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SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1,1923 World Results By Leased Wire MODERN BISEBILL IS BUSINESS WMMIIELISHOIIS Claim That Rich and Powerful Clubs Should Aid Less Fortunate Brothers Again Made; Sentiment Appears Lacking. BY HENRY L. FARRELL, (United Press Sports Editor.) NEW YORK, Dec. I. (United Press). —Again the rather lofty mipded idea is being advanced that the rich and powerful clubs of the big leagues should turn to char ity and help their weaker brethren of the second division. Commissioner Landis suggests to the club owners that the clubs farthest down the lists be given the first crack at players upon whom waivers are asked. Perhaps this would work the de sired effect, but it would be logl cal for the weak clubs to 50 out and dig up or buy some new player* Instead of contenting themselves with cheap crumbs from the other tables. If there are any dub owners In the major leeigues so poor that, they can’t afford to buy players, they should get out of baseball. Everyone In professional baseball Is in it as a business to make money. None of them were an frank an« as open as Harry Frar-e form er owner of the Boston Red Sox. who bought the club to make money and accomplished his purpose by Bolling every good player he had. As long as they can make money by the business that the stronger clubs draw for them, most of the poor club owners are satisfied to go along with what they have and get by with cheap players and cheap baneball. When tbe need is pointed out for adding strength to the weaker ma jor league clubs. It Is not held up as a humanitarian or altruistic need. It is the need or promoting competition to make better busi ness. It has been shown in the past that the only consideration that has to be given to the fans Is to give them a team to look at just good enough to keep them from going into an c*pen revolt or a boycott. There In much talk about the lack of sentiment In baseball. Baseball is a big business and there is no sen timent tn big business. When a player has passed his days of usefulness, he goes else where. Johnny Rawlings was one of the worl'Vs Series heroes of 1921 and be was traded by the G'ants the next season: Jess Barnes was a hero of the 1922 series and he war traded by the Giants: Casey Htenge’ was the outstanding Giant hero of IMS. and his reward was a trana fer to the Braves. It has been pointed out that this is evidence of a shameful lack of sentiment on the part of the Giant owners. But It Isn’t. The Giants showed plenty of sen timent in picking Rawlings from a Idwer club and carrying him through to world’s series dough: tn sticking with Barnes for two or three sea tons when he was of littlo value to the dub: ant* In taking on Stengel when he was heeding out of bare ba’l and putting him into two cuts of big world series money . The Giants have a payroll for sev eral dependents, who have only a sentimental claim on the club, that is more than some of the cheap clubs would pay for a star active player. Sammy Mandell. & handsome youngster from Rockford Hl., is the most promising young boxer seen in New York in several years. He seems destined to be another Benny Dennard. Mandell Is abcait the flashiest box er seen here In years. He hasn’t a punch but, like Leonard, he may grow into one. OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT Monday, December 3 The Thomas Electric Co. Will Open Its Doors In Its New Location At 159 South Beech Street “Across From the New Public Market” And “Two Blocks From Postoffice” “EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL” "MAKE THIS AN ELECTRICAL CHRISTMAS” Do Your Xmas Shopping Early And Avoid Unnecessary Delays THE THOMAS ELECTRIC CO. Formerly at No. 12 Townsend Bldg. THE TRIBUNE’S PAGE OF SPORTING NEWS Handled properly., Mandell ought to develop into a lightweight or wel terwelght champion. He is growing fast and is now getting beyond the featherweight limit. Making weight will do him no good, and perhaps break his health. "Red" Grange, star halfback of the Illinois eleven, was one of the sensations of the 1923 football sea son. Almost alone he carried his team through the season. Able to do everything wen, Grange, with ♦wo more seasons to go may outdo Thorpe. Gipp and some of those im mortals whose records were thought unpassable. Leo F’ynn would have done very much better by Jack Renault if be had been frank from the start about the purposes of the Canadian con tender for the heavyweight cham pionship. Thinking that Harry Wills would fight no good contender and know- Ing that Lula Firpo was out of the range of hearing. Flynn announced that he wou’d challenge Wills and Firpo on behalf of Renault after the Canadian had beaten Floyd Johnson. Wills gummed up the deal by an swering. “Come on!” Flynn then declared that his boy needed some more experience and would not be ready for Wills or Firpo for another year. Flynn hasn't much conscience when it oomes to getting his chargee in print. When he was trying to keep Bill Brennan tn the high-purse class he made many naxty remarks about the gameness of Tommy Gib bons. He said that Gibbons couldn’t be dragged into the ring with Bren nan but he forgot to mention that when Tex Rickard wanted to stage a Brennan-Gibbons match, he asked $30,000 for Brennan’s end. Flynn has been strangely silent about Gibbons since the Shs'by fight. Sport Calendar Racing. Meeting of Jefferson Parish Fair association, at New Orleans. Meeting of Pacific Coast Jockey club, at Tanforan. Meeting of Cuba-American Jockey Club, at Havana. Meeting of Tiajuana Jockey club, at Tiajuana. Cycling. Sprints preceding annual elx-day race In New Tork City. Hockey. Annua] meeting of National Hockey League of Canada, at Ottawa. Athletics. Allegheny Mountains A. A. U. cross-country race, at Pittsburgh. Bowling. Middle West Bowling association tournament, at St. Louis. Boxing. Quintin Romero-Rojas vs. Marcel Nllies, 20 rounds, at Paris. Who’s going to win the beautiful Packard coupe at Lloyd's? Best Footbal Player ■ aMWMSNHOSMMMSBn ■" • 1 HUA S 1 IIL H. E. (Red) Grange, the cham pion forward pass intercept er of the University of Illinois aiul regarded by many as the greatest football player of the season. Red Grange is only twenty years of age, weighs 16* pounds and stands five feet 9 inches. SCHEDULETO BE DRAFTED BY BIG TEN CHICAGO, Dec. I.—<By the Asso ciated Press.) —Western conference coaches today settled down to ar rangement of their 1924 ath'etic schedules, with prospects pointing to few changes. Athletic directors, meeting last night, re appointed Major John L. Griffith commissioner of athletics for the western conference. Football officials who filed a writ ten request for an increase in pay from SSO to SIOO a game, will in all likelihood be offered a compromise fee of $75 aa a result of a recom mendation made by the athletic di rectors to the faculty committee which meets today to act on the recommendation. Basketball refe rees are to be raised from S3O to S3G. with umpires retaining their $25 fee if another recommendation of the directors is accepted. Today's sessions will result tn football schedules and schedules for baseball, track, wrestling and swim ming. IDAHO BLUEJACKETS FAVORITES IN GAME SAN PEDRO, Calif., Dec. I.—The San Diego air squardron eleven and the Blue Jackets from the super dreadnaught Idaho meet here today at the government stad'um to decide the football championship of the Pacific battle fleet. Both teams faced each other undefeated, but the Idaho squad was a slight favorite. BIG AUCTION SALE There will be a big auction sale *»t 234 South David Saturday after noon at 2 p. m. of household furni ture. rugs, bedding, cooking utensils d ahes, glassware, etc. Harned Fur niture Co.. 234 S David. Phone 219. trb'e Casper Daflp Crfbune pool TOURNEY OPENSMONDAY Cash Prizes Posted by Legion Post for Winners Here. Two pool tournaments, one 50 ball straight pool and the other 25 ball straight pool, win be started at the club rooms of the George W. Vroman post of the American Legion Monday evening. The win ners will receive cash prizes and as the tables have been repaired and recovered the tournaments shoul 1 arouse considerable interest. GRID GAMES FORTODAY At Boston —Boston vs. Holy Cross. At Columbus—Camp Benning vs. Mississippi. At Athens—Centre vs. Georgia. At New York—Fordham vs. Georgetown. At Gooding—Gooding vs. Montana Wesleyan. At Portland—Pacific vs. Montana. At Baltimore ■Quantico vs. All Army. At. El Paso—Texas Mines vs. Deltas. At Toledo—Toledo vs. Heidelberg. At Seattle—Washington vs. Ore gon. ♦ For results try a Tribune Classi- Hod Ad. jg T«*S VtlX-Rxovu Mn>!CXW*S OF ws l|j Famovs Rscmft Bee* avraoa 1 K-L Pills I Bl testuial Indigestion and Ij Kindred Ailments Bl Uver trouble Ina te •erloua tfla. ■I And • cure ■!<□ of llvar trouble b Bl blllouanaaa. U you bare attooka I of headache. If you have a coated I tongue. If you have a fickle appo tite. you probably era bllloua— which may lead to derangemoat 3 f the liver and to aerioua and Quite often fatal results Read thia atrong endoreamont of Dr A W Chaoe'e K-L PHI* Mr. J. H Stone. Routa Na. S, Baxhy O*. write*: been troubled with Br kidney*. r.T er . m r hearl > find t* A W Chase'* g-L Pilis a was derful remedy They certainly ate the finest I ever used. I would not ** without them In my home and take great pleasure in rocom ■Lending them to my trieod*” Cbaao’e K-L Plita aC drug store* To be aura of getting the genuine, aee that . Portrait and signature of A W •I ChaeaJ4.D..are on eaehboa—your || orotoctloo against imltatioa. 1 A. W Cjf ASBMBDICmBCQ. E IB Washington Su. Buffalo, N. T J* WE WILL GIVE YOU $35.00 CASH ON ANY AUTOMOBILE ordered for future or immediate delivery if order is placed between December Ist and 15th. Merely bring this ad with you and select your car. Thia applies to any New or Used Car. Why wait until Spring when you can place your order now and save $35.00. THE BEST TIME TO BUY AN AUTOMOBILE IS IN THE WINTER, you get a better deal. COME IN AND TALK OVER OUR MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN The Following USED CARS are Big Bargain*, Deduct $35.00 From Any Car Listed 1920 Dodge Touring, runs good, 1923 Dodge Business OQAA AA Westinghouse, good QQAS A A Coupe; like new «J>«7vUeUv tires «|>d«FOeUV 1923 Gray Touring; CfJfiJA AA 1923 LZS Studebaker Touring; like new 2 $875.00 $135.00 “t $1050.00 $350.00 1923 Dodge Tour- goAA AA 1 »?VVVeVV ing; like new 9GVUeW 1918 Oldsmobile Touring; good 1920 Oakland Roadster; new cord car; QA’TJv Afl tires; $97? AA st V“4v«vU runs good 1922 Oakland Touring; new rubber ler 2 |e?a e n W “ $1875.00 aint = overha “'= $675.00 IN ADDITION WE HAVE ON DISPLAY—OAKLAND—Sedan, 4 passenger Coupe, 3 passenger Coupe, Roadster and Touring Winter Glass Slides. Sport cars. GRAY TOURING—ROADSTER IIDCDAI TUDIMC Haynes Touring. Model 60 I. I IsT.IX I , 1 JLlxiVlO THIS UNUSUAL OFFER IS MADE TO TEST THE VALUE OF ADVERTISING Be sure to bring the ad with you. PATTERSON OAKLAND COMPANY 540 E. Yellowstone Phone 2202 (Tribune) Football Fees Too Low, Raise Is Petitioned CHICAGO, Dec. I.—(By the Asso ciated Press.)—Football officials in i a signed communication, laid their I plight before the athletic directors of the big ten conference and de manded that their fees be doubled. The uprising of the referees, um pires. head linesmen and field judges has been long tn the making for they point out in their “round robin” , that they today receive the same fees as that paid 15 years ago. namely SSO a game. They ask not . less than s*oo a game. SEND IT TO THE I PEARL WHITE LAUNDRY PHONE 1703 Watch for the date. A Packard coupe is going to be given away at Lloyd's. “OTHERS” Looking for a • Place to Live? CEASE YOUR SEARCH The Yellowstone Apartments “Wyoming’s Largest Apartment House” Is Nearing Completion A Few Features 45 Apartments New Furniture Walking Distance of Downtown Section 25 FURNISHED 20 UNFURNISHED January 1 Will See 25 Apartments Ready for Occupancy For Apartments Call 1617-J Large Storage, Garage in Basement of Apartments Laundry Tubs and Clotheslines Ready for Work GAS WATER LIGHTS FURNISHED A Four Months’ Lease Gives You the Benefit Os the New Furnishings Hurry! These Apartments Will Go Like Hot-cakes A Small Deposit Will Hold Your Apartment Until Opening Day TRAIN SCHEDULES Chicago A Northwestern Westbound Arrive Depart ■ Nf k —I —— 3:15 p. m. 2:35 p. m. Eaatbound— Arrlvor Depart* No. 622 ..4:45 p. m. 5;00 p. m. CUlcago, Burlington A Quincy Eastbound Arrive* Depart* *°. 33 1;4B p m No - lao p - “■ 8,5 p - m Westbound No. 29 7:00 a. m. <3O a. m. No. 31 10.35 p. m. OREGON MEETS nNGTOO. SEATTLE. W**h„ Deo. I.—The outcome of today'* football game be tween thp University of Washing ton *nd the University of Oregon m*y determine whether the former team will journey to Pasadena Cal! fornia. to play the' United States naval academy on New Year's day. If Washington, which I* conceded to be favored to win. defeats Oregon decisively. It is considered probable in student circles that the faculty, at a meeting to be held Monday will take favorable action on the Pasadena invitation. If Oregon is victorious, rr spect* for the trip are considered dubious. For Sale at a Bargain One Federal Blue Printing Machine used very little. This machine coat better than S6OO 00 and can be bought at a bargain. Casper Storage Co. ?13 West Mid west Avenue. | SPORT BRIEFS CHICAGO—Seven boxing matches including the bout between Jack Housner of New Yorn and Ernie Gooseman, were at op ped by police after the Law and Order league had protested to Mayor Dever. flaarJYtxir health CATARRH „ C_ °»bladoer|| ** PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AUDITORS; C. 11. REIMKRTH Certified Public Accountant Income Tax Sendee 101 O S Bldg. Phone 767 HARRY F. COMFORT Auditing and Accounting Phone 8008 Suite 18, Daly Bldg R. C. VAN DENBERG Certified Public Accountant Income Tax Service Phone 148 GUARANTEE RKGISTRYCORP. Auditors and Accountants-— Stock Registrar and Transfer Agents 80811 Oil Exchange Hide I bone 860 architects OI'BOIS * GOODRICH. Architect. Itonm. 1112. To ' Tn ' en l h ™" k 4 U> C..POT. WTO. rl,l,n * WM. J. "F.STrAI.I. ArrhHert Suite 8, Dsly Building. auto tops WOLCOTT ALTO TOP S ,""’L, Auto Top Mfgrs. and I uholsterlng 133 North Wolcott Street Auto Painting. B. A D. SUPPLY CO. Auto Tops and Tires and Accessories—6lH E. 2nd. CARPER AUTO TOP *JIOP Auto Trimm'ng, Upholstering and Auto Painting 883 R. CentrePhone 1084 R BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER . HEARI.I4S IKANHFKIt ” Rm. Phon. KIIV OHtrc I'»‘"™ 313 LESLIE M. NELSON and Tranafor Co., Phone 1134- \ ITRONA TRANSFER. STORAGE AND FUEL CO. —Phone 919 BATTERIES CASPER BATTERY CO. 110 East FilthPhon. Ml CHIROPRACTORS DR. J H. JEFFREY OR. ANNIE GRAHAM JEFFREY Sull. 318 Millwoal Bld« Phone 708 L. J. CONNELL, D. C, Ph. C. Sult. 13, Daly Bldg.. 840 J 31. E. lIARNED. Chiropractor IK North Kimball Street Phone 1457 DR. 1. E. BERMUIHT /.uttermeister Bldg Phono 1757 ROBERT N. GROVE 113 East Second Street Palmer iHtlc. Phon. 3220 Kra Phon. 1713.1 OR. C. 1. ABNOLDLS Oeleopathlc and Ch roprarOo 110 O S Bldg. Phon. 1734 DR. C. A. THLRSTON. D C. 133 S. Wolcott Phon. 113 j ■ CHIROPODIST i COBHINNE E. O’BRYANT Foot Specialist 116 East Secondl*h me I(M6R | CLEANERS the service cleaners Railroad at Jackson Phone 56 DOCTORS ~~ THE CASPER PRIVATE HOSPITAL. 938 South Durbin—Phone 273 WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL 542 South Durbin—Phone 406 Staff SURGERY. GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS Homer R. Lathrop, M. D.» F. A. C. 8. Victor R. Darken, B. Sc.. M. D. B. A. Bacou M. D. EYE. EAR NOSE and TROAT Harmon L. Stanton. M. S., M. D. SKIN AND X RAY TREATMENT t GENITO URINARY DISEASES G. B. Underwood, M. D. ROENTGENOLOGIST Hallie M. Ell a PATHOLOGIST J. F. O’Donnell. M. D. PHARMACIST R. 8. laothian. Ph. G. DENTIST C. E. Duncan, D. D. S. Offices in Rohrbaugh Building 113 East Second Street Telephones 54 and 55 DR. WM. A. BRYANT Physician and Surgeon 133 N. Wolcott Off. 113 Rea, ph. 800 DR. G. S. BARGER Eye, Ear, Noae and Throat Glasses Fitted 133 8. Wolcott Phone 113 DR. T. J RIACH Physician and Surgeon Phone 1219 Residence 2118 DRS. .MYER AND JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon 200 O S Bldg. Office Ph. 699 Rea. 746 DR. W. W. YATES Specialist Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Sulfo 2, 112 East Second PAGE FIVE First in News Os All Events The Old Reliable Gebo Coal Phone 948 and 949 Natrona Transfer Storage & Fuel Co. Tribune Want Ada bring results DOCTORS _ Phone 123 HKRBER , T , -L. C H V£fK. « '> A'IS, < «"-»S > h»n. D 3. •'* jp SMITH M tv" “ Offlre 2<? , E an s.V <l 72 ,rt '" n E ’ S^nd-Phon. Jt« LAWYERS MI’LVANEY a BARRETT _2!L r " n ." l u«^'ihre. l r, nil , t AMBROSE HEMINGWAY Boom 333 L * W, ' r ’.„. - Midwest Bldg. NICHOLS A STIRRETT L” 'MI OU Bldg, “Kt A wekdsll "HJ Rl SHELL LONG ’ WS Oon.ojldMrd luf2lty Bldg w. H. PATTEN " HAGENS A Mt’KANB 208-287 OH EicLng, Bulldin. * 1 <>"BV 40 ~ Mid west Building BULLACK A LACY 204-3 Ph, IZQB WILLIAM O. WILSON J - . Lawyers Suite 14-15-16 Townsend Bldg. 210 * ADAMS 210 O-S Bldg. Phone MH MIRRORS 3'7 MIRROK WORKS 3.7 Industrial Ave. Phone 442 OPTOMETRIST ‘ EVES CAREFULLY’ TESTED and glasses Properly fitted /WwYR by JESSE EVANS - 134 8. Center St. OSTEOPATH OR. CAROLINE C. DAVIS hie Physic Liu Suite 6, Tribune Apurt. Phone 888 Dr. L. L. W ADE Osteopathy Over Frants Shop Phone 11258 AUTO PAINTING ’ 1 Ycilowstone Auto Paint Shop 1914 E. Yellowsfone First Class Auto Fainting PLANING MILL JOE F. THOMAS Planing Mill and Cabinet Shop Phone 18Q6W 211 West B St. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER „ ETHEL C. LYNCH Public Stenographer—Notary PuMM Nine Years in Legal Work 301 Consolidated Royalty Building Phone Office 203 Res. Phone 553 J SHUE REPAIRING NORTH CASPER SHOE SHOP Hand and Machine Work Ben Suyeinatsu 235 East II TYPEWRITERS Casper Typewriter Exchange New and Rebuilt Typewriters Rentals—Supplies and Repairs 230 E. Second Phono 856 TAILORS N. RUBIN Custom Tailor Sults Made-to-Order 323 W. Yellowstone TROY TAILORS AND CLEANERS 148 E. Midwest Phone 9681 V MIDWEST TAILORS Cleaning and Pressing 106 E. Second. Phone 707 UPHOLSTERING Upholstering and Furniture Packing CASPER UPHOLSTERING CO. Phone 1672 M VETERINARIES DR. W. E. NORDHEIM Y'eterinn'-iun Canine Specialist. Office Ph. 2293 Res. Ph. 1998 J WAREHOUSES I.ESIJE M. NELSON. Warehouse and Transfer Co., Phone 1234.