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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1923 42 HOMES IN NEW ADDITION x WESTOFGITT Mountain View Building Up Rapidly; Success Is Pronounced. So attractive as a suburban dis- * ►let la the Mountain View addition west of Casper on the Yellowstone highway, that within four months 32 fam I’les have acquired property in it and have built substantial homes for themselves. These commuters, whose places of . business or employment are In this, city, have for various excellent rea- I eons selected home sites In the new, district. The Baker-Grude corpora tion whleh is rapidly disposing of its lots and acreage In Mountain View, started out In the right way. In the first place, every consideration vaas given to the acquirement of. a properly located plot of land. The site procured cannot be excelled,' Jr, to the state highway, always in con -i dition for travel, and is west of the I refineries from which issues much • disagreeable smoke and pungent ! <Wk>rs. Added to these advantages | Is the out’ook upon the world that is ; Mountain View aptly . expresses the location of the Baker , Grade in nd. T*““Thr- 32 families now living In this , | subirn have a superior supply of water wh'ch may be consistently de -I|. per.ded •.’non. At an expense above • I J2O,(a'O the system was Installed, •’with rm ftUtc-inntlc eectrlc pump to 1 l* l * 1° hou-es end ritojtlio large storage reserve lank vMfeli is so situated on a high p»*iM o *ta give 65 pounds pressure to the Hf *v.ner. Very shortly each home will ba' 1 •* as the work of the New Y< rl; )••<>! company In laying its mains and labial lines threvv-b Mountain V;iw j* *ic practically complete!. i>! S’rnets are Lciry gra ’e<l as rap'd’y i- at- posslb'e. Ali <» thes” ‘ ••«<! ln‘o 1 th.- Yellowstone I jhr ny Into town Ujii-I make easy going for tho con k f nt stream • <>’ In limn 1' nrnntfs a man cm X. hi* '.'.nt' i.* , w <• lamun- JMty and be nt hs jCnce of work in | M'.taper. He has all the p‘ensures of | 4 Hiving in the country with all the b !•«tern Conveniences at th© same }|in:e. that are advantages of the , |it.v residence. The sale of lots has been extremely • k ccsfu’ It has not been neces l-'iy io use all manner of means to pivelgc people into securing prop erty In Mountain View. This is line to the fact that the Baker fl rude company has used real rore eight in securing an addition that is khat homeseekers have been want ing. It has l>een found necessary io increase the area of the original district by 40 acres joining on the Louth. This is divided into acre plots in order that the man who is looking for a place where he can live and at the same time have suffi cient land for gardening and poultry I talking, may have such a location close to town. | ’ Churches and schools have been 1 broinised and by next spring the Erection of these bui'dings, along h a number of structures to house ByXstores and businesses in the central portion of the suburb will be started. I ' Italy began the silk industry in g |he 14th century, but in 1750 France lurpaased Italy and has since kept he first position. 1 SCHOOL TEACHER’S FRIENDS MADE GLAD H , One of them had this to say yes 11 J terday. "We never thought that ■ poor Ellen would ever recover, she H had suffered so long from stomach iand liver trouble and had lost more than 40 pounds in weight. She took a bottle of Mayr’s Wonderful H I Remedy upon the advice of her 9 .'“ unt and has steadily improved |ll from the first dose. We are all con- S jlldent of her complete recovery.” It n removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract, and allays the « inflammation which causes prac- M finally all stomach, liver and intes final ailments, including appendl cltls. One dose will convince or n-y refunded. At all druggists. w>. A< lve rt Isement. DON’T FAIL TO ATTEND THE SACRIFICE MONEY-RAISING SALE *’ SHIKANY SHOE 8 CLOTHING COMPANY 142 East Second St. Phone 474 ?! DR. SPAETH SCORES NEW TRIUMPHS HERE Music is a solid body and not divided into two halves of good and bad. according to Dr. Sigmund Spaeth who scored further triumphs when he appeared before the Casper Literary club and the audiences of the America theater last night and ■ at the Casper Real Estate board this noon. At the meeting of the Realtors this noon Dr. Spaeth took occasion to thank the citizens of Casper who have given him such a royal wel come while here and who have shown themselves to be so keenly Interested in music- He also spoke ''a good word for the series of con ‘ certs which are being given this winter under the auspices of the i Women’s Departmental dub. clalm- I ing them from personal knowledge ''to be very high class and produc i! tions and rare opportunities for ’ Casperites to become acquainted ' | with some of the better things in ■ music. I Qfo family will enjoy | Fokker ; P'JT’H ERE’S a fascination and satisfaction JL about testing coffee. You can keep the ' family guessing about brands and blends, but you can’t keep them guessing long—in a morning or two, they will tell you which is the best Coffee if you make this test. Simply serve FOLGER’S “Golden Gate” Coffee every other morning fora few morn » mgs, testing it against the Coffee you are now using. The family will choose the best Coffee. CJhe Tbest coffee FOLCER'S I / "Golden Gate " gl _ wn J. A r > c,. “You should not feel that It la a duty to attend a concert,” said Dr. Spaeth. “There is practically never uuch a program but that It contains something which will please ever)’ member of the audience. People like to recognize pieces which they know and when they applaud a certain number at a concert it is often an indication that they recog nize It.” The speaker tors aside the veil that has so long hidden classic music and in fact every kind of music. “I am afraid that critics and musicians have given the pub lie the wrong impression of music.” he declared. “The appreciation of music is really not difficult If one goes at it in the right way. Do not worry if you don’t know one note from another. Learn to enjoy listening to a piece and to recognize it afterwards. “I would rather a person were sincere in stating his opinion of a die Caßper E?aHp CTfbune particular piece of music. When I hear one say that a certain num'er is the finest in the world. I rejoice, for although I may not agree with him I know that he is stating his own opinion and not someone else’a He will in time advance to the ap preciation of a betvwr class of music.” Dr. Spaeth has proved himself justly popular with hls explanation of the commonsense of music. HO was warmly greeted at the meeting of the Literary club last night and at the America theater. His “Jack and Jill” trick where he shows how this Mother Goose rhyme would be treated by different composers ranging through the oratoria style, the Italian opera, and the American jazz styles, is always a big hit. Dr. Spaeth will appear at the America theater this evening. Cotton Soars NEW YORK. Nov. 16—December cotton sold at 34.60 on the opening ea'.l today, an advance of 70 points and a new high figure for the sea son. The International Typographical Union is to build an addition to the Union Printers Home, at Colorado! Springs, at a cost of $300,000, • LATE FLASHES BELGRADE. Nov. 16.—Ths semi official Vreme announces that Italy and Jugo slavia have come to an agreement over Flume. The solu tion adopted. It is understood, cedes Flume proper to Italy, while a Jugo slav free zone la created In the port of Flume. IOWA CITY. lowa. Nov. It.— After being halted temporarily in his cross country flight. Pilot How ard Rinehart pointed hls R-W aerial coupe to the west at 10 o’clock this morning. He left Smith Field carry ing 100 pounds of freight and one passenger. BERLIN. Nov. It. —Seven persons were killed and twenty injured to day in a railway smash near Stutt gart. a locomotive collided with a passenger train. WASHINGTON. Nov 16—Laws of a number of states will have to be amended to enable their farmers to take full advantage of the inter mediate credits provided by congress in the agricultural credits act. Sec- | retary Wallace of the agricultural department announced today. HOLCOMBE. Wto.. Nov. 16. With the aid of acetylene torches. , bandits early today entered the vault and safe of the State Bank of Hol combe and escaped with 32,000 in cash and 31,300 in negotiable bonds. DENVER, Colo., Nov. It.—Dr. Samuel S. Smythe, widely known homeopath and civil war veteran, died at his home this morning of ' pneumonia after a short Illness. ARM! PRIVATES HELD FOR STORE ROBBERY CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Nov. If.— / The arrest of George Has ho re and 1 Raymond J. Thelen. Fort Russell privates. In Hot Springs county, and i that of Joseph Pctrich and Theodore i E. R. WILLIAMS STORES STORE NO. 1 STORE NO. 2 STORE NO. 3 Grant Street Grocery and Central Grocery and Blue Front Grocery Market Market „ .. , . 815 S. Grant Street 129 West Second 446 South Wolcott Phone 1168—289 Phone 10—11 Phone 457—458 _______ Attention Saturday and Payday Specials APPLES APPLES Large Size, Highly Colored, Extra Heavy Pack Roman Beauty Apples, the box $1.65 4 lbs. 25C 5 Box Lot §7.50 ■V Winter Potatoes are going into /"I storage and will be higher. U | L 4 If 10l IltjO A few Red or White Potatoes. elj I Per 100 lbs T * CANNED FRUITS No. 10 can Blackberries 9oc Four No.lo can Loganberries 90c A , M C r “ ent No 10 can Apricots 6sc GRAPE FRUIT - - - - 3 for 25s Per dozen 95c » PRIDE OF THE ROCKIES !?I 111 ID 24-lb. Cloth Sack —•• 90C 1 LiVUIa 48 - lb - Cloth Sack $1.75 98-lb. Cloth Sack s3.4s THE ABOVE PRICES PREVAIL AT OUR THREE STORES WE DELIVER TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY | Gabler, also soldiers, at Fort Russell the number of persons held in con nectlon with the recent robbery her of the George Dal be r clothing stor. and subsequent holdup of th Shanghai case was brought to seven i Three others, all soldiers had been taken into custody here previous!:- All. it is said by attaches of the sheriff's office, were found with lov* from the Dalber store in the-r posseasion. Berlin Raises Price of Bread | BEIRLIN. Nov. 16 —(By The As I socialed Preea>—A further increase 1 1 today In the price of bread to 400 1 bilUon marks the loaf led to renew- |ed food receipts hen*. The police , were obliged to charge crowds threatening to storm the bakeries. In the suburb of Charlottenburg many shops were plundered. There were numerous arrests. PAGE FIVE WOMEN! DYE IT NEWJORISO Skirts Kimonos Draperies Waists Dresses Ginghams Coats Sweaters Stockings Don't wonder whether you can dye or tint auccessfuny, because I perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with "Diamond Dyes" even if you have never dyed before. Drug gists have all colors. Directions in each package.—Advertisement. Tribune Want Ada bring results.