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IMfRIDAY. NOVEMBER 30, IS?3 ■Classified Rates Bg Encrllve .Mirth 8. ISIS. Two cents per word or ten cent* ger line. MO AC I.ESS THAN 30 CENTS. SWwM--Jn y A. Average words used as a estimating a line. CAP HEADLINE ch-rged the space ot two shs-tfii advertising will ba lines" trresp-'ct.x a of of words. tW-r ! MMSct 1 <>N < F CLASSIFIED AD ERROR*. Daily Tribune will resporwiblo for more thm rrev t fc-.sertiUD of any ad ordered for more than Errors not the fault of |» which clearly lessen I value of the advertisement | ■■l IM rectified only by pub'.icmi-n I HHMK extra charge u FIVE I IfcigS after insertion No republica- | Will tx. made when the error | ;* *SM Bot materially affect the sense I ■mK’IWP O '’ Os th* adrertls'enent I f TELEPHONE ADS. I attention will be given «U S ■•■gjaf&R'.- received over the TELE- I »■ but we cannot s uarnnte * IL ■ ’ closing hour. I ? vMMMt Ads to be c'.asrlfied proper- I * he In Th* Casper Daily i office before U 00. Wan * L after IODO to 12 00 | -WEWwM-. w 1 be inserted under ths ’Too ’° C!aolfy X, a ~ OF TOWN ADVEKHSE ments W 1 be aecomr>anied by cash nr | In full payment of the same the foregoing Instructions counting the words an- LS!in^Sl per ward for the Ca ’ per Pa y 'WBof to Answer Mnd Classified ads. |i I In answering blind ads in than* pl'-ase be careful to u*e ■ Uie precise address given in the Write the addres :.OHSii|fclv. Letter* brought to The WflEKune office do not require Always indose your an MOg SUMS in sealed envelope. In re to advertisements where L are a*ked for. do not r the original reference. Send ggpto* of fh*«n only. | ? BELT WANTED—MALE fWy 5.120 people tn get their for 35c' Under Gri.l Case- I Ambitious man to act | M ©ur demonstrator for the I WrW Check Protector, which sells I for *T«VS and gives the same protec | UM* M the 150 to SIOO machines; | .'.•iU©* Beop.c devoting entire tim* I jUjM* ‘•anting $lO to $25 daily; spare , m.i.cng $25 to I ; • n exelus -'■- trnnehise 'MS®*-* ** S-von tn jet producer*. to learn h>>w we train w.(hout experience to money. This is a real dig- for real J*ope. & Co>i 016 K Ave., I'WfiußLF WANTED—MALE AND ? .. FEMALE I * 25 t 0 * rcekl y writing I ' -iBlMhSw car<’ s for us In spare time. I tug. dimple .nt>>i uctions; u ' “- Dept. 1352 National 61 - 1 Dorchester. Chicago. i jfilEiF WANTED-FEMALE I'StWINTSD —Girl for general house- Jf* work and ass st in caring for pS'C I .' ?fc©by. Biton-- 2 71'.. . WANTED —Maid for genera! house- J ’■> WANTED- i id:es r-r «• durational | _ work. IjAlnst have son:-' high 1 Bchcvd training. Marguerite Ifti’.l, ( I SALESMEN WANTED h| SALESMEN can make from SSO to I |IOO weekly placing our 3 per cent Home (.'Building contracts; want six i frllpiHw for Casper and .state. Unit ,H*®» Builders association, Beck- POSITIONS WANTED STUDENT wants position an stemog s rupher mornings. Phone 1876 J. < WANTED— -iAn experienced male] fx bookkeeper desires work in or out | city. Box B-112. Tribune. I ■^■LIN^ED—• l-Txnerienco'i salesman. 6 " with • reliable firm In cr out of « Mty. Box B-112. Tribune. H experienced woman, the hour. Phono sekeeping or cook • with two children, ich, must be respect- Ylbune Box B-115. . erlenced nurse de-, nursing; call Mary Washington. Phono, JITION as stenog ; to learn; have had 1991 W. 5 OFFERED I BKFINED young widow wishes po altlon aS housekeeper for bache lor or Widow< : in mo dern liuine. . <Box 116. Tribune. ' ’ MEMSTITCHING. I And ffCWWijf hours 9 a. m. to 9 Wfym. 682 Phone IfifilJ. v Hauling of coke. coal. Wknure. Phone 1340. RAZO I: blades sharpened iMi' Perfectly, all makes. I’athi:nder Accessory Shop, 419 E. Second. The Best Building at the IxiweM ■SB Cost, See ■ r Cor jtftor end Builder Esthn its cheerfully gv< n Y Xidhon Phone 20! IK ’ jIMItAKTXG. dc.lcnlns. 1.-lUVJ' i • . tailoring;-ihOTustiti’hing and but- ■< toas- Patterson Shop. Apartment 5, BRINGING UP FATHER ** L -V | T 7( * TUCKET 1 WONTX *-) f V ~B|MHr ( bAX t*WOY-HOW HOCH COMPMMDHT& AN° | /■' ’“ J iL FROM MR I MOOAE JUIT Qi ! | f CO*NCD BEEF AW CYtYMCt HERE'S. A, TURKEY FOR I I AN ° 1 «LTSAP NT OHE H WH-1- YOUbE. t>WM= FEH /HQ j|f“jfM ■ WsMfeF nBpB? 11 Fi ©l*23 SY tMTX FXATUNS SCWWC*. INC. l 2 J iWHY PAY MORE? You can buy nice level large east or west front lota with city wa ter. electric lights and gas available, within tho city limits for S3OO to $350 on terms; s2i icwa, balance $lO month'/. CASPER VIEW ADMION A LOOK MEANS A LOT SEE BEN REALTY CO. REALTORS 201 203 Midwest Bldg. Phone 1480 SERVICES OFFERED GAB FITTING—Phone 212 W! fur naces repaired; atoves installed: reasonable prices. E. M. Hill. WANTED—Bundle washing: phone 1220 M. Ask for Mr a. Brown. FOR SALE—Dod*e Commercial in good condition. American electric Co. 127 East. First. FOB SALE—I9I2 Ford Touring; new tires: 651 West 13th. FOB MAUD —Ford car tn good con dition, for C-asper lot. 229 Eaat A Phono 836 M. Used Ford Cars On Very Easy Terms We guarantee the title of all our used cars. Runabout delivery $65.00 Runabout start or $165.00 Runabout, starter $225.00 Runabout starter ___»250.00 Runabout starter 5300.00 Runabout, like new. 9371.00 Touring -..—5100.00 Touring, starter ——-$275.00 Touring starter ——....5200.00 Touring, starter ——5225.00 Coupe . 5175.00 Coupe . —.—5225.00 Sedan . ————.s4so.oo Truck --——.—.5350.00 Overland touring SIOOfOO EARL C. BOYLE 123-131 N. Center Phone 0 FOR BALE —Have a Star touring, like new; will take Buick or a Dodge in trade. See Mr. Benedict at Van Sant’s. FOR SALE— I 923 Columbia sedan, in perfect condition: will take your car In trade and will give terms: a beautiful, light, economical dceed car. See Mr. Benedict at Van Sant's. FOR SALE—Dodge screen commer cial car for sale, cheap. Gordon Construction Co.. 367 8. Ash. I FOR SALE—One-ton Ford truck, in I good condition. Woods Filling sta tion. IFOR SALE—Graham truck in first | class shape. Call 1945 W. ' FOR SALE —1923 Ford Coupe; i cheap for cash. Inquire Mld weft barber shop. USED CARS SPECIAL THANKSGIVING OFFER Essex Cabrolet; good condtion late model and a good value at ——5775.00 Ford Touring; good condition. Essex Roadster: late model; good rubber; car very snappy: a buy ! at . $475.00 Colo ”B’’ Touring In excellent con dition; good finish: oar recondi tioned; a real bargain at .$500.00 R. N. Yarn Sant Motor Tracfe & Car Sales 426 East 2nd Phone 1406 FOR BALE—Srpassenger touring I car: powerful motor In fine con dition. Good 32x3ft cord tires., ' good paint: a sturdy, dependable car. Owner leaving for the east. I Will sacrifice for 5275. See Mor ! timeP. TVtbuno office, or call at 11211 East 2nd after six o'clock. FOR SALE—Cheap: Overland “90” first class condition or will trade an part payment on lot or small house. 342 S. Lincoln. 1923 FORD —Four door sedan like new. must sell. 229 E. Ist. FOR SALE 1928 Ford coupe. Phono 2236 J. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR BALE —Smith typewriter. 231 S. Grant. Apartment 6. FOR SALE—Pedigreed Boston Ter rier Pup. P.'ione 1531 R. • FOR SALE—Must sacrifice Corona typewriter. Cail 123 North Beech apartment 2. FOR BALE —Electric washer, cop per tub, good condition, SSO. Phone 1421 M. FOR SALE—Winchester 12 gaugn pump and Remington UMC .22 special valued at $101; will sell for SSO cash. 526 Platte Ave. Mills. Wyo. I Call after 5 p. m. or Sunday. FOR SALE—German Shepherd po lice pups, thoroughbred, eligible lor registry. 1139 S. I'oplar. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Leather Cuofold. din- I In groom set music cabinet: Perfec tion oil atove. Call 904 W or 44a 8. Beech. FOR SALE—One VictroU with 80 doublo disk records, one electric Maytag washer $75; two army cots and mattretees $1.75 each; child’s nursery choir 91.50; large willow bassinet 92: four army blankets at 91-50 each. 524 3. Lincoln, rear. FOR SALE—Used blcyclo. good as new; coaster brake: mud guards; etc. Telephone 2013 R REED BABY BUGGY for sal< 930. 341 N. Jefferson. FOR SALE Two grocery scales; one candy Male. Casper Storage Grocery, 117 E. Second. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SAI^E—Two rooms of beauti ful furniture at reasonable prices; am leaving city. Phone 1837 J. FOR SALE—One Monarch steel range for coal or wood; has water front and in perfect condition. One black leather bed davenport, cheap. Phone 1107 W. FOR SALE—9xI2 and 8-3xlo-6 Ax mln at or rugs, sanitary couch, gato leg tablet two chairs, library table, rockers, mattress, pillows. 420 E. Fifth. BIG AUCTION SALE There will be a big auction sal* at 234 South David. Saturday after noon at 2 p. m. of household furni ture, rugs, bedding, cooking utensils dishes, glassware, etc. Hamed Fur rlture Co.. 334 S. David. Phone 249. CASPER AUCTION HOUSE. Casper Mattress Factory Carload of used gee ranges and heaters at a bargain? we guaran tee them .trade your coal stove In; save money by having your mat tress made over next week. 326 W Yellowstone. Phone 1617 J. PHONOGRAPHS, PIANOS, ETC FOR SALE—Portable Vlctrola; 925 and 25 records; practically new Phone 2259 W. Call ipomings or after 6 o’clock. WILL TRADE—New walnut con sole phonograph for good piano. The Chas. E. Wells Music Co., 212 , E. Second. Phone 194. FOR SALE—Used pianos, player ' pianos, Vlctrolas. Brunswick*, Columbias, Edisons, saxophones, etc., in our bargain basement many have been only slightly u.-wd and cannot be told from new; all fully guaranteed and our exchange bond given on any Instrument selected; liberal term*. D. R. 8. player roll*, three for 91. Th* Chas. E. Well* Music Co., 232 E. Second. Phone 194. WANTED TO RENI WANTED —Oil company employe wishes to share room. Pox B-114. Tribune. ■JVANTED —Clean ootton rags at, the Tribune; will pay 10a a poun<Z. ' WANTED TO BUY WANTED —Good used piano an first payment on a 1922 Buick * touring car; terms on balance. Box B-119. Tribune. WANTED TO BUY—Hignest cash price paid for second hand furni ture. Brooks 560 East H. Phone I : IC4BW. WANTED TO BUY—Three or four room houne, near the high school; can make n largo first payment. Box B-105. Tribune. WANTED—HOUSES WANTED—To buy at once small house. Can make small cash payment down. P. O. Box 392. ROOM AND BOARD • BOARD and room In small private I boarding house, rates reasonable; room on ground floor, adjoining bath. 545 CY. Phone 106IM. i ■ I WANTED—Boarders and roomerr in private boarclng house. On . bus line. 1127 S. Oalccrest. . ROOM AND IU,\RD in modern home; nice warm room mid good. i mea's; very reasonable; on bus line. Phone 1533 R. Ebe Casper £saflp CrfDune CASPER REALTY CdWANY Phone 381 108 South Center S2OO down buy* nice little two-room house, on* and one-half lot*; lights, water and gas. Price only $1,600. Six-room modern Tenth and Beech street*; price 94,500. with terms. Hurry if you want a real bargain. New modern bungalow, close In: has five nice rooms, full ba*a ment; full lot. A real bu v at $6,200 with terms to suit. On© of Casper’* best Grocery Stores, rent only $250 per month: good loose and a daily trade at $350. You can buy this at Invoice if you hurry. Seven new up-to-tho mlnut* bungalows located in Gasper’* beet residence district. These are priced right and terms to ruit. FOR RENT—GARAGES FOR RENT—Garage. 624 B. Lin coln. rear. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT—Store roosn; Inquire at auction house 326 W. Tellowston* FOR RENT—Storeroom 30x60 feet, with full bazement in Chandler building- 617 East Second. Inquire at A. E. Chandler Fl.llng Statkti. FOR RENT—ROOMS FOR RENT—Nice comfortable base ment room, very close in. suitable for two gentlemen. 525 8. Wolcott. Phone 1731 J. FOR RENT—Sleepingroom for two. 403 Grant. FOR RENT— Furnished room for tw o bachelor*. 746 8. Oak. FOR RENT—NIoe, large front room in modern home, also two-room house, not modern except gas. &14 S. Durbin. TOR RENT—Modem moral dlose ip. 124 8. Beech. ’ FOR RENT —• Bedroom adjoining liath, furnace heat, close In. 343 8. Kimbafl. Phone 389 M. FOR RENT—Room in private home gentlemen preferred. 902 8. Beech. Phone 395 W. FOR RENT—Bedroom in modern homo, rent reasonable. 903 S. Elm. Phone 763. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, adjoining bath, on bus line. 90« 8. Dav.d. Phone 341 W. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front bedroom, adjoining bath: lady preferred. Phone 1798 R. 909 S. Walnut. ( FOR RENT—Modem bedroom tn | private ftunily; for gentlemen. 1004 8. Ash. Phone 620 J. i FOR RENT—Two modem nlce'v I fuHMetied hleepingrooma, adjoin ling bath, close in; suitable for three .or four congenial young men or couple* employed; u*e of piano and Vlctrol*. 701 S. Beach. >FOR RENT—Sleepingroom In mnd ' ern home for gentlemen; outside entrance: convenient to bus line. 11S 8. Washington. FOR RENT —Front bedroom in a mjidem home of couple, on bus line. 336 8. Jackron. FOR RENT—Room suitable for on- i or two employed girl*. 743 8. Dur bln. FOR RENT—Front bedroom, ad joining bath. 255 8. McKinley. FOR RENT—Room for one or two gentlemen, close in. 403 S. Grant. FOR RENT—Sleeplngroom. adjoin Ing bath, four blocks from po*t offico. 435 8. Beech. Phone 1221 W. FOR RENT—HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT—Two light housekeep ' Ing rooms, furnished dose in: 935 per month. Phone 2156 W. FOR RENT—Two cozy housekeep ■ Ing rooms, gas and lights fum’sh ed: SSO per month, close in. F-ox B IOS. Tribune. ' FOR RENT—One furnished base- I ment room for light housekeep Ing. lights and gas furnished; also ‘sleeplngroom, reasonable. 701 8. Beech. FOR RENT—Light housekeeping basement room with bath. Phone 2157 J. FQR RENT—APARTMENTS WILL SHARE close In modern three-room apartment with young lady. Phone 2298 J. FOR RENT—Two-room apartment everything including light* and gas. 1321 8. Spruce. FOR RENT—2 or 3-room apt; modr ern; with gas. 510 S. Park. Phone 760 J. FOR RENT—Two-room modem fur | n'.-hed nnartment, gas and lights furnished. 1226 W. Twelfth. FOR RENT—Two-room hafiement apartment, with shower bath: on bus line; adult* only. 1203 East 6tU- Phone 769 R. —Drawn for The Casper Tribune by George McManus FOR RENT-APARTMENTS FOR RENT—Two-room apartment furnished except dl*h«*. 114 West G. FOR RENT—One two-room and one l throe-room furnished apartment; two blocks from Center street, 610 8. FOR RENT—Two-room apartment. ■ furnished for light housekeeping. close in. 405 8. Elm. | FOR RENT—Nice four-room mod-' em basement apartment, newly decorated, private entrance; alvo a garage. 212 N. Elk- Phone 1822 J. • FOR RENT—Furnished basement apartment, gas and light* fur nishst®. 940 per month. 255 8. Mc- Kinley. FOR RENT—On* two-room apart ment, close In, reasonable. 163 N. Kimball. Phon* 1457. FOR RENT—December 1. unfur nished five-room apartment, mod ern. Apply 918 E. Second. MR. RENTER—Are you Interested in a home building plan that will enable you to live In your own house and pay for same like rent? See the United Homo Builder* Association, Beekllnger Bldg. Phone 1830. YOU CAN buy a home under our 3 per cent loon plan for whnt It costs you to rent. United Home Builders Association. Suite 105, Beekllnger Bldg. Phon* 1830. FOR RENT—Fdur-room furnished semi-basement apartment all mod-' ern; also garage. TO9 East 16th. Phone 818 R. FOR RENT—Two-mom furnished apartment; modem; S4O month. ■ 646 East A. FOR RENT—Fivoroorn modern fur nished apartment. 119 N. Grant. FOR RENT—Two-rocm unfurnish ed apartment, modem, reasonable. 414 8 Elm. FOR RENT Apartment, three •rooms furnirfted, modern, S6O i>cr month. 505 E. First. Phone 196.1. FOR RENT—Three-rooin basement apartment, furnished except bed ding $45; adult* only. 1215 8. David. Phone 780 W. FOR RENT—Two-room furnished apartment with bath, new home. Phone 1765 R or call 315 8. Jefferson after 6 p. m. FOR RENT—HOUSES nnn nh O f7r n Y J I \ Do not hunt for rental signs, That is where the a Want I Ad shines. USE A WANT AD Q FOR RENT—Front bedroom in n modern home of couple; on bus line. 336 8. Jackson. FOR RENT—Furnished five-room modern house, garage. Call side door. 821 CY. FOR RENT—A three-room house furnished at S3O a month in North Casper. Call at 315 N. Center. FOR RENT—Four-rooms in base ment for batching; for employed couple. Phone 966 J. FOR RENT —Fo*dr-rs*om strictly modern furnished house, walking distance. Inquire at Casper Jew c’ry Co., 130 E. Second. FOR RENT—Three-room house; two largo closets; near bus line. 1433 S. Cottonwood. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished five- I room modern house gas In: fur nace also gas range; close in; on [ pavement and s'dewalk; ent 3100. I Inquire 742 b. David. FOR RENT— Houko with bath. Is partly fumlshcj. Call (Jays, 428 W. Twelfth. MOUNTAIN VIEW SUBURB or CASPER 520.0 M Water System Just Finished. New York Oil Now laying Gas IJne Three Acre Chicken Ranches. 5i.300 Lots 1150 and Up One Acre Garth n Tract, S7M Casper's Largest Suhurh Thirty Houses Built Since July First. Baker-Grade Investment Co. 131 North Wolcott Street Phone lltt FOR RENT—HOUSES FOR RENT—December 8, house on sidewalks, all furnished. except bedding. For particulars call at 224 West K. FOR RENT Modem three room house and bath; furnished; close In: gas; lights. Inquire Yellowstone •'aj*h Grocery, W. Yellowstone. Phone 382 J. ;' FOR RENT Threa-room house, modern, furnished except bedding and dishes. 635 E. Third. Inquire in I basement. FOR RENT —Four room furnished I house, pan lights and water; two 'blocks from bus line. 1329 8. Mel rose. Phone ITttW. 'i FOR RENT—A seven-room well fur ' ninhed modern house, gas, built in features; cose in. 613 8. Ash. . FOR RENT—WiII rent my homo to rosponnible party for one year; flve-rvom house, strictly modem. ■ piano, heated garage; just off Sec ond street paving on Washington; no children; must have references. Bax B-113, Tribune. ■ FOR RENT Four-room hcAise, modern on pavement, bus line, is close In. Inquire 548 S. Lincoln. [ Phone 1342. I FOR RENT—Furnished. flvwroom i modern housK gwage. Call aldo » door. 821 CT. FOR RENT —House or apartment. • 343 N. Jackson. I • FOR SALE—HOUSES FOR SALE—New, beautiful five I room house, just completed; wo can use first mortgage paper; good i lot or car on’ this property. Let us show you this one. Union Invest ment Co.. 610 E. Second. DON'T waste gas looking for bar gains, come to Eleventh and Jef ferson. See Grover C. Gorsuch. bulker of good homes, we have eight new homes, real bargains. Grover C. Gorsuch. Eleventh and Jefferson. Phone 1443 J. FOR SALE— By owner, strictly modern home on pavement, good residence district. Call 1(45W. FOR SALE—SSOO cosh and the bal ance like rent will buy a new mod ern five-room home; the livingroom Is large, pleasant diningroom, two sleopingrooms. kitehen., bathroom, full basement; price $5,500. Call 238. SEE BEN A LOOK MEANS A LOT Three-room frame dwelling, with bath, gas heat, lights and city water, sidewalifc and curb, located on East A street; price $3,200 terms if de sired. Home of four rooms and bath, completely furnished; gas heated, lights and water, sidewalks and curb; very good location being on South Beech street; price $4,350: terma $750 cash, balance monthly, like rent. Stock and equipment, vulcanising outfit, excellent location being on Center street, good lease. $2,000 cash will start you in tills well paying business. I See Bern Realty Co. REALTORS. 201-203 Midwest B'dg—Phone 1480 56,000 HOME NOW $4300. For Sale—Anxious to sell modern five-room house, large livingroom with fireplace, good size diningroom, porch, hot air heat with gas connec tion; oak floors; will sei! on good terms. Box B-117. Tribune AN INVITATION to Visit a MODEL HOME at MODERATE COST New five-room brick - Bargain 621 E. Eleventh Street : GROVER C. GORSUCH ( Builders of Good Homes i FOR SALE —Two-room house, close I In southwest; $1,400 with S3OO cash, Martin Lamar. Phone 2214. FOR SALE-HOUSES , rrlrlnn . lnj - -J- FOR SALE Six room modern house on corner lot, fairly otoM, in with law’ll garage and fence* * $4,300 with $750 cash. Martin La mar. Phone 2214. FOR BALE—Six-room house with four-room bar erne nt and garage. $4,760 with SSOO cash. Martin-La mar. Phone 2214. FOR SALE—Four-room house on a corner lot with one-room and gar age on r«*ar; lot 59x140 feet; $2.(00 : with $650 cash. Martin-Lamar. Phone 2214. FOR SALE —By owner, f!vn-room modern house with nice porch, a large livingroom and two nice large beirooms. diningroexn. kitchen and bath. Call owner 378 W. FOR SALE—New resilience of five rooms hardwood floors: beautiful built-in features; located on nice lot I overlooking city, has garage, and is close to schodl; $6,500, give reason able terms. R. Knmon, 242 E. Sec ond. Tel. 702. FOR SALE—Two-room house, lath ed. plastered: on good east front lot; well located on north aide; $1 - 100, $l5O cash. R. Knmon 243 E. Second. Tel. 702. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Three lots tn Glendale a corner; sell at bargain. Burna. 233 Midwest Bldg. Phono 1870. FOR SALE—I6O acre ranch all un der ditch about 30 acres In alfalfa, locatel nine miles west of Ther mopolis; $6,000; will give reasonable terms or trade for Casoer property. R. Knmon, 242 E. Second. Tel. 703. INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE—lncome home close In on McKinley street, beautifully furnished; $2,500: cash will hatvfle I'nion Investment Co., 610 E. Sec ond. Phone 2105. FOR SALE—Four houses on one lot, fairly close In; rental income: $63 per month: price $1,600 with S3OO cash and SSO per month. Martin-La mar. Phono 2214. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SAIJS—For a few days will sell 320 acre lonsa on splendidj structure, to be tested out soon. Ad dress P. O. Box 583. FOR SALE—Apartmont house with income of SSOO per month; seven : three room apartments, furnished, hot water heat, three years old; gar age and a ano-room house. Address Box B-109, Tribune. J. C. DOBBINS, business opportu nities. Office 139 East 11. resi dence. 134 East H. FOR TRADE WILL TRADE a good oil lease for a good car (not a Ford). What have you? Address Box 113, Trib une. FOR SALE OR TRADE One ' "yd*-* Dal* truck for horses, cat tle or hogs; alno one Crow Elk car. Phone 1523 M. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY to loan on Casper improved real estate. H. Vcesback. Room lU. Daly Bldg. LOST AND FOUND LOST— Three linen handkerchiefs Wednesday evening, downtown dis trict. Reward. Phone 2456 W. PERSONAL NICE WIDOW lady with one child wants to keep house for bachelor or wli'ower with means; no large families need apply. Box B-11l Tribune. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Whereas, on the first day of November, A. D., 1919, J. M. Hodgson and Margaret E. Hodg ton executed a certain mortgage deed to the Bingenheimer Lumber Company, a corporation, which said mortgage was thereafter re corded on the 2nd day of Decem ber, A. D., 1919, in Book 19 a PAGE ELEVEN Mortgage Deed Records, on Page 35. and Whereas, there is now due to the Bingenheimer Lumber Com- Sauy, mortgagee, from the said . M. Hodgson and Margaret E. Hodgson, mortgagors, the princi pal sum of Five Thousand Dollars (53,000.00), and the further sum of One Thousand One Hundred Ninety-eight Dollars ($1,198.00) interest on said note, together with the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) attorneys* fees in event ' es foreclosure, together with the sum of One Hundred Eighty-two and 10,100 Dollars ($182.10). dis bursed by the said Bingenheimer 1 Lumber Company for taxes unpaid by the mortgagors, and which the mortgagee was compelled to pay under and by virtue of the terms of said mortgage, together with the sum of Four Dollars ($4.00) 1 interest thereon, aggregating the total sum of Six Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty Four and 10 100 Dollars ($6,884.10), all of which is now due and unpaid at the date hereof. Now, therefore, notice is here by given that pursuant to an or der of sale issued out of the Dis trict Court, Bth Judicial District in and for the County of Natrona, State of Wyoming, on the 31st day of October, 1923, in an action wherein the Bingenheimer Lum ber Company, a corporation, was Sa in tiff and J. M. Hodgson and argaret E. Hodgson were de fendants. directed to me, the un dersigned Sheriff of Natronu County, Wyoming, commanding me to levy upon and sell the fol lowing described property, to-wit: Lots numbered Seven (7) and eight (8) in block numbered one Hundred Six (106), situate in the Town (now city) of Casper, Coun ty of Natrona, State of Wyoming ' according to the plat thereof filed ' and of record with the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Natrona County, Wyo ming, to satisfy a judgment and decree of foreclosure in favor of said plaintiff, and against said defend ants, obtained and made in said court on the 30th day of October, 1923, for the sum of $6,884.10, with interest thereon at the rate , of Seven Per Cent (7%) from the l 30th day of October, 1923, and costs accruing. J Notice is further given that the undersigned sheriff will, on the 14th day of December, 1923, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore , noon of said day, at the south front door of the courthouse in the City of Casper, in said county and state, offer for sale and self . to the highest bidder for cash the said property above described, to gether with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and ap | purtcnances thereunto belonging to satisfy said judgment, interest and costs. | Witness my hand this Ist day of November, 1923. PERRY A. MORRIS, Sheriff of Natrona County Wyoming ■ Pub. Nov. 1,8, 15, 22, 29 and 'Dec. 6, 1923. Durham & Lowey NOTICE OF CHANGE OF CAPITAL STOCK Notice is hereby given that pur suant to the provisions of Chapter 323 of the Wyoming Compiled Statutes 1920, the Capi tal Stock of Provident Building and Loan Association, a Wyom ing corporation, has been changed from Twenty thousand (20,000) shares of the par value of One hundred ($100.00) dollars each to Fifty thousand (50,000) shares of the par value of One hundred I ($100.00) dollars each, thereby I increasing its capital stock from j Two Million ($2,000,000.00) dol lars to Five Million ($5,000,- 000.00) dollars. Dated at Casper, Wyoming, November 7,1923. O. L. WALKER. President. Pub. Nov. 9, 16, 23, 30, 1923. ANCIENT TOMB 15 UNCOVERED INHOL7LAND Burials Made in Time Os Christ Found Undisturbed. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 30—An undisturbed tomb dating from the time of Christ has been discovered in the valley of Kedrcn. near | Jerusalem, according to word re ceived from Dr. W. F. Albright, director of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem. Dr James Alan Montgomery, president iof the school announced today. I "The tomb contained more than a 1 score of ossuarcs,” Dr. Albright : wrote. "A dozen of these bore the I names and gcneologiea of the oc i cupants. All the dead apparently j belonged to one family which flour llahed. about the time of Christ. The ! slowly increasing number of such , inscription groups is already begin- I ning to provide me with valuable material for the nomenclature and eventually for the history of the New Testament period." Dr. Albright also reported the finding of a sarcophagus, sa'.d to he the finest yet unearthed in Pales tine. "The most reliable date proposed is the second century after Christ," the letter said. "The beautiful Sarcophagus Is distinctly pre-classl ch! and cannot be compared with the Alexander Sarcophagus despite its undoubted excellence in work manship. ' “OTHERS” I