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PAGE FOURTEEN DALLAS MAN IS KIDNAPED AND BADLY BEATEN Victim of Lashing Declares Himself In nocent of Attack for Which He Was Beaten by Unmasked Men DALLAS, Tex., Nov. 2. A band of unmasked men reyerely flogged Joe Westbrook. 23 years old. last night, »fter kidnaping Westbrook and Lon Johnson, also 23. r lir ?u men . ,ea P ed from behind a door on the second floor ” Westbrook grooming place and overnowered Westbrook uid Johnson, according to Mrs. Pauline Fox, rooming louse landlady, and rushed them nto an automobile while other men were waiting. Out in Trinity bottoms the two •aptiveg were asperated. according :o Weetbrook*■ story to the police <»day. He said he be'ieved John •on was not flogged. Johnson’s whereabouts were unknown early oday. One of the plain clothes officers >«rly this morning commenting on a s investigation into the flogging, mid that a woman Informed him hat Westbrook .is charged by a woman with having kicked a woman tressed In white at the state fair October 24. ""’estbrook said: hw got me mixed one MINUTE STORE TALKS MFDNICK BROS • must be a greet kIS2 ,O t n H 7OU ,O,k * t 0 P I tb-t P e °P , »* under —& pSSH L JT o P r Btorr - Th *> Know that you stand for •> -* to sh, « munlty. That your chief C .fr- «‘f_f JS „ Ji --i. Si’SgSSr- O\ thinking customer. ill™* Wz7 101 sra^CT* 08 J - v \ The Clothing \\ J •./aßoXVStore of Casper ' -Trr-.XL--.--—— jts "£xR-’~ ,Tr Copyright 1921 Hm Schaffner i Mui The Compelling Magnitude of Mednick Bros. Fall Clothes a Revelation at S SO MEN, see at a glance the amazing opportunity this store offers in good clothes selection at SSO. The world’s greatest clothing designer is rep resented —the most beautiful models and styles in suits and overcoats ever shown—the richest fabrics—all standard quality tailored and all priced to provide unequaled money’s worth are here—the result of Mednick Bros, super-value-giving policy. Hart Schaffner & Marx Good Clothes ;j SPECIAL FEATURE VALUE THE NEW BELT, BOX AND BELT BACK STYLEPLUS SUITS OVERCOATS $25;00 $25.00 Others at S3O and $35 ’ Others at S3O and $35 Mednick Bros. ■ HART SCHAFFNER AND MARX CLOTHES — —a waaiihj', up with tome one elss. They got the wrong man. "They tore off my clothe*. When they began beating, I began scream- Ing. I think they used a heavy rope. "One of them accused me of hav ing beaten n woman. I told them I had not done any such thing. "I will bend every effort and will uao every resource of the police de partment -to apprehend and convict the floggrre." Police CommiiMfolner Turley aald today. Send your automobile news to "Spark Plug '—Care Tribune. make this an Automotive Christmas. Four Per Cent Os Hogs Die of Cholera in Year WASHINGTON, Nov 2 —Cholera killed approximately four per cent of the hugs on farms in the United States the last year. The bureau of animal industry announcing this estimate today said losses were heaviest in lowa. Nebraska, Indiana, Missouri, Illinois. Georgia, Minne sota and South Dakota, in the order named. Each of these states, it is estimated lost more than 100,000 head from the disease. The total number of swine lost from hog cholera exceeded 2.260.000 valued at approximately $29,393,000. The department of agriculture is urging the preventative serum treat ment combined with strict sanita tion and thorough disinfection of premises aft*r outbreaks as the most effective way to control the disease. Reckless Driver Draws SSO Fine Another toll was taken for being drunk and recklessly driving a car when Elmer Green was fined SSO by Judge John A. Murray yesterday fur this offense. Bertha Dayton was arrested this morning for alleged selling of intoxi cating liquor. Her bond was at at $l5O. CDe Casper Caflp Clftnni ARBUCKLE IS DEFENDANT!!! DIVORCE SUIT providence:, r. l. not. I. Mlnta L. Arbuckle has filed tn the superior court here a petition for a divorce from Roscoe (Fatty) C Arbuckle. The petition is brought on the ground of desertion and neg lect to provide. Notice was served on Arbuckle at a local hotel here on October 22. The petitioner claims he deserted her In April. 1917. and says she came to Provident'© In September. 1919, to enter the employ of the Truart Film company. WHAT MEN ADMIRE! AU men admire a healthy woman She 1. not beautiful to them no mat ter how regular her feature,. It ab le alckly. ailing No chance of a marriage propoaal for such a girl. , It aha la pale, weak and nervous , ,he la doomed to be an old maid ; Fortunately tor euch a young wo man there la an old reliable remedy that will reetore charm and yomli ful hloom.’Dr. Pierce’. Preecrlptlon. made of herba. will tone up the, nerve., relieve woman’, weakneee and with renewed health, beams . will follow. Send 10c tor trial package to Th • | Pieroe’. Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo, 1 N. Y. —Advertisement. I OUR SECOND ANNIVERSARY SALE OPENED TODAY TO THE BIGGEST BUSINESS IN THE HISTORY OF OUR STORE , / f 7- Highest Class of Merchandise for Women and > We are pleased to know that the people of Casper appreciate our efforts in giving them the reduc tions we are making during thia sale. OUR PRICES DEFY COMPETITION f Our Anniversary Sale Will Continue for Ten Days— November 2nd to 11th Inclusive SATURDAY ’ Will Be Coat Day Select Yours From the Biggest Coat Stock in Wyoming Cloth Coats Fur Coats ONE LOT SPORT AND DRESS COATS ONE LOT FUR COATS AND CAPES All silk and satin lined. Many elaborately fur-trim- ATI , ~ . ... . „ ~ med. Genuine $40.00 to $49.50 values. ’ ux, d ’ c co J ,sist ’ n E Sealine ?' ~ Northern Seals, and Near Seals. All this season’s YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE models. Genuine values $85.00 to $139.50. YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE £SS no One lot Dress and Sport Coats. All silk and satin M lined. Most all of them beautifully fur-trimmed with very fine furs. Genuine values $45.00 to $68.00. , . , Your unrestricted choice, C*Ofh SA e ,ot Extra Eine Fur Coats. All silk and satin a t WtJvtdU lined. Lengths'4s-inch, 48-inch, 50-inch, 52-inch. £1 “.s H»s h .:x n .“ trimmed with meeslve fur collar, caffe and border.. .0 “ d J3OO k ’ kkkk One lot Exclusive Dress Coats. Handsomely lined On® lot Very Fine Fur Coats. Genuine mar-Mink, and fur-trimmed. They are wonderful coats and Hudso Bay Seals and Northern Muskrats. Genuine must be seen to be appreciated. Genuine values values $200.00 to $275.00. Cl 4C 4141 $95.00 to $145.00. Your unrestricted C*79 Yodr unrestricted choice tJlXlHWeW rx* C i B ."ixr ”’s ir> r" ♦ » i*t ■ ° ne 7?ur Chokers. Genuine squirrel and brown One lot Wonderful Dressy Coats. Elaborately tnm- opossum. Genuine values, $12.00 to <l*o 41? med with fur collars, cuffs and borders. Genuine Sls 00 Your choice Jnn.Hel values $145.00 to $185.00. Your unrestricted choiceiPeztJeW One lot Chappie Coats. All made of the finest qual- One lot Extra Fine Dressy Coats of exclusive models. ity of brushed wool. All sizes and colors. The very It is impossible to describe these wonderful values. : a „on s 'Y? aker novelties. Genuine values $8.95 All exquisitely fur-trimmed and made of the finest to SIO.OO. Your unrestricted C/l Qf* materials obtainable. Genuine values $185.00 to choice ._«pTc»i/e> $225.00. Your unrestricted __5125.00 if’T'c Dresses VJ 1 A ONE LOT DRESSES FOR STREET WEAR ONE LOT PLAIN AND FUR-TRIMMED SUITS sllk ard wool. Genuine $35.00 to $49.50 values. Genuine Value, $59.50 to $125.00 NeWeSt YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE $35.00 $24.95 — One lot Dresses for Street Wear. Silk and wool. The W materiala - Genuine values $65.00 Miumdry xs $39.50 ... One lot Afternoon, Street and Dinner Dresses. Silks, 325 MIDWINTER HATS Canton Crepes, Charmeuse, Satins, Chinchillas, Chis- J Divided Into Three Lots Ym.r Ge,lu!ne vallies ? 75 00 to 5125.00. xour unrestricted /fl fl /“fk Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 choice - Values $12.50 Values $15.00 Values $23.50 v to $15.00 to $22.50 to $32.50 ?P e . lot Extra Dresses. Made of the best mater- s■■£ fit DC tf* la j ln Silks, Chiffon Velvets, Brocades, Charmeuse ! C) jjg j 2 PURSES I'IMPORTED EVENING GOWNS ' ONE LOT ONE LOT ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SALE Genuine Leather Purses Extra fine assortment ' all colors, shapes and of Purses and Hand- Sizes. Regular $5 to $lO bags. $lO to sls » Amrc> CII V iminrnwm . values. values. LADIES SILK UNDERWEAR YOUR CHOICE YOUR CHOICE Teddies. Gowns, Princess Slips etc $2.95 $6.50 J $lO Values. Sale Price gg POSITIVELY NO MERCHANDISE, DURING THIS SALE, WILL BE SOLD TO ~” OTHER MERCHANTS No Refunds [I Deposit Will No Exchanges Hold An >’ No Approvals Garment Until I All Sales Final casper’s leading specialty shop for Wanted Aitoaies misses and women vvantea FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1923