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PAGE FOUR STEPSTAKENTO CURB FANATICS N PHILIPPINES Slayers of 19 to Be Cut Off From the Mainland. * MANILA. Jan. 11.—(By Th* Asso ciated Press.)—Orders to cut off all communication bstween th* main* land and Bucas Island, whence re port* recently told of the slaying > of 1# constabulary soldiers by re-1 llglous fanatic*, have been sent to the governor of Surigao province. Island of Mlndanoa. The orders emanated from the executive bu reau here. The object of the move I* to pre vent the fenatlrs from coming to the mainland, possibly to attack the Inhabitant* there, and to hold them In one place until the force of con stabulary now enroute to reinforce the Surigao patrol can arrive. With this addition of 300 men to the Su-1 rigso force, it la believed the fa- i nat lea can be rounded up easily, pro- • vlded they are not allowed to reach the mainland and scatter. After rounding them up. all those not de- I talned In connection with the slay ing of the constabulary men will be sent home. It is stated that the expectation Is this can be aceom pished without further trouble. NEW MFETEHIA OPENEO IN THE WEST HOTEL The West cafeteria was opened up yesterday In the basement of the West Hotel building under the pro. prtetorship of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hennessy. Two hundred person* were served during the day. Mr. ond Mrs. Hennessy formerly operated the Bachelor’s club. 230 North Park street. They have had considerable experience in the bus!- ness and should bo able to please thetr patrons. The present plan is In addition to the cafeteria to serve a short order breakfast from 6:30 a. m. until 9 a. m. The space which the establishment occupies Is large and has been ar ranged for the convenience of pa trons. Forest Policy Is To Increase Timber Growth WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.—The Im mediate aim of the forestry poUcy i <4T the United States should be tu | Increase ns rapidly as possible, the rate at which timber Is produced on land suited to this form of use. the senate reforestation committee •aid In Its report submitted to the | senate. The committee held that the main lines of attack to accomplishing thia purpose should be: To extend public forest ownership In areas where special public in terests or responsibilities are in volved: like the protection of navi gable river*, and also where the nat ural difficulties cost* and hazards attending reforestation renOir It Im practicable or remote as a private undertaking. To remove the risk and handicaps from private timber growing es far as practicable. In order to. give the greatest possible incentive to com-. xnercial reforestation. Completion of the federal pur- I chases of forest lands contemplated ■ by tho Weeks law for the protection ! of the watersheds of navigable [ streams, also was recommended to gether with legislation authorising acceptance, under certain circum stances, of grants or bequest of for **t lands from private owners. Muscle Shoals Offer Received WASHINGTON. Jan. 11.—Secre tary Weeks lias received still un ether proposal for disposition of the Nisei* Shoals project. Detail* of the new plan have not been disclosed, but it contemplates manufacture of nitrates for fertil izer. SIOUX FALLS BANK FAILS SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Jan. 11.— The Sioux Falls National Rank, cap italized for 3150,000 one of the old est banks in South Dakota, failed tu open Its doors today. The bunk opened May 1. ISB2. The December 31 statement of the bank gave de posits of more than $2,500,000. For results try a Tribune Classi fied Ad. It. M. Andrus and A. E. Thomp son of th* Standard Oil company returned yesterday from ft business trip to Denver, Florence and Laramie. ManyßtrsinessFolk JWe know that rf&f SCOTT'S EMULSION Increases Energy VENiZELOS TO TAKE PREMIER'S JOB 111 FORMING NEW CABINET . ATHENS. Jan. Jl.—(By The Aimo-. (elated Press)—Ex-Pr«m!er Yenisei** decided today to form a cabinet In which he will be premier, without ■ ' portfolio with Georges Roussos, re publican liberal leader, as foreign , (minister. as th* only possible so’u- Jtlon of the protracted governmental, ’crisis. STATE LAND IS ‘SOLD HERE AT PUBLIC-AUCTION Os the six parcels of state land eold Thursday at auction at the county court house by Sheriff Mor ns. only one parcel brought much competitive bidc-ing. That was 400 : acres in section 16-31N-SIW which I was sold to Julia Mueller at $19.25 per acre. ■ Th* other parcel* and their pur chasers included. Thirty-seven acres In section 1- 132N-80W to Kenneth W. Leavitt for 11. C. Leavitt at $lO per acre. j Forty acres In section 13-38N-84W, to Marlon T. Baskett at $lO per acre. Ono hundred and twenty acres in section 13-29N-MW, to Carl F. Shu maker for the Spurlock Ranch com pany at $lO per acre. Forty acres In section 15-35N-85W to the Pine Mountain Sheep com pany at $lO per acre. Three hundred and twenty acree in section 17-31N-78W to Silas N. Brooks for $lO per acr*. BOSTON STORE LAUNCHES BIG SALE J CLOTHING Attractive reductions In the prices of merchandise are being offered by , the Boston store. 260 South Center street. This establishment was foe merly the Learner Shoe and Cloth , ing company but changed hands re cently. The present stock Is being sold JANUARY SALE Our entire stock of women’s and girls’ winter apparel must go. We must clear away all winter stocks. Our Mr. Hirsch is now in New T ork. Now, crisp merchandise; only a few days and the express will be rushing new spring hats, dresses and other merchandise. Radi cal reductions on all stock now on hand. Come and bring your friends and neighbors. We want all to share in this big bargain event. DRESSES & COATS COATS COATS COATS Women’s and misses’ coats in this special *?i ÜBt gO , and ! ? t are coats j n this Jot are about fourteen coats of very lot are mostly plushes; good quality; many nicely Rood quality. nil-wool velours. boHvias, sizes to choose from-?- ail well fmishcd, nicely polos; best dress and sport styles. See these and convince yourself what wonder- $8.95 $14.95 DRESSES DRESSES Here are the values you have been waiting rtDCCCCC In this assortment are dresses of wool nut- for. Dresses of the finest kind of all-wool DKtOjtZ) terials, also some silk dresses in this lot, and fine quality silks, suitable for street nicely finished; during this sale— or evening wear in a choice assortment of A very special assortment of dresses; silks, colors, good styles, fancy trimmed; values satqis and all-wool materials. A good se gj* T g> IEZ up to $42.50; during this sale— lection of styles and colors— g7 ' 95 $23.85 $11.95 GIRLS’ GINGHAM DRESSES Good quality, nicely trimmed, in ■ variety of sizes, colors id styles. .OgC SILK BLOUSES S F" - CHILDREN’S HOSE n a-iv m I Stockings for boys and girls, fine 4 “V S, ’ k B J°^ a A • ribbed. Regular 20c values JLwO ricty of kinds; V ulllCS Up to SD.OO BUNGALOW APRONS |" Women’s Bungalow Aprons of good quality T?V / T'l) A OBUPIAI SILK BLOUSES percale and ginghams. During '7Qx» IL AI KA TA Jl /\ 1 i A special selection of all Silk Blouses in a this sale 4St * kJ* *-/VJ*X **> range of beautiful colors; fancy trimmcd; 1 11 ’ 1 ' nrnnr Tmoje very fine quality silk; artistic- ic*/l Off GYM BLOOMERS WOOL HOSE ally trimmed. Values up to $lO. gHLoO Extra fine quality black sateen Gym. Silk Finish, All Sizes. Regular $1.25 Value qtt nr nr’eve Bloomers. Cut full size. CM Qft ODUtJ&r,b During this sale «J>JL.OeF A ,‘ Sllk Blouses; assortment of styles and colors; values up to $7.50. CO Off SILK BLOUSES f To cloge out at yOeVO S":.— .$2.95 < “ THE LEADER •- Undersells IB ■ giQgjg KSHE ■■■ H Wk Accommodating • I M. Venizelo* reached this decision 1 • after General Dan glia, who con sen’- | i ed yesterday to endeavor to form a ' I ministry luud failed. General DanglK failure caused the i[ keenest disappointment to Venlaeloa • and his decision to become premier. !, himself waa taken aa apparently the 'only course remaining open. cheaper than usual In order to make room on the shelve* for arrlvlnff i eprln* orders. Patronage for the' atore has been gr*at and shows every evidence of continuing. Th* fact that It la located out of the high' rent district makes It a place to a*-| cur* bargains not usually found. STAfEMOTOR LINE PROPOSED CHEIENNE, Wyo., Jan. 11.—Ad dison A. Spaugh of Lusk, among those who recently Incorporated the Wyoming Bus I/ne company, ha* mad* application to th* Wyoming Public Service commission for a cer tificate of convenience and necesalty authorizing the operation of motor busses between Cheyenne and Cas per. Cheyenne and Fort Collins, Cheyenne and Rawlins. Wheatland and Bridgeport. Neb., Douglas and Crawford, Neb., and Casper and Yel lowstone Park, the latter over two routes, one via Greybull and the other via Two-Go-Tee pass. It is no longer the dangeroua, infamous disease of a I m few years ago. Because of the discovery of ‘’Pyro-Form” I ■ it has lost its terrors. “Pyro-Form” will positively banish B ■ the disease in from 20 to 30 days- It is sold with that 3 B guarantee by John Tripeny Co., and all good druggists. ■ erne carorr «?aiip ertnunr LIGHT RAIN AND iSNOW GENERAL IN BIGJEGON 1 Latest Storm Extends 1 From Arizona to Montana Line. 'j I DENVER, Coin-. Jan. 11—Light' mln and snow fell tn some «*etior.a • Jof the Rocky Mountal natates ye*-| t*rday and last night, an aftermath ' of the storm that descended upon regions east of Colorado yesterday i and Wednesday. Lewistown. Anaconda. Boseman.' MlssouU and other towns in Mon-1 tana reported snow of varying depth yesterday and last night, but with temperatures generally around 32, degrees above zero. Colorado experienced mild, nor- ' maJ weather, temperatures ranging from 45 to 30 above. Reports ia*t night from New Mexico and Arizona were ’’fair and warmer.” OMAILt Neb., Jan. 11—Nebraska) was gradually getting back to nor- WHOOPING COUGH VV No “cure"—but helps to re f f due* paroxysm* of coughing. V! c * s mal today after tr-ggmg out from under one of the hoariest and most widespread snow wtorms of tho win ter. DeenoralUed wire servlc*. lev- Saturday Specials ‘Buy It For Less at THE FAD’ Men’s Suits and Sale Prices on Overcoats Men’s Hats Dependable all wool'fab- Good quality ( j<m rics; popular styles; sale made) Ha ts. Late styles. "$lB 75 AND K ” $22.75 75c ”■ Boys' Suits, ®E Off " choice each.ytfeertf Men’s Flannel Men’s Underwear , At Money Saving c H h Tc«M„ Prices plaids. $6.00 0Q Qff Heavy cotton ribbed relucs ’ for ’ ’ Union Suits, o*4 AC Other good values at each >1.45, $1.95, $2.45. “Wool Process" Union ?ach $1.48 Men’s Leather Faced Extra heavy all wool Gloves, OQ/b “Buckskin” fl* fl £E P air Unions ... V *.*tv Men’s White Handker- Heavy wool Durham rhfafn * S” s “'“-.52.45 4c ————— Blue Chambray Work Leather Vests 69C Moleskin, corduroy and , ’ ''_ ’ 1 _ sheep-lined work cloth- Me , n ’ cotton Socks, ing at P Bir 20 PER CENT Men’s Dress OAn DISCOUNT Shirts, each .■■ OvU W. L. Douglas Shoes No Name Hats T" U C ET JI fV 220 SOUTH I nIL ■ XLJ CENTER ST. Michaels-Stern Clothes Signal Shirts Hied telephone poles and delayed . train schedules wera being restored ■ as rapidly as possib’*. No low temperatures were reported. I The High Grade Spread for Bread Nucoa | ■ Pure Cocoanut oil refined Peanut oil churned J | in sweet sterilized milk—with S necessary salt—that's all • MMMMMMMMMMMMM.I.EaSSBMMMMgg.I,Ii Week End Specials Oranges, per doz 25c Fancy California Celery, 2 bunches 35c Head Lettuce ]O C Fruits—Vegetables—Dairy Products Molder & Gauvain New Public Market Building —— HENCH Grocery&Market Phone 2040 826 East A SATURDAY SPECIALS BUTTER, lb. 55 c 4—No. 2 Tomatoes 48c 4—No. 2 Corn. ,48c 2—Cans Peaches 3(k. Strawberries, per can 10c Roman Beauty Apples, box $1,50 Apples, 5-lbs 25c Pascal Celery, 2 bunches < 25c Sweet Potatoes, lb 10c Onions, 5-lbs , 25c 8 CANS MILK, _gg c Hominy, per pkg '. .. 10c Starch, Laundry. 2 pkgs ...15c Oyster Crackers, per lb ; ...10c Sugar, 9 lbs ;. .SI.OO Pork Chops, lb 25c Loin Steak, lb 25c Lean Pork Roast, lb.. 15c Beef Roast, lb 15c Lean Pork Steak, lb. 18c Veal Steak: lb.’. Round Steak, lb 25c Bulk Lard, 2 lbs 35c ; Home Dressed Poultry—Lunch Meats WE DELIVER IT’S THE BUNGALOW’S TREAT 1 Saturday and Specials ARE SYNONIMOUS ARENT THESE CATCHY? Apples, Black Twigs, Romes, per box $1.45 Spuds, per cwt $1.75 Corbett Creamery Butter, per lb 55 c 2- bottle Lemon or Vanilla Extract ,25c 3 pkgs. Spaghetti or Egg Noodles 25c Crystal White Soap Chips, per pkg 25c Sea Foam, large size pkg 25c 3- Cady Sugar Cookies 65 c Bungalow Grocery and Market 4J2 East Fifth St. Phones 22—23 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11,192 t