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PAGE FOUR SINKING SHIP SENDS OUT CALLS FOR HELP TWO REPORTED IN DISTRESS ON Wiy GE UN Liner 200 Miles Away Speeding to Lend Assistance i SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 4. A message reporting the sending vessel to be sinking but giving no clue to the identity of the vessel was picked up by the Seattle Harbor Radio station today. Tl>e message wan believed to have come from the Kiyosei Mara, or the Steamship Harold Dollar. Tha Kiyosei and the Dollar ar*re •aid to be tn about the tarne posi tion. each in the Pacific ocean about 1.000 mles off tbo coast of Wash ington. and each to l>e in distress. The message caught by the Har bor Radio station follows: “Leaking badly. Rudder chain broken. Sinking condition. In Immediate need help. Empress of Russia 200 miles away. Longitude 174:10 east.” EAN FRANCISCO. Calif.. Jan 4 Two ships are tn distress near the middle of the Pacific ocean, where a storm Is raging, according to radio advices teceived by the Feder al Telegraph company here early today from the Steamship President Cleveland. The Japanese steamer Kiyosei Mara is disabled with a broker, steering engine chain in lat itude 49:41 north, and 171:15 east, and the Harold Do'lar. of the Dol lar steamship lines is adrift with a broken steering gear in ths same vicinity, the adviceu stated. The liner Empress of Russia la 1 rushing to the assistance of the Kiyosei Mara, which la a steel screw • vessel of 3,728 net tons. Details of the accident which ha* 1 disabled the Harold Dollar which has a tonnage of 2.523 and is equip ped Fitb wireless, have not been received. Neither ship carried pas- 1 ■engers. The Kylosei Mara sailed for Van eouver from Kobo, via Yokohama on December 14. The vessel foi xnerly was the Can Robertson, and was constructed in England. The Harold Dollar sailed from Portland, bound for Yokohama or December 13. Both vesaels are freightera p.&HSieer WILL BLMOVED Decision has been made to move the office of the chief engineer of the Producers & Refiners corpora tion here to Denver. The change is to be effected the latter part of next week, according to a statement from the P. & R. There has recently been much talk of concentrating the Producers or ganisation either in Cheyenne ot Denver. The present transfer may be the first move In shifting the ma jor part of the organization. Since the Kasomlng OH company which is controlled by the Prairie Oil A Gas company as is also the Producers & Refiners, has its headquarters In Cheyenne, it was thought that prob ably that city would be selected. However, the going of the chief en g'neer to Denver points toward fur ther transfers to Die same place un less the Prairie can be prevailed upon to keep the Producers organiza tion In Casper. KLSM oiljmml (Continued from Pace One ) to Mexican representatives from the San Antonio, Toxas, arsenal and at Fort Bites. El Paso. The airplanes wil lb® delivered at tbo Fairtleld, Ohio, air depot, near Dayton. "This government has sold to the Mexican government," the state meat said, "five thousand Enfield rifles, model of 1917; 5,000.000 rounds, calibre 30 ammunition and eight DH-4 airplanes the terms of the sale being one half cash and one half within thirty days. These ar ticles do not Cover the entire lint requested originally, but the Mexi- I can government finds they will answer its present requirements. WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.—Frank Morrison, secretary of the Amert can Federation of Labor, tele graphed President Obregon of Mexico today that he had the full support of American labor in his fight against tha revolutionary movement. Tho message was in reply to one sent by President j Obregon to Samuel Gompert, head | of the federation In regard to tele- I grams sent to labor officials by I revolutionary leaders. J j Coolidge’s Home Has Democratic Mayor . tn m «xMMHtMMBKMR.wanKtrani e t*rt>.i»bur t.u«aiu oi bin. in to legr faculty defeats WlDlam Cordes. Repuhliran for mayoraTty of Northampton by n margin nf 69 votes. His election comes as a surprise, since hr has lived in town EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS DISCUSSED IT RHLTOMBEOII TWI The subject of exclusive listings'l was taken up at the meeting of the 1 Casper Real Estate board today, and 1 th® members of that organization 1 agreed to endeavor to have an prop. < erty Hated exclusively whenever pos-' ’ Bible. i ( Ben Scherck of the See Ben Realty' company gave the principal talk. I ’ “The habit of listing all cum ng to your office on printed uni-i ’ form exclusive listing cards not only | f g*ts that office a permanent record ’ for reference, but shows the client 1 tliat you have made a record of his 1 request for you to sell his property." 1 ••‘aid the speaker. “How easy It would t< ~ ~ A Cleaver Beaded For 1924 Oil© Strap Our business is growing steadily. " Proof enough that w. .r. per- A ?impla > Boft black kld u , lh „ /W. forming a real service to the pub- win, , loqch pf „ / X „ ev .«yo« c * n *«»rd to work at the throat. A combination f Ma„v ± i’T f °° tW T of comfort and real claw that lota k (f ™ ~ry, ,ry of fcet will “PPreciaU. Graceful \X “ P 7 P ar \ OUr Louis keels sn< * li?ht sole,. A \ ,-K- most regular customers and en- dainty slipper indeed and “properly I /jw >. thusiastic boosters. 1924 will priced’*—of course. \ \ mean a larger business for us and w \ greater savings for our friends BHH9 \ than ever before. Make the Econ- II A \ omy Shoe Basement your shoe ® store for the coming year. A SOFT KID LEATHER TASTEFULLY BEADED Health Insurance for Men!! - The Comfortable Boys and Girls Shoe You’ve Always _ IIM 14,5 hard to r«t youngsters W/ynforf _ 11-I-BmH t° P u t on their rubbers and ttzfirWti. \ ovenhoe,, but here’, the foot And , t the rice wa „ t to \ /®'l P rot « tol - ‘>>7 »H »•- The pay . Feet which „ ek real \ \rea: S | 'aX ' l K° rous »tylo Os these high f oot reat will find this soft, » 'vt 8 ap P'°* to b °y’ and I> rl > velvety kid leather blucher a K Z>EO < : Su,>,rt «»w made to Ood „ nd . It ., fuD fSjrWX \ r ' S 'tl f erCe Wyom,n ® winter leaves room for every toe. The \V'MwStX I 1; / 8 soles are flexible. Goodyear / \ welted. Rubber heels .that C \ Boys sizes 12 to 2 $4.48 take away all the jar. Comfort Boys sizes 2H to 6 $4.98 from tho very first da y- GW ’ s ,il, « 12 to 2 M.2S ~ £&&&s g jUSfeSj-. A Girl's sire, 2Hto 7 »4.7 S J UW Childrens eH to 8 *2.48 STOUT BROWN Children’s 8 H to 11 *2 98 ■ LEATHER ROOMY TOES STURDY SHOES •» AND FLEXIBLE SOLES of our re P air department become regular ones. at a V ‘Ce> thou * htfu1 ’ Painstaking work I Wgs ECONOMY SHOE BASEMENT be to have a card ready and have It filled out. asking him If he had it listed elsewhere. If not ask him how long he would caro to leave it ex clusively with you. Ask him to sign this card and you have gained his confidence. “Second comes the use of such n listing ns a benefit to realtors. Our office finds it a permanent record, a | reference in sorting out something for a salesman to show, a reference in making up advertisements, and Inst but not least it shows your au thority to sell when you can lay be fore your buyer a card with price, terms, and the owner's signature CTr Casper Cailp Crf&une upen !t. The client Is satisfied that you are offering it aa the owner has instructed you. Much comment has been made about real estate men. not realtors, listing property at one fig. ure and selling It at another. “Exclusive listing will cause per sons to discontinue the practice of shopping with their property, and win restore confidence witj) the buy ing nnd selling public. Let us not abuse th.s method by simply tying up all pieces of* property, some ot which we know at the time of listing we cannot sell, that we do not have ihe clients for such property, that t Is ont of our territory, or that the price is too high. Tell them in a nice u»y that you are nut in a position to give them service, recommend some other realtor, or Inform them that you consider their price too high." “The purchase of Casper Real Es tate as an Investment” will be the ;op‘c for next meeting. Chester Eaker will prepare a paper on this subject. Mayor 8. K. Loy and the member* of the new city council will be invited to attend a meeting of the board two weeks from today. PESGOrSOUADS mvEjm (Continued from Psge 1.) neres. employed 750 men In three shifts. WASHINGTON, Jan. ♦—lnvesti gation Into the cause of the Pekin explosion will be begun Satwday by Government experts. g The Pekin disaster was one of the worst of its kind in hlntory. A sim ilar explosion In a starch factory nt Cedar Rapids, lowa, a few years ago. resulted in the death of 43 ern ployes and property damage of sev eral million dollars. Investigation of a large number of slmi'ar explo sions had led experts here to con elude that under certain conditions they can occur in any industrt«i Plant or manufacturing establish-! ment where combustible duM is created. There aye more than 21,- 000 establishments in tho United | States, manufacturing products with: an annual value in excess off 6 000.000,000. VENIZELOS IN GREEK CAPITAL ATHENS. Jan. 4.r-<By the As , soclated Press)—Former Premier Venizeios. who reached Athens at an i early hour today, refused to make a! detailed statement but from his gen era! remarks to Col Plast|ras. head | of tho revolutionary committee and tho several officers and newepapcr man who met him, it is inferred that! he does not take a very optimistic view of the internal political sltua tlon. He said he would carefully study < tha situation and that he would en deavor to help h|s country otit of her < present difficulties. New Cardinals • "S 1 r -t -*■ j&/$k *' IT < <w I'varlwte Lucldi, papal audit •• (top) and Mgr. Aurelio Gall! (hot tom photo.) < Irector geneva! of the Vatican recently created cardinals at a consistory. _ ■BAPTISTS PICK THIS CITY FOR inn State Activities to Be Directed From Cas per, Decision. ) Selection of Casper aa the city in which the atate headquarters of the Baptist denomination are to be locat ed. with Joe P. Jacobs in direct charge of the organisation as its executive secretary, featured the meeting here yesterday of. the execu- tive board of the Wyoming Baptist state convention. Action win be taken at once to secure suitable offices and a home for the secretary. Those present from ' other parts of the state yesterday ' contributed liberally to a fund which will be essential to the proper con -1 duct of the work during the present ' year. A campaign is soon to be Ftarted which will have as its ob jective the raising of means suf ficient to make certain the locating of the office and home in this c-ty. The Baptists are the first of any religious denomination to designate Casper as state headquarters ana Dr. Jacobs will Ub only denomina tional secretary living here. There are at present three Baptist churches within the city limits and with the state organization centered tn Cas per an excellent growth and showing arc predicted for 1924. Temporarily ' I means— Beauty/ HEALTH and beauty go hand in hand. Where the system is run down—the face drawn and hag gard—the body limp and lifeless— beauty is missing. Looks of pity supplant those that might have been gazes of admiration. Restore your health and beauty will take care of herself. 8. S. S.— the rich blood builder—rekindles the spark of health and lights the blaze of beauty by building red blood cells. The nerve power cf your system finds life in these very blood cells. Build mere red blood cells and your nerve power will in crease. 8. 8. 8. builds them. Rich blood will tingle through your sys tem. That lost charm will return. Your entire system will bo re paired. You will be ready to cope with the Impurities and blemishes , that handicap beauty. As physical health moans beauty so, too, does S. 8. 8. mean beauty. For 8. 8. S. means systems that aro free from Impurities pimples, blackheads, acne, bolls, eczema, rheumatism. 8. 8. 8. and good health go hand in hand. S. 8. 8. is made of pure vege table ingredients. It is sold at sill good drug stores. Tho y large size bottle is more economical. ' C C <-■>;*« You Feel JggirjJl JI like Yourself Again JANUARY CLEARANCE AT DAVID’S s s Closing out our entire stock of Piece Goods; 1 ■; everything marked at cost and below. Including our curtain materials, silks, outing flannels, ginghams, imported dress crepes. Every yard of piece goods must be closed out in the next few days. j: Come and convince yourself of the real values we are offering. CLEARANCE SALE ON DRESSES, COATS & SWTS jC, One big lot of Dresses including wool and silk. StS Regular values up to $25.00. Sale Price— hJjSy*:s?? Bkm SA so-so ■ 1 big lot of silk and wool Dresses. Regular - values up to $35.00. Sale Price— BgnHEM&K * 19 — W . Heavy flat crepes, tricotine, lace, evening Dresses ■ are included in this lot. // “TißßhlieM IV One big lot of silk and wool Dresses. Regular values up to $45.00. Sale price ,at — Ml, Vv ■W V " s 24 | HOE These Are Our Very Best Street Dresses in Stock U X I ONE-THIRD OFF ON ALL COATS '* AND SUITS • ff JOE DAVID & CO. 227 South Center D , Phone 747 l headquarters will ba at the First Baptist church where Dr. Jacoba has > i 1 | ■ Stomach Misery, I ' Gas, Indigestion )I ■ . ■ “Pape’s Diapepsin” Cor- 1 I rects Sour, Upset Stom achs at Once “Pape's Diapepsin" Is the quick ( est, surest relief for indigestion, ( gasea, flatulence, heartburn, sour , neaa. fermentation or stomach dis- j tress caused by acidity. A few tab lets give almost Immediate stomach relief. Correct your stomach and digestion now for a few centa. Druggists sell millions of packages. —Advertisement. WATCH FOR THE A-B-C NINETY AND NINE SATURDAY SPECIALS “Buy It for Less at The Fad” MEN’S FINE QUALITY OVERCOATS Values 826.75 I Other Good Overcoats $16.75 and $22.75 ■ MEN’S ALL LEATHER DRESS SHOES $3.95 and $4.45 MEN’S SOLID LEATH ER WORK SHOES— Standard makes. Sale prices, $1.95, $2.45, $3.45 and $4.45. • W. L. Douglas Shoe, No Name Hats t ’T’L. 17 A T\ 22° SOUTH ine rAU center ST . Michaels-Stern Clothes Signal Shirts FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1924 : i*en conducting services and will , continue in charge until the appoint- I xnant of a regular pastor. ( ; For result* try a Tribune Classi fled Ad. PEARL WHITE LAUNDRY AT YOUR SERVICE Phone 1702 FOR RENT Store room 20x60 with full basement in Chandler building, 617 East Second street. Inquire at A. E. Chandler Filling Station MEN’S UNION SUITS— Extra heavy all wool “buckskin,” AC Special, each*? MEN’S WOOL UNION SUlTS—“Durhapi” knit $2.45 Heavy Cotton Union Suits, each .... .$1.45 LEATHER VESTS Moleskin, sheep-lined and corduroy Work Clothing nt discount ..... /O