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: '•' ______ By Billey De Beck !f <^2s™"'~l r CFA .tl ‘ "'■ ■■ X UiO/TRTCcr i ± ?‘ . KU® ’ N J CtN^fMEN. YOU kJ ILL ,r< >• .. ".-•' -‘ - r > ' I-. V t - OOKT UjeKtVf- ( ° I | N yocß I ’SEE STARTUNG RESuCTS• F- '- GOODNIGHT" V [•< ' ' r HD HEADED row NOS ) 'L imtrr I S /ZjOCKVr SunSWIUE \ Boss / ’ BELGIAN HA’R TfcMC ’ \ (7) / A TONIC GPOWS 1 • Tb 5 ' W 7 ,ur - VRt COVIIN6 - / y LxZ'Tfc'f IVON > < I NEME« MKSGS *IT UJIU Do I 7 I kINKY HAIR •- C' ■ ' ■ ' - MOONING BEFORE \ The. / s CVArTI V / X“\ I n ” I ik. *TUb "■ <?»< OPENS / V E.XI»EQtMGNT / 1 ■•- } \ £****»‘-LX. . -y \ \ N&T R* u * » <*JAIT -Sx AMD CME -ROMOeo To / X / ' 1 \"* /K tk. <V \ T,U-O« / cksmoa-strate -rue < ■—^_ T -'' < _X*LJLP? \ M ‘ AM JV J _ MASK POWERS or k I ( 3v tfSX / tfTi'fxA \ \ BCLCIAN HAIR Ttwnc- . \ ,>/-■; !■.'.,, j gWaS"? I >V< ,'rZfa^-2—-' j£Xf ‘SJc'V ) &'' r £iL : '.. fTI ,zSc. ~JE >• »«’ x tx> *"» swr ) t&r -t a /S' J : I ■ ' ‘ ■ wAU fir? ' X-!- kiA V £—m-.! wANr r-„ ) r ' tz-i’A •■" ■sxsjraaß- J£J<? w* ■• I OPENED Is s '* } *\ ~ J| / * I H». Vr-Kta« F««««ma sy *■■*». •■» //-S’ I CLOSED GASOLINE ALLEY—YOU DON’T MISS WHAT YOU DON’T LIKE TILL YOU DON’T GET IT »'' " I'*'-*, W.ip'k —"y- '■ —-- _ _ _ ' -- ■ • * *• nowdon't X I’ve seskj Lcamsgh y - \ H; ' DEMV IT. \VOU TOOETMER. NOM-RE A \f MO. VOW \ BuMX AfUi ] x _ R iisr'l % r B I \ ° J t ,MEN Asu»s.e I ■ Tuevxze umdoap f| J S-S/3- < S L Y V__ ■O' M EI TH.-E <1 U- / - £/. &■ ST—^S- 3 \ r~X I \~wresTy ■ ceTTiMC. /-rJeOx i Ji-iß| "SSZ\) < a i (?__T7Fv 1 17x 7 ; x Z-v\ ■ u"EM ii W\t ■ gtWlliW OW !■ ..J ■• JK V ■ «■-; Mix i Srflr ZtW — ■ fXSooo ■ Mi/FEy/T • ,V ' V * ■ U.S. ENGINEERS Elf PLANS FOR BIG GATHERING Over 2,000 Expected To Attend Annual Meet in N. Y. NEW YORK. Nov. B —{United Press — America's rapid development In engineering, affect’ng industry, transportation, fuel, army ordnance, hydroelectric power, aeronautics, tlm her conservation, textiles, and many other He rts, wtll be outlined 'n more than fifty addresses to be delivered before the annual meeting of the American Soc'ety of Mechanical En gineerinK Soclet'es Building. New York. City;, for four days beginning Monday. December 8. More than 2.000 engineers, indus trialists, educators and economist' are expected to attend the meeting which wfl constitute the biggest national engineering gathering of-the year. Medals will bo awarded, offi cers Installed, new power test codes discussed, and joint sessions with other groups he'd. Representatives of lead'ng colleges and technical schools will convene at a conference of the Society’s Committee on Edu cation. and Training. The A. S. M. E. Medal for some notable invention or striking Im provement in connection with the industries will, it is announced, be awarded to John R. Freeman of Providence, R. 1., ‘for eminent ser vice to engineering and manufac turing in fire prevention and the preservation of property’.’’ Mr. Freeman's activities in the develop ment of a system of rules and inspec tion, the announcement sa‘-d. have saved industry mll'lons of dollars. Mr. Freeman Is a past president of the American Society of Civil En gineers. Another A. 8. M. E. Medal will be bestowed upon Frederick A. Halsey of New York for his treatise on •’T.h Premium System of Wage Pay ments.” The forest products session will hear John W. Blodgett, president of When You Catch Coh Rub on Musterole Musterc'le iseasy toappl in its good work right away. Oft - • • e prevents a cold from turning int i>' or pneumonia. Just apply Music: with the finger.. It ii >■ s all the work of grandmother’s mustard plast. without the blister. Musterole made of oil of mustard and Qtb r i - simples. It i doctors and ’ sore throat, cold on th.- < t. tism, lumbago, plcurr ■ trf chitis, asthma, neural.::?, c??-.: ■? pains and aches of the I '>''k a: 1 • sprains, sore muscles, bru es, chilblain frosted feet—colds of all sorts. 7o Mother*: Musterole is now made in milde’r.form for babies and small children.- Ask for Children’s Mucterole.- 35c and 65c, jars and tubes; hos size, lu!IWO : Better than a r*a»tardplatter Zev Wins ®k ’ Photo, taken nt Empire race track, shows Zev, with Sande up, win ning from Bracadale, with Fator up, In the Autumn Championship Stakes event. Immediately after the race, Zev was shipped to Latonla, tqjneet My Own for the world’s three-year-old championship. The Opinion of Other Newspapers Words FaD. v If we are not mistaken, the late ( President Harding talked to the gov- e ornora about prohibition very much j as President Coolidge haa talked, but if there haa been any material <-hange in the attitude within the c several states In consequence, it f has not won the front page of any } newspaper on our list. —Fall River , Globe. Ivener Politics. 1 Former Senator Frank B. Kellogg, f named by President Coo'ldge to sue- f ceed George Harvey as ambassador 1 to the court of St. James, is an able 1 lawyer. That much can be said for ’ the wisdom of the appointment. f Our Washington correspondent * su’d recently that political consider- ' itions were playing no small part In the selection of an ambassador. That fact was rather obvious when ’he offer was made to former Gov- ’ rnor Lowden, highly qualified as he 1 ; for the position. But it Is leaser politics, if politics have anything »o do with it. whch turns to a de ’< a ted senator when a potential president declines. There may be value in the compli ment to Minnesota from the stand point of next year's election. The state seems to need convincing that the Republican party is friendly to t. and yet, we wonder whether the dement which has chosen to put Shlpstead in the place of Kel'-og, and Magnus Johnson in the place of Nel son, will be susceptible to the flat tery of conferring ambassadorial honors and a chance to wear knee breeches on a man whom it reject-1 ed.—Chicago Post. The Rude Husk era. The way in which wicked capital | Is grinding the poor farmer out 1 the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, on "Reforestratlon and , Tlmjjer Conservation.” A symposium will be held before | the management in the metal-work- j Ing, w'ood-working and texti’e Indus-, tries. Speakers will Include E. H. McKetterlsk of Boston, R. T. Kent of Montclair, N. J., and W. L. Churchill of New York. Prof. C. M. 1 A’len of the Worcester, Mass., Poly. | technic Institute, and E.’A. Taylor,} Worcester engineer, will explain nt the water measurement session the | new salt velocity method of measur ing water, Other addresses nt thia session will be O. W. Boston, Ann Arbor, Mich., nnd N. IL Gibson, Niagara Falls, N. Y. / west la suggested by a dispatch from Omaha which says that corn husk ers—not usually considered capital ists but likely soon to be—are de manding 10 per cent of the value of corn for husking it, nnd are making from |8 to $lO a day. Their wages before the war were from $2 to |3 per day. Just how to link this sltuat'on up with the Wall street profiteers, we leave to be explained to them by such men as the agricultural bloc of western senators may pick out. Evidently the farmer will cry out against the outrage of capital In such a shameful case, but we fail to see how it can be linked up with the malefactors of Wall street.— Hartford Courant. Placing Responsibility. There seems to be a spreadlnt tendency to blame federal enforce ment for all failures of prohibition. healthful heat lor old ornewhouees Radiator heat—clean, pure, healthful—with out the inconvenience or expense of a base ment heating system. Every radiator Is a complete heating and ventilating unit. You may light one or ail. PQfflfflEß ■ Radiation PHT neats with warm air instead of water or steam. All fumes iwu«g out through the vsnt Let our heating man explain the economical POTTER system and quote prices. Entrrfiritt Ccnrtruction Ct. C. T. riuckhahn. Rap. 1841 South David St., Casper Phone 1287 f W Ctic Carpet Etaflp CrfDtme This is both unjust and unreason able. A share of responsibility for enforcement Is with congress. Fed eral enforcement cannot go further than congress has authorized and provided for it to go. Another share of respons'blllty Is with the states. The central government cannot en force prohibition fully without co operation of the commonwealths. Another —and perhaps the largest— share of responsibility is with the people. Without cooperation of tbe majority prohibition cannot be sat isfactorily enforced. Critics of fed- V-Z for a hot breakfast I ||S|l|g QUICK QUAKER cooks in Vi the time of co.ffee! Quaker Oats now comes in 2 styles regular -pY'Quaker Oats, the kind you’ve always known, and , r 4ujn QUICK QUAKER. Quick Quaker makes oats the gwicker# break* fast dish. Cooks perfectly in 3 to 5 minutes —i R.} scarcely longer than simple toasted bread. Same plump oats as regular Quaker Oats, the . c kind you’ve always known. Cut before flaking, Kinds of Quaker Oats rolled very thin and partly cooked. And these At Yotxr Groom small flakes cook faster—that’s the only differ- Qulck Quaker and Regular ence. Quaker Oat*. All the rich Quaker flavor. ATI the good of hot Get whichever you prefer. breakfasts quick I Today, try Quick Quaker. Jo E. Keith FOR COUNCILMAN THIRD WARD A Successful Business Man Who Will Serve You WelL Thia Advertisement Paid For by Friends • eral enforcement evidently havei . failed to realize thia division of re- snonsibl'lty or have shut their eyes to it in an effort to avoid an unpleas- * nnt sight.—Washington Post. » The Folly of Tt. The Roman Emperor Julian tn the - fourth century A. D. promulgated a . law fixing the price of graJn. It - promoted a rebellion. Charlemagne s did likewise in the ninth century, s with similar failure. The republic -of Argentina passed a law this year - fixing a mlnirpum price for cattle. • i Now we read a dispatch from - Buenos Afros tolling us that all the i big British and American packers - there have been forced to suspend operations because of the law. Still more farmers and their political I agents In the American northwest are continuing to advocate govern-1 ' ment action to fix the price of wheat. 1 It Is folly. It could not work.—Chl- • cago Tribune, Are They? The New York City Federation of' . Women’s clubs. In a convention of 1,400 delegates representing BS4 or-, ganlzations, has adopted resolutions condemning the repeal of the Mull an-Gage act and pledging . coopera tion in the genuine enforcement of prohibition. That Is what the country general ly expected of women when prohi bition was made a part of the con stitution. The drys said that they would have the support of every wife, mother and sister In the land. The wets made but feeble rejoinder. And yet— When the New York state election of 1922 came along and prohibition was one of the llvest of the is ues, what happened? In this city, the home of these 384 women’s clubs, the wet candidate. Al Smith, polled 758,- 000 votes and the dry candidate. Gov ernor Miller, polled only 277,000 votes. Is it possible that women vote one way in the open convention and the other way In the secret booth?— New York Hera'd. Armistice Ends, Fighting Starts MONTH,VIDEO, Uruguay, Nov. 4. Advices received here today are to the effect that the armistice signed by the president of the state of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil, and the rev olutionary forces had been broken and hoetl'ltles renewed. The ar mlsMce was to have run until Nov. . 7, peace negotiations to have been carried on meanwhile. The revolutionary forces attacked Business and Professional Directory AUDITORS * C. H. REIMERTII Certified Public Accountant Income Tax Service 401 O-S Bldg. Phone <67 HARRY F. COMFORT Auditing and Accounting Phone 2008 Suite 18, Dab Bldg R. C. VAN DENBERG Certified Public Accountant Income Tax Service Phone 118 GUARANTEE REGISTRY COBP. Auditors and Accountants—Stock Registrar and Transfer Agents 208-11 Oil Exchange Bldg Plume 660 architects DUBOIS & GOODRICH. Architects Rooms 1112, Townsend Block Casper, Wyo. 440 WM. J. WESTFALL. Architect Suite 5, Duly Building. auto tops WOLCOTT AUTO TOP SHOP Auto Top Mfgrs and I iiliolsterlng 133 North Wolcott Street CASPER AUTO TOP SHOP Auto Trimming, Upholstering and Auto Painting 633 S. Center 1 hone 1084 R BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER * SEAKLLS IRAN SEEK ~~ KM. Phone »1W <> <tlr ° 1 llone 813 YELLOW CAB COMPANY. Inc. Storage and Irons ter. Phone 1-34 N .IT RON A TRANSFER, STORAGE AND FUEL CO.—Phono 4>4J batteries CASPER BATTERY CO. 119 Eaat Filth Phone 90~ CHIROPRACTORS DR- J 11- DR. ANNIE GRAHAM JEFFREY Suite 318 Midwest Bldg I hone 70b DR. B. G. HAHN Chiropractor Tawnaend Bldg.Phono 433 ' L. J. CONNELL, I>. C.. Ph. C. Suite 13. Daly Bldg.. Phono 3193 M. E. UAKNED, Chlropr«EK> r 162 North Kimball Street Phone 1457 ’ DR. I- E. BERQUIST ~ Zuttermeister Bldgl hone 175« * ROBERT N. GROVE 112 East Second Street Palmer , OKlce Phone 2:20 Kes. Phone 1.13 J DR. C. I. ARNOLDLS ooteoimthlc and Cli.rupraellc 810 O-S Bldg. 1 tone 17-1 DR. C. A. THURSTON. D. C. 133 S Wolcott Phono 113 ‘ CONTRACTORS ' TAYLOR ORCUTT General Contractors, Cement Build Ing Blocks For Sale Phone 1985 W CHIROPODIST CORRIN'NE E. O'BRYANT Foot Specialist 116 Eaat Second I' 10461, ‘ CLEANERS THE SERVICE CLEANERS Railroad at Jackson Phone 56 * DOCTORS THE CASPER PRIVATE Women’s and Children’s Hospital 542 South Durbin—Phone 406 HOSPITAL 938 South Durbin—Phone 273 STAFF SURGERY. GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS Homer R. I .at hr op, M. D., F. A. C. S. Victor R. Darken, B Sc. M D. EYE. EAR. NOSE and THROAT Harmon L. Stanton, M. 8., M. D. SKIN AND X-RAY TREATMENT GENITOURINARY DISEASES G. B. Underwood, M. D. ROENTGENOLOGIST Hallie M. Ellis PATHOLOGIST J. F. O’Donnell. M. D. PHARMACIST R. S. Lothian, Ph. G. DENTIST C. E. Dunran, D. D. 8. Offices in Rohrbaugli Building 113 East Second Street. Telephone 54 and 55 MARSHALL C. KEITH M. D. : HERBERT L. HARVEY, M. D. Office 208 South Center—Phone 30 Private Hospital, 612 South Durbin General Practice Surgery Obstetrics DR. T. .1, RIACH Physician and Surgeon IPhone 1219 Residence 21181 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1923 > the government forces at Marco Lopez, near the Uruguayan fron tier. Many of the government troops took refuge in Uruguayan territory and were disarmed an In terned. At last accounts the fight ing was continuing. NOTHp! Child’s Best Laxative Is "California Fig Syrup” Hurry Mother! Even a bilious, constipated, feverish child loves ths pleasant taste of ’’California Fig Syrup” and it never falls to open the bowels. A teaspoonful today may prevent a tick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for genuine ’California Fig Syrup,” whicn has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must Bay ’’California” or you may get an Imitation fig syrup. Advert lac ment. DOCTORS DR ?,V M ?T B and Johnson •nn « J j ,iuin and Surgeon ~no O S Lldg, Office Ph. 699 Res. 746 °V 8 ’ n ARGER Eyo, Ear, Nose and Throat e ... Fitted 133 8. Wolcott Phon* ttt V« K W IMBA^V lmw DR - W. W. YATES Specialist o2 Se r- and Suite in East Second *}£• V A BRYANT fee xr • h>«i<ian and Surgeon 133 N. Wolcott Off, H 3 up P, B ' H. SMITH nrn. ani > Surgeon Offlro si; E Serond-PhS »M 6 LAWYERS ' AMBROSE HEMINGWAY Boom 332 NICHOLS A STIRRETT 309-10-11 Oil Exchange Bldg. j o,, N BUSSELL LONG Attorney at Law Room 6, Mokler Bldg, Phone »ft 408 r ’ KEM * 408 Consolidated Royalty Bldg }V. 11. PATTEN 333 HAGENTS t MURAND _ 300-207 Oil BulMt., * ’-OW-EY Midwest Building blllack a lacy 304-3 Fh, WILLIAM O. WlUsox Lawyers Suite 14-15-16 Townsend Bldg MULVANEY & BARRETT „ Lawyers. 517 Consolidated Royalty Bldg. 210 O.k O |u I | LBEE 4 ADAMS ’ .10 O-s l.ldg, Phone nil osteopath db ;.s ab<> ’-! ne c. »avis „ Osteopathic I’lijslclan Suite 6, Tribune Apart. Phone 888 Dr. L. L. WADE “~ Osteopathy Over Frantz Shop Phone 11258 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ~ ETHEL C. LYNCH ~ Public Stenographer—Notary Pubik I L ,ne V are ,n l-*gal Work in? 1 c O” ! *® , l d ated Royalty Building I hone (iffn t! .03 Re s . phone 553 J WEBER ' I’ubl c Stenographer Boom 6, Mokler Hld e . I'hon, 2364 RADIO SHOP Fel - 1 . 1 T hom P«on ICndlo Shoo 51~ E, Yellowstone Ave. SHOEREPAIRING north < aspek shoe shop - Hand and Machine Work Ben Suyematsu 235 East H typewriters pis per Typewriter Exchange Ke u Ui,t TrPO’vrltero c ” lu '‘ l Bepalm 236 E. SecondPhon, 836 TAILORS N. RUBIN Custom Taiior Sults Madc-to-Order 323 W. Yellowstone AND CLEANERS 148 E, Midwest Phone 968 W MIDWEST TAILORS w ,can ’ n 8 and Pressing 406 E. Second, Phono 707 upholstering ’ ,nrt Furniture p.eklnz CASPER UPHOLSTERING CO. Phone 1672 M veterinaries D .B. W. E. Nor.DIIEIM Canine Specialist. Office Ph. 2293 R cs . Ph. 1998 J WAREHOUSES YEI.MHV CAB <~<U INC—Wlire ;,e',T n ’'„s .!. r ' 1 "’ r, ' r <331. Office 4go YV. Yellowstone.