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PAGE FOUR NEW HOMES IN MOUNTAIN VIEW ARE NUMEROUS Building Activity of District Goes on at Record Pace. With spring onsr In the offing, building activity In Cneper is start ing off with the usual gait that has characterized it in the past. Note worthy. la the activity tn Mountain View. Sane of the fastest growing suburb* of the city. New homes are springing up in this addition with methodical regularity and almost every day witnesses a new founda tion being laid for a new home owner. Inauguration of regular bus ser vice between Casper and Mountain View has given impetus to the growth as it is not necessary now that a property owner own his own car In order to enjoy the facilities of this new addition. In February, usually conslderea quiet in real estate circles, the Baker-Grude com pany reports the sale of lots to 90 people, each person averaging about two lots. Two or more stores will be built In the business section of Mountain View this summer. No stores are permitted to be built only in that section designated for such enter prises. which, is near the center of the suburb on the Yellowstone high way. A plat of ground 270 by 300 feet, equivalent to a city block, has been set aside and accepted by the school board for a school building, which, it is promised, will be erected this summer. The Baker-Grude Investment com pany. selling agents of the addition, figured on building ten houses at the time th* suburb was opened last July, but they are now completing their sixteenth and intend building many more this year. MOONSHINER IS CAUGHT HERE • “ (Continued From Page One) Ing matter, juniper extract, bitters, rum and numerous other concoc tions jnade his output a varied one. His latest effort had evidently been •'Gordon Dry” gin as ,one dozen pints had just been put in shape for marketing. Even champagne received his attention, two quarts.of Cook s extra dry being on display. The moonshine plant was operated with sugar nnd yeast, no grain being used. Twelve 100 pound sacks. of sugar were picked up by the offi cers nnd brought downtown to be used In sweetening the county pris oners’ dally meals. The stlllhouso was protected by n concrete door a foot thick. In case of a raid the door was evident ly to be locked and the operator was to make his escape by a burrow that led to the surface some dis tance from the plant. The stiilhouse was fitted up with electric lights, running water and modern conveniences. A switch operated from the house could be used to flicker the lights and warn the operator of* any approaching trouble. Last night when the raid ing party arrived at the house the family was all in bed and had no chance to warn Brown. Because of the narrow shaft that led to the surface it was impossible to take the stills out that way. A hole waa dug this morning with pick and shovels through a sidewall and then up to the level of the ground. The still and colls were taken out for evidence nnd the vata, barrels and maah destroyed. Bert Bell, photographer, went out to the plant this morning and made a large number of still photos nnd shot several hundred feet for the Pathe News service. Brown, who wits found operating the still, has been In trouble before. He was arrested late Inst fall in a raid on a house at South Wolcott street when 100 gallons of moonshine was found. He Is out on a bond of >I.OOO for trial at this month’s term of criminal court. ' Woman and Man In Apt. Are Seized An allegal cohabitation charge was placed yesterday against Grace de Violette, alias Mrs. Walker, alias Mrs. Wilson, and alias Mrs. Smith. H. H. Wilson was arrested as the woman’s partner In the offense. He was found making a speedy exit from her apartment when arrested. Frank Read was arrested yester day for carrying concealed weapons. Mattle Brown is charged with the illegal possession of liquor. Pretender to French Throne Dies at Paris PARIS, March 14.—The Duke of T.uynes, representative in France of the Duke of Orleans, pretender to the French throne, is dead. He never recovered from the shock of the death of his eldest son, the 20-year-old Duke of Chevreusc, an aviator killed during ths war. They vVill Ludendorffs Fate *-'I \ ■ - -- - ¥ er ® lh * Munich. Germany, High Court, who are trying General von Ludendorff. Adolf Hitler and others. The charge la high treason. ** JOKE’S ON YOU GIRLS? STENOG WRITES LOVE NOTES ON SALARY By STEVE HANNAGAN. NEW YORK. March 13.—Miss Lillian Ann Wlppler, New York public stenographer, writes love let ters for busy business men. She concocts them herself at so much per sheet. Here is one she wrote for a very, very busy -man: Darling: This has been a busy day for me—press of detail, clash of in terests. honest differences between the minds who run our concern. At noon I knew I would be tired tonight—overtired and resolved not to write to you. fearing a laggard pen and thoughts trivial and unworthy. But the mood lias Its hands at my throat—there is something I want to say, and I ask for grace to say it on the typewriter. I love the heart of you, so tender, the mind of you so broad and strong; the soul of you—the whitest gem in my fleshly sotting. I love your truth which flows down to me through your speech and bearing, like a benoflclent brook whose source is high among God's rocks and pines. I love you for the way you look into my eyes, sailing your very self into tho harbor of my long ing. I love your lips; the lashes of your eyes; the hands that press my temples; and the arms wherein I rest; and I long to love you for, oh! so many other things! The list is long and I fain would finish It not now, but in the sweet days to come, when we are together— TOGETHER! • • • If a college boy breezed in from Yale, Harvard or Princeton to at tend a weekend stag fraternity dinner and was pressed for time. Very Necessary for Growing Youngsters EVERY mother wants her for cooking and table, for stew- children to be rugged and ing dried fruits, for all candy sturdy. Give them plenty of making. And of course, Karo Karo, because Karo contains makes cakes, biscuits and a very large percentage of bread taste better. Dextrose. As your doctor can L et your grocer be your tell you, Dextrose is one of the Children’s Health Doctor-ask most important of all food him for either Bluc Label of elements. Red Label Karo-both of equal For growing children there nutrition. is no greater energy food than ’ * •- • Karo. It is pure, wholesome T7T?T7p'“ A - ■>>»“« ZWw and unusually economical. Not only low in price, but Karo Sent fre ® with b e «ut‘fu!ly illustrated 61 pa|® j • Cook Book. Writ® can be used in so many ways; S. P. MANGAN, Selling Representative 226 New Union Station, Denver, Colorado flet this Beautiful Aluminum Syrup Pitcher Forth s l- 00 for 40c iVIIB and 5 Karo Labels Buy S cut of Karo from jH--1 JjK your grocer, send labels to address above with 400 cud ; r you will receive the Syrup uT Pitcher by parcel post. MMAVSp T~ ® COMPANY -< ~ aiRGLABY fNSUBANCg OHB ’"•hS Tbta tea taoß a Susy Say for ua—yroa. of s.t.H . slash of iutorwot. siff.r.oaa IRUwr W hotwo.n tho alufta who ran our o±i.aan>. At F JlKi;* ■ io»n I Snow I wJu’.t bo t.roi tor. Uht--ovor« lifr .- Mm - Btlr.i-ui r.001t.4 i.ot t. writ. to you. fo.r- li>< a la((ar4 pon au4 thought. trivial arA ua- «£■?"" "fr / worthy. iijaSWnL ’•« *“■ »»• h,M « •» >» t*rwt— ■ thora la aaaataing I want to aay. anA X aak for rafISMJ grass ts say it on ths tyvowrltar. r lowa th * heart as you. ao taster. th 1 eint of you eo hro.4 c. 4 atreeg; ass aoaj of EgA yjw--tbo vhltoat g«« in auy fl a ably aeltlng. , I love your truth whloh flova 4 amt to . BO through your onsooh an 4 bearing, botofloont hroot wuso s-.roo lo t. GoA'o ro«i> / CC LILLIAN ANN WIPPLER, S TENOG WHO WRITES LOVE NOTES FOR BUSY BUSINESS M EN. Miss Wlppler would write this let ter to hia sweetheart for him: My very own little Honeybunch: Are you all right? And are you thinking of your Sweetie? It Os Casper oaflp CrfDune seems an eternity since I hdd you In my arms, during that thrilling dance out on the terrace. In tho moonlight! This is just such anoth-r night—moonlight and everything but you Dear. How I wish you were here to make the hour perfect! Are you In love with me a little bit. My Honey? Do write me a note to reach me tomorrow evenin* to help cheer me through the eta* dinner I came to attend. How I hate these stupid affairs—all but the cock tails—because they take me away from my very own Petit Chert. My little sweetie sweet I do with thee entreat Be my very own Chert Petit From your ducky darlln* Pete! And if a dreamy-eyed, love-sick Individual dragged himself Into Misa Wlppler's office and explained the joyful aches of his heart she would dip her ink and write this for him: Sweetheart: Was it only last night! Today is the Sth, yesterday was the 7th. Tea, it must have been SUFFERED FIVE YEJIRS WITH PYORRHEi DISEASE BANISHED IN TWENTY DAYS ’Tyro-Form” Shows Remarkable Results in Thousands of Cases The letteis of praise which pour into the offices of the Pyro-Form company at San Bernardino. Cali fornia. are evidences that the long battle against Pyorrhea has been < rowned with success. One of the most interesting letters recently re ceived is from Mr. R. M. Collins, a druggist at Cambridge, Mass., Mr. Collins writes: "For five years I suffered with Pyorrhea. My gums had been soft and tender and had gradually re ceded until they became loose. I believe I tried every remedy in the store but with no success. A FOLKS How many times have you had the privilege of making purchases at a sale to bring it back if it isn’t what you want? This is exactly what the Ex change Furniture and Hardware , Company is offering every one of its patrons and in addition will hold any article purchased, until wanted, for a small deposit. Remember the Receivership Sale ends Saturday night. If it isn’t all right— Bring It Back PACKARD COUPE FREE THIS $155.00 CAR actually runs. Can be operated by any child at a speed of five miles an hour. Will be awarded to some fortunate family May 31. Until that time you will be given a numbered coupon with each 25c cash purchase at either of THE KIMBALL DRUG STORES The Pioneer Stores CASPER’S LEADING STORES Where you get better value and better service for your 25c and a coupon which may entitle you to this splendid-car. Costs you nothing! “Two Stores for Your Convenience” last night, but it seems such a lung time back. Surely hours are capricious things—they hold so tnuchl I did not know that I was going to meet you, and you caught me quite unarmed when you stood in the path and challenged. For the first half hour I thought you cold, blase opinionated. Later in the evening I began to think that estimate decidedly unjust; and this morning my memory holds you so warm and receptive! I could not sleep but kept review ing the golden hours we spent together. I love you now and will love you always. If you will only have me I will be the happiest creature under God’s sky. My darling, see me again tonight and tell me that I can bw— Always your' very own. For results try ‘ a Tribune Claa sifled Ad. ’ dentist then told me I would have , to have my teeth extracted. “Then “Pyro-Form” was intro duced and I was on« of the first ’ druggists in this territory to stock i It. I used the first carton myself ( and to my utter amazement my teeth became sound again and my gums strong and hardy. This hap pened in about twenty days. Today 1 I am completely cured. There is nothing like “Pyro-Form" to stop i Pyorrhea.” Your druggist will return the full ■ purchase price if "Pyro-Form” falls : to do all that Is claimed for it. For i sale by John Trtpeny Co., and .all . good Druggists.—Advertisement. Open Open Evenings Evenings frflE/ > I I £■* 'the] J Barrel U More News From the Boss Philadelphia, Tuesday, March 11, 1924. HELLO BOYS:— Am leaving tomorrow for Rochester, New York. _ Am shipping today, by express, 700 pairs riding breeches, all styles and patterns. Upon my arrival in Rochester will buy over '" k 400 suits and top coats, am shipping everything by express so be prepared to display same. When the fence is built around the old loca tion paint signs on it directing customers to our temporary location. Best Regards, HARRY. New Shipments of Merchandise Arriving Daily • Open For Business In Our TEMPORARY LOCATION In the Turner-Cottman ' BUILDING Two Doors West of Our Old Location. FRIDAY MARCH 14,1924