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PAGE FOUR AMUSEMENTS “THE VIRGINIAN” TRUE PICTURE OF THE WEST OPENS RUN AT AMERICA Interesting till th* lost foot nt i film ha* boon exhausted. '‘The VI r- | gtnian** opened a run at th® Amer- , tea theater yeeterday with Kenneth Harlan and Florence Vidor taking th® leading role®. It Is not oft®n that a western photoplay can be pro duced with any conviction on the part of th® audlenc® that th® actors In any degree know th® part of the | country in which the atory la laid. “Th® Virginian aaUafiea the moat critical observer. Few actors If any could have bean .ehoean who would have been ahi® 1 to do th® work of thia film as Har-j lan does it, and certainly Florence Vidor represents as satisfactory a . leading lady a* could be deaired. Owen Wister's great novel of Wyoming which bears a peculiar , Interest for those *who llv® in thia section of the country has been put on the screen, and on® la forced to | admit that the film production la good. Every effort has evidently been expended in making the scenes realistic and true to the country In • Which they nre laid. Even the i famous old Goose Egg ranch re-1 lives in thia picture. The plot is of course laid around th® fight between rustler and cattle owner and has Its tragic aide when th® head of the posse is forced to give the signal for th® lynching of htS closest friend. Th® turn of af fairs nt the end la well led up to and the picture stops in tim® that the effect may not ba spoiled. Whether one has read "Th® Vir ginian'* or not one will want to see th® picture now being presented at th® America. Fn WE REVUE JT RIMJO THEATER An added attraction at the Rialto -tonight and tomorrow night Is the fancy dance revue given by the pupils of Miss Mary Morgan. This program which will be in addition to ‘The Spanish Dancer" tonight and to "Alice Adams" tomorrow will be given twice each evening, at p. m. and 9:30 p. m. The program follows: I—Nola Mary Morgan Attendants: Monica Kasals. Darllne Osborne. >—Bell Hol Flirtatlon.-Gertrude Bisk Corina "Woodruff S—Russian Rag. .Francis MacDonald 4—Bunrise MFry Morgan I—The Frolicßuth Kane Corina Woodruff g. Beau Brummel , , Francis MacDona’d V—Moment Oriental.. .Marjorie Sisk I—Robin Hood Mary Morgan I— In the Forest. ll Ma'd Marian's Song. 111 Re-Union of Robin Hood and Mold Marian. NEWSInTt COLUMBIA HUS OPENING TOMORROW FDTtowtng the closing tonlgtst of th® present Columbia bill, “Adam and Eve" Billie Ireland's Follies Wil! present a new show tomorrow tender the title of "The Only Girl." Those who have not already seen •Adam and Eve" will want to take advantage of th® opportunity given to view it this evening. It is a whirlwind comedy which features th® Follies belief. It confines Itself to nothing since the characters have gon® far and wide to gather th® fun which they are presenting to their patrons with such astounding suc cess. Send your automobne news to ♦Spark Plug."—Car® Tribune. Watch Out For' “The Greatest Menace" HARRY CAREY IN HIS LATEST SEVEN.REEL “THE MIRACLE BABY” Tons of snow and jagped pinnacles all around, and in the midst of it, sheltered only by the leaking roof of a crude log cabin, a lone, wailing, hungry baby. • About this situation is built the strongest, most human, most altogether-worthwhile picture Carey has ever made. Every mother's heartstrings are going to twins about the little snow waif, and every lover of good entertainment will admit that thig picture ranks with the very best they have seen. Remember the date and get there early! AT WYOMING THEATRE STARTING SUNDAY. ■'WOMEN WHO SMOKE ARE FOLLOWING FOOTSTEPS I OF ANCESTORS, SAIB Cigarette-smoking flappers are I oenturlss too late: Modern girls who u»® tobaoco dee pit® conventional disapproval be cause they think It indicates an up to-the-minute ®martn®«s t ar® follow ing in th® footsteps of women who died before th® United Stat®* came into existence. j Girls who smoke today have only Puritanical traditions to break. The 1 gentler devotees of nicotine 400 I years ago bravely faced th® terrors I <>f legislation, excommunication and I th® Infliction of the death penalty. • The delicately fragrant modern cigarette was unknown to the wo i men who smoked in th® days which 1 are shown in Pole Negri's new Paramount picture "Th® Spanish Dancer." produced by Herbert Bren on, which closes tonight at the Rialto theater. Cumbersome pipes stuffed with strong tobacco were used. Copies of these old-time pip®* are shown in dramatic gypsy camp 1 scenes in which Miss Negri ap ' pears. . “MYSTERIOUS WITNESS” PUTS *T JHE_WYOMING It Is seldom that a motion picture combines the e'ements of adventure and sUirtl ng situations with a story of genuine heart interest end appeal n* delicately balanced a* 1* done In "The Mysterious Witness." featur ing Robert Gordon and Elinor Fair, the current attraction at th® Wyom ing theater. Filmed from the story "Stepsons of Light" by Eugene Manlove Rhodes, which appeared In the Saturday Evening Po*t, this pic ture goes far afield from th® stereo typed film offering that Is all "love Interest" or all an assortment of thrills rushing pell-mell on® upon th® other. All th® thrills are there Advancing Years ; Need Stomach Help If Inclined to Sour Risings, Heart* bnm. Gassiness, Htusrt's Dys pepsia Tablets Sweeten and Bring Quick Relief. Our digestive system, with a little help, will pick out of a diversified diet what the body needs to sustain ; health. It is the sour stomach, gass iness and acid condition that starts trouble ail along the lint, particul arly with people getting on In yours. If they will use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after eating, the stomach will sweeten; eggs. milk, cheese and meat will bo digested, gas will not form and the system will thus get nourishment and strength unhin dered by indigestion and harmful fermentation. Get a CO-cent box of these wonderful tablets and learn what It mean® to enjoy meals with out consequent indigestion.—-Adver tisement. COMING “OTHERS” —the suspense, th® feat® eg brevet —but beneath it all la a strong s-v. of mother love, of th® love of a U for a girl, of courage of th® ®p.i as well as th® flash that holds th. spectator from the very start uni. the final bit of film baa flashes acroeo the silver sheet. Bolaaco Productions, Inc.. hav< transferred this well-loved story U the screen, iu)d have been wuk, enough to rely upon the beauty u. th® original story as adequate screen material—with a sterling ! cast to make the characters live- From the moment Johnny Hrant. at, played by Robert Gordon, leave® bis j widowed mother to go out Into the world to make a fortune for her. though his hardships on th® Square G ranch, all during the time he is suffering th® jibes and taunts of "Miser" from his fellow ranchmen because ho is saving every penny to send homo to that mother, the at tention and emotions are irreststibly caugbt and held. And they continue to be chained as th® story unrolls. TARKINGTON’S PRIZE BOOK MAKES PICTURE WITH HIGH QUALITY “Alice Adams," which has been accepted everywhsre as Booth Tark ington’s masterpiece among a col lection of remarkable works and which won ths Pulltger prize for the beat piece of fiction written during “That Old Gang of Mine’ 1 is a rare “hold that chord** har mony sung as only the Shannon Four can sing (tons Co lumbia Record. A-3978 75® Columbia AfaiAww, RECORDS Columbia PhonogT*pa v. •• nr . Indefinite Run at the g Exit Worry! D I A I T ft 8 Enter Joy! It I « I. I VF . Until All Worry Ha. Left the City •ftw ,»'ls k „ hij_ aoinj 11 ■ ,rrr_ ip HAL ROACH frssemts I Harold Lloyd I "Why Vforry ?" ,s ATesT ££L | JjsgjgC Pafhecomecly .TFHeart-ache ! Head-ache ! or fa S-sh r s’/Tooth-ache ! Forget ’em all. fr-SaV'. riwphl You’ll have an ear-to- -'wflnV V ear-ache from j. f jffl'l -\ laughter. gsWrJk/? WL»r JA J See "Why WorryT” \- m pt* ' / then you’ll i*y, “Why Worry?" ■X. j] -e' The bigger they are - The heartier they laugh. COLUMBIA BILLIE IRELAND’S FOLLIES OF 1923 —-Presents- “ADAM AND EVE” A Whirlwind Musical Comedy Featuring THE FOLLIES BALLET And Many Other Specialties New Show Tomorrow 10c TONI CUT “THE ONLY GIRL” 4 o c 7 o’clock, 9 o cLk CT)t easier Daflp Ct f Dune "3. wtU be the feature attraction: the Rialto theater Thursday, with 1 >renoe Vid&r starred in tbs title i jle. A, pra-nt-4 by Klne ■w. vutar. lapted for th® screen and directed y Rowland V. Xao. "Allee Adams" I « said to carry out the fidelity of 1 he book, In which case It should be' humdinger as a reallstis slice of ho age-old impulse—keeping up ap The locale of "Alice Adams.** Is a mall city of the middle west, where the social position of a family de-J ;>end£ largely upon how large a I bank balance the head of the family I roeseeeee. But a family Is like a 1 business—to !>e successful It must be well regulated—end the Adams, family was not. Virgil Adams, for 2* years, had plugged away at the same job that paid a small salary. Mrs. Adorns. 1 for 25 years, had nagged at him and tried to make him see that it was. his duty to his children to be a sue-1 cess. On the patient shoulders of! Alice fell the thankless and difficult 1 RIALTO ” Florence Vidor —lN— “Alice Adams” BOOTH TARKINGTON’S PRIZE NOVEL Can a girl attract a man’s attention and win his love with an imitation personality? Alice created, out of her imagination and ideals, a false individuality—and she, herself, wondered which was the real Alice. Every woman will recognize something of herself in Alice Adams, Booth Tarkington’s most popular heroine. I task of kesptn* pesos ta the frailly. ' Alloa's Ilfs was none too happy, so i out of her active Um«in*tlon she 1 built a drcam future tor hcreett of riches, palatial homss and ardent lovers. ! There are many Alice Ade msec in ' the world, as there are also many families Ilk® the Adorns.' Booth Tarkington has reflected life, and “Alic® Adams." as an Encore picture 1 will do the ami. “FROM THE MHO OF : GIVEN SPEEffIID CIST Tom Moore Is given excsHant cur port In "From the Ground Up.” a Goldwyn picture, coming to th® IrU , theater tor two days, commencing today. Th® cast includes De Will . C. Jennings, known as one of the I finest actors of his type on th-> I xoreen: Hardee Kirkland, a power- | ful actor of heavier roles: Darrel i Fuss, as a polished •‘villain," and Helene Chadwick as the star's lead ing lady. Miss Chadwick needs no introduction, after her splendid per formanoes in recent Goldwyn pic tures by Rupert Hughes. With a good story and an excellent cast directed by one of Clmdcm's elever eat picture makers, E. Mason Hop per. "From the Ground Up," con CROUP 1 Spasmodic Creep to frequently relieved by one application of— WICKS "why worry? 'J' “why worry? "why worry?* iry’S+n y nw,iob T || itfYOMUifr Continuous 1 to 11 TODAY and TOMORROW Here ie a smashing Western photodrama with a mother love itself—a rushing, roar ing, sizzling drama of the open in .which a quiet youth becomes a fighting demon for his mother’s and his sweetheart’s sake. Don’t miss it! “The Mysterious Witness” —with— ELINOR FAIR —also— Baby Peggy “Peg O’ The Movies” 10c—30c 1 Oc—3oc TODAY-THURSDAY— FRIDAY Today and Thur , day ... E _. ._ .. TOM MOORE ViRSINIAN OWEN WISTER’S GREAT STORY OF WYOMING HAROLD LLOYD —with— ——find- — KENNETH HARLAN BEBE DANIELS FLORENCE VIDOR _ te _ RUSSELL SIMPSON “HIT HIM AGAIN” PAT O’MALLEY —«nd— RAYMOND HATTON AL ST. JOHN Shows at 1:00—8:00—5:00—7:00 and 9:00 10c and an. — in — “OUT OF PLACE" NEXT ATTRACTION Jamea Oliver Curwood’a “Blazing Barriera” 10c AND 2«C S S4 ’OOO.OO CASPER COMMUNITY FUND—FOR OTHERSSS4.OOO.OO - alns an the etamentg at a first class I photoplay. 1 "" m . ■ i SEXD XT TO THE PEARL WHITE LAUNDRT PHONE 1703 ~~~u- gar plajnt foand In parts of added attraction RIALTO TODAY TOMORROW THE MARY MORGAN DANCERS IN A FANCY DANCE REVIEW AU Number. Created by Mary Morgan) 1— NOLA. . M « Attendant.: Monica ka..i./barlin-Or ! )^ 0rt '’ 2 BOY FLIRTATION. ’ 3 RUSSIAN FAG " Z" :Z 4 SUNRISE ~ . M- „ on * U 5 LADY TULIP bkrW o?" 7- FROLIC 8- B—MOMENT ORIENTAL M,r? or ° ? ? 10—ROBIN HOOD“ m„ * k ’~* n tho , Fore *‘ ll—Maid Marian’. III—Re union of Robin Hood and Maid Marian Evenings—7:3o and 9:30 All Records Broken TOTAL ATTENDANCE LARGER THAN ANY OTHER PICTURE SHOWN AT THE RIALTO WHY? BECAUSE POLA NEGRI —IN— The Spanish Dancer IS THE SEASON’S SENSATION A Million Dollar Production and a Story of a j TbouMnd Thrill. I LAST TIMES TODAY IJ IA I 111 12:30—2:10 4:00 HIHLIU I . Silk Stocking Dance TOMORROW NIGHT Twelve pair, of Ladie.’ Silk Hoee given away free to the ladie. holding the lucky number.. Each lady «»• tennff the hall will be given a coupon and the twelve ladies holding the lucky coupons will be the winners. WEDNESDAY NIGHT Our Big Midweek Dance—lt Will Be a Pip Arkeon Dancing Academy DANCING EVERY NIGHT "On the Great White Way" “CASPER’S JOY PALACE” WEDWESDAT, MOVEMBER h, South toe: a 1. «« to proport!co taterw, ?^?' <hat 1. aot^t Mn . n . “OTHERS”