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PAGE TEN //< Flesh/ MANY are the eyes that aro turned to gaze with keen ad miration on the well developed, healthy girl no matter where eho | may be—on the rapidly moving thoroughfare or gliding gracefully over the dance floor. All eyes turn because we all ap preciate the girl with the figure so firm and plump—the girl with radlantlv red cheeks, cheeks that cairy <* touch of roses from na ture's own garden—the girl with the sparkling eyes, keen and sharp —the girl with buoyancy and the swing of youth. Not necessarily an out-of-doors girl. Just a girl with ever in creasing blood cells. Just a girl filled with the vim and vigor of youth. S. S. 8., glnce 1826. has stood for Increased blood cells. S. S. S. means restored strength—rekin dled vitality—added energy. Take S. S. S. and watch the bloom of youth return to your cheeks. Watch that flabby, ill nourished flesh fade away before flesh that is flrm and plump. Red blood cells will do it and S. S. 8. will build them. It contains only pure vegetable in gredients. 8. 8. S. is sold at all a good drug stores. The large Jj. Bire bottle is more economl cal. jfiSLc C C Y«u Fed 0.0,0. uke Yourself Again PYRO-FORM is the world’s greatest and most suc cessful remedy for the treatment of Pyorrhea. Sold under the guarantee that your money will be refunded if it fails to banish the disease in from 20 to 30 days. For sale by John Tripeny Co., and all good druggists. REMOVAL SALE On All Merchandise in the Store Except Ford Parts BRODIE RUBBER CO. Your Accessory House Phone 1203 WEEK END SPECIALS Fresh killed young fat turkeys, lb.£ ' ojc. Fresh killed milk-fed chickens, lb ~~ * 2k_ Nice Red Bliss Potatoes, per cwt. ~ ”” V» 7c Sweet Oranges, 2 dozen ’ 45 Large California Celery, 2 stocks 2” Creamery Butter ~” 55® Extra Fancy Jonathan Apples, any size you want—box $2 40 Large Roman Beauty Apples, box . li’as Grape Fruit, 4 sor —J——.J—»25c Look Our Full Uno of Fresh Fish Over—Just Arrived Today Butter-Nut Coffee J. & M. Coffee Mother’s Aluminum Brand Oats, 3U lbs. ’ Columbine Flour, 24 lbs. ...2—"ZZZZIZZZZZSSc WE DELIVER PHONE Z6Z7 People’s Fruit and Vegetable Market IN THE PUBLIC MARKET BUILDING Second and Beech Tribune Wantads Bring Results Chicago & North Western System C. &N. W. Ry. C ., st p. ( M & o Ry What the Railroads Accomplished in 1923 Under the Transportation Act ‘ h ° the r p,e by culties and with virtually no car short- ‘ °\ wa ff ea . purchase of supplies and age. materials, taxes, interest and rentals THEY placed in service nearly 200,000 95 per cen * Climated) of the gross new freight cars and nearly 4,000 income received from transportation. , T HE,R helped .U bu sin .„ I e ; p^?ed £ Or C( l u, P men t and A and all credit by making turn-over. J- other facilities, $1,076,000,000, and more ranid * paid as taxes over $300,000,000. rapia. rpHEY expended for fuel, materials T H P Trana P°rtation Act provides that J. and supplies used in current opera- . ra,lroada ' W earn a 5% per tion and maintenance almost SI,BOO.- cenc r . r ' ,one of the different 000,000, and paid their employes aver- ni| O 'e > i S dld T SO 1 j 1 ? 2 . 3 ’ the average for age annual wages equal to almost I! 3 L r ° ada beln * 5.11 per cent, double the amount of the average an- "nile the North Western Region group Dual wages paid in 1915. earned less than 4 per cent. BARNEY GOOGLE AND SPARK PLUG By Billey De Beck I llyex goiw. sunshine \ lifiHk f y Youat Shovajiiuo moae \ I 1 II I ©V (MT£LLiGEMCe. I V > X. I■ 11/ evw oay. th, first | suh! VII / PHgoY I \ ( YOU YOUR. S—T )' f ■ a 48, MiMg wsfiw IMMIffiiWB Illi I T 1 Isl GASOLINE ALLEY-AVERY LAYS PLANS FOR A COUNTER ATTACK sF' wVT 0 Tpswramo' EF Tue M.TTBR „ WMAT 0,0 YOV OO J WONT HAVE ) INSURANCE ANO S OUT TXAT KOJUST«HS INSUSANC. J A FELLOW J BLUFF ME. I'M CO,NO 1 if A^^oJA' AX ' R y B6UEV ' ME “e°«A WAY, I / BAN INTO ITO OET SOME PERSONS PL YOU STOP T/—J.■ OAMAOe ANO § THE COMBANV / ' \ BOILED. I MC ONCE I WITNESSES ANO FISHT j SEEING ACCIDENT mA HIS TOO M W.LL PAY 7 / \ ANDI I HIM TO A FRAZZLE. J. a-,.,, -ISIL the bill /y>s>) ,wa <, z collected > J b° u *-. I ' VCJX t' tnno i / rfk yS .NEAR Ito TH. zs zS-X —2>s!rV~WT««g T when sedan iiWM ® 7 ' 1 z'aflW *) 03 -U-s stopp’d short iifi ’'z'X vi i’ mJ 11 11, I IraMW l JSinKiJlffiiw r, > \ H \/tArl causing ilk *■ Wmk Xa Hi i wW* Tn ' w /_» yV. VQi JE ■“3 /W Mffif I fl ?! IB i WKMftlx YiaQj HI rW T < fAii/r~i r «-«noti C v Jo / /v z H LI “//• • AvEnv “> HE BluWl’S v ’ft „JP i L H iflM Hwßmnw// v 117' W ik Jli o*-<iAsouNE ■ #Wz WK Umbw/ w j—J hMF II TIME LIMIT ON PUT ISSOUGHT (Continued From Page One) be changed to a • longer time, pay able at five per cent. The basic complaint of the set tlers is that the actual cost of con struction had Increased many times tho estimated cost but that the time limit for payment has not been ex tended a particle. Added to this the farmers have met many reverses over which they had no control, the delegates maintained. When, as In one project, the cost of construction Was estimated at S3O per acre, and proved to be over SIOO per acre, and since ths twenty year payment plan was based upon lower cost of production the dele gates claimed an extension of thne would no more than equalize the greatly Increased costs. There was no bitterness in the I various complaints registered by the farmers and their represents- I tives. There was no expression of lack of faith In the government's ability to carry out its work. Any criticism which was made was made with the view of obtaining a remedy. Records were produced to show Stpmach Misery, Gas, Indigestion "Pape’s Diapepsin” Cor rects Sour, Upset Stom achs at Once “Pape’s Diapepsin” Is the quick est. surest relief for Indigestion, gases, flatulence, heartburn, sour ness, fermentation or stomach * dis tress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stom ach relief. Correct your stomach and digestion now for a few cents. Druggists sell millions of packages. —Advertisement. CBt Caspet Catlp f~rft>nne that the percentage of delinquents was increasing yearly. Records were produced to show that tho expenses were far greater than the govern- . ment had first indicated. Engineering •mistakes were ' charged against the service by some | of the Idaho delegates and one man at least charged "prodigality of ex i>endituroß,” and cited reservoirs in Idaho which were purchased by the government at too high prices. Wiliam Weisner, the sjrakesman for the Yyma, Arizona, project stat ed that "the banks will loans us money to buy mues, but they will not loan us money to buy water. In the first case the money stays in the west; in the second it goes to Washington.” Mr. Weisner also advocated that the government take over the forty miles of levees which were being maintained by the settlers of the Yuma project to keep the Colorado river from devastating the region. He stated that the real solution of this problem was the big dam which would have been built had not the legislature of his own state “em balmed” the Colorado river cpm pact. Tho reasons why the projects have fallen into the present financial condition were given by T. A. Wal ters. an Idaho attorney, as “the lack of a well known and reason- ■ ably enforced policy on the part of the government; failure of the government to construct a cbmpiete and effective system; to the failure of the government to set up an effi cient organisation for operation: ' and to economic conditions over which the settlers had no contro'.” I BOOKS ADDED BY LIBRARY |IN JANUARY New books received at the Natrona County Public Library for January include the following: “The Call of the Canyon,” Zane Gray. “The Cinder Buggy,” Garet Gar rett. • “The Terms of Conquest,” How ard Vincent O’Brien. “The Inverted Pyramid,”" Ber trand Sinclair. “The Lone Wolf Returns,” Louis J. Vance. “Bunk.” W. E. Woodward. “Th© Coast of Folly,” Coningsby Dawson. “The King Versus Wargrave,” J. S. Fletcher. “The Steadfast Heart,” Clarence B. Kcliand. “The High Place,” James Branch Cabell. “The Inexcusable Lie,” Harold R. I Peat. “Rlceyman Steps,” Arnold Ben nett. ! "Streets of Night,” John DosPas -BOS. | “Michael’s Evil Deeds.” E. p. Op, penheim “Jim Hanvey Detective,” Octavus Roy Cohen. •‘The Black Parrot,” Harry Her vey. "The Gaspards of Plnecrott.” Ralph Connor. “Happy Isles,” Basil King. “Croatan,” Mary Johnston. “Best British Short Stories," O'Brien & Cournos. "Best Plays of 1922-1923.” Burns Mantle. “My Garden of Memory,” Kato D. Wiggin. "Postscripts.” O’Henry. “Inward Ho.” Christopher Morley. “Field of Philosophy." J. a. Leigh ton. ' “Redeeming Old Homes,” A. T, Hill. “Radio For All." H. Gernsback. “Makins loursett, ' o. S. Mardon. "The Out Trail,” Mary Roberts Rinehart. "Twelve Tests of Character.” 11. E. Fosdick. "Railroad Electrification,” A. J. Manson. E. R. WILLIAMS STORES STORE NO. 1 STORE NO. 2 STORE NO. 3 Grant Street Grocery and Central Grocery and B] ue Front Grocery Market Market ... _ ~ , J 815 S. Grant Street 129 West Second 446 South Wolcott Phone 1168—289 Phone 10—11 Phone 457—458 Specials for Saturday & Monday APPLES BY THE BOX . . . . $1.45 w I 98 'lb s - Pride of the Rockies S3.4s ■4 I 111 1 48-lbs. Pride of the Rockies ßl,7s **4VX V | 24-lbs. Pride of the Rockies —9O c 10-lb. sack Com Meal, yellow or white 3sC 10-lb. sack Graham Flour 45c 25-lb. sack Yellow Corn. Meal 75c i-ib. pkg. cocoa 35c After Invoice E ']g Us c h a„ B T?2“ , ± Clean-Up Sale ■ n .‘rTk 7-''"“I, EXTRACTS Cliquot Club Ginger Ale, hottie 2-oz. Raspberry.. DOttie Z«JC 2-oz. Pineapple „^ er . 2-oz. Maple Bottle 2-oz. Lemon. . 1 C_ Linit Starch, two pkgs. lsc 2 -° z -Strawberry IOC 9 bars Pearl White Soap_4s C EX ~ aCt „ 7"" T 81.70 Wild Rose Glycerine Toilet 8 -°?- P r t Pnce s Lemon Soap, 4 bars 2sC E 90c Pure Tar Toilet Soap, 4-oz. Dr. Price s Lemon 4 bars 25c Extract 45c No-Water Cleanser lsc No. 10 can Blackberries. Cans (Better Than Skat) NO. io can Apricots.... a .‘"k- Libby’s Plum Pudding, Six Large Rolls Toilet Paper . . . 25c WE DELIVER TO ANY PART OF THE CITY These Prices Are Good at All Three Stores Telephone Your Order i "What is Success,” Roger W. Bab son. “Humanizing of Knowledge,” J. H. Robinson. “The Irish Guards In the , Great War.” Rudyard Kipling. "Wonders of the Past,” Hammer ton. •The Praise of Folly," Bliss Perry. t -The Trail of the Elk," M. Fon hus. FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1924 Classified Rales Effective March ». Two tents per word o« ten cents ’‘no AD less THAN >0 CENT* Five average words used as • basis of estimating -CI- BLACKFACE CAP HEADLINE will be charged the apace of twa lines. All charged advertising will be booked ’set !»nes” Irrespective of tne number of words. CORRECTION OF CLASSIFIED AD ERRORS. The Casper Daily Iribu.w win not be responsible tor more than one incorrect Insertion of any ad vertisement ordered for more than one time. Enora not the fault of the advertiser which clearly lessen the real vaiue of the advertisement will be rectified only by publication without extra charge within FIVE days after insertion. No repub Hear tion will bu made when the does not materially affect the sense or purpose of the advertisement. " TELEPHONE ADS. Careful attention will be given-aj ads received over the TEL& PHONE, but we cannot guarantee accuracy. CLOSING HOUR. Want Ads to he classified proper ly must be in The Casper Daily Tribune office before 10:00. Want Ads received after 10.-00 to 12:00 E. m., w<U be inserted under the ead 'Too Late to Classify.’* OUT OF TOWN ADVERTISE MENTS Must be accompanied by cash or check in fuli payment of the same. Note the foregoing Inst motions about counting the words and the rate per word for the Casper Dally Tribune. Bow to Answer Blind Classified ads. In answering blind ads In these columns please be careful to use ho precise address given in the sdvertisement. Write the address plainly. Letters brought to The Tribune ofTiee do not require ttamps. Always inclose your an swers In sealed envelope. In re plying to advertisements where 'eferencea are asked for. do not send the original reference. Bend ■ ouies of tb«cn only. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED—High class real estate i salesman with car; good opportu nity for the right man. Baker-Grudo . Investment Co.. 133 N. Wolcott. Phone 1189. WANTED—Rea? estate salestnafT with car. one knowing Casper is preferred. Fidelity Realty Co. Zut termelster Bldg. HELP WANTED—MAU AND j FEMALE MAKE $25 to $75 weekly writing showcards for us in spare time; no canvassing; simp e .nstructloris; steady work. Dept. 1352 National Studios, 6121 Dorchester, Chicago. | HELP WANTED—FEMALE j - WANTED—Lady to care for two children, oneha'f days and assist with light housework. Phone 1790 R. WANTED— Competent maid for general housework; one who will go homo nights. 231 W. Tenth. WANTED—WdYnen and ch.ldren’s hair cutting; that’s our specialty it 35c. Under Grill Case. GIRLS learn marcelling under personal direction of Betty her self; will also teach complete course In beauty work; classes now form ng. Apply Betty’s Beatty Par lor. basement, Becklinger Bldg or Phone 467 J. 23 PER CENT OF farmers ON THEROCKS 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. H.—Mom than 23 per cent of farmers in fif teen northwestern states are in solvent, Senator Brookhart. Repub lican. lowa, declared in the senate. He estimated that the same per- I centage would hold throughout tho ! country. j Taking a group of 16,200 farms in the wheat belt, Senator Brook hart said a recent survey showed approximately 2,800 had been lost in 1923 by foreclosure, 3,000 "with- , out the formality of legal procedure’’ and 10,400 retained by their owners "only through th* leniency of creditors." "I deny that the condition of farmers improved In 1928 over 1922," he said, “despite official statements of existence of general prosperity." ALASKAN TOWN IS ROCKED BY EARTHQUAKE I STEAMS HIP LA TOUCHE, via St. Paul Island, Alaska, Jan. 18.- (By The Associated Press)—The in ! habitants of Belkofsky and vicinity ** reported that a severe earthquake occurred at 1:50 “Tuesday morning. The southern edge of Pavlof vol cano blew off. Belkofsky is on the Alaska peninsula. St. Pau! Island is one of the Pribllof islands. The shock lasted seven minutes. Pavlof since the edge blew off, has been emitting steam and smoke den sely. The people in Belkofsky left | their houses in safety, i AUCTION. n/P I®**® 1 ®**® be n big auction sale at -34 South David Saturday after noon at 2 p. m. of household furni ture, rugs, bedding, cooking utensils . d ,’ he ’. etc. Hamed Fur- | hiture Ctx. 234 S. David. Phon* 24$