Newspaper Page Text
TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1924 ROOM AND BOARD FOR RENT—Modern bed i oom for 2; board If desired. 122 East F. BOARD and room, home cookins-, close to. bath on same floor. 426 E. First. . W.4NTED—Two girls or married to rccm and board with p*.vate family. 110 N. Jaccaon. Phone 650. » ROOM and board In private family |lO per week for man and wife or working girl. 255 8. McKinley. FOR RENT—ROOMS FOR RENT—Furnished room In a modern home, outside entrance. 625 8. Durbin. Phono 1771. FOR RENT Basement slecplng rct>m with furnace heat, close In, 12.50 per week. 309 W. Eighth. FOR RENT—Room In modern home good meals, rates very reasonable; | on CT bus line. Phone 1533 R. I FOR RENT Modern room two blocks from Henning, 226 E. First. FOR RENT—Rzx>m adjoining bath, for gentlemen or couple. Inquire In rear. 536 S. Grant. Phone 834 R. FOR RENT—Two s'.eopingrooms acnw from bath. Phone 2612 J. JtO per month. * FOR RENT —Strictly modern sleep in groom steam heat, close In, pri vate entrance. 342 S. Kimball. FOR RENT—Two basement rooms. $12.50 per month; privilege of cooking. Phone 2612 J. FOR RENT—Nice light front bed room, next to bath on bus line, suitable for two. 615 S. Lincoln. Phone 2122 NM. FOR RENT —Nicely furnished front room privileges like your own home. 642 8. Lincoln. Phone 2561. IVR RENT — Two large bedrooms, nice];’ furnished. 122 N. Kimball. Phone 2425. FOR RENT —Modern room, close in. 124 8. Beech. FOR RENT Desirable sleeping rootns in same block as portoffice, rates reasonable. 245 E. Second. FOR RENT—Room for rent, corner Third and Grant. Phone 2678. FOR RENT—HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, adu ta i only. 831 S. Walnut. Phone 1474 W. FOR RENT—Two furnished house keeping rooms, two blocks south of library. 413 S. Durbin. FOR RENT—APARTMENTS FOR RENT Modern two-room and bath apartment, furnished or unfurnished, downtown; steam heat, laundry facilities. Phone 1539 J. FOR RENT—Close in, on pavement modern unfurnished apartment, large livingroom, bedroom, kitchen ette and breakfast nook, steam heat furnished. Phone 2268NR. FOR RENT—Three-room basement apartment, furnished. Call at 409 8. McKinley. Phone 1658 W. FOR RENT . Nicely furnished three-room apartment with gar age; block from pavement and bus line; reasonable rent. 1243 8. Ash. RENT—Very desirable semi basement apartment, fireplace, doeeta. private bath, laundry and private entrances; on pavement and bus line. Inuire 915 8. Lincoln. FOR RENT—Two-rocm furnished apartment, lights and gas includ ed, 840 per month. 646 East A. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished mod-1 ern apartment, heat and hot water I furnished. 807 E. Third. Call in the ! rear. FOR RENT—Three-room furnished apartment, strictly modem; clos o in. 231 S. Grant. FOR RENT—Modem two-room fur nished apartment, semi-banomen t; warm, light, comfortable. Call 315 8. Jefferson or phone 1765 R eve nings. FOR RENT—Two-room furnished apartment, lights and gas fur nished; adulta. 133 N. Kimball. Phone 1689 J. FOR RENT —Three-room mo<<rn furnished apartment, lights and water furnished. 252 N. Jefferson. Phone 1276. FOR RENT—One three-room fur nlshed apartment, a’eo one three room unfurnished except stoves and kitchen. Mahaffey Apartments, on First and Jackeon. CaJl 335 J. FOR RENT—Three-room basement apartment, partly furnished on bus lino. 633 CY. Call after 6 o’clock. FOR RENT Close in furnished, apartment and rooms, steam heat. private bath. 140 E. Midwest. FOR RENT Four-room modern unfurnished, close in. 228 N. Beech. FOR RENT—To responsible party attractive three-room unfurnished apartment, hardwood floors; gas range, built-in feature®. Inquire lU4 N. Washington. FOR RENT —Modern, partly fur nished four-room basement apart ment. 822 E. Th. rd. Phone 675 R. FOR RENT-—New Gay apartments on First and St. Botolph; one and one-half block from state hospital: are now ready for occupancy; at- Jlrtictive three-room apartment with r bath and Murphy bed: fireplace in livingroom. Phone 1967 M. FOR RENT Three-room unfur nished apartment, c’oee in; $65 per two roctns and kitchenette furnish ed. modern apartment. 529 8. Lin coln. Phone 1055 R. FOR RENT Three-room unfur nished partment, closo in; $65 per month. 415 S. Park. A. P. Nesbitt Realty Co., 312 E. Second. Phone FOR RENT —Furnished apartment, private entrance and bath, large livingroom, bedroom and kitchen. 843 8. McKinley. | FOR RENT Two-room modern apartment, furnished, gas and lights, $35. 1226 W. Twelfth. BRINGING UP FATHER —Drawn for The Casper Tribune by George McMani ON TALKIH like THAT TONt.JtT* O O OHt VJHAT HAVE I TOO BREAK MX HEAWT MAN V/OULOBIT OUT AH’ S.TAT ’=O<* TOO MaXs!* ~ I OONE -MX POOR T. l‘lLI AND LOAF uIKE OUT-OON-T OWU.IN'KUfeBANQ - I NUST fcTOP \ ° F,HD U Ms XCXJ DO I'MtJlCkOr COHe. tNA.C.K A JOB frl a ONNA sr H ' K M CAN’T BEAR TO .-JI L_—_ HCDCE T C,iT OUT OF | SEEING VOU-I co ONTILTau I & TMINK or HIK aCa-v -V J TOV ™ •IT TOO BAO* j —- ■ ■ ______- ■ - _____________________________l IM4 FsATumt Ssrvics. Ixe.. SEE BEN •A LOOK MEANS A LOT* ®?,* t f "? nt l ot ® cora ®’’ Melross and Twelfth; one block frorn bus line sixe 80x132 feet, price SBOO, easy terms. ~tJ l ® home of three rooms and bath, lights, water and "oo • U ~ t: b "‘ *' rv ’° ,: pric ’ ’ 2 ' ,o<) - tern “ -fn V « n -^L traC ! lv . e ho . me of four nice rooms, water, lights and gas; gas unn an l wlth house: located on South Jackson; price >6OO terms, 8500 cash, balance monthly. . - p .® te:y furnished home of six rooms and bath; water, lights lv £?'. ns . ° n f ~ Bt noor - threo room " ,n *u»<»m®nt; month- ly income 390. located on Fourteen the street, south of CY avenue; 1700 caßh « balance monthly. distant? Xrjy h° ET—W ° felling full Sited lots within reasonable cenler “ low “ 1100. on easy terms with city water, lights and gas as low as $250. “A LOOK MEANS A LOT* SEE BEN REALTY C®. 201-103 MH4e«t Blds. REALTORS Phone 1480 WHEN YOU BUY IN MOUNTAEN VIEW SUBUR® . WAT CAS - TEIACPHONB. and are not ln»ld. th. °" "5 h ,10M) 'aloittlon asaln.t >32. and no •pedal assessments) bus service and all lots are 50x135 feet In else. not ‘^ k ’'•’’"here tor low priced home sites. Prices S2OO to SBSO, terms 10 per cent flown, five per cent monthly. . c;in supply you with lots, acre® or chicken ranch, and will bul-d for you. Investigate the easiest building proposition over offered. A LOOK WILL CONVINCE YOU Bafcer-tatle Investment Qu. ni.™ .... REALTORS Phone lU3 133 North Wolcot ,_ FOR RENT—HOUSES FOR RENT—Furnished five large room modern house with garage. 821 CY. FOR RENT—Two-room house, fur nlshed, $25. Call at 118 8. Jeffer son. FOR RENT —Seven room furnished houne, one b’dek east of old brew ery. Carl Albin. Phone 1802. FOR RENT—About March 10. un furnished, nifty, new, strictly modern throe-room home with fire place, -full basement; on pavement. 1644 8. Cedar. FOR RENT —Furnished five large room modern iiouse with garage. 821 CY. FOR RENT—Three-room house, un furnirthed. Inquire 1411 8. Poplar. Phone 2079NR. FOR RENT —Two room furnished house, water, lights and gas. 829 S. Melrose. Inquire 336 8. Conwell, j FOR RENT Ten-room modern house, one two-room apartment and one three-room apartment down stairs, bath upstairs and downstairs; 50 foot from pavement. Phone 90S. FOR SALE-HOUSES ROOMING HOUSE LEASE AND FURNITURE FOR SALE. Twelve rooms, new furniture, two year lease, dcnible garage, cor ner location, on paving and close in; house is full; an excellent location; a mighty good buy. Phone 2105. NOW READY—REAL HOMES. In best residential section, in dividual in design, well built, . finely finished; five and Mix- 1 room brick bungalows; hardwood j floors, open fire®, breakfast nook, fireproof garages, furnace heat, laundry, big closets. Phone 735 and arrange to see these at once. Representative on prem ises Fourteenth and South Ash all day Sunday. MODERN BUILDING CO. 412 Midwest Bldg. i FOR SALE —A nix-room modern house dandy large lot, $3,800, SSOO cash will handle, balance like rent. Phone 1791. 1 PRICED TO SELL. Gocd four-room house, gas, water lights, good location for refinery worker, can be made modern at a small cost, will take Dodge touring car and some cash as first payment, rent will take care of balance. E. H. Banta. Phono GO2W. | FOR SALE —Two three-room houses on full lot, near east Casper school, $3,000 wtih S6OO cash. Mar tin and Christianson. Phone 2606. MUST SELL QUICK. f New five-room houne, southeast strictly modern, oak floors in liv ingroom and diningroom, east front; full lot, $4 000. terms. Baker-Grurae Investment Co., Realtors, 133 N. Wolcott. , J-LX.VE Star car. South Butler addi to w trade for small property; also have’ ten lota to trade in on prop erty. Phono 1791. FOR SALE Four-room modern house with full basement and hardwood floors; near hospital: $3,900 with S6OO cash. Martin and Christianson. Phone 2606. FOR SALE_HOUSES A NEW HOME YOU OaN DUY. This beautiful home in east part of town, half block of Second street; two bedrooms, linen clonet. large livingroom and diningroom, kitchen, bath ana breakfast nook; oak floors throutliout. full basement, east front lot, $950 will handle, balance* on monthly payments. Phon© 2105. FOR SALE—New three-room house and one-room house, on in lot on north side, an Incpme a® well as a home, price SI,BOO. $450 cash will handle, balance 635 monthly including interest. Fidelity Realty Co., Phone 1791. FOR SALE Modem home having four rooms, bath, and breakfast nook on first floor and three finished rooms, bath, laundry and store rooms in basement: furnished or unfur nished: located on corner lot east front; pavement: lawn and trees; also garage. Owner at 012 8. Lin coln. THE BEST BUY IN CASPER. Eight-room house, $4,200; this homo is brand new. has two com plete bathrooms, and is strictly modern throughout. It is right on the bus line, has an east front and nice porch, al! painting and tint ing Ino uded; hardwood floor® and enclosed rear porch, term® arrang ed. Phone 2105. AT Y»UR COMMA!® I play an Important part In the life of the community. I rent houses, flats, apartments to desirable tenants. I secure roomers and boarders. I supply competent and experi enced workers for every line of human endeavor. I summon new cooks and other domestic helpers. I keep. the community posted regai ding the realty market and show advantageous opportunities for buying, selling, renting, ex changing. I restore lost articles. I sell used cars quickly. I turn disused household ar ticles into cash. I save money for many people in many ways. I point to Innumerable oppor tunities that are well worth while. I cost but a trifle and 1 act quickly. I am a CASPER TRIBUNE WANT AD. I Will Sene Yom Satisfactorily Phone 15 or 16 cue carpet oanp ertoune LUMBER FOR SALE THE AMERICAN BRIDGE COMPANY At The Clayton Tank Fann ARE OFFERING FOR SALE TO THE HIGHEST BIBBER ALL BUILDINGS IN THEIR CAMP. WHICH TOTALS ABOUT 100,000 FEET OF LUMBER. THE FOREMAN AT THE SITE WILL ACCEPT BIDS FOR ALL OR PART. ’AMERICAN BRIDGE CO. GLENROCK, WYO., TOSTOFFICE BOX 264 FOR SALE—HOUSES FOR TRADE—For Casper property; 160 acre?# near Thermppolls; paid up water right on 155 acres; 25 acres in alfalfa; good house and barn and good fences, two heavy teams and one big three-yenr old; eight head dairy cows that will soon be fresh; wagon, harness, and all manner of farm implements. Mar tin and Christianson. Phono 2606. FOR SALE—S2OO down and SSO per month Interest will buy small, strictly modern four-room house with garage in Casper View from owner. Address Box B-367, Tribune. FOR SALE—New four-room house, southeast side, furnished, garage; priced ax $3,900 for quick sale, ssuo cash will haiallo. Fidelity Realty Co. Phone 1791. FOR SALE—An acre of land with water, gas, lights and telephone and a new four-room house, S2OO, down, balance small payments. Ad dress P. O. Box 692. S2OO DOWN put® you in posx-ession of a candy two-room house with garago, $1,200 is the price, balance $25 month. Baker-Grude Investment Co., Realtors. 133 N. Wolcott. OWNER IN CALIFORNIA Says sell new 36x52 bungalow, eight largo rooms, has big living room; muric room, three bedrooms; breakfast room, maid's quarters; laundry tubs; fireplace and every modern convenience; on pavement; price $12,500; tell us how much you can pay down. It will be considered. Baker Grude Investment Co., Real tors. Phone 1189. FOR SAIjE Dandy three-room house on South Washington; can be bought right. Phone 1189. SEVEN ROOM HOME. Four bedrooms, large livingroom, diningroom, kitchen, enclosed back porch, large front porch, full base ment with plenty of room for two apartments, located in squth part of city; price $8 500. good terms. Harry Free. Inc., Room 10, TowA send Bldg. Phone 238. FOR SALE—New four-room house in east end, strictly modern, two bedrooms, built-ins; hardwood floors; furnace heat; full basement, garage: all aasessmonts paid; clor® to school and bus line; price $5,50(J SI,OOO cash. Baker Grude Investment Co., Realtors, 133 N. Wolcott. AM LEAVING CASPER. Must sell my modern home, best residential district, five rooms up stairs; two-room apartment down stairs; two complete bathrooms; on corner lot: garage, unfurnlnhed at 38.300, $2,500 cash, furnished SB,BOO, $3,000 cash. Owner FQione 1237. FOR SALE—On East Second; four room house, finished basement; in six hundred block; 65 foot lot; fine business location. Phono 1189. FOfl PA I,E— IHws-room house In North Casper, $2,700, SSOO down balance like rent, will take light truck or Ford car as part payment. 1005 Craig. SMALL HOME AT SACRIFICE. Three rooms including gas range, gas heater, will take light car and small amount of cash. E. H. Banta. Phone 602 W. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE FOR RALE One-half acre of ground, good soil, five inch water line, adjoining Casper, on bus line; price $500; terms SSO cash $25 per month. P. O. Box 1299. INCOME PROPERTY INCOME PROPERTY. Fir® rooms modem upstairs, four room apartment in basement, fur nace heat, will take In late model car and some cash ns first payment, rent will take care of balance. E. H.' Banta. Phone 602 W. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY to loan on improved Cas per res’, estate, if. Vossbeck, rdom 10, Daly Bldg. Phone 1664 W. BUSINESS CHANCES ROOMING HOUSE. Two year lease, rent $l5O a month, located close in; Incom® over 3500 a month. Harry Free, Inc., Room 10. Townsend Bldg. Phone 238. FOR SALE OR RENT—.By April 1. thirty-car garage and show room In connection. Phono 1412 R. FOR RENT—Store, fixtures for sale at $200; fine location and cheap rent. Se® B. F. Addington, 132 W. Second. FOR SALE—Small grocery store, all new stock, cheap rent, good trade; two livingrooms in rear, good reasons for selling, stock invoice about S4OO. Addresa Box B-366, Trib une. Ftfal SALE— Twenty rooms, com pletely furnished rooming house, newly decorated and renovated; five year lease, $1,250 down, balance can be paid in eighteen months. Phone 562 W. U. 8. Army Store. 528 W. Yellowstone. FOR TRADE HAVE Star car. South Butler addil tlon lot and S3OO cash to trade as down payment on house on the southeast side. Phone 1791. TO TRIBE. Small apartment in North Bur lington, will take car as first pay ment. Harry Free, Inc., Room 10, Townsend Bldg. Phone 238. FOR SAJjE OR TRADE—Montana ranch for hotel lease established business or Casper property. Box B-372, Tribune. FOR TRADE—Truck .for furniture, Teapot townsite lotfe for house. Phone 923 M. TRADE—SmaII stock jewelry ln . voice about S9OO wholesale. Trad© for car of equal value. B-351 Tri bune. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Forty-five good bucks. Inquire William Clark, Powder River. LOST AND FOUND LOST—Gray and green buckle with silver tassel, near Golden Rulo, Friday. Return to Tribune office and receive reward. PERSONAL PARTY driving to Cheyenne Wed nesday morning wishes company Bex B-375, Tribune. MADAM ’J. Rea Keys, ordained spiritualist, private readings (‘ally; will answer no questions over tele phone. Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Wyatt hotel, apartment 8. Phone 2609 J. PARTY who took lady's coat at Evansville dance ha’’ Saturday night, pledse leave at Tribune office or rail 2440. LEGAL NOTICES ORDINANCE NUMBER 373A An ORDINANCE PROHIBITING CARNIVALS AND OTHER SIMILAR SHOWS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CASPER: SECTION 1. It shall be unlaw ful for any person, association of persons, or corporations, or his, their or its agents, servants or employees to conduct, carry on or be engaged in any carnival or street fair or any similar exhibi tion by whatever name known, within the corporate limits of the City of Casper, or to use any of the streets of the City for the purpose of parade or exhibition or the sale of tickets or to post any bills in the City for the ad vertisement thereof. SECTION 2. For the purpose of this ordinance, the word “per son” shall mean and include na tural persons, co-partnerships, corporations, and associations. The word “carnival” shall mean and include all exhibitions by whatever name known, common ly called street carnivals, street fairs and all similar exhibitions. SECTION 3. For the purpose of determining the liability of any person or persons for prosecution for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, it shall be sufficient to show that such person was at the time of the act of violation complained of, the person in actual charge, man agement or control of the carni val or street fair or any depart ment thereof in which said act of violation is alleged to have been committed. Each day of opera tion shall constitute a separate of fense. SECTION 4. Any person vio lating any provision of this ordi nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic tion thereof in the municipal court shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five ($5.00) Dollars and not to - exceed One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, or imprison ed in the City Jail for not less than one day and not more than ninety (90) days or both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 5. That part refer ring to street carnivals of Sec tion 3 of Ordinance No. 146A, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed- SECTION fl. Whereas an emergency exists, such is hereby declared to be the case, and therefore this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its publication. Passed and approved this 3rd day of March, A. D., 1924. S. K. LOY, ’ (SEAL) Mayor. . Attest— H. H. PRICE, City Clerk. Publish March 4, 1924. ' NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a certain chattel mortgage, bearing date of August 23rd, 1923, was duly made and executed by Art Thomas, of Casper, Wyo ming, to secure the payment of Six Hundred Thirty-seven and 75-100 Dollars ($637.75), accord ing to the terms and effect of four promissory notes, all bearing date of August 23rd, 1923, drawing interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, three of which were in the sum of $190.00, and the fourth of the sum of $67.75, and coming due upon the sth and 20th of each succeeding month, begin ning September sth and conclud ing October 20th, 1923, whereby the said Art Thomas did mortgage to Schulte Hardware Company, of Casper, Wyoming, to secure the payment of principal sum and in terest aforesaid, as hereinafter specified, the t following goods, chattels and property, to-wit: One White Motor Truck, En gine No. 16072, Model 80. That the undersigned, Schulte Hardware Company, is now the owner and holder of said notes and mortgage, and that no suit or proceedings have been instituted at law to recover the debt or obli gation secured by said mortgage; that the said chattel mortgage was filed in the office of the County Clerk of Converse County, at Douglas, Wyoming, on August 25th, 1923; that said chattels were removed to Natrona County, Wyo ming, by mutual consent, and said mortgage filed in the office of the County Clerk of Natrona County, Wyoming, on October 18th, 1923, and duly recorded as required by the provisions of 298 Wyoming Compiled Statutes of 1920. That said chattel mortgage pro vides, among other things: “The said Art Thomas, mort gagor, does hereby covenant and agree to and with the Schulte Hardware Company, mortgagee, that in case of default made in payment of the above mentioned promissory notes, or in case of his attempt to dispose of or remove from said county the aforesaid goods and chat tels, or any part thereof, or if at any time the said mortgagee, or its assignee, should feel unsafe or in secure, then and in that case, it shall be lawful for said mortgagee, or its assignee, by its agent, to take immediate possession of said goods and chattels wherever found, the possession of these presents being its sufficient au thority thereof, and to sell the same at public or private sale, to pay the amount due, with all rea sonable cost pertaining to the tak ing, keeping, advertising and sell ing of said property, the money re maining after paying said sum, if any, to be paid, on demand, to the said party of the first part. Said sale to take place at Casper, Na trona County,. State of Wyoming, or any other place within said county that said mortgagee or its assignee may appoint, in view of said property, after giving at least three weeks’ notice of such sale by advertising In some news paper printed in the county in which such sale is to take place, and said mortgagor hereby ex pressly authorizes the said mort gagee, or its assignee, In case it be desired, to become purchaser of said property at such sale, and I hereby authorize the person con ducting the sale to adjourn same, if it be deemed in his opinion nec essary, from time to time, until such property be sold, and to give a bill of sale to the purchaser thereof, which shall be conclusive as to the regularity of all the pro ceedings connected therewith, and to convey absolutely all right and title therein. If- from any cause said property shall fail to satis fy said debt, interest and charges, I covenant and agree to pay the deficiency. Tills mortgage is in tended for security, and the amount which this instrument is |~ PMFKSIWAL BIRECTW ABSTRACTORS CASPER ABSTRACT COMPANY Bonded Abstractors J. P. Golden, Manager * Phone 2411 15 Con-Roy. Bldg. AUDITORS C. 11. REIMERTII Certified Public Accountant Income Tax Service 401 OS Bldg. Phone 767 lIASELMIRE, LEWIS & PREBLE Auditors and Accountants—Stock Registrar and Transfer Agents 206-11 Oil Exchange Bldg. Phone 060 R. C. VAN DENBERG Certified Public Accountant Income Tax Service Phone 148 INCOME TAX SERVICE Steffen «fc Guy Auditor* and Accountants Room 223 .Midwest Bldg Phones 300 and 1838 W Open evenings 7 to 9 ARCHITECTS DUBOIS A GOODRICH, Architects Rooms 11-12, Townsend Block Casper, Wyo. Phone 440 WM. J. WESTFALL, Architect Suite 5, Daly Building AUTO TOPS CASPER AUTO TOP SHOP Auto Trimming, Upholstering and Auto Painting 033 S. Center Phone 1084 R Auto Top Mfg. & Upholstering LEE DOI D MOTOR CO. 424 West Yellowstone B. & D. SUPPLY CO. Auto Tops and Repairing—Dayton Tires and Accessories—6l9 E. 2nd. AUTO PAINTING Yellowstone Auto Paint Shop 1914 E. Yellowstone First Class Auto Painting BAGGAGE & TRANSFER SEARLES TRANSFER Res. Phono 87W Office Phone 813 LESLIE M. NELSON, Warehouse and Transfer Co., Phone 1234 NATRONA TRANSFER, STORAGE AND FUEL CO.—Phone 949 BATTERIES CASPER BATTERY CO. 119 E. Fifth Phone 907 CHIROPRACTORS DR. J. H. JEFFREY DR. ANNIE GRAHAM JEFFREY Suite 318 Midwest Bldg. Phone 706 L. J. CONNELL, D. C., Ph. C. Suite 13, Daly Bldg. Phone 849 J Al. E. IIARNED, Chiropractor 162 North Kimball Street Phone 1437 DR. ANNA W. CLYMER 511 South Durbin—Phono 2555 W Agent Kansu Toilet Goods CLEANERS THE SERVICE CLEANERS Railroad at Jackson Phono 56 DOCTORS ’ THE CASPER PRIVATE HOSPITAL 938 South Durbin—Phone 273 WOMEN’S AM) CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL 542 South Durbin—Phone 406 Staff SURGERY, GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS Homer R. I-athrop, M. D..F.A.C.S. Victor R. Darken, B. Sc., Al. D. EYE, EAR. NOSE AM) THROAT Harmon L. Stanton, M. S. AL D. SKIN AND X-RAY TREATMENT GENTTO-URIN'ARY DISEASES G. B. Underwood, Al. I). DISEASES OF CHILDREN C. 11. Platz. M. I). ROENTGENOUIGLST Hallie M. Ellis PHARMACIST R. 8. Lothian, Ph. Q. DENTIST C. F. Duncan, I). I). S Offices in Rohrbaugh Building 113 East Second Street Telephones 51 and 55 PAGE ELEVEN l n ™l e - d to . ,ecur ® is the sum of $637.75, with interest that may accrue thereon.” That $380.00, with interest, has been paid upon said notes and mortgage: that there is now due and owing said mortgagee S°s7 7K prm'ipal, .nd »9 iTfn' erU on bebruary 26th, 1924, the fine day ° f ’“blntation. That the ,ame has not been paid, or any part there hl. d n e h u t a the aaid Art Thoma, has defaulted and ia in default in C ?? d .’?'? ns *’ contained in Iratarf b”* tL rnort >™*'. »’ herein h?? fi, 7 h “ l . the u'l'irrsitfned the ” f ° re ' by power and »»- S 1 Y ested aa sct farth m this chattel mortgage, taken a' on of tha *>- S r ° perty ,ar tba Purpoee 10,,n <? “'d chattel mort- Page to pay the sum of $257.75 principal, and $9.45 interest, be sides expenses of attorney’s fees, ••hor, advertising, selling sa.d property, and other eosta incident ,K. th k C,r ? ,nd preservation of ? ba ?£ OTe d ' sc "hed property dur. ing the process of foreclosure. ..^ ber r fore ’ ,bo said mortgagee. m herein prescribed will sell the same at public auction, on Wed 19*4 ,y h , 12 °l doy ° f Morch. ‘?24, between the hours of ten F < ' M k snd5 nd f ' ve “'cloak ' of s ? ld “M sale to the Con? tV ten ? CloCk A ’ nr l, Hou, . ,> Natron. County, Casper, Wyoming; the whole of v b °.T e described property, of which the mortgagee has taken p ° Fieaalon > to be sold to satisfy the above mentioned indebted tos*tber with all ca '‘ a a "d attornejrs fee,, „ aforeaid. Said Pcoperty will be sold at that time v ~ ,o" 'a ’ d ' by tha Shor- Ln; of Natrona County, duly ap ?? *-«ai ( j.‘ Kent f ° r “ortK-ne Dated at Casper, Wyoming. February 26th. 1924. „. S < ?s U l;' rE hardware com. PANY, Mortgagee. Pub. Feb. 26, March 4, 11, 1924. DOCTORS MARSHALL C. KEITH M I) O " E “«»;« T hakveV. h d* ft. 20 ?. Soi . , 4 th . Center—Ph&ne 30 Prnate Hospital, 612 So Durbin General Practice Surgery Obstetrics McLEIJ.AN, M. I). Daly Bldg, Qff| Pe n, 80 IHL L N. FROST ns nEi ,iy,,clan und Su l<-on 0 8 Bld <-Phone 123 D,tß - HRYANT A MORRISON cwJortrt and burgeons B -S Rid-- Phone 2660 Res. I h. Dr. B 800 Dr. M. 1927 W. P. JOHNSON ~~ Physician and Surgeon Rm. 200, O-S Bldg. Os. 699, Res. 748 RR-T. J. RIACH “ and Surgeon Ph. 1219 31Q Q.s Bldg, Reg. Ph. $Hg insurance Mutual Benefit, Health, Accident Association, and Occidental Life. J, fE* Byrnes and Sod, Mgrs- Becklingcr Bldg., Casper. * JUSTICE OF PEACE „ 8 - H- PUNTENNEY Itm. 6-7 Con-Hoy. Bldg. Tel 1176 M lawyers MULVANEY & BARRETT Lawyers 517 Consolidated Royalty Bldg. . AMBROSE HEMINGWAY Lawyer ltoorn 332. Midwest Bldg. NICHOLS & STIRRETT 309-10-11 QU Exchange Bldg. GEORGE A. WEEDELL 401 Midwest Building WILLIS STIDGER Suite 218 Midwest Bldg. Phone 1103 „ Jaaies p. kem 408 Consolidated Royalty Bldg. W. 11. PATTEN Attorney at Law 225 Midwest Bldg. Phone 110 HAGENS & MUKANB Lawyers 200-207 OU Exchange Building DURHAM & LOWEY 402 Midwest BuUding WILLIAM O. WILSON Lawyer Suite 11-15-16 Townsend Bldg. 7 OGILBEE & ADAMS 210 O-S Bldg. Phone 2217 OSTEOPATH ’ DR. CAROLINE C. DAVIS Osteopathic Physician Suite 6, Tribune Apart. Phone 388 DR. L. L. WADE Osteopathy Over Frantz Shop Phone 1125 R PLANING MILL ' JOE F. THOMAS " Planing MU and Cabinet Shop Phone 1806W 214 West B St. PLUMBING AND HEATING CASPER PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. We will estimates on your plumbing and heating work free of charge. Repair work promptly at tended to—Phone 2130. SHOE REPAIRING ’ NORTH CASPER SHOE SHOP Hand and Alachine Work Ben Buyematsu 235 East II TYPEWRITERS Casper Typewriter Ex< liange New and Rebuilt Typewriters Rentals—Supplies and Repairs 230 E. Second Phone 836 UPHOLSTERING Upholstering & Furniture Packing Phone 1672 M.—J. E. Warwick WAREHOUSES ~ LESLIE M. NELSON, Warehouse and Transfer Co., Phono 1234