THE mjRTilNOTON FREE PRESS AND TIMES; THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1312. 14 HAPPENINGS IN VERMONT (Continued from pn 4.) Sho was JO years of ago and besides her husband Is Bitrvlvcit by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Haldwln of Cornwall. Tho funornl was held Wed nesday from St. Mnry'a Catholic Church. -Tho net receipt of the riltninngo sale hold Saturday hy the ladles of the Con 4,'iegotlonal Church ninounted to $ -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collins and Mrs. nuthorford Everest have gone to Uostou for 10 days. Thayer S. Townsend, who Is attending a school of pharmacy In llnston, spent Sunday In town. William II. Cnrr has returned from Coatlcooke, P. Q., where he has been spending two Ticckfl. PORESTDALE. Mis. A. S. llacon and Mis. Richard Bacon, who have been visiting at F. .1. tlacon's, have returned to Richmond, Va. Miss Emnllho Scnnlnn, a graduate nurse, who has been passim; a month with her p.ucnls lure, has returned to lliirllnRton.-G. II. Churchill and son, llawlcy, went to lloston last week, where llnwley has entered school. Mls Jessie Hump of the l.nrllngton li lephone olllce passed Sunday with her parents. .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dump. Mrs. George Ixjomls died October 7 after a low,' Illness with n complication of diseases. She was 20 years of ape. Her husband and three children survive her. Tho funeral was held from St. Mary's Church In llrandon Wednesday morning. Interment wns In llrandon, BENSON. The Hev. Evarts Kent, who closed his pastorato with tho Congregational Church Sunday, September 29, gave a sermon at Iho Methodist Kplscopal Church on Sim Say , October 6, beforo a union congregn- llon, his last sermon In Benson for the present as ho goes to Stirling, Mass., Thursday to commence a pastorate there In a church, where ho began his work as pastor many years ago. The ladles of fho Mothodlst Church served their nnntial New England dinner at the parlors of their church Wednesday even jng of this week from 5:00 to 10:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson of tho north part of Benson went to Brandon punday to visit Mr. Jackson's father, who Is seriously 111. Miss Grace Kent of Philadelphia Is at tho Hev. Evurts Kent's Mrs. Jehlal Bishop, who resides a mile north of this village, is visiting her son, Chapman, of Hortonvllle. The ladles' Missionary society of tho Congregational Church mot at tho chapel Wcdncs- fay afternoon. George S. Allen, who camo hero over a year ago ana engngcu as butter maker at Talto Brothers' Creamery, has sovercd his connection there and will go back to Randolph. WINDSOR COUNTY BETHEL. Mrs. W. W. Wllmot slipped on the floor of er back piazza Monday morninK, lell heavily and broko a rib and Injured tho lower end of her spine. She Is recovering slowly. Her daughter, Mrs. Cayes, of White Rlvcr Junction is with her. James Boyd, Jr., Is attending a veterinary col lego at Grand Ilaplds, Mich., and his sis ter, Annie has entored Montpeller 8emlnary. Mrs. I,. 1 Chamberlain und Mrs. W. A. Swinger were in Gaysvillo Thursday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Arietta Packard, who died in Woodstock October l.-G. Frederick Whitney has learned of tho death In Randolph Friday night of his father, George II. Whitney, nged 7." years, after a year's Illness. Mr. Whitney was well known hero from visits at his son's home. Orrln E. Neff, aged 80 years, Is In falling health. Mies Lois Wilson and W. Everett Grant visited at G. E. Riley's in Roches ter Saturday. Dr. 'and Mrs. Ransom Greene and their son, Raymond, of Palmer, Mass., are at Dr. O. D. Greene's. Mrs. Samuel Heap has come from Chi cago to llvo at the farm which her hus band has bought from Charles Como, Mr. Heap will soon arrive. Charles Come will move his family at onco to the Chap man house on Pleasant street. WHITE RIVER JUNCTION. The Hartford Mutual Aid association by a hotuse to house canvass last week raised tho sum of about J.S90 for the work of the association. The aim was to raise $1,400 that several branches of the work might bo carried on at once. However with the sum raised tho most imperatlvo work, that of the district nurse, can bo oarrlod on and the association feels en couraged. MUs Myrtle E. Hardy and Quy llroull- lette were married Wednesday by Father C. C. Dclaney of St. Anthony's parish. The bride was gowned in a bluo traveling dress, and the couplo were attended by Raymond and Adelle Broullletto. For tho past two or thrco years the brldo has been chief operator of tho local telephone ex change and tho groom is a son of Alex ander Broulllette, a thoe merchant of this vlllege. After tho wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Broulllette will reside here. WASHINGTON COUNTY MONTPELIER. Mrs. Elenora Stalker, matron of Heaton hospital for tho past few years, has resigned to take effect De cember I. Plann for tho Columbus day celebra Jlon here, as tentatively arranged by tho various commtttoes, call for a par ado In tho morning, In which there will bo about 50 ailtos with schAol chlldroti, at least a dozen Hoats, Nor wich University cadets and Barro and Montpeller organizations, Including tho Montpeller, Barro and Northfleld bands. In tho afternoon tho Vermont Daugh ters of 1812 have exercises In Roprc Bentatlves' hall. Aviator George Schmidt will give ono or more flights on Langdon meadow during tho after noon and In the evening there will bo a ball In tho city hall. Tho timo of supremo eoiiit was taken up yesterday with arguments In tho Franklin county case of Roland M. Kmythe against tho Central Vermont Railway company, an appeal from chancery court. The case first came Into court In 1903 and Is an action brought by Kmythe, a dealer In unlisted securities, to enforce an alleged Men for about $40, 000. Tho Vermont Society of Colonial Dames will hold Its 15th annual meeting In tho Kellogg-Hubbard library this afternoon and evening. The Vermont Medical society will open the 99th annual meeting here to-day In the city hall auditorium. Edward Carey has returned from Mont real, where he has been employed as a telegrapher by the Great Northwestern Telegraph company and Is to resume his work for the Western Union hero. Tho service hero has been Inadequate since tho legislature opened, Francis Lynch sustained a double fracture of the bones of nun arm yester day afternoon lit Jumping from the Seminary hill cur at tho foot of tho Bane Street hill. WATERBURY. J. B. Williams was at homo from Mont peller Sunday, where ho Is decorating tho Knights of Columbus hall. His daugh ter, Miss Violet, entertained Sunday night at dinner In honor of her blrthday.-Oood now is received from llttlo Euretta Sho nlo, who is nt tho Mary Fletcher hospital following nn operation for appendicitis. Mr. Shonin returned from Burlington yes terday. Mrs. Hhonlo will remain there. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carr and daughter, Gladys, of Worcester wero guests at tho home of E. E. Foss over minua.-.n. and Sirs. B. R. Demerltt entertained at Blrchmoiint Saturday Mrs. James liiocn. nr. nml Mrs. William Brock ana sons, Carpenter, Welts and Frederick, of Mont-poller.--Representative H. N. Demerltt pent Monday in iiurnngion. .wrs. m it. i a nrrlved iii town to bo the guest for f'cvcrnl weeks of her daughter, Mrs. H. N. Demerltt. Miss Terrlco Foss lamed nnr- lf ro bv a fall that sho Is unable to at tend school. August Kecne, who recently mid his farm to Mrs. Scolluld of New York, has purchased tho Patrick Gor man place. T. Nelson Dalo of Plttsflcld, Mass.. of tho IJ. S. Geological Survey was In town Tuesday and looked over tho llmo nnd mnrblo deposits In tho sugar place of Henry Carpenter. Older resi dents will remember that this win worked some by Ooorgu Arms 40 or 0 years ugo when ho owned the plno Mr. Dalo took several specimens with hint. T'.ie mnrble seems to bo of gool quality. D. C. Jones Is able to be out ana do some work. Mrs. John Pres ton has teturno.l from Enosburg Falls Mrs. Franklin Carpenter remains about the same. Those who had heard of tho telegram received from tho Rev. S. II. Wheeler of California to tho effect that he and his daughter, Frances, might como this fall arc dls appointed at the later message that they cannot como until spring. Mr. Wheeler wns pastor of the Congrega tional Church In this place for 17 years and has many warm friends who wore looking forward to seeing htm. Among those who attended the Chris tian Endeavor convention at Morrlsvllle were tho Rev. W. L. Bolcourt, Miss Flora Scagel, Mrs. B. R. Demerltt, Miss Wcl thy Boeker, Miss Alice Scabury. Miss Etta Graves, Miss Rose Carpenter and E. E. Campbell. Mrs. R. M. Demerltt, Judge E. W. Huntley and Miss Annie Dorothy Palmer were In Montpeller yes terday. A number of the ladles from hero are planning to attend at Montpel ler to-morrow and Saturday tho State meetings of tho Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution and Daughters of 1S12. FAYSTON. .1. II. Smalll is quite ill with Inllamma tory rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. F. H Perry of Beverly, Mass., spent last week with Mrs. F. A. Bragg. C. W. Bingham i and son, Charles, have moved Into the ' Fred Carroll house. Mrs. Byron Garvl ind daughter are In Burlington. Mao Smalll, who has been l:i Trout River, I'. Q., a few weeks, has returned. John McKay has returned from his visit to New York. P. G. Hill went to Boston on business Monday. MIDDLESEX. Mrs. Martha Hastings Is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Dunn. Tho Rainy Day club met Saturday with Mrs. Albert Taplln. There was a full at tendance. Refreshments were served. Raymond Ward has purchased an Over land automobile. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ward accompanied by Ward Qulnlan aro to start soon for their new home In Owosso, Mich., where Mr. Ward has gone Into biiBlness. Mrs. Daniel Wellington of Fltchburg, Mass., Is spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Amanda Newhall, and her brothers', Messrs. William and Arthur Newhall. Mrs. Daniel Wellington of Fltchburg, Mass., accompanied by her niece, Miss Cellstn Newhall, will go Fri day to St. Albans to visit a sister of Mrs. Wellington's, Mrs. Cullcy. The slate road In progress in front of the George Alex ander place is being pushed by a delega tion of men and teams. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cnrr and children of Wnterbury were over-Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Swift. Mrs. Levi Swift and son, Roland, accompanied Miss Lucy Swift on her return to Burlington as far as Waterbury and remained over night with relative.--. They returned homo Monday. SOUTH WOODBURY. Harold and Raymond Iedden with their two sisters have been spending a few days at tho Ledden cottage. Mrs. Isabel Ewen Is entertaining Mrs. Bebeo of Rupert. Mr. and Mrs. Allle Carr visited at Allen Alnsworth's on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Leach Is Improving and able to ride out. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eastman were at A. L. Haskell's the first of the week. WATERBURY CENTER. Waterbury Grange, No. 137, will hold their annual fair In Seminary hall Wed nesday, October 16, from 9:00 a. m., to 5:00 p. m. Competition Is open to tho State. Tho fair will be followed by il promenade and oyster supper In tho evening. Lurann Newhall of Salem, Mass., Is at Mrs. E. A. Newcomb's. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. F, A. Mark, Monday morning. Tho Rev, Mr. Douglass of Waterbury preached In the Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. Next Sunday tho Rev. Mr. Bolcourt wtll preach at threo o'clock. Sunday school at two. Mrs. H. W. Brock and Miss Isabel Stevenson, who have spent the summer at tho Lodge, returned to their home In Now York, Monday. Henry Batohel der, who has been working at Hotel I.ock-ott", Sugar Hill, N. II., Is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. K, Batchelder, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Town were at H, 1'. Hill's, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Jamos Thurston are at Henry Thurston's for a week. Fred Green, who has been working In Wilbrahain, Mass., spent a few days In this place last1 week. On Thursday he went to Sheldon Springs, where ho will work at his trade, of carpenter. Mr, nnd Mrs. E. E. Hutchlns of Montpeller were at L. W. Russell's, Sunday. Mrs. Sophia Lucia was colled to AVorcester Saturday on account of the Illness of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Rood.-Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Baptist Church will servo their annual harvest dinner nt the Lodge, Friday. NORTHFIELD. Francis II, Roberts, aged about 50 years uiea fcimuuy morning at his home on tho Roxbury road, near the twin bridges, after a short Illness. Besides his wife he leaves a daughter and two sons. Fhneral services worn held from his late home on Wednesday at 9:00 a. m. T. Nelson Dale of the I'. 8, geologic survey Is mak ing this place his headquarters for a few days while Investigating the slate nnd other mineral deposits In the vicinity. Tho Northfleld Commercial club has or ranged to purchase about 40 acres of land at and nbout the summit of Polne mountain. It Is proposed to construct a carriage and automobile road to the sum mlt, nnd thero Is reason for hoping that a hotel may bo erected there within n year or two. Edward E. Stehblirs, socretary of the llrst civil ncrvlco district, with head quarters at Boston, made an official visit tit tho Northfleld postofflce and also at thu wuuthor bureau Tuesday, F. ,1. Dutton has moved h's family to Bellows Falls, whero ho hns charge of a moving picture enterprise. Royal Britain Is to movo from tho Miss Wllny houso on Main street to J. P. Rnbldnu's house on North Main street. Prof, C. V, Woodbury hns moved his family from Mrs. J, M Howe's house on Central street to .1. W. Welch's houso on the samo Htroet. iTho Ver mont Hosiery nnd Mnchlnory company Just received several now machines, which will be put In comm'sslon as soon as possible. MORETOWN Mrs. L. Roberts Is 111 with the grip. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russel went Tuesday to Bristol, where they will visit for a week. Mrs. M. Ik Freeman, who has been suffering with rheumatism, Is gaining slowly. F, E. Johnson was In South Fayston Monday. Charles Goss had his arm broken and his head Injured while cutting ensilage. He started to throw off tho belt nnd It caught his arm. He Is at the Heaton hospital nnd Is getting along as well as can be ex pected. Charles Smith was In Wnter bury Tuesday. The Dorcas 1'nlon met with Mrs. H. O. Ward Wednesday after noon and evening, Herbert Freeman nnd family have moved to Windsor. Mrs. Harvey Walte and Mrs. Alma McAllster of Waltsfleld called on friends In town. NEVER CROPS THE EOUftL OF THESE Records for Almost Every Cereal in U. S. Surpassed This Year, Says Report. USY DAY FOR B0ST0N1ANS Ancient and Honorable Artillery- men Visited New York Shore. Amiable Chasm, IMnttsblirgh nnd Mill fitrr Reservation Inspected Even Ins: Passed nt Ethan Allen Club limine To-ilny'n Program. VERMONT N0TES Hurley P. Cook of Mlddlebury Is on hlB 15th trip to South Africa with sheep, Tho Cascade Realty company of Bratlloboro has been Incorporated with a capital stock of $10,000. All the barns on tho Mncmtllan place at West Hrattloboro were burned Fri day night. The fire started In somo un known way In the homo barn. The dedication exercises at tho now marble bridge nt Manchester Center Tuesday afternoon drew a crowd of 1,500 people. Tho bridge cost $4,293. It Is estimate! that 600 delegates from all parts of tho State, will attend tho unnunl Sunday school con vention at Bnrro October 23 to 25. Elf T. Rlcn, ono of tho oldest rosl- Tho Ancient Honornblcs who, by the way, aie not so nnclcnt as tho term Im plies had a large time yesterday. They set sail at 9:05 In tho morning on tho Tlconderogn, for n day on the Now j(,ta ()f Barro and for many years a Vntif .iinr. Uniin . twt if .!. ihev Unllnr. died Friday. Ho was born In entrained In special cars for Ausablo 1 127, an J learned his trade when 18. Chasm. There the majority of the mem Washington, Oct. 9. Never beforo have the great cereal crops of the United Slates been so bountiful as those of this year. Renirds of production for almost every ceteal have been surpassed, in some instances by millions of bushels. The October crop report of the de partment "f agriculture, Issued to-day, shows spring wheat, oats, barley, rye anil hay all have exceeded the bust rec ord productions while the crop of corn and potatoes from present Indications also will lie the grentebt ever yet har vested. Speaking of this great showing made by the country's farmers, James Wilson, .secretary of agriculture, to-day said: Tho crops are tho heaviest on record. The season has been favorable but somo credit is duo to tho wide efforts made In late years by tho federal government and the State to help farmers throughout the country to get better returns from tho average acre. The features of the report aro the enormous harvest of corn, oats and the spring wheat. More than three millions of bushel-i of corn, almost a billion and a half bushels of oats and three hundred and thirty millions of bushels of spring wheat have been grown. The States in the Northwest are harvesting the great est crops ever grown there. In North Dakota 1 I6.&92.000 bushels of spring wheat, the greatest spring wheat harvest ever grown by any State, was produced. The yield per acre there was Increased from eight bushels last year to IS bushels this year. Iowa, with lUU.TS'i.OiiO bushels; Illinois witli 182,726,000 bushels; Minnesota with 122,032,000 bushels and North Dakota with 96,138,000 bushels were the principal oat producers. In each of these States the yield per aero this year was almost double last year's yield. 'It looks as If we won't have to Im port any potatoes this year," said Sec retary' Wilson in commenting on the rec ord potato crop. Indications are that the farmers will have lOs.OOO.OO bushels more potatoes this year than lost when, by reason of tho short crop, large quanti ties were Imported from Europe. NEWS TOLD IN BRD3P. If the wife's provocation ir great, a wife may lie to her husband, is the ruling of the Kansas city court of appeal.-5. hers of the company took the trip through tho great split. Some, however, had mndp the passage before, and they reserved their energies for tho after noon. About noon the Tlconderogn, making n special run from Plnttsburgh, picked up the Ancient nnd Honorable Artillery men at Port Kent and took them to Pittsburgh. Tlie members of the com pany had box lunches, brought from their hotels In this city, and these wero eaten on the ship. It was nearly one o'clock when tho expedition disembarked on tho Pitts burgh dock. There they were met by Colonel Calvin D. Cowles of the Fifth Infantry, one battnllon of his command, nnd the regimental bund. Escorted by this force, the Ancient Honorables marched up through the town. Tho ap pearance of the Infantrymen on their way to the dock had moused tho Inter est of the Inhabitants, and the report got around that something cxtiaoidlnnry was In the air, so consequently there wns a ctowd of good size all along the route. Tho Fifth Infantry band and reel's band, the latter accompanying the Ancient Honorables, added to tho numbers on the curbing, Result. Plntts- bitigh surrendered without firing a shot. I'ui'suiint to the request of Mayor Goff, flags were flying along the line of merch, In token of the city's welcome. Out to the reservation marched the column. Tin re the entire Fifth regiment went on dreys parade. Then the quin tet's were Inspected by the Bostonlans, nml the emptiness of the inner mnn was minlstei cd to nt the of fleets' club. The rule, welcome the coming and Fully 20,000 peoplo witnessed tho third annual street inir in i-nun ....... ---- f. Bain nt noon lnteriercu v. mi mu affair, but the crowds remained until the finish. George Murray, blacksmith of St. Albans, has llled a petition In bank- ruptcy giving minium.-., u. assets of $316, of which $300 Is claim ed exempt. run-dim 11. Gold, a hnrness maker of Vnnl'ifleld. has filed a petition In bank fin ce ruptcy giving nls iiaouiiies as i,o.w.. with ussetb of $1,811. SS, or wmcn -io io claimed exempt. A lemon measuring over five nnd one-half Inches In circumference is being exhibited by Judge 1 1. fcou of Barre. It wns grown from a slip sent tho Judge several years ugo. The Rutland Railway. Light and Power compnny has secured a fran chlso for lighting tho streets of Pltts- for.1. Wires of the concern may also be extended Into Fowler. The Fair Ground association of Rutland took In $2.4'i2.7.'i on the grandstand dur ing the county fair. Half of this sum will be applied to tin- cattle ham loan fund, to which ::7 subscribers gave $200 each Bates E. Stover of Boston has taken the poxltlon ot superintendent of schools of llrattleboto, Putney. Diimmerston and Vernon, lie Is a graduate of Brown Uni versity In the class of ISOJ. W. J. Samson ot Samson's Lake View House had one ear torn off recently When he drove under a shed of the Green Mountain Packing company at !-'t. Albans. The roof was lower than ho thought. Brattleboro has hail a suddon out- GRAIN AND PRODUCE. New Tork, Oct. 9. FLOUR-Flrmly held with a fair trade. Receipts, 2l,2O0; shipments, 6,520. RYE FLOUR Steady, CORNMKAL Firm. WHEAT-Spot strong: No. 2 red, $1.03 elevator nnd $1.0114 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.01 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was generally firm all day on war nows, the higher cobles, strength In tho northwest and further export talk. The close wns lUc net high er. Dec. !i!icfi$1.01, closed $1.00; May closed $1.04",. Receipts, 130,800; shipments, 11.2S0. CORN Spot firm; exporth COc f. o. b. afloat December to March. Receipts, 6,625; shipments, 214. OATS Spot tlrm. Standard white, r.flV4c- No. 3, 89c! No. 4, S$c; natural white, 37Vfrff40e: whlto clipped, 39fM2c. Receipts 91,1100; shipments, 1,710. FKED Firm. HAY Quiet. Prlmo, $1.20; No. I, I.l?r 1.1b; No. 2, $1.(KJ1.C0; No. 3, OOltKe. LEATHER Firm. Rejects, 1 PORK Firm. BEEF Strong. LARD-Strong, $12.2012.0: refined strong; continent, $12.73; South America, $1.1.2."; comKitind steady. SUGAR Raw steady; Mnscovndo, 3.61c, centrifugal PC test 4.11c; molasses S3 test 3.3Cc ; refined steady. POTATOES Easy. Long Island bar rci. $:.:.-.m.50. CABBAGES Steady nnd unchanged. BOSTON FRODUCE MARKET. Boston, Oct. !). FIOITR Fair, demand easy. Spring spr-ed the parting guest, was olnervcd i break of diphtheria, but t'lo cases aie when Captain Appleton's command was duly escutted by the regulars to tho boat, mound four o'clock, and t",ie Tl conderogn hoisted her sails should any, started her paddles for Burlington. At six the oyage was over, and the men from the Hub again set foot on Vermont soil, loud In their commendation of Dan l)oiiils, whose management and person al supervision of the trip across tho little mean had been all they could ex pect and mote than they had antici pated. The visitors dined with appetite at their hotels, as befitted the occasion, the salt (?) air ami the stienuous campaign they had made. After dinner there was a con cert by Teel's bund In the Van Ness lobby, nnd the evening was spent by most of tin Ancient Honorable), at the Ethan Allen ilub. where Jov and good fellowship prevailed, and even the men whose h -arils were gray pioved the truism Cant men are but boys of a larger growth. To-day the M lssai husetts men will taste more at ength the hospitality of Burlington. In the morning they will go motoring, If Mr. Hooper Is able to clear the skies. In the afternoon they will wit ness dress paiade at Fort Ethan Allen and stand at attention through tho strains of The Star Spangled Banner. Ill the evening they will hold their banquet in the Van Ne?s House at 8:15. To morrow morning at eight o'clock their eight-car special will speed them east on their wn to Bretton Woods. Dr. Laumonler of Paris says the high living and riotous feasting of tho French revolution started the gout in France, and tht taint has been transmitted to succeeding generations. PRESENT FOR BRIDE. While hanging out clothes Mrs. Martha Hunt of Camden, N. .1., put too many clothespins In her mouth and It took surgeons half an hour to icduce .a dis location of her Jaw. Tho American boundary survey has received a report thot recent heavy rains in Alaska did $2,000,000 damage to the Copper River railroad, built by the Mor- in-Guggenhiim syndicate. Trouser.s are to be provided by tho gov ernment for the Mexican Indians when they visit Mexico City. The Imitation trousers heretofore worn by them hnvo scandalized pollto Mexicans. Insurnnco companies uru probing the death of Harry W, Fischer of Chicago, who carried $200,000 life Insurance and who wns killed while hunting with O. M. Arebach near Baldwin, Mich. Ancient nml Honornhli-N Dili the Handsome Thing. Ono of the reasons why everybody likes the Ancient and Honorable artil lerymen Is that they aro made up of good fellows. Proor of this was fur nished yesterday. tV.s the steamer iiconderoga was about to leave Plattsbiirgh for Bur lington with the artillerymen, It be came noised nbout that the hospital steward of the Fifth Infantry, E. K. Stevens, and his bride; wero on the boat. Teel's band wns soon playing tho wedding mnrch and the artillery men started a collection to raise the money for a present. Tho collection was a success and the envelopo which was presented to the couplo was a fat one. Last evening at the Hotel Vermont, where the wedding party put up, Mr. Stevens attempted to thank tho party and made a neat speech. Tl e visitors rosponded with a hearty encore and the ranking officer kissed the pretty bride, to the envy of many of his subordinates. Thieves who took valuable books and silverware from tho homo of John M, ' crner In Philadelphia, overlooked a Murlllo painting once owned by Jerome Bonaparte and valued nt $50,000, For the third quarter of 1912, or three months to September 30, railroads ordered 1.1S0.000 tons of rails, 05.000 cars, 1,232 locomotives and 90,000 tons of fabricated steel, Detective Choeseman climbed 20) feet to the top of a church splro at Camden, N. J., to arrest Charles Kcphart, steeple Jack, wanted for wife desertion nnd who refused to como down from his lofty perch, Announcement Is mndo that nil ships at the naval mobilization and review at New York will be open to visitors each day from Octobor 12 to October 15 and that no tickets or passes will be neces sary. Mrs. George D. Wldener of Phlla delphla hss given the Owl club of Har- vnrd $7,000 to build a home for the club In memory of her son, Harry E. Wldener, lost on the Titanic, nnd a member of tho club. Capt. Francis Tuttlo of Tacoma, re tired member of tho United States revenue servieo, says that for 30 yrs whalers havo told stories of tho blond Eskimos recently visited by Prufossor fc'U'failHBOIl. ANNUAL MEETING OP 0. V. llnllrnnil Made H12,U52.t7 Increased Freight ami I'lmnengrr lluslnes. St. Albans, Oct, S. Tho annual meeting of the Central Vermont Rallwuy company was held at the general otllces in this city to-day and was attended by tho follow ing stockholders: Ex-Oovernor E. C. Smith of this city, E, H, Fltzhugh of Montreal, c W, Witters of this city, li H. Baker of Boston, S. E. Kllner of Now York, Albert Tuttlo of Fair Haven, .1. S. Murdock of Providence, R. 1., and G, C. Jones of this city. Tho following board of directors was elected: E, J, Cham berltn of Montreal, F C. Smith, E. II. Fltzhugh, W. Seward Webb, John W. Stewart, John G, McCullough, E, II. Ba ker, c. W. Witters, S. E. Kllner, E. U Mnrston, Albert Tuttle, O. C, Jones and C. P. Smith. The directors elected th following officers: Executive committee E. J, Chamberlln, E. II. Baker, E. IL Fits- hugh; chairman, E, J. ChBmberlln; presi dent, E. H. Fltzhugh; vice-president, C. W. Witters; treasurer and clerk, W. H. Chaffee; auditor. W. G. Crabbe. Tho gross receipts of tho business and operation of tho company for the year ending June 30, 1912, were $i,435,832.:j; operating expenses. $3,419,312.10; balance, $1,010,519.81, Tho net result of the busi ness and operation for the period was $12.9-2.97. Tho total for Improvements ana extraordinary expenditures Included In operating extienses was $22,569.40. I ne total train mlleago rcportod was 2,912,313; total car mileage, 36.7Sil.084. The number of tons carried In traffic ono mile win 309,505,018, nil Increase of 8,812,904. 'fho number of oussenuers curried one nillo was 50,051,828, on Increase of l27-sx; mild nn.l no epidemic Is feared, The outbreak Is ascribed to "unrecognized ' cases, those not reported to the health o nicer. One of the attractions at the coming second annual Vermont corn show at Windsor on November 0 and 7 will be a mammoth Kennedy arena, sou feet long and !) feet wide, In effect a huge winter garden. Merton, Olln, n farmer of North Snaftsbury, shot two buck deer FrlJuy morning. The ieer had done damago to his buckwheat crop. Ho complied with the statute by notifying tho war den and dressing; the animals. During August the operating reve nues of the Rutland railroad were f .",,",7,166,63 and the expenses amounted to $237,S.t9.59. The operating Income aggregated $104,121.17, an Increase of Jl,7.",l.S:i In comparison with August, 1911. The llolstelti-Friesian Register com pany of Brattleboro has been Incor porated under the laws of Vermont with a capital stock of fSO.OOO. T'.i,! company takes over the publication of the Holsteln-Fricsliin Register an 1 the Blue Books. Mrs. Eva Johnson of Newfnnu picked 130 quarts of red raspberries and 17 quarts of blackberries this season. She walked most of the tlmo from her hotno on tho hill one nnd a half miles away and brought the berries in bas kets packed In suit cases. Charles Clifford, proprietor of the Bomoseen Hotel at Castleton, a first class license, was arrested Friday charged with selling liquor on holidays and Sundays. Twelve offenses are al leged. He furnished $1,000 ball for appear ance in Rutland county court. John V. Kecso and Calvin I, Wagner Individually and as partners to the Rutland Catering company, havo filed petitions In bankruptcy with liabili ties of $1,79S,64 and nssets of $871.30 Mr. Keese has liabilities of $4 4.90 and Mr. Wagner $33.40 with no assets. Mayor C. 1 Howe of Rutland may call a special election to decide if the city will build a now reservoir. The spe cliil water committee has recommended an expenditure of $129,00, for a resor voir to he built on land adjoining tho present one, with n capacity of 30,000,000 gallons. Mis, F. S. Caroy of Morrlsvllle haa raised a turnip that weighs 16 pounds, another weighing 12& pounds. Twenty two average between 10 and U pounds. She nlso raised a cabbage that weighed HH pounds after being cloudy trimmed. All the work In her garden was done by two women. Manager T. A. Boyle of the Rutland opera house hod trouble Tuesdny night with his orchestra at a performance of "Alma, Where Do You Live?" The bas drum was cut In a place, where It could not be patched, and non-union men did not show up to play as they knew tha leader was a member of the musician's union. Domlnlco Peduzil, one of tho Italian advance Kuard In Barre, died Wednes day Oct. 2, ut his home there. He was 5S years of age and with a few others went to Barro about 30 years ago. At the session of tho United States court at Barro Oct. 2 65 annllca lions tor citizenship papers wore re celved. Scotland headed the list with 40 names, Italy next with 17. Clydo Kennlson of Bellows Falls was fined $50 at Northampton, Mass., on a charge of exhibiting at the Hampshire, Franklin and Hampden county fair a deformed boy whom he claimed was hla son. The boy Is about 12 years of ago and has six fingers on each hand and seven toes on each foot. The arreat waa made on complaint of Mrs. Alice Mont gomery, ngent of the State Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children MONEY FOR ST. PAUL'S. 10,000 Bequeath la Will of Mr I, C. Clark Recently Deceased. By Iho will of Marian De Forest Clark filed In New York yesterday, $10,000 la bequeated to the rector, wardens and vestry of St. Paul's parish In this city, to add to the fund Touted by Col, LeGrand n. Cannon, Mrs. Clark's father, towards the defraying of the expenses of the parish, Mrs. dark also left $13,000 fMt xcu-u city cimriuca, patents, $.ioac,25; spring clears, $l.00i 4.25; In sacks, $1.23174.30 In wood; winter patents, $3,l,V;5.40, winter straights, $4.0 liifi.'Ji; winter clears, $1.30fi0' Kansas, in Backs, $4.rf?4.75; in wood, Jii,". M I LLFE1CD Dull. Spring bran, $2IW 21.5-1; winter bran $24.'J5T2I.73. middlings, $23. 50129. 50; mixed feed, $23..W9l; red doir, $31.7332; C. S. meal, $29"fi30.75: linseed meal, $34.50; gluten feed, J26.30; hominy feed, J29.50; stock feed, $31, oat hulls, $17.50. CORN Dull, lower. Spot. No. 2 yellow, 7Sc; steamer yellow, 77c; No. 3 yellow, TOVie; for shipment No. : yellow, 76,,4'r( 77c: No. 3 yellow, 7Cfi76'te OATS Firmer, quiet. Spot. No. I clip ped white, 42'c; No. 2 ellpjud white, t.'c; No. 3 clipped white. 40Ac; for shipment: Fancj, 40 lbs., 42'S-I2',ic: fanev, 3S lbs., 4H4'a42c; regular, 28 lbs., (iWillf; reg ular 3C lbs., 4fxri40iie. CORNM EAL Bag meal $15MJl.fil; granulated, l.3vfj4.40. HAY Dull, lower. Choice, $2121.60; No. 1, fJ3ii21.3n; No. 2. $21122: No. Z, $17 ftlS; stock, $141116. RYE STRAW-$19fi20; oat. $llf(12. OATMEAL Lower, dull. Rolled, l.3"i 4.50; cut, $1.7.VM.9f. RYE I-IyOCR-$4.1(Ki4.C5; graham flour, J3.Mi4; rye meal, $3.70. HOTTED fORNMEAL-Jt.2ir'4..TO. PORK PP.ODUCT3-Short cut and eavy backs. J24.,o- medium, J27..iop24.2j; ong cut, $23.23; raw leaf, Uc; rendered leaf, lta4c; puro lard, 13Hc; dressed hogs, lO'l'-V. FRESH MEATS Reef, extra sides, 14 ifil3c; heavy hinds, rSViUiSc; heavy fores, llHfil2c; medium sides, lOQllc; western cows and heifers, 8310c; lambs, fancy, lirflllc; winter. Sfffic; yearlings, 7 5lsc; veals, fancy, l5Qi6c: medium, 13 14c; ordinary, lCHJ12c. POULTRY-Northem fowl, lSfflSa; western, large, ISc; medium, lfgl7c; western broilers, 20c; live fovi, 14c; native broilers, 2-lb. nnd up, dressed, :frr(22i; live. 15fil6c; squab, $2.501j3 doz.; pilng ducks, We. EGGS Choice hennery, 40fHlc; eastern, 37'H'?;c; western extras, 327131c; firsts, 2STi30c; storage, 23Vfrt2oc. BEANS Carload lot", pea beans, $3.10 flS.15; bit.: No. 2. $2. 7502.55; medium, $2.95 03; yellow eyes, $2.COQ2.65; red kidneys, r2.60Ti2.70; California, small white, $3.25ff 3.30; foreign pea beans, $2.73-32.55; lima btans, 01i,c lb APPLES-Oravensteins, J2.75TJ-1 bbl.; Baldwins, $1.75172.50; Greenings, $1.75?1) 2.50; Pippins. Wcalthles. $2.50 Hubbardstons, $1.75ff;.50; Mncklntosh Beds, $1.7534; Hnrvcys. $2T?2.75; Snow, $2 25ti3; St. Lawrence, $2fj2.50; boxes, 50a g$1.50. POTATOES Aroostook Green Moun tain, $1.20fl,25 bg.; 6wcets, Eastern Shore. $1.76ft2.25 bbl., SOIiSDc bskt. FRUIT Late Valencia oranges. $3f4.50 bx,; cranberries, $5tj6 bbl. nnd $1,733 2.23 crt.; cantaloupes, Colorado, standard crts.. $2.25; Burrell Gems, S3cft$l; peaches, York State, S&gCOc bskt.; Col orado, 40?j60c crt,; grapes, pony bskts. Concords, SifflOc; Delaware, 9-iJlOc; Niag aras, SfrtOc; Salems, 10c; plums, Dam son, 33Tj40c bskt.; eating plums, 25e. the week, selling now for 40 cents pe pound, retail, nnd 3414c wholesale, Man Tho following quotations nrn supplle to the Flee Press by the C. P. Smltt Feed company, tho Burlington fruit mar ket, A. E, Tryon ft Son's meat market and C. A. Barber.' WHOLESALE PRICES Beef, dressed Butter Chickens Fowls Eggs, doz Hny, per ton, loose Hogs I.nmhs Now potatoes, bbl $2.003$2.23 RETAIL GROCERIES. Beets, pound Butter separator, creamery. Now cabbage, lb Cauliflower, each Celery Sago eheeso Carrots, lb Cheese , Cafe cheese, per Jar Cu.-umbers Cream cheese, each Chicory Grim coin, doz Lima beans, qt , Cranberry brans, qt Egg plant, each , Edam cheese, each Swiss cheese, lb Plmollve eheeso Walnut cheese Welsh rabbit Plcnnto cheese Roquefort cheese, lb Eggs, doz Flour, bread, bbl Flour, pastry, bbl Lettuce, Boston ball head . Lettuce, homo grown, head.,.. ,'j3 New maple syrup, gal $1.2otj$1.3.j New maple sugar, lb Oleomargarine, lb Olive oil, gallon New potatoes, pk Sweet potatoes, lb Spinach, peck Parsley, bunch Radishes, bunch Green peppers, 2 for Tomatoes, lb New turnips, bunch Wax beans, qt Green string beans, qt RETAIL MEATS. Bacon, lb .11 31'. .leg 20 .20 .28 ,12f? 15 .17 ,03 10 .05 .'S ,21 .05 22 $1.20 ,03-5,03 .10 .10 .13'T 18 ,10 ,08 .1517.2S 40cfi$1.2O .49 .10 .10 .10 10 .60 .35 ,$6.751i$7.30 .$6,501? $6,73 .101j 12 ..01 15 25 $3.5-) ,25 ,r- .40 .06.10 .05 .06 .05 .05 .10 .10 Beef, roast, lb Broilers, lb Chickens, lb Ducks, lb Hams, lb Hams, sliced, lb Leaf lard Lnke Pike Pork Roast, lb Poik Chops, lb Pork Sausage Porterhouse steak, lb Round steak, lb Salt Pork, lb Sirloin steak, lb Spring lamb, hind quarter .. Spring lamb, forward quarter Spring lamb, chops Tripe, lb Turkeys, lb Veal steak, lb RETAIL GRAINS. .253 30 .25 .30 .23.2S .25 .1 .30 .15 .IS .lft.20 .20 .15 .253.35 .25 .15 .30 .25 .10 .30 .10 .30 .80 Baled rtraw, cwt .70 Bran, cwt $1.40 Old cornmcnl, cwt $1.70 Hny, baled, cwt JLC0 Hcnfced, mixed, cwt $1.95$2.0O White Middlings, cwt $1.85 Brown Middlings, cwt $1.60 Oats, bu .47 Provender No. 1, cwt $1.65 Provender, No. 2, cwf. $1.65 Poultry wheat, cwt $2.003$2.20 Cracked com, cwt $1,70 RETAIL FRUITS. Bananas, doz 103.30 Cantaloupes l(g.30 Grape fruit each 10g15 Delaware grapes, bskt 203.25 Malaga grapes 150.20 Concord grapes 153.20 Niagara grapes 203.25 Limes, doz 153.20 lemons 263.40 Late Valencia oranges 25g60 Peaches 20U.40 Native Uartlett pears .203.30 Peaches, basket CO3$L00 Rocky Ford melons, each Quinces, lb .08 LIVESTOCK MARKET. New York, Oct. 9. BEEVES Receipts, 9,W0. Firm. Steers $3.401i9.75: bulls, $4.00416.00; cows, $2,503 COO. CALVES Receipts, 1,991; weak. Veals, $7.50311.60; a few, $U.7o3i2.O0; culls, $3.00 87.00; grossers nnd buttermilks, $3,503 4 50; westerns, W.OOCI.M. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9.616, Sheep steady; lambs lower; sheep $2.50 Q-1.25; lambs, $3.5037.00. HOGS Receipts, 5.7S4; easy at $8,900 9.40; pigs, $7.75S8.W. BOSTON BUTTER MARKET. Boston, Oct. 9, BUTTER Unchanged. Northern, 333 S3Vsc; western, 313tflHc. CHEESE Firm. New York twins, IS4 (S'19o; good, WISc. Chamber of Commerce quotations. prlco of commission merchnnta to deal era: Vermont and Now Hampshire, extra assorted sizes at 31c; boxes, five pounds each, full weight. 32c; prints, full weight, S2c. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET, Chicago, Oct. 9, WHEAT Dec. 93Sc; May 974c; July 94Hc COHN-Dec. 53T4c; May B3Hc; July OATS Dec. 3210; May 35c; July 85c PORK Oct. $17.20; lard, Oct., $U.S3; ribs, $11.05. Cash quotations were as follows; FLOUR-Stcady. RYE No. 2, 6&309c. BARLEY Feed or Wllxlng, 47352c; fair to choice malting, 60872c. TIMOTHY 8EED-SS69c. CLOVER SEED-Ji3.003i8.oo. MESS PORK-$17.20317.26. LARD (In tierces) $11,924. SHORT RlBS-(loose) I10.503U.25. Wheat 60 cars; corn 133 cars; oats 224 cars; hogs, 15,000 head. GRAIN STATISTICS. Tola! clearances of wheat and flour wen. equal to 663,000 bu. Primary re ceipts were l,863,00u bu compared with 1,186,000 bu. tho corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for to-morrow THE BURLINGTON MARKETS Sutler hua gono m two cents durlrs TRADE REPORT Reports to Bradstrect's for the monty in summarizing trade conditions for Sep tember of this year, reflect an Improved stato of trado over what was noted fof the samo month In 1911, and the outlook for further trade appears more encourag ing. Among the manufacturing Interests, ns has been previously noted, during tin month, labor is In demand and manufac turing plants aro, with a few exceptions, well employed. Rainy weather has In terfered some with retail trado but thd merchants report .stocks In good shape. Wholesale firms state thu demand ha been a little better than usual although collections have not been as good as do sired. Among iural districts, tho rains of tha month have done some damage O crops but the yield, n.s a whole, has been satis factory, considering the bad conditions the early part of thu season Tho sales of fruits haa been larger than usual and a number of tho retail merchants ran out of supply of article. for canning Tha corn pack this year Is reported as le. than normal, a late start and unt.ivor ablo weather conditions had its effect In a light yield. Wholesale lumber mer chants report demand large and prices up Dealers In building material report the demand good. Failure reports for the week Just closed include one voluntary bankruptcy. Ths month of September recorded one Invol untary bankruptcy with u total liability of $9,.r-M.2t und assets of $4,971.SO, a Ilka number of voluntary bankruptcies wcr reported for August, 1912, nnd added ta list of failures was one compromise and two receiverships for that month. Tha third quarter this year showed a larger number of failures than was reported for tho same quarter last year. Included In tho failures for third quarter of 1912 worn two receiverships, three suspensions, one. extension, threo compromises, two in voluntary nnd nine voluntary bankrupt cies, with aggregate liabilities of $22,605.9 and ossets of $14,039.97, while tho third quarter 1911 gave one receivership, ona alignment, three compromises, one in voluntary and 12 voluntary bankruptcies, with liabilities of $29,13S6S and assets ot $19,942.5$. Losses sustained by fire for September, 1912, were 11, affecting 17 firms with total damage of $136,760. This was over hnl( tho total damage for tho third quarter of this year. Tho tiro loss for the quarter was tho 'heaviest of the third quarter for any year slnco 1900. giving ns It did a total tiro damage of $204,920, resultlnaj from 25 (Ires, affecting 32 firms, The third quarter this year gave nine domestl" cor porations with a total capitalization ot 23,500.