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PAGE FOUR ELKS MINSTREL SETS MARK IN LATE SUCCESS Previous Efforts Are Eclipsed by Lodge In Big Frolic. No on® In Cnsper win question th* Suocess of fho fhree-day mln etrei ehnw staged by the Elks club hero last week. Every person who attended the performances thor oughly enjoyed such an achromatic dlsp’ay of home talent. Lam year's fiesta of fun wrs far outdistanced by the captivating acts gotten together several days ago. Not only wu there a keen collec tlon of performers, singers and charmers but there was a lefllthing director behind the show. His name was Jack Hoggins, blown in from the Windy City of Chicago. He has been signed again for next year. Ro Watch c<ut for the Elks' 1924 doings. Financially the show was fairly not oh top. This means that a worth While sum will he added to the char ity fund of the local lodge. There are many expressions of gratitude extended by the club to the people of Casper for the splen did Way in which they supported the annual event. ILCOHOL-iIPEH GIN MIXTURE TAKEN IN RAID IS POURED DOWN SEINER "Sweet essence of juniper!” quoth th® thirsty bystander who watched tiro bases of "Gorden’s Dry Gin" poured down the sewer nt the city hall laat night. After each pint bottle was emptied the botfle was immediately broken. The stuff had all the marks of being genuine, though the fact that when it was confiscated several Weeks ago thero were also confis cated newly printed labels and newly manufactured seals to put on bot tles of new gin was proof that the proddet was Casper made. This gin is made with alcohol, distilled water, and cscnce of juniper, which when properly mixed give a drink 4hrtt is all the gin drinker could desire. RUMORSm BYRON S. HUIE Mil RESIGN TO TIKE' DANK PRESIDENGT CHEYENNE, Wyo. Dee. fc —Ru mor if* persistent that State Examin er Byron S. Huie is soon to resign bls office and become president of the bank of Gillette. At the gover nor's office it is stated, however, that no intimation to that effect Ims been given Governor Ross. In the event of Huie's retirement. It is stated, Harry A. Loucks, state commissioner of Insurance, will be appointed State examiner and Ed ward -P. Taylor, who Is to retire as mayor of Cheyenne January will be appointed State commissioner of insurance. WHAT TO GIVE A Baby Up to 4 Years _ _ Embroidered Dresses Gloves, Wool Gloves, Mocha Gloves, Kid Baby Record Books Wool Stockings Silk Half Sox- Jiffy Pants Rubber Baby Sets Dolls and Animals Bootees Kiddy Koop Sacques > Coats Nursery Chairs Rompers Handkerchiefs * Knit Caps Sweater Sets Napkin Rings Pillow Slips Baby Shoes Crib Blankets Bath Robes l| Y. W. C. A. ACTIVITIES Gift Bringing Service PlAna ar® under Way for the ob servation of Gift Bringing Week. December IS to 21, by the Y. VT. O. A . under th® direction of the Girl®' Work Cornmittee of which Mrs. J. C. Warkley is chairman. Simultan eously, more fhari 400 local town and city associations throughout the country will join In wetting asM* this week aw a recognition of their part in the national and worM-w!d® *ork of the Y. W. C. A. Free will offerings will be received in every town and city association for the support of the National T. W. C. A. during Gift Bringing Week. Th® local cnWrfnfttM hae announc ed a special Christmas dervlee to be held on Sunday December 16 at 4 o’clock as the special feature of the effort In Casper. A large port of the vain® Will he the information which the story of the National work will give. A dramatic number has been arranged for the occasion by Miss Martha Darrah of the Pub lic Speaking Department of the High School and will be given by the Girl Reserves aMlated by Mias f*ar rah. The best loved of the old Christmas carols will be sung. Miss Ruth Palmer win sing the Holy City and th® entire program will taring the spirit of Christ rhas close to th® hearts of the audience. Fur ther announcements of place and program will be made aoon. Y Business Giris' Chib The regular meeting of the Y rfusineWs Giris' club occurred Tues ■l.iv evening. Th® social hour dur- FOR V/OMEN WHO KNOW THE EXQUISITE ETRUSCAN TABLE SERVICE EVERY age produces a few designs of outstanding merit and worth. They last because their beauty is genuine. iOf modem silversmlthlng nothing finer has been made than this ETRUSCAN pattern with Its dignified loveliness and chaste purity of line. Espe cially delightful in the Silver Candlesticks designed to match and complete the entire silver sterling dinner service—fashion's (Stos Stuvsx) , . . llOOthtpatr authoritative note in perfect tableappointment. Ayres Jewelry Co. 133 South Center Street A Child 4 to 12 Bath Robes Sweater Bets Coveralls High Chain Dresses Coats Hats Silk Stockings t Handkerchiefs Gloves Mittens Middy Dresses Hair Bows Middy Ties Novelties Dolls Beads Tables Chairs Cz Perkins & Co. Specialty Store TRIBUNE BUILDING ing the dinner was enjoyable as usual and the girls mad® full use of the time in making new acquain tances. One rrembOr said that she had no young women friends in Cas per except those she had come to know in the club. The program con sisted of a paper on Schubert writ ten by Mrs. Wood who was unable to be present and selections from Schubert and BeethoVen. The paper was reld by Al Ise Ruth Meacham who a!so conducted the program. Miss Leia Adklne, vice president of the club, presided at the business session in the absence of the presi dent. El Ha bet h Andera6n, Who was unable to te present because of 111- ness. Giri Reserves A group of thirty girls formally became members of the Girl Re served In the beautiful candle Cere monial at the recognition service Friday afternoon at the High School. An atm of the rtub ft to teach the girls to feel responsibility for the school, os well as for all institutions of society, ali of which contributes to the development of th® finest type of citizenship. This splendid group can always be counted upon for its cooperation In elvle and religious en terprises. An Institute Echo Miss Katherine Gerwlch who ap peared on the program of the In stittite recently held tn the city, Irt speaking Os Mrs. J fifth D. Rocke feller Jr., related the following In cident which occurred in her pre sences . . For the Wife Fancy Linens Table Linens Bridge and Luncheon Cloths Towels Linen Sheets Linen Cases Hemstitched Sheets Hemstitched Cases Wool Blankets Silk Hosiery Leather and Duvetyn Bags Beaded Bags Compacts Handkerchiefs SOk Lingerie Hand«msde Hand Embroid ered Lingerie Philippine Underwear * CDe Casper tom Sap erroune During the war period, one of the small boys of the Rockefeller family asked his mother to purchase a pony for him. •'Well." replied his mother, ''we'll see. You knew a pony costs a great deal of money and w* haVe to be very careftf these days to spend ohly what is really neces sary.” The little fellow, however. was not concerned with anything so much as hia own wants and persist ed in his request whereupon his brother slightly older who had ac cepted the teachings of hie mother with less question, put tn disgusted ly. "What's the matter with you. We'he not Van der Blits.” Mrs. Rockefeller is second vice president of the National Board of th® Y*. W. C. A. and an active work er In the organisation. J. L. MERRITT INJURED IN TNimOIIISION Th* son of A. L. Merritt suffered several cuta about the face about 8 o'clock last night when a collision occurred between Mr. Merritt’s Studebaker and th* Oldsmobile of E. A. Fetersoh. The windshield of the Merritt car was shattered In the accident and other slight damage to the car was done. •CASPER JS • THE • FUTURE • CAPITAL. L E ■ T • M t 1 T T H -i’ At A £ V) > T t k h c W7 'Jr/ s V'ArMEE '▼ t /Z/ T Y H 1 N H Makes s / BUT •— * \ a w "Ybu must start to , L h Save first— u 2 \Now is the time to c I . I i AT o . • N O ff! 'yy eta iraW ° national bank C E. Tt> L- ROYALTY BLDG/ MtMMPIIInRM -.POPULATION \ ■ A Boy from 3 to 6 Cotton Stockings Wool Sox Suits Top Coats Kats Caps Gloves Mittsns Handkerchiefs Ties Sweaters For a Young Lady Silk Lingerie Boudoir Caps Handkerchiefs Leather Bags Vanities Lace Doilies Silk Hosiery Beads Wyoming Players Coming To Casper December 19 DraiMttleg have been prdminently featured at Wyoming university this year and students possessing his trionic ability have been granted the prlvllece rd a thorough training in the basic principles of acting on the legitimate stage. In consequence, at Larsmte a grertip of players has been develop ed whieh has performed ndmitsMy in its productions at home, its sUeeess in the university rMy has been sueh that calls have come from many parts'of the state for an op portunity to enjoy a viMt from this «»M. whieh is known as th« Wyom ing Players. A statewide tour has been ar- Casper Mirror Works We tre prepared to take care of any sized order. Framing and Rasllvering Contractors Please Take Notice 327 Industrial Ave PHOMB 444 ' ranged for the Christmas holideys ‘ December 19. han been set as the ’ day the university actors are to b** in Casper. In all probability they Oil i M° s t j Appreciated | .. Gift I | I For your gift choosing here you will find beautiful cut | g flowers, blossoming plants, ferns, baskets of choice flow- ,< go ers and foliage, potted plants, attractive baskets and other fe g| flower holders—all fresh and beautiful. W Gifts That Cannot Fail to Please | Christmas Baskets ,i ; Candle Sticks—All Colors and Shapes H Bulb Bowls Myrtle Wood Novelties g Lustre Ware Baskets and Bowls f Candles—All Colors | Rj Christmas Cards Christmas Stickers ,1 L-’ Christmas Trees—Miniature— for Table g h : Incense Torchier Lamps And Many Other Useful, and Appropriate Gifts I I I Casper Floral Co. I 153 S. Wolcott Midwest Bldg. Phone 872 | i . pi | == I ' A Most Important Matter w | His Christmas * i I iA - i •* W ™ * | Jllil Mill JF k « %Bl I I J£!l I I t Bath Robes Wardrobe Trunks "* B Lounging Robes Gladstone Bags k Pullman Slippers Suit Cases | $ Traveling Sets » I I 1 | Campbell - Johnson Co. | 8 Head-to-Foot-Clothiers | wtn present their pTays at the Elks auditorium. Backing their appear ance here is the Wyoming university alOntrrt AMr> lat Jon of thfa elty. All proceeds frutn the entertainment over and above the actual expenses of those participating, will be turned over by the locul organization of araduates to the university** stadium fund. • » Jeremiah Donavon is in the city for a few days on business. SUNDAY, DECEMBER >, 1923 WCOMMm i SHU SEMSII IL CHKTBNNE. V7yo., Dec. t_ 1 State Chime Commissioner Frank sj ' Smith is seriously sick tn a Denver hoeiptal. His wife Is with him h« lias been ill for several months from some cause physicians have bwn unable definitely to determine.