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PAGE FOUR Read the Ads If You Want All the News BIG SHIPMENT OF HUPP CARS Trainload Started for Australian Trade at One Time. What is perhaps the largest single shipment of medium priced automo biles ever made abroad left the Hupp Motor Car corporation in two sec tion* recently when 135 Hupmoblle open and closed models and chaos's —about 30 freight car loads—were i-tar ted on their way to Dalgety A Co., Ltd., the corporation's distrib utor at Melbourne. Australia- It was expected by factory officials that al' the cars would be sh'pped from New Tork city on the same boat. The consignment, when laid down in Australia. represents approxi mately $250,000 worth of motor cars and chassis. Hupp’s Melbourne distributing company is one of the largest, if not the largest, concern distributing mo tor cars outside the United States, doing a greater annual aggregate business than any American motor egr manufacturer below the fifteen largest producers. ADVERTISING TEST PLANNED BY COMPANY The Patterson Oakland company has a unique plan they are trying out to test the value of advertising- This plan of t heir's will eave the purchaser of an automobile SBS if he places his order between December 1 and 15 on any automobile they have to sell cither new or used. They will allow a purchaser to place his order for delivery on a car until May 1934 and he will save the $35 they are offering to test the value of advertising. They have on display Oakland line complete, the Oakland line has Fisher bodies on aJI models, four wheel brakes and is a very complete line of automobiles, in addition to the Oakland they have the Gray line with its various models, ns well as America's first car, the Haynes. In addition to the new cars they have some wonder ful values in slightly used cars that are big bargains without the $35 deducted so when you take Into consideration the $35 cash credit they allow you on a used car they certainly have some bargains to of fer. The Patterson Oakland com pany will keep their store open until 9 p. rn. evenings so anyone who cannot visit them during the day can drop in evenings, look and talk over their proposition. MILLION GENTLEMEN FARMERS IN CDUNTRV CHICAGO, (United Pressk—Nearly all American farmers have come to he "gent'eman farmers,” declared James IL Howard, president of the National Transportation Institute, at a farmers and traffic men's con vention. “The term 'dirt farmer,’ doesn’t describe the American agricultur ist.'’ said Howard. "The reu' dis tinction is that the ‘gentleman farm er' doesn't do it for money, but in stead, pays money for the privilege of being a farmer. On that bas s the great majority of American farmers are 'gentlemen farmers.' The gentleman farmer Is above the necessity of making money out of CASPER CAB CD. PHDNE 132 Wiring Supplies FIXTURES, lamps, ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Radio Supplies Motor Repairing Electric Supply And Construction Co. 142 E. Midwest Phone 483 W Estimate Gladly Furnished The Old Reliable Gebo Coal Phone 948 and 949 Natrona Transfer Storage & Fuel Co. | IIM■ ■ H j||i| QbM— | |O T his farm and holds a high social position. We have more than a mil lion gentleman fanners in America and they ought to put on more sirs than they do. ”A record analysis shows that $25 a week is average pay for an lowa farmer, owner of a well-stocked | farm, on land worth up to S3OO an acre. If this average farmer had turned his farm into cash and in vested the money in a 6 per cent mortgage, he might have had an income of more than $3,000 a year without labor. Instead, he worked a year on his farm and made $1,300 a difference of SI,BOO that he paid for the privilege of being a farm er. He is certainly entitled to call himself a gentleman farmer.'* GOODYEARIN LEAD AT BIG AUTO SHOW The slogan of Goodyear—" More People Ride on Goodyear Tires than on Any Other Kind"—was deeply impressed on the minds of the thou sand of people who visited the eleventh annual Los Angeles Motor Show, which was another triumph for Goodyear tire equipment. Os the two hundred and seventy nine passenger car models exhibited, ninety-five were equipped with Good year Tires, as compared to forty eight on the tires of the next near est competitor. Out of twenty-nine trucks using pneumatic tire equip ment Goodyear Pneumatic Truck Tires were on e'even and of the twelve eolld-tired trucks exhibited, Goodyear Solids were on four. In ad dition, all four passenger motorbuses on display carried Goodyear Pneu matics. P. K. Goe. manager of Manufac turer's Sales of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber company of California, in commenting on the 'arge amount of Goodyear original equipment on the cars displayed at the Motor Show says, "Many people perhaps do not realise that Goodyear has been en joying about 40 per cent of the en tire original equipment business of the countiy for the past three years, a fact which speaks well for the quality of our tires." A Beauty Hint. To overcome any danger of if scratches or other Injury to the enamel finish of a car while workin;; around the engine, the fender n.ny be covered with a piece of oilcloth lined with some soft material. Will you be the lucky one at Lloyd's? Your Cold Garage IS WORTHLESS Warm It And Protect Your Car ? WHY? EXCESS GASOLINE BILLS start ing the frigid motor causes carbon fouled cylinders valves, piston rings, spark plugs. ALCOHOL BOILS OFF because of the overheated, wasteful, carbon fouled motor. CRACKED CYLINDERS, radiator or pump are then likely, or stripped pump gears. BATTERIES are overloaded in starting the cola, stiff motor. A cold battery cannot charge proper ly. Then overdischarge results and a ruined battery. SCIENTIFIC SAFETY GAS GARAGE HEATERS ARE THE BEST Our stock is complete and we are ready to supply you now. Casper Gas Appliance Phone 1500 115-119 East First Street HUGE ROAD EXHIBIT WILL BE J HELD AT CHICAGO IN JANUARY : 1 The American Road Builders' as -1 soclation will hold the greatest ex ’ position and convention in Chicago, c January 14 to 18, 1924, inclusive. ’ ever put before the public. More r than a billion dollars Is being spent 1 yearly on roads. All the financial ’ interests concerned in this great ex -1 pendlturc are Interested in this great * exposition, and in the Coliseum, at 1 Chicago, will be every manufacturer of any prominence, making anything to do with roads; materials, ma chinery, or methods. The Bureau of Public Roads. De partment of Agriculture, will have a wonderful collection of models and machinery, illustrating their meth ods in building the 7 per cent of the total road mileage of the nation, which is the limit of federal aid to states in road building, under the federal aid road acts. The National Highways association will have a very large and beautiful exhibit (20 . npacee). and promises to show mat* tens of intense Intereat to all road , makers and road users. All the state highway commissions will have representatives in attend ance, and a very large number of county highway officla’s will doubt ess be present. The gathering, like the exhibition, will thus be truly national in scope. The largest attendance ever at such an affair is expected by the management, which has staged this great exposition in a city to which railroad travel from all points is quick and easy. Special railroad rates will be arranged for those de siring to attend. FOR Truck and Passenger Tires Prestolite and Columbia Batteries and Car SerDice Prices SEE LIBERTY GARAGE 428 S. Elm SI. Phone 983 OIL AND GREASE is hard when starting which causes scored cylind ers and bearings. TIRES DETERIORATE. Frozen moisture enlarges cuts, water gets in fabric and rots it. CAR FINISH is ruined by moisture accumulated under the paint and freezing. WINTER WASH UPS and attention are impossible in a cold garage— result, a repair bill. HEALTH is endangered in a cold garage. CDe Casper ftnnDap Crfbune This newspaper has received a • special invitation, as a Newspaper , Association member of the National . Highways association, to be the > guest of the American Road Build - era’ association, Mr. Frank Page. I president; the Highway Industries ■ Exhibitors* association, Mrs. 8. F. ; Beatty, president; the Chicago • Motor club, Mr. Frank E. Jack ■ president, representing the American Automobile association; and the Na- ■ tlonal Highway association, Charles Davis, president. If possible, a representative of this , newspaper will accept that Invtta- I tlon. and be present at what prom'ses to be the occasion when i highway sentiment will be so crystal'ised and gain euch force . from united effort ns will speed the i day by many years when this great country has vood roads everywhere Raciinm "Gas” Indicator. The luminous tip of an old watch I or clock hand, applied to the ird! .ator of a gasoline-tank gauge. > obviates the use ot dangerous lights Utilising the Old Frit Hat. By using the felt of an old hat, , washers may be made for packing the stuffing boxes of the water pump These are rnado more effec tive if the felt has been boiled tn a mixture of tal'ow and plumbago. Lots of Brakes. One manufacturer of automobiles in England has announced that his 1924 models will be equipped with six brakes. Milk, according to a high medical authority, appeases hunger more quickly and satisfactorily than any other article of food. The celebrated gondoliers of Venice are threatened with a loss | USED CARS Roadsters, Tourings, Coupes, Sedans YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU WANT LISTED BELOW Terms so you Can’t Afford to Walk fl* S A down on any of the below listed. FORD Speedster, 1919, good shape, only $175. Light delivery starter, good buy at $175. Overland 90, motor In good shape, new tires; needs battery, SIOO. Overland 86-6. Lota of service on thia one. You can’t go wrong at S2OO. Willis-Knight; good up holstery; fair tires. Buy it today at $l6O. OVERLAND CHAMPION Driven less than 2,700 miles; beautiful shape. Looks like new. Extras. Price $460; $l6O down..Bal. easy. JEWETT COUPE Just refinished; new tlyes; lots of power. You can’t afford to pass this up. The price is right at $1,175. DURANT COUPE New car, driven less than 800 miles. All extras you need. If you want a Durant, see this at $l,lOO. * DORT SEDAN Newly varnished. Car in exceptionally nice shape. A real bargain at SBOO. 1922 MAXWELL TOURING Owner Bays sell. It is one of our best buys and only $560. The Lee Doud Motor Co. PAIGE JEWETT 434 W. Yellowstone Phonel7oo We’re Paying While You’re Not You don't pay for electrical service until you use it. BUT WE DO. We must buy fuel and pay men to burn it up—to keep service on tap when you DON'T want it as well as when you DO want it. We must maintain a 6500-customer organ ization, to meet 6600-cußtomers* demands, even though business may slump to a 500- cuatomer basis. Which is another reason why utility ser vice, cheap as it is for users, costs so much at its source. Natrona Power Co. HAVE YOU THAT SUBSCRIPTION READY?. 4 of occupation as a result of the introduction ot motor-boat*. In Ireland, where the people have a very exclusive taste in tea, feu shopkeepers will buy tea which has been blended by machinery. Dodge Commercial Ain’t much, but only $l6O. Q4SA down on any of W"Vthe below listed. Model R Hup. Good tires and motor; upholstery fair. Price SB6O . Olds Six Roadster; motor just overhauled. Needs paint; SB6O. 6-89 Paige Touring, $350. ' Olds 8 Touring, 6 practi cally new Kelly’s; fine motor; only SBBS. £j. :.* l The Business Car Also a Family Car The extraordinary utility of the Buick five passenger four-cylinder Touring Car makes this model particularly suited to serve the needs of business. Its rugged chassis and powerful valve-in-head engine insure uninterrupted service. Its proved Buick four-wheel brakes make this car more than ordinarily safe to drive. Yet with all of its advantages, the Buick Four Touring Car is very low in first cost, in upkeep costs; and is as satisfying for family use as for business purposes. - - Mt HW CASPER BUICK COMPANY 132 N. Wolcott St. Phones 2260—2261 ■ 1 ■■■ ■ ■■■■" j When better outomobilea are built, Buick will build then' W-T-ff Fl MAXIMUM HEAT ~ plumbing AT MINIMUM COST HEATING can be of the heating WhMT systems we install. To have your home comfortable during gyte the cold weather, have us give lUSim you an estimate on installing rWRPBC the necessar y apparatus. Our rates are lowest » consistent with Hi 111 good workmanship and high HI I I H grade materials. Hi I *1 ®32 E- Yellowstone Phone 1800 Bf I Western Heating and ffl r IBKBHB Plumbing Co. , 1 N i X s T T E OjpOS * Ih * Our Repair Shop Never Closes LET’S DRIVE HOME THIS POINT 1 Commercial cars may be repaired during the night by the night crew and be ready for work again in the morning. “A Written Guarantee With Every Job” HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW SERVICE CAR ? We now have two up-to-date wrecking cars thorough ly equipped to give all kinds of service in all kinds of weather. Agency for Philco Batteries Warne & Crosby Motor Company 132 East Seventh St. Phone 1519-R ] DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOUR RADIATOR FREEZES SOLID We will be glad to specify the exact mixture of water and alcohol for a given temperature “HIGH-GRADE ALCOHOL” TEXACO MOTOR OILS AND GREASES Woods’ Filling Station EAST A AND YELLOWSTONE “Quality First——Then Service” SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1923