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PAGE TWO Dependable Dealers Use These Pages FUEL ECONOMY IN MOJO CUR Many Factors Enter Into Use of “Gas” in Automobiles. It Is obvious that fuel consump tion must be somewhat in propor tion to the power required to roll the car. says the Automobile DI pest. The fuel consumption will always be lower on rough roads, in snowy weather, or in hilly country, than with favorable road conditions. Excessive friction at any point in the power transmission system such as is created by braird ot transmission bands will also cause excessive fuel consumption. In cold weather the hot spot can l>c warmed up. and a condition of normal operation reached more quickly by driving the first quarter to one-half mile with th© spark wel’ retarded; this will heat up the ex haust and throw heat to the hot spot. For best economy in fuel, the spark lever should bb well advanced at medium and high speeds. It will tn* found that the engine will pull better at low speeds under heavy load If the spark is somewhat re tarded from the best level road driv ing position. The three remaining essential points for the best operation of the engine are - Flrjt—All cylinders should Lave full and «qual compression. This can be ascertained by nothing the resistance given by each cylinder when cranking slowly with tho igni tion switch off. Second —The spark plugs must be clean, and of the type originally furnished with tbe car; the spark plug gap should be 28-1000 of an inch or about the thickness of a worn dime. Thin!—The timer Huxst be clean and show a smooth track all around; vibrator iioints should also be clean and have proper adjust ment. —Automobile Digest. MMFEATURES TO OCCUPY ATTENTION AT CHICAGO AUTO SHOW CHICAGO. Jan. 26—Public in terest in the 24th.*Annua) National AutomJbilo show ‘at the Coliseum in Chicago, has,been stimulated to an unusual degree by- tho many new mechanical developments which have made their appear unco during the p ast few months. Among these are: Front wheel brakes, balloon tires, new types of high ’compression motors, radical changes in body design and many others too numerous to mention. The Yellow Cab Manufacturing Co., builders of tho famous Yel'ow Cab, which is standard equipment in use by moro than 750 fleet op erators throughout tho world, is credited with being among tho first to pioneer tho use of small dia meter wheels and large crcss-sec tlon “air cushion tires.’’ After two .years’ experimenting on tho streets of Chicago, I’itLsburgh and San Francisco, these were adopted as standard equipment on Yellow y?abs early in 1923. The Wyoming Oldsmobile expects a carload of Oldsmobile Six tourings soirHbJme during the coming week. LISTEN IN! If you have a toothache, do you go to a doctor or dentist How Many So-Called RADIO MEN Are Expert Specialists in Their Line Griebe $175.00 Paragon ...-.5125.00 Neutrodyne ....$120.00 Michigan $ 60.0(1 Felix Thompson Radio Shop 512 East Yellowstone Wyo. Bridge Over Which Mexican Troops Passed ;■“ " • s_ , , • JR - ' . • I ....j/ X .... . .c-- -g- 11 I j -H ,13 Irw ’Bl. am ws El l*a;o—Oter this international border between Mexico and the I nited States, over which Mex’can loyal troops passed. (Insert) The I . 8. 8. Omaha, and its s’ster ship the Richmond, which with six destroyers have been ordered to Vern Crux, the center of the present Mexican revolt crisis. The Rebels now control Vera Crux and it is believed the American ships were ordered there with the purpose of protecting American property and citizen*. How We Spend Your Money in building Studebaker cars Why people buy 150,000 yearly IT is true that we spend lavishly on Studebaker cars. But it's all to your advantage. It is by that spending that we give you the greatest value in the fine-car field. We offer prices no one matches on any comparable cars. That lavish spending led people last year to pay $200,000,000 tor Studebaker cars. And that volume brings our prices down to where they are. $50,000,000 in plants Studebaker assets are $90,000,000. In modem plants and equipment we have $50,000,000. Seventy per cent . of that amount was spent in the past seven years. So it represents the last word in equipment. $8,000,000 in drop forge plants, so every vital part is made to Studebaker standards. $10,000,000 in body plants, so Studebaker ideals may be shown in every body. All that is staked in a permanent way on satis fying fine-car buyers bet ter than our rivals. What extras cost Lack of vibration is a famous Studebaker fea ture. We get that by ma chining crank shafts as they were in Liberty Air plane Motors. That extra cost is over $600,000 yearly. Matchless endurance is another famous feature. One Studebaker Six, still in active use, has run 475,000 miles since 1918. We get that through costly steels. On some we pay 15% i bonus to makers to get formulas exact. Beauty of finish is another su premacy. But that finish requires many operations, including 15 coats i of paint and varnish. Our real leather cushions cost $25 per car over imitation leather. < Every Studebaker car is Timken equipped. The Special-Six and the Big-Six have more Timken bearings than any car selling under $5,600 in LIGHT- SI X 5-Pass. 112’ W. B. 40 H. P. Touring f 995.00 Roadster (3-Pasx.) ... 975.00 Coupe-Roadster (2-Pass.) . . 1195.00 Coupe (5-Pass.) - . - 1395.00 1 Sedan 1485.00 I (All prices f. o. b. factory. Terms to meet your convenience.) STUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE Railroad and Wolcott Phone 1817 The World’s Largest Producer of Quality Automobile; America. The Light-Six more than any competitive car within SI,OOO of its price. In closed cars we offer wondroua luxury. The lining is Chase Mohair, made from the fine, fleece of Angora goats. Velour would cost about one third that, saving up to SIOO a car. Note those bumpers, that steel trunk, those extra disc wheels with cord tires on some models. Note that extra courtesy light. Think what they would cost if you bought them. The cost of care The unvarying standards in Stude baker cars are fixed by a department Don’t Buy Blindly Studebaker is today the leader in the fine-car field. It has made this concern the largest builder of quality cars in the world. You can find nothing in cars at SI,OOO or over to compare with Studebaker values. Studebaker sales have almost trebled in the past three years. The growing demand is the sensation of Motordom. For 72 years the name Studebaker has stood for quality and class. But never so much as today. Then don’t buy a car at SI,OOO or over without learning what we offer. of Methods and Standards. It is enormously expensive. Our constant improvements are due to ceaseless research. 125 ex perts devote their time to the study of betterments. They make 500,000 tests per year. That reliability is due to 12,000 inspections of the material and work manship in each Studebaker car be fore it leaves the factory. This re quires 1,000 inspectors. Being generous with men We pay maximum wages—at least as much as anyone else will pay. SPECIAL - SIX 5-Pass. 119' W. B. 50 H. P. Tearingsl3so.oo Roadster (2-Pass.) . ■ . 1325.00 Coupe (5-Pass.) - - 1895.00 Sedan 1985.00 ldc Lagper Lmiip ttnoune Then we pay extra for continuous service. Last year, 13,000 men in our factories got anniversary checks total $1,300,000. After five years of service those checks amount to 10% of their wages. We spend $2,000,000 yearly on our co-operative work for men. ( Every year we give factory em ployes one week's vacation with pay. That cost us $225,000 last year. We sell them stock on attractive terms. We retire old employes on pensions. All this to keep men happy, to foster morale, and to keep men with It is Limited production, Heavy overhead. Out-of-date machinery, Antiquated methods, Non-economical plants, Transient labor, Discontented workers. We’ve eliminated those things. We’ve done it at what seems to you a heavy cost per car. But each of those extra dollars saves $5, we be lieve. Note what values and what prices have resulted. Note the amaz ing demand—the overwhelming de mand—it has brought for Studebaker cars. BIG - SIX 7-Pass. 126' W. B. 60 H. P. Touring $1750.00 Speedster (5-Pass.) - - - 1835.00 Coupe (5-Pass.) ... 2495.00 Sedan - 2685.00 IF YOU WANT YOUR BUREAU TELL SPARKY J BY SPARK PLUS In keeping with its policy of at tempting to pleas© th© Camper pub lic above everything else, the auto mobile department of the Casper Tribune wpuld like to hear expree , slons of opinion from various and , sundry Inembers of.this population 1 regarding the contemplated Inetal ’ latlon of an up-tb-dat© tour bureau j to be conducted by this newspaper during the months when touring in Wyoming is a distinctive pleasure. This is not a surety, and will be inaugurated only upon the positive expression of the motor owners of Casper in the affirmative. Here is the plan. Beginning at ipproximately the first of May. Sparky wants to open what will probably bo the greatest boon to Casper tourists and tourists of other sections, conceivable. Free road map service, free highway informa tion, a bureau to which the porten- ' al tourist may look for accurate , /eports uix>n road conditions in all parts of the state before venturing forth ui>on a journey in search of ' the beauties of nature afforded by Wyoming, will all be part of the Tribune tour bureau. 1 In addition, if the support of Cas -1 per motor car owners Is forthcom -1 ing. an inexpensive tour club may » be formed, open to all who drive. In connection w’.th tho latter, an us when they develop efficiency. Not extravagance Do such things seem extravagant? They are not. All those extra dol lars save more dollars for our buyers. They result in the cars you see, in the prices and values we offer. Nothing else in the field can com pare. Those values have re sulted in a demand for 150,000 cars per year. That volume cuts our costs in two, as compared with limited production. The cause of over prices under-values is not lavish expenditure. emblem would be given containing the name of the tour club and the city which the car calle home. Thus Casper's famo might be spread far and wide through its motorists. Nothing definite, understand. Spark Plug wants to hear your in nermost thoughts upon the plan here outlined. Let's hear from everyone who reads the Tribune au tomobile section regularly. Send in your suggestions and your ap proval or disapproval of tho poten tial Tribune Tour Bureau. Address all communications to “Spark Plug.” care Tribune. . CASWR MONUMENT WORKS 508 South Conwell. Phone 2542 Removal Sale GREATEST ACCESSORY SALE EVER PUT ON IN CASPER We Are Going to Move to Our New Location in the New Cottman Building On Or About February 15 We want to clean house before we move and we are going to give you the benefit. Everything in Ute house at a Big Reduction with the exception of Genuine Ford Parts. TIRES AND TUBES AT SALE PRICES 30x3 Dia- Cfi OA 30x3'/> Dia- fI»A £?A 33x4 Dia- $4 f AZk mond Fabric. O.OV mond Cord. . mond Fabric Xd.AV 30x31/2 Dia. fln QW 32x 4 Dia- $4 A 4 A 32x4 Dia. S4Q Aft mond Fabric. ■ •□© mond Fabric J.*.*” mond Cord. 33x4 Dia 04 A 35x5 Dia- 09 4 CA mond Cord mond Cord VWXiUU OTHER SIZES IN PROPORTION CHAINS 30x31/. McKay Chains. Sale price $2.00 | 33x4 Weed DeLuxe. Sale price $5 20 30x3 \ > Weed DeLuxe. Sale price $4.00 35x5 Weed extra heavy, prices . .$8.40 32x4 Weed DeLuxe. Sale price $4.80 I All Other Sizes in Proportion A FEW OTHER ITEMS Clymer Windshield Spotlights Electric Cigar Lighters Hot Shots Tire Covers Ford Drum-shape Head Lamp Ford Oiling System Pliers Jacks Hood and Radiator Covers Motometers Camping Equipment Tool Kits Tire Gauges Spark Plugs Alcmite Systems Etc. Etc. Etc. Honeycomb Ford Radiatorsl3.oo Brodie Rubber Co.lnc. Phone 1203 YOUR ACCESSORY HOUSE Tribune Building □ode& Brothers TYPE-B SEDAN To the admirable sturdiness and all-year protection of this Sedan, Dodge Brothers have added refinements which further enhance its value and desirability. The car is long and low, with deep seats and abundant leg room. New springs—under- slung in the rear—add immeasurably to the comfort of riding. With these and other notable improvements, the Type-B Sedan will distinctly appeal to those who demand beauty as well as utility in the car they drive. COLISEUM MOTOR COMPANY “Dodge Brothers Motor Vehicles” 131 E. Fifth St. Phone 724 I' WARNE AND CROSBY WILL SOON GIVE CASPER SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT WATCH THE DORT SUMDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924