothimi lie watih. I have taken .iccnsior; nUn to learn soniethlng about this medicine anil Its origin, nud know that it is not only an old ami tried remedy among the Indians, but thill It ugetulile I'uritv and Ibiiinless Curative Kffects isstdl maintained, i' nil Hint its ninnufactuie is atlll earl led on bv liiodnrn method, exactly in accordance with the ways of the noble lied Mali. ".simple liriiitrt, Uaiks, I.eavesand Flowers from the Forest are all that enter into lis (onipo.ltlon, nnd the .-trenijth which is gained from Its use Is mil the false strength of the rum bottle but the Noble Usliilaratirm of liniindluK Health, and the I'uritied lilood, clean.ed of U poison, eoiir-ingthrnilgli every Vein and Aitery of the llitiimn tein." This an I more did Mr. Frost h ive to "iv In retard to " Kieknpoo In Han s,nw." N oids tail to convey the earni foi.e of his re marks as expressed to the w it i .Mr. Frost till pur-ues with nnabiite l vigor the ihiIiIh eaiise lu which he bus enlisted, and s:iv that temperance was never making such vast hend way ns it is today. kickapog vmm Sold by nil Druggists. 6 bottles for $5. $1 per bottlo. N. H. Downs' Elixir WILL CURE! THAT AND STOP THAT Itns stood tho test for SIX TV TVAltS nud lias jirovtil itscli tho bot lcuudy yl.nunu for tl.o euro of f 'omirii;ilfon, Cj f ouyM, CoUIh, Whooping t nuli, uml Ynff l.uiiu Illnitten l.t jl., :;g or i hi, 0 l'rlcoa'.c. COcuu l 41.i. nor hottln. ft SOLD EVERYWHERE. (S y Eii.-si, jj3i;:::i t i:zz, ?r:ji., B:-Uszi, Tt. fjr jr iit ntrn my nr cr vr iy vf - n i' I A IB, tsll Jg& mmfm mm mm JKU S ,;i ill i mm i m WA 1 til IfeiMiH I hr Gravenette Rain Proof Hoivivould yon Ijko a quartered oak side-board, with two Ions drawers and donblo cup-l)oards, having also a largo beveled mirror. All for .15.00 ? I have a great variety of side-boards, with a wide rango of prices. J also Keep Everything To Sit On, Lie Oil Sleep Op. Geo. A. Hall, Rink Building, Burlington, Vt If you -want a good car ver, call at 44 CHURCH ST. Mixing Bowls, Baking Dishes, .Platters, Crockery of all kinds, Cut Glass, the best line in the city. FIDW ore? UJ Salts, Poppers, Olive, aud Bon Bon Trays, Salad dishes. Every thing to make a table at tive. 41 Mt tirrh St. iorence Silk IVIiilenSn Tiie miciavioi. nbows n I tie stylo of tase .ou Is. Tbcy sve made of Bcnuinn Plorancc Uninimr SHk. vbinevrt.ioneiO(;ii. &.! roi I J'lorfuce ri'K ,toin nro sni'j ra rr .A in a tCT. bssorini tba bniud'i '(nwoaono '! A"1. T pattorr. ltvAvbbun r. berc Sw UnftJ (AwAiu b. k and rrrlBt turoii:ioi'.t wltlt sln, lbyarepor. fci'tflf.iug. Red lr cold climtiiet &ro it naorr duu bt; und qull-as f.i -ii.oi ablo as tae ur tol l.icis sc! 1 tjy all amr pr. dculor, who cun 1 c ii piled by lh NONOTUCKSILKCO. Is Suiuuicr St., i'.toa.JJun, Lead S7('if.ims utor nu tSi mako. tsald retell ual Pencils wiolMils. i'rr thajs -.Tltlj nbljer iu tli cn l, iW. (or 11 suit .1, c-aij.i Side Boards. TURKEYS je 1 i.Tr'irr'JT'.'V.'rlM1 l 'rrTnswi Y S.W' n ' W I raw 5 WMM 6 mAMM M i www 1