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aUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1924 IN ALL THE WORLD NO CAR LIKE THIS $430 ~ h cash hGu balance monthly, j[|p -j. Jj | g — — Lil-;' fl Jewett Touring I ||f i|h I H II H ___ . Touring $1065 ip 3i In I I II la SuO H f iw i '; I ==■ I Brougham 1325 »K@i 111 II I II II »S 181 —-1 ‘ I I‘jjHMffllUJ ,'W < /d| 1 I Sedan 1495 Ififij I IJJ !] B | | H»|l B IF H jfIHMIW H u= — —— De Luxe Roadster 1 >95 V| H-^SS^gFICII J-SlSjll Kill HI \ ! • II li " fl||l 11 De Luxe Touring.. 1220 BH I z Jp4e^/ 1 2/»77'. >ll Hill VZ— I TKsSfHJßK|lj|| ; ' 111 ifla. W ■* Ir ~ ~ _ ■ • ——~. De Luxe Sedan . 1695 Bl Br ’■* ■“ Prices at Detroit UMS |M > <■ '*>'■,' ~~ ; Tax Extra MMB ■ || |I kzTTnrnrti .. iMB B^Sh^^^V™ --lIHWaW/ WSmWmMWBW .‘AvacVv H ■! -/ JURjN |j # a®WII .| K H lElSI! lk» . v&X^jE&sF M Bssrm£ IRB ■ »gy>«afC_ w& V F//.OW* JOB |MBBBB^’. w 'Don’t Worry, Daddy, I Can Get the Jewett in Here Nicely” WOMEN, and men, too, like the conve nient size of the New Jewett Six. Jewett tucks itself into handy places that bulkier fars ' must pass up; converts parking problems into parking opportunities. Its wheel turns easily, thanks to ball-bearing steering spindles. The New Jewett’s tremendous power comes from its big 50 h. p. Paige-built motor. Cylin ders are 3%x5, giving 249 cubic inches piston displacement. This is 40 per cent more than some “light” sixes. An ocean of power is yours in the New Jewett! And it stays quiet because the motor is high-pressure-oiled, like the big Paige and other top quality cars. Two gallons of oil per minute are forced through all main bearings and connecting rod bearings. A Sturdy Six Jewett is not a “light” six. Touring car weighs 2805 pounds 4OO pounds more than “light” sixes. It has Paige-Timken axles, front and rear; all-steel universal joints; 6-inch-deep frame. In spite of Jewett’s extreme weight and strength, its ample power gives it the advantage THE LEE DOUD MOTOR COMPANY, 424 WEST YELLOWSTONE, TELEPHONE 1700 dHWETT SDK PAIGE BUILT in power for weight. Power for weight governs performance. Jewett has a cubic inch of motor displacement for every 11% pounds of weight. In certain “light” sixes each cubic inch of motor must pull 13.5 p0und5—13.7—12.8—14.3 —not one but will be sluggish compared with Jewett. Match This Performance! This advantage in power for weight accounts for Jewett’s amazing performance. Drive it from 2 to 60 miles an hour, or more, in high; take most any hill in high; pick up from 5 to 25 miles an hour in 7 seconds, in high. Try that with any other car! The New Jewett Six is unique. In all the world no car like this. It’s true. Jewett combines me chanical superiorities and advantages no other car possesses. It is approached only by cars costing S7OO to thousands more—and then at the sacrifice of convenience and economy. For Jewett sells for but $1065. Drive the Jewett. Let your wife drive it. Wfomen love its easy*actuig clutch* its easy gear changing. Come in today. (eu .„ Cbc Casper Cribtine tz sflli'. lt i H6*H h ,4 1 Traffic Advantages Jewett tumi around comfortably in a 41-foot street. Parljt easily in a space at the curb. Enters or leaves your garage from or into a 14-foot alley. — How Jewett Six Compares With Costlier Cars Eleven well-known larger sixes have smaller motors than Jewett. Their prices arc $1535,51790,51185,51650,51675, $1795,51495,51335,51485,51295, $1590. To get a car the equal of Jewett’s power for weight you have but two choices—one car costing $420 more, another costing $685 more, than Jewett —these choices, or SSOOO cars. Furthermore, no other six under 119 inches wheelbase weighs as much as Jewett. To buy a car equalling Jewett's weight for length, equalling Jewett’s 249 cu. in. motor, and equalling Jewett’s power for weight—all the world offers you but four choices—a Paige —a car at sl7so—a car at SSOOO —a car at S7OOO. PAGE THREE