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Burlington weekly free press. [volume] (Burlington, Vt.) 1866-1928, April 04, 1918, Image 3

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(Continued from page two.)
Those from this town attending the Ad
dison county road meeting In Mlddlebury
Thursday were Q. A. Thayer. E. M. Tuck
er, road commissioner, Mlchaol Tlerney
and selectmen C. A. Purlnton and L. E.
The funeral of Ellas Brown, who died
March 26, was hold Friday at the Baptist
Church; tho Itov. E. J. Abar officiating.
Mr. Abar'sang "Abide- With Me," accom
panied by Mrs. Abar at tho organ. The
Bristol Lodge of Odd Follows, of which
Mr. Bowen was a member, attended In
a body nnd had charge of the services at
the grave. The benrers were O. A. Thay
er, J. L. Beano, O. D. Draper, John Ben
ton, L. H. Rhodes and M. J. Purlnton,
Those from out of town, who attended
the funeral wore Clayton Bowen and
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Bowen of Bethel, and
William Foster of Mlddlebury. Mr. and
Mrs. Clinton Pierce were In Starksboro
Sunday to attend the funeral of Mr.
Pierce's father, Jay Pierce. Mrs. Mar
gueret Madlgan of Burlington Is visiting
friends In town. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sar
gent and son of Huntington and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Bcane were guests Sunday
at tho homo of Charles Swocte. Ralph
Sweete of Camp Dovens, Ayer, Mass.,
who has been spending a few days at
home, returned Monday.
The weather has been fine for two weeks
past and sap has run every day. It !s
tho best season for years. Nineteen
young people united with the Congrega
tional Church Sunday. Mrs. John W.
Clark returned home to Pawlct last Sat
urday, after spending a week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Branch.
E. O. Bishop, L. B. Needham and T. II.
Purcell attended .the listers' meeting at
Rutland last week. Miss Jennie Pluo Is
with her brother, George, In Salisbury.
The' Rov. Mr. Merrill closed a week's ser
vices Sunday and returned to Burling
ton. Miss Mollle Hack and Miss Florence
Kerry returned to Keene. N. H last
week, after spending 10 days with Mr.
and Mrs. II. E. Hack. Matthew Conway
returned to duty after a few days' here.
He Is a member of troop B of New York
State, located at Syracuse. Miss Bertha
Lille died March 25 from kidney trouble.
The funeral .was held at the home on
March 27 at 1:00 p. m. The Rev. Isaacs
officiated. George Reynolds attended the
funeral of his brother, William, In Ben
son, last week. Mr. Faxon, who Is to
run our cheese factory this season, is'
here and ready for business. Our schools
are closed for this week to commence on
Monday, April 8. '
A son was born Saturday to Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Rowley of Burlington and a
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Rowley.
Miss Ethel Smith, who whas been 111, Is
able to tie out again. Mortimer Roscoe
Is away attending school. Mrs. Paul
Baron and children were guests of Mrs.
Hason Davis Tuesday. Master Elroy
Sneden of Waltham was the guest Sunday
of his aunt, Mrs. J. E. Davis. Mrs.
Charles Hathorne and daughter Irene of
Bristol were week-end guests of Mrs.
Helen Hathorne.
William Rivers has moved from the J.
B. Burroughs place to the G. F. O. Kim
ball farm in Ferrisburg. Mrs. W. D.
Woodman is improving from her recent
illness. Edward Danyow's people are hav
ing german measles. Mr. and Mrs. George
Evarts of Panton were the guests of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Evarts, Sunday.
Herbert Burroughs rented the J. B.
Burroughs farm. W. H. Jackman has
purchased a fine herd of Ayrshlres.
Madam Jackman Is recovering from her
recent Illness.
Miss Delia Rogers, after passing a
three weeks' vacation with her parents,
has returned to Alburg. The schools In
town began this week with Miss Helen
Lee of Vergennes at Lake street, Mary
Conant at the corners and Maude Rogers
at the Sand Road. Mrs. F. E. Grandey
and grandaughter, Violet Otis, have re
turned from Ripton, where they have
been for several days, visiting Mr. and
Mrs. John Otls.-Mr. and Mrs. William
Hatch are the parents of a daughter born
Sunday. Mrs. Annette Adams, who
passed the winter in New York city, has
arrived at the home of her son, Friend,
Her daughter. Miss Helen, who accom
panied her, went Sunday to Burlington,
where she passed the day and left on
the sleeper Sunday night for New York
clty.-E. L. Stagg, W. R. White and
L. G. Kent attended the road commls
sloners' meeting In .Mlddlebury Thurs
day. Almon Shedrlck has gone to Bel
dens and will carry the mall from there
to Mlddlebury. Mr. and Mrs. George
Allen have sold their farm to O. H
Sherman of Burlington and purchased
the William Sherrill place in Vergennes
of Rollln Kent and are moving this week
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen 'are to have
charge of the Allen farm until Mr. Sher
man finds another to run it. Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Bishop have moved into
the John Davis house and Mr .Bishop
will work for Charles Spaulding this
season. Mrs. Susan Merrill has been
called to her home in Vergennes by the
Illness of her son George. Miss Anna
LeBeouf of Vergennes is caring for Miss
Isidore Adams for a few days. Henry
Rogers has moved from the Wlsell place
to the Matthews home, owned by Mrs.
Duane Allen. J. H, Converse is In fall
Ing health and under the care of Dr.
Waterman of Vergennes, Mrs. St. George
and baby of Bristol are visiting at F. E.
Chittenden County.
The Joan of Aro Sewing club of South
Burlington gave Mr. and' Mrs. Edward
Coutermarche a farewell party Saturday
evening and also congratulated Mrs.
Louis Duell on her 65th anniversary. The
club presented her a beautiful rosary
of her birth stones.
When Miss Anna Bylngton was out
driving Thursday afternoon her horse
became frightened and threw her from
the carriage, the wheel passing over her
phoulder and breaking her collar bone.
The horse ran a short distance and was
topped. Dr. Falby reduced the fracture
and Miss Bylngton is doing as well as
could be expected.
Champlaln Chapter, No. 55, O. E. S.,
will hold Its annual business meeting and
election of officers next Friday. The
meeting will begin at ten o'clock and din
ner Will be served at 12:30. Miss Bessie
Whalley Is at home from Castleton Nor
mal school for her Easter vacation.
Dr. and Mrs. J, J, Ross and children of
Mlddlebury have been guests at C. T.
Holmes'. Edith and Donald Davis of
WinoosKl, wno nave Deen visiting sirs
Monroe Hill, returned home Monday.-
Miss Winifred Smith of Bridgewater
Normal school ho,s been in town.
The Ladles' Aid met at the home
of Mrs, M. C. Hlgbee on Wednesday aft
ernoon, G. E. Edgerton of the New
England Telephone company Is spend
ing a few days at his home. F. A.
Lewis la breaking ground for an addi
tion to his hotel. He has already booked
.a number of guests and is looking for
ward to a prosperous season. There was
good attendance at tho Easter service
'Ufoinday. There were 10 admitted to the
church, eight by profession and two by
letter. At tho meeting of tho Grange
Monday night a class of 14 were' given
tho first and second degrees. Maple syrup
on snow was served for refreshment.
The Rev. W. B. Dukcshlro of St. Al
bans will preach at tho Methodist Church
at the Sunday morning service, nftor
which tho Sacrament of the Lord's Sup
per will bo administered. Sunday school
will convene at noon. Tho evening union
service will be held at tho Congregational
Church at 7:30. The prayer meeting this
week will bo held nt Mrs. Jcnnlo Wells'
Mrs. nhoda Goodwin Is visiting at tho
home of her son, F. E. Goodwin. Pearl
Houghaboon has returned to her school
In Franklln.-Georgo Stanley and Mr.
Norton of Burlington passed the week
end with Mrs. O. A. Stanloy.-Henry Olln
and Marion Stanley were here Sunday,
Grace Wood was home for a short vaca
tion last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Good
win and daughters were In St. Albans
March 29.
Jay Pierce died at his home In Starks
boro Friday evening at the ago of 63 with
pneumonia. Mr. Pierce was twice married.
His first wife was Miss Mary Stokes. Five
sons- survive this marriage, Benjamin,
Clinton, Allen, Mnrblo and Edson. His
second wife was Miss Arvllla Russell,
who, together with six children, survive
four sons, Cecil, Royal, .Toslali and
Daniel, and two daughters, Mrs. Alfred
Wright and Miss Cora Pierce. Tho funeral
was heldlat tho church hero Sunday nt
2:00 p. m., the Rev. T. J. Adams officiating.
Four of the sons wore bearers. F. H.
Beane and son, Parker, and Mrs. V. R.
Sargent went to Lincoln the first of tho
week to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs.
Clinton Pierce of Lincoln visited his
brother, Edson Pierce, the first of tho.
week. Mrs. W. L. Ring Is visiting her
son, Howard, In Waterbury. f. U Strong
of Boston, Mass., was an over-Sunday
guest of his brother, F. R. Strong. Ezra
Kimball moved on to George Wells' place
the last of the week. Ci E. Gilbert of
Montpeller visited at James Phillips' the
last of the week. Mrs. J. E. Andrews
and Mrs. Fletcher of Essex Junction' is
visiting at George Wright's.
The next meeting of the Red Cross
will be held with Mrs. B. F. O'Brien
on Friday. All are requested to bring
pieces of worsted and outing flannel for
afghans. Robert Fuller, who- has been
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Fuller, during the winter, returned to
Ogdensburg, N. Y., Monday.-A whist
party for the benefit of the Red Cross
will be held at the hall next Wednesday
evening. Mrs. F. D. Falby Is In Mont
peller with her daughter, Miss Alma,
this week. T. H. Sweet and G. M. Nor
ton are In Burlington serving as jurors.
The Missionary society will meet to
day with Mrs. John Prescott. Tho next
meeting of tho King's Daughters will be
held at the hall next Wednesday.
The Woman's Home and Foreign Mis
sionary society met in the Methodist
Episcopal Church parlors Wednesday.'
Dinner was served at noon. Mrs. Maude
Somers hostess.-The W. C. T. U. will
meet Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Edward Bushey. Miss Mary Somers is
spending a few days with Mrs. Gaylord
Goodrich in Jonesville. Mrs. Linne
Sheltus is at the Mary Fletcher hospital.
The play which was to have been given
April 3 by the King's Daughters of Shel
burne has been postponed owing to ill
ness among those who were to have taken
part. E. O. Mead, T. J. and Ralph Mc
Kenzte, Fred Rounds, F. A. Heflon and
H. S. Read returned from Buffalo, N. Y.,
Saturday each driving a new automobile.
They came by Saratoga and Whitehall
and found good roads until they reached
Vermont. Two stars have been added to
the service flag in the Federated Church
for Sergeant Floyd Isham and Corporal
BenBon. Mrs. Ruth Parker of Charlotte
is spending the week with Mrs. H. M.
Page. Miss Emily Pierce after spending
the winter with Mrs. H. D. Weller, has
returned to her home In California. Miss
Adda Ray Is very ill at her home in the
village with rheumatism and heart com
plications. Charles Wead and Albert
Isham have Installed new milking ma
chines ln their dairies. The rural schools
opened Monday. The high school will
open next Monday. Miss Anna B,
Patrick has returned from Castleton,
where she spent her vacation with the
Daniel Berry of Fltchburg, Mass., was
the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Berry, over Easter. Miss Tllley
of Burlington ,1s visiting at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Tllley. Over 750
pounds of clothing was collected by the
Red Cross for the Belgians. The Misses
Powers and Moody of Waterbury are
guests of Miss Pearl Berry. Miss Eliza
beth Phillips, who has been visiting at
the home of her aunt, Mrs. W. W. Mil
ler, for the last week, has returned to
her home In Montpeller. Heath Towne
of Waterbury was the guest of friends
In town over Sunday. Miss Eva Berry of
Burlington was at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Berry, over
Sunday. Clarence Gauvln, who enlisted
In the navy and Is now stationed at New
port, Is at his home here for a short
stay. Jack Simonds of Cambridge,
Mass., is visiting his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Arthur Simonds, The Misses Doris
and Mary Freeman of Essex Junction
and Miss Esther Leary of Burlington
aro at the homo of their uncle, M. J.
Gleason, for the Easter vacation. Mr.
and Mrs. W, W. Miller were the guests
of relatives In Montpeller Sunday. Miss
Elizabeth Kehoo of Ferrlsbure is snend-
Infc a few days In town. Miss Katherlne
Lvelle of Burlington Is at her home here
tor a snori siay. hubs rannie uavis,
who has been visiting her parents in
Florence for the last two weeks, has re
turned. James Murphy, who has been
employed In C. F. Morgan's grocery store
for several years, has resigned his posl
tlon. Mrs. C. C. St. Clair, who has been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Richardson, for several weeks, has re
turned to her home In Port Henry, N. Y,
Miss Wlnnlo Burko Is visiting at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Barry, in Bur
lington. Mr. North of Montreal is visit
ing his daughter, Mrs. L. A. Johnson.
The entertainment given by talent from
Jonesville for the benefit of the Red Cross
In the new theatre Monday evening was a
success, tho acting was exceptionally good
and tho society netted about 17'. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Constantino of St., Albans, who havo
been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Louis Gauvln, have returned to their
home, D, Conte of Boston Is at his home
here for a short stay.-The Misses Edith
and Alma Jacobs of Waterbury aro spend
ing their vacation with their graandmoth
cr, Mrs. Pettlbone. Daniel Berry, who
has been visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J, C. Berry, has returned to his
home ln Fltchburg, Mass. Friendship
Chapter of Eastern Star held a regular
meeting In their rooms Tuesday evening,
O. C. Gauvln, who has been home on a
short furlough, returned Tuesday night to
Newport where he is a member of the
medical corps,
Dr. Varney Is Ill.-Forest Palmer, who
lives with his grandfather, Burielgh
Palmer, In the south part of the town,
Is ill with scarlet fever and tho house
is under quarantine. School No. 11 which
the child attends has been closed for a
week, Awaiting results. A quantity of
clothing has rec6ntly been collected In
iown lor mo ucigiana. bix hundred ,
pounds was asked for and over 700 pounds 1
was contriDutoii. -rnero was a big run of i
sap Friday, and tho run of sap since has,
been light. Miss
Anna Hayes reached 1
homo Friday evening from Stratford,
Conn., where sho has been teaching and
will remain at home with her pnrents
through tho spring and summer months.
H, O. Van Vllet has purchased a farm
tractor. He will probably be able to help
the farmers ln getting their ground ready
for spring sowing. Tho usual amount of
plowing was not done last fall because
of the rainy weather, tho scarcity of farm
help and the early winter. Mrs. Dow
has returned from Bristol, whore she
visited her grandmother for sevoral days.
The mid-week prayer meeting will be
held at tho vestry Thursday evening.
allies were sending over four shells to.
tne Germans' one.
Miss Marcla Stuart has returned to her
school In Concord. Mrs. Jennie Church
ill of Fnlrfax was tho guest of
her sister, Mrs. Willis King, last
weck.-MIss Eliza Allen of tho
teacher training department of Lyn
don Institute, and Carolyn Macom
ber, Betty Kimball and Irene Allen,
students In tho samo Institution aro
home for a week. Miss Llllla'i Petty
of the senior class of tho University
of Vermont has accepted a position ns
teacher of Latin In the Northfield high
school for tho remainder of the yoar.
Sho will return to Rurllntrton to
Uraduato wlth hcr class ln May,.Mrs.
Qulmby Is tho guest of her son, tho
Rov. C. S. Qulmby Cecil Elmer of
Corinth, New York, has purchased
the Homer Bevins place and will
probably take possession about May 1.
Georg-o Hall of Boston is spending;
a few days with his brother, E. C.
Hall. Mrs. Jennie Perry has roturned
from a visit to her son, Gordon Perry,
of Essex Junction. Sunday, April 7,
will bo observed as Liberty Loan Sun
day. A very successful neighborhood
tea for the benefit of tho Red Cross
was held ut tho tiorr.o of Mrs. Loula
Macomber March 27. Mrs. Lennio
Grow of Fairfax visited her son, II. D.
Grow, last week.
A ten-ten party was held with Mrs.
Parker at Muddy Brook last week for
the benefit of tho Red Cross. Mrs. Jane
Tllley spent Thursday ln Burlington.
Mr. Tyler and Miss Rose Rhymuo were
In Underhlll last Thursday. Junius
Loggens Is 111. Gladys Fuller visited her
grandparents a few days last week, re
turning to her home Saturday with her
brother, Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Cockran
are tho guests of their daughter, Mrs.
Robert Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barnes
called on their uncle, James Bryant, on
their way to Essex Junction, where they
yislted relatives. Mrs. Frank Clark Is 111.
The spring term of school opened Mon
day. Quite a number of townspeople
were In Burlington Saturday. Wright
Clark goes to Princeton, N. J., Saturday.
He Is to bo ln the training school for
the aviation section of the signal reserve
corps. The remains of Mrs. Amelia Fay
of Essex Junction were brought here
for Interment ln the east cemetery Mon
day. ' Mrs. Fay was formerly of this
place. John Whltton has gone to Cam
bridge to work for Mr. Morse. Miss
Elvira Talcott, who has been 111, Is about
again. Mr. Dubeau has moved from the
Wright tenement house to Lewis Mill's
tenement house on North street. Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Bombard nnd child of Bur
lington called on friends Sunday. Ralph
Prior visited hl3 mother recently.
Lewis Latulip, who has been attending
a military school ln Texas the last few
months, has returned to Camp Devens,
Mass., and was an over-Sunday visitor at
Joseph Rochelle's.
The Red Cross meeting was held
Wednesday afternoon in the parish house,
also a business meeting of the Ladles
Aid society. F. S. Rawson Is at the Mary
Fletcher hospital, where he underwent a
successful operation. Kendall Chapln of
Burlington Is spending a few days In town.
Mrs. Betsey Ballard Is 111. Mrs. Sarah
Packard of Jericho is spending a few
days at S. M. Packard's. A Bervlce flag
containing 13 stars has been presented
to the high school by L. C. Stevens of
Jericho. Mrs. Clesta Newhall of Middle
sex is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Hall. Howard and Raymond Walston
left Saturday for Greenfield, Mass., where
they have employment. Mr. and Mrs. E.
B. Jordan returned Thursday from Mass
achusetts, whore they havo been spend
ing several weeks. Max J. Stiles left
Friday for Bridgeport, Conn., stopping
to visit relatives ln Brattleboro. Mr. and
Mrs. Wolcott Beach of Burlington were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Thomp
son over Sunday. Miss Clara Barnum of
Enosburg Falls Is at home for the Easter
vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sweeney
visited friends in Essex over Sunday.
Lewis LaTullp, who has been attend
ing a military school In Texas the last
few months, has returned to Camp Dov
ens, Mass., and wtis mi over-Sunday
visitor at Joseph Rachclle'o.
Dennis Terrlll, who lias heen working
In St. Johnsbury the last few weck3, wan
a Sunday visitor at tho homo of his
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Loomls Torrill.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Partridge and chil
dren wore Sunday visitors ln Essex, at
the home of Castlo Williams. Mildred
Buxton is working at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Solan Ranson. Miss Beatrlco
Marvin has completed work for Mrs.
Arthur Pnckard and returned home. Miss
Curtis of Burlington was at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Styglos Saturday,
Miss Clara Styglcs returned to her school
work In Burlington Monday. Earl Styglcs
of Jeffersonville was at tho homo of Mr,
and Mrs. C. N. Stygles Sunday. Sirs.
Norton and daughter of Essex Junction
havo been visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Pettlngill, C. N. Styglcs
and E. B., Williams wero In Burlington
on business Monday. Bessie Porclvnl re
turned to her school work In Johnson
Monday evening, Miss Jones and Miss
Alice Ayers of Underhlll havo been
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Ayers. Mary Cashmoro and
Mary Teachout united with the Congrega
tional Church Sunday. L. F. Wilbur was
in Burlington on business Monday. The
women or Joricno are enthusiastic In pre
paring for the third Llborty Loan drlvo,
which Is due April 5. The work of or.
ganlzatlon Is under way and as In every
good cause tho enthusiasm is widespread.
W. W. Smith has a telephone placed In
nis residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred St. George of Hlnes
burg visited Mrs. Maud Coats Sunday,
Miss Lettle Tomllnson returned Sunday
to Richmond and opened her school In
Bolton Monday after a vacation of ten
days at hcr homo here. Mrs, s, W. Tom
ilnson ls confined to the house with
rheumatism. Lawrence Wclllngcr is able
to be out after being confined to the house
for two wceks.-Mrs. Edward Isham of
Wllliston visited Mrs. Rollln Forbes Sun
day, School commenced Wednesday after
a vacation of one woek.-MIss Cecily
Donahue has returned from a visit with
her 'parents In Monkton.
Mrs. Henry Cleveland died Sunday.
Tho remains wero taken to Montpeller
Tuesday for burial; She Is survived by
her husband, Henry Cleveland, of this
place, a son, Pearl Cleveland, of Montpe
ller, and a daughter, Mrs. 'A. V. An
drews of Buffalo. N, Y.-D. M. Mead of
Klttery, Me., is visiting his brother, C.
M. Menu, mm miner, mrs. Edna Burnett,
for a few days this week. Miss Augusta
Stearns, wno nam Deen spending tho win-
ter In Burlington, camo Saturday to open
hor house in me village. O. I. Lincoln
of Essex Junction wns a visitor In town
yesterday. rosier iioscoe of Essex Junc
tion is spondlng a few days with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M, Mead.
Miss Alice Canton has been spending her
Easter vacation with her parents. Miss
Mary Somers of Hlnesburg1 Is visiting
Mrs. Gaylord Goodrich. The Leml.n.Hnn,! I
Is making a Red Cross benefit comforter
and any one wishing to help In this cause I
may give in their name nnd 10 cents. Miss
Eva Gleason has returned to Burllncton
after spending a few days at her broth
er's, II. C. Gleason. Mrs. Cynthia Hapgood
onAnt Ratllrrlnv In raw T..M..t mi- -
j ... "-''v uuiiuiiun. ine I
play, "Me an' Otis," which was presented
In Jonesville March 22, was given In Rich'
mond Monday evening to a full house.
Miss Marlon Carr of Montpeller Is visit
ing her cousin, Miss Hallle Palmer. Tho
family of Mrs. Ha Alger are recovering
from the grip. Loon and Clyde O'Nell,
who havo been in Bristol, Conn., for sev
eral weeks have returned home. Mrs. A.
E. Crandatl entertained Mrs,. Amanda
Harvey recently.
E. B. Tork, who has been confined to
tho house for some time with rhou-1
inatism, is now nblo to be out. Mrs. i
Louise Tork, who spent tho winter
with her daughter, Mrs. H. Fnrnham
In Wllllamstown. has returned home
Mrs. Julia Gregory has returned
from Wllliston, bavins visited rela
tives there, Roy Evans of Burlington
Is spend his Easter vacation with J.
H. Smith. Mrs. Harriet Hall was 89
years old April 2. Her sonoral health
Is Eood. Tho Ladles- Aid and Willing
Workers societies met with Mrs. George
Gilo Wednesday afternoon
Peter Parizo Is moving his family from
Jackson street to the Joe Agel farm. Wln
ney Rock, who has btcn running the Agel
farm has moved into the Gates tenement
on River street.
Levi Valyou moved yesterday rrom
Jackson stroot to the Deforg place in Col
chester. Ho will drlvo back and forth
to his work at the Guild garage.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnes and son, Con
verse, of Wllliston were visitors at H. L.
Barnes' recently.
The Methodist Church prayer meeting
will be held thKb evening at 7:30 o'clock at
Its own church.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Amelia M. Fay was
held at the home of her son, Ellery C.
Fay, yesterday afternoon at two o'clock
with burial ln Wllliston. She leaves to
mourn her loss besides her son, a daugh
ter, Mrs. C. J. Wright of Wllliston, a
grandson, E. Wright Fay of Jericho, and
granddaughter, Mrs. A. B. Rugg of this
place, also three great-grandchildren. Tho
Rev. W. H. Banks of Wllliston officiated.
The bearers were her son, E. C. Fay.
son-in-law, C. J. Wright, E. Wright Fay
and A. B. Rugg. Those present from out
of town wero Mr. and Mrs. Charles John
son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Talcott and R.
E. Brown, all of Wllliston.
Mrs. Amelia Fay, wife of the late Daniel
B. Fay, the only nonagenarian In the
vllage, died Sunday morning at the home
of her son, Ellery C. Fay, on Maple street.
Madam Fay had been In exceptionally
good health until about six weeks ago,
when she fell nnd broke her hip, since
which time she had failed gradually until
the end yesterday morning. The funeral,
which was private, was held at her
late home Monday afternoon at two
o'clock. Burial was ln Wllliston.
Hermlo Devlno, a section hand, met
with a painful accident last week when
attempting to cross a track which was
blocked by a train waiting for connec
tions. He supported himself on the
draw-bar and at tho same moment the
train shackled together. The index finger
of the right hand was crushed so that
it had to bo amputated at the first Joint
nnd the second finger was also badly
An alarm of Are was sounded at two
o'clock yesterday afternoon for a brush
and grass fire ln the lot owned by J. A.
Donahue on West street, which threat
ened several houses in that vicinity. The
fire probably originated from a spark
blown by a passing engine and spread
rapidly owing to the dry condition of
tho grass and swift north wind, which
carried direotly toward the Wheatley
buildings. The department responded as
quickly as is possible with the apparatus
ln hand, which was none too soon, for
the blaze had reached the barn and a
few minutes later would have been too
late. The situation was the more Seri
ous because Mrs. Wheatley has been
confined to hor bed for a week aji be
came very nervous over the threatened
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Teachout recelvo
a cablegram yesterday from their son,
Cant. George W. Teachout of the 29th
Infantry, at present stationed at Culebra,
Canal Zone, Panama, stating that he ls
soon to visit them. Captain Teachout
has been gone from homo over three
years, most of which time has been
spent In Panama. His manyfrlends here
will bo glad to welcome him back and
will be especially pleased to Jearr. of his
rapid promotion.
Mrs. Mary Wright, who has been In the
Perkins family since Mrs. Hill's death,
Buffered a shock yesterday morning. Mrs.
Wright left the house ln the early morn
ing to 'tako a train to Jericho, hcr home,
when rho was stricken and fell In the
waiting room of the station. A doctor was
summoned who ordered her taken to the
hospital, where sho is in a critical condi
tion. Samuel Larsen, for several years head
carpenter for Snare & Trlest on tho new
clam, has completed his duties there and
went to Brooklyn, N. Y., Sunday night,
where ho will visit his Brother. Jack.
A servlco flag with seven stars was pre
sented to Trinity Church last week by
Mrs. W. Seward Webb. It was dedicated
by the rector, tho Rev. G. R. Brush, on
Easter day at tho morning service In the
l presence oi a uubj iuiiii,aiiuii. inn
' names of the men In service, all of whom
I are confirmed, are ns follows: Capt.
J. Watson WebbsenIor warden; Major
i W. Hayes Mitchell, vestryman; Sergt.-
Major Vanderbllt wcdd, jsnsign W.
Seward Webb, Jr., Seoond Lieut. Allen
B. MacMurphy, T. James Mitchell; Earl
A. Braman, choir master. The namo of
Launcclot Walter Kenney, who also Is
in the service and who was confirmed in
Trinity Church several years ago, will be
added to the list.
Mrs. Harriet Chauvln, daughter of Jo
seph and Marie Pepin, born February 21,
1832, and aged 86 years, died Sunday at her
home In Slielburne. She is survived by 10
children: Leander of Springfield, Mass.,
Mrs. Harriet Charbonneau of Barre, Mrs.
L P. N'eadue of Shelburne, Mrs. Leon
Prunier of Burlington, Joseph of Butte,
Mont, Louis of Hamilton, Mont., Frank
of Slielburne, George of Ayer, Mass., Mrs.
Fmma Crawford of Oak Park, 111.,
Felix of Shelburne. She was one
of the oldest residents and was held
ln high esteem by all. The funeral
was held at St. Catherine's Church Tues
day morning at nine o'clock.
The annual parish supper of Trinity
fhurch was held on Monday evening at
he parish house. About 70 members of
the parish were In attendance. Mrs. I. H.
nevett acted as toastmtstress. The fol
.;, program followed the supper; Sing
in of America; "Trinity Church, Past and
Present," I. H. Deyett; "The Woman's
Auxiliary." Mrs. Thomas Thompson;
Trlnlty Guild,'.' Mrs. O, H. Brush; "Ths
Young 'Woman's Auxiliary," Helen Tay-
lor: "The Junior Auxiliary." Alice Mlnall.
read by Anna Brush; "The Sunday
School," the reetorj "Tho Choir,"
Alfred Ockert, piano solo, Dor
othy Vaughan; patriotic reading, Mrs.
James Mlnall; report of wool knitting for
Red Cross, Mrs. R. L. Sanders, read by
Mrs. A. Graham; "The Duty of Women
In the War,", Miss Florence Cox; "The
Duty of the Church to the Soldier," J. n.
Bird; "The Duty of Conservation," Mrs.
A. M. Vaughan; "The Opportunity of the
Young Man of To-day," George Ray;
"Flag Song," Dorothy Taylor, Catherine
Nelson, Annie Netson, Janet Tower, Edith
Thnpson; singing of the Star Spangled
Bannor. The funerat of Mrs. Harriet
Chauvln was held at St. Catherine's
Church Tuesday morning at nine 'oleock,
with burial In tho vlllago cemetery. Mrs.
Roy Sanders has been called to Chester
nV the flAAth of llAf fimthAr.ln.1aw..
- ... .
Charles Parsons. Miss Helen Sanders and
Miss Annie Brush spent Easter at their
homes here.
Mrs, D. V. GoodseH ls at the Mary
Fletcher hospital recovering from an oper
ation for the removat of a tonsil.
Maude Sharpley visited Marlon Rice ln
Underhlll Tuesday. Bernard Fisher, who
has been seriously 111, ls better. A re
ception was given to Dr. and Mrs. Flagg
Wednesday evening at Grango hall. Dr.
Flagg Is leaving for Mlddlebury, where he
will practice. Fifty attended the sugar
sociable at C. R. Chapln's Tuesday.
Ruth Kenyon, who has been 111, ls Bet
At tne monthly meeting of the village
trustees Tuesday evening a resolution wan
passed extending their sympathy to Presi
dent of tho Vlllago Louis Mongeon in the
death of his father, Thomas Mongeon.
In the absenco of the president owing
to tho doath of his father, M. H. Holloran
was appointed president pro tern. Tho
mooting was called to order by Clerk John
Plcho. The monthly budget Of bills was
looked over and approved after which (
the meeting adjourned to Wednesday eve
ning when other business of Importance
wfil be transacted. Folowlng is tho month
ly budget of bills ordered paid: J. Cusson,
$35.00; O. Myers, 17.00; J. Holloran. 137.50;
J. II. Allen, (84.15; C. G. Allard, 3303.61;
John Plehle, $110; J. A. St. Germain, 112.00;
C. E. Bellmare, $12.00; William O. Man
soau.x $12.00; F. Matto, $47.70; Burlington
Light & Power company, $263.94; Wlnooskl
Savings bank, $2.63; F. Edward Allard,
$10.50; C. A. Barber, $4.13; George E.
Allen estate, $9.25; F. E. Blgwood, $30.96.
The permission of II. G. Hawthorne
for tho use of tho field on the Upper
Heights and named by the students
Hawthorne Field, has been granted to
the high school for athletic purposes
again this year. Mr. Hawthorne could
have rented the field last year for other
purposes, but he Is sufficiently public
spirited to let tho high school boys have
tho use of It free of charge, as long as
the privilege Is not abused. Hawthorno
field Is level, dries quickly, and ls easily
accessible and young men appreciate the
kindness of Mr. Hawthorne ln letting
them have It.
Dr. E. LaMothe of Chicago was a visi
tor ln town Tuesday, the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Carpenter of Weaver
street. Dr. LaMothe will be remembered
as a practitioner of this village for about
four years. While here, he married Miss
Cecilia Carpenter, ln 1899. In 1900, he
went to Paris, his wife accompanying
htm, and remained there about a year,
making the eye, ear, noso and throat a
specialty. Returning to this country he
resided in Providence for a few years,
going from there to Chicago, where he
was associated with the Loyola Univer
sity as a member of the faculty and ox
professor of ophthalmology, also having
a large practice outside of his college
work. Dr. LaMothe was East on a visit
to relatives and friends when he re
ceived a telegram to report at Camp
Beauregard, Louisiana, where, he expects
to remain for a short tlmo before going
to a base hospital ln Italy.
Thomas Mongeon, who died at his home
on Hickok street Sunday evening at the
age of 80 years, had been a long tlmo
and highly respected resident of this vil
lage. MirMongeon came here ln 1854 from
Quebec, and had been engaged ln the
grocery business since 1880, resigning the
active management of the business to
his sons oily a short time ago, as his ill
ness prevented him from active servlco,
having been ill since last August. Mr.
Mongeon was born In Vorshlre, Province
of Quebec, July 8, 1838. He married Miss
Marie Bolsvert In 1859, by wnom he had
four children, Joseph and Louis of Wl
nooskl, Leon of Burlington and Mrs.
Arthur Bolssle of Springfield, Mass. By
his second wife, Dellma Blals, he had
three children, Philip and Grace of this
place and August, who Is serving his
country In France. Mr. Mongeon was a
prominent man In the affairs of the town
and village for many years, having served
as village trustee and street superin
tendent, besides holding other offices ln
the gift of his townsmen. Besides his
wife and children, he Is siirvlved by three
brothers, Paut and Adolphus of this place
and Frank of Anson, Me., and 25 grand
children and 34 great-grandchildren. The
funeral services were held Wednesday
morning at 8:30 o'clock at St. Francis
Xavler Church.
Tho listers of the town of Colchester,
Frank E. Vlllemalre, M. Gibbons and
Arthur S. Morgan, met ln the town clerk's
office Monday. After they were sworn
In, they proceeded to elect officers. Frank
K. Vtllemalro Jjvas elected chairman of
the board and Arthur; S. Morgan clerk.
Mr. Gibbons and Mr. Morgan ure new
men on the board, having boon elected
ar. listers nt the March meeting, while
Mr. Vlllemalre already hs served a a
llstor for the last four or live years.
Mrs. Louis Durkee and son, Frank, re
roturned Friday from Norwich, where
they were called by the dath of MrJ.
Durkee's husband, Louis Durkee, who died
of cerebral hemorrhage March 27 at the
home of his brother, whro hs wao visit
ing. Mr. Durkee was born In Couth Roy
alton and was 64 years of age and has been
a resident of this village for nine years.
He is survived by his wife; ono son, And
three brothers, H. B. Durkee of Norwich,
E. W. Durkeo of Newport, Vt., and Etf
gone Durkeo of New Dornham, N II.; also
three sisters, Mrs. Wing Flstchor of Or
leans, Mrs. Alice Harris and Mrs. Jameu
McHarg of Groveton, N. H. Funeral
nervines were held from the house Mon
day at 2:00 p. m., with burial In Green
Mount cemetery.
Word has been received by Mrs. Hat
tie Peppln of Leclalr streot of the death
of her son, Nolson Peppln, at Lawrence,
Mass., who succumbed to pneumonia.
He was born In this village May 6.
1881, and for 10 ( years past has lived
In Massachuests. ' His wife died 11
years ago. He Is survived by his
mother, and one brother, Franlf X. Pep
pln of this place.
Julian F, Allard, for nearly 14 years
ln the employ of the Free Pross.left
Thursday night for Portsmouth, N. H.,
where he will have a clerical position
In the office of the Income tax depart
ment. Mr. Allard has for many years
been the diligent gatherer and writer
of news ln Wlnooskl for the Free Press,
and wbb alway.to bo relied upon. He
has been the collector and local cir
culation man for many years, and of
late has also been doing advertising
work and been a solicitor for printing.
He leaves with the hearty good wlBhes
of the Free Press staff.
The county board of license commis
sioners, consisting of E. W, Henry of
Underhlll. Louis Alapa of Wlnooskl and
Bert C. Marsette of Shelburne, met Fri
day afternoon at tho Steamer Hose rooms
on Main street and organised by choosing
Mr. Henry as chairman and Mr,
', Alapa
an secretary. Tho board decided to re
celvo applications for licenses on Friday
aftornoon, April B, at 1:30 o'clock at the
Steamer Hose rooms on Main street.
Franklin County.
Tho opening of the high school Is post
poned another week on account of tho
smallpox. There are no now cases. Sev
eral have been 111 from vaccination,
Among this number aro C. S. Howard
and Postmaster G. C. Parrls. Miss Ilen
nle Green, who hns been with hcr aunt,
Miss Abblo Kenfleld, the past two weeks,
has returned to her work ln Enosburg.
Mrs. J, M. Parsons Is confined to tho
house by illness. Mrs. Stone Is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Dcpatle,
W. J. Trombly and Harold Conners were
In St. Albans Friday. The Rev. E. L.
Ooddard was In Burlington Friday. Miss
Ruth Butler of tho Johnson normal school
spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G, L. Butler. H. A. Butler ha3 re
turned homo from fie St. Albans hos
The Ice broke up ln the rlvor at North
Enosburg Monday afternoon and formed
a Jam opposite tho farm of Frank Blair.
At this point It went out durinc tho
ovenlng nnd although very thick no dam
age was done. There wns a sugar oat
at ttho Methodttt Church Monday eve
ning for the benefit of tho Red Cross.
Mrs. E. J. Pnrmcleo and Mrs. C. C. Carr
wero In St. Albans Monday. Miss M. S.
Perley of East Berkshire passed Sunday
In tho homo of her cousin, M. P. Perley.
-Mrs. T. C. Catlln apd Mrs. IT. II. Budd
aro shut In by Illness. Miss Elizabeth
Kimball from Boston, where sho Is a
musical student. Is passing two weeks
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O.
Kimball of North Main ctreet. George
Caldwell ls visiting his brother. Spencer,
who Is a medical student In the Univer
sity of Vermont Miss Hallto Kelton or
St. Albans pn?sed Easter with Mrs. B. H.
Dickinson of South Main street Tho vil
lage schools aro having a week's vacation
which the teachers aro passing at their
homes. Principal Sinclair has been shut
in by Illness for a few days, but Is mov
ing his family from tho Dickinson tene
ment on Dickinson avenue to the Asel
tlno tenement near tho Methodist par
sonage on Church street. Halscy Dunten
has returned to Rarnnac, N. Y., where
he operates a creamery, after passing
the winter with his mother, Mrs. Dun
ten, on Maple Park. A. J. O'Heare,
cashier at tho First National bank, passed
Easter at his homo In St, Albans. Mrs.
J. Danaugh, who has been passing a few
weeks with hcr nieces, Mrs, George Benolt
and Mrs. D. A. Benoit, has returned to
her home in Burlington. David Vanslette
of St. John, Que., who has been visit
ing his brother, Max Vanslette, returned
home. Monday evening.
W. C. Noble, who has been seriously
ill with pneumonia, is slightly Improved.
Mrs. J. II. Burns of Richford passed
Sunday with friends In town. Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Crochicr returned from Bur
lington Saturday, where they had been
for several days. Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Montague of Bnkersflcld were ln town
Saturday on their return from a few
days' visit in the family of T. A. Mitchell,
of St. Albans. Seventeen men from the
men's class of the Methodist Sunday
school, by Invitation, visited tho sugar
bush of W. G. Fassctt, Good Friday, and
had a "sugaring off." Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Gleason and Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Glea
son and child, all living in the same
house, have been 111 with the prevailing
distemper. They aro all improved. Mrs.
William McFeeters and daughter. Miss
Ruth, of Sheldon, are guests of Mrs.
Dunton on Maple street. Gerald W.
Durkee of Richford passed Sunday
with Mrs. Durkee's parents, tho Rev.
and Mrs. W. E. Douglass. Miss Florence
Douglass, who has been passing a week
with tho Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Douglass,
has returned to her studies in Castleton
normal school.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary so
ciety of the Methodist Episcopal Church
met with Mrs. C. H. Abell of South
Main street Wednesday afternoon at
three o'clock. Miss Anna M. Chaplin
was the loader. Dr. A. C. McBrlde has
been passing a few days at bis home in
St. Regis Falls, N. Y. Miss Caroline Nut
ting has returned to her home In Bakers
field after passing a few days with Mrs.
J. A. Gibson. Mrs. W. E. Gibson ls able
to bo out after having been ill a few days.
Mrs. O. N. Leach recently passed a few
days in the homo of hcr nephew, C. M.
Armstrong. Announcements have been
received of the marriage, March 21,, of
William S. Sayles of West Somerviile,
Mass., and Miss Cora E. Bliss of Swan
ton. Miss Bliss formerly lived here, where
she has many friends. Dr. O. T. Hand
ford has returned to Hardwick after a
few days ln .the home of Mrs. Handford's
brother, E. F. Greenwood. Edward and
Hlldreth Tyler of the university passed
Easter with their parents, Mr and Mrs.
E. J. Tyler.
Tho annual meeting of tho Enosburg
Commercial and Civic association wan
postponed from Tuesday evening, March
26, to Tuesday evening, April 9, at which
time It Is hoped to be able to secure
Charles H. Darling, State chairman of
the Liberty War Loan commlttoe, to
deliver an address on sonio phase of
the war. Letters which have b-en
received here from H. G. Cha-io
since the death of Mrs. Chase Indicate
that the cause of hcr death was due to
embolism of the brain, commonly called
blood clot." She w&o stricken March
17 and died the Kith without regaining
Mrs. Frank Blair, wl-o .rA Buffered
two shocks previously, Is In a serious
condition from u third shock which she
was taken with Monday. She ia help
less and in a semi-conscious condition.
Mrs. Donor J.iumln, who was pros
trated nearly a year and a half ago with
a shock, hs-K reti'i'ined In n 'ed-rldden
condition ell th3o mi.ntha without per
ceptible rhange Tho lovcl )t2 Cross
realized about $'? from their crr.iir eat
of Mor.dny evening. The Standard Hest
ers of the Methodist Church gaihored
nearly $70 from their annunl Lain r.nd
Hooverlied supper. Miss Ruth Draper
has roturned from Boston, having com
pleted the coyrsn in Red Cross surgical
dressings, which makes her eligible A3 a
Stato instructor. Sho is tho business
manager of tho Liberty minstrels, which
ls to put on a two-svening entertainment
In openfhall tho 11th and 12th of April
for tho benefit of tho local Red Cross.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A. Fairbanks havo
returned from a week's visit to Miss
Mary Squires, who is teaching In a trade
school In Hartford, Conn. Miss Squires
formerly taught In tho graded school
here and boarded In tho Fall bunks homo.
Mrs. W. R. Ovltt has been passing a
few days with her daughters, the Misses
Irene and Eula Ovltt, who are students
In the University of Vermont. Miss
Eula has been having the mumps.
Guests in town include: Mr. nnd Mrs.
Carl Royca of Sutton, Quo., at the home
of .Henry Little;' Miss Beatrice Larabee
of North Troy at the home of E, II.
Broe; I. G. Safford at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. G, H. Pomeroy gave the
villagers a treat of new sugar Monday.
Miss Ruth Hoadley is passing somoiime
at the home of II. R, Olmstead. Mrs.
Tlbblts and Miss Gertrude are In Cowans
ville, Que. C. H. Safford ls at Richford,
where he Is night watchman at the
elevator. O. H., Stanley Is having an
electrio lighting system Installed In his
bullding.-Mlss Minnie Tlbblts is at
Frellghsburg, Quo. Mrs. C. M. Bcott Is
visiting at Sweetsburg, Que. The Wom
an's Christian Temperance Union will
meet Saturday afternoon with Mrs, Nelllo
li. E. Tinker and Coyt Tinker wore In ,
Burlington Monday on business. Henry
Itynn and son of Burlington passed a fow
days with T. G, Ryan. William Wether
bee was In Huntvllle Monday on business.
A good run of sap has been reported
the last week.
D. A. Perry, an old and prominent clU
zen, died Sunday night after a very short
Illness of pneumonia. He Is survived by
his wlfo and Eeven children. Miss Hasel
McCowan, ono of the teachers In the high
school at Bellows Falls, spent hcr Easte?
vacation with her parentn hero. Mlsn
Margaret Steele, who Is attending Mlsn
Graham's business college, In Montreal,
P. Q., spent her Easter vacation nt her
homo horo.-Charles E. Lyon loft here
Monday morning to report lo tho local
exemption hoard of Franklin r 'ii:ty for
service In the United Statfs mniy. He
wont to camp Dovens Tuesday morning.
Bruce N. Stlmote, ono of tho executors
of tho estate of C. C. Stimcts, late d.
ceased of Jersey City, N. .7.. was In town
recently and sold tho Stlmots farm to tho
Rev. P. R. Gauthler for $10,000, possession
given nt once.-D. W. Steolo returned
from Boston last woclc, where he was en
gaged In the Suffolk superior court for
ten dnys,-A very enjoyable cantata,
"Eastor Praise" wan etven by the Metho
dist choir, assisted by other local talent
under the direction of Mrs. Fannie Hall
of Bakcrsfleld at the Methodist Church
Sunday evenln-r.-W. C. Hcffioji and
family of Montreal spout Easter in town.
Tho members of tho local Rod Cross
will only moot on Friday for the present.
-Rehearsals are bolr.g held by tho local
Dramatic club for tho play, "Tho
Deacon" to be given In the near future
for tho benefit of tho local Red Cross.
H. A. Stlmets has leased the Flinton resi
dence on Fronkllr. street mid Is moving
his family there from the Stlmets farm.
Mrs. Orrisa Pratt of Franklin, who had
been ln attendance upon Mrs. Naomi
Cray, an nurse, was stricken with
paralysis p.t tho home of A. D. Seward
Saturday aftornoon und Is In a very
critical condition. John Russell of Frank
lin was called here Sunday by the serious
condition of his mother.
The topic Sunday morning at the Meth
odist Episcopal Church will be "Immor
tality;" evening topic, "The Book Divine."
Peter Bolt went Monday to tho city
hospital at St. Albans and reports that
Mrs. Bolt Is improving. N. S. Parker
was in Burlington last week The No. 1
Troop, Boy Scouts of America, have
signed cards," showing sales of
$500 war certificates and thrift stamps.
This has been made possible by the coop
eration of the postmaster, nnd day school
teachers with the scout master, tho Rev.
Stead Thornton, and the boys. On account
of high water the mail did not arrive
Tuesday. Mrs. Albert Pronto and children
from Massachusetts are visiting relatives
in town. Miss Clara Wheeler has re
turned from St. Albans. Master Ray
Pudvah is 111 with pneumonia.
Robert S. Anderson has returned from
the St. Albans hospital, where he has
had his foot treated. Cardj were received
hero last week announcing the marriage
at West Somerviile, Mass., on Thursday,
March 21, of Miss Cora J. Bliss, a former
resident of this village, to William S.
Sayles of Somerviile, Mass. News was
recolved here Thursday announcing the
death ln Providence, R. I., on Tuesday,
March 26, of Joslah B. Bowdltch, a for
mer well known resident of this place.
Death was caused by pneumonia. Mr.
Bowdltch was a Civil War veteran, serv
ing ln Vermont regiments from April,
1SC1. to June, 1865. In the year 1866 hs
camo to Richford and purchased the
Frontier Sentinel, which was establishea
by M. W. Wilson In 1864. In 1873 he sold
the Sentinel and went to the St.. Albans
Messenger, on which he was employed
for two years. Then he returned to
Richford and engaged In farming until
1SS1, when he went to Rhode Island,
where ho has since resided. News has
been received of tho death in Monson,
Mass., of Mrs. M. N. Teale, a former resi
dent of this plnce. Death was caused
by cancer.
Mrs. A. E. Masse of Grand Llgne. Que.,
Is a guest at tho home of Mrs. H. E.
Rustedt. Miss Pnuline Locklln of Mld
dlebury College is passing the Easter
recess at tho home of hcr parents. Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Locklln. Schools closed
Friday for one week's vacation. C. A.
Powell has returned homo from a three
weeks' trip to Battle Creek. Mich. Mrs.
Winnie Patton and son went Friday to
Georgia, where they will visit at th
home of her daughter, Mrs. Ward Post.
Mrs. H. R. Ayer of St Albans is visit
ing friends in this place, where she for
merly' resided. P. A. Sweet has pur
chased of H. M. Kendal! tho city hack
Miss Glenna Ayer. teacher of domestto
science in the Lyndonville Institute, Is
passing the Easter recess at the home of
her mother, Mrs. H. C. Ayer. Miss Allco
Rider of Burlington Is a guest of MISS
Daisy Stewart, at the home of C. H. Coan.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Freer have gone to
Boston for a few days. Mr. and Mrs.
K. R. Thomas and daughter. Miss Jennie
Thomas, have gone to Lake Charles, La.,
to visit' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' eon, Murry,
who Is a cadet in the school of aviation
at Gerstner Field. They went via Dl trolt,
Cincinnati and New Orleans and will re
turn via Atlanta, Washington, New Torlt
nnd Boston. They expect to be absent
from their home about four weeks. Mrs
A. E. Masse of Grand Llgne, Que., who
has been visiting friends in this place.
t9 returned to her homo.
ICeuneth Prouty, seaman, returned to
Now York Thursday night. The Swanton
Citizens bnnd received $250 towards tho
supi'ort of the organization from ths
Jt-imlngton V. M. C. company. The Mon
day Reading olub met with Mrs. H.
J. Brown on Monday afternoon. Tho
ewantnn branch of the Red Cross sent
:,C3S pounds of slothing to Msntpeller
for the Belgian relief, The Mlnne-wa-wa
Camp Fire Girls wero handsomely enter
tained by Miss Olga STilth last week.
Charles Woodwnrd and family have mov
ed back to Swanton from Coteau.
Returns for shipments of fish to Now
Vork that the hook and line fishermen at
West Swanton and East Alburg are get
ting for pike are the biggest ever known;
being around 60 cents a pound. The Ico
was going out of the river all Tuesday,
forming a gorge at Clark's Island and
causing a setback of high water that ne
cessitated a shutdown of tho plant of ths
marble mill. The flat at John's bridge was
well covered preventing the running of ths
electrics. No damage Is antlcpated. W.
H. Cassavoy, who passed Eavter with his
family here returned to his work at Tor
onto, Monday. Gilbert Chappie, who has
been 111 for several weeks Is able to be out,
und Sabln Donaldson seriously IllyWlth
pneumonia for a tmi, Is about the street.
Francis Lapelle has arrived from Boston
to assumo charge of the Lapelle Poultry
Food company. The Shakespearo club met
with Mrs. C. J. Parker Tuesday after
noon. The funeral of Dora Savage was
held Saturday and Monday Nellie Hem
ingway was burled. Both these girls died
from injuries received by the explosion at
the plant of tho International Explosives
company, last Saturday, There was
very large attendance,
(Coatlavcd Ires ass; U.J

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