.J&nm BURLINGTON torafi PRESS AND TIMES: THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1920 ion i I ' lii'i ill nimii1 I i 1 -VX. mmm national bank A Good Bank Capital and Surplus Undivided Profits Setter Than Charity Service is better yon serve a man-well you do him good with out injuring- his self-respect. At the same time you do yourself good. The aim of this hank is to render perfect -service. j " n $mem mr i The Grime of Beind Poor It is said that, poverty is no crime. Sometimes it isn't, and sometimes it is. rovertv s a crime yourself by your own of self -control. .Begin now to saw voar mone hv ill stalling a Savings Account. CITY TRUST CORNER CHURCH 3 G ;. TO IGNORE VIET PROPOSAL Noi Even Make Public vact? vjiif i cn ijeiiun: ami and Company hiiigtor Feb r7 Soviet Russia's i;t-iv i i JilMlieril i iu I iiuiii uii- cun srn.-i r-Mmrri 11 w.im K.im (ii-n.iv propo i ,i trli i . -.id to the United , Japai aid Houmanin, was re- L III I I I'E 1 11 f I IlltllL 11111. l. lais a i did not miifr ironi pie prrno i' nadc by the BolshevIM rni powers and th:il it would '"ti 'n further ovk l piop.igntula on' the world. MPSEY INDICTED 1 V 4 -rrr- T , - -r L -r r-i - i i rn m ii i s 1 1 v t t fii.it IK1 nnil 1l.nnnirir u.n i.. .tint ed tfir 4 'miplr;ir,i Frarrt-ee r ' yr i ; -William .... . . iw ti.i - , in .i4 tM;igm (darn , .i-.r. inflii.t.i.1 ki il... ri..ln.i lurv re-re io-nny on n charge that -uiujiiicu i'i nave wcnipsc rvauo jjcliiv ui in v "('conn jniuctment it Demp' oi i barged actual nvaslon ilraf- rant wc resworn out for their nr ud the r lionrls fixed at 51.IHX) each. nti.irv ai d t ,m ru.p and the evasion 1 one ve. r n prison, indictment followed weeks or in. ation roni'uetediiy E. Jr. Blanfold, n he department of justice, bu f "nvc ligation and Colonel C. V. a" taut 1 lilted States district p nrrn 'in.. ni-i.t. niin.. trn liv niihlie rhnriri.w li' Tnvln.i 1 ev divorced wile of the pugilist, i he hnd been compelled to attest sev - claims fir exemption. " ..IVJHII.S. Ill tracted the ehiirces, saying they had caused b Hque aeainft Deinpnoy. afildavit flKiired In the grand jury i Mr- ucmpse. j'lanK Hpellman, reenmative of a moving picture nj u numntr tu perbons prominent in snort rirc nu n.i raft board whlr-h exempted nemo ppearod. brfore the Jury. ' . eral offlcluL s-aid thoy wore udvlccd Dempsey and' Kearns would a.rrivo r tfcomsolVL? uov Av il rnnrif-rt r-(tl. .....in.. .. ....it .Hiving j nit ni.il ma i;nner, uiotner. i-u en 'it aim mi iaiiern nvo ehll- rr during tfco jear m and Uiat they roteivlnf njppor. from no other 1. lpaoyu Rtatemont to the rtr&Jt boanl nls wife had lived .with hiin for If n prcviotifi to h& upper ranto tefor o;ixa ana uiat n.v p'lr.nts r.r. ed si tor had inalp hnr dome with or four yean, vi re fn!no, aceordlns lnlelmn , Dour if 1 you would you. wi tiprlln-r you. ' Dempsey hi3 lft iutny rjcru;u,oy in 17 M1LESON SKIS 7nn-nuul" t-aiuggliTu'1 Notch )i j, Kob. V Horace T.Iolondy, IVan- 'ougias- und Miss i:ilsat,oth I.'an of JeffcJ-aonvl'.le iamo on uVIIj to- ... . .,,U, uiiuiii;!! iiiui(;jer;i i from MornoV mill. They left Jcf- V'lio ill r. vrn ,lr v n I.. .1... . raveling good, Imt the snow was uid drifted Mr Melr-nily froze sev. ' . i.iiuiii i i um; o They arrived lit three o'clock, g luttrhert at Humes' camp ji:h ll'l' Jlllfl .11 (Inm,,,, r . LEGAS GIVES TEACHERS TOWiNS GRAND LISTS ITllllMT. I' I'll. 1 ll ruilfl ill in Vn d from tho nchool directora In tlm nr. It TTIIIorrrift linn 11,1 ii,..' .... . . . -(- ..-v iiiy'iv" a data showing tho grand, .lists of tho total tax nald und w-.itrn unlit qrs. Fifteen thousand VoplVs wero In ordor that ovory school itlreistor tt other persons could Imvc tho data can sell thai property , through tho fled If It is rood valuo .und you that "(act plain n your advertising, may reeiuco potty wot'cb. to ii 'Jir.g point by lotting. tho classified 11) to Be With ,.$500,000 $165,308 than rhnritv. Whp.n u. you. bring' it upon m negligence and lack II l COMPANY M COLLEGE STS. GEDDES. BRITISH MINISTER TO U.S. Appointment Officially An nounced Will Come to America in Month London. March 1. Tho appointment of Sir Auckland O retries as Hritlsh am bassado'r to tlie t'nlted States was of ficially Hiiiiounced to-day. The ambas sador will I' .-LVe London for America in about a month He will bo the truest of honor of the lMlprims and other so cieties beton his departure Tho-hlRh cum of llvinq; itt Washine ton has been an obstacle to findlnp a suitnblc niaii wlUlrjK to take tho am b.iHsadorship at the salary allowance of the post. These will bo considerably laiscil in the present instance, accortl in to rejiorts In diplomatic circles. CAPITAL WET VOTE BIG li' 'Mr, i:leetlnii llriiiKx iit Mil ii 1 1 Villi" Xo I'JkIiI Out ttumiN lo 'reai"her- Montpellcr. March 2. Jlontpoller remain ed in the. wet column relative to the li quor -licenses afc'nln this year, thero being a vote of 4.1.! yes and .a vote, of 2K no, on thti general Issue, and IL'l yes and 'M no on the druggist licenses. One of the smallest votes of years was east, while the tax voted for tho general finance of the city was J3.10. which will include an appropriation of M cents (or the ."-cMonl oinmlssioiiers as per their iciucM explaining that ii out of that sum is for the bonus to the teachers. A fight over this issue did not occur and the whole matter of taxation was voted In one motion inmle by F. II. Dcavltt. Vhen special appropriations have been taken care or, the JD.tO tax will be sunk to JH9, which is about the same as usual although tho tax was increased from $2.55. The voters declined to bond for a fire sta tion to exempt tlm Marshall garago from taxation. They left the matter of medical Inspection of schools to the school board and voUmI to provide a place for tho American Legion, authorizing tho city council to lease a portion of tho armory to the organization. The following officers were elected: Mayor H. V. Shurtleff; alderman, I. A. Kelly, W. 11. Strut ton, Josoph Maronl; school commissioners, Mrs. B. M. Har vey, H. .1. M. Jones, Frnnk Corry. -'r.; clerk and treasurer, T. It. Merrill; sheriff. J.. U. J'ollard; auditors, I,. II. Hlxby, V. H. I'itkin. C. 11. Lyons; constables, C. II. rtcagan und Itobert Johnson; lister for thr"e yo.i-B, V 12. tlrout, commissioner of Uroen Mount cemetery, James M. Houtw!!, park commissioner, II. F. 12 ".s.:. HO CITIES SHOW C. OF L. J IS STILL INCREASING New fork. March 2, Tho cost of living is still on the Increase accord- ii.g to teports received by tho nurcao. of liibor BtatistlcH of tho United States Department of Labor from re fJI dealers In fifty cities. Tho aver age family expondlturei for food wan 2 per cent, higher on Jan. 15, 1020, than .n Dec. 1910, and the cost In December was 2.1! per cent higher than it had been In anv previous month. Tlitv.o neurit) Miovv an increase of !i per cent' since January, 1PJ3, ami an -.."ira'je ot KM pur rent slnco Januar"i 19' Ii The comparisons are based on the average retail prices of tne fol lowing articles, weighted according to the conmunptlon f tho averagi fam ily: Pirloln Hte.ik, rmtnti steak, rib roast, chuck toast, plain beef, purk chops .raeoTi, ham, lard huns, flour, e.oriimu.v, eggs, butter, milk, bread potatoes, sugar. choei.e. net, coffeo , and tea. During the month from Dec. 15, 1919, to Jan, 15, 1920, 29 of the 44 articles of food for which pricou wero secured In 1919 increased as follows; Cabbage, IIS per cent; potatoes, 20 per cnt; granu lated sugar, 23 per cent; onlonr, 11 per cent; lamb and rolled oats, S per rent each; liens, 7 per cent; platu beef, fl per cent; flour, 5 por emit; sirloin steak, rlli roast, chuck roast, bread and cream of wheat, 1 por cent each; round steak ninl raisins, a por cent each: canned salmon and rlco, 2 por cent each; ham, evaporated milk, marcaronl, baked beans, tea, coffeo and bananas, 1 per cent each, Huron, nut margarine, cheeso nnd erlEcn each increased lesn than five-tenths of 1 por cent. llleven articles decreased in prire, as follows: Htrlctly fresh eggs, S per cent; butter, r, por cent; bird and canned tomatoes, .1 per cent each; pork chops, storage eggB and nrangos, 2 pur cont escli; fresh milk, canned corn, canned peas and pruhos, 1 per cent nncli. Thoro was no change In prices of oleo ma rsrar Inn. :om meal, cnnflakcu and n&vy, btiijia, i I Ml ; ,1 COLLEGE BOYS AGAIN E IN KAKE Gymnasium Crowded to (he Doors for i h c 23d Annual Event Phi Delta Thcfu Era lornily Takes the Cup for Best Stunt Other Winners Vermont University's jnid-wlnter spec tac'.o, the Kotlego Kaleo Walk, v. to ntnged before a crowded house at tho university gymnasium Friday night, Tho capacity of tho gymnasium wan sold out oven beforo tho exchango of tickets took placo a wek ago, and many pooplo who wero planning to buy tickets during tho last week wem disappointed. Thero v.'an an unusual ar ray of etuiitrf, and tho "wnlkliV fo' do eako" was above tho ordinary W excol lonco. Thto wan Uio 3rd r.nniial Kako Walk. "ICQ per cent What." the 3lunt pur on by Phi De.lt a ThetH, wan awnrdel flrt priiso of Oio Ilrlsg? cup un.i tim bl rake Honorable mention was ylven to tho Dol tu I'iJ fraternity, whose stunt w.irf (.ailed "Tho- Shalt Noi." Clbtnetit 'Z and lh.iw "JO of tho Lw.-.bUa lct.i fnit-mity vnrc uT.-.rd(1 the first prise of tho small rsie and cji.is offered by the llouulor tnclet, fo- "tho best of tho ten couples m tho "v.ilkhY to' do cako," wnllo Halgh, '21 Wi.i Austia, Et, of tha Kappa Sigma frau'.mltr, Jti special iriBh coslumoii, won honorable mer.Unn. H W. Shaw, 22, rccelvoe! tho prlro for th.i ber.t coaturao in tho peo-rado, on which lis uppeirod as "Half und Half " a,i o.l? 'vil rrcatton depleting a lady's features am: cosuroo on on- sHo, whua tr.a other sl3o presented tlics faen erd cojtum-j at a goiulrman. Tho prl7.o awarded to Mr. -Shaw was tho cup offered by T. 15. AVrlc'il. "nnjland leadinK Ireland" was given honorable mimtion in t xwraAv- The jurtguc. who decided thosn prlzoti vote: F. H. Babbitt, Bellows Falls: Fro fp.cnnr G. C. Gpjat. University of Vermont ; nT-jdge Ilarlarid U. Howe, Uurlington; F. . Howlaud, Montpolwr; titirvry it. JCtngs'.cy, Rutland; John O. Sargent, Lud low; J. Gregory Smith, St. Albans. In the flnnl drill down of the military competition for the thren medals offered to tho men most proficient In the manual of arms, Tt. E. Crui -'khink, '23, took first place and tho Hlchold ?old medal; F. O. Stllcn, 'SI, second place nnd the com- mandant'n silver medal; and Sinclair, '22, third placn and the commandant's bronzo medal. The other contestants In this com petition were: C. C. Joyce, '22; W. I. Davis, '21; ft. S. Hunt, '22; C. T. Hazen, 21; and H. A. Warren. '2.1. Tho drill and elimination was in charge of Major Harrison Herman, Third U. S. Cavalry, Fort Ethan Allen, and Captain Kodcirlck R. Allen, Third U S. Cavalry, of Fort Ethan Allen. The medals were awarded by Colonel G. .1. Holdon, commandant at the University. Features of the program wero the spe cial stunt entitled "As You Wore," put on during tho intermission, wnuo waiting for the judges to bring In their derisions, by the Gold Stripe rlub of the University, ind the singing of the University eiuartet, also during the Intermission. This eiuartet, composed of It. C. M. I'arkor. '20, H. I1. Sharpies, '21, II, A. Durfeo (M) '20, and II. F. Martin, '22, wero given some du- cidedly enthusiastic applause for their work. Every member of tho Gold Stripe club which put em the special stunt, saw scrvlcu overseas. Shermnn's band gave excellent service in playln for the kakc walking and during tho Intermission. Fol lowing the regular program, a danco of ten numbers was enjoyod. ONT1 STUDENT INJURED Thero was ono very regretablo oc curence during tho program. During the changing of scenery for tho I'hi Delta Theta stunt, which won tho first prize, the men who wero shifting the piano lost control of it and it fell over on its side, striking one of the boys, C. S. Cummlngsj '22, on tho ankle and hurting him badly. Medical attention was called and lie was rushed to the hospital, after his ankle had been given such treatment as was at hand. Tho pcorade which opened the big event was fully up to tho standard of past years. There were many amusing costumes and novel effects, such as a racing buggy, with full equipment, in cluding tho horse, the Uurllngton street department, the various nations of the globe, presidential candidate, a humorous costumo effect of a very tall girl and her sister, and others equally appealing. THE STUNTS Tho first stunt "Joshua Jessup's Son Jeremy" which was presented by Lambda lota represented a New England "Huskin Bee," and was an instant hit, duo to the original manner in which it was given. Tho light slowly dawned upon the scene with tho singing of "Harvest Moon," made more realistic by a moon hung at some distance from the scene. This was followed by a clever dialogue and a note worthy rendition of a Vermont parody by the rural eiulntctto led by Jeremy. The square danco was not forgotten and tho stunt was brought to a close with an ex cellent inortuctlon of "The Hoston Fancy." "HOW DOES THAT STIIIKE STH1KU YOU?" Tho nox'. stunt, put on by Delta Mu was jtrtctly up to date. Tho scene opened with a Lolsheviot meeting. A Bolshevik slued at tlm opening of a mine telling the lu-scmoh'd miners of the linn thing ho had In Hussi and comparing it to tho squalid condition,) n America. Then tho scoiio shifted to tho council room of one of the draat labor unions. Hero Mr. Oompira and his co-workera discussed tho political situation and especially In Burlington, Vermont. Tho meeting seemed to be entirely In favor of a city council composed of unlvoislty piofustois both, jxjpular and unpopular, Again the scene shiftml to tho home of a miner wheru tho family was Khown waiting to receive tho representative of- tho president who wan to bring tho response) to tho latest demand of the union. "10(1 VKll CtlNT WHAT?" Tho third stur.t wan that of tho I'hi Delta Theta fraternity, entitled "1(f) l'er Cent What?" Tho llghtB disclosed a farm yard scene, with three small haycocks and a large haystack. A father and his sou who hud just returned from tho war wera united again, cafo and well. Although the son was overjoyed to bo back home, ho htm heard the call of the bright lights of the city, und plans to return to them instead of staying on tho farm with the dad. Upon the persuasions of tho old man to think things over, ho lies down to sleep near ono of Din huy cocks. The noxt scene displays a rapid change In tho appcaranco of the barn yard. It has become a cabaret. The stack Is ninv a stage on which dancing girls entertain tho loungers. Tho hay cocks huvo become tables among which nrn tho plettsuro seekers, including tho young dreamer, himself. Two friendly girls ronvnrso with him for a while, and then luuvo him. When called upon to pay his cheek, ho finds himself penniless. Just as ho is ubout to bo forcibly thrown out, his sweetheart appears from a largo chair on tho stage. Ho wnkes up, tho rceno returns to the farmyard, whero his father and sweetheart aro lit person. Tho boy decides to stay on the. farm and be 1QQ per ccnt.Aiaetlcaii. WHAT'S NEXT Following e anio tho Alpha Tan Omcgn stunt, "What Vexf" This sliint showed tho Vermont Mate- Senate as It. In to-day, nnd no It in to be lu Iho future Tlm stunt opens tilth two old farmers talk ing p&llllr. Near them Is n reprenonta' tlon o the world upon which Is scaled Father Time. He shows to the men the Senate of to-day, having endless debate on tho bounty for blnrl; hoar. He then discloses tho Senate of the future. This includes several ladles, and none other than Miss Berths Terrill In tho president of Iho legislative body. Tho Honnto discusses matters nticli n would Interest any body of women, and finally drinks a health to the nows that Ireland ban been granted Ittt free dom. Lostly. the scene, reverts to tho two old men, discussing politics, but ono gets excited and vows alleglanco to Calvin Coolldge, the son of Vermont, who 1h running for Iho presidency. Father time onlrrt the conversation with the assertion that Vermont, has always turned out good men. national levaders, and must hold tho proud place won in the past. SILVKESPEAItE'S "FOIt A' THAT" ICappa Klgma's itunt wan a curious mixture of tho Shakesperlan characters and inodorn llfo and conditions. In il watt found tho famous Julius Caesar, Mark Anthony and Cleoparta, with their band of guards nnd rutalnon. transported to modern times. Caesar, who was the principal character vn found drunk, and Shy lock w.-is the, scoundrel who supplied the liquor to tho band of ancients Ko- wau able to do this by tho tmo of hi3 "blind tiger.' Ono of tho features of this ptttnt was a dance by tho nhlmmy slEtoru. Con sidering tlio character of tho players a duel iv,i3 entirely In order und Bill Shakcspearo and Julius Caosar pro vided this. Tho stunt was full of con Mirsation and some very good acting. "A SHADY CONVOCATION" Phi Mil Delta appeared with a plan tation sketch which was divided into three ccer.i'S. First was showu a scuno Ir. tlio cotton field Kvrrnl negroes wero cultlvat!"a the cit'on. Two of thorn i;ot into an argu'iner-t. and tho na tional weapon was drawn. Next came a tiogto Suniley school In which the preacher exhorted bis audlenco ti give up their wicked waya and join tho HO-."vlrn of th.- Lord. Tho stunt closed with a iicetic on th. plantation where (luietrii'ss and pcaro rolgnil supreme. "AIHY-EOMA" I'ortrayeti by the Sigma Nu fraternity was the old new WcBt with a sugges tion of tho University of Vermont. The ncntin was laid in a western bar room which by tlio diet of July first, hail been converted Into a soft drink place. Tho usual crowd of gamblers, dancing girls and drinkers were present. A cow boy quartettn t-ang sevoral parodies pertaining to Vermont and family scenes. Professor Flunkem of tho University and an Englishman wero tho prlnrlpal characters 11 was just such a. scene which may be found in any of Zane Grey's books. "THOU SHALT NOT." Tho Delta Tsl's stunt. "Thou Shall Not" was distinctly different from tho one preceding It traced the history of tho execution of tho command "Thou Shalt Not" from the. earliest to tho latest peri ods of human life. Tho lights disclosed an ancient seer, swaying In his seat In front of the mystic lamp which showed tho history of tho ages. The story of reform, from Adam and Eve to the present time, was told. Adam and Eve were first driven from Uielr garden. Later, King Georgo III aimed to impose his will on the Amer ican colonics, but falling, his power was strippd from him. Tho same spirit caused tho freeing of the slaves, and Lincoln was shown with the grateful freedman crouching at his feet. Kaiser Wllhelm's lust for power was put to nought when tho command was given to him. Next tho seer spoko of John Barleycorn's down fall. With tho shifting of light, a bar room was shown, with several mourner's of tho deceased John Barleycorn. When driven out at ten o'clock, they formed a funeral cortege. This was the latest re form brought about by tho command "Thou Shalt Not." "TONSOIUALITIS" With the nixt f-tunt, the scene reverted to that of every-day life, and Ton sorialltls, given by the Sigma I'hi frater nity, was shown. As the name implied, It was a barber shop scene, with all tho modern appliances of the barber shop. The barbers were talkative, and much gos sip was bi ought out by their continual questions and opinions. In ono corner was a large, husky-looking manicurist, who idled her traao infrequently because of the high prices, but acted as a cashier and advertisement. A co-ed from tho university arrived, bearing the express permission of Mrs. Stetson to have her hair bobbed. The barber did this In masterly fashion, leaving here a per fect picture of the "athletic girl." One of the most interesting customers was Jean Baptlste of Isle La Motte, who told or his experiences through the stormy winter. Whilo a noisy little girl was getting her hair cut "like a boy's" and Jean was recounting his diflicultles, tlio crowd rushed out hastily at the sound of the tire alarm, THE D. T.'S The last sunt was ono of tho old-time medic stunts which were so common at tho Kako AValk a few years ago. It was given by I'hi Chi. There was, however, an entirely now ending. Taking for tho subject a bad caso of Delirium Tremens, they showed a patient suffering from tho disease and attended by several doctors. When the doctors had left the nurse went to sleep and waking, found her pattont gone. Ho iu tho meantime had gone up to the beams of the gym and from thero made a dlvo Into a net stretched a few fn.t tiom tho Iloor. Ho was caught hut e . ..p.il again anil repeated his stunt. Tl time doctors placed him in a straight Jacket where they would )r Buro to know ho would stay. "AS YOU WEKE" During tho lull between the xtunts and tho awarding of tho prizes tho Gold Ktripo club of tho Unlvetslty staged a bit of war showing especially the llfo of tho doughboy in France. Tho Hi st scene shows tho doughboys sitting beside tho road resting a little on the inarch. Soon thoy aro obliged to seek cover at the ap proach of a Zcppolln. Next the notion shifted to a French cafo where they aro seep sitting around a table ordering up the drinks from a real J'rench garcon A wounded Fronch soldier added much action and a good share of tlm -humor to this stunt. THE -KAKE WALKING (lenient '21 and Shaw '20 of the Owb nro tho prize winners in the eako walk ilig. Thoy were dressed In elaborate, costumes und did some clever Jumping stunts. Hnlgh '21 and Austin ! of Kappa Sigma received honorable mention. They wro dressed very elaborately in green and brown suits, tho "ladv" wearing a gown covered with spangles. "Sho" did some clovor anting sitting In mo miuuio and flirt Intr with tho audionco whllo her part tier danced around. At Iho end of tholr danco tho man pulled out a Vormont banner from bin parinet-H back hold ing it out while they cako.walkrd to tho exit. Wilson "20 and McMahon '3 of Delta Mu, dressed ns Hawaiian ilanrers, ilbt hOIIU' nullvo stuff nnd special stops; Killlck '2; and n0s worth -21 of I'M Delta Thota gavo some.thing entirely now when ono of thorn falnled and had to bo revived with a little drinlt. Thoy also did oomo stunt danolnir; Fltcputrlck ':o and Herrlck '21 of Alpha Tau Omega began their danco with n novelty, the "girl" doing a "split" an tho danco started. "Sho" wnro a whlto costumo with a flowered border Lamson '20 and Lamb '20 of Phi Mu Delia appeared In gorgeous cos tumes. They did somo hand springs. Tylor '20 and Bartlott. '21 or Sigma Nil wero very swell, th "lady" wear ing an orange rostnme and somo ma lino nbout her shoulders. They did somo clever steps. Sawyrr '20 and Cleaves '21 of Delta 1'sl Introduced some very difficult oteps. Their danc ing had mnny dips and side steps. I'ciiic '21 and Clifford '2.1 of Sigma I'lil were still different, tho man kick ing a hat that was held nn high as lila head by his parlnor, all tho' way down tho gym. O'Connor and Grasso of I'hi Chi, both pro-mcdlcn, also woro somo gorgeous costumes. They lntroduco1 a little coaxing act ns 11 novelty Thero seemed to bo more stunts pull ed off by the different couples dur ing tho rakn walking this year than usual, nnd nome of tho roupleti showcel that they certainly could handle their foot. ST. IJereiiln Republican Incumbent Cltr t;nri Wrl by Yen Vole or 837 Voting llruvy S'. Albans, March 2. Charles A. Buck, democrat, was elected mayor of tho city to-day over II. M. Dronnan, tho repub lican Incumbent of tho office tho past year, by a majority of six votes. Tho vote, was Buck, 751, Dronnan 775. Safforel K. Thorp, republican, was elected school commissioner lu ward ono with 110 opposition. In ward two John It. Hurley, democrat, with 90 voles wan elected alderman over F. 11. Fortln. republican, who had 71 ballots. J. G. Finn, democrat, was re-elected school commissioner over G. W, Cleveland, re publican, tho veto ritundlng 127 to 43. J. Arthur Charbonueau, democrat, was elec ted alderman In ward three over W. S. Crawford, republican with a votn of 209 to SS. ii. S. dishing, republican, whs elec ted alderman In ward four, having no op position II. Maclean Dowart, republican, with JTI votes was elected school commis sioner over J. F. O'Noll, democrat, with K votes. B. M. Hopkins was re-elected city cleric and treasurer. Other officers wero elected as follows: Grand Jurors. Iloscwcll M. Austin, A. II. Goorgo. Phil ip It. Johnson, auditor. If. M. Hatch; trustees of public library, N. Atwood, N. N. Post Tho voto on license was yes S27, no 173. Mayor Buck nnd Alderman Hur ley nnd Ch.irbonneau took tho oath of office .immediately following tho an nouncement of tho result. There was much Interest shown from the time tho polls opened at six o'clock tills morning until they were closed at thrco this afternoon. When it comes to paying whether tho voto was heavy or not It must bo stated that whllo It was heavier than last year that was in part due to tlie soldiers' vote, therefore, In comparing the voting to-day with the largo registration of voters, It perhaps was no heavier than the ordinary. By hours the voting was ns follows: At fk.10 o'clock a total of 3.3 votes had been cast; nt seven o'clock. 51; at 7:30, 6S; at eight o'clock, 1"0 at nine o'clock, Ifil: at ten o'clock, 2i!7; nt eleven o'clock, 4".3 and at twelve o'clock, 850 had cast their bal lots. It was voted to take advantage of tho State aid highway money to tho full amount of 1,000 offered by tho State; voted to oxompt the members of tho flro department from taxation; and voted to empower the board of school commission ers to employ a medical Inspector for tho schools. FURNACE EXPLODES AT RANDOLPH POSTOFFICE Randolph, March 2. Itandolph nar rowly escaped a serious flro to-day, whon the fire broke out in the basement of tho postofflco about tl:00 a. m. The cause is though to be. the furnace, which is said to have exploded, but authentic reports aro not yet ascer tained. Nearly all tho contents of tho basement wero destroyed and the of fice proper is badly damaged by smoke nnd water. Tho plato glass windows wero broken by the water and every thing is smoked and damaged with water. The goods In tho tho Thomas store aro also damaged by smoke, but tho extent of which Is not positively known at this time. Tho boxes for the most part are not injured except by the smoko and most of them aro In working order. Later information will be announced later. BENNINGTON VOTES TO BUILD 85,000 HIGHWAY Bennington, March 2. Tho voters of the town of Bonnlngton at tho annual meeting to-day adopted the proposal to build a concrete, highway between the Bennington and North Bennington villages at an expenso not to exceed ?85,000. Tho distance Is about throe miles. Recently Stato Engineer H. M. Mcintosh camo here and after an In spection recommended that concrete construction be used if the town should veto to undertake tho work. Tho mooting also voted to accept the report of tho committee appointed a year ago to Investigate tho necessity and probable cost of a town hall and Instructed the committee to purchase the W. A. Root property for such pur pose at an expense not to exceed J20, 000. Tho proposed site is on South street directly opposite the federal building. GET SILVER MEDALS FOR NEWSPAPER ESSAYS Montpelier, Feb. 27. Two Montpellor stu donts, Flprenco Currier and Homer M Shields, have been awarded silver medals by a Boston newspaper for having writ ten a Washington essay and have re ccived honorable mention also for their work. Miss Florence Bolgcr of Fair Havon received $500 and first prlzo. PULP & PAPER COMPANY INCREASES TO $300,000 Montpelier. March 2. The Mlsslssquol Pulp & Papor company of Sheldon Springs has filed with the secretary of Stato certlficato that they Intend to In cieaso their capital stock from $100,000 to $300,000. Tho Winooskl Ovcrgaltor company, which was recently organized In Wlnoo Hkl, lias filed its papers iu tho Bcerotary of State's offlco, after somo dolay owing to the matter of tho llccnso fco. Tho capi tal stock Is $75,000 whllo tho papers aro signed by (i. L. and A. W. Edwards, H. W. Richardson, H. W. Carlton, M. Mac kay and W. H. Weston. Tho Bellows Falls Garago company whicli recently organized In Vermont linn filed a certlficato that It Intends to in crease Its capital stock from $5,000 nnd that $5,000 bus boon paid up of tho laBt mimed figure. Listers' Meetings Montpelier, Mar. 1. Tho commissioner of taxes has announced t'.mt tho meetings tor Instruction of listers will bo held this j'our at ono o'clock on the duya end at tho placed designated In tho following schedule; NowKrt, March 9; St. Johns bury, March 10; Island Pond, March U; Brattleboro, March 16; Whlto River June tlon, March 17; Montpelier, March 18; St. Albans. March 19; Bennington, March 23; Uutlaud, aiarcJi.2i; n.urljnctoa.jj.axch 25. CITY VOTES TO GIVE TEACHERS MORE PAY Nearly . Thousand Majority for Bie; Issue of Municipnl Elec tion Four Republican and Two Democratic Aldermen Elected Burlington voted by large majorities for tho 13 por cont Increofo In taxation for tho purpose of raising teachers' salaries, for medical Inspection of scholos, and for llconso, both druggists and the other kind, Tuesday at tho city election when six nldormen, two school commissioners and ward olTlcem wero elected. The vote was light us thero was no mnyoralty contest and In two of the wards no con test of any kind. In tho other wards thero wero hot flghls, however, and tho results wore close. ' Tlio nldermon clocted aro: Georgo D. McBrldo In tho first ward, F. A. Deyette In tho second, Dr. J. E, LaTlocquo In tho third, Edward II. McGrntli in the fourth, E. O. Mltlguy In tho llfth and William II Wilson In tho sixth. Tho chief political Interest of tho day centered around tho nldermnnlc contests In the serond, third, tlfth and sixth wardu. In tho second Deyette created a surprise by winning over E. A. Luck, a former alderman, by a majority of 5.1. Luck ran on tho citizens' nnd democratic tickets and Doyetto as a Independent republican. Both sides wero very active and many looked for Luck's election, because ho had been endorsed by the democrats and had a largo following In the. Republican party. In the tlfth ward Mr. Mltlguy was eloctcd alderman In n republican strong hold Tiy a maJorHy of ton over F. A. Rousseau, his republican oppomfnt. In the sixth J. W. O'Neil was defeated by Mr. Wilson by only nine votes. Tlio tight hero and In tho fifth was the closest. Dr. J. E. Laltorquc, republican, won out over Jules Slmays, democrat, by a margin of 2 votes In tho third ward. Tho board now makes up about aa it did before and tho wise politicians are of tho opinion that tho voto will stand seven to five as It did all last year on many Issues. Messrs. Deyctto and Mc Brldo return for another term. Dr. LaRocque replaces Alderman Besottr, who has been absent from meetings for nearly a year. Mr. Mltlguy succeeds Alderman Ladd and Mr. Wilson lakes tho place of Alderman Hall. F. E. Kimball and J. P. Murphy were re-elected school commissioners without any contest In their respective wards and tho make-up of tho school board remains the samo. The voto for increase In pay to tho teach ers was a sensation, the majority being nearly a thousand in favor of It. All wards In tho city voted heavily for the movement, except tho third and fourth wards, where thero wero small majorities against It. Tho total vote wua 1,975 for and 9S7 against. The license vote was of no use so far as saloons go, but nevertheless the city voted heavily for llconso, considering the number of votes cast. The license voto carried every ward In the city except tho first. Tho voto was 1.5S8 for and 1,139 against. Druggists' licenses were still moro popular and the final voto on this lssuo was two to one, being 1,61.3 to 869. Thero was no question about the rlty's being In favor of medical Inspec tion In schools, the voto being 2,211 to C31. Following is the voto by wards; LICENSE, Yes No Ward 1 1.,..- 102 195 Ward 2 39t 3.36 Ward 3 323 SS Ward 4 2,33 63 Ward 5 271 231 Ward G 212 2.33 Total ISM Majority FOR 1.3 PER CENT INCREASE TEACHERS' PAY. Yes 1139 119 IN" No 66 233 217 160 128 1S3 987 9S3 No 165 218 6.8 17 1C1 180 S69 739 No 49 118 115 58 88 173 631 1170 Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 1 248 . 522 203 136 409 437 Total 1975 Majority DRUGGISTS' LICENSES. Yes , 123 398 305 ;;a: .. 257 1008 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Total .... Majority , MEDICAL INSPECTION. Yes Ward 1 256 Ward 2 607 Ward 3 29S Ward 4 147 Ward 5 451 Wan! il 452 Total 2211 Majority THE WARD TICKETS The results In the different wards fol low. Ward One Alderman, Georgo D. Mc Brldo (R) 270; school commissioner, F. E. Kimball (R) 27S; ward clerk, O. W. Edwards (R) 273; inspectors of election, D. H. Cameron (TV) 250, II. D. Lacoy (D) 232, II. B. Hall (R) SIS. Ward Two Alderman, F. A. Deyotto (R) 419, E. A. Luck (C. & D.) 3G6; ward clerk. James E. Bradley (R) 455, Zotlquo Gravel (D) 217; Inspectors, A. II. Duhamel (R) 4S0, Charles Levin (R) 328, G. II. Bacon (7ft) 430, Heman Crooker (D) 352. Ward Three Alderman, Dr. J, E. LaRocquo (R) 220, Jules Slmays (D) 200; school commissioner, J. P. Murphy (D) 324; ward clerk, William Beauregard (It) 142; F. J. Chllds (D) 22; Inspectors, J. O. (Bacon (It) 212, K. F. Falley (R) 233, Fred Fugero (D) D. J. Kheenan (IJ) 184. Ward Fclur Alderman, E. II. McGrath (D) 264; ward clerk, Oscar Helnlngcr (D) 221; Inspectors, John Realty (R) 101, John Bergeron (R) 151, William Blondln (D) 197. John A. Smith (D) lbO. Ward Flvo Aldcrmun, E. O. Mltlguy (D) 271, F. A. nousseau (R) 266; ward clerk, K. W. Cooncy (D) 213, F. J. Ilendeo (R) 283; Inspectors, T, F. Conlon (D) 267, J. II. Dolan (D) 323, L, J, Irwin (n) 362. C. R.. White (R) 278. Ward Six Alderman, Wllllum 11. Wil son (R) 311, J. W. O'Neil (D) 305; ward clerk, John F, Collins (D) 251, H. II. llRgur (R) 318; inspectors, J. II. Carlln READ & DOWER UNDERTAKERS Phone 18TS-W 184 Pearl St. Motor Ambulance Servlcu (P) 402, E, H Chase (R) S31, J L Kellny (D) 288, J J, Mnlloy (D) 15, V I f,oul (U) 301. C. V. BACK IN OWNERS' HANDS lloml HelnMntCM tho Offlrlnli In Offtr-o Prior to federal Control St. Albans, March 2. The following Is the text of n circular1 Isucd by President E. C. Smith of tho Central Vermont. Railway company. "Pursuant to the provisions of tho rail way bill Juat passed by Congress, thf Central Vermont Railway company has taken over tho operation of Its proparty. effectlvo March 1, 1920. . "Tho executive olflclali in office Just prior to foderal control ore hereby re Instated, except that: "Mr J. W. We.rrilaw is appointed oral managtr In chargo of operation "Mr. E. Dcschcnos is appointed comp trnllcr In chargo of llnance: and account Ing. "Mr. .1. W Redmond is appointed gen eral counsel. "Mr. P. D. Kitzpatrlrk Is appointed chief engineer "Mr. H. T. Novvell Is appointed me chanical superintendent " BOARD BACKS PRINCIPAL Injunction .Snld o lie Sought Restrain ing Walker for hunprndlng CnOiollr Piiplli Brandon, March 2. Nothing new ha,i developed In the school situation here None of the i6 suspended pupil of the junior high school who were suspended by Principal Walker Monday morning for not having brought excuses from their parents asking that tht.v he permitted to remain away from the morning exercises. has roturncd to school. It la understood that the Rev. E. 'F. Cray, pastor of St Mary's Church here, was In Rutland Monday, where t Is understood ho con sulted nn attorney with the idea of ob taining an Injunction prohibiting Prin cipal Walker from suspending the Cath olic students. U is thought, likely that this cajio will bo taken to tho courta and that this will bo made 11 test case for all towns and cities in the State. Tho achool board la standing squarely behind Principal Wal ker. INSURANCE .$17,123,855.20 Metropolitan Wrote. f3, 1(51,655, LnrgeM Amount or Total In State for 101P Connecticut Oeiicrul In Veil Montpellor, March 2. Insurance Com missioner J G. Brown lias compiled i btatorncnt showing the amount of busi ness Written In Vermont in the last year 1919 by tho several companies writing life Insurance, a total of $17,123,853.20, of which the Metropolitan has the largest amoun' written, naineiy $3,161,855. The Connecti cut General is next with a tout of $2.00? 149 and tho National Life Insurance com pany is .third, with $l,S02,7tt.Gl. Including the Industrial insurance written by tho Metropolitan and Prudential companion ojid insurance written by group com panics, the grand total is $23,20),C97 S4. Thn total lossos paid in the year amounted tn $2,083,363.71. FEW WOMEN VOTE AT NEWPORT, MRS EMERY 1ST Newport, March 2. Mrs. -C S Emory wire of the gubernatorial candidate, was the first of 'only 12 women to take the frcoman's oath to vote to-day. Newport, women wero not enthusiastic for voting Tho llccnso voto In Newport city was 64 yes, 07 no, and on fifth class 61 yea and 92 no. In Newport town, the license voto was 10 yea and 40 no, and llf til clssn six yes nnd S3.no, James T. Gardner was re-elected mayor He Is a republican and had in oppool tlon. . ' VOTES TO EXEMPT TWO CONCERNS FROM TAXES St. Johnsbury. March 2. At the town meeting to-day exemption was granted for en years to John W. Davtes, owner of tho Plymouth creamery which has re cently been erected here, and the new shirt factory of Lauber, Llpton & Co, of New York city. One thousand dollars for a public nurso and a town tax, including forty per rent Stato tax of 275 cents on tho dollar wero voted. The town tax was Increased 20 cents on the dollar and the school tax thlrty-Uve cents. There was only one, contest for town officers and the caucus nominee won. The town voted for license, 302 to 215. OKLAHOMA 33RD STATE TO RATIFY SUFFRAGE Oklahoma City. Feb. 29.-Oklahoma be camo tho 33id State to ratify tho suffrage amendment Saturday afternoon, when Governor Robertson signed the bill, which had previously passed both tho House and the Senate Saying it was Impossible, to got lu thn Senato tho' 30 votes necessary to pass the ratification resolution with the emer gency cl'iusc, Bert C. Hodges of Okmul geo, suffrage leader In tho House, moved that the House concur in the resolution us passed by the Senate without the clause. The Houwc passed tho amended resolution by a vote of 76 to 4, with 21 absent. It Is planned to send certified copies of tho signed resolution to President Wilson .tho .secretary of state and thn presiding olfieers of the national fianato and House of Representatives Anti-suffrage senators said they would not take part iu efforts that may be made to circulate potltlous to tgfer the ques tion to vote of tho people. If tt, 3. referred, they said, they would uso their influence? to prevent a voto favorable to suffrage GIVES $989,000 FOR AMERICAN HOSPITAL Paris, March 1. Mrs. Robert Bacon, widow of Col. Robert Bacon, at one tlmci Amerlcau ambassador to France and n former socretary of state, haa placed In tho hands of tho trustees of tho Ameri can hospital In Paris $9S9,00O, with tha request that it be devoted to endow twenty-four bads In freo wards of thn new Amorican hospital, which Is to b built at Neulily. This endowment is given in memory of colonel Bacon, who, aa president of tho American hospital, took great Interest tn Its welfare Henry P. DavlBon has transferred $150, 000, the remainder of ono of tho war fundf. of which he was chairman, toward th building fund of this hospital, the sum to Insure erection of that part of tho building which will be devoted to tha fro wnrds endowed In momory of Col, Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Georga A. Kessler havn given $50,000 to the building fund. Mrs. Baron's gift brings tho hospital' total yearly revenue from endowment tu $GS,S00, the amount requited to opcrato the hospital being $S6,000. The amount necessary for tho proposed building Is $1,250,000, of which, lu addition to thn donations of Mr, Davison and Mr, and Mrs. Kessler, $17,000 already haa been sub scribed. Tho hish prices you pay mean high wages to workers. That's one of tho blight spoto In connection with the prlce' drama. xr KIlE&.PnEBt VAN?r.-AXivJ.iV BESSS 1