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I. In the Field With the Hallowe'en Pumpkin D .OWN In a deep furrow of Farm- two sisters. er Brown's rolling cornfield, Maryl It's DasKln in uio bright Fail Sun shine, lay a big, fat, lazy pump kin, its round, yellow sides bulging with Its meaty contents that gave such splendid promlso of yellow pumpkin pics. Around It, hero and there down the long furrows, the corn stood In shocks, and tho pumpkins, clearly visible be- "Mere Is a great big one, Just what we want for the table." Mary came running to see. And she, too, approved. "Now," continued Ellon Joyously, "we will have John come down and carry It to tho barnyard for us; and there we'll cle.. 1 It out and cut two big eyes and a nose and a mouth In' It and and oh, Mary, won't it look causo of the cutting and stacking of hnat too searV for unvthlni when we Vim corn, Kiy iiko so many Drigm yel low dots over the brown field. Presently, came 'Ellen and Mary, Farmer Brown's pretty daughters, Into tho cornfield. Their eyes were dancing and they wero laughing and tthoutlng In high gleo. Alas for the poor pumpkins! Could they have known tho reason for the merry maids' trip over tho rugged furrows their sleek sides doubtless would have lost their sleekness. For, you see, Ellen and Mary had come to pick put a lighted candlb Inside It! Just then bellevo It or not, as you please Just then a strange thing .hap pened. Tho pumpkin rolled over on its side and back again; then its thick green stem suddenly broke off' from the vine and began to spin round and round as though somo ono were mov ing It in a circle. Presently a bit of tho stem flew oft and fell to the ground; Instantly there sprang up from where It had fallen a queer creature nearly as large as Ellen. The two little girls stood and looked in horror, their eyes fairly popping outof their sockets; they wanted to run but couldn't. This strange creaturo had on a hat of green moss which camo to a peak on top, out of which a cluster of dandelions seemed to be growing. His Jacket, laced tightly about his "Ah! So You Like It?" Cried Tho Queer Creature. out their Hallowe'en pumpkins! And, of course, they wero looking for big, fat. laz ones! Skipping along up ono furrow and down another they came, after a while, to our big, fat, lazy friend basking iri the bright Fall Sunshine. "Oh!" cried Ellen, the eldest of tho thin chest, was fashioned by Autumn leaves, red and brown and gold; and his trousers were the raggedest ones imaginable and made of some green material. But the queerest thing about him was his funny face; his ears came to a sharp point far above tho brim of his hatj and when he grinned which he did continually his mouth seemed to extond from ear to car. Ho grabbed up tho pumpkin, stood a moment and grinned at the terrified little girls, and then drove a queer shaped knife straight Into the yellow heart of tho pumpkin. Thj pumpkin squccled. Tho little girls shivered. And tho queer creature' with the knife grinned! "That's tho way1 to stab 'eml" he croaked in a high, squeaky voice, "Plug 'em to tho heart, say I" Then ho withdrew his knife, plunged it In again and again and once more and, lo and behold, he had made an eye. Rapidly, and chuckling to himself all tho while, he made the other eye, then the nose and the mouth. And, lastly, with a deft scoop of his knife he cut a tooth In the mouth ono tooth that stuck out like soro thumb. And all the while as he worked a strange, ghostly light grew and grew and shone within the pumpkin which by this time had left off squealing. "There." he exclaimed. "That's done! I guess you kids won't have that pumpkin for your Hallowe'en party!" And he laughed so hard that his nine-stem legs fairly rattled against each other. Poor Ellen and Mary. They tried to run, but their feet seemed rooted to the ground. Thoy tried to scream, but they had lost their voices. All they could do was to stand and cling to each other in terror. Then, to make matters worse, a black cat suddenly sprang up out of nowhere. "Hoy! How's that, Jerry!" de manded tho fellow, addressing the cat and holding the pumpkin up so the cat could see It. Jerry opened his mouth and wiggled his whiskers knowingly. "Ah! So you like It!" cried the creature, "well, we did a lot of damage here, didn't we. you old black rascal, you!" Ellen made a brave effort and final- lv managed to speak. "Go away! Go away!" she whispered. The queer fellow grinned. "Humh!" he said decisively. "You hear that, Jerry? Fine chance she has of making us go away! 1 guess she doesn't know that I am the Spirit of Mischief, licensed to stalk abroad on Hallowe'en, and that you are sec ond cousin, thrice removed, to old Nick himself. And that we try to 'ralso the mischief wherever we can! They thought they were going to have this fat pumpkin for a Hallowe'en Jack-o-lantern, didn't thoy but wo spoiled it for 'em, eh, Jerry!" And tho queer creature fell to laughing so hard that presently the pumpkin slipped from his hand and fell to the ground where, with a loud report, It exploded, scattering Its seeds and yellow meat all over everything. Tho Spirit of Mischief happened to have his mouth open and the way his laugh changed to an expression of surprise when he found his mouth full of pumpkin seeds was ludicrous. Jerry seemed changed from a black to a yellow cat in the twinkling of an eye. Then came a trembling, squeaky voice from one of the pieces of pump kin on the ground. "Now, now," It walled "Just see what you've gone and donet Horo I am all busted to smithereens Just In my prime, too. Why, they can't even make plo out of mo now! And, besides " Ellen sat up In bed. Mary was sleeping peacefully beside her. The Hallowe'en Witches and Their Pranks AST thou not a bag full yet, Evildays?" Impatiently asked tho old witch with the long hooked nose and tho skeleton arms, from her porch on top tne tumble-down fenco at the corner of tho cornfield. "Aye, nearly so," answered Evil- days. Tho two witches, Evildays and Blackntght, wero preparing for their mischievous Hallowo'cn night. And Through tho window she could see tho thoy had mot In tho corner of the old dawn coming. Sho breathed a sigh cornfield to gather seeds from a of relief. She had been dreaming. pumpkin and, as they sailed along AEJTOPlf RETOLD GARRETT NEWftlRK Copyright, 1916, by Qarrctt Noickirk, Pasadena, Cal. THE FIRST REPORTED BABY SHOW. w HEN Jupiter was god on And then a funny thing took place; earth, A monkey, ugliest of her race O'er all the men of Grecian Came all in earnest, not in jest. birth; To show her baby with ihe rest. He thought of many things to do, A most ungainly looking brat, And tome that seem quite modern, too. With hairless head and visage flat. Distorted limbs, a crooked spine, He sent a proclamation out To all the animals about. That there should be a baby show Where he the prizes would bestow, On those of perfect form and grace; Eugenic children of each race. And so they came as they were bid, With cub or kitten, lamb or kid, From field or forest, tame or wild, Each mother with her youngest child, In turn the candidates were shown To Jupiter upon his throne. And of intelligence no sign. When they within the line appeared The people only laughed and jeered ; "Wh bring this imp?" they cried to her, "Before a judge like Jupiter? "I know not what his thought will be. Of this my lovely child, said she, "But this I know he is to me Most beautiful to say the least Of all young creatures, man or beast overhead, to drop them down the necks of those unfortunate people who happened to be passing under neath. It was dark, but the moon was not yet up and they wero In a hurry to get an early start. "Ah! 'Tls theyl" cried Blacknlght suddenly and Joyously. "Methlnks they fly well tonight, oh, sister?" And she pointed with her evil wand at a number of black creatures which could bo plainly seen flying toward them. They were bats and, as ev eryone knows, when broomsticks aro not available witches always ride through the air on tho backs of bats. "So!" echoed Evildays, delightedly. " 'Tls far Indeed thoy shall carry us tonight and 'tis well they fly well and strong. Come, sister, we have much work ahead of us let us be off!" Accordingly, each of them Jumped upon tne Dack 01 a bat and were borne away, the other bats following to bo used as fresh mounts when the ones already carrying them should become tired. To narrate all the evil deeds those two witches performed that night, to tell of the thousand and one mis chievous pranks they played would be to fill a book with many, many pages; so, let ut speak of Just a fow. First of all, as they neared the out skirts of the town toward which they were flying, they came upon an old farmer In a rickety, ramshackle wagon driving a lean white horse. His wagon was loaded with pumpkins. The witches. Invisible to the human eye, swooped down upon him. Sud denly the poor old white horse qoso up on his hind legs, snorted In terror, kicked up his heels and ran as fast as his decrepit old legs could carry him. And at the same moment the farmer let out a wild yell of surprise and clutched at the back of his neck. Presently they came to the residen tial seotlon of the town, where the streets were but dimly lighted. A group of small boys were trying to tie a bag of flour across the sidewalk at Just the proper height so that the head of a passerby would strike It and cause the flour to spin all over him. Tommy Jones was putting the last knot In the cord when Evildays gave the bag a quick poke with her wand and lo and behold Tommy Jones re ceived the contents of the bag right In his face. Which, no doubt, served Tommy Jones Just right. But Tommy didn't think so. A little farther on the witches espied an open window and flew In. The room was darkened but was filled with children who were having a Hal lowe'en party. A large washtub, filled with water, reposed on the floor In the center of the room; and a num ber of apples were floating around on the surface of the water. The chll dren, on their knees, were grouped about the tub "bobbing for apples" a game you and every other child has played on Hallowe'en. Evildays peered at Blacknlght and grinned; and, straightway, each of the witches seized a child by his hair and pushed his head down under the water. Bobby Jones went In up to his collar, and Wlllto Barnes, right next to htm, all but fell Into the tub. Moreover, each boy said the other had shoved him and, but for the In terference of tho hostess, there would have been a fight right there. The "Ah! Tls They!" Cried Blacknlght Joyously. wicked witches, needless to state, en Joyed It immensely. After a fow more pranks In this house the witches sallied forth again to the streets. And presently they camo across some boys trying to take a gato off Us hinges. Now, Just why boys should consider this a proper way of celebrating Hallowe'en is In deed beyond reason; so, after all, no matter what happens to them while so engaged It Is not a thing to cry about. Just as Arthur Brown was lifting the gate. Evildays seized his coat, wrapped it around the gate post and held It tight while Blacknlght pound ed so loudly on the front door that the owner. In a towering rage, came running, threw open the door, saw poor Arthur tampering with his gate. grabbed him and "tanned his hide" until Arthur promised never, never again to play such a Hallowe'en prank on anyone. Then but surely we have followed, them far enough-In their BAstftifyous adventures. Sufficiently far, at any , rate, to show that perhaps these witches, or others like them, are re sponsible for many of the ' strange things which happen on Hallowe'en night everywhere. Of course, much depends upon whether or not you believe In witches. In tho old, old days, poople believed In witches, but 'we are enlightened now, and we know that It Is all mere ly a foolish superstition. Bunny Bob's Good Luck ONE day Bob Cottontot, nick named Bunny Bob, humped along In hi3 own bunnysome fashion, up Fern Lane, down Mayapple Court and into Woodsy Place, when what did ho spy right in front of him but a largo, perfect four-leaf-clover! "Good Luck!" cried Bunny Bob. "Well, well, wellt I'll take you right along with me." So down he sat and nibbled and nibbled until not a scrap of the leaf wan lift Now, one would think that a little rabbit with a four-leaf-clover inside nf him nntrht in hn nnpnlnllv lucky all day, and Bunny Bob felt suro as euro can bo of It; In fact, he was so sure that he decided to wander on and find mif tnat hnw ltir.kv he could be. "T wouldn't hn Burnrlsed." said he. "If I should find a big patch of par snips; or mayhe I'll find a new hole, better than tne one wo uvo in now. or perhaps I'll una a carrou - Cn nn hn skinned. Rnnn ha stonncd and sniffed the air. What was that delicious odor? Only nn, thine could smell so sweetl Car rots! Ho hopped and peeped and soon saw a lovely carrot hanging up like a long comet. Not growing on anything Just hanging. That was rather queer. Bunny Bob looked a little closer and saw that the carrot was hanging to a nail In a box. The box itsolf was cleverly hidden In tho tangled raspberry bushes. "Aha!" thought Bunny Bob. "Some good fairy put It horc for me!" It wasn't as If Mrs. Cottontot, Bunny Bob's mother, had not warned him over and over; but Bunny Bob never stopped to think. Ho Just saw the beautiful carrot, and thought about his four-leaf-clover and into the box he hopped. When Bang! the trap shut on him and there he was! Just then he heard a terrible bay ing sound, hollow and fierce, and ho knew that dogs and hunters were In the woodB. So frightened was he that every ono of his whiskers, let alono each Individual tuft of fur, quivered and shook. He crouched down In his dark prison and listened to the bay ing coming nearer and nearer. At last the dogs reached the trap. They had been following Bunny Bob's track, al though he did not know it. Buch a furious barking was nover heardl They turned the box over and over, Jumped on it and tossed It up, trying to got their prey. But the trap was strong. Bunny Bob shut his eyes and tried not to think what would happen If It should give way. Suddenly he felt himself begin fall ing down hill; over and over he turned with tho carrot, until he was so dlszy and tangled up with long carrot roots that ho could not have told his head from his heels If asked to suddenly. Then the trap reached the bottom of the hill, and, strangely enough, be gan gently bobbtng up and down. "Where on earth am I?" thought the poor little rabbit. "Can It be that one of the dogs Is carrying me off In his mouth? Oh dear! Oh Dear!" On wont tho box gently rocking and swaying, and Bunny Bob noticed that tho floor of his .prison was getting very damp. "I knowl" thought he. "I've rolled Into tho Stream and am drifting away, Oh Dearl Suppose I drift out Into tho big Ocean that Walla Gog, the Wild Goose, was telling us about 1" On went the box, gently rocking and swaying. Bunny. Bob began to feel quite seasick, but at last his little boat stopped with a sudden bump. "I've run aground," thought he. Soon he heard human voices and felt himself lifted and carried away, "You open it," said a little volco. "Oh, but 1 don't want to," said an other sweet, little voice, "I'm 'frald someflng might Jump out.' "Well, you needn't not be 'frald," said the first little voice, "I'll save you. g Qurpuzzle Comer BEHEADINGS. 1. Behead a precious metal and get not young. 2. Behead something regarded as a prophetic sign and get members of the male sex, 3. Behead one of the Inferior ani mals and get a point of the compass. 4. Behead to mark and get a char acter In the Bible. 6. Behead moved to anger and get to estimate. . Behead refined or delicate and get frozen water. 7. Behead to hit with a missile and get to Jeer or mock. The beheaded letters spell some thing associated with Hallowe'en. SEXTETTE OF MOVIE ACTORS No. 1. "Sue, stop here." No. 2. "Call war, Edle." No. 3. "No farm, Tom." No. 4. "Rosa R drugged Al." No. E. Tom lathers us. No. 6. Feed, Cram I ANBWERB. BEHEADINGS Goblins. 1. O-old 2. O-tnen. 3. B-eaif. 4. IrAbtl. ,5 T.rnf fi. N-lce. 7. E-hoot. MOVIE ACTORS No. i 1. House Peters. No. 2. Wallace Held, No. 3. t Am fnrman. No. 4. Doualas Oerrard. No. 6. Btuart Holmes. No. 6. Fred HALLOWE'EN PUZZLE. mUneA 111 An aiA ni-Ana n rr frw thnln T.T n1l i. mi - ... going to cut eyes, nose and mouth In this big pumpkin. See If you can make nnmnktn hv euttinnr out thn hlnnlr mnti unit flt4ln v.. . "Oh, let's get him some more car rots and lots of lettuce and vegetables out of our garden," said the little girl, Jumping around with glee, "then let's put them In his ship again and send I'-'iil -OH'OHi" THEV CRIED J cause you're only a little girl." "Well then," saia tne second uttie voice, 'you ougm to open it -cause you're a dreat, big boy and you aren't not 'fraia. "But, "a,a lao nrBl le voice, -i can't open n, ior -cause i nave 10 save you and If I'm opening boxes I can't save you wlf bof hands, see?" There was a little pause, then tho second little voice said: "All right, Hut vou musn't not run away turn me." " 'Course x won v ma mo nrui lit tle voice. Bunny hod hui iremuioa, out soon he heard hands fumbling at the door of hi trap. Then the door opened and he heard a rush of foet, as tho children scampered off to a safe dis tance. 0ut ho crePt and looked around. There stood the two little children holding hands, their eyes big and scared. "Oh! Ohl" they cried, "A cunning little bunnyt" And look, he's got a carrot," said (k, uttle boy, "and he came all tho wax t0 eS UB ,n hls mtIe BhP!" him sa-a-alllng home!" "Yes, let's!" cried the little boy, and off thoy ran. Bunny Bob sat still a while, col lectlng his Uttle wits, which feere sad ly scattered by his adventures, then he thought: "They mean well, and I don't like to disappoint them, but then I only ate ONE four-leaf-clover so I had better go home bofore I use up all my good luck." So ho winked his ears and twlnked his ridiculous Uttle tall and oft he humped. That evening as the seventeen little Cottontots and tholr parents sat around their Mayapple leaf table at supper, Bunny Bob told them his ad ventures, and they all agreed that he had been very lucky, most remark ably lucky. Ho had escaped the hunt ers, the dogs, the unknown seas, and tho trap all In ono day! Now If that wasn't luck enough for one Uttle rab bit! Which all goes to show that Good Luck Is not always Just getting what you want, sometimes It Is NOT getting what you DON'T want. Bee? ERE are a few good ways of en tertaining your friends when they meet at your house next Tuesday to celebrate All Saints' Day. From olden times this last day of October has been associated with superstition and mysticism. We have long since emerged from the belief In witchcraft and ghosts, but we still enjoy playing games that remind us of the dark and Middle Ages. Begin your party by pairing your guests In this way. Fill a pumpkin- rind with nuts, which have been opened, have the meat taken out, some token of fate placed Inside, and glued together again with a ribbon attached to each. There must be always two nuts with the same tokens In them. and the persons drawing the same will be partners. In addition to the old "Bobbing for Apples" game there are the following out of which much fun can bo gotten, A horseshoe Is hung In a doorway, and each set of partners Is given thrco lady-apples. Each In turn tries to throw the apples, one at a time, through tho shoe. The one who suc ceeds, wins the prise; or If you do not want to give prizes, she will be pleased to be told that she will marry young. Hang a ring from the gas fix ture and ask your guests to try to run a pencil through the ring while walk lng toward It. The winner will be the next to be married. Nearly all Hallowe'en games have to do with love and marriage. Another game Is played by hanging a bag of nuts from a curtain and ask ing a blind-folded person to strike the bag with a cane. When he suc ceeds, he scatters the nuts, and the others try to gather them as quickly as possible. The one who picks up the most will have the greatest good fortune during the year. Ask the boys and girls to seat them selves in a circle on the floor, and then pass, from hand to hand, a ball of different colored yarns. The first one begins a ghost-story, unwinding the yarn as he proceeds, until he comes to a different color and then he tosses It to a girl in the circle, and that one must continue the story until she comes to a different color, and so on, until the ball Is unwound and the story ended. A large cake with as many different colored candles on it as there are guests, Is passed around and as each ono helps herself to a piece the hostess reads aloud the following prophecies, having prepared these verses beforehand: "You who hold the candle green, Will win great fame that's easily seen." "Oood luck will ever follow you. Since you have wisely chosen blue." 'He Who holds the candtn rnd Will e'er by fortune's sweets bo fed." "She who holds a candle yellow, Marries soon a Jolly fellow." "Happy, lucky, pretty she. if white candle hers should be. If the hostess wants to start hei party with a vim she will request hei guests to come dressed as ghosts, and have for the first game the task of the guests finding out the others by the senso of touch. A QUEER CURE FOR ILLNESS. Did you ever see a real live Croco dile? If you did, did you think the reptile much to look at? Can you Imagine a people believing a Crocodile could bring luck? The Egyptians bellevo that the mora Crocodiles the better the luck, there fore when a baby Is born In Egypt the parents eagerly wait for the time when the child can bo carried for the first time down to the edge of the Nile to tako its initial peep at this large reptile. One of tho first lessons taught the children of that country Is to gase at as many Crocodiles as 'they are fortunate enough to see. Their elders firmly bellevo that looking Intently at his Royal ugliness will cure the child of any kind of Illness. Babies are often carried for miles and miles to take a look and that look, they think, will restore the suf ferer to health and appetite. We Americans think a look at the iifflv thine la nnnuah tn rnh a wall person of his appetite, let alone, going' 'miles out of ones way to see one. Solution to Hatlovrfen JHurl. Mace.